xt7v6w967h1k_43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. C text C 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_5/Folder_3/3892.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_43 xt7v6w967h1k  V  -·;_~     V 7:,,7   \   _v  ' ‘ ~ N I .   .2 I , Y · in . .     V  _ . .  _ . .. ,   ,, N .  _ >  r __k`»_vfrV'  ,, , 4A _ , v_ _._, ,, , .,,_ _
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»n;—;r;;;»¤n;;;s unto tho snio Sonnuofi Youtnghis Ezooutors..'dn1i*iistr¤— t
tors ond ns ijns, ‘L$O tor_ind in consioorotion of tho sum of i
_Ton shi lint; rurront monov ot ronnsvlwnnis unto Aim in bono ,
»wol1 ond truiv iid hr t ¢»·~ scid Somuoi Towne at oid hotoro tho S
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ooknollodao `.·— both ond bi thosi urosonts doth srnnt ?nr$oin.so31 2
niion onto»Ft A’_o’ rolooso ond confirm unto rtw soio ?omuoI Young, §
A  nno to his hoirs ond is i·ns,yP' thoso tho nrorosoid ‘od` tivo Q
sovorol traits ot Doro is of lono in two snio rooitod Indon- {
turo montionod ond t nrohy nrontod is too? sro tooroin ond 1
noroinhoforo rosnootivofv so* forth situnto bounded hoin; and §
jdosorihod,oontoining togotLor ini in the whoio ninotoon thous— ?
}nnd nino hundrod ond sixty oitit ooros ond ono nunrtor of on g
oo;¢o.tAy2oti;or tfiso ivitga nl ont} sinTyo1om· tto *voYs.*Moo<}s,1uido1=- {
wo ds,wotors,wntor—ooursos,rishts,lihortios,ori‘i?ogos,im— ·1‘v’ :
orovomonts,horooitomonts ind onpurtonunoos whntsoovor unto tho Q
soio tivo sovoroi trogts or pnroois of Wood hoionring or in o@r§
twiso ooportoinin; ond tho Rovorsions,romnindors,ronts,issuos,& §
profits tkoroot,j?so oil tho ostoto,right,tit1o,intorost,uso, Q
oossos.ion,orooort* tinin & domond vbotsoovor ot him tho said Q
1 tJohn L.O1orkson in Low Equitr or othorwiso howsoowor o¤ "‘d` into E
» _or out of oil ond sin uiir tho torch? grnntod nromisos ovorv j
‘oort thoroo?. *0 HAVE AND PO HOLD tho siid tivo sovorol tracts g
or oorools ot lond ,horoditimonts and nromisos horoby grontod
»oo montionod or intonood so to ho with tho nopurtonnnoos unto !
tho soid Smmuol Youn;,his hoirs and os ians Torovor to tho on- §
ly propor uso,oonotit & hohoot of him tho snid Somuol Young,his€
A  hoirs ono os iins Forovor.PROYIDED ALWAYS NEVERTWEDESS that it f
 tho ntorosoid Fiils of Exohonio shnil ho dnl? honorod ond uuid §
ot tho oxpirntion ot ninotv Govs ottor thor sholr oo orosontod Q
_tor oooontonoo hy tho soid Bonjomin Wost on whom tho somo oro §
drown or hy on? othor porson or norsons tor tho honor of thi §
orowor. thon this Indonturo and tho ostnto horohy grontod shoE.E
hooomo null _void & of nono otfoot,ont thin; horoin oontoinod § -‘
to tho oontrorv in nn? Wiso notwithstanding, IN WITNESS whoro— {
dot tho soio portios to thoso prosonts novo horounto intor-

 ?  (7*) ·
Q changnably $¤t their h¤nJs and s¤nl¤ the dav and ven? First
gnbmvc writ nu. 1· ,
xlohn Th ©7@PVs©n.
  Bc in vcmcmbcrcd *hnh on the Tenth G1? 0? N0v0mbq·
g1”w1,b0f©rm mc John Bur: av Es1uirc,A2v¤r of cnc Limv of _
¥PHiT&dclDhi& p®r;©u¤€ y name ¤¤@ an i¤r¤G John Dcvinus Qlark- f
Vson in the nb©v¤ ~.·. rriticn ImJ©n@urc nmm®Q ind ¤2km¤wY¤G;@d the J
gsamc to he his nvm from and vmlumtarv uct mud G¤rd ind G¤sir©dQ
jit mnv bw r0cwTd¤@ as such n*~¤rjin; to thc Dawg of Lic u0m— §
-m©nw¤mTLU of Vjrsjmia, IN WESTIMONY vicreof I,ti0 $21Q Mayor i
have hcrcuhtc ¤¤t mv sand ini iaugcd Lac gvnf of Mavwrnjtv to 5
be hcreuntw mffjxcs in Phjlndwluhja wformgniu n;¤ dew u1@ v0¤?g
ab©x¤ said, i
S@¤}¤G ind d¤1i`¤r¤G ~.%  Q
in R50 Dv@;¤m®@ rf 1;. ;
Eh?m_E, Trix z¤‘* {Kr, {
I'i¤?T[_Y_}I"r"'*"'_ ‘
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E { This Indenture, made and entered into the day of
g T October, in the year of our herd idaé, between George T.
E Colton, of Woodrord Couity, Kentucky, of the rirst part, and
lg d Elizcbeth Taylor and Elizebeth Ketchum (late Colton) of the a' (
i { same place, of the second nart,
t WTTYESSBTH, That the ¤QlQ party or the first part, being
one of the heirs and devisees of deorge T. Colton, deceased,
T hath received from the said uarties or the second bart, they
being the only other survivinp heirs and devisees of said .
George T. Cotton, deceased, his Mull bortiol oi the estate of
said George T. Cotton, deceased, the receipt of which the
said party of the first bart doth hereby &CkHOUlCQ@G and con-
, fess: In consideration or which, and in the further consider-
QJ  ation of whaeh Sixteen hundred dollars to him paid the receipt ·
nj of whieh is also aclnoeledued, he hath gf&HLCu, bar5aiicd.4 `
sold, remised, released and confirmed, and by these presents
  doth grant, bargain, sell, redisc, rel asc and confirm unto
1 the parties of the second part, all his right, title and in—
terest to the following tracts, pieces or parcels of land,
i it being land belonging to said deorhe T. Cotton in his life
é time, viz.:
,  All that certain tract, niece or parcel or land siti
` A uate in the Dreathitt County, Kentucky, bounded on one side
;* "by the North Fork of the Kentucky River, and cornering on ¤
! E said fork about six miles above B?cathitt Court House (saving Y
l ziand excepting such parcels of said tract of land as hath here-;
i   iitofore been sold by sd. George T. Cotton, deceased, or his. Q
i representative) the original survey of which calls for about g
%i(25000) twenty—three thousand acres, be the same more or less.?
K iétogether with all the appurtenances thereto belonging. E
‘ Q