xt7v416szt0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416szt0k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-03-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1935 1935 1935-03-26 2013 true xt7v416szt0k section xt7v416szt0k I





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War Or Peace In Europe



Conference Behind Closed Doors

The purpose of the council is to
plan an
to which all women students of
the University are Invited.
Committees appointed include:




Program Jean Poxworth, Vir
ginia Murrell, Lillian Holmes, Fan'
nie Herman
Mary Carolyn
Mary Helzer, Elizabeth Hardin.
Decoration Anne Payne Perry,
Mrs. T. T. Jones, Marjorie Wiest,
Margaret Warren
Printed Program Marie Bolt- nott Ritchie Baker
Ticket Prances Kerr, Martha
Christian, Willie Hughes Smith,
Patricia Park, Virginia Robinson,
Mrs. Ethel Lebus, Mrs. George
Slmth, Virginia Stewart.
Ticket Takers Anne Jones, An
lta Gardner, Ruth Hallmark.

Tryouts for Golf

Team Will Be Held

U. K. Squad Will Play Seven
Matches; Haggard Will
Act as Captain

On the other hand, dark clouds
rolled up on Germany's north and
southeastern borders. From Vienna
Special Envoy Frant Von Papen
hastened to Berlin and It Is believed he came to tell Hitler the
time Is ripe to demand a plebiscite
to give the Nazis there a chance.
Against such a demand Mussolini's army, a million strong, is
flocking now to the colors and one
of Simon's hardest tasks will be to
find a way to keep the bayonets of
Italy's dictator from clashing with
those of Germany.
At the same time, In a corner
of tiny Lithuania is a smoldering
spark more immediately threatening to Europe's powder barrel than

any other.
There the German majority In
the town of Memel is clamoring
for a return to Germany and at
this very moment a verdict is expected from Kovno in the court
martial of 123 Nazis for a conspiracy to effect a "putsch" against
Lithuanian rule.
The Lithuanian prosecutors ask
ed death for five Germans accused
of murdering a member of their
secret society who had turned
traitor. If the court decrees death
or confirms any of the long term
prison sentences asked
prominent Nazis, public feeling In
Germany will flame.

National Crown

At Chicago Meet

Problems of Rural Churches St. Mel, Chicago, Bows to
Theme of Short Course
Louisville Team in Finals
to Be Sponsored by
of Catholic Tourney


A short course for town and
country pastors, to be sponsored
Jointly by the University and the
Kentucky Rural Church council,
will be given at the University
April 29 to May 4, according to an
announcement by Dr. W. d. Nich
oils, head of the department of
farm economics in the College of

Chicago, March 25 (INS) St.
Xavier High school of Louisville.
Ky., is the 1935 National Catholic
Interscholastic basketball champion.
The Kentucky lads won the title
herejast night by defeating St. Mel
of Chicago 29 to 24.
The Indians from the St Fran
cis Mission of South Dakota, won
third place by whipping St. Mary's
of Anderson, Ind., 33 to 15.
St. Xavier became an early fav
orite by piling up a first round
score of 77 points, a new tourna
ment record, and continued to play
superb basketball
throughout the
tournament It is the Kentucklan's
second national championship. Back
in 1928 an unheralded team won

Problems of the rural church will
be the general nature of the dis
cussions. Dally sessions will be held
in the livestock pavilion on the
Station farm while
night sessions will be in Memorial the title.
hall. Four denominations in the
Last night St. Xavier and St Mel
state have already offered to fi- displayed almost equal ability. But
nance the attendance of over 70 for a
stretch in the
pastors and Dr. Nicholls said he third period the Louisville lads
expected a daily attendance of at played a brand of ball seldom seen
least 100.
in prep circles. At the beginning of
Prominent Kentucky pastors and the five minutes St Xavier trailed
work 14 to 12. At the end of the bril
in religious
throughout the nation will speak liant drive St Xavier was ahead 22
at the various sessions. Among to 14. It was that superb five minthem are Dr. E. C. Cameron, In- utes that won St. Xavier the title.
dianapolis, and Dr. Henry W. McLaughlin, of Richmond, Va., nationally known specialists in the
rural church; Prof. George W.
Campbell, Cincinnati, specialist in
church music, worship and recreation; Dr. T. C. Ecton, Lexington;
Dr. George S. Watson, Louisville;
Dr. John Lowe, Louisville, executive secretary of the Council of "Bargains in Brains," Featur
Churches; Dr. T. W. Tinder, North
ing Qualifications of ComMiddletown, Ky.; the Rt. Rev. H.
merce College Grads, Is
Almon Abbott, bishop of the
Ready for Distribution
diocese, episcopal
church; Dr. R. V. Bennett, presiMembers
the 1935
dent of Kentucky Wesleyan col- Employment ofAssociation, Commerce
who are
Dr. Charles J.
lege, Winchester;
Truck, president of Centre college; candidates for graduation in June
Newton King, Wilmore, director of from the University, will present
the radio devotional league; the themselves to prospective employRev. Angus N. Gordon, Shelby-vill- e, ers through the issue of their salespresident of the Kentucky manship booklet, "Bargains in
Council of Rural Churches; Ben Brains." This booklet, published by
Kllgore, secretary of the Kentucky members of the association at the
Farm Bureau Federation; and Dr. close of each school year,declare Just
come from the press to
W. Ralney, Lexington.
personnel managers, employment
offices and "Big Business" in gen
eral that 48 graduates of the UniBE HOST AT PARTY versity of Kentucky in the June
class have united in the student- The University Woman's club will maintained Commerce
EmployCampus ment association to present them
have the members of the
club as guests of honor at the selves as "Bargains In Brains."
March meeting to be held at 8
The publication Is a
clock tonight in the Training booklet, attractively edited and
E. S. Good, with a cover design executed by
School auditorium. Mrs.
president, will preside.
Miss Anna Re be Icon Van Meter,
play, "Thanks Awful-A one-aJackson, Ky., a member of the
by Jean Lee Lathem, will be group. It contains the picture, age,
feature of the evening's enter weight, height, chief interests,
tainment. Mrs. John W. Mainlng, campus activities, experiences and
chairman of the Newcomers club, address of each of the 48 members,
and Mrs. Arch W. Walker, chair and is a printed testimony of their
man of Bride's club are in charge character, capacity, training and
of the program. Following the play experience.
there will be a formal reception.
This la the third edition of the
booklet and through it 177 stu
dents have already secured posiRECEIVES METEORITE tions. Lloyd Averltt, instructor In
economics at the University, is the
David M. Young, curator of the secretary and advisor to the ComUniversity geological museum, has merce Employment association.
collected a series of metorites that
have fallen In Kentucky .
i tie most recent of this collec
tion Is one that fell near Cvnthl- Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, professor
na, and the force with which It of political science, discussed the
fell Imbedded It about 13 Inches. present war-lik- e
situation In an
Others come from Cumberland address before members of the LexFalls, WUllamstown. and many oth- ington Business and Professional
er parts of the state. This will be Women's club, Inc. at a legislative
representative collection of all luncheon given by them at the
the metorites that have fallen In Kentucklan Hotel on Mondav.
Kentucky In the last few decade.
March 25.

A meeting of all students inter
ested in the varsity golf team will
be held in Alumni gymnasium
Wednesday, March 27, at 12:30 p
m., according
to announcement
Saturday by J. D. Haggard, acting
captain of the golf team.
Tryouts will be held this week,
and six men will compose the
squad. Although the squad will be
composed of six men, only four will
be entered in the matches, with
two being held as alternates. Prac
tlce will be held at the Lexington
Country Club after April 1.
A seven match schedule was also
announced by Capt Haggard. The
of Louisville, Dayton
University, Dayton, Ohio, and East-b- e
met twice during the season, and
era Normal of Richmond will each
the University of Tennessee will be
host to the Wildcat golfers May 4.
The Southern Open Meet announced for Atlanta during the
early part of April will be held

too early for the Kentucky team
to enter, but the Cats will Journey
to Louisville in May to enter the
State Intercollegiate Meet.

All P.E.R.A. work sheets must be
In the office of the Dean of Men
by Saturday, March 30. Pay day
will be Tuesday, April 2, between
the hours of 1:30 and 4 p. m.

There will be a meeting of the
Alma Magna Mater club at 3 p.m.,
on Wednesday, March 27, at Maxwell Place. The program will consist of talent within the club, after
which the members will be guests
of Mrs. Prank L. McVey.
Tubercular tests will be given
Wednesday from 1:30 to 5 p. m. at
the University dispensary.
There will be a meeting of the
University of Kentucky Aeronautical Association in Room HI, McVey
hall, at 1 o'clock tonight.
There will be a staff meeting of
"Thru Y's Eyes" on Tuesday in
Roam 38, Boyd ball.
W. A. A. Council meeting Thurs-

day at 4:30 p. m. in the Woman's
on Page Pour)







Lies In

Hands Of Hitler And Simon, In

(Copyright 1935 by International
News Service
University Women's Adminis
London. March 25 (INS) Betrative Council Selects Paris hind closed doors two men talked
today in Berlin and 400.000,000
Girl as President of
Europeans waited tensely for re
suits which may mean peace or
As Foreign Secretary Sir John
CHOSEN SECRETARY Simon of Britain came face to face
with Hitler for the first time today,
Mrs. Holmes Presides at Elec Europe agreed It was the most mo
mentous meeting since the Oer
tion Meeting; Committees
mans put under the Treaty of
Are Appointed
Versailles, the signature which they
now repudiated.
Lucy Jean Anderson, Paris, was have was
almost the only point
elected president of the University on which Europe agreea on
Council most grave day In hstory," as
women's Administrative
at a meeting of the council which James Louis Garvin, editor of the
was held Monday afternoon in the London Sunday Observer, calls It.
woman's building.
bright points ap
Other officers elected were: Pan peared little
on the
nto Herman, secretary, and Betty gloomy at the last minute
Dimock, treasurer.
Hungary announced she did not
The Women's
Administrative at this moment Intend to follow
Council, composed of presidents of Germany's example
and rearm
all campus woman's organizations openly, which would have meant
and representatives from each or war in the Balkans.
ganization of which women are
Rumania denied a report she was
members, met at 4 o'clock Monday mobilizing.
afternoon for the purpose of electForeign minister Kokl Hlrota of
ing officers and for planning the Japan announced there were no necourse of activity for the semester. gotiations
for a Japanese-Germa- n
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, assistant
Germany had debut
dean of women, presided over the alliance she that
would never demand
meeting. Leaders of the organlza
of her Pacific Island coltion for the past year were Lois return
Robinson, president; Rebecca Dud-le- y, onies, mandated to
secretary, and Gayle Elliott,





Virginia Robinson.



House 'Silver Bloc' Seeks To Block MEN'S DIVISION
Orchestra Gives Move Of Senate By Seeking House IJ
Last Program Approval Of Thomas' Silver 'Rider HEARD ON RADIO

Mrs. Rose Urbach Is Guest
Artist As Musical Season Closes
The University of Kentucky Phil
harmonic orchestra, under the di
rection of Prof. Carl A. Lam pert,
presented the final musicale of the
season Sunday afternoon In Memorial hall.

Rose Urbach, mezzo soprano, of
Paris, was the guest artist for the
concert Sunday and for her group
of selections, Miss Mildred Lewis
played the accompaniments.
urbach has been referred to as a
contralto and was so noted on the
program but owing to the very clear
high notes she is able to sing an
unusual range, as was evident in
her number "The Hills of Gruzia"
by Mednikoff, it Is probably a bit
more accurate to place her as a
mezzo soprano.
Mrs. Urbach has
been invited to sing in the producof the "Messiah" which will be
given In Lexington Thursday, April
25, and she has accepted.
The Philharmonic orchestra gave
a delightful program. The first
movement from the O Minor Symphony by Mozart was the opening
selection. Inviting the first violin
to give the two themes with which
the great composer worked out the
symphony. Professor Lam pert gave

a brief explanation and the pleasure In enjoying the selection was
increased. "Traumerei and Romanz"
by Schumann, arranged for strings
by John Lewis, Jr., was a beautiful
selection and gave the audience an
opportunity to appreciate again the
fact that the music department of
the University, through its head.
Professor Lam pert, Miss Mildred
Lewis, and Mr. John Lewis, Jr., and
the students, is of unlimited value
and talent
After the musicale, the orchestra.
Miss Lewis, Mrs. Urbach, and Professor Lampert were guests of the
faculty club tea. R. D. Mclntyre,
chairman of the music committee
to whose efforts and knowledge of
what is best in music much of the
success of the season is due, was
congratulated on ths beauty and
merit of the musical entertainments
arranged for Sunday vesper hours.

Kampus Kat Kopy
Must Be In Today
Today is the last day that copy
for the story writing contest
sponsored by the Kampus Kat
will be accepted, according to an
announcement iy Bill Carrell,
editor of the forthcoming edition of the "scandal sheet" sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, professional Journalism
It must be turned in not later
than 8 p. m. tonight at the
Kernel office. Cash prizes will
be awarded to the winners of
the contest


Washington. March 25 (INS)
The House "Silver Bloc" moved today to foil the "plot" of Senate
leaders by seeking House accept
ance or tne Tnomas silver rrarr
to the $4,880,000,000 Work-Relibill.
The Thomas amendement admit
tedly was accepted by Senate lead
ers to break the Jam and obtain
bill. It
passage of the Work-Reliwas their plan to knock it out In
conference with the House.
But the Sllverites were called into conference today with leaders
proposing to stage a fight In the
House for acceptance of the silver
This coup, if it succeeds, would
either force President Roosevelt to
accept the silver proposals or again
fight in
open up the Work-Relithe Senate.
Ren. John A. Martin (D) of Col
orado, as unofficial chairman, called
the House "Silver Bloc" into conference to make a final decision.
Meantime, Chairman Bucnanan
(D). of Texas of the Appropriations
committee, in charge of the bill,
disclosed that he planned to
promptly ask the House to send tne
measure to conference.
Unless a new filibuster develops
or the Sllverites win, the gigantic
appropriation measure, designed to
put 3,500,000 unemployed persons to



may reach President Roosedesk late this week.
Thomas silver "rider" recoinage of sliver bullion at
$1.29 an ounce, reissuance of silver
certificates, and makes discretionary use of silver in settling foreign
trade balances and sale of gold and
"This Is the last chance for sil
ver, said Martin. "If the House
allows the silver amendement to be
stricken out, silver is done for in
this session.
'I propose that the House accept
the silver amendement before the
works bill goes to conference. If we
don't do that, we may as well lay
down and quit on silver In the
"The Thomas amendement is conservative. It would put about
new currency into circulation. It is evident from the Senate debate, that the leaders intended to strike the amendment out in
Representative Rles (D) of Texas
Joined Martin in the movement
Other sllverites active In stirring a
House fight Included Reps. White
(D) of
(D) of Idaho, Murdock
Utah, Werner (D) of South Dakota
and Scrugham (D) of Nevada.


New Nominees to Y. W. C. A. Wilbur Evans Presents Final
Community Concert FriSenior Cabinet Are Selectday Night
ed; Election to Be Held
April 12
The nominating committee of the
Y. W. C. A., composed of the Senior
Cabinet, has nominated six candidates for the office of president,
secretary, and treasurer, and requests all petitions for
other candidates to be in the Y. W.
A. office at the Woman's building before noon on Friday, April
ing before noon on Friday, April 8.
The petitions must be signed Dy
30 people, and the candidates petitioned for must be Juniors either
this or next year.
Elections will take place next
Tuesday, April 12, from 9 to 4
Candidates named by the Senior
Cabinet are Martha Fugett for
president; Frances Kerr, and Betty
MarguerEarle for
ite Ooodfriend and Betty Moffett
for secretory, and Charlotte Coff-ma- n
for treasurer.
Installation services will take
place three weeks after election.
The oresent officers are Sarah
Whlttlnghill, president; Betty Dlnv
Lucy Jean An.
derson. secretary, and Charlotte
Coffman, treasurer.


Geologists Hear
Government Expert

Rules for Sing Are Posted by
Sponsors of Event. Cwens
and O. D. K.
The winners of the Men s division of the
Sing, to be
held in Memorial Hall Amphithea
ter on April 10, will bp invlW to
broadcast their program from the
University Extension
8tudios, according to an announcement made
by a member of the Sing committee. Elmer O. Sulzer, head of the
Publlcty department and in charge
of the radio studios, is to announce
when the program is to be given
and also the specific arrangements


1 The
Sing will be
held at 8 p. m., Wednesday, April
10, in the amphitheatre of Memorial hall; if weather is unfavorable,
the Sing will be held in Memorial
2 Competition will be open to:
One group from each sorority; one
group from each fraternity; one
independent town girls' group; one
independent town boys' group; one
independent Patterson hall girls'
group; one independent Boyd hall
girls' group; and one independent
Bradley hall boys' group.
3 Each group must sing two
songs: (a) Vers and chorus of
Alma Mater song; (b one of the
following: sorority song, fraternity

Wilbur Evans, prominent young
American baritone, will present the
season's final concert in the Central Kentucky Community Concert series at 8:15 o'clock Friday
night at Memorial hall on the University campus. Mr. Evans will be
assisted at the piano by Roy Un- song,
song, negro
derwood. The concert is limited to spiritual.
members of the association. No
4. The size of each group must
single admissions will be sold at not exceed IS members nor be less
the door.
than 8 members.
5. Direction from platform op- -(
Mr. Evans, who is 28 years old,
was catapaulted Into musical fame
Continued on Page Four)
via the votes of 30,000,000 people in
a national radio contest several
years ago, at 19 sang for Marcella
Sembrlch and Emilio de Codorza
and as a result was awarded a
scholarship given by the Curtis
semi-classic- al


In this, his second season before
the public, he has been engaged
for a coast to coast concert tour.
The program which Mr. Evans
will present Is as follows:
By Cecelia's Arbor... Mendelssohn
Begonel A Dull Care. 17th Century
Aria: An irdlsche Schatze das Herz
zu hagen
Erich Wolff
Maria und der Schif fer
Erich Wolff
Erich Wolff
Vergebliches Standchem . . . Brahms
Aria: Le Tambour Major, from La

Dr. Jesse E. Adams, of the EduCadi
cation College, spoke recently at
L'Invitation au Voyage.... Duparc
Jackson, Ky., to the High School
Le Monor de Rosemond
and Lee's College on the subject of
Charles B. Hunt, of the United
"Art and Literature." In the eve
ning he addressed the Klwanis States Geological Survey In WashClub. His subject was "Factors ington, was the guest of the Uni
versity goology departmenti
That Influence Human Behavior' week-enspeaking at a banquet
and seminar.
Mr. Hunt a specialist on coal,
arrived Wednesday from Pike counMr. R. W. Peters, of the Stand ty, where he has been making a
ard Oil Company of New Jersey, survey and checking the UniversiRadio Appeal to Public to
visited the University Wednesday ty's records on coal. Wednesday
Re Made Under Auspices
guest of Doctor Beaumont, night he was the guest of honor
as the
of American Conservation
Dean Terrell, and Professor Haw- at a banquet given by Sigma GamSociety
kins. He interviewed seniors of the ma Epsilon, honorary
College of Engineering and Chem society, at the Lafayette hotel. He
istry department with a view of of spoke Friday afternoon to the geo
An appeal to the public, urging
fering some of them employment logical seminar on "Coal Reserves cooperation in support of conservawith his company.
in the
tion laws, will be broadcast over
network on
Monday, April 1, from 4:45 to 5:00
p. m., E. S. T., by Harry O. Vavra,
national president of the Educational Conservation society The
talk, entitled "Public Conservation
Education," has been arranged as
a special event for American ConIf you happen to pass through the Is a foreign matter that Is called servation Week, to be observed with
drive back of Mechanical hall this slag and this must be skimmed off appropriate ceremonies in schools
afternoon about 2 o'clock, you will or it will cause a flaw In the cast- and clubs throughout April United
States from April 1 to
see something you have probably ing.
The program for the observance
never seen before unless you are
The molds are made of a special
an engineering student Although molding sand and shaped from a of the occasion is under the direcyou may have never heard of it pattern of wood that is made In tion of the American Conservation
Week committee of the Educationbefore, there is a foundry located the pattern department of the Colbehind Mechanical hail where cast- lege of Engineering. After the al Conservation society, consisting
of 39 state conservation agencies.
ings are made of iron. The casting casting Is made and has been takThe purposes of the society are
is performed by students of the Colen out of it, the sand can be used
lege of Engineering under the su- for another casting. The castings the preservation of scenic beauty,
forests, soils and
resourcpervision of N. R. Sturgeon.
are generally left In the mold until es; the protection mineral
of water
Coke Is used in melting the Iron the next day. One boy remarked
wild life
and a bed of it Is placed in the that removing them was "Just like well as human life.and fisheries as
cupola to heat it After the cupola digging potatoes."
is hot, about 500 pounds of Iron is
When all the iron has been takPSYCHOLOGISTS TO MEET
put in and 75 pounds of coke add- en out of the cupola they "knock
ed. Air is blown in to increase the the bottom out of it" I.e., they
The Psychology
amount of oxygen In the cupola slip the bolt that holds the doors Kentucky Academy section of will
of Science
and cause the iron to melt, as It In the bottom of the cupola and hold its annual meeting this year
would not reach a temperature high let all the slag and cinders fall out. In Lexington on May 3 and 4. acenough to melt 11 it were not for The fireman has a hose ready and cording to announcement by Dr. O.
the extra oxygen. After the iron has they sprinkle the molten mass until B. Dimmlck, professor in psycholmelted it is poured Into a large la- the fire is out. The next period the ogy and chairman of the section.
dle, called the mixing ladle, from class takes the top off the molds The program which Doctor Dimwhich it goes Into smaller ladels, and the next day the castings are mlck Is preparing will include the
and thence into the molds. When removed from the sand, are cleaned reading of five representative pa- the iron is first poured into the and sent to the machine shop to be pers oxtdlng: with psychologic J
mixing ladle from the cupola, there finished.
problems and development




Mid-West- ."


U.K. Students Perform Own
Casting At School Foundry


at a later date.
Copies of the rules for the Cwens-OD- K
Sing are being
distributed this week to all fraternities and sororities and to the
Other senate amendments to the independent groups which are elibill were said by House leaders to gible to complete.
For the benefit of those who may
be generally satisfactory.
not see a copy of these rules due to
the limited supply. The Kernel here
with carries the chief items of the

Young Baritone
Will Appear In
Closing Concert

Sinf Victors Will
to Broadcast
Their Program Over

Be Invited



Noted Authority on Lighting
Systems to Be Guest Speaker at Meeting of Electrical


The University of Kentucky student branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers are
hosts this week to Samuel G. Hibben, director of lighting of the

Westlnghouse Lamp company. New
York, and speaker of international

His first address will be at 7:30
o'clock tonight In Dicker hall. His
subject will be "High Lights in



morning at 10 a. m. he will address
the Engineering assembly. Students and faculty and the general
public are Invited to hear Mr. Hib-be- n
on both occasions. His lectures
will be Illustrated and accompanied
by demonstrations.

Internationally known for his
work In the field of illumination,
Mr. Hibben made an extensive
speaking tour in Europe last year.
While abroad he studied the vapor
lighting activities in England, Bel
gium and Germany. As a member
of the committee on lighting for
"A Century of Progress" last year,
he supervised the piarming and installation of radical new lighting
fixtures to Illuminate the main exhibition hall in the Ford Motor
building. Mr. Hibben was also a
consultant In the lighting of the
Holland tunnels, Virginia Natural
Bridge and the Statue of Liberty.

Graduate Students
Elect New Officers

a meeting of the Graduate
of the University held Satur
March 23, the following offi-

were elected:

L. Vickers, Rum- sey, Kentucky,
G. C. Craig, Bowling
Green, Kentucky, Commerce; secretary: F. W. Donaldson, Paris.
Kentucky. Mathematics.
Dean W. D. Funkhouser gave instructions for advanced degrees and

President: John


made announcements regarding

dates for theses, final examinations
and events of commencement week.
"Teddy, She Done It," a three-acomedy, written and directed
Evelyn Combs, will be presented by
the Young People's department of

the Central Christian church in
the little auditorium of the Church
at 8 p. m. Tuesday. The adinWlon
will be 35 cents for college students.


� Best Copy
The Kentucky Kernel
mumwn on rnmoATS



tilntMi Roftrd of Oonmrc
PreM AxocUtloo
National Ooll
PrrM AMoeiUlon
Krnluckf tnterwrtlpfUt
International hw
aitrntiM f lha M)or Oollrc Public-lloiuT A. J. Horrti Hill Oo..
n St WfW Tor ORf; HI W,
1M I.
-lUdiMa m Chiracs; 1004 M Aw..
aroodwar. Loo Anfla; Call
Ua: 1011


Bide . Ban

omoiAL mtwsjAR op

ttjthi OP -



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a Tear.

. Poatoffloa A
Olaaa Mall MtUr



atroir hhaLLTHE





Mtnlng tditat

A$tt. Har. fdllor




Tuesday, March 26, 1935


Pajte Two




sallies treaty and Is remobUlzlng;
France holds a large army In readi
ness, and lengthens the time of
compulsory service, resentful of the
attitude of her old rival; Italy
masses troops at home and abroad;
England maintains the mightiest
navy In the world; Japan, the
mighty representative of the orient,
lies in readiness; Russia hu the
largest standing army seen in the
last decade, and the Balkans seethe
The world stands as a giant
powder box, needing but a single
spark to set it Into a raging conflict, the like of which the earth
has never expertneed.
tional political intrigues doubtless
bound: secret treaties and alii
ances even more dangerous and
in their consequences
than those which it has been dls
closed preceded the last world con- flict, are being formulated even to
Meanwhile, the majority of the
populace of the United State, the

Hoi Polloi
Squirrel Fond
Olir tWO
readers are going to get all boiled
up over our ravings concernm
Lepere and what then, little Man?
was very un....The week-en- d
eventful so far as we were
Didnt even go to the
Heard that it was
r?hin rtnnre
classed among the better dances of
Some of ine laaaies
the year
came up this morning and are still
pommpntlni on a little fellow
It seems
of ours
that her name was Underwood
The boys said she was rather keen
J. D. Haggard seemed to be
especially interested. .. .as usual...
Your editor. Sunny Day. and your
dashed off Sunday
night to see "The Wlest Point of
Now both of us have
the Air"
We were rather
hu flvlnir fever
surprised to see that Sunny was



by all means an engagement!
Harry, In the Spring a Yeanf
ANSWER: Elisabeth Crain, "i
Man' Fancy....
en. think it means nothing, absolutely
Harry Bullock, carrot-toppe- d
gineer, breaks forth with the state- nothing."
ANSWER: 'Jimmy' Richardson,
ment that "He cant decide whether
I think that 'pinning' a girl Is Just
he is dumb or Is Just In lor".
to Insure to the boy that his af
fections are private (?)"
It Mast Be NIc
ANSWER: Tommy Nichols, "I
There are some reports from the
Kappaslg lodge that Sam Warren don't think that it means the same
recently purchased two new auto- thing as an engagement. It simply
It seems that Sammy means that the boy and the girl
dashed off to Louisville and pur prefer one another's company exchased a new car.... Then on his clusively."
return from the Falls City he Jour
neyed to a downtown dealer and re- ln acted his purchase on another
auto.... The brothers said he com
nletclv foreot about the first pur
chase. What's on your mind.

Two Birds With One Stone,

rh Hank?

Rlralnh mansion some
of the brothers sends us word that
the O. D. K. convention was not
th nnlv attraction for Hank Mc
rvnm in Cincinnati last week-en- d
....The other attraction besides
the convention was a young lady
...."Betty" U ner name....
TVnm Mi

The spring dances at Vanderbllt
nation in the not courting tne attractive Beuie are claiming their share of Ken
world," pays far too little attention Bosworth Sunday night
But the tucky coeds. . . .Trdelt Rltche Bak- The efforts on the part of the to the international situation today.
hen1 trnvm a verv satisfactory er was among the chosen last week
Registrar's office to speed up regis, as minus,
He says that a date
and next
ii open at all, are explanation....
on Friday, and two on saturaay
at the beginning of this
will Journey to Nashville




swayed by propaganda.
last semester were, to say the least,
Their cooperation
with the 8tudent Council.
Council, and the Kernel

Rhntild call for a chance on the
part of the young lady. . . .We were
also a bit surprised to see Sigmaky
Dodd Best rambling around looking
Yea' he was alone
sorta' glum
....It seems that his big moment.
Conner Dawson, dashed off to her

Inter-fraterni- ty

were duly appreciated by all concerned with the exasperating sys
tem. There are, however, several
changes yet to be made before the
University system of registration
can be truthfully termed efficient
and effective In so far as a saving
of time Is concerned.
A reminder of the old registration days was exceptionally annoying to the student registering for
the current semester.