xt7v6w967h1k_34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. Von Roques vs. Armstrong, et al text Von Roques vs. Armstrong, et al 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_4/Folder_9/3688.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_34 xt7v6w967h1k 3 Von Roqucs, : o
  vs. Q Bill in Chancory. to
. 2 2
q’ Armstrong, ot als.:
i T0 the Honorablc J. C. Lamb, Julgo of the Thuncory Court of thc
é City of Richmond.
‘ Your Oratrix, Carolino H. Von Roqnoa of tha City of Rouen
Province of Normandy, Rcpublic of Vrancc, humbly complaining show- [
cth unto your Honor:
{ That aha ia thc only child and hoir at law of Darius
o Blake Holbrook and Elizabeth Thurston Holbrook, his wife, formorly
l of Alcxandar County, Illinois; ani lntor of tho City and State of
New York; and that both by inhoritonco an; dcviao from hor said
fathcr and mothcr, $10 bocomo aoizod of an oatnto of inhoritnnco
in fcc simple, and by oquity, froc from thc control or ucc of hor
husband, and for hor solo nd aoparqto noo and bonofit, in aid to
all and singular thoao cortnin trncta or parcels of land lying and
being situatc in tho Gtatoa of Virginia, Woot Virginia and Kentucky
qontaining Two million Pivc hondrcd and fifty-two thouaand,throc
hundrcd and four acroa and thrco-fotwtha of an acro,(2,552,304-3/Z) E
more or loss, whidi said lands wore convoycd by thc lato Jamoa Q
Swan, of Boston, Nasaachuactts, to iamucl Allinaon of Philadelphia —
Pennsylvania, by a Dcod in foo simplo, absolute, cxccutod in Paris
Franco, bearing date thc thirtioth day of August, A. D. 1350, and
— recordcd in dood Hook L, of tho Gcncrnl Court at Frankfort, Kon-
tucky; 1.
Y ` . oi.-

 / l
o   f
8 60Py of said Hood from Jcmos Swan to Samuol Al1inson,markod”ox-
hibit A·” ig herewith filed as a port of this bill for c more por- V
ticular description of scid tracts or parcolc of land thoroin con-
voyod. And which scid lnnoa wovc cubcoquontly gulg gud G nvoygd
o in foo simplo absolutc by Uxo said Samuol Allinson aud E;iz&b@gh’
.“ his wife, to tho acid Darius Qlako Holbrook, by Deed Oxocutgd at
L°¤d°¤. E¤G1&¤d; dated tho Rixtoonth dcy or July A. n, ;35g, al&
"Q°°*`°‘°d in tht °1*>P*—='¤ Office of wymc cotmty Court in Vixqgixiia
A vn WEB TW€¤ty·ninth day of Juno 1841, and in tho 0lcvk's Ofiico
U? %h¤ GORP? Of Appcolo for MIG Btatc of Kentucky, in Book Ho. H7
Pago 201* On the lgth JH? GF July 1841, o copy of which oecd markol
”Exh1bit G" is herewith filed as port of this bill. And whilo
possessing tho tltlo to sold lands nid rocidlng in Franco, youy
~ Oratxtix rocolvod za lotto? from D. W. Arm—stx·<>ng of }',»ou1·svillo Zion-
‘ tucky, dntod July loth, 1979, statin; that by inquiries ct Cairo,
(my inthcr°s old homo), ho had lonrnod that your Orntrix was tho
daugntov and probably the only rwnaining holy at low of Darius
Blako Holbrook; o d desiring all of the infomnntion I possoaadd ron
`gavding my fathor'a titlo, wulwuy own lntovcst &c., am¤.stoting
that hc was the Attorney for oxo hoiro of Aloxnndor McRae, who own-
cd an oquitablo lntcroot in ono·third of tho throo hundred thous-
and acre tract lying bctwoon tho Forks of tho Handy River ln what
is now Lnwronco Gounty Kentucky; which was convoyod as nforosoid of
to my father; and stating that no was only cooking to cotabllsh
_ thc intorost of thc McRao hoirc in 0no·third of said thrcc hundred
thousand ncros in thc Forkq offtho Sandy Rivor, to which thoy woro

dp;r of which 1`>f;¤;¤1:1· xw };=;x;·c>witZ; filcii, m;>1z·Z—:<;~;3. "?!x21ib;L?;fJ/">
¥3’mu~ 01·z1t1·ix }'*l"'·’?]iK?7L].f;’ E¤¤·11i1‘·ma,L$.1‘*¤mr•;` '*c?.0b¤>1·, QL?}'?&}, fc>].3,r>*.<.*im,;j;, upcm
the c·;>x·1w>·;;·:omlaezszcsz cc·:;uw mc¤»;1 aw C’*.j.`<)L‘•'J€B€'J,i·L1, mm. ?3G].i<*:"IIi.}'1,{; uw cmd
D. W. Avm—s@x·0n;; to has wc.·;:~·¤;`=;;r of Mw *;;*1*5*; ami r:;><>=s<;aA
in him; ;»‘<·&u·· ='>x·u‘Cx·i>; C%}Y.$)(v:l‘¤")lVl  arx<,<> Till sNj_;z··e>¤:z  ~ · mnt wti‘l:1; ·sr2;.`J. ">. W.
Ax·m·;tx—0n3, tc.>_;:¢a¢;i¤<;»¤· vrith im; 2>m?;.2·;·2»1· *`*. ">. ·i.l"2"1*&§{.1‘*')X1_jj, bg; =::l:.Lch zhc
and mr tr¤.1 11 Fi. ?3z·:2·.zi·sY;;=.w and `7·'ill;i.:u:1 F?. ¥?(;:1·£i:1<2r·,
zappuizzbezcl in hav: Tm·E~: by  ¤i~0c:aa&i:·;_·_;<; in ·"m..az·t lL1'1G.C?1‘ “?;§zv: ¥»’L1.L Of
her i`:1?;?1$·1·, wud .¤.l:?1·—2:.i. Fizwz, —.·rE;0 x·x··¤—; cl‘ —4:i’;E·; lzczrsclf,
with the will »;mz 1·.1x<;·ai 05 her ].:¤» *i.·1: f‘>x<;?;·;»x·, by which 1;?1·2;r, semi ymw
O1·a1;z·ix ¢>xn;»]_c>;» (;¤i. “C. Tv, zamwil F2, 27,   ~_·= >¤:1;m·m;;; ri-; 1;};é;i;· .»i.gu>;·;;=;;,·g’ tu" i
" UPi¤%3»Y¤m1¤¤..fi§e>, ami ET·;··<>·.:·¢:m1i<:  mi:.   LS, #.1 we 'G\l.$7.'·‘$; and tu An such <» t;h¥
“5r·tE>.ing;—2= ms :v.z=¤;r bw n.»2c<>~a··s:z:·_7 <>;v y· w·>3~»;:;- L  be; —:.1<.n·.—2 ,511 y to zxyccv
"zar, 1·¤22el12:© or <·»bt;r1.ixv. for ·z;;ai;L p:e.;r ¥;5.·;~2 nf tho first Mast, iehaz ~,=m¤“>1<‘!  
 or eavxif pn1‘ti=>n <>_!Q` the lr»;z;`i=: r;·a· LE:~ *.·:¥;¤‘>1u,: or :;:12* Pswirfi. ti¤•i>1·¢:<‘>f l&’1¤:_L'” >
in vm·1¢>~1<: crmrmiziczeea in i;?;;> fi¢;=>;*;—2<; <.·»;“ V3.1*;_;in:izz (ETX ‘·`$=;:·sL `·rlI‘LQ.`}.Z1i`f¢. "  
}my··¢*;·t»ffr>1·=2 c0mm;rtEz»i—>1· lzmbs, bs' —T:;x;=·u1»=; T?‘¤»‘;1>·1 <‘>i‘ "  
"?!os!.n11, }·!E\°»*2Z\CY1l1?§F2?4?`.‘% tw Z<·; sm21=;zl »·*QLli.:.1—:<.>n, by decal .10.m.i :`\a1{j.A‘5¥l L50t:?!
”A. D. lzisiéfi, nmi b r; \fj.1"{Z€l·.P ru? is A»=s- :q1;e_·;;1;.  .i<:»‘¢v: 1>r:!Q`;1‘} w;£_=j;E;i .e;   c;,a;‘~fxci€i.·l:2 tm ;m;.¤· Oa··¤d..;~S.x   ·i" »
"}·;_{g»]·· 1;y_·x,1•5+;m)¢; l};i'},·Y:{}, /`m_q·?, RYA) *3:`*;1£I C}. FW,   Y}. VY. !`—.1‘3.;*3T_.1’C•k‘1;_j F*;_jj1”nE:Z·d"  
  "tn give "1`2itz!;f1;CL amsjt el5.3.i.;;7e-2111; :2¢;¥»m.ti·>r1 130 ‘<.'1¤,- ¤2¤;‘¤l<>2¤‘==»¤i‘1L fwd H  
"mz·.ttm··s ml`0;·»g;ys_q1 placed tm t}mtix· c}u2x·;y> :11 ul fur 1;,Ea<>i1· ez·;1*vic<·.:e;, "
M they wczwe tn x·¤~c<2iv1;?n01· ming; mmi. xv .1—. Qf be 1·»,:c<>x.·z::·¤>d  
"or x·m=.3.rLzm‘i or wbvzuinml my mic} y»m·‘ci<¢s O1" tm fj.]"$Y. pmzvz, qv i‘4¤>;·"  
**· ;»

% A/
‘\' ...
"&¤Y vqvé UF them by any suit wv smtilmwmnt in or aboqt txe mmtncr aforci
"S&id. WMS if nuthin, mhull by an yuquvunui, paxlizwi uy obtained}
"thcn saii W. U.\& B. U. Armstvcug shall vmcmivw nubhing few £h¢iv•
‘ "saii snrvicws in Lhw abovy mmttmr.“
A c0$§ Of said m»mtrmci »u hw ` `=“ ¢$L Vir8iu1n mmm Fivxinia .
is h¤r0wiLh filca, mavLwi ”Hxhib;L A" and is idcnticul in uvmry vc-
spocb with thm cmnbrmcz on ywcwwd in Twutuchy, and both of thsm
signw& by said C. U.·% W. W. &pmatymng, m A by ymur Ormxrix and by
Alfred Rom, Awniuiqtrahwv-kc. , uwi Twmiliwm W. Qrmdshzw wx& Willi-
am U. Gaydincr, Trqahewc as uiwy»awi£. Ywur Uvnhrix §»w€h¢r sxxx
‘5Y§&i;#2$ Chai in j>h.1Z‘·;;i;:,z>.<.3:l: MI ‘·$;‘¥.‘& A c¤‘»31?;.1‘Za¢:?§. of lx?)i.i`J}.`Y`].f.2QT*3{`2.L}}, tgm  
-9. W. Armstrong mcnpx snlwly &a fur as gwuv Nvntrix knows, us your _
Ormtrix nuvcr rucuivai any ¤~mm¤uLcut1»¤ from G. 3. Armscrmng or
any joint cmmnuuicntiwn, b»H Lima Wuvid V. Amxstyong as far au Qxé
is infurmai mmnagqi www Qntirw hwqinuws, amd that séy fO§U%O& full
Confidence ¤n& trust, in the hmnwwkg, iid liny ¤.d dbilicy of Una
said David W. Apmstrung, wad fnwuishcl him with every uxiginal pa-
per, umu other evidnucq bmavimy Un mmn nitlws to said luuis, gsi aD
Of hc? Mw1i!‘·’¤·3JJ1i;=s oi" ‘?;j.EE.<2' iw   .22, s ’-‘, sa;}. Lai. his k‘<>q»1·3°sF, zr\2<.i·\; ;1hueu*:1‘O:1G
I rwsuzrchus of Trench nccuris, a»A whiny iuvqsbigntiwns to s.@ply
cvidmxcfz Em c2.rair·u>;1 wav; mrc: i,.· @::21*;* 1:1 his cg`>].§"1`&Y3h]. i§.‘3f€2(;£}‘$ @0.
YG. , @2*1;}. c$z13.iu;§ cm E10? ii`<>z‘ ¢‘e1¤1‘"2 }` ;2]‘=<.·A4·ia, ·Y9*iid•2I3.c €5~$;<:» Land imzkb
Il`\VSU!VZ·I'()i1*·3 cizmciés cam} p0wm ·=s of M:%;¤i»x*:w;_r 6-4c. to }·;<21* to czxwcuté on ·
·.:e.x;»»·m‘*,<2·:§. ·:#··.l·T2+s, vshwh En; zzZL2·¢;;;-·a v·;—;=¤.:x=¢;=; _;i rar; “i‘ml.3.¤m #‘.L;·<¤.4g11," "1wt,
;`L;2}.`i\·’¢;·1*r;>.Z" ·°¢¤• , *’¤1`L’}·, fij :if?.3.gf in Zuae §,‘:>¤&;‘ Z_V§F§'/, Rza} im_E·u;:·§¤~`T y¢,·24{· C>;·3_•
imix ‘C•5» ·2><¢1:<:m.¤~ zz -;Ec:0;.i *.0 r4>§‘1U $`.:‘;2‘·1·i¤;<.¤z‘1 '?`,•’€}z’<.¤0:":: <‘>£' P°':t:; *¥;1:1;:ee}.;¢ i   • ·£‘ i1·:;· T—T<;i1L1g<:Y-a;;; 1,:1*;.1vz in ·;:;zé.=:l >
'1hT‘0"*!E`a, egg-{ih 23E‘z:2,ii Zu=;¢;* }¤a.1.:·`?f. of izlv`:   ~.z‘·=;?;212s¤,2 g>x"%.c•..: ¥€<.>-11.11 1’2<>?, € it arr  s·; ·:;:~;·»e <4;‘ =x.¢= xr 2.;.s; ·—>¢§z:;.i.n:¤.¢¤;x·, =‘.‘h5.c21 @2.10 h=.t·
z*·z}.€a<.· ;‘=;;·}·=1>1‘¢;¤_¢:,L .;LT"."¤ "J`f‘m3.3.n:~r1 th;·; i`»:x‘*;?14>z* c:.hz;1‘! 1T; 1.1·1;L;c:·s•
wars ·z< ,·uE;;L1;;; tw :P.1*;¤;1·=»·:Y.;i#  ¥‘i3—¤s: =r·1·Zi-;».. =>.i` ;;<:·.>.v 02vca*.;1·i::'es 1;i.i;.1<» in  
<`·’.?1‘1 UfA'f3‘3, by ·¤vc>;¤·;“ 7i?1.`é.Q2.lV."i(j:,< :;z·:_ iz; }·;:i.·.; }"·<·wm‘·, i'?.I."1£.2 bg: enrc1·;*
léi. i;e;1· 1;:;  ‘1·c=*=; i;a;>1·,cm=.z.;· ¥>rc.?.1·ix
‘;rm»v.· Use {-.;;:1 vzzaiur; (:z¤:n;·T·;»;—*;? %;3n>;¤:¤>i‘. '?"i;a2i; Ev: @.E.¤m?j~a zxzunceri 5.;-1
Lug V;=_1·i<>u6 dmws, sa¤_;;x$¤ to ymm V¥x·7;iz.·i:·: iw he i=:—;=*=g\u_.»»·:?., ga ;;¢ ¤e =1:1=s1:i&<.·;·:atxnxx ra? wu: »3.¤¤ji..1.~¤x·$ ul ·· `=,~ Eur.: 3‘·x·<:=·;s·-Q 1Y‘··s* the xwsnl :av~ar>¤»-m.*I
t h :;1·*:·:=L1r’·; r;.L:ri:»<·»e;;`i i;2 ;=~.¢: ii; ·’;e·z 2>.<··’L F&·;‘».&?é.:1;l<,<·¤2.:F i`i>;: :J. <>:· *;?ri*;>e to z;·.·m¤.: %
tix; xwzal <;w·x·»e·zi 1.·rF.;;;"¤k ‘?u*;¤>;vf‘¤v2·.;   Hu <.a=;:fL~i» ·"·r:•, **¤",;¤; ··r:§;=;1· I 4
p1<;;~,;¤;i‘I>[L—;  ga;·»;1_,·_e>:$; in   ‘.·i;*.i:T1T;<‘ ·li.·.T.;¥.ay'; *;§.;»;2 rural cf’>r‘1¢;.?.;i.a_ex·a2i;}_&»:‘1,@:1 that
3,>*· >ru.· 0:·a1’;v`L:·< :·1‘» i._-_ ;?;€; =’:;<;j>¤i:<:t   .€';iY‘;>;a·:;:1i —::·mlL3. u:»!mmi..es ;zta1·1»-»<·L ‘J'Ii}'Q;`j.?`Lj_;
.;‘mz:1 if’iv·> f.·i> "7'<;»s‘; *;?e<·»=·.·3.1   excl tlaut   wives <7.·<»ix1;A; <>v·Ass·;:1;11in;3 xr?
I A '
' i`·¤>=s$i¥t>3,:;· £`~‘~‘x· hor Barat 1z;¥.·.»;·¤¢¤;€. —T.·<:.»nBv.E ¤.:VCI’Z' ¢;i¢.>].3,&=_r Mi? hor Ssixcwaw
swf !;W?·1;>di, smci
' -

 / xt
all such lulling protestmtions, ani false statemonts, and pretoxts
to avert suspicion, aid keep your Oratrix in ignorance of the roal
facts. Your Oratrix further states that the said U. W. Armstrong
by letter dated at New York, October End, 1385, ed&ressed to Alfred
Roe, Esq., (Co-edministrator wiwx her), enclosed n blank power of I
Attorney, he &esirod sent to your Oratrix, fav the sigoctire of
her husband, a1d in scid letter he stated that "I hzvo boon {orc
some time past engaged as en Attorney at law in the effort to sm
far enforce the right vested in Us Volbrook es to eomyol some rec-
ognition of it on part of the persons in posscssion of those lends
‘ It
an  asserting adverse titles thereto, and that I {hc had} have ve-
» cently been given assurances as to 2 comparatively small portzonu
of thoso lands, that by e policy of compromise and adjustment, some
vgpy modez*;¤_t.·g gmcmnt n1i;_;`h1; bo 1.·onli::c¤t1 on the claim ;2<;.r*ivo:1 throng};
II .
g her(my) father which I(he) have boon urging on tho beinlf of than ,
I· H _
bnronese Von Hoqucs. Now except on the plan of cowyromise now·»
open to us I have no here that c dollar can ever be reclizei frmw
the claim. ~It is with referonee to this exigoncy that under—the
peculiar provisions of the lnw in the States above named, the power
of attorney is required," and he suggested that the Gorman Qensuln ‘
or some other person, deemed worthy of confidence, be nnmei Attor-
ney for the Bnronxxx Von Roques and gave instructions &c., as toy
the ccknowleégement. execution mud certificate of the emma? which
said letter was forwarded to your Orntrix. And in pursuance of mAé_
'above requirement and instruction, and reprosontatione of yvwr ¤re4
trix's scid Attorney uni at his roquest, on the Sth day of Hovcmbor
‘ 1836, Following, the said Baron Adolph Von Roques, did execute and
acknowledge c certain Power.o£ Attorney to the Hon. gpseph 3;'Pott¤ c
Qwho wac than U. S. Consul nt Grefeld , Germany) authorizing him to

 / _ .
- “ · ‘ _ /
n I | 9 X, W .
. join rm his %,»ra}·a;v=,1£ in 6:271:-2 e>xcc&.1t.i<>:·1 of mw `iawd. in mr wie} lm1."L·s
` ctc., FC(`1’j. wwf; t.3»:ex·aa£‘i;<;1V· ilu 22*.1.;:- 01; Liza: ;·}*"•!;?g, ;.L:i».y ·.·§` Jve1·a·, LL? ··`-- '·¤4>
Ewjj Hm ciirwzeziiimrm ami at Mxcs '}‘<)£}_;.l¤;2$`Yl 0;{‘ Mr AI°1'!%Bt1"O}1£:f4 ray ·;;¤»,1ii Atbwwfz
· 1'\9_l·’, Efvvsr V>1*r1t1*iX QQXKEGWUZLBEY. :1:2;.; semi; tr} Al,(‘w;~;L Rmx, 4vT»;qu:Qy··=> <>;‘ ¢;.‘*¤_¤— U
{Qty and 71;;;L<> -05 Nam Ycwk   gvcmaw of :a,t.tc>x·na»3,*, zma;,;•»vi.zmA· Lgm ws
·;i,;§;.r1 ymxr 0;*&L1··ix n.z‘=.s·m>   d.r.;=;dzs t<>A;m;; uf hmr 1.mui¢; in 1:%: 'iiatc €
PF ?'=*m?z:1c}<;.’, xs, swf}! <‘>f' v.*};;¤}·. pc>~.¤:¢c of as.·bf;·mm¢y Qs ¤.¤:1·»zwi€,T; fi 3.2:;,
2;¤;z2··k¢rl "e2x}1ii>1t Ei".
/%:11 ent; ‘tiu.= 1"·2r`i1;=.u· z·¤;·;11»2»:a1; em  <{.`zl‘f:{W3j.•"»H Gi? §;<‘>"»;* Uz*e2¥;1·ii.>; °
z2?,1.:<>x*z·1•2;#, Lim es;=~,1cE. i>:.%.vLs1 `i'V-' . .`&£l:lS},ZI‘i}2"."j, 3,*0 J !l*1·z¤.*4;·1x e2xe;2ce*.>.1,¢aa;.   i°<:·:>::jr
  !‘¤f;t<>;·xA1·‘:;} im $,2410.$?.<)l’1OJ.’F'LEQ,»}.€3 J. 3. i“0t¢‘.v:v, U. S. <"!0n$u;1.   ¥!z~;2i‘·;e1:i,
L?@.& *ri2$mj;-’, tizatczzi  i.}>_»2 lltza ;m;r of .3`k1;i;r lf§J£'/,   ;;<>g¤_~; ¤,{‘ ==:M·§r;¢V; Fcuwlw uf
»'.1;1‘.<>x·r15.1, T·"'. _
Ami y»:»m;· <')1*#2.¥;s·‘ix i"·¤.;··i;m.¤ · ziczatn  thm; M me ;#<»2r=;* 1i—2Jf$'!, —
:7013. rzwé mggg, hear muah Ab?;c»z·m2y, T3. W. ='&m·ws1;m;·>.»j;,  ·.v1w>%;·r: has t;?m;1x; he J
head a>:1 U,·:2.z·¢d. Qmto u ¤:¢m:;u=<>m1#;a or gain @:1 gG__j=,z•;¢;:—·4·;;·1r nj =¤.·e;;¤ g1;;j_.q·;
120   ;‘·m·i; of hc x- £Q¤;1t‘».1¤1!a;,r lhzeumz, ·:rh§.0h 710  ¥i.M<@c1 ‘>*:•2x··¤; wl}. $:2.:;%. ‘.s·¢>:·.;
of :;:.37 ‘J@.1,'¤.1·1) in Lim f2i;&tc: of K€91>¤17il($}€  smmi téluw; any c·;v2r;.1,_2 s;xg·-my; I
zixwm Siva: in tam kimueszam d•;>lJxn.··;z ms ?;.e::>v·   mf the *31;;..:2, if 1.1;; I
s¤.~;2;=;v ‘L.Lr:.Lic»z1 and >s<2i;¥;l¤@=··.wz·1t ‘.s:a#·vs cm*y·1<:·t’¥. @::1;,   :1 ‘5l?E`1{Z 1; ‘·i-izy *7rs;a€.;·i2·;
be ahead, daizecl Dem. lsiz, 13517, to eaxccelztea md 1:··st:.1rn in Mxm, cnt·2c‘·.:a¢;<¤¤3. ip; ymxr (>;ug¥,;·.i,>;, md
by Jcmczph 3. P<¤Ui,0x·, Attommy im i’¢;·.ct cm. tha.: 92741;*11 of ` ?.m··¤m1;¢2.i.   cugvgs ¤&‘ which ..;;:::2 iq 71—:;··.·
with filezd ms 3<>ms·t of Lhris bill, ·r·m:·k=re;i ".::>:i:2,‘¤>ii; G". i
And your 01*a.tx·ix f'¤.ri1hc1* stawzes, that har amd Attnx·n¤:e;; {
David W. Armstrong, r.mp0z·t:e»d to gmx, that ¢sa=¤.id n@;;r>ti:=ti<.m—;   »

 . _ / _ /
l J I   ."YL E
failed, and said deed was not delivered , but failed to return the
‘same to her, and continued to write to her, discrediting her title
in every way possible, and pretending to be still trying to real-
ize something on it for her , and claiming other difficulties had
V to be surmounted before the said Groom would agree to purchase the
said lands, or take said deedaad pay the purdiase money(price)l
c therefore, all of the time as your Oratrix is informed, and believes
· and now here charges, falsely and fraudulently withholding from
{I your Oratrix the real facts and nature of the case, and cunningly
devising-means ain ways to defraud and cheat your Uratrix out of
her said property, by false and fraudulent representations, state-_
hex· ‘ H
ments and suggestions, aid by suppression of the truth. J
A That he pretended to keep up such negotiations with the
said Harrison T. Groom during the years 1298 aid 1829, sith refer-
ence to the aforesaid part of the Kentucky heme lands. In the
» mean time, your Oratrix's only daujiter, and only child, Florence
A B. Maybrick, wife of James Naybrick, deceased, was cruelly incar-
cerated in prison in Liverpool, England, on the false and fo;l
r Vcharge of poisoning hor husband, and put on trial for her life, wi
." without means to make hor defense, and solely dependent upon your _
Oratrix for uic necessary funds to secure Cunnmel and make said
i defense. And your Oratrix being also without available funds and
in sore need of them to save hor child's life ard family honor, die
urged her said Attorney, D. W. Armstrong, to close up the Kentueky
negotiations, aid after over two months of dire distress of mini ‘
and almost wild misery, on die Sth day of her dau@itels trial,
4, being the 7th day of August, 1889, your Oratrix was celled rpon in
signseveral documants, whach she signed on the understandin; that
they were deeds of sale of a portion of her Kentucky lends, and so.dd ‘,
A ` bf . .  

 · /
*   »—»»   /
cnablc hor to obtain funds, so torribly-nocdcdin hor said ccugntcré
trial for lifc aol doath; Tho papors w~ro also placed boforo your
0ratrix's daugntor in tho Gourt room in tho said City of Livorpool
during a lull in tho Court procccdings, grantcd for Mio purposo,
and SF2 also signod thou, tnon and thorc in tho same boliof.
Your Oratrix was laboring undcr such jntonsc oxcitomont
and tcrriblc strain of mind, that sho did not attompt to road any
mnxumi ono of said docwnonts or docds,nor in fact could duo have
» snfficiontly composcd norsolf to novo road tho samc. Your Oratrix
was told and fully bclicvod that thc solo was for twenty thousani
dollars, ton thousand dollars to bo accrcditcd to hor aid ton
thousand dollarsto hcr said fttornoy D. W. Armstrong in accordanco
i»‘ with hor contract with him. Your Oratrix had no idoa diat sho
was convcying all of hor Kcntocky lands, muon tho loss in addition I
thcrcto, noarly two million acros in thc two Virgniias, b¢t only I
, cortaln snall portions of hor Kontncky lands, azn that twenty tnoa-
sand dollars was all that was bcing truly pail by Mio purchascrs
of thc said Kentucky lands to hor said Attornoy D. W. Armstrong.
Your Oratrix fortnor status that thc ton thousand dollars
aforesaid, was accrcditcd to hor in thc fall of 1399, long after V
thc execution of said docd, and aftcr uic crucl and unjust scnton•o
of dcath had boon pronounccdupon hor said daughtor, too latc to bc Q
of but littlc sorvicc to nor casa, aid out of that paltry sum ovor  
jonc-third was rotainod by thc Hon. J. S. Pottor, U, 3. Consul at
‘Orcfold, Gcrmany, for snvvicos no claimed to novo porformcd in con-
t ncction Widi Mio salo, thus actually rocoiving about $G0OO.¤¤,- up
to this data. Your Oratrix furtnor states, that xkdxxxxnn she has  
Q only rcccntly loarncd thu contcnts of thc documonts sto signcd undnp _
7, {

 / · " °V i
·suc}1 distressing; circumstances, uri; 1;c1*1*}.i>lc;L~;, ·;i.:7pt·21 Vi}; of !,;·,»;;.aci;, 3,*69, `
conveys to the Ticrmtuclqy hm-:1 %'Jr>11wy·;;w1;/r the tracte; of lgvm =s,i*;uw,·a-ji
in tha Stats 0i` TTcn’u11c};;¢ am ith.; waz?;;>i·—; 0;* fziqc I-Tcwizh Ucm of 1;]::2
Kénililckji YiivcI‘, 13.1145; On H<‘>cI€h,0w;::, Q,¢1ii,<3!·;c·5em;%,TEMD¢1blG&5U;;»;<;;.:1Jif. "1k.LcZ>;§;£>;‘;1
Gx·cck·s, ani grnntci; by the ’¤t;;i;a·» nj? `%?‘i1*_gj;i_z·;i;;, tn ‘">c_v·;   flow; :1;;
James Currie, wd iw m¢;i·fi Timms s~_x1;&. <`!».11;‘i·i.&:, c·>rw#:y·,;;1 i,<,.·   -»_· ;·s ‘*w;m,
the 722rui of ??cp1;m·, 3.796, >m.c1 btr said. ivsan to °¥:_uzv¤.·;1 /\l1i1;·;a;·j,‘=1<; V. ?'2; J‘i1],y
1*55%, ]f%15?·§, being; @11;* zzbc-xt -:i,_g;Q-·;*n_·# <;hc».i·;n;13, eicyes, of iw-2.;c· @;·:,t2¢i;Y;
titl;~;, Ax coptlcr of which e:il 1"l?l}i']—I‘.)Ci (»:x1·1ib;i.¢4E"") is §1·_:i·cv:i’th i‘i]gd
‘ md `f>2’&}’9C?. *:0 bc x·¤2a·¢3. ns ps;=.·t <>,§‘ this bil},. W10 (){QliCI` 0.00:1 ;i;+;t;c·i
*7th .A.`L1[j`L1F$iJ, ],?T2}·3‘*,   ;·».¤,·’a=;c¤;;_i;+aQ in gmac- Opzat;·i:~;, and 1:02.* :iu11k;};<:c1‘,
thc s %i;g):1·2·e:1 by gi
701.11* $::+11 01*-=ti·i>·; an  Esc i· {)Zf§A`l1[j?.i3l“21" vr;i.Uw¤.b ·;·c:na2ciy·;__, the smqc, cr iizgv
ing thc ·a1i;·;h“cc·#;t ·s»mpiciJ.icv1n;; that it also comrcycd
p01·cf;i02i·¤: of YOL`LI‘ Ox‘s1.’c1"ix°=; Tfcyiizuclcy ].E*J1'_L‘5 elim }T13.VfL1'lgQ i‘¤1l_l faiiizh
za cl ·’zmfi·1·2nce> in lacy saizi f~1;?;m·m:}’=; in1;cg;;1¢11;;* an   1;c¤cx·, ;m.;1 not
s‘zJ.s;¤cc*;in.5; any dcccp1;.F.Lc1ma1s FI. S}1L}l‘IT\&!`)., U. G. Conan].  
_ Liverpool Englzmd, an d has zmcvcr bccn $@:211 by ymmr 01*a“c1·ix since the

 ‘ I
thsat imma.   co·;·»;»· of wv: =:;~m¤=a is E;¤;:··;:~::*i&2;; i`J.lc¢.L, ;m1·?:·:d "<:xh5.b1b
1** which wid c·A>;‘»;·· Emu bww ]i:·<>c~h‘4;·sv.· ~sixi,;» days fm
the pa1·ti.¢au in whow ¢;n»s1,¤.>=:.i;· 5.1. »-rw; za ::1 is ;>1¢z»e;:»;-zi to be imcmi and
x·m wifi ¢<;·;·»;r ir;. will iw ¤s~:cm, mei ;#·mz·
0:*m:1·ix ?»1c.»1*c>bj; c1;m·g; .;=[;.i‘;'j‘]!J1'), {C. i‘;;~0; »m gu A
1*01* nc c¤1=:ide·1·cz1;x0n, $0;* all wz? :;<‘·—.zy 01·s;t:.six'·z lcmzis in the Zitatas
of Vi1:·g;in1:z, ami ‘P*a·:‘r. V.ir·;;;:mi:·2. mm ZZ£]ilOw1').`{}$...ij{ to !].<15·{,1°lY two million
acres lying in Um vich-..»=st, cam]., m·;> and 01;}z..>z· m.i,m·>1.·¢2Q. mf; timbcm
regions of b0‘¢,?1 Staines, Tnrzimi; st ¢;}m1; time nu Lx; ‘g>1·•‘»j~;ci;ad, limes
of both tha 0315.0 Yixfgemsicm cwetl ¤`?1·1;‘»;‘1·: <}1·>2c}: z’)J.'E`2.Z1|'_$;i)k€‘S of the Hor-
follc mm ¥Y‘cst¤1·n Ra:i2.x·rm<1 (avhicii; ~s:.1`L c2xt·.:z1a5.·z t`m~r»~;·;Eu tim }’z¢L!1jU'¤·¢t}.°S or 1~1.L£.¢·s nf amid lands}
ani w0z·i;T·1 mzzzw :·1iilliu.r1¤ vi' z;i<>E.l···u.’=2., :2.·1.L xd;   ixirw; *.re·1·;’ much
ssoughiz ai‘¢;m· by weac=a).==»*.m··;, imma; n·»:v¤3‘»z¢.xmi.s, ·»r»:;,.; <‘>;»m~m,<>1·—s, iron
· cmqmnias ami 01i.$w1· ¤<>1:·pm·m,i·»>ne1 ali ··‘¤j‘ whiclx ;·<>».*»r ?>1.*ai;x·ix ¤hz·¤,v;;as
was wall lznrmrn $:0 your 0z·nL1·ix°s; maid A1;1;01·:wg;*, :>:1v1:L V5. A1*mst1•0r1g
whom your 0z·m;1·ix chz2.1·;gu»: c:u·a21?.s3.lLy wd mix·¢>i‘t;lL;# 3~:c;i»L the facts
from hear wi th inigmmh to ric*:f2*::m:;; and cheat hear mm of hm-   land,
thxvmgqh thm mid i?1·aav1c1x.1ly:mc¤ to thc: ¢:e;i=ii `=T&m·:1·ao¤ ’i`. Grcmm
`>’<>u1· 0r;11;r•ix f`*J.I‘L}‘1i?11‘ ¤;ita=.i,cm tzimi, #$1;+.2 is ZiI1f€}I’!TlOd,, xbm}:
b&1;l<>v·e—+s, md Y1•‘>‘<"’ h:>x·c c?·.m:·;jg·Ae»s fihi? Mu; awa <>;i‘ ‘4;w·i:ni;;r thowsamd :101-
__ lava 1•0px•<2s@nb0d to §,’0U.!’ V>1‘·n:#.1·ix aw b`;ei:v.;j· the price; tm be received
for the sab; of em;>¤u· ·T>z·s1·
~ M

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A. —.-, ,_·¤¢ · _ na -"/'_‘;‘ _ l _   ¤» a-__·;     ' (
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Or!. ..'.     1 ·, 1 · · -' , __ ,5 c 5 In .4 .,
fl U Q2 ····7 \ . / . · · »>
Y`} -4-* . ~• , * x _ , ,_ . , , ,
*¢’··’ ‘¤ ?’*‘V1f;’··.·t·   m-  _··P`; · . J; U-     ·»;°;   r   rf.
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,;}.21  }··~:Z‘ c—¢:a* •
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-M."I=i·= ···   ·`-·¥·.·· ¥ ;   ?! : <‘:“i   ;:a<;:.- 1. {M · · "#!=,· :J=··j;;f`;\;, Yi in?-- ... [1 - ' ·~- . , V _ _ __ '
—  .·Jl-* ·:.;~·.·, VL 4, $030.00 ~   ;'L$.`T.'_._?,?;’ ._ 'L s,.'.‘·-"4=¢`,
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MMU ni`¢`*v1‘3.Z~». ;`»».‘·.‘   wJ7,r:*....¤is :.‘·¢··‘&. €;,>·ie ;·;;—,·;: €‘.n::?`: ?;.».·n>e ·¤w‘··-
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·€ -1 Ti' Q- 4   1. . . . ..   ·   · . . , ~. - - . . .
!)&V¤.v ·*• ’—.€'i7}'£.=¢'•”¤‘2[, *2*   X;·¥:*J;L ?l2.F`.·‘:·\";?, %,Lj;Q     _.mr‘#   ii"? E; Zn? ‘5=¤La1
Y? ww *4 "' " ` ..¤ W  ,   · .· , ·,, · A . . ` .
4¤cn1»··\ck Q., ‘·’n.!UY7. 1“‘]Y}i$. *:r}}T;_;‘I’?!_·’ ,`j,"};   (ij_·•P;*‘fJ‘Q»`,€].  ‘·l">·?P;‘ '*_‘ f~}_}‘_**`*‘#.:=1·3i¥¤3e= wuz 1‘=J;?··
. _ _ , 1 . `

 I u iv
” rmmntczci   imw11;_‘ to tizzzaw   Y’)C7i?'2 ,' 3:12.2* +::1121  `YZ’S?`5l'2’l<3Z;' r¤z1¤‘¥. renting; 0:1
har `ww‘::·l£‘, amd 1;’;z.i·;tt 1;lu;».z;:w1<3. §?.<:.:·x·é.zm ·::i.t2; `·'¥?‘),O'P7 said 5.
W. irmvivwng wwa prwtcaiiuy tv ;wi2 Uvmtyix, t¤ U; ncqniiytimg z
Gain xxx Or cwnxxnmiqw, ani for ¤hwm ,=;’ the amii frmz1v¤;g accurwd u
dead, from your Uratrix, ct als to your 0raLrix°z *antwcky lands
in IVQT and rep¤r€·S.tr» _‘,  *·¢n ”r ·.‘·4 trix Lhrt the spam wvq not iclivenu
::11:1 that Um s.r=.]_—» Eaw;54 Fs;fL`é.—; ·1 *.1~,_=·;> ;g;3 ;, T:»¤2¤s»,;z·.~—: 171:2 ·2::>;i-1 '*·wa¤-:;_·m ‘m—s
not ·s·,r;t;¥—z£`5.·2z.:i =¤:t‘1.:}·; time €i#; 1:. 2 utc., etc., wrt   ¤~:". i.‘1>~,+ tzirne, j0t#·g1v
  IU.O’1fT{£é,f>`·J·.?}"1_[__j,:‘;g_g_’§__Q}.‘J*.}{lQ, ;· ·.r;;T 1...1 i1·1·¢2   ¤;‘iv·1§l.,= .» ~,’  *;‘:_ `·’—"?j;j.C`?2   {Leg};
for (bm:.:*),mw;r ;‘·<;¤vt.i·‘·n     '"·x~is.=;;·;i‘><'e: 1 ·,·= m i.~>, evm.1 tiwiz hu has been
at 2:3.1 fizwaes ‘cEn·¤i=‘ ·4VA. ;g;Eict»‘:’;     ·_··» ci;Lc>;1--;, wz;   mwz, tc ¢;;a.E_3.3r 1:1-
sc»J.v¤221t ami. w‘5.i;};,~.>¤¤.i. m=·i»A;ii., ami ’$'tr.rY> ?:T;F2 xii!. V2"‘=*?;y Y7;;;i·m Y:¤.:·t;; ?`3c.v:é1;i #.11; 150 yay <»ve·z* the:
:i{$Ft3,fV>f`>,¤¤ t;··» hire: Hua   Ywvil "". Mr:»·¤<;t;·<·n;;g;   .`I:tr>x·m:·;.‘ fbr y¢·xA1· g
Oyg._7;;·jx’ mq gs $1 }_ ¢*,]__(g §`;_*4‘¤j:, —'*~);··a‘;»_·;_3 $35;- 7* -`-ar., 1-nj  ;·z‘»_·\rj_Jz&€G til f°\..i{`.L:5i, 'Fth
Qlffififé, C.].5‘T‘,*";j1`£,_j #1;;.% he Fun; had ;,*<;:»¤· ¤'=.4z‘e?.r.5>; C=)Y}.*?`*3Q' i2T;,<-> =s:·L3%i lands {
to the F::;ia‘? i$1‘•`·wz:’x sw sx rrz·..:;‘#;   *30 _;"r":€¢ i2it!.=j¢ f`¤I’ cé¤nvn2:1i€21c=I3
ezzzim etc., <;¥:c:., mj?. uvsxnz-.x· caf; any iizxub <;J.<—.i.m—,;     L€;;,.~m ¢,‘i·;-J; ·‘%¤v•·><>m
·s·‘$z*'s sz ?_vg:m:x¥‘i.;g_ y>.11‘cit:·e~%•2¤1·, wir lwcx :2.1;," 7‘·= ,‘v.*   Y;.?;;Q¢PiQvV'€·¢'·5{], w *.;il.·€· hc?  
was at tim szumsaw iimar ;=1··::¢,¤,·mii. . V’ Ly; x-» ;~>nu·- ¥`n.··=za;¤·i>;,   {YI“€H,•T=1 »·r=1a r— av {
rem]. 3¤1u·c1m,·mz·, t?·;u2$; ami::;-=¤.r·>»·5.a·n;W;; to ·;z·:m;21·> ;».:;· V¥r·s.1.z·i>4; amt. of ull
4;;* hm~ }13.:u.*<;, ‘.=r} ail<2 M0 `NHE3 to I
  1•·£*c*:-ivc ?"‘F?T:"·,"**'?(¥.?*’7 fw? :— —1=rn;;a;§S. y<;1·€2i<>x1, bm; ~:g;.A_;?_ 3?»e;-zteargiggr U3;§,··;1 \:l
Lzlhtji ‘}€!m!3E¥.1'1;/ \‘?r°2I‘¢2 Uzf1·1‘¢`·=.A;_f?‘1}.jj *§€.u;yicji,Oi.i.€=; nj? they €'?rm‘m·, t;*9yy·3ggt·§_0;; {
>1r1dPm£Ln0 c0nf:i<1»i·:nc·:· in W. ‘?’. /‘~1·2u·;1zwnz1;g, ani 1*5%}-,`i·lSt?C}. to taaiw 1:516: »
title thrmzggh Groom, wj.1;$·ww.¤.i; sz dcmd ziirczct fmm your <`»x·za.Lr1x also A
and Iwr Imvsbzmd, damixizcv m1c1['X?*ust@0$, which deed was ymxecumd  

as aforosmid, Augush Van, 1YDQ b;·y¤zw Ovatrix, hm? Zqabznd by the
H()f%• .T(_;g• {Y, P;_p’Q{__;)]‘•’ !Y,{;j1,¤;;`§_ T-iLgi$,*_¢·°; *'I}€\!L*$L43_ {U,. G; ·;+·i`·;€:l·f?_, P}.`U*}‘Sj.€-K, {I3
his Attorney in f ct, uaé hwy iuu§ nar, gud xx was alan iwcded by
, her Trustéca August 20th, ITGQ a eoyy QF weigh iced from how quid
Trustees is herewith exhibited marked "wxhibit J“ an@ pruyci to bb
taken emo; read wz ;.>z¤.4;·i r>i‘ 1311iFa Y>i?.§L..
Your 0ma.*,1*?x c?;s¤vg,;=J·a tha?. the wniiii Uzev}. :1 €`*. f»;¤‘*z‘:‘;<:‘LI‘fm{3
took advantagc of the monfiuwnco r¤?02wi iu h;m, as hor Attovncy
and 1(j!:;f§_:‘_ 3{l’V‘fL_'~}(_))_" g_·_#;_ og" Mig inj`0 m`-1;zt inn U.e_21•i¤_r¤>€. bff }z‘?.m   f1}‘F<3
eoursse of sue}; x·¢;>3.aticm <1»{‘ ,/··`$71¢`)Y'Yll}Q‘_*` nm: <;3.;%_·aut., mm, of 1:110 ¤:x·;;;:u;1
cunditiozx of grour 0x·m;1;~ix' mimi gm}. h·’s»z· elim: ;·me:;2 of ;·-mn-->;r, im ssava
the lifc 0i` hear irmrmccnt chilzl, =u1» f‘»»l·_:·,>l;¢ maxi fwt-uLl ‘ ·:qq;·u·;r;9?_  
of hor fam;i.l.}f}10rn•,‘>1‘·, to #am:¤;u··r> tim azifcwzeszaini.  3.i.Q.<,·mt deed, to the
88.1:3. Harrison T. G1·¤>¤.u· {>1··m;1‘·ix°ss ?.mz=1=a in tho two ‘fi1·;j·i11i:·s, by xw
fx•a.ud and deception, a-: im1u·~m;r1 aw 11:   =s¤zcc<~·:·:f¤aL,   to 1·;?.‘ci;··
hold from your UI‘$,T2I"iX al} of ;;.·<.¤·ax· *`¤1·:·.* :·:i.x'·· ¤¥·.zu·c— of the ¢€¥i:i€~,0f)O.n Tram i‘<‘>:m_i:m;4·, Fx=·i»·w za sale yogu-
tiatad. and made-2 aw M;t01*m2yA fox yu-»»;·· Ov:->A!;x·1:< 0i' ;·;hu»4@ <;®i_;¤,·_t1y-mw
'thousand acwaa of yr;»>.u~ 0I"&731°iX•“$ .i:m€3<;» in ·T€`2I1{£C£G?·i`Y,’, saws rg psxlizsy
_ Tun thousamd dollars, n¤2;