xt7v416t1q36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416t1q36/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1991-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 1991 text GLSO News, April 1991 1991 1991-04 2019 true xt7v416t1q36 section xt7v416t1q36 NEWS 1991 (ii? I 5(6
S‘s Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from NGLTF

Cracker Barrel Restaurants, 0 maior chain of employ individuals in our operating units whose
family-style eateries, has tired gay employees sexual preferences fail to demonstrate normal
after announcing a cor rate policy to ban heterosexual values which have been the
workers "whose sexualpopreierences tail to foundation of families in our society."
demonstrate normal heterosexual values." The company issued a "retraction of sorts"

In response, the National Gay & Lesbian shortly after receiving calls from NGLTF, Queer
Task Force (NGLTF) Policy Institute, Queer Nation/Atlanta, the Martin Luther King Center,
Nation/Atlanta and the Tennessee Gay and and the media. The "retraction," dated Feb.
Lesbian Alliance have established a mailgram 22, says: "Our recent position on the
hotline to protest the policy and have launched employment of homosexuals in a limited number
demonstrations and other actions against the ot stores ma have been a well-intentioned over
comgany. reaction to the perceived values oi our customers

ays, lesbians and their supporters are and their comfort levels with these individuals . .
ur ed to call 1-800-325—6000, Hotline . In future, we will deal with any disruptions in
#8823, to send a prepared message to Dan our units, regardless of the cause, on a
Evins, president of Cracker Barrel Company. store-by-store basis."

Company executives have reiused to talk to the But NGLTF Families Project Director Ivy
media or ay and lesbian activists. Youn dismissed the retraction, saying, "Cracker

Considqered one of the Iastest-growin BarreTI is caIIin its deliberate discrimination a
restaurant chains in the country, Cracker Barregl 'weII-intentioneg over reaction.’ How can bias
owns some 90 restaurantKgiItshops located and bigotry ever by considered weII-intentioned?
primarily along interstate hig ways in the South How can any person's right to fair and
and Midwest. The chain is owned b Cracker equitable treatment be denied by some other
Barrel Old Country Stores, Inc., heanuartered individual's 'comIort Ievel’? Gay and lesbian
in Lebanon, Tennessee. workers still have no protection."

The policy, released in January, states the Individuals may send a mailgram to protest
company's desire to uphold "traditional Cracker Barrel's corporate homophobia by
American values" as justification for terminating calling the toll free hotline, I-800-325-6000,

ay emplo ees. At least nine em Io ees have hotline #9823, open 24 hours a day. The
Eeen tired" NGLTF, along with local and cost of the Western Union messa e is $7,
regional lesbian and ay groups, is pressuring charged to callers' telephone bill. flasterCard,
the company to rescinci3 the policy, reinstate tire Visa and American Express are accepted.

gay employees and institute an Besides the mailgram hotline, activists are
anti-discrimination oIi corporate-wide. calling for or have a ready implemented pickets,

"Cracker BarreTiscIounded upon a concept sit-ins and other visibility actions at the
of traditional American values . . . ” says the restaurants, meetings with Cracker Barrel
company. "It is inconsistent with our concept executives, media advocacy, litigation, boycotts,
and values, and is perceived to be inconsistent and su port from the civil rights, women's and
with those of our customer base, to continue to other allied communities.

 [ ] Please send me information on GLSO.
[ ] I'd like to become a votin Member ol
GLSO, includin home defive ol the ——'———————
GLSO NEWS ant? discounts at gLSO I99] PRIDE WEEK
functions. Membership of $IO/yr. COMMITTEE ORGANIZES
individual, $1 5/yr. couple, is enclosed. Irom GLSO News stall
[ ] I don't wish to become a Member but The 1991 Pride Week Committee met twice
please send me the GLSO NEWS each in March with tour organizations sendin
month. I enclose the $5 annual lee. representatives. GLSO, Interweave, AVOL ang
the TSGRA (Tri-State Gay Rodeo Associations)
were all represented at the meetings. Discussion
Name: centered on dates for Pride Week and what
activities would be a part OI the celebration.
Address: Tentative plans were or anized usin two
weekends, June 7—9 and fune 14-16, Igor the
City, St, Zip: celebration rather than a entire week of
Mail to: Newsletter, PO. Box 11471 Currently, planned events include: Arts
Lexington,KY40575 Night, Picnic, the Pride Week Church Service,
and a Barn Dance, on the first weekend; and
Bar Night, an AVOL sponsored pr ram and an
entertainer or comedian which would raise funds
for next year's Pride Week, on the second
GLSO News is published monthly by the weekend. Volunteers are needed. Contact
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. Craig Clere, 266-8887, or Debbie Currie,
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), 255-3851, to volunteer.
P.O. gox 114%, Lexington, KY 405%5.
Esmegflg 55.3,“?gigggefifl'fim lOWEST FARES & YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist - AIRLINETICKETS . CRUISES
Additional Contributors: Crai , Bill, John, GLSO, . VACATION TOURS . CHURCH &CWIC GROUPS
Ewra, Heartland, NGLTF, Tfie Acé/ocate; Typist: NO FEES OR SERVICE CHARGES
rai ; Equipment: Dave; Layout: ral ; Mailing:
Melgnie,‘ Courier: Craig; Folding & Stuffging: Steve, GLSO DONATION WITH EACH PURCHASE
Mark, Jim, John, Jan. .
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those of the T R A V E L I NC5
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO 2040 |d|e Hour Center' Richmond Road
Ezard ol Erectors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions lexington, Kentucky 40502
come t e property at GLSO and must indicate the full name
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not I-800-2284337.606I2684337
accepted. The editorial stall reserves the right to alter
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as
well as the right to reiect any submission it deems offensive or
discriminatory. Placement of advertising in GLSO News does
not denote a person's sexual orientation nor a business's
customer preference.
2 Apr GLSO

lrorn GLSO News stall lrom GLSO News stall
Move over Lexington Singers here comes The annual Mr. Crossings Leather
the Lexington Men's Chorus. The idea lor a competition, sponsored by the Blue rass
men's chorus had been discussed lor many C.O.L.T.S, will be held Saturda , April 18, at
years, but it took Shelby Reypolds, in the role of 10 pm, at Crossings, 117 N. Limestone. The
entertainment director or t e Bluegrass Classic winner will represent Crossin s as Kentucky's
Bowling Tournament, to make it a reality. Last entry in the International Mr. Eeather contest in
October he organized a small (18) but Chicago, Illinois, May 24-27, 1991.
dedicated group ol singers and recruited Contestants will be iudged in lour categories:
Michael Breeding lor the task ol directin . The personal interviews/leather Iilestyle; leather
group met every other Thursday lor refinearsal attire; lantasy attire; and ph sique. Contestants
and prepared live selections. An appreciative must be at least 21 years ol age and be legal
audience at the bowling award dinner gave the residents ol Kentucky.
chorus a heartfelt standln ovation. Individuals interested in entering the
The Chorus has decidged to continue singing competition should submit an ap Iication by
together and perlormed March 17 at Saturday, April 6. Applications ancfinlormation
Shakertown and again in Harrodsburg at the concerning the contest can be obtained at
opening ol the Mercer County Library. The Crossings, or by calling 233-7266 alter 8 pm.
rou would like to expand its number to
Soil) and is looking lor new singers. No
audition is required, iust a love ol music and NAMES PROJECT NEWS
the ability to car a tune. Il interested call from the NAMES Project
Shelby at 231-0030 or Michael at 233-3709.
The NAMES Proiect - Kentucky chapter
FAIR FIGHTING WORKSHOP SCHEDULED wishes to thank everyone who took part in our
lrom GLSO News stall recent lund raisin event at the old Acaiou
restaurant, especiafi Tim MiIIon lor donating the
Charlene J. Pekoz, a human resource space and Anita Mbdden and Emily Mathis lor
consultant, will present "Fair Fi hting lor Positive auctionin oll celebrity items. It was a
Change in Relationships." Tie workshop lor wondeduFevening and great success. Everyone
women will be held on Saturday, Ma 18, lrorn had lun and supported a good cause. Watch
9:30 am to 5:30 pm. Cost Is $58: by April lor us to do this a ain next year.
18, sliding scale. The men's workshop will be We traveled tile state with lour sections of
conducted on Thursday, May 16, lrorn 6 pm to the Quilt durin February, visiting eifiht dillerent
10 pm with a $35 cost by April 18. To locations. The Quit was we received
re ister or lor more inlormation caII Judy at everywhere we went and we would like to
2§7-0450. express gratitude lor those involved in making
the displays a success.
C.O.L.T.S CHOSE MAN OF THE YEAR There are three panel making worksho s
from GLSO New stall currently across the state. In Lexington tlEle
workshop is the second Thursday at Quilter's
Robert Wesley was named "Man ol the Square on Re ency Road (lormerly at Dudley
Year" by the Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S at the club’s Square) lrom yto 9 pm. In Frankfort it’s the
Anniversa Dinner held recently. Wesley was third Tuesday of the month and in Louisville, the
recognize? lor his various contributions to the third Wednesday. Contact Carolyn Webb at
club. 502-223-3118 For the Franklort locations, and
Wesley was also installed as the club’s Kevin EIkins at 502-637-5608 lor the Louisville
President lor 1991. Other ollicers lor the year location.
are Mark Cross, First Vice President' Russell For inlormation on any ol the NAMES
Henderson, Second Vice President; Andre Cook, Project activities contact Katie at 223-3855 or
Treasurer; and Paul Tomlin, Road Captain. to volunteer caII Dan at 254-9998.
Apr GLSO 3

from J.E.

When I first became a volunteer at the where help is available. LRCC hasa 24-hr. hot
Lexington Rape Crisis Center (LRCC) several line (253-25I I), well trained volunteers, and
years ago, it was with the intention oi full-time therapists who are aware that the
counseling the men in the lives of women who emotional pain of being ra d does not depend
had been ra d. It soon became apparent that on one's gender or sexualxbrientation. It is a
gay men WE: had been raped did call the human response to being violated. Although I
center as well. I was struck bfy how empathetic cannot promise a caller that he will be placed
and sympathetic the LRCC stat was in response. with a gay male therapist or volunteer, what I
These calls were believed to represent the tip at can promise (as a ay male volunteer who has
the iceberg with respect to the actual incidence been through the LSCC training, has worked as
of rape in the gay male community. Since this a volunteer for several ears, and knows the
is my community, I was understandably attuned permanent LRCC stall well? is that any gay male
to these callers. What came as a complete who needs the services a the center will be as
surprise to me was that as other members a the kindly treated and as well served as any other
gay community became aware at my person who is in need at services. There are
involvement with LRCC, they began to share well trained people at both genders some at
their own rape stories with me. Alter several whom are lesbian/gay, who are volunteers at
years at accumulating these stories and also the center. Gay men are welcome to
counseling several gay male rape victims, it has participate in volunteer trainin .
become obvious to me that a significant [Service at LRCC is provicfed tree of charge
ercentage at the gay men I know personally, during the time of acute crisis directly following
have, at some time in their lives, had a rape a rape. Subse uent, longer term, therapy is
experience. I Iind this truly alarmingD and am available on a Sliding payment scale. Articles
writinp this article to address in a pu lic forum in the future may! dea wit the emotional eIIect
exacty what the definition of a rape event of being ra , the stages of the recovery
involvin gay men might be and where help process, ancfesteps to take to avoid having a
can be EIound it such an event does occur in the similar experience recur in the future]
present or has occurred in the past. This is in
no way meant to take awareness away from :1
the plight of women who have been ra d but 3“ .
to extend that fiwareness to include th: gay ‘LND .
communi as we . ‘V' L9H!

For mlbles, rape can be defined as any oral \IIEK G‘thk \ "cm'r‘iffl
or anal activity Iorced upon one person by
another through violence. It is the coercive and ATHENA PRODUCTIONS
violent nature of this crime which makes it rape. presents
"Tricking" with someone with the expectation of

a pleasant sexual encounter and then bem SHINE KRAEMER
force into any sexual activity agginst one's wilP, ‘ ‘3‘ Y“ G‘r‘fr‘end I
is rape. Going to a mate wit someone alter Sponsored by:
an evening of rinkin and being tied to a bed The “NEW“ Chapter 0f N-O-W~
against one’s WIII Chg bemg listed all night, IS In ConJunction with N.O.w.’5 State Conference
rape. Being forced into unsafe sexual practices
against one s will, is rape. In short, any time Saturday. Aom 6th at 8:30 om
anyone says NO or indicates lack of consent in HOLIDAY INN - NORTH
any way to a sexual advance or activity and ‘950 Newtown Pike
the perpetrator proceeds regardless, a rape has
occurred. s 5 00 at the door
My main purpose here is to alert those 5 4:00 for conference participant.
members at the ay male community who have
survived a sexuaT assault that there is a place u puauc WELCOME u
4 Apr GLSO

 Don’t just worry about HIV.
Do something about it.
If you think you are at risk for
HIV infection, now is the time
to consider HIV counseling
and testing.
The test is FREE and ANONYMOUS.
Call your local Health Department,
or, the Kentucky AIDS Hotline at
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
Apr GLSO 5

 This contingency is in support of sex trade

' workers and believes that for many women the
only alternative to prostitution is starvation.

, They state that prostitution is not the only
smerelda 5 Par] industry that is male dominated and degrading
O . 1' to women, but is the only industry in which the

k A workers are ille al and can least defend publicly

9' "\r their right to jogs. For some women to be paid

.- for what all women are expected to do for free

" is a source of wer. The belief of this

contingency is tfigt this controversy divides

Each year as part of my work at the Rape women between those of us who are "good"
Crisis Center | o to the National Coalition women and those of us who are "bad” women
Against Sexual9 Assault (NCASA) Annual and contends that we must validate he
Conference. As with most feminist atherings experiences of all women.
that I have attended there tentfs to be I am strongly opposed to the objectification
controversial political issues being debated; and and exploitation of women. I do not approve
NCASA is no exception. of the sensationalism of our culture in terms of

The most controversial issue this st year women being used as sex objects for he
seemed to be on what position NCAg‘il should ratification and financial gain of others. I do
take on women in the sex trade industry. Sex fiawever question who am I to sit in judgment
trade worker refers to prostitution in all its forms; of others? Am I the "good" and sex trade
including but not limited to live sex shows, escort workers the "bad". Are my values better than
services, street walking, table dancing, lap others? Is it fair for me to judge another
dancing, stripping, telephone sex, sexual women's life experiences? As always I welcome
penetration, sexua torture, pornography, and your comments.
prostitution as it is commonly known. In sisterhood,

Because NCASA is dedicated to the Laura Drew
elimination of sexual violence, one contingency
believes prostitution in all forms is the sexual WOMONWRITES ’9]
abuse and subordination of women. They from GLSO News staff
believe the conditions which create and
perpetuate prostitution, includin male Womonwrites '91, the 13th Annual
su remacy, poverty, racism, cPassism, Southeastern Lesbian Writers' Conference, will
lesbophobia, sex discrimination, sexual abuse, be held May 29 - June 2 in central Georgia.
bigotry, and despair, preclude prostitution from $60 (more or less), limited registration. For
being a freely made choice and make women more information and/or re istration send
vulnerable to enslavement in prostitution. S.A.S.E. to: Womonwrites '9q, c/o Miriam

Therefore they resolved that NCASA should Carroll, l503 Park Road SE, Atlanta, GA,
endorse the abolition of all laws penalizin 30315.
women in prostitution used as sexuafi
commodities, and to endorse enhanced penalties
for trafficking, rocuring, pimping, tronizing, TWO NICE GIRLS lN CONCERT
promoting and) profiting from allDOforms of from GLSO News staff

Now, you may wonder why I am bringing Two Nice Girls -- they're not two, they're not
all this up ri ht now. Well I will tell ou. At nice and they're certainly not irls. Elemental to
the time of finis conference, July 1996’, l was foursome's success is their re?axed, funny and
unaware of gay women stri pers performing in incredibly endearing live show -- part campfire,
one of our community’s localDestabishments; but rt bistro, part sumber party; complete with
today lam and it concerns me. T30 Nice Girls songbook so t e audience can

As l always attempt to do I will give you the follow alon . Join us on Thursday, April 18, at
other contingency's opinions in this matter and Breedings Efor a very unusual fun evening.
then leave it up to each of you as individuals to Tickets on sale at Breedin 5' box office, $8 In
determine where you stand on this issue. advance and $10 at the dgoor.

6 Apr GLSO

Thursday, April 18, 1991, 8 pm
509 West Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky
Advance Tickets for Reserved Seating
$8 - Breedings Box Office 255-2822
$10 at the door
Two Nice Girls: They're not two, they’re not nice (at least not by your Aunt Mabel's definition) and
they're certainly not girls. Who they are is four thoroughly modern women: Smart, Friendly, funny,
and apparently chosen by destiny to play in an all-women iolk-disco-country rock and roll band.
NA Ti gNlAlL
‘ LESBl‘A’: N
A ivoman-to:Evgon gathering finding strength through our
diversity. The National Lesbian Conference is committed to safer
and accessible space for all lesbians. Join us in celebrating the
choice to relate across differences and enjoy wommin from all the
various ways of lesbian lives. Meet me in
7 APRIL 24 ~28, 1991
DECATUR, GA 30031 (404) 373-0000
u ,,’.Z.‘;:,”Ef.,‘; 272221121! "[1:11’152‘23 75.171215733621’222’: iii" 55:55.?1155::'ZL’ZC".ZZ‘;}2’ZL’L’:L”;..m.
,m 311.6 ”mm“: .mm m rhr-r-[rn and m: .VI.L‘ n/flnm luirianr in mumy. Apr GLSO 7

The theater will ask for a jury trail on the
NATIONAL obscenity charge, basin its defense on the
free-speech provisions of tge First Amendment.
Hate-motivated crimes 0 ainst gays and The film was honored in the I990 Adult
lesbians lumped by over 4% percent during Video News award for "raising the adult feature
I990 and continue to soar, according to into the realm of cinematic art without sacrificing
statistics com iled by the National Gay and the sexual intensity." The purely sexual aspects
Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF). of the film do not differ from those portrayed in
NGLTF spokesperson Robin Kane said the thousands of other erotic films available from
organization sees the report as part of a coast-to-coast.
national trend. "With such a large and
consistent increase being reported in suc widely
diverse cities, it points to this. We also looked LOUISVILLE, KY
at studies done in Utah and Ohio which also
point to a trend toward increasing violence," A special task force of the Presbyterian
she said. Church USA is recommending that the church
allow ordination of gays and lesbians and that
it ease restrictions on sex outside of marria e.
LOS ANGELES, CA Both issues are scheduled to be debated at The
denomination’s General Assembl in early June.
Kevin Fowler has received a $2000 The report states that "A Christian ethic of
settlement from an insurance company in sexuality is needed that honors but does not
damages for an incident with an airport security restrict sexual activity to marriage alone." It
guard in October, I990. Fowler overhear 0 goes on to say that "What matters ethically is
guard refer to another individual as a "fag" at not the sameness (or the difference) of the
a Los An eIes International Air rt security gate. gender of persons in relation, but rather the
When Fgowler requested thgt the guard, quality and character of their relationship . . .
employed by Ogden Allied Security Corp., not Similarly, what matters is not whether sexually
use that word, the guard reportedly became active adults are married or not, but rather
threatening and said, "you must be a fag, whether they embody iustice-Iove in their
too." relating."
Fowler issued a complaint with O den Corp.
and threatened to file a lawsuit unger the Los
Angeles gay rights ordinance. Ogden agreed ST. LOUIS, M0
to reprimand the guard and promised to include
a statement of non-discrimination in its employee In a Preliminary vote, a study group of the
training. The insurance company granted United Methodist Church has recommended
Fowler a $2000 settlement, which Fowler deleting the denomination's statement
donated to the National Gay & Lesbian Task condemning homosexual behavior as
Force and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against "incompatible with Christian teaching."
Defamation/L05 Angeles. The church's Committee on the Study of
Homosexuality voted I7-4 to approve a new
‘ statement saying that the denomination is
CHICAGO, IL "unable to arrive at a common mind" on
homosexual behavior and noting that some
Chicago police have filed obscenity char es religious thinkers believe that gay sex is
against t e i‘ou Theater and its manager Ror acceptable "when practiced in a context of
showing the film, More Of a Man. Bi'ou human caring and covential faithfulness."
employees say the officers had watched the film The report has already been criticized by
in its entirety then returned with a search conservatives as "divisive" and "unbiblical" and
warrant. by liberals as " not going far enough."
8 Apr GLSO

GLSO Gayline 231-0335
—__—— GLSO Board callCraig, 266-8887
The Bar Complex, 224 East Main, 255-1551. GLSO News callCrai , 266-8887
The restaurant, Cafe Montpornasse, open from GLSO Speakers Bureau..ca(li Bill, .. 266-9175
6 - 11 pm, SatUrday 6 pm - 3 am. Also GLSO Comin Out Group
features Johnny Angel Disco, Gilded Gage call/flan, 253-2414
Cabaret, and the Living Room Lounge. GLSO Rainbow Bowling League
Afterhours Saturday night from 1:30 - 3:30 am. call Teri, 268-4789
GLSO Carcls & Games
Crossings, 117 North Limestone, 233-7266. callThom, 266-3208
Lexington's mens’ bar. Cowboy night 1st TSGRA (Tri State Gay Rodeo Association)
Saturday Leather night 3rd Saturday. Operates callTer orMark,................ 233-7266
The Rack, 0 leather shop, open Friday and NAMES Proiectrf(entucky
Saturday, 10 pm to 1 am. call Katie 223-3855
lesbian Potluck
The Metro, 156 West Main, 254-9881. Shows callEsmerelda, 271-6131
every weekend. Afterhours Friday and Esmerelda’s Parlour
Saturday, 1:30 - 4 am. call Laura, 276-2685
Front Runners (Gay/ lesbian running club)
__—_—_ .COllDOn, 254-6850
I l ../. gallgteve, 231-8485
Be innin si n on ua e cass startin in Go Les ianAA
mig—A ril,g égweeks,g $20. Call Johgflr at Y... callDave, 277-9522
254-7P1 50 for more information. Gay/Lesbian AI-Anon
call Robert 293-0516
Two apartments for gay men or lesbians only. Imperial Court ofthe Bluegrass
Old Louisville. Live-In landlord. Second floor Empire.. callTerry, 266-8715
0 t. has two bedrooms, modern kitchen; sunny; Dignity/Lexington
idDeal for couple. Small deposit, no pets. $325 call Don, 299-4458
+ utilities. Available April 15. Third floor apt. Integrity
has one bedroom, new kitchen; newly call Kay, 277-4364
refurbished. Small deposit, no pets. $275 + Interweave call Craig, 266—8887
utilities. Available May 15. Convenient to (Unitarian Universalistgays, lesbians and friends.)
downtown and U of L. Call 502-636-0935 for AVOL 276-AVOL
appointment. (AIDS support and education)
ACT-Lexmgton 281-5151
_—'—_——— (AIDS education and referral)
callEdwin, 233-0444
(800) 767-4297 Lexin ton-Fayette Co. Health Department
AlDSTestIng 288-AIDS
_—_——'— (Foranonymouscounselin and testing)
Madison County Healtthepartment
(For anonymous counseling and testing)
(800) 347-4283 Louisville Crisis Hotline ............( 02) 454-6699
Apr GLSO 9

Contact names and numbers for all events listed TUE 2 GLSO Phoneline Meeting, 5:30 pm
can be Iound in the Directory on the previous
pa e. The Comp Care Center is located at SAT 6 Carol Kraemer & Laura Shine oi Yer
20% Mechanic Street, Lexington. Girlfriend, 8:30 pm, NOW State
Conference, Holiday Inn North
APR'L SUN 7 Reel alvm'dhsl'mg Bond, 3 pm,
Heo e -W ire Museum;
'"z‘:‘I‘:'§'i‘:‘:':‘:':';':'Hififix'}:':‘2‘I'1'z'z:3:'Z'Z':':n":‘2'2'1'2'm’hflfi'h‘.‘.’.’.‘X.'.’-‘v‘-‘I.’.’-t.‘.flfi‘.‘u‘.’.’.‘.’.’.’.’.’.’§-’v’.‘.‘. Working C'ass yKitchen - POetry &
1 2 3 4 5 6 Performance Art, 6 pm, a la
7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 Lucie's, 159 North Limestone
14 15 16 17 18 19 2O TUE 9 AVOL's Bereavement Support
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Group, 7130 pm
28 29 30 WED IO NAMES Project General Meeting,
7 pm, Rosenthal Center,
. Transylvania University
THU II NAMES Pro'ect Panel Makin
SUNDAY Gay/ Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comp Workshop, P pm, Quilter's quuare,
Care Center; Regency Road; GLSO Coming Out
Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm Support Group, 7:30 pm,
Central Library Suite B
TUESDAY Gay/Lesbian AI-Anon, 7 pm;
Rainbow Bowling League, 9 pm, FRI I2 GLSO Cards & Games, 8 pm
JoyIand Lanes
SAT I3 Mr. Crossings Leather contest,
WEDNESDAY GLUE (Gays & Lesbians United TO pm, Crossings
tor Education) - UK's student,
stall and Faculty roup, 8 pm, SUN 14 Lesbian Potluck, 2 m;
St. Augustine's CEO I AVOL, 5:30 pm, gomp Care Center
472 Rose St.; Gay/feesbian AA,
8 pm, St. Joseph Hospital, CCI THU 18Two Nice Girls concert, 8 pm,
Meetin Room; Gayline, Breedings, 509 West Main
23I-Og35, 8 - II pm
TUE 23 AVOL's Bereavement Support
THURSDAY HIV+, ARC, AIDS Support Group, 7:30 pm
Group; Gayline, 231-0335,
8 - II pm WED 24 GLSO Board Meeting, 7:30 pm
FRIDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, Comp THU 25 Dignity Rap Session, 7:30 pm;
Care Center; GLSO Coming Out Support Group,
Gayline, 23I-O335, 8 - II pm 7:30 pm, Central Library Suite B
SATURDAY Front Runners, 9 am, UK Water FRI 26 Dignity & Inte rig Liturgy, 7:30 pm;
Tower at Alumni Drive GLSO Cards 2 ames, 8 pm

You are invited to a presentation of the
first year data of the Trilogy Project.
Lexington Public Library
Conference Room A
April 18, 1991
7:00 p. m.
Refreshments will be provided.
L o o s e | te m