xt7v416t1r6h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416t1r6h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1936 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1936 Vol.7 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, March 1936 Vol.7 No.10 1936 1936 2019 true xt7v416t1r6h section xt7v416t1r6h 1 ~ : ' ' ' "l- , - ,.. ~ ,. rib ”’iw‘__.-‘........_,___,,.,--_._,,..,..____...-,__.-T.-.-:.u_»__.._.l M.-” :Iv yr
1936 1
x 1 .13 ‘
ItJerprlse, I , "
added a 1 . , , ,
1 ' -—- Of, 131;, Jlnd For Kentuckq Newspapers _.
~ 1 , 777W? ., W” . 4—7#—_—____M Wfi_"_¥‘fiu j
‘ ~ *“ 7W “7 ’ "if m”‘** ,
“ 1 Volume Seven MARCH, I936 Number Ten 1
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. m——~——"——’—E 1
1 ”*me
I Advertising Rackets {STUDENT SURVEY SHOWS G P dl 1
‘ . I CARRIES MOST INFLUENCE racean e e on em “5 1
V ( Bane OF PUbIISher More people read and are influ D d F F P hr .1: 1
p — enced by newspaper advertisements eman S or ree u IC' y
. | By J. L. BRADLEY than by any other form of printedI _‘
Just Why the program committee advertising, according to a survey o~ - - - n- , _ ,_
saw fit to have lne attempt to lead by business training students at: When I received offic1al .aSSIgfl newspaper publisheis an? they fall
, , H ‘ , , ~ u . . . . merit of my subject from Jodie GOu- f01 the racket in far too great num—
a. discussion on Adveitising Rack— Hughes high SChOOI’ Cinc1nnati. der backed by Curtis Alcock I de- bers for the '00d of o b ‘
ets” is hard to understand when I The students made an investi- . ' ’ . , , g _ur us1ness‘as
, . , H .. ‘ . Clded to collect for presentation alegitimate and profitable advertis-
" have probably been as gullible as gation 0f the advertising leading h ‘e 11 the free ublicit received in med' ‘
i any other publsher. Perhaps they habits.” of 1,050 persons. 81 a , p t y d t f g. ium. - - ~ -
‘ felt that I would understand the The persons who responded were by my papel 'between he a e. 0 Th? flee publiCity racket, as It 15 I
1 . bl . h I had e' 01% asked: such notification and this meeting. practlced upon us today, is a fine ,
1 p10 ems inasmuc as ML Do You Read Ceca- sel- I selected for the purpose the one art. The general scheme seems to l
enced so many of them . . . , . . . , .
i All publishers of country or sma‘l fiSX/flsbnrgso “1— téi's‘miégy' £10311 N501; large drawer In my deSk, Whlch con- be for the big business concerns, ,
. dail news a ers have been wconA— Lettegs?!) »_7_'_______”_:‘_:: 370 157 150 296 talns two big check books and some which should be one of our chief ‘
, t f; 3; d itll: '10 ri m, s of “ad- Announcements? _ 563 169 128 190 other non—essentials. The drawer sources of revenue, to hire propa-
1 1011c .W, vaflous 1m, - Pamphlets-9 “m" 407 27° 140 233 soon overflowed and a list of the ganda directors, publicity agents, or
yeitismg lackets and the reason is Magazmes? _..._...__6'll 181 97 103 . . . k t .. . ,
that the ublishers and a large mum- Programs? 500 219 117 214 space-seeking agencies was 813- advertismg managers to 5mg- their ,
. t b ‘ of 3h 11 to 11 r hants Street Cars? '728 141 90 91 With your indulgence I Will read siren songs in a variety of more or ‘
‘ h61 b iie smaf WE: file cblish— Bi11b°arfiflmjc 66710 185 d :8,“ .3110 the list: less pleasing keys.
1 ave ee 'easy prey. ac .pu Whlgh 0f he a ove a V9}, SI g American Federation of Investors, Big business pays these lads big .
ei is afraid that if he tuins down {media influenced you most. was i. i , . , 1
. ,5 a 'der that his com etitor or a th r uestion linternational Cartoon 00., Intelna- wages and, if country publishers fall ,1
l n. 01 1 . . . ‘. p1 .. ano 6 q ‘ q . ’ th ftional Correspondence Schools, Com- for their wares, they earn what they ;
r plintei in a neigthiing town will A total of 535 persons said ey, ‘ . .
, , . . . _ 1monwea1th & Southein Corpolatlon get,
- get the busmess. Each merchant is were influenced most- by newspa ‘(Utilities) Frank Know for Presi-
' i afraid that his competitor will be ‘per advertising; 225, magazme ad—g ' . t t k P t, 1 For my part, and I am happy to
1 listed and that he will branded as !vertising; 164, program advertising; gdent Commitee, Ken u_c Y e 10 ‘ say that apparently most Kentucky
, a slacker if he doesn’t take part in i53, booklets and pamphlets; 25, Ieum IndQStl‘leS Committee, KeFI- publishers agree with me in this, I ‘
‘ ‘ the scheme. - lstreet car advertisements: 24, an—3tuCkY Ram‘o‘ad 1555053131310“, SW1“ will not contribute to paying for the 3
. Recently the Publisher’s Auxiliary lnouncements cards; 17, circular let— 1‘ <36 00-, Texas Centennial EXDQSIUOD, down which lines their nests by run- ,
- . ’ . - n ‘t - 6 billboards, lKentucl'.y Distillers AssoCiation, - f. bl' 't I
said in an editorial that one of the ers, r 1 “mg lee pu 1‘31 Y-
: ‘ duties of the newspaper is to pro- The survey reported 932 persons 1Kentucky Female Orphans. 501100.], A striking fact is that most of this i
, tect the people of its community stated they prefer advertisements lAmerican Bankers ASSOCla‘tlon’ ml‘ free publicity comes from the coun— 1
l . . - with illustrations; 589 expressed de- Irnois Central System, Association of tr VS lar t t' 1 d ‘t‘
i from being eprOited by outSide pro- . - l . . y €95 na iona a V91 isers, ,
‘ 3 meters whose onl interest lies in Sire for chatty, conversational ad- 1American Railroads, The JOSEph who use magazines, dailies the ra- .{
uttin over theiryschemes‘collect- vertisements, and 505 preferred ,Katz CO" American Housewives Bu— dio, direct-by—mail and even the
' 1311 asgmuch mone as ossible and mere statements 0f facts. - ireau, Farm Credit Administration, billboards—but not the country I
' geitin out of townsas u?ck1 as the Students m the classes 0f MlssiKentuCky Railroad EmpIOyes and newspapers! True, we receive free
, ‘ can‘wigthout regard tocpossibEle after? Mary McSurely and W' E' Iblings 1 Citizens League, Tennessee Valley matter also from the few national
maths and their effect upon the made the survey. 1Auth0rity,1U. S_. Depaifiment of Ag- . advertisers who do make use of our
- community. Some editors are quick , LEW B. BROWN IMPROVES 111cm“??? I hnms Hatc ery, Kentuc- 'me‘EIIUm bUt a very large percentage 1
to sense the dangers of such schemes . 1ky Utilities 00., Geneial Motors 00., of it comes frOm non-users of our _
1 ., , . . I Chrysler Motor 00., Ford Motor 00., s ace i
and wain their people against them. Lew B' Brown, former Kentucky [Firestone Tire & Rubber Co United p ' i
1 Others hesitate to do this, especially newspaper man, now publisher. of States Marine Cor s Civil” Service The big shot publicity-propaganda ‘
1' when local organizations are hooked the St. Petersburg, Fla, Evenlng z 00' 1 ion Westeli‘n U ion T ele—I agents seek to establish Platonic I
1 up with the outsiders.” Independent, was suddenly strick-l mm 55 , n friendships with us. Sugar-coated
l The methods of practically all of ’en. ill in February. As it was feared 1 graph 00-: SOUthern Bell Telephone and innocuous, pleasingly pretty and
1 the promoters of advertising rackets that the attack W0111d bring 011% gglfigraghsglo'igndgfiéizl SNiivi/S, wistfuuy appealing are the printed
are the same. They come in and paralySis, he was removed to thefN‘ t' i B o d’ t‘g , C yTlfie’ approaches of these high-powered
. l i . . izai to hospital. However, a message re— a 1011a. r a casmg 0., . _ _ .— ’tt _ .
, ether get some Oigan t on i give us a 11 1e space lads. But, soon
. sponsor the scheme or else get 1.0%] ceived later from Mr. Brown’s son, 1Progresslve Farmer, Sugar Creek or late we publishers learn the
girls to help sell the advertising. Chauncey, lsttagedthat h: had al-1ggamfry 0101.1, Alwrttho111113k—Rgfiggl friendship resembles Pluto more
Usually, the rate is about five to most compve ey iecovere ‘ b , 1 1 aw, c., as n than Plato and, so far as I am con-
ten times what the newspaper or MI" Brown made S.t' Petersyuig1seed CO” . cerned listening to the blandish-
1 . t' , tbl' h t . aliz fro famous as a “sunshine City 103’1 These concerns, most of which ts, f th th‘ f ‘ th
, prining esa ismen 1e es . m ivin his a er free to everybody never 5 end mone for S ace in men 0 . ese some ing— ortno - -
i the scheme. The girls are given in tie day}; Ithat the sun doesn’t}weekly gewspapers ysent mep “news ing boys is as bad as tumbling to
I am“ 3'. d9na1' or 5° eaCh and are shine there. Being very successfulheleasesyu phamplets, matS, plates, any temptation. old Mephlstopheles
Well satisfied. . . as a newspaper publisher, he once alleged feature stories and free pub could kld me Wlth' EspeCIally when 1
\ One Of the greatest nuisances ls refused an offer Of a million dOI‘llicity wearing other transparent dis— the free Sthf comes m plates and,
the 'method 0f the producing com— lars for his paper. [guises within a space of two weeks mats, it seems to me, we should re
: pa-nies. They send out contact men He was formerly publisher of the {more than enough hadI printed any member to say: f‘Get Thee Behind
01‘ women and paint in glowmg Harrodsburg Democrat and was out—imam, ortion of’it to have filled Me Satin,” for it surely works to
terms hOW much money can be 113- standing as a Kentucky editor. He 1 Jre 51m. 8— a e issue for months prevent our getting any paid mat- I
j alized by an organization by spon— served as president of the Kentucky ,imgh gf‘ pbf’. 't ‘ k t . 1d. ter from these very numerous
i, so-ring a “stage spectacle.” They Press Association in 1907 and is1 e lee pu 1c1y 1.3‘0 e .15 0 ‘ sources. Why should national ad— .
1 will usually agree to almost any- now a life member of the associa— J It probably reached #5 zenith on vertisers pay us fOr something they‘ s
i thing to get the contract but when tion. 1the old-fashioned billboards 0f can get for nothing?
: the director arrives in town the fun ———‘—‘—‘ 1Barnum’s day, when lurid litho- l Camera—News News of the Week
? begins. In the majority of instances Mrs. E- 0- WaltOn, wife of thefigraphs were pasted wherever there 'in Pictures D’ole’s Cameragrams 1
: the directors are novices or do not versatile editor of the Stanford In— I was a blank wall. a barn Side or a , . . ,
_. . ‘ . . _ 1 fence la» e enou h for the ur 058. etc., all carry free advertising. OF
u d t (1 th 1 f ndamentals terior Jouina1,is spending the Win , 1g g p D .
n ers an e rea u _ ' . . . d , t f- d th te COURSE THEY DO!
__ of producing a play Then. mam ltei in Florida to the envy of alliYet to ay we do no in e p05 1‘ 1 . l 1
= ‘ Jthe other editor’s wives in the 'advertising people giving away any RecentyIsawmagOOd Kentucky; 1
— (Continued on Page Three) state. s ace. That is left to the country (Continued on Page Three) : I
— ) p 1 II
1 l
r ' 1 ,

 V I
' I I M:
‘ I I P «m Tv'o _
I I ' I r 3.3» t I
’I I ———_-—l—_’- I . . L '
, I, I M My of technical. violation of stated in Its Valhdlcbml’ that Fhe I Ad“
I : I M their second Class postage permits? volume of advertlsmf lhfiPlkeVIlle I
I ." I ‘ ' I - ~5 ‘l and environs was no su lolent to
I 'I I The Kentucky Press :Tmnk thl ._% support such enterprise Edi— I <0
I I ‘I I I MILESTONES tor Grote plans to continue to pub- I idea a
I i, I % ‘E—T ugh his, usual excellent weekly of I advert
I I I ' Official Publicnlion OI llie lxcntuck)’ lrcss Assocmiion I ~ 1 28 of the Middlesboro 16 pages. local I
I I I' 7 *K‘D‘E Tlfigé 11531595 H C. éhappeil, edi— V. L. Spaulding, editor 0f the I so as
I I 3 I \I'lCrOR R. POR’I'MANN’.................E(IlLOI" Itor made jits. appearance this Uniontown Telegram, recently be— , kick a
I I I REE—\x_ Imohth No 1 Vol. 44 of the gan a column entitled. 3711*“ 3 Bit I and a
I I I . Printed On The Kernel press, Department Of Journalism, IHawesville Clarion, Mary Agnes of Homesputn, tcotfgall’rlljlsngl‘ealfiilgg .. publici
I I I, I University Of Kentucky, chmgton IKelly, editor, pledged renewed in— note; ofy 1:213:1ng said “Prac' I izes a1:
I i. I “ q - s. y ‘
I II.‘ 5 \rfi—MK‘ tsreet and loyalty to the commu— agingpéveryppaper that comes to I abolit-
I I. II I PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Inity. th oui‘ exchange desk carries a ‘col— . vel‘tlSll
I I I I - , President Tinies-Trilmme,Corhin Birthdays this month were 058 , . ,» ten b the pany g
IE I I I‘ £83; £17.. 8223:?” Vice President NEWS-Journal»Campbells‘;!fie of the Adairville Enterprise; G. E. umn ‘of some Emigt‘hgrutmembgr of sale of
I I I J. 01”thka _ Secretary—Treasurer Messengerrmn” e McKinney, editor, celebrating its EdItmtI f? 50m $150 fr
IE I I EXECUIIHIE COMMITTEE p d] H 1 seventh year Of publication, and thgssctjr Haiglit Jr is manager of I Seve
‘II ‘ I J. L Mar Bradley, Enterprise, Providence, Chairman; Gracean M. e ey, e: the Wilmore Enterprise, Harry _ c ~ - , have 1
Eli ; °irtfiarinis their"eaairdiiotr‘isssraszii Sheiienbergei WW and publish- “:6 531$invatIIgyfigIItegIorIggék; I have I
., g. 4 ' - , ' ' : er 1 , ' ’ v ’ ’ m - ' .
ItIiI Il 1135;138:153? cygtlllisia’lnaa; James T. ijrgis.11ntisepegideil‘tfifishiiélgléog‘lioligieaslailghgg' er, and Georged H. Shejlf‘lenfighggr, Segspapers. The paper is bright, get 1110
I . ' ,L ‘ t ;R ole, elime- c o. 1 .- - . 'S ear 0 - C __ . c
I II I? I I Sgntvelsfi’ielsifréIgsgoetifingligtlor géslei’ortizann, Kentucky Press, Lexmgton; Robert 5%?101’ 1t secon y p newsy, anoidwfilgepggirgtgdignifi 51122211? iii/5131:):
'IE: I ~ 1 ' . ' *-
I: El I L. Elkiii, Lancaster, HialiOiirIi/(IHL‘TIVF Cmnmi'i-‘i‘ liltive aw 1g Haight studied journal— merchz
‘ I‘ 5 ‘ .‘ “ . . PAPERS CONSOLIDATE PLANTS , - - . a
I I I Thomas R Underwood, Herald. Lexmgton, chairman: Lamence W' Hagei, lsm at the U- 0f K' ,- that
IE I I Messenger,-Oweiisboro; Warren Fisher, Mercury,_Car1isle; George Aililoplillio {r3 . . f—f th .‘ e u‘ _ Editor Edwin C. Calman, Sturais I reap tk
I513. I Commonwealth, Somerset; Harold Browning, Whitley Republican, W1 1&th ‘1 g: By CODSOIIdathl’l. 0 on 91.43, News, has been appOinted on the I to refu
III. I ADVERTISING C()i\l.\II1~I-EI; IInertirt; ILEotbefivt filalrtJrfi Iiiub‘lishnetii Education War Orphan committee It a;
I ' dg -T‘ , M r ay, Chairman; Robert L. Kincaid, Daily 'of e on er Oun y ea. e, a h' h uts Mr. Coleman in DOSI- ;
II! E I RifnLiSXigtoff; III/{resign}; cites Enterprise, Elizabethtown; Thohgas T- C. L. KllgOI‘CI publisher Of .3118 31101110 tophelp some deceased WWI" I combat
EII I Wilson, Log Cabin, Cynthiana; Leigh Harris, Gleaner and Journal, Hen erson. Mountain Eagle, have materially ap’s con to be appointed to the U. , piOduCl
III I NIZ\\’SI';\I’I£R EXHIBIT Cmmrr'i'ici: lstrengthened both papers at Whites- S "Naval Academy. There
I.II II Victor R. Portmann, University of Kentucky, Chairman; Albert Schumaclicr, mug and will have an up-to-datey i'IIhe Estill Herald, Irvine, John I club W1
EII . I Citizen, Berea; Denny Sprag‘cns, Marion Falcon, Lebanon. modern. office. Both papers have IW Hovermale, manager. has I The SC]
E l added four pages of feature ma— Imoved his plant to a new and bet- I plays. 6
I t 73 ——‘—_‘—————-—‘-_——~ terial. The Leader Will be pub— ter location. I stantial
I I; I Rffi&‘ . l ”Shed 011 Tuesday, the Eagl}: CHI Earl Smith, 28 years oldy brother- ’ pers 01‘
= : NEW LAWS PASSED ute suitable articles. J. Curtis A1." ‘ThurSda-I’ “4th bOtfi. paf’ers hee‘l’é Iin_law of Alex R. _Combs,' publisher coopera
I I — COCK in the Danville Messenger 15 ,ing the: entity. I; 1: :iilssaouit Iof the Hazard Plalndealel. took h}: of the
I“ . . e omorenw ' s , .. x. .
I KentuCky joined the ranks of running a similal column and ad- $531385 the separate: p overhead Iown hfe in the plant on the 1118 I cal intf
I . other progressive states when the Vises his readers to clip and file for I a l t 40 a. t of February 24. ., I newspa]
I I LnoiSIature passed two bills in future reference. W. T, Davis, ,CCSt“ amos pd cen. I c, A. Hummel, publisher 0f the Imentior
II I ‘ Magh that had been sponsored by Mount Vernon Signal, recently an—I E Wmes and .Jeffersontcwn Jeffersonlalrll. 511:2: panies I
I i. f‘ 3 - 1- _ 1 n will be 0 — . . ea. ames . I I. s. rou 0 exce en - .
I II I :2; Eggs gggidféhscfiesawzsl rhtodlggd ElimtlgecilogfigaRiglggstle residenlts :Thomas W. Hines have leased the Ifigégigdgltsgat pa booster meeflillg ou’I‘here
- I '- .. ' I . . . .
. II. n . I e who live outSide the state to con— IMorgantown Republican from R. on Februarv 24: m Jeffelson ha , I _
I (I: , “It?“ the .Ne“ Jersey law’ alfd W_It.ribute articles entitled “Roving S. Rives, who has served as Its edl-I L C Littrell, J11, son of L. <1 ‘laCkets
. 5 WI-l HOt see SUCh disgracefu 9131 C irades” similar columns will .tor for many years. We welcome Tittrell' publisher Of the Owen most CO
I I 59101168 isljthfs Afifiitfiouggggd 13%; hgae reader appeal and brighten the new publishers to the Ken— 'Fountvy Democrat, Qwenton, was Ines: Re
I: I I W '3 J 1 n5 ’ ' . Itucky fraternity I . . 22 to Miss an agi
I ; - - _ a er. , - rried on February .
II I second, extends pr1v11egfe tpubIIcaH your pix“ I The Shelby News, Shelbyville, re- IiTairl‘y Betty Ogden at Sparta. a neighl
’ “017.139 memde the con ‘65.: O a NEW EQUIPMENT Icently reported the death of Mrs. W. 1:" Boulton, publisher of the rates f0
Q I prellmlnal‘y paDEIS fll‘e‘: W 3113 111;: [Mary Wayne Marshall, wife of a Gallatin County News, Warsaw, Igoes to
3 ‘ I " d-mla'l omw' The Pretsh W1 It” Th H d enville (Ky) Herald- Ifcrmel‘ hewsDape’ WbliSher in calls attention to his subscribers calls pn
. 2- lish these new laws in e nex is- ceh 9 gt lied a font of 8 point. IShelby county. Many of our old- Iwhn have visited his office and have a lot of
I I sue '59 that. our editors may become IN’eWU as ins als' N 1 ith bold Itimers Will remember this family. paid their subscriptions. He DUb‘ professil
I familiar With their contents. Try; ngtKI): Excgrrifir choangewof bodyI Word from Bob Elkin, sojourning .lishes their names which does I sounds I
I II was a signal Victory for theIFoour 't dace l . . ‘in the balmy breezes at Tampa, 'much to boost the goodwill of the . er in m
I [It Esme .111 KentuCI‘Y and pa“ 1 116.5: Meade County Messenger Florida, writes his friends that he Inewspaper. ’the papg
III on a highxer plane. Branilenburg Ky has added a “feels like a feather in the breeze,” The sympathies of the Kentucky I amount
I I ‘3‘ ‘ —"ND IN ENTRIES Model 14 Linotype’and a font of 8 we Wm hlm Improved health and editors are eXtended t0 J09.T' LOV” : he will
I I“ S” % I oint Ionic No 5 with bold face Ia quick return to the state. ett. Murray Ledger and Times, on sample
III . . ~- , t Illilo 2 I I S- P- GOOdmahI Editor of thelthe death of his father, John Lov- . has am
‘ ‘I I The Press. mges our emtms 0‘ A in H ff an ublisher of the ICentral Record: Lancaster, had the ett at Paducah hospital on Mal‘Ch :tra CO i
I II . Smeit f’nmes ft.” the contests. Of IE I' "In $111.3; hag recently added courage and conviction to raise his 12" Mr. Lovett, a native of Mal" t‘ . bgt
III the National Editorial. Assoc1atlon. quIlgl gew Vieces of modern Irrational advertising rates to a le- shall county: received his law (38- I 15:1 .
I II I Both weeklies and dailies can enter nevela..e t to hps 1am increasmg Igitimate and adequate level When Igree from Kentmky state univer- ng m or]
I I, I the separate CODFEStS‘ Deadline for Sigma 1118110 and Ea 21;:in 100 per 'he put a new rate card into effect ISity and served as commonwealthS mg for
I I§_. all entries is Apr1120, The contests cente C Y p Ithjs past. year. He increased these Iattorney of the Second Judicial usually
I ‘I include General Excellence (both: ' ’ Irates thirty—three and Cne‘thh‘dIdistrict from 1914 to 1916. Funeral Whereas
~‘I I‘ 0121in and. weekly), communityI Iper cent, and claims that adVer—Iservices and burial were held at $1.25 to;
.II I Service, Edltorlal Page, NewspapelrI ON CASH-IN—ADVANCE BASIS Itising contracts have showed a de— IBenton Iey IS col
.1 ‘ . Production, Illustrative Ma erla, K , cicled increase. . - . . " or e A. ,
" II M) Printing EXihibit’ and MOStI More and more Of our KentuCkyI The Pikeville News is adding a 05011 yllllgglnsierzgtl Sgreghon- ~~
I t ‘ 0» ‘tion. The editor d‘t ":4 ar uttin their papers on . Jopin. r... _I £41;-
I Outsanding Edl - - e 1 01“ e p . g . Inumber of new features to its 001- Iorer bV being appointed on the I‘ .
I cannot write to each of you, lndl' 2. strict cash-in-advance basui and umns all of which will prove DODu-lcommittee to study the develop- _ M]
I I}: vidually, but hope that you .Wlll en- reaping the benefit thereby. Two I lar and interesting to its readers. Iment of the Cumberland river val— I I Send u
I II ‘ ter the contests. Let‘s send m pl-en— editors have Jomed thls movement I The series includes stories and pic—Iley by the Cumberland Valley as— . umn R
I ' ty Of entries for Kentuckyl The the past month, Albert K' Moore, iures of local children under tWOvIeociation and N
I. III contESt “1.165 will be found m the Salyersville Independent, and J‘ 8' Years of age, stories about the old-Iv The Morehead Independent 1911“" ’ We “'5
7 I NEA PUbDSher D-r-m the March 14 Tompkins, McKee Sun, announced er residents of the town, and stories Iiished by the Independent Publish- I “1995:
.I I 153118 of the Auxiliary. that after March 1 all subscriptions f . 1.3 eleb‘ tho the" 50th' ‘ t Wil- I posmon
i. .3 \_ would be dropped unless paid I Cedgg‘lp Enroll e 1a.} ° “Ion 811 mg CO” new has befn .501? o and I . Annuall
; I- I . - . . w inrr v rsaries, or g . ~ , vexin ”n, . , ‘
‘I II I HISTORICAL FEATURES Istritctly m advgnczndgiaétmpstaig: Featurebs like these enliven localIéZIgi-geJlI/[ngllghi’t Moregegd. Mr. I Briefs,
' —~ ver isers are em 1 . , I
- I' - . I I. - - f a 'cs. , duate from I
- II; 3. have a strong appeal to communi— of saying cash—‘in—advance. The e1 9111' mOh S 0 DH ca 10h, . J . ~ , t . the ca—
, . Ill" ty readers The Mcuntian Advo- U‘, s. Postal laws also demand thatIthe P1kev111e Daily News was com— univerSIty, and Will ac 1n . 1 da— I
:1: 5'; IIII ., cate Barbourvllle, Henry M. Chand- every legitimate subscription to any Ipelled to suspend publication due paelty as 6d1l01‘ and m99hasmlcale'gs fuI WESTI
’ IEIII ler, editor, is running a front page type of publication shall not be Ito lack of advertiSlng revenue. It partment manager. Vg/Hvigfillihem I I 22!
‘I I III‘ feature entitled “Remembrances” counted unless paid in advanceIcovered the [Sandy River valleygbusinescs manager. 9 I x _
: I III 1 and invites his readers to contrib— How many of our Kentucky editors , With a good circu ation of 3000, bu every successi i . IT"
II'II ..

 1 '—,,’—.._.-.s.._e_,_“,.v_- I I II I‘ I I II II
' —-—~-—r~- ~~-'--:—-‘»~— III. I In
1936 1 March, 1935 ..-. -~ 1
'1 THE E I I I
:h I I ‘ 1 y
Piallfevtifi: 1 Advertisma‘ Rackets ‘ I I EN} UCKY PRESS I
ment to 1 Bane 0f P . Is printed and if th ' m
. u ei't e edl ‘ I I
a. 51;- 1—1 “She! aspire a: SH ————Page Three
2 I" u - . rom pa 0 ed the would h 3 mg tha I I
“Ekly of ! fle‘lirigfears to be to Beg]? aosnfriu h iotapeddbefore the pulhlljirslfigr and1 es- where 8.81:]; 3016131115 printed :lsléf1 1
ng as possm ‘ 9 —an the pa ‘ . tea izes h , ' a1 ed in. B 1
of the 1 local people in th 1?, get as many bag. There a, pal ls 16ft hOIdmg the 1 av‘ent arrived and ut they SUPE I
itly be- 1 SO as to insure 113i" *ay as possible backs by firre usually SEVBral kic‘r‘- IXCIChantS are getting Eever WluI RIOR
at a Bit 1 kicé‘ abOut the cost3 fairtgttehdance, there was nyzxggocfihd out that1seirdterf t?- COHBct from Shiielr tindt ELECTION I
: many an advertismg a e printing When the lI‘CulatiOn . e lnished ey1 1
. 1 . . nd 4 y hav . and in ‘ product b I I
Eiders. iprHmty' Usually thevgggltlsgobs of the matter overe had time to think is difiéleersteedlnstances much LII‘EVSIZEIJ SUPPLIES
r _ ze 1 I I I _ I I I I
)mesago 1 abiuilb$05ug $5 to $15; the new: fah I believe that Busi 13’ go to thzlhgh should legitimate— I I
a (601— 1 V61~tl°ing. 03115 for printing ang 51:? gl‘etOften a good thinlg'esshReViews I or printing estahlll? gown newspaper I . I
by th ~ K, n the prOduCin ‘ _ Hal-ed for a s ec' . w on com.1 It Will 5 merit, ' Serv 1 ,
nber o: 5522;633:111? $35 to $50 frinfotxfie giant 1: 1‘ Whenp wigtgglggg 3f real Inewspaneizkzggecgfipemtion Of all I KentLlc£§ePlfi01t I
. . r ismg and fro ‘ms y a mem . u been ihg estab' mercial rim-1 1 n ers
ager of 1 $135321? :ftttindahce receipts $75 to San Cf the partaefi-1 012111331550; ditorial “advertisillllsghrtlaeéhtato stamp 030 the I .
rise, ese “st . . cc of acc ‘ I e prac- I I II evns I 1 I
weekl: I 2:3: been produced algoiasiligmscgs” ups from figfiagfie flowery Write- pgafigl‘cglczolluttlons I can Eflgrogiy RUSSELL DYCHE
bright never known th h I towns tend eople in nearb m n y and district I I L0 d
y tmor 6 Sponsor t S to engend . ' y ents by new aglee- n on K
Shomd g8 6 than $20 Wh 0 toward th er ill-feelin 1 . spapers and i. . 9 y.
~ devowd t ereas the t' a e newspaper b g I establishment I m mung “M
3 local- 0 the sche imc ness men y local bu I“ s concernm I
. ably be me would 1 1 . - The on] . Sl ceptance ofs h' g the ac-
ouina1_ WOrth from $75 piob- lishers acc ’ y leason mm a uc laCkets and t I
mermant ' to $100. Th I ' . ept this ty e ' fl local CIOImmjtt 0 have I K—
Stui-ais 1 that the fogfkorzecause they knov: 4 1111151]; 211182113 they usfall;f Sgggrtf on the DI‘OpOSedeicthligss approval
. . , 'an ' ‘ I e I I I
on the ! gall) fthe benefits butlgfigygrwnlf not 1 don’t take i tart9h afraid that if they b58251?) the town supports a chain 1
omittee ’ ‘e use to take th e a raid Will In th eir com I I I mmerce a - I
. ¢ ‘ . lon . petitor 1 soc1atio I‘ merchant’s _ I FIFTY
1 p0s1- ; It appears 6 advertisement llev e' g run, howeve II n or a cm as I YEAR
1 that th . e that it r, I be- 'lilnd A ' C club 0f S 5 OF ACHIEVE
veter- 1 combat thi 6 best way 1; count would be bate I commlttee can b mm 1886 MENT
the U 1 produced S scheme is to have 0 t Y groups of newspa r for to confer with th e appomted I 1936
. 1 . under 10 Plays ogether and pars to get news 6' manager Of I? I
John ' 313:“ Is usually sggile Egg/loom. 1WD: of advertirsfifllgsiylg?c:qcept this mentpabgfegreoap muting eStabIIEEI-BI III I
, 1 Woman er or WOr hless ls usual] 7 d . _ proving or . . fir}; A E I
has : The sch capable of such it except to please 1: I a vert1s1ng S h rejecung I IIIIIII I-III I
he 0 omes, A I II
1d bet- pla 001 usually prod Work. 3’ of the person Wh - van— can then b n agreement ‘ ‘III
1 s 11685 0m It 1 e secu I IIIIIM’IIIIIIIIII?
1 starsitiaiach‘ Year and i‘ealirrezezergl There are many 0th COncerns. Jchants to turn (15:13 frl0m local mer-1 {£*:IEIIII I
.other- < per ‘ plOflts. Very few 11 — newspaper adverti ' - er forms Of I less okeyed b th alsphemes um I I II I
thher coogem tmemhants are unwfirleiwspa— as the contest paging rackets such Sponsored b§ til COmmlttee or else ‘ "WLINDTYPEW. 1
10k hiS 1 Ta e when th ng‘ to » misspelled ' cartoon pa print I e newspape. I 1‘ I
1 . of the . ey know th t 1 Word pa . ges, mg eStathh I 1 or I I
night . money W111 . a all ness write- ~ ges, looal bu I_ has WOI I mentI Thls 1 I I
cal Interests go to develo _ t . ups and the 1k 51 Iked in man t D an 1 1
1 - I belieVe . p 1 hose ideas ar 1 e. Some Of a feaSible y owns and iSI
of the 1 newspapers wanid that if the | chants w e good and som I one I I
1 . - _ . 711 ' 8 me I OkEh I I .
enter- 1 mthlon about th Carry suff1c1ent vertisin' 1 take thls form Of 14‘ imat s are usually glven an 1 II -I 0 er II
t - panic .. ese producm g When the - ad 9 proposals b y eglt e I
683:; out 5 that they would (magic??— I anything Else Howeym not take churches or otiIiIethe 10ca1 Schools 1 1i
. a e 11 best for t I er, I belie When thI r organizatio I I
hall. Th - th 1.19 hewspa e Ve e proceeds W111 118. I I
L’ C. ’ Helmet: are many Other advert. . !Cfet advertising and up): to] develOp 1y. and there are no k(jetu.sedloca1- 1 0r 1
Owen most congractlced but probablylstrhg thérgwn Solicitors to hanzhlow‘ out— mIISISlOHSI u Slde com—I
. ' e I I “I
, Was 1 ness new??? 1.: that of the “Busi‘f this. $28M are many reason: 15:: 1 soligioiso‘ie plan also takes care of ‘I II
MISS and agrees togséxlflti‘.pHe comes in remains in Itlg‘wlslpirlifrtheditor, who i Communitiégoghd Ottrlller towns and P R O F I T S 1 1
1. a n ‘ - . . a ‘e O ‘ h' I I I i I I I I I I
'f the rateegg?bormg pawn and :0 p: SID 1n1tgs to adjust all questiintlme and 1 nuisance because thes Sln itself is a 1 1‘1
“saw, I goes tor the advertisino- Hy Deal 1 d 6 money and get the C s, collect munities are a1WayS IElialler com— 0 151
ribers ‘ Calls 0 the neighboringcto e thex1 toes not know what the OIpyI Often101dI fiddlerIS conteStpu tmg on anI MO III
1have a lot E;OS§ects by phone anvdvli and 15f]? the merChant Hesoéllmtor has guring a new curtainI f: gay, SIB-I A DERNTZE IIII
pub- . n at airn to th . reads; _ many wron -. .ay have Orium and th ‘ r e Midi—I ‘. I
does ‘professmnal man. I? husmess 01'1thls seriously mg Impressmns and merchants to te llke It pays the TYPOGRAPHICA 111
1f the sounds mi ~ht his usuall .of the n lures the D1'9"t' the ake part m 50 LLY II I
. e1. .. 8. Y g00d and th . Y1 cwspaper. Su h a ige . , plans, especial] me or B (I II
! In most Inst 6 graft ‘ should be t c promote titlon f1 3’ where com o 1 0»Y mart ~ 11 1
t , 1 the , ances tells h‘ 1 1 urned dow rs 10m other to ' p” I I er “1 one Of h II
ucky 1 am paper Will put out a Co jm that VBIY rare instances to bn except in the committee can wns ls keen but I faces OF H P I t 3 five III
6110;; { he 0:311; of eXtra Circulatiogfigrable I by Individual publisher: determined 1 this question. 11many decide on 1 Ga L Linotype Legibility 111
II, _ :Isa befurnished with that The job printi I , There are man LOJPIHeadsandadSi - IIII
lag/h mailple copies. Usually th several most common 011g fiackets are the ‘the question of fagther angles tOI minute diSPI f nup to-the- 1I
. 1 arrangedt e grafter can u a becaus etsn b t . vertiSihg ra k .ay aces G I I
Mar- tra co ~ .0 have abOut f' 1 sually be put _ 6 they 1 u my time is 1‘ . c ‘ d J ‘ I V9 readers IIII
i ples prlnt. 1Ve ex- hours M ‘ over In a f devote th lmlted 50 Win an auvcms I I
I de— tlser b .ed fOr each Q - any time 6w 8 rest of th ‘ I m a more a“ II II I
iivei-- 1 extra IclitrchuatztS-ald nothing aboitvtarlie Eggs not know 21130511351351" Spaper to(aNortound-table discistslilol: allotted and readable paper raCL‘VE 1I
alth's ing f0 , 10h. The pa , no opportu -t an and e: We recom I I I I
. . r thls t I‘SOn fall- bus1 m y to we State mend that I
d1c1al usua Ype of adver: - , . ness peOple of ' m the I I neWSpaper re I every I
neral 1Wherlézs cilgrged from $4 ttdSléllg2 513 £111]53 {act that there 1:11;: itrlilctiy due to $21511 for SEIf-prorgléfiorihe Zhove MODERNIZE I I
d at ‘$125 e publishe . . 'In ing sho - ependent 66 his mer h an to II
1 . to $2 . r gets abot th . , ps 1n man 1 r0. _ . C an“ For ' I ME II
1 . per wn _ u e prin . y owns 18 alme I walned 15 CH I
e A 1 By IS coneCtEd as sailor; $1216 mon— feeling- thfifitvtslg' atccept anythidri}:1 d- The EdltOr.) ANICALLY 1‘
1- 1 e paper up. Th . _ us so much ' OI WitI I I
_ M. A I I
hige plants :rrenarjlgigity ff these prrfictlffig Pedley Condemns In 1 a Lénotype that Will set body 11
fi—_ In ' . . at: 1 1 I
elOp- 31% *m-—Emu..._ the hewspaper .Erested in what Free Public1t ' er, tsp-ay and mosr Of I
val— 5 R- PUBLISHER 7E queStion and f thinis about the y Graft Job work 1'1 f ‘ the I I
I as“ I ":1": :siyour orders for 5MP C01 :cwspapers wifraghés reason many( (Continued from Page on 130“! G; ‘ 10m its Single key- ”I
and Muofis, Borders, Leads, Slug; 1 01nd 0? Work. knowi: to take this ,gzekly-a picture of a Sha 1 e) f 1:" Ive yourself- the progts II
pub- I we also hofype spadng material, ompetitor Will take % that their ‘ y wlth a tray of ci De y young 0 e,:c:ent Produoio. . 111
$511— ] } faces Mamet many deSimble typé 1 Will be printed in a nealrb 011-; that it aoound her neck Otiglaelrpif‘s swung ~ a. 11
i1— . ; no ype or Lin f I y own. ' re very littl I JSEI She W F I
and I I £05m" for your cam: ype com 1 The most often pract' ‘ beIOW the moet' In black—faced type RAJRuENTHALER L s 11‘
Mr. V ‘ qunfua's’EAssocmfion Mingu’t'esscto‘JI 1 laggtcthe printing of menocseof rackets eye