xt7v6w967h1k_27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. F.B. Quisenberry vs. J.D. Spencer text F.B. Quisenberry vs. J.D. Spencer 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_4/Folder_2/3583.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_27 xt7v6w967h1k ` ' g   `ik ' E ‘ 1 o
 V J  K ·’ ‘O DQ.? 72/ {QL ..2:
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 · In obedience to an order ef tre 0wsle7 Circuit Qourt te ne
directed as surveyor of Owsley Ceuntv in a suit in said Court 0
wherein F.T.duisinhcrly if nlaintif‘ and J.D.Sneneer defendant.
the undersigned as the survevor met en the land ia eontroversv on
the Pirst day oF Novenher,1HF. swore hevy lil}v and %.J.0eX ,
chairmen and disintcnst heusehc ners or said 0ountv,aresent he-
wel yn iush and d.W.jo:re; adjourned until the End day. J.D.$néa-
cer nroduced to me a cen? of a deed from Thomas DueVham,attorney
0or Samuel Drake to Bevis .»·. Wri2sh",Fsehiel Flhins end athers and
Ter 10000 acres,also a certi0icd cenn test of the d stances and
courses 00 a dt d Tren Theses Duehhan te David Saowden For 500
acrcs.also a cnny test a0 the éarrscs and distances oF a datcnt
in tha name ct Qamuel Yceung ‘ar 300*3 1/2 acres,liVewise a coe?
test o’ tlc zourses and dist¤i;;s"r a eatent For 4000 acres in
the none e0 diehard Adams and Nn.ercx and a ce~ti?ied nlat and V
cerrses and distances or wart eV 5000 acre survey in the name of
said Adams 0 Cree f0amvel Flux er surveyer Tor the last cen?).
I thdn nraca~ded to run out the 1000r acres with the cal s of the
dc d,tc—mit:
Vcgin in; at a snrrec pfnc,be; an ng corner tc the 10007 ae-
res standing on the cliT0s or Devil ere.? and was marked as a
corner tree.the comin; line the marks corresnondinz with that
cal` and naiatin? towards the Hctcl Gare and lettered h.G, C E.E.
a seur-no d, snruct nine,white nine and chestnut tre s marred as
nointcrs, thence with its cal s,
N 100 W.£20 neles to a stake uas;in; the Hotel Cave and
found its bearing
S 450 W, 40 noles to the clirv passing the cave at 50 nelm
4 and was directed by Spencer to run the line te
extent 220 poles and lay down the other bv
N 65 W.770 noles to a stake in the lover line er Samuel
Yeung•s 670 poles te a oonlar near a oath same
r courses in all 758 poles to a stake in the I
1 lower line of Samuel Young•s,past the Graining 1

Fleck rnrk cF Red River a 40 ¤0l©S
and another branch a 540 moles thenx
> with Y0un§'s line.
  9 QO F.1000 bales and extended it in ali 1057 te a ner-
siqcn trea and ncelar marked and
. Janes 0evnsend,ea eath said Plum er
made a cerner,then the line was wel;
marVed,let.ered J.0. and thence.
S 20 F. with the eal’s ef the deed 1000 bcla
te a line cr Crew and Adans bv J.D.
9beneer,direetian OD esite the ideas
and Crew 3000 acres *hieh .»·. was extend-
ed having said 1i00 eeles at 180
V Deles Tcvnd a ecelar marred and let-
tered,a red Gah nine and chestnut
tree alse marked sereral tre s en th?
line was Ternd well narred and an-
wvcnneed te lne <*e2rJ elll v:§tJ1 m. shrxlwxze
af Nalrer•s ereer cone te a branch mz
204 bales, at 840 neles come t0 an- ·
ether branch OT said creek called
®e rijii '   5 .,7 KE     >
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