xt7v416t040j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416t040j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1983-05-13 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 13, 1983, no. 406 text The Green Bean, May 13, 1983, no. 406 1983 1983-05-13 2014 true xt7v416t040j section xt7v416t040j A UNIVERSITY 0F KENTUCKY LIBRARIE3;/.‘NEWSLETTERi I 3 3 3 V
5-13-83 No. 406
May 23 LSO Reception A ~
ll May 23-26 Training at UK
3 ‘ May 27 _ library Faculty Meeting, 8:30 a.m. , 'Ihe
A Gallery
d PLEASE NOTE: THB next GIQCI1 Bean will be issued gn Friday, May 27{jq; Any ii -"'3'  
items submitted for this Green Bean must be in the Di.rector's Office no later ‘
than l0 a.m. on Tuesday, May 241:11. Emergency items can be submitted to the -
editor by phone after the deadline. " A
Contributors: Jessie Adams, Perry Bratcher, Faith Harders, Cecil Madison,
Liz Pogue, Paul Willis, and Gerry Webb (Editor)

 { A ‘l‘
§, iso Rtcarnou
E The ISO will sponsor a reception for new members on Monday May 23, at
g 2:30 p.m. in the Paperback Reading Room. The food will be prepared by _
} the staff and a- sign up sheet will be distributed to each departmental
. Q representative. Please p].an on attending the event to welccme the new ‘
  employees. _
  --» _ Also look ahead and mark your calendar for June 10, on which date the
  _ LS0 picinic will be held at Spindletop. . T
  I want to thank all of the staff members who helped with the book sale
  this year. $3,500 was made during the two days. Plans call for using
3 the funds in a way whinh will be of benefit to the entire Library system.
· ,
i   again for your assistance.
  Paul wnns _
IO: Mr. Paul Willis I T ·
Libraries , »
FROM: Mr. Don Tucker V
Sponsored Programs/Cost Accounting ·
DATE; April 29, 1983 I
L RE: Efficient Service I —
*‘ I would like to take just a moment and inform you of the efficient ` -
service your area has provided. ` I called the Government Publications »
‘ Section of the Library rather late in the afternoon of April 28th, 1.983, _
with questions concerning individuals currently holding positions with  
state government. I had the pleasure of talking with a Ms. Sandy M;Anin-;iwh
o who-stated that even though she had only been employed in this state for
a short period of time she would try to help. It seemed that Ms. i·¥nA1~.ini·;.t.
must have had the reference documents right in front of her for in   very
short period of time all of my questions were answered. As   well  
it sometimes seems to be a University policy that you   talk with   ,
sources before you are finally in touch with the individual who can  
your problem. I was either very lucky with my first call or Ms .   is
~ a very efficient employee.
'Thanks again for the information and keep up the good wcrk., “ V
Phil Dare, Head of Periodicals/Newspapers/Microtext lkparunent, has  
accepted for the International Development Training Workshop   he  
from May 16-20 at the University of Kentucky, _ _

 4/.-/  ll JL-
  i i·RArN1Nc; AT -u1<
  The workshops and training programs listed below are sponsored by the .
  Lexington Campus Personnel Division, Human Resources Development Department,
j and are offered free of charge to University (non-faculty) employees. All
i Programs are held in Room 15 of Mamorial Hall, and enrollment is limited to
; 25 pgarticipants. To enroll, call the Human Resource Development Office,
1 7-l 5l.
  May 23 Travel Procedures
  May 24 Decision Making/Problem Solving I
I May 25 ` Women Ng Q Management I U
May 26 Setting Goals gd Writing Objectives
The National Endowment for the Hummities, through its fellowship programs,
encourages and supports advanced study and research in disciplines of the
humanities by people of diverse interests, backgrounds, and circumstances.
'Ihe fellowships programs for 1984-85 are listed below. The tenure for all _
, fellowships is from 6 to l2 months and the stripend is up to $25,000. The
application deadline is June l, 1983, and the award announcement will be
made in early December 1983. .
Indeg dent Study gd Research Fellowships I
College Teachers Fellowships .
, Constitutional Fellowships A A
LV For further information and application materials write to: Division of
Fellowships and Seminars, Room 316, National Endomxent for the Humanities,
Washington, D.C. 20506..
Acid migration - (loose enclosures can damage pages and also contain acid).
Disco oration such as end paper turning yellow, brown spots, or freckling
can come not only frcm enclosures but frcm acid parts of the book itself,
such as the presence of so-called protective tissues over the illustrations.
1 'Ihese have been put into books to prevent the ink used for printing the
illustrations from offsetting onto the pages. These tissues sometimes turn
brown because of acid content, transferring this acid to the illustrations
and to the opposite leaves. Other acid parts are end papers and binder's ‘
boards. - -
Serials Cataloger, Robert Muldrow Cooper Library, Clemson University.
Salary: $19,500   Deadline: June 30, 1983.
Circualtion/Reserve Librarian, Albert R., Mann library, Cornell University. ‘
Salary: up to $23,400. Deadline: June l, 1983. p

   1 1 A -3- I I ‘ ‘ ‘ · K;
5 V
  Reference Librarian, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University; U
  Salary: up to $22,000. Deadline: June 1, 1983.
_   Chinese Agriculture Subj ect Specialist, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell
  University. Salary: up to $23,400. Deadline: July 29, 1983.
  'lnstructor and Reference Librarian, Iowa State University, Salary:
E $15,500. Deadline: June 3, 1983.
  A; Mmographic Cataloger, North Carolina State University. Salary: $14,500.
    Deadline: June 30, 1983.
T Mmographic Cataloger, North Carolina State University. Salary: $17,500
1   Deadline: June 30, 1983.
5 Cataloger, Nordxwestern -University Library. Salary: $15 ,0 00-$16,000.
2 Deadline: July 15, 1983.
  Assistant Director for Automated Systems and Technical Services, Oklahoma
Q State University Library. Salary: not given. Deadline: August 1, 1983.
  Music Librarian, Fondren Library, Rice University. Salary: $16,000
    Deadline: Junel, 1983.* ·
  Agricultural Economics Librarian, General Library, University of California-
  lhvis. Salary: Hiring salary to $24,984. Deadline: June 6, 1983.
  Assistant Director for Technical Services, University of Missouri. Library- V
1 Colunbia. Salary: $33,500   Deadline: July 15, 1983. ,
  Head of Circulation and Interlibrary loan Services, University of Missouri
i i Library-Columbia. Salary: $19,500   Deadline: July 15, 1983. ·
1 ’-’ Head, Serials Division, University of Washington Libraries. Salary: $28,404
’   Deadline: June 10, 1983. g
I Reference Librarian/Assistant Professor, Weber State College. Salary: not
given. Deadline: June 1, 1983.
4 If! interested contact Faith Harders