xt7v416t1x2x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416t1x2x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-01-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 2001 2001 2001-01-17 2020 true xt7v416t1x2x section xt7v416t1x2x Instant replay




And out of
the darkness

The good guy

who wore
black I4




You get to have a replay
of past events. You
are lucky and
justified. But will
245 Student Center
at 7:30 tonight be
like watching an old
rerun or will you
produce a turnaround
better then a bored
Tony Hawk on the
half pipe? I see
representation is
coming this time. The
student body should
come to see what
happens to Student
President Jimmy

Hypothetically possible
defenses for Jimmy
Glenn, some more
realistic than others.
yet none are true. ln
fact, l made them all
up in good fun.
(Cover your butt is
needed here and
when tanning in a
thong for the first
time. from what i
have heard):


"l was using the
restroom when all
said events did or did
not occur. Can you
blame me for
answering the call of
nature? l have a
weak bladder and
nature has me on
speed dial for
goodness sakes!"

"I just want to build a
bridge of prosperity
that we can all cross
into the let century.
a great bridge that
will leave no one out.
One that will cross
Limestone so that we
can all go to
McDonald's without
fear of traffic."

"Did I mention that lam
a two-term
president? Look at all
I have done. I did
that whole extra
student on the TA
thing and, well.
there's tons more. Do
you really want to
impeach me now?"

"Sometimes I think that
you all are just out to
get me. I mean, who
really cares if you
think I used the
students' money
without your
approval except for
you all?"

“I did not have sexual
relations with that
woman. Oh wait,
wrong role model to
be looking to for
guidance and wrong
impeachment trial."

"I was hoping that no
one would notice
that. Since when did

January 17, 2001



http: ., ww.kykernel.com ,

Vote to impeach Glenn overturned

Retrial tonight: Glenn's up against the same four charges but has a third-
year law student representing him; Lawyer says Glenn will plead not guilty

By Tracy Kershaw

The vote to impeach Student
Government Association President
Jimmy (‘ilenn has been overturned
because (llenn was not properly
notified of the trial.

Glenn will be retried for the
same four charges this Wednesday.
this time with a third year law
student as his attorney.

“Because of the importance of
this. I wanted representation and
advice." tilenn said.

It takes two-thirds ofthe Senate
votes to impeach an SGA president

The committee who passed the
trial onto the Senate should have
notified (llenn in writing. accorrling
to Robert's Rules of Order. the
guidelines under which the trial
was operated.

Sen. Zach Webb. who brought
the four charges against (llenn.


St‘l‘Vt'ti the notice to Glenn in iwrson
instead of in writing.

Senate chairman Edwin
()range nullified the Iiec. a vote.

Another trial is only fair. he

(‘ilenn Would not defend himself
at the Senate‘s trial. citing improper
notification. His silence led many
undecided senators to vote for his

lie is accused of four violations.
purchasing and signing a contract
for advertising with the Kernel
before a budget was in place; failing
to award Spring 2000 (‘hild (‘are
(li‘ants; trying to replace the stu
dent representative on the l’resi
dential Search (‘oininitteez and
violating the oath ofoffice.

In December. Senators found
him guilty of each charge. and
Nikki for his impeachment based on
those findings.

Alan l)onohue. (ilenn‘s student

lawyer. works for the law schools
legal clinic. He has emergency certir
fication to act as an attorney.

l)onohue said Monday that the
two~terin president will plead not
guilty to the charges.

l)onohue. who said he is de»
fending (ilenn for the experience.

understands changing the minds of

a Senate who has already voted
against his client will be difficult.

"I Would say overall that .llllL
my has a pretty strong case btit
from my understanding there is a
lot of politics involved here." he

"We‘ve got a senate here who is
already. at least sortie oftheni. anti

The chances. although most
would agree are better for (ilenn
this time. are still bleak. But it
doesn‘t bother l)onohue.

"I know the odds are stacked
against us and I like a challenge."

Geoffroy visits

campus, students _

The facts: The Kernel spoke with UK Presidential Candidate Gregory
Geoffroy about his thoughts on UK and why he wants to be president

By Julie Nelson

Editor's note:

This interview is the first of
a threepart question and answer
series on the presidential


The Kernel asked a series of
questions to each candidate fo-
cused on campus issues.

Gregory Geoffroy is visiting
campus today. Geoffroy is cur-
rently the provost at the Univer-
sity of Maryland. Below are Geof-
froy‘s responses to the questions.

If you have questions you would
like to ask the candidates. attend
the student forum at 3:30 p.m. to-
day. Thursday and Friday in the
Worsham Theater of the Student

UK‘s next president will be
chosen Tuesday.

On a more

personal note

Q: Students have criticized President Wethington for not
interacting with them. Many students. when asked. are not
even sure what his name is or what he looks like.

It" you came to UK. what efforts would you make to have
a more interactive relationship with the students?

A: I think it is important for the president to be visible on
campus and this can be. done in formal and informal ways.
We have at Maryland a very good presidential student
advisory committee where students meet with the president
once a month. I like that method very much and I think it
works very well. This way we can hear the voices of students.

In an effort to
let students get to
know the candii
dates better. the
Kernel chose
some random
questions for the

Q: What is
your favorite


Vt .
hat has Jimmy Glenn
done for )1th

.“H sagas. 3



NlCK TOHECEK l " ‘" ' ”‘

The trial will take place at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Student Center Ball~
room. Let SGA know what you think - sgahearmeout aiihotmailcorn.


UK sacked by

more allegations

Accusations: Memphis media report that
Bassett gave $100,000 in cash to coaches

STAFF prfik'

Amidst rumors and an .\'(‘.t\.-\ ll'lVr'SIlL’Ztilllll. the


football program lisis been hit u ith another charge concern

ing a large amount ofcasli and gifts L’l‘u'll to high school

football coal he~ lll Memphis. Tenn
Xlt'lillliilw media outlets reported the
an unidentified soiiri w said that Slow ‘ioi
lll cash old to» spoi' .i‘;'l;". ii-iiolv-s
were given to \iiiiiipliis
coaches Milton Kirk. T. and lann Lang.
.31. hi. former l'K rec: iiiting coordinator
(‘laiirle Russell
The \lemphis l oininercixii :\ppe ii
ported earlier this month that former
l'niversity of Arkansas rel raitirr.’ . oordi
nator Fli/ Hill and another Southeastern
(‘onference .issistant speaking one. on 33559“
condition of anonymity, said that Lang
gave an offer to him including two SI'V's 'lllii Sioo illio

iiiJil Si lilitii

Kirk is a former assistant coach 'ind Lang is 't iiiri’ent

football coach at Memphis 'I‘re/ev'int High St liool is here .-\l

bert Means. one of the top prep defensiye linemen in the n.

tion in 1000. attended
The Commercial Appeal reported
shopped Means to the highest bidder

that Lane.

The defensive lineman eventualh ended up at the (Title
versitjx of Alabama then transferred to the l'niyersitx of

Memphis this semester amid controversy at Alabama.
Lang denies ever taking an offer.



I also think it is important to interact on an informal ba-
sis by hopping in to residence halls and dining halls. You
don't have to do it every day but you can do it periodically. I
would enjoy doing that. I like interacting with students and I
think it is very important to keep the finger on the pulse of
the student population.

you all become so

,, This is another bombshell for [K and its dealings \\ ith

Memphisarea high st'iltiiils xi. itb early allegations of money
sent to suspended Melrose High School head coach. Tim

Thompson. who has assisted Hal .\lumine in the past.
with I'K summer football v iinps. is accuse-d \.\liil receiying
a $1.l00 money order from Itassi-tt

The incident prompted an internal intestigation into
the football program by I'K ,-\thletics .tl'iIiL’ iiith investiga-
tions by the NCAA and SEt‘

A: I‘m not a big movie-goer, The
movies I generally like to see are of
the James Bond or Star Wars type. I
like movies that have a happy

Q: What is your favorite breakv

Q: Many students have expressed concerns at the presi- fast. lunch and dinner food?
dential search forums about the growth of our University. A: For breakfast a bowl of
Many feel that there are too many buildings and not enough (.91.le For lunch and dinner I like
green space. , - . , . ~ -

How would you deal with this issue? Are you supportive ( ”m"; 3:18 0:31,] yarfieties‘} t . ‘ f ‘
of campus growth, and if so, how do you propose that we do 9; at 1“ your mom 9 W" 0
have enough green space on campus? mm” _ .

A: I think the campus needs some serious facilities mas- _ A3 Swing mUSlC- reggae and C135"
ter planning. I noticed that when I informally visited UK‘s SW31 ”“1510
campus a couple of weeks ago. Q: Do you have a favorite hobby

I didn't see the kinds of green space that I‘m used to. I or pastime?
agree. I think green space is a very important component of A: I {.an doing physical activir
what makes a campus a campus. I would want to see some “as of all types. but I especially like
very serious master planning done with an aim to increase mountain biking. '
campus green spaces. I agree completely. Q: What is your favorite vaca»

tion spot?

A: The Canadian Rockies.

Q: What is your favorite book?

A: I don’t read much in the way
of novels. but I recently read Time-
line by Michael Crichton.

Q: What is your favorite moment
in ITS. history?

A: Landing on the moon.

Q: Are you a UK basketball fan?
Who is your favorite player?

A: I grew up in Louisville. so
when I was young. I was an avid UK
basketball fan. My favorite player
was Larry Conley,

-Ron Norton


Got any questions, ideas
or comments? Then
quit sitting there and
email the rail editor.


Junior forward
Tayshaun Prince
scored l6 points
in Tuesday night's
game against the
No. 5 Vols. For
more on the
game, see page


4.2 4.9

Scattered showers
for Thursday. Grab an
umbrella before you
head off to your classes.

Q: Many students on our campus feel very strongly about
UK‘s involvement with the Fair Labor Association. Sweat-
shop issues are very important to these students and there
has been a committee formed to investigate the FLA and de-
cide on a possible switch to the Workers‘ Rights Consortium.

What is your position on sweatshop issues and would you
be supportive of making a switch to another watchdog

A: I think it does require very careful evaluation. No one
can support sweatshops. It is very important that universities
be seen as strong champions for fair labor issues. I think that
the ball is still out as far as which of these organizations is go
ing to be most effective. but from what I've read. the Worker‘s
Rights Consortium hasn’t become fully organized yet. The
issue does require continued study.


VOL. 32106 ISSUE 1378



News tips’

Call: 257-1915 or write:

The Mint ~e~s_e-__.._.___..._1ex.m ..





 z LYFPETFSPEY- Jliiitiliin IT, 2001 i mucky item


The Low-down



Kuwait's highest court rejects case

KUWAIT Kuwait‘s highest court rejected
a case Tuesday in which activists had pleaded for
women to have the right to vote and run for office
in this oil-rich state. “The court has decided to
reject the case." said Judge Abdullah al-lssa,


Relocation of

. president of the Constitutional Court. He offered c
, . . . . . 0'
3;. no immediate explanation. Frustrated With the
El It FRY' 50-seat legislature that voted down an emiri de-
jsdiect'oster. cree and a bill for suffrage in 1999. women ac-
Bush a S tribute to Kill tivists and their male supporters took their case
.9" .y ,. .. _ ,‘ ,. 9 _ , V!" ““4 "N to courts. The case rejected Tuesday was filed by be
“\IN'H,‘N' 10“” . !."‘51‘!‘:"[‘$’l"‘t Bush hi"! in" it “‘0 54“! a Kuwaiti man. Adnan al~lssa. He sued the elec- arr
K" “d 1j lfml',‘ {Filmy} 5”?" ‘h' f! '1'“. 5‘ ”WIN: Cannes Film tions department for failing to register the names .W
‘ 1m“. “l to ‘“ \‘m‘ ‘. 5””? 5 “"1!‘ ‘5. Hill" o\ ”W "Still“ "1 “W. of women including his wife. on voter's lists. P!"
public schools. as civil rights questions loomed festival officials '
over the confirmation ot~ his attorney general announced .
~ ~ ~A o o I”
nominee. .iam Ashcrott. at Ashcroit mat those , Sri Lankan army retakes rebel base - - .
. . , . uesda . go
questions ’l‘uesday on (apitol lllll. Bush was Foster 1‘5““: (‘()l.()MBO.SriLanka Government troops WPI'th' AdmlnIStrators mUSt work Closely
\pending his last day at home iii ’l‘exa‘s before statement. and tanks. backed by Mi(;.27 jets. began an as- w'th Rupp off'uals for proposal to work u”
changing lllS tltltll'l's‘s’ it) \httslllllgltiil. l).( . llt‘ and “I've dreamed Silllll at dawn Tuesday to retake a major Tamil
his >\\'llt‘. Laura. will take up residence at the since my child- 'l‘lkt‘l‘ rebel bastion in Sri Lanka. the military w.
\\ lllli‘ Hull-W lUlliMllls’ billlll‘diii‘ S lllilllxlll‘iilltillv hood 0' having said. One civilian was killed and several injured B Jennifer Davis m
the honor of in the first hour of fighting in northern Jaffna h m
Earthquake death to“ rises being president liairiiisula. said 'invihtary spokesman'B‘rihxbanati} RIBU ING VIRI [R ”H
g.\\;iy.\ T19“ .\ li‘l Salvador M m. (1mm of the Cannes kfuuntlmmb bsmg tanks, hm"! ‘lm “y ant We are still movin' on down at Rupp but not for a ("II
.. ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ “ ' ‘ ‘ _ ‘ . ,, aircraft. the army was trying to move toward the while accor lin to Assistant Athletics Director Kathy m;
toll in a devastatingearthquake topped out) and MT mam, 'ic rebel held Fle thant H“. which con ,. . ‘ g ~
continued to climb. authorities shifted their at- hm!“ iahe‘ peninsula withlthe mainland The loss DQBWF- . _ . ”1
tention from searching for trapped survivors to of Flephatii Pass last year was seen 'is‘ the army“; The UK Athletics proposed plan of movmg approxtmate- i!”
coping with the growing number ot'coi'psen. “mi“ (10th,” iiithe‘livear se‘rir'itistt‘war - ‘ ly 1.600 students from lower arena to the end zone at Rupp 4’!
President l"t‘;illi‘ls‘cii Flores said 3.113 people ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ !‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' will not be put into action until after the next basketball ll!
We were injured and more than Lloooliouses were season. DeBoer said. M
actually daitiaged or destroyed in Saturdays magnitude» NBC Slll'ViVil'Iq With more “Friends" The renovation of Lexington Center as a whole will take
.1) quake. \torkers had recovered out! bodies in , 1
. . . . . i , . . . .. . place over the next two to three years. However. the actua ,
lead a H Salvador and were se'irchmU tor hundreds ARUNUIUN Vd- NBC plans t” expand - - - - - l i
‘ ‘ fl ‘ ‘ ~ 5. . . , ._ 1,. fi-Fu, 1."! , ~ t)" 1,. .1~ renovation ins1de Rupp Arena Will not occur until the end.
lttiiie. At least six people new killed in neigh ililwi is U HUN 5 )3 1011mm ts almudll ‘IVO accordin to DeBo r set
rather bot-mg Guatemala. skits by the cast of“Saturday Night Live to fight .. ‘ g e ' . ,W
humble (‘BS‘ “Survivor” on Thursday nights beginning Students would like these changes to be made tomorv 1m
, . . _ p91,, 1‘ USA Today reported. The paper said in row and I don t blame them. but we have to work closely wi
EXIS' ISI'BGIIS bum Palestinian Green houses FAMILY MAN' 'l‘uesday's editions that new NBC entertainment With RUDD Arena to get the seating plan ironed Ollt, “it


- Guy Ritchie.
32,fi|m director
telling New
York's Daily
News that he
and his new
wife, Madonna.
”don’t go out
very much" at
their homes in
Angeles and
New York.

.IFRI SALEM .lewish settlers avengiiig the
killing of one of their own destroyed green hous»
es and shot at homes in dozens ot~ l’alestinian
farms iii the Gaza Strip early ’l‘uesday. l’alestinw
iaii witnesses said. Despite the violence. peace
talks were set to resume Palestinian negotiators

said the settler rainpages would be at the top of

the agenda in the negotiating session with Israel.
to be held ’l‘uesday in Jerusalem The l’alestiiiiw
ans were also waiting for maps showing how is-
rael interprets l’resideiit (‘linton‘s peace propos
als 'l‘he l'S. plan calls for a l’alestiiiian state in
the «la/a Strip. 93 percent of the West Bank and
\i'aii areas oillerusaletn.

Judge says '97 elections null and void

(lliiilx‘tirl'l‘UW'N. (‘ruyana .\ High (‘ourt
iudge declared (luyanzi's his." general elections
null and \‘tilt! because of fraud but said she can
not order a change of government. About :;il.tiiio
registered voters \\et‘e barred from casting ballots
liecziuse they did not possess special identification
cards. .iiistice (‘laudette Singli ruled Monday that
lawmakers. who had approved the voting rules.
had acted beyond their authority, Singh also said
there was evidence of missing ballot boXes from
opposition strongholds But she said she could not
order a change of goyerniiient because there was
no prool the alleged irregularities swung the \‘tile
decisively in the goyeriiinent's fayor

Damon Wayans
is looking to
make a
"Cosby" tor the
new millennium.
the actor is
starring in ”My
Wife and Kids,"
a family sitcom
that will pre-
miere on ABC
this March. He
said he wanted
to pick up from
”Cosby" and
“deal a little
more with prob-
lems that kids
are facing
Wayans, 40,
has four chil-
dren who range
in age from 18
to lo, and he's
about to
become a

president .leif Zucker met with the “Friends"
cast last week to suggest expanding the episodes
and include guest appearances by Susan Saran
don and Jason Alexander. it said the “Saturday
Night Live" skits are now scheduled for the first
two weeks of February. but might continue be-
yond that. Another possibility is using "Friends"
highlights front previous shows from 8:40 pm
EST to Si p.in.

Knicks bloody Spurs, 104-82,

NEW YORK With his eye swollen partially
shut and a bandage covering at least a dozen
stitches. Knicks coach Jeff Van (‘yundy came out
the worst Monday after a head-to-head collision
with his own player Marcus (‘amby (‘amby
threw a punch at Danny Ferry late in the fourth
quarter of New York‘s 104-82 victory over the San
Antonio Spurs. but the Spurs forward ducked the
punch. and (‘amby inadvertently slammed into
his coach. (Tainby was ejected from the game for
the punch. while Van Gundy required 12—l5
stitches to close the cut over his eye.

Compiled from wire reports.


DeBoer said.

Some tentatively considered things to be included in
the new seating plan would be standing-room-only places
for students. However. standing room spots and other
changes students have requested are all “predicated on the
new bleachers." said DeBoer.

DeBoer said that one thing is for sure: Students won‘t
lose any seats.

“Everything is being done to increase the number of
students that take part in the ball games.“ she said.

That is one good thing about extra time before

“This will obviously involve the relocation of a signifi-
cant amount of season ticket holders. This will give us time
to find out where to put them," DeBoer said.

Finance senior David Lail thinks they should continue
to look for other ways to improve student seating. while
waiting for construction to begin.

“If they are going to make an improvement to the seat-
ing. they should take a look at Duke‘s student seating and
then come up with a plan.“ Lail said.

Regardless. [SC Senior Britt Clem thinks any plan of
getting the students closer to the floor is a good one.

“I think it is a good idea to get students closer to the
floor because it is our team and we can feel more part of the
experience." (Zlem said.

However. Clem hopes the actual view of the game will
improve with the move.

“If not. maybe they should reevaluate the plan during
this time." she said.





\r» -. ’r‘

Thanks? :

mom “W Km“
O... »W





NEW oddltlons & renovotlons
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Clean. friendly atmosphere
Lighted basketball court
lelted tlme! NO Inltlotlon fee!
5 minutes from campus



1‘ ,






NEW leg and chest room .
I’Siprts. chimiractor Shoe 198, ° Jimmy has GOTTEN more lower arena basketball
ro ossiona asseuse ’ .
$10 OFF first massage! 12502_5-| 2] seats, and moved the students closer to the floor.
Pe IT i 18 2 xford Circl . . . .
FREE 632%”;3gylon! Off Versailles Roade 0 Jimmy has PUT together a University—Wide :V
committee to study the Alcohol policy!
- Jimmy has IMPROVED parking by offering 33!;
Reg ency Pet Cent-Br discounts on tickets! it:
S d di d - Jimmy has GOTTEN another student on the TA 11‘:
. 0 0 ‘ . c i
gxéliidinqtbbgeafld cat ggiggifititgiésaiigadgrdg SEE. Offer expires Match 31, 2001. SClCCthU process! I
o 20 gallon Freshwater Aquarium ' Jimmy has REPRESENTED UK and thC UK f.“
set-up for only $99.00 StUd€m body will :12:

0 Great Selection of Exotic
Freshwater and Marine Fish THIS IS WHAT 10113 SGA PRESIDENT, iii



. Now Hiring Sales Position " . a.
- Come to the SGA Meeting on January 17‘h at 7:30 pm. in ya

Room 245 in the Student Center to show your support for h“
m SGA President. Jimmy Glenn. bri

Nicholasville Rd.



Paid for by 11‘;

“Students in support of our SGA President. Jimmy Glenn” Committee w






 Continued from page I

Q: What would yotir goals
be for our University? What
are some probletn areas that
you would like to remedy as

The goal tltat the new
president should have is the
goal that the legislature has set

tnakitig UK a top-‘3!)

That really means the l'iii
versity is going to have to work

to meet excellence standards of

programs aiirl it
must be a \lllllt‘lll renteiel
campus. It is going to have to
make sure it serves the citi/eiis
oi Kentucky by protiioting eco
tioitiic devclrmnieiit and growth

its academic

and improving the quality of
citizens of

life lot‘ the


Q: How do you feel about
l'K‘s goal to become a top Lil) re
search university" How would
yoti maintain the quality of the
undergraduate studies program
with our mission to become a
top 2o research tiniversitv'.‘



A: i feel very strongly
about that goal. It is what at-
tracts me to the University. I
think it will take some time.
but Kentucky can achieve it.

It can achieve it in a bail
anced fashion by which as the
quality of the academic pro-
gr atns grow it is also important
to make sure that the quality of
the educational experience of
students also increases.

Q: A former member of otir
football statl' recently admitted
that he committed two N(‘;\A
violations and there are now
investigations taking place.

[to the internal investiga
tiotis of our football stall make
you apprehensive abotit coiii
ing to lTK'f

A: No. i am disappointed
that this has occurred. and I
would hope that this Would be
resolved by the time the new
president is appointed

lint the new president is
going to have to live with what
ever that resolution is. it
should not have happened. it is
an eiiibarrassment to the [ini-

Q: What personal qualities
do you feel best qualify vou for
the job‘.’

A: l have spent my entire
career in universities much
like Kentucky large public
laiid grant universities. 1 un-
derstand how they work and
how you get things done.

One of my strengths is that
I believe very strongly in free
attd open cotnmunication and i
try to create that atmosphere. I
value open dialogue.

lfl were president. I Would
try to create that kind ofatmosr

l have strong leadership
skills. I have been very effec-
tive in motivating and inspir-
ing people and in achieving
ambitious agendas. l have good
interpersonal skills.

Q: [K is known iii Keir
lucky as a "best buy" for a col
lege education because of otir
low tuition rates.

Are you a supporter of an
nual tuition hikes'.’ Why or
why not?

A: I think in general. to
ition hikes need to keep tip
with inflation As long as the
state continues to provide ade
quate support. I don't think I
would see the need for tuition
increases to be greater than the
inflation rate,

Students reap benefits
of online video service


N zmvo


.x": ‘3’“;er
A (Ratios; stop-

Students can reserve
videos online from
Cinevault. The service
works on a first come,
first serve basis.
Cinevault opened its
first automated rental
machine in Lexington in
July 1999. The machines
have been popular in
Europe since the early




Rent: Online service offers students a break
from work without hassle, chairman says

By Paul Halter

Sim weittir

Students tired oftighting the
crowds at the video store have a
new option: t‘eset‘\e videos

\‘ideo Vending North .\mer
ica lnc.. who owns si.\ (‘inr-Vault
movie dispensers around Lex-
ington. has recently unveiled the
world's first automated movie
rental reservation system. said
chairman Nicholas Wearr-

Alter logging on to
www .cinevault.com. members of
(‘ine\'ault can select a video to
reserve They have up to two
hours to pick tip their inoy ie at
the (‘ine\'ault location where
they it'st‘i\t'rl it. The servu'e is
available 3i hotirs a day.

Once a person becomes a
member. they receive a card.
The member then puts money
on the card. and the comptiter
automatically deducts the cost of
the video from their account.

Weare said the online reser-
vation system was increasing
business for l‘ineVaiilt

“The reservations have
brought new customers who
may have passed a machine by
because they underestiniated
how many videos were available
in the machine." he said "The
web site lets you see ltow many
videos are actually iii stock. and

whether or not they have been

While there are web sites
that allow to you rent videos
through the mail. this is the first
web site which enables users to
actually reserve a copy.

(‘inevault opened its first
automated rental tnachine in
Lexmgton in July 1999. The ma-
chines have been popular in Eu-
rope since the early 1990s.

The service is first come.
first serve the system has no
preference for onlitie or onsite
rentals. If a member was at a
(‘inevault location at the same
time a person was at the web site
trying to rent the same movie.
whoever made their selection
first would score the film.

Weare believes that this ser-
vice will greatlv benetit college

“Students who are looking
for a break from their all night
studies can go onto our site and
reseiye a movie without having
to go otit itito the cold to a video
store just to find otit that the
inovie they want isotit." he said.

Michael .\lcl,aughlm. presi-
dent of Video Vending North
America and (‘inevault. said
(‘inevault members were
pleased with the sen'ice

“We have had nothing btit
positive feedback s‘ln(‘l‘ adding
the online sen'ice.” he said

Students and regular
(‘inevault customers were also
excited about the new service.
t‘omputer science sophomore
.lohn Ortega said the service
would make it easier for him to
rent videos froth his dorm room.

"It will be easier to rent
videos now with the fast Internet
connection we have in the dorm
rooms "

( inevault customer \shley
Temple was excitcd about not
having to deal with video store

"The only people you have
to deal with are the ones in the
movies; no longer do you have to
put up with the dull video rental
employees. i think we're getting
that much closer to the utopia of
never having to see anyone real
again. Thank gmdness."

McLaughlin said the site is
also able to keep track of the
member‘s preferences. Eventual-
ly they site will send an email to
customer's informing them of
movies that have recently been
released that the customer
might be interested in.

McLaughlin also explained
that the service has been prob—
lent free so far.

"We engineered the site to
be as error free as possible. if.
for some reason. the reservation
doesn‘t go through. the web site
immrvliately responds with an
error message so the user im-
tnediately knows what hap-
pened. The chances of the
reservation being unsuccessful
is slim."

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