xt7v416t0t5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416t0t5h/data/mets.xml Alabama Alabama Museum of Natural History 1948 Other titles include: Alabama Museum of Natural History museum paper, Geological Survey of Alabama, Museum of the Geological Survey of Alabama. Other creators include: United States. Work Projects Administration, Geological Survey of Alabama, Tennessee Valley Authority. Issues for 1, 3 carry no series numbering. No. 2 also as Education papers no. 1. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number  AS36 .A2. journals  English University, Ala. : Alabama Museum of Natural History, 1910-1960 This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Alabama Works Progress Administration Publications Museum Paper, no. 25, 1948 - including "The Perry Site Lu 25, Units 3 and 4, Lauderdale Co., Alabama" by Wm. S. Webb and David L. DeJarnette text Museum Paper, no. 25, 1948 - including "The Perry Site Lu 25, Units 3 and 4, Lauderdale Co., Alabama" by Wm. S. Webb and David L. DeJarnette 1948 1948 2015 true xt7v416t0t5h section xt7v416t0t5h {
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  — - _____ _______ ..
rg_L1·saL¤M PAPER 25
 _ ALABAMA Museum mr NATURAL r—usT¤RY
` Units 3 and 4
` ` Lauderdale C0., Alabama
. By
 ‘ Wm. S. WEBB
 ’ and
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A —iF€d with the assistance of the Work Projects Administration
and the cooperation of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
1948 l

l 7.
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l  »
l 2 of I
`   Introduction 7 ,,.. 7 ..,, 7     ,,,,.,,,, 7 ,,..,r V rr--—r   --—-———--- - -···-······ - ---—----·--- 7 9  
  Previous excavation 77 ,,r. 7 ,,.r.. 7   7 7 77777 7 777.77777   7 777   g · 
7  4 Figui
- Acknowledgments 7 777777777.77777 7 7.777777 7 7 777.   .7.777..7777     777.   it, _`
· l. E
I Units 3 and 4 77 77 .777777777...  7 7.   7 7777.77rr77r»»» 7 »Y~r-~--r-----r-»»r»~   l2 7 g_
l Natural Zones 7777   777...77 7 7.777777 77 77 7..77 7   r»7rr 7 r»»»- 7 -~------- 7 --rrr-rr»»~rr - 7 ii  `
l Features 77777 77 7 7 7777 7 7.777777 7 77777 . 7 77777.777 7 77777777 77   777..777.777.7777 77 77 18  · .
l 7
  Dog burials 77 77 777..77777. . 777777 7 777..777 7 777. 7  77777. 7 7777..7777.77 7 ...7.777..777 7 22 in
` ‘ 3. 1
  Burials 777777 7 7  77   77 7 7777 7 7777777.777 7 7777 7 7777777777777777.77777777777 7 .77777777.777 7 22 ’ `
i I
2 List of Burials with associated artifacts 7 77 7777777.777.7777777.777777777 7 7777 7 33  “ 4U
‘ `
  Artifacts without burial association 7   7 77777 7 77777777777777777777777777 7 45 '
l  7 5- l
l Description of Artifacts from general excavation 777777777777777777 77 7777 43  
1 Y
7 Stone, other than flint 7777 7 7777..77.777777 77 77777777777777777777777777777777777   45 r 6,
i Bone and Antler  7 777777 7 777777   77 7   _777 7  7 77777777777,77r7   77777 7 il _A 
Q Film 77777777.7777 7 77777 7 77777 7 7777777777777777777 . 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 54  I
T l
l Tabulation of depth distribution of flint types 7777777777777777777777777777 7 57 “ T-
i Pottery study by Marion L7 Dunlevy 777777777_77777777 7 7777 7 7777777777i7777777 58  _ 34
` l Pottery Summary 77  77 777__ 7 7777777_7__777__77_7_7777__777___77777_7777__7_7_77777777 99 V `
` I Pottery vessels tabulated 777777777_777777777_77777 7 77777777777777777777777777777777 $4 L
i Conclusions Regarding Pottery 7777777777_777_777777777_77777_777777777777777777777 65  » 9-
l 7
l l Conclusions 7777 7 777777777   7_77777 7 77_7_777_777_ 7 _77__777_7 7 7_777____77___77777_____7777777777777 7 G'
i L·t . · 69
I 1 eratuie Cited 7777     77_7777777777_77_7 77 77 77777__77 7 77_7___7__777____777777777__77777 7 V 7
l ‘ 1** j
7 i .
l 7
g 7

  Map I   region showing Seven Mile Island and the mouth ’
 in of Q C Beer Creek on Tennessee River ..».».»..,ir. V ...r,   r~V.,..rr F1`0¤'€iSPi€€€
 f Fneuass
  mgm 1. Page
  i, 3 chart .e.I.eee_L .. e_..eee.ieeeee .. e,....eLL.e.   i.dL   L.iee_ . L.... . eee. . e.eeeeee   ll
 ·; 2. lsolating Block No. 8. Remaining portion of
E Block No. 7 is in foreground   ,r...r,,.r,,v..rrre,,r,r, . ,e,rrr,,,rr. .. ...,rV.   13
Q  General view of Site Lu`”`25 looking northeast
 1 toward the head of Seven Mile Island ...r.r...,.....,e..   rrrrle 1 .,rr.,.... 13
 ·' ~ Block Nos. 10, 11 and 12 staked and isolated.
 . Base of Block No. 8 in foreground .. .     ,..rr.,1 . r,,.   .,r,Y,..._A . 13
‘ 3. 1 Excavation of Block Nos. 10, 11 and 12 .. ..............   .... . .._....... . 14
: ~ Block Nos. ll and 12 nearing completion. Block
Nos. 13, 14 and 15 staked for excavation ............. . ....,.... . ............ 14
 _` -1. isolating Block Nos. 13, 14 and 15 ......,.........................1..,_......e   16
` ~ Block No. 16 nearing completion ............. . ......_. . ........ .. .,............, .. 16
 5 5. » Scattered post—molds on the surface of Zone B of
Block No. 14  . ........ . ....   ......___r... .. .. ..... . ..._.... . ......_.. . ....... .. .,...... 17
 ’ ‘ °ost-molds on a definite occupational level, Block No. 8 ......... 17
6. Feature 113, a fire pit, in Block No. ll, Unit 3 ,  
‘ rear the bottom of the midden .... . ...c.... . ..i.. W .     ..   ..  21
g Two dog burials. Note how the limbs of the skeletons
have been folded. In a human burial they would be
sléssed as “‘fully flexed" ._._ . ._..   ........____...._._..._. . ........   _...   21
V T- ?iI of Burial N0. 580 intruded into silt below Zone E. ............. 24
r,  Burial N0. 580 exposed in pit .._.... . .... . .... . ....   ..., . ..,....._.....   24
’ 3 Burial Nos. 440 to 446 inclusive and No. 448. Many `
‘ _ HTG typical fully flexed burials ............ . ....... .. .. ..... . . .   ..     25 ,
_ Burial Nos. 561 and 562 typical sitting burials, elevated
V. knees, Burial No. 562 at somewhat lower level has col-
` YZDSGG Or slumped, and head has fallen   ....... .. ...... . .................. 25 `
`  9- Burial Nos. 401 and 402 adult and child, each with pottery I
 g ressel .. . . _...   ,   , , _r_._     H .,...__   __._.   27 I
` Burial No. 435, a child with shark teeth beads and ,
copper ear ornaments .............. .. . .....     . ....... .. ....... . .... . .... .. 27 ,
Bartially flexed Burial No. 433. A bundle burial of ‘ I
.- bones No. 439 and a disturbed Burial No. 440 ot a child , i
`—¤DD€r left. All ot the Koger's Island Complex .......... . .......... . 27 I A
j in Burial N0. 505 with pottery  ._.._..,. _ _... .   _ ..... . _ __....... 28  
» Burial N0. 506 with shell beads and pottery . .... . ...... . ....   .... 28   S
— Burial No. 458 at depth of 4.7 feet, far below the ’  
DGtIer]~‘ zone, hence, a typical shell mound burial. I I
 · lime tubular Stone pipe   ........ .   .. .... . .._.   . . ..,. .. .....   . 23   I
  i I

 ~ {
  Figure No. Page
, I
‘   i]_ (a)_ Burial Nos_ 496 to 500, inclusive   .....rrrr. . rr..rrrVr..»rrrrrrr 7 30
‘ (b). Burial Nos. 384, 385 and 386 77   ,,r....,r.»»Arrrr,,rrr.,,r~ 7 ,.,,.,,,,, 7 30
  l2_ (a), Burial Nos. 537, 538 and 539. .,.,,.,.A.,.,,».,,,,.. 7 ,,.A   ,,..,.,,,,, 7 3;
; (b). Burial Nos. 607 and 615 to 620 inclusive. Here Kogers
`   Island burials have been intruded into burials of the
  Shell Mound people   r..l.rrrr 7 .r,,,.rrr,,, 7 ,,,.,»»,,.ll,., 7 ,,.,r   31
  i3_ (a)_ Burial No_ 623 with cache of artifacts cc,.r.cll.,cclttrcrr,r 7 ,,t, 32
(b). Burial Nos. 616 and 617. Note projectile points in .
,   chest cavities of both burials r.r.rl   .rrrrr.c.cr..rrr..»r,   7 32
1 14. (a). Artifacts associated with Burial Nos. 384 and 385,
i Koger’s Island 77 .,t.,......V.o.,,   tlrr 7 7.77777 7 7777777777777777 7 77777777 7 el
· i (b). Tubular pipe and terrapin carapace with Burial No. H _ .
l 458, Remaining artifacts with Burial NO. 436 7..,7777.7777 . 41 Oh `
i 15. (a). Artifacts in association with Burial Nos. 381, 435,   Govt
5 505, 506, 607 and 680  .....777.7   ...7.,,,,,7.7,77.7,777 7 7,,..7,77...7,77 i3 Y HON; _‘
` (b). Artifacts in association with Burial Nos. 546, _ A `
I . 558 and 623   ,,,.7,,. 7. .77777. 7 7777..7777777....77...77777.77..1777777777777 43 §
i 167 (a). Artifacts in association with Burial Nos. 624, 642,   Qiln
i 673, 674 and 692 7 7...7777 7 777.7 77 7777777777   777777. 7 7.77777777.7 7 ii rg " `
` (b). Artifacts without burial association _7_777777 7 777_7777777777777777   4%  _
, 17. (a). Shale pendants, limestone and schist bar gorgets, it  7
~ i steatite vessel fragments with lug, stone beads. Two   I 6
` i limestone discoidals, which may belong to the Koger’s  _ ‘l I'}
[ ., 7 {7 7
5 Island people ,777 7 77777777,, 7 __77__ 7 7777__,_,,_77777__7___,777 7 777777777777 7 U  i »0lll= J
l (b). A Type 5p Moundville Filmed Engraved water bottle g   lt is ~.
Q { (a 1991) with Burial No. 493 7 7 7777   77i777777 7 77777..7 7 5*] { Ala], ·
E 18. (a). Fragments of atlatl stone weights. Atlatl antler _ 8
` hooks, bone and antler projectile points 7 777777_7.77777. J3 ·
` (b). Bone pins (hairpins), bone awls (ulna of deer and  {
some canine), bone fish hooks from bone spatula and _ ··
from toe bone of deer777 77777_7777 7 7777777 7 _77777 7 77777_7777777ll77 7  *3  
, 19. (a). Some of the stemmed flint types which were most  
‘ ' numerous. Numbers indicate projectile point type __ 3 
[ , in Pickwick Basin classification 7777 .7 77177777777 7 7777..777777.7  
’ (b). Two lower rows show the types of crude flint kniveS "°  _
i I 20. (a). Type 2aa, Henry Island water bottle (a 1811) with _,  
` , Burial No. 372 7   77777 7 _7__   7777 7 7777   7      _
l (D) Type 5a, Plain shell water bottle (a 1889) 7777777777 7 777777777777    ri
1 (c). Type 5a, Plain shell jar (a 2000) 7777 7 __77 _ 7777777777777777777777    I
f (Cl). Type 5a, Plain shell jar (a 1908)   777_   77777777 77    *
» i (0). Typc 5:1, Plain shell jar (a 1888) 77777777 A i77777777 7 77 77.7.    g
i (f). Type 5a, Plain shell bowl (a 1804) 7777777 7 7777777777771.7 77 UL  ?
i  7
· i
, I
i i

i University, Alabama
{ May 24, 1948
E How we James E. Folsom
A Gow of Alabama
{ lloni ery, Alabama
 ; su-;
  Q ·’e the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of
j  21 re; —n "The Perry Site, Lu°25, Units 3 and 4, Lauderdale
1 CONT alabama", by 'Wm, S, VVebb and David L. DeJarnette.
 . lt is ested that this be printed as Museum Paper 25 of the
  Aluli Qlluseum of Natural History. _
It  Respectfully,
 i State Geologist p
  { .
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5 A l
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` l l

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` Previous Excavations
I T Pickwick Landing Dam on the Tennessee River in
. Harte ounty, Tennessee, was authorized by Congress Novem-
 J beri 334. The dam was completed and the gates were closed
 l Fehr c 8, 1938. At that time the reservoir lying largely
{ in th ate of Alabama began to fill, and the rising water be-
' gan i bmerge scores of archaeological sites in Pickxvick Basin.
 ‘ A Archaeological Survey of the basin was early under-
_ taken E excavation of important selected sites was begun May
t 4, ltr?
I T Perry Site, Lu°25 on the northern end of Seven Mile
V lslanr ~ the Tennessee River near Sheffield, Alabama, (see
` from ce map of the region) was chosen as one of the sites
= veort ; carcful excavation.
" X I xcavation of Unit 1 of this site, see Base Chart Figure
l. 52; ne direction of Mr. James R. Foster, Junior Archaeole— ,
V Qist ' ·.., was begun April 25, 1938, and finished August 30, ‘ l
 s 1938 we excavations of Unit 2, under the direction of Mr.
 i Haw . Andersen, Archaeological Supervisor W.P.A., was be-
sun I .-diately and continued to November 15, 1938. The
‘ resell . these excavations formed the basis for the report*
 J llll Y` ite in "An Archeological Survey of Pickwick Basin
liull tl, Bureau of American Ethnology."
F _ E eport of this excavation showed a total of 83 special
- Mllll listed and a total Of 350 burials recorded. The site A
 · lY‘l"’_'·* ~ be a very important shell mound, and excavation in I
lun vealed an extensive late intrusion of the Moundville I
'*l` l"= S Island Complex. Because of the iinportancc of the l
  also because of the fair state of preservation of its I I
4 *"‘l`- Ililtclifil, it was deemed advisable to continue the eXC21— , _
mtu i   after closing other field work in Pickwick Basin in
;l'll;l‘<` wcrniit a more extensive study of this site and in 01`€l€1`    
, __’   ‘fl‘ lllc skeletal series from this site and thus enhance J
_ llit V 1l£}' of statistical measurements of skeletal material.   .
· l
V Z and DeJarnette, 1942.   J
l z

1 1 However, due to the labor conditions, excavation in i not  A
1   resumed at this site until June 29, 1939. At that ti llr. ·
A Andersen began the excavation of Unit 3, consisting of rocks  t
1 8 to 12, inclusive, see Base Chart, Figure 1. After th esig. A
nation of Mr. Andersen in the late summer, Mr. Wav   ll'. V
. liraxberger, Archaeological Supervisor W.P.A., took chi as ell  I
. the site, completing Unit 3 November 12, 1939, and imm lately  .
1 beginning the excavation of Unit 4, consisting of Blocks 1 »> 1).  A
inclusive, see Base Chart, Figure 1. ~
1 i To Messrs. Andersen and Kraxberger the authors press  
l their·appreciation of the excellent field techniques ei eyed. A
and the carefully kept records which have provided ti hasis ·
  for this study.
, , To Dr. Lawrence L. Durisch, Chief Social and L nomic A LO
i i Research Division, Tennessee Valley Authority, and to D— Walter  _ (\] .
I B. Jones, Director of the Alabama Museum of Natural sion`. V O
the authors express their deep appreciation of many rsonal g D
kindnesses, and are pleased to acknowledge much aid a assis- · —]
  tance from the organizations represented by these genti ren iii _
i   the cooperative endeavor of the Archaeological Survey Wir  ?
A   wick Basin. ·
i F To Mr. Harold F. Dahms, Miss Marion Dunlevy, ·Jl Ml`-  
1 , James R. Foster, all of the Central Archaeological Lai ;ito1‘>`· i
·   the authors express their gratitude for the services idered  
  by these scientists in aiding in the compilation of the d from .
l this site. The authors are indebted to Miss Dunlev; »r the  4
.   *`€Dort on the pottery from this site, published here, ai; to Mr, —
i   Foster for the data on the flint classifications.  ·
1 1
{ .

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Lu°25, Units 3 and 4 , >
This site is a shell mound located in the SEML of th slit, l Q 
Section 30, T 3S, R11W, Lauderdale County, Alabama, oi-th. ,  
A west of the city of Sheffield. See frontispiece map of the eign, ,  
A The mound is a conspicuous elevation near the north sf re of  f  
Seven Mile Island in the Tennessee River. When the riv· is at  ?_ V A
its normal elevation of 414 feet above mean sea level, the ;ound ;· ·_
I can be excavated entirely to its base. A general view of 1 s site I  
1 is shown in Figure 2—b.  »  
p   As shown on Base Chart, Figure 1, Unit 1 consistei If the  ;  
. zero trench and Blocks 1, 2, 3 with the trenches abou them. A _
  Unit 2 consisted of the 115—foot trench and Blocks 4,   3 and  
I Block 7 to the B Zone.  _  
In this report Unit 3 is made of the base of Bloc; Q and  `  
A I Blocks 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. These are shown in Figures u and I  
c. Figure 3-a shows the excavation of Blocks 10, 11 nd 12  = i
, nearing completion. Mr. Harold V. Andersen was in cl ge of Q ,,
I   this portion of the excavation.  j  
V Unit 4 was made up of Blocks 13, 14, 15 and 16. Mr Jayne  
, , W. Kraxberger was in charge of this excavation. Fi; G 3-ll  I  
$ shows the first three blocks staked off and Figure 4-l V ,; Vi V. ,;,,V      
n` V:  »V  ·V °4;}·,+a,{¤Q~¢·V/· V IJ  ·- {»+:7;·4 "VV   ’‘‘“·?  —V VV·.<’Z‘L‘?V.; 
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IS IH toreground. I `
lb) General ' V · ¤ — - V
h VI€V\ of S1te Lu 20 l00k1ng northeast toward the I
(V ) Btfad 0f Seven M1le Island. `
C O . -
B ck Nos. 10, ll, and l2 staked and 1s0lated. I
se 0f Block N0. 8 ID foreground. I
.»‘ ,
V) ` {
»  V ’ { I

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. 1-Lil
1 Figure 3. (1 Exon r ‘ * m"
` c) mation of B10ck Nos. 10, 11, and 12. K I
f— Q
i b Bloc · . - - . V` .
. ( ) k NO$· 11 Bild 12 nearing C0mp]€t1O¤_ B]0C; .O>. 13 > *‘”— ;
14, and 15 staked for excavation. Uri'. ·
I (Q1 ` .

ley; is possible to obtain more correct depth distribution (
. A dah ‘ic block method of excavation has yielded evidence of
i  i str; phy where the trench method has failed to demonstrate
  ii. . ;ord of the material coming from the isolating trenches
l is rr Tly kept and the material is studied in the same way as
 ` the ; the block, but in the determination of lower boundaries
 l of iq Tl zones it has been found that the data from the block
y . is ni eliable.
 A Natural Zones
i Tiits 3 and 4 natural zones were apparent as layers of
’ nee: re shell which were separated by more compact layers
? ` con 1 silt. Some of the lower zones seem to suggest re-
t dep Y shell by flood action. As inpmost shell mounds the
T zen not continuous over the whole site, but represent local
T acc iions of shell or midden as the result of occupancy of
T za lo ea. As occupancy shifted from. one portion of the site
V to 21   the zones were made to vary in thickness, and at
. son its to disappear entirely. In general, it may be said
 T that little cultural significance can be attached to some of .  
._  tlw vs, especially in these new units. For this reason, i
. altli the zones -were noted for each block, and they varied
in t ss from block to block in both units, all material was
. ree »y foot levels and has been studied on that basis.
A inly significant features which seem definitely related
 ,   Q are the post-mold patterns which occur on the top of A
—T mir Here these post molds seem to show that some kind of l
  stri Ts built of poles were selected at this level. Zone A is A
*ll"f — “lJ thick and it seems to suggest a continuous occupancy T
`Tl`l“¥ waited shell and midden debris without interruption. T
llir   Zone B was a more compact layer of clay and silt in l
` Wl? ~Tt molds r·erif.·;jnjng_ This level shows possibly three
‘l"’lT‘ Mftures in Blocks 8 and 9 in Unit 3. Figure 5-b shows l A
lll? ational level in Block 8, These structures are poorly i A
T   ·l.>Ut they all seem tg have as a common trait 3 Célltfal l L
T m` T“ P&1‘€a. Such structures as seem to be indicated here J
“‘“‘ ¤'llY have been permanent, and seem to have been little  
  in a temporary frame work upon which some roof ma- V i
t°’° i> Dlaced. There were many scattered post molds found T  
·»21 1 gi of Zone B in Blocks 13, 14 and 15, and figure 5-a shows   .
 a    l

A  {
  A » A ~   zli AA  i’ fA  · ._,,   A  A 
  -A           ’   ‘’”‘`   -A A ·».V    ~   AA — A — A   “*·’Az   A AA   .'‘v*‘‘‘’ 2   ki  ·
‘ V · —.   ...·     ..,%%.,...,   »—=-»,   -·v‘  —    A   ·? I
  ‘·‘· A ` ·‘·*‘‘ A     ·  _·      AA f
*   ‘     ‘·`' K,       ,_.,._ A .__,_ A, .».v‘ , _ .._._=