xt7v6w967h1k_2 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. April 17, 1889-September 24, 1889 text April 17, 1889-September 24, 1889 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_1/Folder_2/1589.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_2 xt7v6w967h1k  .—      * A  .;` y   —»._  T
    ‘·   `’_v   A uw omucas or ¤  _;    gv  
  ev B¤¤W¤» HUMPHREY & ¤Avr¤, · ., me   Bm,.~m  yum T  
  A .4..... Hu.., ISL`?   ““°"   EORGE M. D.“E _ {   Louisville. Ky-  
17th April, 1889- g
` I
J.W. G3u1b8rt, Esq., §
0ear Sir:
We think it proper to make Q
V at this time to you a preliminary report upon the matter of \E,
li the title to the 95,000 acres of land proposed to be sold
q to you through Mr. 0.W. Armstronq of New York. There are W
@q{ A quite a number of questions whicg are involved in the trans- ly
is for of all of these lands; questions of difficulty, but upon {
i# these we do not propose now to dwell. » $
The object of this letter is to point out to you certain ii
Q radical defects in certain of the tracts of land which are gy
included in the quantity above mentioned. ll
  A _ A y. 1. 10,781 acres Patent #5597. The title to this land E3
g??k.», *e` seems to be in the heirs—at—law of one Picquet. Of this we pg
T;`iili'. '-,i` wlw were informed before we began to look at the title at all- gi
S h 2. ’ The title to the 10,000 on Quicksand Patent #5589 _ §§
i is vested in the heirs-at-law of Jean Gaspard Schweitzer. V?
?“W&i This we discovered during the progress of our investigation ig
I _ of this title. Mr. Armstrong was not aware of the complies- é;
gi tion in reference to this 10,000 acres, and we can readily see %@
go 1 · .t§§

    ,_  l Louisville, Ky,     `ii_-    
j y how he should not have known of the facts which we have dis-
} · covered, and which fix beyond controversy the invalidity
i of the title to this tract.
5 5. Patent #5587 for 10,000 acres. The description of 7
I this land in the deeds showed on its face that it was in-
I C&U_;,#,,,-, correct . We have examined the patent and survey on record
fi;Q;i%ltQ ill at Frankfort. It is described as being on the north side i
t@Qi$¢rh·h=T", i`— of the north fork of Kentucky, on a large creek in the Com- %
s' _ monwealth of Kentucky; the beginning corner being at the i
i forks of said creek at a beech tree. In our Judgment this =
title is void on its face; because the land cannot be iden-
" tified. This, we believe, will be obvious. E
r _? 4. Patent #0507 for 4,000 acres. There is such confusion Q
@`Z$Y_` in reference to this that we do not see how we can obtain dw
V7 bl jl: D7 I any title to it whatsoever. In the deed from Ross & Currie A
W ono I ;r¤y ·
;ij_<_:;u7 % to James Swan a tract of land in Bourbon County on Buckhorn I
if{ " fi ,M¤ lvratent 6505 for 4,000 acres is conveyed. But there is no é
;iF&;?y,,,?_Yi conveyance so far as we know from Ross & Currie to Swan of i
gg d'/(A1 Patent·#8507. Swan conveys to Allinaon Patent #6507 con- A6
  taining 4,000 acres situated on Rockhouse Creek. If we may 3
assume that #6505 is meant, still we are met with the ques- L
tion as to whether it is possible to identify the land. It i%
i 2 F

     _         Louisville,  
- is described in the patent and survey as being in the County
I of Bourbon on the waters of the north fork of the Kentucky
  beginning on a creek known by the name of Buckhorn Creek at 1
, 8 sugar trees on the south side.
J . 5. Patent #6299 for 6,000 acres. This is described
5 as lying and being in the county of Bourbon on the waters of
f the north fork of Kentucky River and bounded as followeth i
to-wit; beginning on Buckhorn at the fork of said creek E
at a black beech, and so on, and running down the meanders 5
1110 poles. The map of the survey shows Troublesome Greek. V
P We do not know what this description means, unless it calls §
for the beginning point where Troublesome forks, or what is i
the same thing, where Bnckhorn unites with Troubleeome. F
If this ie correct then the patent is laid over the next 9
patent to which we call attention. ;
_Q 6. Patent·#6306 for 15,000 acres. The description of
  this land is lying in the Vounty of Bourbon and bounded as
followeth to~wit: Beginning at a large branch of a creek ?é
known by the name of Buckhorn at 2 beechee a white oak and tx
poplar. Thence north 45 degrees east 880 poles to a corner t
A 2 eussefras trees; thence north 45 degrees west 1600 poles i
to a corner 3 black oaks; thence south 45 degrees west €@
    8   014 

 760 poles to the main creek at a bottom 4 sugar trees and
an oak; continued said course, 740 poles to a corner 2
1 white oaks; thence south 45 degrees east 1600 poles to a
corner at s beech and sugar tree; and from thence north
45 degrees east 620 poles to the beginning. Now it is i
, evident from this description that it begins on a branch
of a creek and then runs down and crosses the main creek
after the branch creek has intersected it. How far up this
branch of a creek this survey is to begin it is difficult to 1
tell, and as we have mentioned above in reference to the 6,000 3
acre tract, if that tract begins as would appear from its l
description at the junction of the fork, then these two p
patents interfere with each other. But we find great
difficulty in c ming to the opinion that this 15,000 acres i
can be located at all. It is true that there are 2 other j
surveys of 10,000 each which call to Join this 15,000 acre T
survey on its lower side and run down the one upon the one é
side and the other upon the other side of the creek; and it
is also true that these 2 surveys call for a remarkable
place called 'Hanging Rock*. The numbers of the patents é
of these two tracts of 10,000 acres each, are respectively I
#6298 and #6501. If there is such a remarkable place as .
”Hanging Rocks', then it may be that these two patents for é
&0,000 acres can be identified; but it is an exceedingly dif- i

 v ficult question to say whether the subsequent grant by the §
V 1 state of these 2 tracts, would enable the owner by means
1 of the descriptions contained in the  to identify a previous
, The serious nature of this question of want of identity
§ can only be appreciated by considering that we cannot even _
By acquire a possesscry title which will be defensible as against E
F a patent of junior date. It is possible that if we get A
1 possession of the 10,781 acres which is in the heirs-at-law .
Z of Picquet Patent 5597, or the 10,000 acres on Quickaand,
Patent #5589, the title to which is in the heirs·at-law of I
gg. Schweitzer, we might be able to defend ourselves against e
§§Q{‘ anybody except the heirs·at·law of Picquet as to the one 3
§%.’ V and the heirs at law of Schweitzer a: to the other. But S
f as respects the 10,000 acres Patent-#5587; the 4,000 acres I
V Patent No. 6507; Patent for 6,000 acres 6299; making an
aggregate of 20,000 acres, we are not better off even when
  we have possession because there would be no way of showing
Q _ that there was any outstanding patent to these lands, by
reason of the fact that the patents which we would exhibit
would be void on their face for failure to identify any
» of the lands, and we are not prepared to say that the same

     »»v-» v     V L  
is not true in reference to Patent No. 6606 for the 15,000 §
I The description of all of these lands is exceedingly in-
definite and with our present information there is no one
of them that we would be able to pronounce as undoubtedly
{ V8 1 1 d •·¤ ~
i We have selected however those which are perhaps the
5 weakest, or rather those stout which there could be substan-
' tially no contention on our side. If any of this 95,000
acres of land is to be purchased by you, there are some fur-
I ther questions which we will desire to lay before Mr- Arm-
strong, but of the most of which we have already advised him,
i as affecting the title of all of the land, and as affecting
{ what steps are absolutely necessary in order to accomplish `
  the transfer of any of them.
, We make this preliminary statement to you so that you may
advise us as to whether it is worth while for us to go any
further in the matter- Q
%_ We have endeavored to state it in such a way that upon
T conference with Mr. Armstrong, he may have the difficulties
in reference to this very large quantity of land-difficulties
§ which are peculiar to these various tracts-in his mind-
; 6

 We have noi been able +0 maka &my axamimaiiom in sec how `
· much of this 95,000 acvez cf lmnf ir iw cdvavsa ¤@$s@ssi0¤.
T Of c¤nvs@ ymw ¤md@rmmanq ahwx EC as egr pqyx 45 3% ihms
in adverse p0ssljq voidw .
, Uictatecb     Q   , J  
D v

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  I O O I
_ 0 Louisville, Ky., June l8th, l889•
iz The Kentucky Union Land Company,
Louisville, Ky.,
{_ Gentlement-
T On the 6th instant, I called on
0 Col.J.Stoddard Johnston, President of the St·Helens land,
T Coal and Iron Company, atFrankfort, Ky., and while there,
i examined the deeds and other data in his possession concern-
{ ing the titles to the several tracts of land in Lee County
T which you have contracted to purchase from that Company.
The several tracts aggregating over 2600 acres are situate
» M.thin the North and Middle Forks of the Kentucky River, dis-
tant same four miles, or thereabouts, from Beattyville, on
the Kentucky River.
A The boundary of land nwned is within two patents, granted
.;g, by the Commonwealth of Virginia to Richard Adams and Will
;,.-i;Ni Crow, and are each dated July 27th, l786• One of these 0
V": 7, patents by metes and bounds, calls for 4000 acres of land, the A
i Z. 7 0th€F for 3000 acres. Adams and Crow were joint tenants
{ V in these lands and never made division thereof. The patents
p were issued by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant and .
0 aare recorded in Book No·l0, pages l75 and l77 in the office- _
of the Register of the Land Office, at Frankfort, certified V .
L copies of which are in the possession of C0l·Johnston. I  
I Other patents issued for these lands to Franklin, Barnett T
E V and Marr, and these patents with the surveys made in a ,, I
K V measure, were in conflict with those of Adams and Crow.
Q Acquiescence and conveyances to one and the same vendee have— _

 § ‘· U, "
removed all conflict.
The patents of Adams and Crow seem to have prevailed over
the other outstanding patents of the parties named, and these
g lands are to this day called the Adams and Crow lands. I
A could learn of no litigation where these disputes or con-
` flicts were adjusted.
gu `;(g ( In the case of Robert Wickliffe vs.Thos.D.Owings, l7
‘ gi Q “§\( Howard, 44, the Supreme Court of the Unites States adjudged
T i» J?A that Wickliffe was the owner and in possession of these
_? _ I tracts, with other lands, and that he and those whose title
E xi g he had, had been in possession since 1824. The opinion in
A SAAA RR.; this case does not show to whom, or when, the patentees, A
A Adams and Crow, conveyed these lands or any part thereof, but
Will Crow conveyed his interest in these lands to Robert and
Samuel Smith of Maryland, by deed dated April l2th, l796,
(Deed Book ”K" page 426, Clerk's Office, Court of Appeals) and
Robert Smith conveyed his interest to Samuel Smith on Septem-
ber l5th, l806 (Deed Book "K”, page 426, same office.)
p Samuel Smith, now the owner of the entire Crow interest,
becoming involved , his title was conveyed to Ellicott and
Meredith on Nov.26th, l82l, in trust for creditors.
The Bank of the United States having loaned money to
Smith, secured by mortgage on these lands, instituted suit
against Smitt in the Circuit Court of the United States in
A l854, to enforce its mortgage on Smith's lands. The lands
were sold under decree at Commissioner's sale, when the
Bank of the United States became the purchaser. _ ' A
Afterwards Robert Wickliffe bought all these lands from _
1 g ‘·

 O I I
said bank, and the deed was recorded in the Clerk's Office
( of the Court of Appeals on Jan.24th, l837. By the sale
and conveyance named, all the right)title and claim of Sam-
uel Smith, Ellicott and Meredith and the parties to said liti-
U » gation were concentrated in Robert Wickliffe.
{ Richard Adams, the joint tenant with Crow, died without
having conveyed his one-half undivided interest in the two
t boundaries named.
Robert Wickliffe between the years, l858 and l845, made
A several absolute conveyances of land to James McGuire, all
situate between the Middle and North Forks of the Kentucky
River in Estill, now Lee County. The descriptions in these
deeds are in the main references to physical objects which
canno‘ be identified except by actual survey, if then, but
reference is repeatedly made as the Adams and Crow lands.
x The same James McGuire on June 27th, l844 purchased from
pei ' Samuel Hanson, Commissioner in Equity Clark Circuit Court,
  I   984 acres in Estill County, (now Lee) at the mouth of Middle
$1,l ·v. Fork, of the Kentucky River. This sale was made in an ac-
tion pending between the heirs of Ambrose Barnett, deceased,
k the same person who had a conflicting patent as against the
Adams and Crow patents. (Deed Book "A”, page 46, Owsley
County Records.)
The foregoing deeds conveyed to James McGuire, all the A
interest of the respective grantors, in and to all the boun-
dary between the North and Middle Forks. James McGuire as
such vendee went into actual possession and continued to T
live within the territory named up to the time of his death.
3 .

 I O O
which occurred in the year l868. He died testate, having
previously conveyed all his lands to his children and sons-
in-law by separate deeds. at various times. At the time of
his death, his estate consisted of personal property only.
James McGuire, the above nwned, had issue as follows, viz!
Sons, James, John, Felix and William, daughters, vizZ— Mar-
garet, Jane, Patsy and Priscilla.
William died unmarried before his father, and had no in-
terest in these lands; Felix died testate, before his father,
but the land owned by him (a·quired by deed from his father)
was south of the Middle Fork and not within the St.Helens
boundary; John is still living and resides adjacent and south
of these lands, and James McGuire recently died, having
- first previously conveyed his land which is known as the
Home Place.
Afj-P , if The case of McGuire vs.McGuire, X] Bush, page l42, pre-
l¥f° i°ri `ii  ii- X sents the history of this family.
nw; Margaret McGuire intermarried with David Snowden; Jane
married John G.McGuire (her first cousin); Patsy became the
I wife of John Akers and Priscilla intemnarried with David
, Dunnaway. Of these, Jane and Patsy are still living, the
latter in her 93rd year. Priscilla, the wife of David
Dunnaway died childless on July Vth, l875. Margaret, the
wife of David Snowden, died many years ago, leaving six
children, viz! Francis M., Greenberry and James, and daugh- ·
ters, viz;Nancy, who married Henry Noland; Paulina, who be-
came the wife of Anothony Thomas and Margaret, who inter-
married with Harvey Bush. M
l 4 J

 • • •
Nancy Noland, who died in l869, left surviving her, the
following children, viz! W.Preston Noland, John, Nicholas,
Sally, who uarried J.K.Lane, Didemina, the wife of S.P.Kin-
caid, and Teresa, who intermarried with E.Weber· Henry
Noland, the father is long since dead.
Margaret who intermarried with Harvey Bush, died, leaving
surviving her the following children, viz! Tandy, who mar-
ried T.F.Hieranymous; Eulalia, who became the wife of Howard
1 McGuire, and Ann, who intermarried with John B•Smallwood•
Harvey Bush, the father, is dead.
The foregoing named persons are the children, grand-chil-
dren and great grand-children of the original owner James
James McGuire made various conveyances to his sons, James, `
John and Felix, failing to convey any lands to his daughters,
except to Priscilla Dunnaway·
To Felix he conveyed 550 acres at the junction of the Ken-
tucky River, south of and not included within the St·Helens
boundary; to Jwnes, Jr., he conveyed a large tract on Middle
Fork by deed, dated March l8th, l854, and record