xt7v416t204q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416t204q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1945-03-12  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 12, 1945 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 12, 1945 1945 1945-03-12 2020 true xt7v416t204q section xt7v416t204q  



















Minutes of the University Faculty ~ March 12, 1945

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall
Monday, March 12, at 4:00 p.m. President DODOVan presided. Members
absent were Leo M. Chamberlain. Thomas P. Cooper, E. F. Farquhar, James
H. Graham, W. B. Hamilton, T. L. Hankins, W. A. Heinz, John Kuiper,

M. E. Ligon, R. E. Shaver, Bernie Shively, D. G. Steele, R. L. Stivers,
W. D. Valleau. and Perry West.

The minutes of February 12 were read and approved.

Upon recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences. the followa
ing new courses and changes in courses were approved:

The present course in Art 115a~f (Independent Work) to be broken
down into three categories corresponding more closely to the various types
of work now being scheduled under this one number a the new courses to be
numbered and titled as follows:

Art 117 aef. Independent Work: Paintigg: Print Making. 4 quarw
ter hours. Individual research and experimental work in technical
and theoretical problems of drawing and painting, print making. etc.
Each quarter's work is subject to review by the staff. Open only
to advanced students upon approval of department head.

Art 119a=f. Independent Work: Design; Construction. 4 quarter
hours. Individual research and experimental work in technical and
theoretical problems of design in materials, design for decoration,
interior design, industrial design, commercial design, construction,
color and light. Each quarter's work is subject to review by the

staff. Open only to advanced students upon approval of department

Art l21a=f. Independent Work: History and Criticism. 4 quara
ter hours. Individual research, study and critical writing in the
history and criticism of art. Studies in collaboration with other
humanistic disciplines. Each quarter's work is subject to review

by the staff. Open only to advanced students upon approval of
department head.

Art 65c. Painting. 4 quarter hourso Continuation of 65b.
This is to expand Art 65aeb from a twoequarter course to a three=
quarter course (Art 65a,b,c).

Geology l26a,b.c. Seminar. 1 quarter hour per quarter. To
replace Geology 126. Seminar, 1 quarter hour. (A correction of
former recommendation).

Chemistry 121, Semimicro Quantitative Analysis. To be recorded
as four quarter hours instead of three quarter hours. (This is a
new course which was approved last year by the Faculty of the
College of Arts and Sciences along with other courses in the re=
organized chemistry program. The course is described as including
one hour of lecture and nine hours of laboratory work per week which






Minutes of the University Faculty - March 12, 1945

would lead to four quarter hours credit, and the credit is so
listed in the Industrial Chemistry Curriculum. Obviously,
the three quarter hours listed along with the description of
the course resulted from a typographical error.)


En lish lb (5 quarter hours) to be given along with the new
English In 3 quarter hours) during the Spring Quarter l944~45.
After that English la,b (5 quarter hours each) are to be dropped


p Hygiene and Public Health 105. Ward Teaching. 3 quarter hours.
A course dealing with the fundamental principles and procedures in

‘ Ward Teaching. This course will be taught in the local hospitals

under the sponsorship of the U. S. Public Health Service and the

State Board of Nursing Examiners. Open only to graduate nurses.

Hygiene and Public Health 106. Advanced Medical Nursing.
3 quarter hours. A course stressing the specialized nursing
techniques involved in caring for patients with chronic diseases.
{ respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, etc. This course will be
taught in the local hospitals under the sponsorship of the U.S.
E Public Health Service and the State Board of Nursing Examiners.
Open only to graduate nurses.


Note: These courses in Hygiene are to be taught by Miss Amy Frances
Bnawn, State Director of Nursing Education. Her salary is to be

i paid by the U.S. Health Service. Graduate nurses who enroll will

, pay regular University fees. The courses will be given at St.
Joseph's Hospital. since the clinical facilities are available
there. '

Social Work 100. Public Welfare Administration. Number to be
changed from 200.


Social Work 113. Generic Social Case Work 1. Number to be
changed from 213.

Upon recommendation of the College of Education, the following new
courses and changes in courses were approved:

Education 210. Special Problems in School Administration, 4 quarter

hours, to be expanded to Education 2103,b, 4 quarter hours each. and
that the name and description be changed to Independent Work in
School Administration. An independent work course for students who
have done a minimum of 18 quarter hours of graduate work including
Education 2—2, 225a, or 225b.



‘fla; Education 192, Teaching General Business; credit reduced from 4
v‘\ quarter hours to 3 quarter hours.



Education 253..The Commerce Curriculum, credit reduced from 5 quarter
hours to 4 quarter hours.
















Minutes of the University Faculty - March 12, 1945


N____ew 09.113225:



Education 215 a,b. Independent Work in Elementary Education. 4 quarter
hours each. An independent work course for students who have done a

minimum of 18 quarter hours of graduate work including Education 212
or 2290



Education 247 a,b. Independent Work in Philosophy 2: Education. 4 quar»
ter hours each. An independent work course for students who have done

a minimum of 18 quarter hours of graduate work including Education 200a,b
and 227a. or b.



Education 248a.b.- Independent Work in Secondarx Education. 4 quarter l
hours each. An independent work course for students who have done a

minimum of 18 quarter hours of graduate work including Education 214 or ‘
232., . ‘

for superintendents. principals, teachers, counselors, and others who

have the responsibility of carrying out an effective program of guidance
in the public schools. The course deals with principles and techniques i
for the formulation and evaluation of a complete guidance program include I

Education 255. Guidance in TodayFS Schools. 4 quarter hours. A course J?WJ

ing inventories. counseling, placement, and follcurup.

Education 258a,b. Independent Work in Educational Psychology. 4 quarter
hours each. An independent work course for students who have done a V
minimum of 18 quarter hours of graduate work including Education 122,

147 9 or 2540

Education 265a.b. Independent Work in_Home Economics EducatiOn. 4 quarter

hours each. An independent work course for students who have done a mine

imum of 18 quarter hours of graduate work. outcourse of which must have ,
been in home economics education. . !


Education 270. Business Teacher Education in Colleges and Universities. 455%?!
4 quarter hours. A survey of business teacher education in public and

private colleges, teachers' colleges, and universities. Major emphasis

is placed upon the development of curricula which will meet certification

requirements in the various states, and improve secondary business

Education 22 . The Supervision g§_Business Education. 3 quarter hours.
Duties and responsibilities of city and state supervisors. department heads,
and others engaged in directing business education.


Education 272a,b. Independent Work i£_Business Education. 4 quarter hours
each. An independent work course for students who have done a minimum of

18 quarter hours of graduate work, oneehalf of which must have been in
business education.

Note; The present regulations provide that no graduate student may complete 'YW
more than two independent work courses if he is writing a thesis or three
independent work courses if he is not writing a thesis. The offering of

the above independent work courses is to make possible the identification

of the area in which the student does his work on an independent basis.





Minutes of the University Faculty - March 12, 1945

Assistant Dean Terrell presented the following request from the
College of Engineering:

"When the new curricula for the College of Engineering were
adopted on January 8D 1945, we overlooked dropping Applied Mech-
anics 104 with no substitutions and we also failed to fis a date
for the new curricula to become effective.

"We are now asking that the College of Engineering be allowed
to keep such old courses open as may be found necessary, until
September, 1945, that the new curricula be considered as in full
force and effect as of September, 1945, and that Applied Mechanics
104 be dropped."

The University Faculty approved the request of the College of Engineering.

Dean Boyd, Chairman of the Committee on Honors Day Convocation.
presented a request from the committee that the Faculty amend its action
of August 21, 1944, by striking out the two last sentences which read:
"The printed program would include the names of the students honored
and the names of students attaining a cumulative standing of 2.3 or more.
This convocation would be scheduled for two class periods so that neither
the recognition or the address need be rushed, "and by substituting
the sentence, "The other details of the program are to be determined by
a committee to be appointed by the President of the University." The
Faculty approved the request of the Committee.

President Denovan announced that he had appointed a committee.
consisting of C. C. Rose, M. E. Ligon, and Lyman Ginger. to prepare a
resolution on the death of Dr. Jesse Adams.

President Donovan stated that he thought it desirable for the
University Faculty to devote a part of the meeting time to discussion of
questions relating to the welfare of the University rather than to spend
the entire time on routine matters. He urged the members of the Faculty
to present any problems that they would like to have discussed.

President Donovan announced that at a recent meeting of the Board
of Trustees architects were employed to draw up plans for the new build-
ings which are to be started as soon as materials are available. These
include an auditorium and field house, a dormitory for men. and a re—
sidence hall and dining facilities for women.

President Donovan mentioned briefly his work as a member of the
committee which is making a survey of the University of Texas and stated
that he would make another report to the Faculty following the release

of the committee'sreport to the public.

m MW,

Ma e Moores
Act ng Secretary