xt7v416t042q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416t042q/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2003 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 78, No. 3, Winter/March 2003 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 78, No. 3, Winter/March 2003 2003 2003 2014 true xt7v416t042q section xt7v416t042q FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE  
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New Kate Ireland Healthcare Center
Manchester; Kentucky

 US ISSN 0016-2116
Introduction to FNS 1 l
Courier Program News - Barb Gibson 2 V
Wendover News - Barb Gibson 5
Christmas Activities Update — Barb Gibson 7
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare News - Malle Noble 10
Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing News -
- Dr Susan Stone 13
Website Information 14
In Memory of Mary Marvin Breckinridge Patterson 17
In Memoriam 22
Urgent Needs 29
Cover: The new Frontier Nursing Healthcare Inc., Kate Ireland ll
Healthcare Center, Manchester, Kentucky, opened January 8, 2003.
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service ·
Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$15.00 for Institutions
Volume 78 Number 3 Winter/March 2003 .
Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and at addi-
tional mailing oilices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS,
Inc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/Inc. 2000
All Rights Reserved.

Frontier Nursing Service
U you have never been introduced to the Frontier Nurs-
` ing Service we would like to take this opportunity to brief you on
the history and the on-going work of the Service. Please share
_ this information with a friend
Bom in 1881 into a prominent American family, Mary
Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world -
Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death
of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected
of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others,
particularly children.
Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Ser-
vice (FNS) in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1925, then one of the
poorest and most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs.
Breckinridge introduced the first nurse-midwives in this country.
Riding their horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard,
fog or flood, the FNS nurses brought modem healthcare to fami-
lies throughout an area of 700 square miles.
Until her death in 1965, Mary Breckinridge was the driv-
ing force behind the work of the Service whose influence today
” extends far beyond eastern Kentucky. Through the Frontier School
of Midwifery and Family Nursing, hundreds of nurses have been
p trained and this important concept of family healthcare has been
i carried throughout the world.
Today, FNS, Inc., is organized as a parent holding com-
pany for Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., Frontier Nursing
Healthcare, Inc., which includes four rural healthcare clinics (Com-
‘ munity Health Center, Beech Fork Clinic, Kate Ireland Healthcare
Center and Dr. Anne Wasson Healthcare Center) and for the Fron-
tier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing - the largest mid-
' wifery program in the United States. The Frontier School of Mid-
wifery & Family Nursing also trains family nurse practitioners.
Remarkably, the purpose and philosophy of the FNS has
. remained constant since 1925.

Courier Program News I
-Barb Gibson, Assistant t0 CEO  
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Kate Fox Keith Hendershot K
Kate Fox and Keith Hendershot arrived at Wendover Janu-
ary 6 and left at the end of February. Both Kate and Keith attend
Bennington College in Vermont and participated in the College’s
Field Work Term during January and February. .
Keith began his work at the new Kate Ireland Healthcare  
Center in Manchester and Kate at Beech Fork Clinic. At the clin- l
ics they had an opportunity to shadow providers, assist with ful-
filling patient needs and to help out wherever they were needed. 2
Kate and Keith also worked on a patient education project "  
making information available to patients and providers regarding I
many different health problems. Notebooks were placed in all  
Both Kate and Keith had an interest in Appalachian cul-  
ture. They spent time talking with local people hearing about the  
history of` Leslie County and stories of FNS and Mrs. Breckin- s
ridge. '
I .

Former Courier News
1 T he following was written by Harriette Sherman Barnes
' and Bubbles C uday Moore, former Couriers at FNS during the
1 940s.
. "Mrs. Breckinridge came to Cleveland, Ohio, and spoke
` at our Laurel School Assembly in the late thirties. Harriette Sherman
  (Bames) and Bubbles Cuddy (Moore) each thought ‘that is what I
. want to do’. In May 1941, we took off for Wendover". Some of
  our memories:
  Aftemoon preparation. The first time Bubbles cracked two
glass pitchers and learned to place a silver spoon in the pitcher
first to prevent the cracking; always tack to be cleaned and horses
to be groomed. Harriette leamed that Rex liked to kick; Harriette
rode Billy to town. lt took her one and 1/4 hours to go and 15
minutes to retum. Harriette learned that Billy did not like logging
trucks; Bubbles witnessed her first childbirth. lt was at Bowling-
I town with Nurse Foxy. The mother pulled on a sheet that was tied
I to the bed post. A beautiful teary-eyed experience; Once we taught
Sunday School. The saddle slipped and turned and Harriette fell
I into the river - bible and all; Special people — Agnes Lewis (Secre-
·‘l tary), Jean Hollins (Lead Courier), Pebble Stone who always put
  wheat germ on her cereal and Kermit who was in charge of the
A bam guiding us through our duties; Pie beds for all Couriers made
i by all Couriers; Nips of sherry before dinner; Cockroaches hiding
  in our shoes; Mrs. Breckinridge’s lectures during dinner on the
j importance of breast feeding and descriptions of miscarriages (ugh);
Bowls of mustard greens on the dinner table. Also peanut butter
’ for those who did not like greens. Some of us ate a lot of peanut
r butter; Bubbles bought a dog that Lulu the cook described as a
  "toothless hound"; Kermit supplied us with moonshine to take home
 ' - another ugh upon tasting. We never wanted to leave!
l Bubbles now resides in Pennsylvania and Harriette in
Vermont. See next page for photograph.

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taken May 2002)
Jennyer Swisher (‘9 7) wrote during November that she
is in her first year of family practice residency in Indiana with two
and a half years left until she can practice on her own.
Amber Waters (‘00), San Diego, Califomia, wrote dur- "
ing December that she is working for Planned Parenthood as a
reproductive health counselor and is in the process of applying for g
her masters in social work.
S0nja Herbert (‘91), Berkeley, Califomia, wrote that she  
is still enjoying public health work in Berkeley.
Luke McDonald (‘00), New Orleans, wrote that he is ·
working on a masters of public health specializing in tropical medi-
cine. He will graduate with both his MD and MPH in 2005. Luke Y
visited Siuna, Nicaragua, while on a medical mission trip. He had I
the opportunity to work in clinics there.  _

Q Wendover News
Q by Barb Gibson, Assistant t0 CEO
i Activities
Even though it has been cold, and at fi  
_ times snow on the ground Wendover stayed V A   . i j
_ very busy this winter. The Christmas Parties ai 3 5;
{ Project took a lot of dedicated work. This in-     W
volved the purchase of toys, wrapping gifts,   ` _   i,     
i decorating clinics, coordinating the parties, · · °     ‘ I V j 
; and attending each party. After the parties »i - `Y "‘
l were over, Santa’s Toy Shop (the Garden House basement) had to
  be returned to normal and left over toys had to be stored in the attic
Z for next year’s parties.
i During January, most of Wendover staff participated in a
  "painting party" where the second floor ofthe Garden House was
  re-painted. This included Courier Dorm rooms.
i Spring plans include floor repair in the Upper Shelf, stain-
3 ing and painting of various steps/decks, replacement of rotted wood
i behind the Big House kitchen, gardening and general maintenance
E of our beautiful grounds.
"   Wendover Stay
  We have had some resignations/transfers in staffing. Em-
i ployees at Wendover now include: Beulah Couch, Director of
l Human Resources; Barb Gibson, Assistant to CEO; Patra Simpson,
i Human Resources Assistant; Christine Collins, Coordinator of
  Special Projects; Linda Sawyers, Cook/Housekeeper; Carolyn
  Wells, Cook/Housekeeping and Wcky Hacker, PRN Cook/House-
[ ` keeper. Resignations and transfers include the resignation of Ethel
Mae Caldwell, Development Secretary. AnnDraia Bales, Wendover
l Assistant, transferred to the Development Office Secretary posi-
; ` tion and Patricia (Toddy) Mullins was hired to replace AnnDraia
as Wendover Assistant. Also, new at Wendover, is Forester Bowl-
ing, Jr., Maintenance (see photos on next page).
Through special functions and/or accommodations, we en-
tertained/hosted l73 guests since the last report.

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  Christmas Activities Update
3 by Barb Gibson, Assistant to CEO
The idea of reinventing FNS traditional Christmas parties
at rural healthcare centers was very successful! I extend special
· thanks to each one of you who responded to our plea for support in
the last Quarterly Bulletin.
  Our first party was held December 10 at the Hyden Clinic
Q (located inside the hospital). We gave out 83 toys at this party and
  were able to include the elderly patients on the Medical Surgical
  Our second party was held at the Beech Fork Clinic De-
5 cember I2 where we distributed 63 toys. The highlight at Beech
T Fork was when a little girl told Santa that she was wishing for a
  "Barbie doll’ andthe look her face was priceless when Santa handed
l her one.
  During the party at Community Health Center (CHC) on
; December I7, we gave 103 toys and we gave 14 toys at the Wen-
  dover party on December I9. We did not have many children at
l the Wendover party but several adults visited with us. Many of
  their family members had worked at Wendover so it was a special
  occasion for them to be able to retum at Christmas time.
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E Santas Workshop - Garden House Basement

On December 20 we had Open House at the new Kate
Ireland Healthcare Center in Manchester. George Wooton played I
Santa and was an attraction with his dancing in the parking lot.
We saw enough happiness on the faces of children to con-
vince us that there is still a need for FNS to continue this in years ·
ahead. Thanks again for making this possible. We are vefy excited i.
about next year ’s parties and expect them to be much bigger! The 1
following are photographs of parties at Wendover and Beech Fork 4
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Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc. News
by Mallie Noble, Administrator y
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As we enter into this New Year 2003
we are faced with many challenges, as are all ;_= X
providers in the healthcare industry. We are _ I in ‘   _ I,
working diligently with our Board of Gover- Vyiiia I . l  
nors and Board of Directors to find ways to __   V I
survive the difficulty with reimbursement for · =
rural hospitals.
MBHC staff welcomed Madeline Tan, MD, Board Centi-
fied Pediatrician, during January 2003. Dr. Tan and her husband,
Abdelhamid Bourbia, Pediatrician and Neonatologist, live in Haz- p
ard, Kentucky.
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Dn Madeline Tan, MD, Board Certyied Pediatrician ”
Mr. Thomas and I spent a lot of time traveling in January
meeting with Senator Robert Stivers, Senator Daniel Mongiardo U
and State Representative, Tim Couch discussing the Medicaid short-
fall and how it affects the operations at Mary Breckinridge Health-
care, Inc. Mr. Thomas and I have also attended meetings of the p
Leslie County Chamber of Commerce, Leslie County Fiscal Court i
Mary Breckinridge Festival Committee. `

I wish to thank Mayor Eugene Stewart and staff from the
j City of Hyden for their help with snow removal during the recent
x snowfalls. Christmas, as always, has been a special time for ev-
il eryone here at MBH. The CARE Committee and Employees spon-
sored over fifty children through the County with the Christmas
~_ Angel Program.We did this in conjunction with the Department of
Child Welfare.
On December lO“‘, Santa and his helpers visited the Hy-
den Clinic. I will never forget the look in the chiIdren’s eyes when
they came into the room and saw Santa sitting in the rocking chair.
Every child received a gift, fruit, candy and cookies. One memory
I particularly sticks in my mind as a child was leaving, he looked
j back and asked "will you be back tomorrow Santa?, thank you."
As I sat there watching the children, memories came back to me
when I was a small child standing in a similar line with Santa
giving out gifts, candy and fruit with Mary Breckinridge standing
beside him. I personally thank the Wendover staff for all the time
and effort they put into this project, especially, for the memories.
Camaraderie is very important when working as a team in
the healthcare industry; therefore, the formulation of an Activities
Committee. Mrs. Edith Hensley, Emergency Room Manager has
taken on this task and hit the ground running with it. Our first
" outing on February 3"’ was to the local Mexican Restaurant - El
Azul’s in Hazard, Kentucky, for dinner followed by a few hours of
bowling. We had a fun filled evening and plan to have these out-
L ings at least twice a month.

Rural Healthcare Centers Update
by Heidi Froemke, Dupont Chair
Director of Rural Health Clinic Operations
On January I3, 2003, the Kate Ire-
land Healthcare Center was opened in Man- (  
chester, KY It is the first of the rural health    
clinics to be opened under the new corpor—  _   
ation, Frontier Nursing Healthcare, Inc. It      
has been a slow start as word gets Out about       ,,,._  
the clinic, but we are saturating the local ’  
airwaves and newspapers with advertisements for the clinic and
its providers.
Angela Mitchell, FNP, Debi Karsnitz, CNM and Lynn
Wilkening, CNM, are all local "Manchesterians" so we are count-
ing on their good names in the community to be the best draw! The
clinic is done in the traditional FNS blue and white. The white-
washed walls, wood floors and trim, winding staircase, and French
doors give it a very classy look. Working along side us are Gail Jo
Marcum, Receptionist and Wilma Reed, LPN. Dr. Ashutosh
Mishra, our Medical Director, arrives one morning a week for
consultations and to see patients. We still have inspections to get
through, but have always maintained that if we could just get the in
doors opened, everything else would fall into place.
The next clinic to open will be the Dr. Anne Wasson Health-
care Center in Hyden. Right now it looks like a tomado went through
the building, but the countdown is on and we remain focused on
the projected start date of March 4, 2003. On that same day we are
anticipating that the other two clinics (Beech Fork and Commu- ,
nity Health Center) will also join the Kate Ireland and Dr. Anne
Wasson Healthcare Centers in officially becoming a part of the
new Frontier Nursing Healthcare Inc.

Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing News
by Dr Susan Stone, CEO & President
Aunt Hattieis Barn Becomes the Student Learning
Resource Center
The Hill is buzzing with activity
as renovations take place to convert Aunt V ,
Hattie’s Bam into a modem Learning Re- g  { rb 
source Center for our students. The Board     A .  V
of Directors approved the conversion of  .   *_ I
the interior of the Bam into the space that `
our students need.  
Our students currently use the very small 450 cubic square
feet of space for the library located in the Morton Gill Building. In
addition, the computer laboratory is located in the back of the
Morton Gill building. As our School has grown in the past ten
years, these facilities have often been very cramped for number of
students attempting to use them.
In 1995, the east side of the first floor of Aunt Hattie’s
Barn was renovated into one large classrom called the Dr. Anne
Wasson Classroom. The remainder of the space housed hospital
·· staff in apartments on both the first and second floor of the Bam.
These apartments were used sporadically and most often remained
vacant. We determined that FNS had enough altematives to house
the few staff that used the Barn apartments. The current renova-
tions will remove all the Bam apartments and replace them with
student leaming space. The west end of the first floor will house
the Alice Whitman Memorial Library. This space will have new
’ bookshelves, two computer stations and staff space for the Librar-
ian to work. There will also be reading tables and comfortable
sitting area for quiet reading. The second floor will hold the new
computer-leaming lab. There will be ten computer stations, all
with lntemet access. There will also be a computer instructor area.
A private audio visual/reading room will provide a place for stu-
dents to view videos together, have discussions and view historical

materials. This room has a beautiful window that looks out over
the mountians. The east end ofthe second floor will house another
classroom. y
The building renovations are going well and we have plans i
to finish the entire plan by April of 2003. This new facility will
provide on site students with expanded opportunities to use the B
Library, the computer and a comforable space to study. We are E
very excited. We want to extend our sincere appreciation to our gl
many donors who made this renovation possible.
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Aunt Hattiek Barn in the ear{y years
Frontier Nursing Service - www.irontiemursing.org F
FSMFN Community Based Nurse Midwifery Education Program L
(CNEP) — www.midwives.org
FSMFN Community Based Nurse Practitioner Program (CFNP)
- www.frontierihp.org

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In Memory of Mary Marvin Breckinridge Patterson
U On Thursday, January 9, 2003, at 3:00 pm, I attended the
memorial service for Mary Marvin Breckinridge Patterson held in
the sanctuary of the National Cathedral in Washington, DC with
I 6 Ruth Lubic, founder of the DC Birth and Family Center. Mrs.
' Patterson contributed funds, in memory of Mary Breckinridge to
furnish the DC Birth Center in Washington. We sat behind Kate
Ireland and Dr. Patience White of the FNS Board of Govemors.
Flags hung on both sides of the entrance to the sanctuary bearing
the motto and logo ofthe FNS. These were commissioned by Mrs.
Patterson to honor Mary Breckinridge and usually hang in St. John ’s
Chapel at the entrance to the Children’s Chapel.
The eulogy for this remarkable woman was given by the
Honorable Clarence J. Brown, Jr., former congressman from Ohio.
It is published here in its entirety. - Kitty Ernst
"Bom to the silk of the wealth and historic reputations of
two of America’s great families and married into another, Mary
Marvin Breckinridge Patterson might well have lived a life of pri-
vate ease without any social significance or notable personal ac-
~ "But the blended heritage of her great grandfather,
Rentuckys John Cabell Breckmridge and her matemal grandfa-
ther, Ohio’s B.F. Goodrich, could not be denied.
"The former, a Vice-President ofthe United States, Demo-
crat presidential candidate against Abraham Lincoln, general in
the Confederate States Army and Secretary of War of the Confed-
eracy, was an heroic battler to preserve a way of life he held dear.
H “But her maternal grandfather was an innovative inventor
and the founder of a business which forever changed fundamental
aspects of American Life. From her strong Goodrich mother,
i' Isabella; her handsome attomey father named for his grandfather
and her three bold and dashing brothers, Cabell, Chad and Robert,
she leamed to be an actively independent woman.
"As a student at Vassar, she gave her family and friends a
foretaste of her future life of ecletic action by swimming the Hudson

in her undies while she carried her proper dress, dry above her
head, for a night on the town in Poughkeepsie.
"Within months of that adventure, she had helped found (1,
the National Student Association of America, of which she would
become national president, had her formal debut in New York So-
ciety, and had been presented at the Court of St. James in London. v'
ln the months following her 1927 graduation she also leamed to
play polo and herd cattle at the family ranch near Santa Barbara,
Califomia; to fly an airplane near the family vacation home in
York, Maine where she became that state’s first licensed female
pilot; and began her lifelong interest in multiple flash photography ~
by enrolling at the New School for Social Research in New York
near the family home there.
"Are you beginning to get the picture of a woman of her i
times - - - or perhaps a woman of ALL time: Eve contemplating  
the Apple of Life and thinking to herself, "Why not?” .
“In 1939, three years after graduation, she established her-
self in a professional career as a cinematographer by making a i
black and white silent film about her cousin Mary Breckinridge’s y
Frontier Nursing Service where Marvin had been a volunteer horse-  
back courier for a summer after her college graduation in the poor-  
est, most benighted hills and hollows of Kentucky. The Forgotten _  
Frontier, made by 25 year old Marvin, within two decades of the l {
first public showing of a motion picture in the U.S., has been cited  
by the American Film Institute as an historic and all time classic.  
"After studying still photography with Clarence White in l
New York, her photographs began appearing in Life, Vogue, .
Harper’s Bazaar, Town and Country, Junior League and many
other magazines and metropolitan newspapers of the day. _
"lncluded there were her shots of Altica taken on a 1932 J
trip from Capetown to Cairo with her friend Olivia Stokes and S
Canon and Mrs. Anson Phelps Stokes. Their trip was made within K,
the lifetime of those who could recall StanIey’s sensational finding
of Dr. Livingston in the Dark Continent. After Cairo she and Olivia }
had then gone on, ALONE to Palestine, Turkey and France, where  
Marvin resolved that she would make it her life work to see, pho-  
tograph and write about the world. Eight years later, assignments  

from Town & Country to cover the Luceme Music Festival and
Life magazine to cover a Nazi rally in Nuremburg, brought her
face to face with world politics.
‘i’ "She had been introduced previously to domestic politics
as an Intem in the Washington Congressional office of her cousin
J and godmother, Isabella Selmes Greenway, Arizona Democrat.
{ There, and as a secretarial assistant to Jouett Shouse, the chair of
the Executive Committee of the Democrat National Committee,
Marvin had been introduced also to a bachelor Foreign Service
Officer from Dayton, Ohio. Her 1940 European jobs would change
both his life and hers.
1 "On arriving in London, Marvin ran into another old friend,
Edward R. Murrow, whom she had first met through their mutual
I participation in the Nation Student Association. The CBS news
. broadcaster asked her to report on the impact on average British
families of the war just begun in Europe. Aiter that first broad-
I cast, for the next seven months, she originated and wrote, past the
. censors, her own on-air portions of those historic broadcasts from
London and elsewhere in Westem Europe, where she worked with
Tom Grandin in Amsterdam, Eric Severeid in Paris and William
  L. Shirer in Berlin. Three times she was on the last train out of a
  nation as the Nazis marched across Europe: Lueeme to Calais
--   when Poland was invaded; Amsterdam to Paris as the Netherlands
fell, and Paris to Genoa as France collapsed. Like the Biblical
  Ester working to save people from the oppressive wrath of Xerxes,
  Marvin was in the thick of things.
` "But she also had a conquest of her own: Jefferson
“ Patterson, the Dayton diplomat son of a founder of National Cash
Register and fifteen years her senior, asked her to marry and she
e consented. No stranger to adventure himself, Jeff later wrote in his
. autobiography of his first assignment by the U. S. State Depart-
ment. It was to Behing, China in 1920, nineteen years alter the
" Boxer Rebellion, and all he was told was ‘to get there on your own
p the best way you can’. Assigned to Berlin after their marriage in
; 1940, a year before the U. S. entered the war, the two visited Ger-
  man prison camps under the auspices ofthe International Red Cross
l to interview captured American partisans and allied prisoners of

war until the Germans, aware of her broadcasts from defeated
European capitals, forbade her participation, but not until they
spirited out many secret messages. Ultimately the U. S. State De-
partment suggested that it was "unseemly” for the wife of a diplo-
mat to also write joumalistically in the delicate pre-war and war-
time elimate. To draw another biblical analogy, Marvin acceded to
her husband’s career like Ruth with "wither thus goest, I will go."
That "going" included Jeff"s wartime and post war assignments to I
Peru, Belgium, Egypt, the UN Special Committee on the Balkans,  
and Uruguay, where he served as U. S. Ambassador. Her profes- I
sional career now ended at State’s request, Marvin took photo-  
graphs and wrote articles only for the benefit of U. S. interest, l
family memorabilia and to provide advice to the wives of diplo- I
mats and of the Department itself in addition to her many other I
duties as wife, hostess, staff director and examplar of her country.  
"F or 20 years after their retirement from the Foreign Ser-  
vice, Jeff and Marvin continued to travel, write, photograph and to E
acquire, with exquisite taste, works of art from around the world. I
They shared with others these collections and their diplomatic and  
travel experiences through their writings and photographs and by l
their service on boards and committees of the Frontier Nursing  
Service, the Textile Museum, the National Symphony Orchestra, l
Meridian House Intemational, Intemational Student House. The " I
Smithsonian Institutions, the Corcoran Gallery of Art and the Folger  
Shakespeare Library. Derby Day parties at their Washington home I
to benefit the Frontier Nursing Service; Labor Day weekends for  
guest at River House in York, Maine and at Point Farm in Calvert  
County, Maryland were memorable experiences of elegance and  
fun. l
"But with Jeff’s death in 1977, Marvin devoted her re- '  
maining 30 years to "decollecting" as she described her amazing i
and again ecletic generosity. River House became the Breckin- l
ridge Public Affairs Center for Bowdoin College and Point F arm’s l
544 acres became Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum, the larg-  
est single gifi to the state of Maryland and one of the State’s most J
significant historic, environmental and archeological sites.  

l "Were I to try to list all the organizations and institutions
l which have received financial and material support from the re-
sources of Marvin and her late husband, we would be here for the
rest of the afternoon. That generosity will continue under the
‘ MARPAT Foundation which she established for that purpose.
* Unquestionable, the MARPAT Foundation will research and fully
; document that past and its future generosity. And if all those indi-
l viduals who have and will be benefitted by that generosity were
present here today, this cathedral, with its central Patterson Pillar,
would not be big enough to gather them all under its roof
"Marvin filled her 97 years with much more than a cen-
tury of adventures which she shared with family, friends and loyal
staff to the end. She and Caroline Simmons went off to Yemen in
their 80’s and just before her 90th birthday. Marvin joined the
Society of Women Geographers on an ocean voyage to Antartica.
"None of us knows what happens to the spirit of a soul
like hers or our own when the body abandons it. But in Marvin’s
‘ case another biblical analogy comes to mind: l hear her calling
back to Patty, lan, lsabela, John and all the rest of us; saying "come
‘ on’ let’s see how we can enjoy life by helping” as she waves from
the back of a camel as it gallops through the eye of the needle, on
j to her next adventure.
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Marvinis visit t0 Wendover in 1994 with Cauriers - Big House

'I`hese iriends have departed this lite in recent months. We wish to
express our sympathy to their families, and our gratitude for their
interest in our work.
Mrs. Cloma Porter Moore, Hyden, Kentucky, passed away Janu—  
ary 24, 2003. She was 80 years old. Cloma was very active in the  
Mary Breckinridge Hospital’s Auxiliary. Cloma was married to  