xt7v6w967h1k_105 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110.dao.xml unknown 6.0 Cubic feet 12 boxes, 1 oversize folder archival material English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Union Land Company records Land companies--Kentucky. Land tenure--Kentucky. Railroad land grants. Railroads--Kentucky--History. In the matter of the Application of Bernard Francis Rollo, as foreign committee of the estate of Hugh Hamilton Stafford Northcote, an incompetent person, for the appointment of a committee in New York. Supreme Court, New York County. August 16, 1912 text In the matter of the Application of Bernard Francis Rollo, as foreign committee of the estate of Hugh Hamilton Stafford Northcote, an incompetent person, for the appointment of a committee in New York. Supreme Court, New York County. August 16, 1912 2018 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v6w967h1k/data/59m110/Box_10/Folder_11/6111.pdf section false xt7v6w967h1k_105 xt7v6w967h1k _ /1
(Che nbeople of the Etate of 1Hew Ljork to all to whom
these |]>r:esents shall come.
, - a
, Chreetmgz i
2 \\'nnnms, in a proceeding entitled " ln the Matter ot' the Applieation of Ber-
nard Franeis Rollo as Foreign Cornniittee ot? the ldstate of llugh llarnilton Stat'-
ford Nortlieote, an ineornpetent person, for the appointnrent of a (,iO111]]llltO0 i11 New
{ I York/’ on appeal to the Appellate Division ot' the Snprenre titlllll of the State of
New York, First Departrnent, trorn that part of the final order, in the ahove-entitled
proceeding, made at Speeial Terrn on Xlareh 22, 15112 (and tionr that part of an order
resettling the sanie, rrrade April 4, 1912), wlrieh rel`rrsed to appoint Bernard I*`raneis
Rollo, the petitioner in said proeeeding, instead of the New York Trust (`onrpany
3 of New York and David I3. Sinrpson, jointly as (`onrnrittee of all the property ot
llugli llarnilton Stat'l`or·d Northeote in the State of New York, an order was inade
on 11 July, 1912, at said Appellate Division and entered on the 29th day ot July.
1912, in the othee ot the (‘lerl—; of said Appellate Division, wherein and wherehy,
. arrrong other things, his petition in said proeeeding was granted and Bernard Franeis
  Rollo was appointed the sole (`onnnittee ot the property and estate ot` said llnglr
 _ llainilton Stal’l’ord Northeote, within the State ot` New York, nrentioned and de·
  serihed in his petitioir in said proeeeding. dated 21 Septernher, 1911. and of all in-
terest, ineonre and dividends sinee aeerned thereon, and ot' all ineonre ot' the trust
1 4 estate under the will of `llanrilton Fish, deeeased, aeerued or to aeerne hereafter,
l nporr said Bernard lnraneis Rollo tiling seenrity as sueh (`orrnnittee in the penal surrr
ot Six hundred tlrousand dollars, to he approved hy a Justiee ot’ this (lonrt, anvil
1 ordering that upon said Bernard F`raneis Rollo tiling sur-h seeurity, approved as
J at'oresaid, a eonrrnission he issued in due torin ot` law to lrirn as (`oiirrriittee as
al'oresaid; and wherein and wherehy it was i’urther or·dered that the eorrrrnissiotn
heretofore issued to said New York '|`rust tiloinpany and David B. Sinrpson. as
joint Connnittee ot' the property and estate of said llrreylr llarnilton Statitord North-
5 eote in the State of New York, he eaneelled and revoked and that the said New
York Trust (i`oinpany and David KB. Sinrpson forthwith pay over. assign and transfer
to said Bernard Franeis Rollo as (lonnnittee as aforesaid any and all nroueys, prope
erty and estate ot said llrrglr llarnilton Stattord Northeote in their or in either ot` i
their hands; and
\VHnsi;.xs, the said (`onnnittee has given a horrd in the penalty aforesaid iu the J
t'ornr preserihed hy said order o1` 11 July, 1912, exeeuted hy Bernard Franeis Rollo,
as prineipal, and Arneriean Surety (`Tornpany, as surety, whielr horrd has heen ap- i
6 proved hy the Honorahle P. Henry Dugro, one of the Justiees of this (`ourt, and  
filed in the oltiee ot' the (`*lerk of the (lounty of New York:  
Now, rl`nmrrcr··oi:n;, Kxow Ye J
rl`hali we have given, granted and eonrrnitted, and hy these presents do give, grant
and eonnnit unto the said Bernard Franeis Rollo, as (`l01ll11llll(’€‘ as aforesaid. the
possession, eare and nranagenrent ot the estate of the said llrrgh llanrilton Stat’for·d
Nortlreote in the State of New York, mentioned and deserihed in said petition, in-
 uding all interest and ineorne and dividends aeerued thereon sinee the date ol' said

 7 petition, and all income ot' the trust estate under the \\'ill of llaniilton Fish, de-
ceased, accrued or to accrue hereafter, signified under the seal of our Court; and
unto Bernard Francis Rollo is hereby given, granted and eonnnitted all of the said
property ofthe said llugh llaniilton Stafford Northeote in the State of New York,
and the said Bernard Francis Rollo is hereby required to prepare and tile in the
ottice of the (llerk of the County of New York, all inventories 2ll1(l accounts required
by laws of this State and by the rules and pra<·ti<·e ofthe said Court, and to perform
all such aets and execute, accept and deliver all sueh instruments and do all such
8 things as may be required under said laws and the rules and pra<;·tice of said Court
for the proper investment, care and collection of the property and iueonie of the said
llugh llaniilton Stattord Northeote.
And the said Bernard Francis Rollo is hereby re<]uire 1 1 [ 1
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