xt7v416t1s9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416t1s9t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-04-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 1971 1971 1971-04-21 2020 true xt7v416t1s9t section xt7v416t1s9t l ' . v.
‘ \ ' ' . .
Wednesdayr April 21, 197i UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXiNGTi)N ‘i'ol. i.‘\'ll. \r.. in. -1~.:‘"r'“*","'1 '
WW . I .'. . ‘
Report due May 1 :-

Panel 111 y urge R 'd t' l L'f Uff' E 4‘

The University Commission on the appointed four subcommittees to study “continuity and carryover” in residence The residence hall subcommittee ,‘I'IIr .
Quality of Student Residential Life will residence halls, off-campus housing, hall life, proposed that an ad hoc committee r A: M -.'
recommend a broad spectrum of changes fraternities, sororities, and co-op housing, The north central and S uth re ‘idence composed of students from “student I , ‘5
in student residence policy—some of and graduate, professional and married hall u ’ ld ’ b 0 d' St d government and residence hall "
them drastic——when the group submits its students housing. . gro £511 won 1 coor "1,8 e 50 governments, faculty‘ administrators. ”It” ’ ,
report to student affairs VP Robert M t' adjacent a 5 could S are serVicesIand trustees. parents and legislators“ be {3'

L Zumwinkle May 1- . ore crea ”.8 . activities. Dorm staffs COUld be reused, charged with “setting a specific policy on ‘3 s
' " ' ‘ At that time, Zumwmkle sand the placmg each cluster under an area v's't'tion oli‘ies and their im licat‘ions 1’ -

Among the major ”“510“,"? P0110? group’s aim should be “something more coordinator whose duties would include “fl 'd* pI “I . , ., , dp . ti ."
being cons1dered by the commission as It creative than simply duplicating what supervision of dorm activities and staffs th‘lc‘; ”m” l t‘ pnv‘iw‘ an ”mm“ 3 I:I.
wraps up Its thrée'month study ‘5 a we’ve now got.” Since then, the and the creation of a “community” “g ts' ‘IfI "
complete restructuring of the fragmented c 0 m m i ssio n h a s 5 cr u tiniz e d atmosphere in dorms. Unanimous agreement , 'S‘I 1 ‘j ‘-I,I
UniverSIty Ihousmg staff, bringing the administrative, social, and financial - -M- in in light of a recent Student 5W Tr. .'
administrative arms 0f student reSIdence as ects of the cam us housin roblem Bryan said the commission a (‘ m V t ' . h"h ‘laimed dorm “I 1
services together under an Office of V'Pt‘ ~ pth 'd g p d ’ recommendations could cover an JO-umnien 5“thqu IL L , d . ' ‘
Student Residential Life 181 mg campuses in e minest an east expansion of student facilities in resrdents favored -4—hour open Iorms. IIIII.r.I Is

- . and contracting With a leading consultant dormitories including study rooms Bryan defended the subcommittee s Ali"; -

“That 6.011” be the .m.aJO,r, forabrief survey ofresidential life. closed-cirucit TV’s for televised classes recommendation as “a completely " '.
recommendation 0f the commrssron, While few 0f the subcommittees’ and activities, more recreational facilities, unanimous agreement“ among students. F; ’II; ‘ VI
said Dr‘ William Bryan, directorI 0f recommendations have been finally and larger libraries faculty, and administrators on the . ;- ,I
student services for the 9011639 0f nursmg, approved, the commission’s report is . committee. " i". , I V
who chairs the 25-man group. Bryan said shaping up as a broader and An eventual goal could be the “Students may believe that we,”
the commission’s final report would strive further-reaching document than many consolidation 0f dorm libraries into main shunting this thing aside.” said Bryan. ",I. ' ' ‘ .
to change attitudes toward student had anticipated. Here’s a brief summary libraries for each dorm cluster, staffed “but were not.“ He said past actions at Ig'
housing problems as well as to make of proposals in each of the areas studied: and supplied in cooperation with other univcrgitics have proven that quick ‘». f -‘
concrete recommendations. , administrators in the King Library. decisions on open-dorm policies have . f'

Zumwinkle gave the commission a Refldence Halls The major thorn in dorm residents’ resulted in security,privacy,and minority ;.¢IIII~-Z~I':
mandate last January to determine the Bryan said the commission will sides—residence hall visitation rights problems that the subcommittee r
“major successes, problems, needs, and consider grouping residence halls into policies—was put aside for further study felt needed further consideration. I .
trends” in student residences. Bryan “clusters” in an effort to build by the commission. Continued on Page 8, (‘01. 1 .
3“ ewiggggflgfigfiggsd, Harm . U o o f ‘.-1 ' ~ ..

id», :é ’ 5 :f: . §3£ :' : th ’fagg‘? L g‘ ”r, k f. h

herewith f ' - lllVers l .y W O m 611 -,

”cw * 4— - > > *~ r“ , - ., ”Magma I " :2. if y 3‘, _

, . . . ,. egrrmii _ , . a ,_ 9 i .
' grieve; , " *“;*~ +

'I “rm . lit-W63: I. .. ' 5 ”a; fjhxi By SUSAN CALDERWCOD first offered ll'll‘ \L‘lfl‘.‘\l'_‘.’. :\ 1hr: I II? r

. ~ .. a. .- r (M \- af- Kernei Staff Writer one me at 1‘ ix .. '
a“ xiii-9‘ ‘3‘ : .. V H «M if “H “The greatest discrepancies in specifically tr; the itiix rrz '.,I: ~*
a” .. :fififi as . . at: l .. II M;;I,;i-II.,I the position of women in the women. I

«L‘gh' 5 I 7 l «I ,r,, ‘ t “ H r , University are in faculty and The council. through Dr '3‘ :
'5 1‘ '7 * 3,, ,_ l " “9’ “‘3’ administration," Dr. Susan Drysdale‘s and its own research I; f *:
. .. -.: I ‘. «as do I k f§g M. Drysdale said at Tuesday‘s hopes to discchr what problem» 3 g; g ': “I:
I > § ,I ,r “y: I meeting of the Student women related to the l'mxcrsit} 1.3:) '
X§\ a If I I” ' ..§ Government’s Council on face in academic life and to pass ‘vI'3"”‘_lII~I"-I .
‘ ~»~- fiery "it ' :‘h j- gs . Women. I any needed legislation on to ’21:} .' -.
”$.23; .. :9 ' fish a” .. This and other topics Student Government. “We hope "'IrI“I- ’I L
.33 ::~ _‘fi * .1“. fir/”2 * “M "' .. discussed by the council. :1 to be an action groupj‘ 1' I,” ,‘3 5/
fang l}, - £3 k“ ("N cabinet-level SG commissxon. explained Miss Westerfield. Sh .5 '.I g5)

, Karen Beckwith, left, discusses one of the many Cabinet, the “Council on Women” met for the were hbcrIough; B) ngd 1:2 Vlce'pfeSldfT‘ . ll d thc n to - '- ,‘-( ' 1
problems women encounteras University students. first time Tuesday night. (Kernel photo by John researIcI one .y r. rys 3, remain . “id“ eSS‘gMSS-mms I .
The newly instituted Student Government Hicks) L135? Women m Contemporary sort ofthing. ’1 :-
.._____._________._________'_—____________ Socrety.“ The course. which was Mm Drysdale‘s study has also 'I

revealed many discrepancies in " 32,5: , I’
D C 9 . 9 decision—making positions. "It :2", -'
rug report says trust 118 S PrOb em you look at the structure of who .kg. . 1
makes the decisions. you‘ll find Ir.‘ r' I:
BY DAVID BLANTON early February, the committee suspicion that the Student estimates . . . and sometimes W 0 m U! _h a ch g Ir 6 a t er
. Kernel Staff Writer was composed 0f faculty, Health Service and emergency misleading." PIaH‘C‘WHO" ”1 Student

President Otis A. Singletary students, and staff and was room of the UK Medical Center The report also emphasized (rovernment 9”“ ”Why I
released Tuesday a 13-page chaired by Dr. Robert Straus, are “infiltrated with police that education alone cannot be government, Drysdale III ,
report submitted t0 him April 1 Chairman 0f the Department Of informers or disguised expected to solve the problems commented. ‘ .j a}: '-
by the Committee on Drug Behavioral Science in the College observers.” of drug use, . hThere are thIW‘I’mde“ deans. .. Iii", . .
Education. . , 0f Medicme. . .. “Student suspicions were “While the University cannot lirl‘ld 0?:IVecI0IiI/igmxsrzgn 11:3:ny ‘

The committee 5 purpose was Naming credibility and trust as intensified by the passage of an condone the illegal use of drugs. ositions as department I .III ; .
to study UK s role in the the University 5 most serious ordinance requiring therapists to it is recommended that the Phi Th ~ t . l't‘d - I‘I.‘ '. .
problems of drug use and abuse problems in its efforts regarding report the identity of drug users University seek changes in L airmen. 9 mOS ISIO J t I. :‘ . .
~ - - ' ' f . ., _ . ‘. people on campus are faculty . .- _. '7.
including an evaluation of both drugs, the report Cited the belie to the police, the report added. well-intended but misguided women .. she added _'~ , I . .
the exrsting UniverSity programs Of many students that the“ “If the University is to regain laws, regulations and policies The ‘ ou dis‘ussid th- idea 3* ;
related to drug education and health records are subject to _ . .‘ . .. gr IP AIM» It . .‘ I. I

. . u - - .. the trust and confidence of its which permit punitive measures of a women sstudies curriculum . Ia . I
the implementation of new ones. forced inspection. - . . , ‘ . ~ ., . :, .
A ' t d b S‘ngl t ' The report also mentioned the student body on matters to dominate and compromise encompassmg the different roles . u» r -
ppom e y l e ary m pertaining to drug use and abuse, b o t h . the U niverSity Is women play in society. . vI -,I .
it must take bold and aggressive educational and therapeutic “I‘ve found out this semester .I . ,r I
9 action to protect its students efforts and an effective my course is inadequate,” Mrs.
over 100 UK 61.8 CXPCCth from unwarranted harassment community response,” the Drysdale explained. “I would ‘IrI .
and to protect its educational report concluded. like to see it expanded into a . I r. .r
0 11 functions and its counseling and One course concerning drugs women‘s studies course~a . . ‘I .‘

for waShlngtOn peace 1'3 y therapeutic responsibilities from which was mentioned in the Continued on Page 5. (‘01.1 I . I ,
distrust.” the report stated. document is now official and . rI '

By JERRY LEWIS be attending the march, he said The report indicated that drug will be offered to undergraduate mm““’"m"”" _ . ~II'
Editorial Page Edi“)! he thought there would be over use will probably increase in the students in the fall semester. Weather ‘. I -_

Amongst other groups, there 100 students going from UK. coming year both in the Coordinated by the (Ohm of . , . I
will be a Kentucky contingent “There’s a lot of new people community and on campus. Pharmacy, the new course. Forecast for Lexington and ' ‘- ‘
marching on Washington this going this time,“ said Walls. He Calling alcohol the “most “DTUSS. Medicine. and Society.“ vicinity: Mostly clear and mild '. . r
Saturday in what has been also explained that there were common potentially dangerous was not developed in time for today with chances of showers 7 ‘ _'
scheduled asamassive,legal,and other students going from psychotropic drug used by publication in next full 8 or thundershowers this ~ . ' ~ I ,
peaceful march 0“ the capital SChOOlS 51“" 35 Morehead and college students," the committee SCthUle 0f 0188505. afternoon and tonight. Partly "‘r .
city. Eastern and aPPIOXimatCIY '50 included the customs and Straus stated that in many cloudy and mild Thursday. High ‘ ' - .

David Walls, 3 leader 0f UK’S people had scheduled buses to problems of its use in its report. areas, the report was of a temperature today in the mid I ~,
Student Mobilization Committee 80 from Louisville. The committee stated that preliminary nature and that it 70‘s. Low temperature tonight
(SMC), explained that while The march 0" Saturday is statistics regarding drug use are should not be considered a final near 50. High temperature .'
there was no real way 0f telling being called the March to End “obsolete almost as soon as they statement. Thursday near 70. . .
how many Kentuckians would Continued on Page 2, Col. 3 are compiled . . . at best, Continued on Page 3. Col. 5 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,o,,,"~ ' ~

 2~TIIF KENTI'CKV KERNEL. “'eilnrsilay. April 2]. l07l___________________________________________
" , . - ‘t‘ ' 1 se
‘ Me you I n gt s app au ,
O 0
NEWS kEI'HEIS I eterans GUI/Sit9 Congress
- . From 14! re ""15 \lr’ASIIlNGTON (Al’l Nearl' Sen. (leor'e S. McGovern in Paris, sharply Cflllc‘llc’d $5-
l l‘ . . . . . . . . e
1.000 fatigue—clad Vietnam accused American forces in PreSident Nixon for making full 53:
. BARI)SII()WINI Bert (ombs predicted Tuesday that lllt‘ veterau:. demonstrated inside Indochina of war crimes. U.S. withdrawal contingent on ‘
‘ Sldls‘ 5 Strip mmmg 111“ Wthlld SUllL‘l' 1‘ Wk‘h‘h'” I‘ord th’m“ and outside the halls of Congress But. watched by half a dozen release of American POWs. g
governor. “He (Ford) would provrde 13" entorecrnrnt 01th}: Tuesday in opposition to the Capitol policemen, they They said the United States é
- ‘ strip ”‘th h‘IW and perhaps 1h” law even would b" gutted. war in Southeast Asia. whistled, clapped and shouted should announce a deadline for ‘r
, ‘ (ombs 531d m a [CM prepared for ‘16“ch here. Combs "l5" After staging a guerrilla when the South Dakota its own withdrawal first. Hartke ‘1
, charged that 1hc lieutenantIgovernoIr. 0h“ Of “'5 opponents for theater in which they simulated Democrat and presidential said the Communist delegates in
. ' the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, supported passage search-and-destroy tactics near aspirant concluded. Paris assured him talks could :;
l I : 01 the strip mine 13W 1“ Il “‘0 Whh gm“ reluctance. Ford the Old Senate Office Building They applauded testimony by then begin immediately on ..-"
. W35 11 State “him" at lh“ time. and on the Capitol steps, the Sen. Mark Hatfield, R~Ore., and release of prisoners. «
. group chanted for 10 minutes: Sen. Vance Hartke, D-Ind., but Leaders of Dewey Canyon III, .
. . RAWLINGS, Wyo.—A group of residents— noting the “Bring our brothers home, by the time the three-hour the name ofI the week-long
impending elimination of all railroad passenger trains from now." hearing EUdCd most had Slflfted demonstration, became '
. ‘ ' . Wyoming May 1 —has proposed establishment of a horse-drawn They chanted w1th clenched away and several were dQIngI- dIIStUYde when . 3 rumor
- ' ‘ . . stagecoach line as a replacement. Ken Keldsen, with tongue in fists or plastic toy rifles held The hearing was the first in a Circulated that President NixOn
cheek. said the group is talking about incorporating “slowpax” hlgh over their heads. 59““ 0h . seven legislative had 531d less than 30 percent 0f
‘ to connect Wyoming with the rest of the nation. Some tourists stopped and proposals aimed ill hastemng the group actually WCYC veterans.
. . watched. Others continued on U.S. troop Withdrawal or ending A White House spokesman
, . .- , . . . . . their way. and this prompted U.S. commitment in Indochina denied Nixon had made the
. \I\,ASIII.‘:I(.TI()NII lIluI National TIranIIsportatitiIriIISatgtyIIBoarth one of the demonstrators to by a fixed date. statement.
, . kaOllllllcll tr totay llLI top spcct o dulOIIllOIHItS c lmlItc shout: “Stop and watch what Hatfield and McGovern are The veterans are bivouacked
, . to no more than tho. highest lL’VLl spccd limit in the nation. we're doing. We’re bringing the co-sponsors of a proposal that on the Mall near the. Capitol. A
I . The recommcndation is far stronger than any government war home." would Lind funding for U.S. federal appeals court lifted part
. I l‘ff’l‘tlfidl IL‘II ‘0 {mm} top ““915 I9“ ”EN . . . Between the staging of theater forces in Indochina by Dec. 31. of an injunction Monday which
The National ”2511“” 1mm“. SM“) Administration throughout the day, the A similar resolution was allowed them to stay there
propostd Dcc.I l. l 70. Ito curb highI speed IdriVing With a membCTS 0f the Vietnam defeated in the Senate last year. Sunday night provided they ' -._
. ,,., . .\ r:.\~: ‘. . .. . . . i‘ , . s. ‘ . . .
- - d8”? 9“” “Him” ‘1 ”r S warning ligits and 10m dt ‘1 Sm“! Veterans Against the War, which Hatfield. McGovern and didn t set up camp. Most of 'I 1
Of 83Imilcsan 10“ or more.I l . _ is conducting a week-long Hartke, fresh from a visit with them did sleep there, however, 5 'I
, It a “lr‘LOI‘llmnd‘d limiting t.“ maXimum ‘lttdm‘lbk She‘d demonstration. visited with their the Communist peace delegation in bedrolls and makeshift tents. II:
I to 95 miles an hour and to requrrc speedometers that register congressmen and attended
. no greater than 85. Police vehicles would be exempted but all Senate and House committee *
. - other cars. trucks. buses and motorcycles built after Oct. 1. hearings o .........
‘ - 1972. would be affected under the proposal. At a Senate Foreign Relations lg Curt appr0‘7es
. ' Committee hearing the veterans,
. LOUISVILLI:—Lt. Gov. Wendell Ford expressed his wearing a ragtag collection of . o
. opposrtion Tuesday to three tax proposals tentatively upside-down campaign ribbons. maSSIVe forced b
. recommended for Kentucky by a National Lducation beards. jungle hats and “Slug
. Association committee. Ford labeled the proposals, which camouflage jackets. sat quietly II . . .’
' I . came from an NFA sanctions commission. a plan “to remove through testimony during which WASHINGTON (AP)~ln a SChOOl, Burger 531d 1“ ilI ruling
. .. —~— the people. the taxpayers. from the decision-making process. sweeping smash at segregated that approved an 93“me hm .
. ' ~ I , another proposal to take away the people‘s ability to pass 7 schools, the Supreme Court plan and the ”.56 Ol racial ratios
. ind 'ment on their own taxes.“ 2 a) roved unanimousl Tuesday 3 5 a g u 1 d C l 1 h C 1 h
_ E I I? . VI ‘kl’ b C unt’
. . ' . . , The Democratic gubernatorial candidate said the NEA wants massive busing and limited racial Charlotte-i I“ L“ urg 0 3‘

. ‘ . to boost the tax on a pack of cigarettes from three to six balancing as proper ways of NorthIICaIrolma. I II I
. cents; make the office of county property tax evaluator prablem-talk assuring black children an . S‘hh‘ar‘F- “‘9 haid‘ ‘I‘d‘m‘

0;”--. appointive i‘atlici than elective: and remove the present ceiling 1 integrated education. lUdgCS 91'er WhIf’IhI tIthy dIIld I’IhIh (‘lass
.I ' on property tax 1‘1”ch Continued from Page 1 Speaking through ("hjcf order school of.1cia..s in .IoIIIM all":
'7 ' ' ‘ ». course on women in history. Justice Warren E. Burger, the County, Alabama, to £0h$1 U IEI‘IrldTI

< . . - ,_ . ~ . . . -. , .. . women in law, a sociological court said school officials must usmg buses and t0 “I101“ m“ iii.
.. DI‘T ROIT A delegation or ( lnncse table tennis players has I « . . I I attendance 'Iones to bring Negro R
' ’ . ,r , - i . . , _ - . course (like I hope mine turns use all available tools.1ncludmg I J ‘ g an
accepted an imitation to Visit the Lnitcd States. returning the L , l't tu d d d' tri ts and children from the predominantly ,0, .
' . . . . . . - . I r I < \I l . r 1 \ S C I 4 '
. \‘lSll of a LS. team to the (hinese mainland. (iraharn OM30 K)‘ “omen m 1 L” rc gygmtdinmt? Ive“ free black eastern sector of the i 3:3:
’ ’ A ‘ , V s y . . . 1 ¥ S \ ‘1 ) S c i ) i '
. , . Steenhoven. president of the [.S. Table Tennis Association {RS} I I . I I I I . L . . a , ,, l .. metropolitan area to schools in ._ Th.
- . _ r - , - « , 3 ~ . ., ie suggested such a program transportation. to correct. 1y a I prior
. who led lllc LS. squad on its (lnncst \isit. announced . , , . _ , , the mostly white western mm. m"
" , ~ -. .. .- . )_ .~ would be like the black studies balancing of indiVidual and ‘ - ' ‘ - I I
Tuesday Mat the Table Tennis Association or the Icoples , . , , U n d e r c u t t ,- n g t he orgn
' ‘ R,Puhl.i . I ”11.”, ll‘ltl accepted his invitnion m send .1 team courses recently implemented. collective interests. of the I ll I d I» ‘I 1 rooms
k W " t k t ~ * ‘ ‘ i. , ~ . ,. . - . -~ . > . neigiworioo ~sc1oo concep.
‘ here "in the near future to engage in a series of friendly h wmlld‘ inyolu getting 1“} 8.01““th Elk” (”finds the rod lw’ inmlimrion (YriL‘inu .it
- ‘ mat ii“ “ i K ’ departments to start a new Lonstitution. ....is _\ MW .. ..I...I.....ga
~ ' c .. . , v , . , . .
' course. Other schools have done It the school boards do not ill“ NXO” dd'lllllfilmlmll yshuh .\IrI(I)IrI)I:
. ‘ | - .. . " . x .. - 'lldOISCd it. Burger said 7
. . . .. . , , - -r ior instance dLl. iiurgtr saiu. chtrai iudgcs k . A319.
w ‘- n ; ,\ 55 it , \a. . t i“ K ‘ nilili “.‘n otli ~ral told ( ()I’ H “M 3‘1” “K25“ . . ‘ _ » ‘ x' ~‘ ‘ ‘~ ’z~
, . II'Il I II \ l l..l1<.'- I \‘l ‘IEI IL; ,1], f}. II, III, The lack of adVisois should exercise their powers to llklz‘lhblhhohd SUlIQOIl “ml“? 15 fng‘rk-
I . ‘ gmumw HUS-d} H noun k J ”mm K I“ L mm H] sympathetic to women‘s rights fashion a remedythat will assure “hCOIlSlllhthlml ll h d0“ ”“1 for
I l ' U“. illwmflm m“ \ ”mill”. luv. [Mitt-fiddly 3.1.151 31.16, Milly-tn]? was also discussed. “If a woman a unitary school system." accomplish desegregation. . Tm”
II . . transpod to uoo newly tnliaiic ..scIo :I—yctiiIrIqu \othr\s. InncI wants to go to law school or Broadly. the Tuesday ruling ran “All things being Liquup “ml optTeEIeI
I ' Srnwt-qulg :‘lklrillmrld: ”(ll ,~ 1.1:” 3:11:33“figlmiwflhgtllfjd med school. who does she go to. counter to announced Nixon “0 history of discrimination. it I Alrlc
" ”Hm.” I“ m k. 1.“!th .0 0 I“ 5 ‘1 k .1“ .‘ ‘1‘. “L" L k to make a decision?" one administration annIiQns 1n might well be desirable to assrgn f 3‘")er
the Nixon administration record and said time is the greatest ' . _ . . - . 'l l‘ .. 1 .~ I land
. .. - - woman asked. opposition to massrve busing and PllI‘lIS t0 5‘ 10“ 5 ”NH“ 1 ”1r ‘ '
asset our President and our party have in Winning over the _ . II .' I , II . 1 II .. ll‘ II .1 . APA
. - - - - , , , , . om , "ll ., 1] l'i . ll)" Dr. DI‘ySclulL suggcsutl that in 3 u p p o rt of t he iorms. k 54h- R
. I millions of lit“ yotcrsin 1 rs. Askct iy a _ -ycar—ot co cgc I , II .~ _ II I “B I“ 1- . I .. , , 1-, able.
. stuler‘t "l'l‘lll" I I nel discussion how the (‘OP hopes to the commission be responsible neighborhood—school concept. “1 d tungs d“ “0‘ “ll“l ‘" nisne.
' i J L x U. r l H» i ‘ ~ A - I l for identifying the professors on Dismissing arguments against the system that has me“ 3:20 u
overcome what she said was its poor image Willi many youths ,, . ~ I . . . . I I . ends
‘ mum“. of Vietnam the SST and law and order Mrs campus who are “open on the busing. to court said deliberately W115ll’Illtltd and EAR
' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . T .‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A ' position of women. “Let the transportation has been an maintained ‘0 CthTCC “10131 yam
. I Armstrong said. It is not incumbent on us to change our (1 t k 1 th nd . t 1 I I f I segregation .. pus ,
. I. . . , s 7 I ) l. s. . . \ , s g . I
'. - Views to make a bloc appeal to them or any other group. She stu en 5 ”f,” w 10 ‘3 Jr“ 1 m chra ‘m‘ ncrma part 0 l“ . I . . . I Reduce
‘ ' " said the (}()I’ should appeal to them as individuals on the gotothem. public education system for The Nixon administration has 307 E
7 merits of its programs The council decided to publish years. with 18 million. or 39 taken a posrtion againstIforced newI
. . . > a booklet containing such percent, of the nation‘s public integration IthroughIhousmIg and alga“
‘ ’ ‘ ’ information to be distributed at school children tran5ported by busmg~ saymg mass”? busmg 9f £33“:
' I summer orientation, telling, as bus in 1969-1970. smallI SChOOl children ‘5 266-78'
" . ' I Miss Westerfield suggested, “Desegregation plans cannot unIdIesirable. 'f‘ d FURNI
‘ . “Where the women are at UK ” be limited to the walk-in ere was no spec1 '9 an r°°mSv
- ‘ , LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES immediate White House reaction 8315‘
' ‘- ’ 0X {WITH US FOR THE to the court’s decision except studen
:SUMMER. . . . . . . . word from press secretary
A Stee I h c I f' Id Ronald L. Ziegler that the ruling
. tora e z 95 p ec use curse n 'e will be considered fully after MAITH
I' ' S 0 there is time to read it. Then. he gag?
‘ l I I l , ' IS a great PICNIC Spot. said. it will be decided whether 623‘7‘2
' I . e p us c eaning any new policy statement Would
. ____________________ .
‘ lm be issue.
Come Early—lst Race 2.30
' ' PAY TIL THEN. . .use as many boxes as you wish I'I‘hv Kentucky Kernel. University
I I I station. University of Kentucky. Lox—
to store wmter clothes. We thoroughly clean and hang in ' mutun. Kentucky 41606. Second class
I I. . prislntlv p.‘|l(l at Lexington. Kentucky.
. our own vaults. Come fall, you pay $4.95 plus cleaning, u n ay rl \‘lmlwd rm- limes “(u-k1,. during nip
I I s‘r'liiml I\‘¢-.it‘ except holidays and ‘xam
84.95 IflCludeS S300 insurance. ’ Ilt'l'lritl‘~. and once during the sufnmer
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For more information CALL 255—4455 eneral AdmISSIOH $1 ‘lhvlzunl lis mi- (fluirfimllil ill»: 432%
I [itihll‘-ll(‘(l ioiitiriiiousl) as the Kernel
\Hlt‘(' 19l3
_ A'li’I‘H's-n: publi-lirrl her-iii is m—
. tended to lu-lp the reader buy. Any
. f.:l\‘.t' or r:~.~.~‘m:ul.og .idu-rtising shr-ulrl A
I ho- reported to The Editors.
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. . early. by mail - $9.45
Go West on Versailles Rood (Highway m copy. rm... mos ._ sin
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., g 1 By WENDY L. WRIGHT \(1lllt‘ 2.>l t11ee\pe1t1s1- 1121.1 !11st 111.11111 111.1,1111. «‘1' .;' 11. 2 1. 1‘ 1‘2 1 - - 1=- 2.’ ,1‘ ‘
”Cd rt ' - - 1 . . . . 2. .. .. .. . .. :- - .
full ’ 4.3, Kernel Staif Writer soligl. \\Ill lie .1 pl1:12.'1‘.1..:.. 1 _2 _..'..1-. ‘1, .1111-.. . . 1 . - - ,_ 1' .
on f; ._ “'1?- Tlie program ranged limit ()111 111 1111' 1e;121\ If.t‘li:1111' el111l'dl eiiittctis 2‘5 ;1 1'.- 13211-1 1 .. 1 :11- - » _ 1J1 ‘
-..2. "’ .. g . . . . . ’ ’ , , , .. , , ‘ .. , , , _ r,‘ . . ‘ ,.
é : " . 5’ classical to unpressionistie [11 works 1111 the ;1111j-_2_11r'. 1s s1vl11 2.\ 11: r. l)« l 1 j. . l» 1. 1 1. . V .: .V
'tes is. ~ modern in the Unitersit) \lillunt Seliuninn's “l’11111tle 1111 .l1)V\..‘11\1‘ U lli1..:1.1t. ~' .1; .19 livii'. :_ _- '2 2 ‘ 2 1'; 1.? ;
{5217. . . . . . .. . . , > . 1 V . ~ ." '.' ‘ . 4V .‘.. g ,
for fife? . ,-.;i." (horus Spring concert lilCStlll} \111ees. \\i'1t-'e111111.1 5;'\’ li1>::1 \1 1111' willfll‘ln’w’ .1121112‘13 .21 2‘ ~ 17““ - ..hxr -'-1
'38 2 1;. _ . , V _ . . 1'. . V . . . . ,a - k, V1 .111.
tkc i“ . 2' «-2:".': iilglit at Memorial Hall. ll111111.1s \\ 1111.1 s 11ml. section. \ll“. 111 v1.22 .1‘. l 11.1. \1..1.~_ - 5 ..-~ 2.
. )5, Under the baton oi Miss $11111 ll1>111e\\.1r1l. \nizet.” the l‘lt'et‘ l1 1 e .11 il'l .1 k 1 :11.- .1; 1:-~1:V\ .1:..i 122.;- -;.1-12.-: _ .. .2 i ' :‘ ‘;._--, 1,: 1
S U] f-; . -‘.-;,.1.: _ . , _ l . .1, ,,1 . ., . , l . , . ',, ,1'11._ 1.....1..l.l. t.11_ . 1'.‘ , V V. ,V. , , , ,_ , V . I'.:'."- Vr.VV-t-,
-:. _._ «11,112 V H()llO}Ll, tilt. e torus Lll\[21tl'\tu 11111ti.1}s .1 \uiitl..1l11.1»st 11/.1ii1 1111.3...11. . W. .11.1..1.- 1 2. 2 . 1 ., .. 1':
uld fig .5" :1 . ., WV, , _. |-' 121,. l _. . _ .. . V \ } .V , , 2. .- .. \\ .. , 1. V -. V
.. 11% .,. .111 iniprtssnc \iituosit} 111 tieir t1.1.11.1 \111t11 1s .1111.111t.1t .1.1t|. IlkLk. .lls\ l1111 1,111 1-1 . 1. .. _. ..1 . . ., 1 ,, ,
on ' 3?. -. ,. . ‘ 11-1 1 ‘ 2 - 1 . ., .. . .. 1 1 11 . . t l l"1 ‘ 2 ' 2 ~' ‘ z‘ I '«Z *5“ ‘
(”a W _ é _ treatment oi tit ldligt 01 works. I11. \1 girls. t1111t21.1t11l.1ttt. 1111 11.11\.1n_1. 1. 1 1 . .1 - . » ~V .. ...., ,_ -
., - 1 .2 ‘ ' " 1 ' .. 1 - . 'e ‘1;11' . 1.111 1s1: s.'.. 2' l - .. '2 -. .
III, ». _:‘ .- M 0 re 0" .L r, l .t 11‘ K (. H U U i d8 ....»\ stone. .1 teal. L111 ‘“ ”111.1111? l ‘ l l l “ll l'- .1 V V 2. .-._ ,. ‘
2 ' “ 1. .‘ .. : r“ ' ,1 . ~ __ 1 1 e .1.‘..Ji 111.211. 111 .1 1.1 111.13” \5 ' ~ - -' ‘2 ' ' '.' - 1 'a.’
ong h . accomt mist. 1m. l ' up“ 9‘ utiiouml 11111111. Hi :1 411111;. . 11! 111 l l l i . i 1 . . . . ~,- 2, ’. , -
‘ did 11 spectacular Joli 011.1 piano ,1] } , - . , 2 .. .,1 1111.. (1, mg ,1 .1.1111e it, Eli-111.“. 1 .1 . . ,1, -.
me - , .V , . .1 [it l()ig()llcill.ite\. - .1 "\l‘ , , . . 1,,.V
.. . 1. solo which was ieutured 11s part .. \1, k ,1 ,, 1 2l ,_ , _ 11e1111)11st1.1te her .111 UHK‘YY‘V t 111 .1. l . 1. 1 . 1 . 4. .- t ,
1 or Stroke-1,. w ft} 1 . . . . .1 Lu .111t .1 111.1 m \l V t 1‘ 11V“ , £ . V . V , 1' 1 _ . '
on -. 4;; "~..‘ __ v 0] 1“ concer f l N came into ex1le. In her 1L1rt. ii I” H“ 11 r1 ””1"” l 1 l . l V 1 ;.1- . '.; -
.. ” 1 ‘ 1‘ 1 1 i - ‘ ‘ ‘. *l .12 2 t ‘ t.;~.2 2’? ‘--' .1113: 3} 2‘- 1, ' ‘ . '.. l
of .KV ,2 , {:99 Vnt d1 berlkls. ;) time 1 LEV“) VVOlnb \VC did n()l. kno“, ()Ul‘ LVlklIll\ llilXZLt ()lVl \l l.sk.( \\ i 1 1 V ‘ V V . t ‘ t‘. 1 , V .
2-11., ~ -. 1 ' _ ~ 3 s 1 3 , , , V V . Xi ' ) t '. . (I: . ‘ 11 2 \ i 1 .' s .1 ’ 11 = .. ’ . , V , _ r , _
”S. ,ng . W Spiri lid s wAiicVi (iihenm C t RV mother .s lace; from the W150” V111 eVr t_\ _\1111 11111_ )VrV t:llVi V V 1 V VV V V . ,9 .,‘..-
".35... ' ‘ ' 2 . . 1 3‘ ' *1 1 C111, 1'11 t.‘\\1’1...ill‘.". if.1l :" - _"- ", 1.
an R 1,; grogritn. th dt. '01:? oi her tlesh we came into “31? MIL) l“”,‘,””;_‘V“_l“ ” V ‘2‘“ [1‘2 , 1 1 ll _ , . ., .
'~"‘-,-,_. “$2.1; ‘ ' f ‘ ‘ ’ . . “ 1 _. ' l - Wet \ iilkll . li:‘1‘.il; :» \\ .. Y' .'. . T '1', . ~31 'rV .
he > - _ CWS‘ w‘i‘,‘ 1‘ mOSt “no” ,‘ unspeakable . . . prison oi this " f 11111. I“ 1‘ ‘I ‘ I", . _ .. _ _ ' . V .1, -; -.
'. é; " .. *‘--.-,.,;..,,;.V..»,.',-,;...~:a2'nwfi (a foot-tapping klnd or song); In C a rt h 0 “.1 'l Slk‘ 0 l W'Urk In \1 )Illt‘ lllllc‘ ill.” Hy,- Hit ‘1; lllL \lt it, ,l.i\‘1. ~V-\,‘ ‘. V- V- 5‘.
ed "0‘ ”hi i bite“, fBOIm lAgdm‘} tillkd ”In“ 1 o s s . . . r e 111 e 111 h e r 1 111.: ~ v v q 2: ‘ 1, .
A “-313; ‘ -'f: 1.1 9 [M1 ( “HHS Miulk t 1“” speechlessly we seek the great 0V6]. 1 (,() l l\ (‘ l‘S (‘\ I)(l('lt[l(l ‘ .11V‘. . .‘
"5:,“ if: . x y < ,- \ L r y 3 , V ’ . .1"'- IA 1‘» _,V .- ~ .
art 3;; -? opening. 50V” lM ‘V‘m ilk “0an iorgotten language. the lust , -~_ , .
'ch 2 _, . ‘18 it 1 “ 10 ‘1 \ 10“,“ ‘1me lune-end iiit1> l1e.1\ e11. , . “here? i - . 2." 1,.
, "2113 "- 2 etisem .1 e 11m prec1se c10r1 ~ , 1)“ f o W o l l 1: D 1 no I I ~ . ‘. = \f- ' .
,. __ .1111. 1111111 ()1 as 1 i m: 011 pt. d( t i d \ .- . .
1 ' ' ‘ f» 1 - ~ t . 1 .~ . ' . i
«I? ~ *1 ‘ 1 ' s 0: l ' ‘1‘sot .ol 11st l 1r tl‘t~ l r 2.1: le 21.1 . . . . . . , .. , -.
Of . ' 1 w h m h H‘ OUR 0 d .3” k . S. K . i .1 , K \ \ (ontimicd iruni Page i l 1\ - \\l( : .1 .' '. ‘ . i 1; 2.
r .‘ . . . g -6 th.1t Brahms transcribed ior \1111‘11111 (.1\\1>1.111. 11111» pvw‘t‘ssi’s .1 k V . V- - 9 3'3,
C, .' .. “a . . .. ., , 11.. ,,..2. 1 . .. .1. .?:~..r.'t:‘1» .1. ' ..- . .
ts .. 9., % chorus tnllmxetl the inili.1l hr1111.1nt .1111l .li'inidti. \Ul‘l‘dlilr 11* “.11 ---k- W ”-l.‘ .. 12- - . . ‘K _ . . V- .- ,
, ; _ _- .. .. . . . .. fl‘ ii‘i 11 7‘ , » ‘.:1"-s.-. ’t-1;.1 ‘- 1V .' v 1“ ..'1‘ ' . : ~‘ , '-_'
' . number. lhe chorus sane. l1l \‘Hict'. She \‘1..i\ llic st.11 1.11 the l ’ - -‘ “J? A” ~- ~ V .1 \1 . 1 ,3. ,_ 3 ‘
'2 2 , C .1 g . . ‘11‘ l, . \111 '2 . .!1 1.1 'v “ ,. . 1 ' '1” ‘ . . ‘_ ‘
‘* “7% l‘nier Your (vzirden. ;1 slou. worl. handling: hei p.111 1111?: the -' 1 l“ .11“; \V V \l 1"» VV . . .. _ . ‘ ’J ‘
w.» . 1M wall/V song. with the charm the unenttlil} lli'élkllx'y netesmr) 1111- . Nit-H2}- \1Vk"‘=-=?V \ "l” ’ ' .i _,‘V,'_V ',V , . , r .1 .j
piece demanded 11nd with goml Stl111111-111‘s1111111.:l1!).. l'iie ch 1"... "“""V ““’V""“V" " "" 1 2- K . _ .‘2: .' '.- :
harmonic blentl. hut tell 11min lucked her 11p Well .1111! \x .1s "”“LW =“ "‘ C" \l‘” "i" ' ,,1. . ' , ~... .‘1 _' . . 1'51; "i-‘i ‘3 .
. . . 3i», .-. .,, '.'1 ile‘. e 2.l.‘l ". "C «2' .'..; . _.,-. V ,. . .' ‘
somewhat on the latter three espeeinlh eiteet;\'e 111 ll‘.-.‘1\L‘ ' ‘1 l“\l‘l‘ l‘ V. , V _ 1 . l .. ~ . 1 <2..- , “
. . . . . . -‘1 1, V » \V n-il ‘ ..1.1.! ;" ...‘\'~.. 2 11. ..“ixlfi. . ’ ‘ ' 2" '
,. --- " ' ” ' " songs. lostng the good intonation sections where 1111c line 111 the Sulls'tllllw All” “11 \1 '- =1 11 ,V; , .. , . _V .3. .2 g -.- .
they showed on the first. te\t \\.1s spoken against .1 high. ”midi ‘2\ 11 l’t‘12l‘lk‘\ lul‘l'} 71-121. ; : 1 g . -' 4
' “Awake. Awake!" hmvevei'. .1 sustained note it1 the suprunos. :\l‘1‘1‘l 3“ ”2 31115