xt7v416szs6j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416szs6j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-10-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  4, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  4, 1946 1946 1946-10-04 2013 true xt7v416szs6j section xt7v416szs6j ucoi uupy








The Largest Circulating
Weekly In Kentucky




Strike Halts Work On Shawneetown, Barracks
Union Protests Use

4)300 Student Seats In North Stands
seat will he available for every student who is enrolled
in the University at the Saturday night game against Xavier
university, according to a report made by Athletic Director
Bernie A. Shively to a committee of students which met
yesterday afternoon to discuss the seating problem.
"Of course," Mr. Shively stated, "every student will not
be able to sit in the stands, but bleacher seats will be available to take care of the overflow." He explained that 4,300
seats are available to students in the north section of the
stadium. Five hundred seats in the middle of this section are
reserved for townspeople who have bought season tickets, he
said. Bleachers which will be reserved for students will be
erected at the west end (toward Limestone street) of the
field. One section to seat 750 persons wil be put up diagonal
to the end zone, Mr. Shively stated. The other section holding
1,700 persons will be put up behind the end zone.
This arrangement will take care of 6,750 persons, Mr.
Shively said. Total University enrollment reached 6,613.
Six hundred tickets for the student section were sold at faculty rates to veteran students' wives. All the students do not
attend every game, Mr. Shively added. He estimated that
about 85 per cent of the student body would see any one game.
In reply to questions about townspeople who were seen in
the student section at the Mississippi game Dean Chamberlain said there were two ways townspeople could get in : by
using a ticket given to them by some University student, or
by buying a general admission ticket and then getting into
the student section. Both Dean Chamberlain and President
Herman L. Donovan deplored the practice of selling student
Blueprints of the student sections will be posted on the
campus today or Saturday so that there will be no mistakes
about the students' seats.
Members of the student committee, which was organized
by the Student Government Association, included Howard
Stephenson, president of SGA, Virgil Pryor, Howard Stewart
and Charles Gardner, SGA representatives; Angela Meisch,
president of the Women's Panhellenic ; Jack Veech, president
of the Student Union Board ; Milton Kafoglis, representative
of the Independent party; Darrell Hancock, vice president
of the Veterans Club ; Bob Babbage, president of the
Council Cornell Clarke, and Bill Laslie, president
of SuKy; Jack Sorrelle, Kernel reporter; Tommy Gish, president of the YMCA, and Pat Burnett, editor of The Kernel.
University officials present included President Donovan,



Phi Mu Alpha
Music Contest

1)i AIM


-- -




4 h.


i Hi'

Mary Price Creamer, Anne Biggerstafl, Dorothy Collins, Helen Gilson
Hutchcraft, Virginia Henry, Dorritt White.

YW Membership Drive
joining or later in the YWCA office.
The YWCA offers opportunities
to participate in numerous activities such as worship, social service,
Dutch Lunch club, public affairs,
public relations, and World Student
Tuesday. Ann Biggerstaff. member Service fund.
ship chairman, is in charge of the
This is the only organization on
the campus which is particularly
Tables have been set up in the ' set up with a religious purpose on
post office and in the student union an interdenominational basis. Such
building. Girls may sign their pledge an organization tends to help the
college student in developing a
cards at either place.
The membership fee of one dollar fuller and bettor personality and a
must either be paid at the time of

Traditional blue

frathers marking those who have joined the University YWCA. have been seen and
will be seen during the annual YW
drive which
Wednesday and will last through


ODK . . . will meet Tuesday in
rown 204, Student Union, at 5 pro.

Donovan To Speak
At SGA Meeting:
At the first fall meeting of the
Student Government Association
assembly, Monday, September 30,
JoAn Kloecker, secretary protem,
read a report summarizing S.G.A.s
activities in assisting in the Fresh
man' Orientation- program: The
' roeBiper 01 me association leamea
that during - the summer session
SGA members had had 2,500. group
tags printed" for the freshmen and

will meet Monday, 5 p.m., in the



all students interested in becoming members of 8u transfer students and had distrib
Ky meet in room 203, Student Un- uted 100 ribbons to those who acted
ion, at 5 pjn. today.
as group guides and assistants durprogram.
will meet Tues- ing the Freshman Week
day. October 8, in room 17, Music Howard Stephenson, president of
SGA, delivered a short welcoming
to approximately
will be freshmen and transfer students on
held Tuesday. 2 to 3 p.m., to study Thursday, September 19, urging the
John's Gospel under H. N. Ruther- new students to realize that SGA
ford, room 204, Student Union.
is their organization and should
receive their active support and inB.S.U. MEETING
Friday, terest in
order for it to function
7:30 p.m.. card room. Student Uneffectively. Bob Bleidt's orchestra
ion. Baptist and other students are
was secured as SGA's contribution
to the College Night program, FriWESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP day, September 27. Mary Keith Dos-ke- r,
. . . Sunday evening
at Maxwell
vice president of SGA, spoke
Street Presbyterian church . . . . for the organization at the Deans'
Supper 6:30. evensong 7:00. forum meeting on Saturday, September 21.
7:30. Open to all University stuDr. Ljle Croft, director of persondents.
nel and chairman of the Freshman
FELLOWSHIP Week committee, spoke to the mem0
p.m. Thurs- bers at this first meeting regardHAYRIDE . .
day at Maxwell Street Presbyterian ing SGA' part in the Freshman
Week program. Praising SGA's acchurch.
tivities this year. Dr. Croft emphaPRYOR
SOCIsized that SGA can and should
will hold its first meetETY
ing of the quarter, to elect officers. play an even greater role in future
Freshman Programs during 1947
will meet at 4 pjn. and in years to come. Following the
today in the Union.
s)eech. the SGA Assembly elected
CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH a committee consisting of JoAn
Kloecker, Sue Ann Bradford, both
will have a reception for Christian church students on the cam- Assembly members, and Mary Keith
pus at the church. Short and Wal- Dosker to attend a meeting in Dr.
nut streets, 6 to 7:30 p.m., Sunday Croft's office Thursday afternoon
PARTY for the purpose of discussing the
part SGA can play in executing fu. . . will meet at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday at the Alpha Xi Delta house. ture Freshman Week programs.
The meeting was concluded with
STUDENT GOVERNMENT AS- the appointment of a committee of
will meet Mon- Howard Stewart, Charles Gardner,
day at 5 p. m. in the Union. Open and Virgil Pryor who will be presto all students.
ent in addition to SGA Head SteYMCA Cabinet
will meet phenson at a meeting in Dr. DonoTuesday at S p. m. in the Union. van's office Thursday. This com- wU1 discuss with Dr-- .
will meet ;mittee
Monday night at 7:30 p.m. at van, uvmi ljw iiiaiiiDeriaui, Air.
Memorial hall. Discussion and vote B. A. Shively, and other representawill be held on proposal to grant tives of the Athletic Association the
seating in the north (student)
club officers salaries.
stands. Every effort will be made to
ELMSIDE HOUSE . . . will hold insure adequate seating space for
an open house from 4 to 6 p. m. the student body.
Sunday, for all men on the cam-




College ComAn
position contest, under the auspices of the Alpha Gamma Chapter
of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, music
fraternity, is open to college or
graduate and undergraduate students, both men and
women, in Kentucky.
ment, Lexington, Kentucky. The
are active members of Alpha Gamma Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha.
Three classifications of this contest are: 1) Larger forms which
are all large works scored for orchestra or band, or for any combination of instruments such as
string trios, quartets, etc; all large
works for solo instrument and piano, for solo instrument and orchestra or for piano alone. Symphonies, concertos, sonatas, ton
poems, suites, are contained in
this category. 2) Smaller forms are
small works for band, orchestra,
or any instrumental combination;
small works for solo instrument
and piano alone. 3) Vocal forms
Include vocal solos with piano,
vocal works for any combination of
voices, vocal works with any com
bination of instruments, and vocal
works for men's voices, women's
voices or mixed choir either a ca
pella or accompanied.
The winning contestant in each
of the three classes will receive
a trophy and a small cash prize.
Donors of the trophies will be announced later. The Alpha Gamma
Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha will donate the cash prizes.
The judges are: Dr. Claude
professor of theory and composition. School of Church Music,
Southern Baptist Theological seminary; conductor of chorus and
lecturer in composition. University
of .Louisville; Mr. Robert Whitney,
musical director, Louisville Philharmonic society; Mr. Jack Bry-de- n,
head of department of ' music,
Transylvania college.
If possible, the Alpha Gamma
chapter will sponsor a concert of
the prize winning or best compositions in the. spring of 1947, or
endeavor to have them Included
In other concert programs, with the
permission of the composer. However, the Alpha Gamma Chapter
reserves the right to select material
for the performance.
Entries should be sent by registered mail to the Alpha Gamma
Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha, University of Kentucky Music DepartThe
ment, Lexington, Kentucky.
contest closes January 15, 1947. En-

tries postmarked after that date
are not eligible. Awards wiU be
announced as soon as possible.
The rules are posted on the bulletin board of the music department.








FRESHMAN CLUB . . . will meet
7:15. Tuesday night in the Card
room. Student Union.
will meet
UPPERCLASS-at 7:15 Tuesday nipht in the
Student Union.
will meet at
8:15 Tuesday night.
meets in room 205
of the Union building at 5 p.m.
Tuesday. Oetoler 8.



Tau Sigma Tryouts
Annual tryouts for Tau Sigma,
honorary dance fraternity, will be
held at 7:00 p. m. October 7, 14,
and 21 in the Women's gym, un
der the direction of Mrs. Barry
All students interested should
sign up for tryouts in the Women's
I'.ym before Monday night. October

Ed Prichard Talks
To Women Voters
Edward F. Prichard, Jr., Paris
and Frankfort, will speak on "The
Skyrocketing American Dollar" at
the regular meeting of the League
of Women Voters Monday at 4 p.m.
in the music room of the Student
Mr. Prichard in now practicing
law in Frankfort and Lexington. He
was formerly special assistant to
the attorney general of the United
States, general counsel to the Office
of Economic Stabilization, general
counsel to the Office of War Mobil
ization and Reconversion, and assistant to the Secretary of the

Symphony Orchestra
Needs String Players
The University symphony orchestra, under the direction of Dr.
Alexander A. Capurso, head of the
music department, is again holding rehearsal every Tuesday night
from 7 to 9:30.
Dr. Capurso has announced that
the organization still needs some
string players, and any students,
professor, or townspeople are welcome to play. He may be contacted
in his office in the music building
concerning entry.
The symphony will present a concert in the spring, and will work
with vocal groups on an. oratorio.

Pay Proposed
For Veterans
Executive Post

By Jim Donovan
Construction on 698 emergency housing units at the
University remained at a standstill yesterday after 400 union
laborers went on strike Wednesday at noon in protest of
laborers employed by two
work being done by
construction cmpanies.
Affected by the walkout are Shawneetown, where housing
is being built for 180 married students, and barrack. on
Scott street, designed to house 518 single veteran students.

A request for $1200 annual salary for the President of the Veterans Club plus compensation for
the vice - president and treasurer
was among the highlights of discussion at the first fall meeting
Monday Sept. 30. of the organization. Subsistance asked for the two
other club officers was $600.
$300. treasurer. Salaries,
according to a proposed plan presented by Milt Kafoglis, will not be
taken from club dues paid into the
treasury. Kafoglis explained how the


Final Figures

Commenting on the seriousness of
the situation. Dr. H. L. Donovan
said. "Unless heating and other
utilities can be ' .stalled in the

approach of
buildings bei'X. .
cold weather a nun...r of student3
may necessarily have to withdraw
from the University because of lack
of proper living facilities."
Business agents of nine affected
unions including carpenters, cement
finishers, operating engineers, elec- present club administration has
I triclans- - laborers,
painters, plumbers
achieved a position of prominence
and fitters, sheet metal workers, and
for this club throughout this sectruck drivers voiea to Keep me men
tion of the country.
off the job until work is ceased by
"The question of salary." said
the two allegedly "unfair" compaHoward Bowles, president, "will Innies and until all their equipment
evitably come up again and again
"The greatest challenge to those
so long as the Veterans Club per- who are college students today . . . Is removed from the housing projforms the many tasks that it is now is to ring out war and "Ting In the ect.
Then, the Buildings Trade Council
engaged in. The question is simply thousand years of peace," Dr.
this, we cannot continue the pace Herman L. Donovan, president of voted, the men will return to work
that we have set for the present the University told the Institution's for 73 hours to give federal and Uniwithout remuneration for those de- student body and members of the versity authorities opportunity to
voting all of their spare time or the faculty Tuesday morning at the straighten out the difficulties .
The firms named as being "unVeterans Club must subside until it first fall convocation at Memorial
fair" by the Bui ding Trades Counreaches a level of little activity hall.
which will require only a small
Speaking on the subject "Ring cil are Shely Construction company
amount of time from its officers!" in the True" at the first student and Clarke Stewart and Wvy
Other topics of discussion In- convocation of ths school year. Dr.
In regard to removal l - equipDonovan declared that he did not
hesitate to advise his listeners to ment, Sam Shely of Shely ConstrucA resolution to be drawn endorscompany said late yesterday
ing Dr. Donovan's request for a ten "make the abolition of war the tion
your life's work afternoon that he had contracted
milion dollar building program to be major concern of
. . . . learn the ways of peace that with the University to do a job and
launched by 1950.
you may discover now to destroy that he w 'd continue work unless
Inter-fraterni"Postwamor," club publication. Is war."
the Univcai y terminated the conJ
to be enlarged and a new system
"Today, there are two major tract. As yet. h; had received no
of publishing the paper will be con- forms of government
contending Instructions tc that effect. Mr. Shely
sidered. It will be departmentalized
for the loyalties of the peoples of added hat he believed that the Uniinto business, editorial, production this earthcommunism and dem- versity could still complete the projcirculation offices.
I had thought that ect before eo.d weat-iewith the
Dean Chamberlain, Mr. Shively, and Guy Hugwelet, member and membership canvass
will be there was room enough In this assistance of Lexington's independA
of the Athletic Board.
conducted through the dormitories, world for two totally different types ent contractors.
fraternities, barracks and in town. of government to live side by side
presiR. T. Baxter, trades-counc- il
and prosper with each government dent said the strUe had been pendrespecting the other. But now I ing for "three or four weeks." The
have grave doubts about this pos- council charges, he said, that both
Five recent appointments to the- sibility." President Donovan com- allegedly "unfair" firms are violatstaff of the College of engineering neering drawing sections. Also a
ing the state plumbing code since
were announcd by Miss Ethel Jel-le- UK alumnus Mr. Hoffman obtained
Explaining his conviction that they are neither master nor licensed
The Sunday Musicales
Dean Terrell's secretary. This his BS.CJL In class of "26. His work
there is no "royal road to an edubrings to thirteen the total of new here will apply toward his M.S.C.E. again will be presented on the Uni- cation," Dr. Donovan declared that plumbers.
When asked about the validity of
versity campus during the 1946-4faculty in that college. The five men Twenty years' experience with the
"the thoroughfare of knowledge
not previously noted in this paper bridge division of the Kentucky season. Dr. Alexander A. Capurso that leads to wisdom Is a long, this assertion. Mr. Shely said that
Department as design engineer has head of the Department of Music, rocky highway that the traveler the Shely Construction company
are as follows.
was concerned only with the build
B. Alison, who will work provided a broad civil engineering said Saturday.
must pursue with great diligence
ing of main line seweia a.id had been
in the electrical engineering de- background. Instructing experience
In its eighteenth consecutive year, and patience."
building same for years.
partment, has a broad field of ex- includes work at UK in the Army the concert series will be presented
In addition to an appreciation of
The Clarke Stewart and Wood
perience behind him. He graduated Engineer and A ST. programs.
in Memorial Hall at 4 p. m. Sundays the wisdom to be found deposited
charged, was
with an A.B. from Kentucky
Richard B. Knight will take the without admission charge and will in libraries, he said, "the college company. Baxter
sewer-lay- followed that with an position of associate professor in the feature three distinct types of ar- student must understand the use ot awarded a contract for
- :lnf at Shneftown without a pre- M.S. in mathematics here at UK. heating and ventilating department. tists. Dr. Capurso explained. Fourthe scientific method in the solu
aeienn .auon oi wage scaie as
Since that time Mr. Allison has Professor Knight is a graduate. teen concerts are scheduled for this liw of problems. . . . may
by Kentucky Revised Stat- taught mathematics for seven years B.S.E.E., of the University of Mary- year.
determine most of the riddles
Nationally and internationally-fame- d of lift :f he will but learn how to u es
at Kentucky Weslyan, served four land. He later was granted an
Mr. Baxter further s;attJ that
years with the Signal Corps, A.U.S.; M.S.M.E. by the University of Illivisiting professional artists apply the scientific method to the
and spent a year with Curtiss-Wrigh- t. nois where he was sent on a fellow- are interwoven in the schedule with questions which plague and Intrigue ultimate goal cf the council was
to unioiiize all maintenance labor on
Mr. Allison will be work- ship award by the A.S.H.V.E. Five faculty artists of the University who him."
University campus.
ing for his doctor's degree in mathe- years' research work with Chemical appear as soloists or directors of va"Frankly," Dr. Donovan told the the
The strike is aimed primarily at
Warfare A.U.S., and Glenn L. Mar- rious vocal or instrumental ensem- student body, "we are not interthe University of Kentucky. Mr.
George R. Gerhard has taken the tin Aircraft company have followed. bles.
ested in educating you so that you
type will be student may make more money, although Baxter announced yesterday. "It i3
position of associate professor in Professor Knight is the third genThe third
contention," he said, "that tha
metallurgical engineering.
Profes eration of engineering professors in artists appearing as soloists with we are certain you will if you se- our
sor Gerhard has been a son of UK his family.
the University Symphony Orchestra. cure a good education. But that is University of Kentucky did not let
the building contracts to eligible
for many years for he obtained his
William F. Savage will instruct in with choral groups or in recitals not our objective.
B.S. Met. E. in class of '32; and did the department of aeronautical en- as soloists. Each year, a promising
"We are not interested in eduIn an official statement yestergraduate work over a period of five gineering. Mr. Savage has a B.AeroX. student is given the opportunity to cating you for the good life. We
years to obtain is M.S. Met.E. from from Rennselaer Polytechnic insti- appear with the symphony orchestra are designing your education that day afternoon. Dr. Donovan said.
is a conUK. Since that time Professor Ger tute. Since the completion of his in the performance of a major con- you may understand the meaning "The housing project
tract between the Federal Public
hard has instructed at the Univer formal schooling, he has devoted certo, Dr. Capurso added.
your life and its relation to
Housing Authority and the Shapiro
sity of Michigan four years. He al his time to aeronautical research
For the first time this season, a society and that you may be pre
engines, and Thursday Night Instrumental Series pared to give greater service to Construction com ny of New York
served with Army Provost Mar in reciprocating and jet
being erected
City These hoir
snail's Office for 3',i years, and was wind tunnel work with
of three concerts by University your fellow men."
the authorat the Univerb,;y .i.
discharged with a reserve commis
Inc. Mr. Personnel will be offered. The Uniyou develop a mind that sees ity of an act of Congress by the Fed"If
Knight will assist in setting up a versity Concert Band, under the
sion as major.
no values except dollars and cents, eral Public Housing Authority, and
Clinton Hoffman has taken the comprehensive aeronautical engi- of Frank K. Prindl of the you become one of the lost souls
the University itself does not have
position of instructor in the engi - neering program at UK.
music department, will appear in of your generation. If you cannot any
Shapiro Concontract with
the first number of the series on see beauty in a lovely sunset; if struction company,the
and. therefore,
SAE, Bill Young; ATO, April 10. Vilem Sokol, new instructor you cannot experience tranquility has no jurisdiction whatsosever in
Jere Thornton; KA, Ernest Sear in the U.K. music department, will of soul In beholding a placid lake this matter."
cy; Phi Sig K; Bill Miranda; Phi present a violin concert on April 17. or a lofty mountain; if you cannot
Dr. Donovan did not comment on
Delt, Stuart Harlowe; Phi Kappa Closing the series will be an ap- be lifted out of this troubled and
Omicron Delta Kappa, national Tau, John David; Sig Ep, Cornell pearance of the University Sym- chp'rtic world by a symphony, then work being done by the Shely Construction company and the Clark
leaderhip honorary for senior men, Clarke; Pi K A, Mose Baston; Zeta phony Orchestra directed by Dr. von ar, rwir inHpixl
is again, as in the past, aiding the Beta Tau, Martin Schneider; Delta Capurso.
Dr. Leo M Chamberlain, dea..
Nicholas Tripoli, public relations
University by sponsoring the sale Tau Delta, Jack McNeal; Sigma
The complete program in the Sun- of the University, presided at the
of booster tags for the football Nu, William Cooper; Lambda Chi, day Afternoon Musicales Series is as eon vocation. The deans of the var- director for the Federal Public
games. The purpose is two-foious colleges of the University and Housing Administration wil arrive
Bill Williams; Kappa Sig, William follows:
in Lexington today for consultation
to boost school spirit by the wear- Goodloe; Alpha Gamma Rho, Carl
Oct. 13 Marcel Dupre", French other administrative officials were
ing of tags and to obtain money Bell.
Organist; Oct. 27 Robert Kuhlman. on the platform and were intro- according to Mr. Baxter.
for the athletic fund, Tom GregSorority representatives are: Kap- baritone, University of Kentucky; duced. Invocation and benediction
ory, ODK head, said.
pa Alpha Theta, Elizabeth Rey- Nov. 10 Marjorie Garrigue. pianist, were given by Bert N. Peak, exThe sale of tags will be conducted nolds; Zeta Tau Alpha, Joyce Jor- Cincinnati College of Music; Dec. 8 ecutive secretary of the University
by representatives of all of the dan; Delta Zeta, Martha Quillen;
4:00 pjn. and 8:00 p.m. Christmas YMCA.
New addition to the College of
fraternities and sororities on the Kappa K G, Flora Baker; Alpha Choral Program by the University
Law staff is Professor H. E. Nelson.
campus, and any independent stu- Xi Delta, Janey Jameson;
KD, Choristers .Mildred S. Lewis, Direc- Makovsky. violinist. Columbia Con- Sprin?f:"Id, Illinois, who received
dent who desires to help. A cup Ramona Newman, Chi Omega, Mar- tor; Jan. 26 Aimo Kiviniemi, Tenor, certs; March 9 Ford Montgomery the Master of Laws deg" -t the
(or something
will be garet Tinder; Alpha Gamma Del- University of Kentucky: Feb. 2
and Robert Morgan.
UrriTsity of Michigan i June of
awarded to the fraternity and sor- ta, Betty Leece; Tri Delt, Helen Program by University Chapters of University of Kentucky; March 16 this year. He taught law a. the
ority which has the largest volume Hardy; A D Pi, Shirley Carmichael, Phi Beta and Phi Nu Alpha, honorCarolyn Long, Soprano. Columbia
r of North Dakota from 1937
of sales for the entire football Sigma Delta Tau. Anon.
ary music and dramatics fraterni- Concerts; March 30 University to 194S after he was graduated from
season, Gregory stated.
Any independent students who ties; Feb. 9 University Women's Mixed Chorus and Orchestra. (Ora-tor- ia the University of Illinois with the
ODK Members
desire to sell booster tags may con- Glee Club. Mildred S. Lewis. Directo be selected). Alexander Ca- degrees of Bachelor of Arts in 1928
Ed Barnes and George Dudley tact Gregory in The Kernel business tor; Feb. 16 Tivis Wicker. Baritone, purso, Director; Mildred Lewis and and Bach"'-'- - of Laws in 1931. He
Columbia Concerts; Feb. 23 Uni- Aimo Kiviniemi, Assistant Directors; started hi Inching career at Linare in charge of tag sales, and the office.
following are the fraternity repTag sales for the Xavier game versity Men's Glee Club. Aimo Kivi- June 1 University Baccalaureate coln College. Springfield, Illinois, in
March 2 Paul Service.
niemi, Director;
resentatives: Sigma Chi, James C. will start today.

Final enrollment at the


versity for the fall quarter totalled 6.613, according to Miss
Maple Moores, assistant registrar. This figure exceeds by
more than 53 per cent, the previous high mark.




Peace Effort


New Men




Winter Musicale
Programs Announced







Consoli-dated-Vult- ee


ODK Resumes

Booster Tag Sale




ftew Member Named


� Features


The Kernel Editorial Page


Kntcr4 ftl ths Pos Offle
second clkM Batter ander lb

Tat Bi'Rnett


Jim Donovan
IUxtis Mil ion


Lsxlnrton, Kmtncky,
Act of March 1, "


Esntaeky tnttreollectita Press Association
Imitation Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
national Editorial Association



O. C.

Fmn Ninioi

lu Fiaaan




Tom fiRKOoRY
(.lom.l Rvkkir


M On Quarter


Business Manager

slowed articles end colnmnt

pMttoa of the writer themtelvet,
reflect the opinio of The Kernel.

one Tear

Whenever il'Aiognan ami ilic immortal
rclchraied a irtoiy. ilicy usoil to swagger tlown tlic street shouting their favorite
jilirase, "All for one aiul one for all."




And it's a phrase that is esjiecially important
this ear. when, to help the citizen at home and
away fiom home. I'SO and the Community
diesis of America will make tomurrent apiieals
lor funds during September and Octnlvr. Everyone who roni'ibpus to them will be iull'ill-inthe spirit n mat phia-.e- .



1 he services of the two
nla ted.

organiations are


Community Chests of America, embracing local thesis in K49 cities, will be seeking Slf2,000.-0(HOf this about $150,000,000 is for the
of local service agencies in Qmiiminitv
Chest areas in those towns and cities.
And the I'SO appeal will Ik? included in most
of the local Community Chest campaigns, which
w ill be expected to raise $11,500,000 of the total
of $19,000,000 which the L'SO will need for its
voik through 1947. In New York City, and in
cities, towns and rural areas where the apiieal



is not to be

do not neestrarUf


fednated, I'SO committees will


the I'SO campaigns.
serves the rilien away from
home your sons and brothers who are still in
the armed forces. Today its job is fourfold:
To provide I SO dubs lor new indue lees, men
awaiting discharge and their families, and the
convalescent war wounded to continue
lounges and L'SO-Tratiers Aid services for service men, heir wives and families
to serve men in Hawaii and the Philippines
and at outhing bases to provide USO-CamShows entertainment for wounded men in hospitals.
At home, it is the tak of the local Community
Chest to maintain heah.h, welfare and recreation services for the resident who is not in uniform. Studies show that, during any one year,
40 out of every 100 families lencfil directly
from Communiiy Chest Red Feather services
in their cities. People in all economic levels
l)enefit inlirrt tly also from such organizations
as the Hoy and Chi Scouts, the "Y's," the hospitals.
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By Orman Wright

day's paper. Then, too, a column is
a nice emergency valve for letting
off steam. It really does one good
to be insidious and nasty in a subtle fashion and that is about what
half the big syndicated
are designed for. There is also a
rather romantic aspect about the
Job of being a columnist. People
remember that a columnist tours
all the night spots without paying
the cover charge and has a speaking acquaintance with all the celebrities. They forget that writing a
(or writing,
darned hard work (if it's a good
column, that is).

At least, everybody seems to be good
and .tired. However, some of the
boys broke the rules. And that is
to be deplored. Rush week is hectic enough as it Is. Surely the
council will strongly
reprimand the chapters that got out
of line.
I heard one fraternity man make
this comment: "If you have to get a
rushee drunk to pledge him or get
to help him make up his
mind, then you are going to have
one hell of a pledge class." Remember, girls, I didn't say it, I only
heard it. Personally, I think coeds do wonderful things for a colTo get down to a more mundane lege.
see what I mean?) level, this column has been a little fun and has
provided me with a lot of experience 1 like to think). The thing
has also filled up a great deal of
The Homecoming Dance, annual
space for the editor. But fame,
feature of the Homecoming Weekalas, escapes me.
end, is scheduled for the hours of
My room-ma(whose name is
very similar to mine) has many dis- Eluegrass in the Student
room on Saturday, Octogusting habits. But the one that ber 19. following the afternoon footgripes me most is the artful manball game with Vanderbilt. Music