xt7v416szf13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416szf13/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1922 yearbooks ukyrbk1922 English Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian text The Kentuckian 1922 1922 2012 true xt7v416szf13 section xt7v416szf13   University At
Lexington/ Kertta'c
LIBRARY IVERS'ITY of KENTUCKY  University Archives Margaret I. King Library - North Unlveriity of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506 FOREWARNING
CERTAIN parts of this book have been written in a spirit of rebellion against the old, trite manner of expression that has come to be regarded as the College Annual Slyle. This departure from conventional treatment has taken us upon uncertain ventures into prose-poetry, slang, doggerel, blarney, cheap wit, satire, pure foolishness, and, in a few instances, attempts at accurate description and sincere tribute.
This variety exists particularly in the Senior Section, in the paragraphs devoted to the individual members of the class. These were written b,y many persons all of one desire, to make the Annual interesting; and all in one humor, that of kindly fun.
If anything herein offends you, we are genuinely sorry. We have aimed our so-called jokes only at those whom we considered good enough sportsmen to laugh with us at their own peculiarities. At this hour (the foreword is always the last thing written) our chief regret is that we have not discarded more time-worn devices and stale phrases (such as "time-worn devices") which betray our inability to get completely away from the influence of the past.
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Scientist, physician, citizen  for thirty-three years mentor of a student body which, if it could be collected now, would aggregate thirty-five hundred men and women; whose life has been as clean as his sense of duty has been exalted, and whose kindly ministrations to those with whom he has come in contact have been a source of endless inspiration, this volume is affectionately dedicated. = OOCID 3DDDB :ODDC
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Page eleven 1922 rvENTUCKlAR
Trie College of Arts and Sciences
1?^SP-Ft^ss? O college on the campus is more popular than the College of Arts and Sciences, where we who decided to enter the newspaper game, join the smocked strugglers of Greenwich Village, concoct deadly explosions, find pay-rock in the oil fields, or "just teach school"received our training. Other fellow A.B.'s, the pre-meds, sociology sharks, future settlement workers and financiers, join with us in our belief that no other school on the campus can match ours in loyalty, sympathetic faculty friends'.dr rlehfyil*c$Wn..;  / . j
The college, as' now'oi'ga'nized.'cornprfses'twenty-three departments and eighty-s'u* teatheVs; |lt jfb.^ejs'mueK thaUrsiaJces university life interesting and pVoftta"ble-the CaTnpus'Playhouse'-'glee clubs, the college paper, oratorical cqrjtejjj, jmd lhemeny departmental clubs that gather together congenial groups" for" discussion *and good times.
Our boast is that our college stands for something other than mere practical information along practical lines, but gives to even the least attentive of us the message and vision of a broad culture that lies at the foundation and is the inspiration of all industrial and social progress.
A Senior A.B.
Page twelve  The College of Agriculture
HE students in the College of Agriculture constitute only approximately twenty per cent of the Class of '22, but their contribution in spirit of the class has rated among the highest. The activities of the "Ags" and "Home Ecs" have been broader than those relating to the college alone. In any census to determine the personnel of various university activities our representatives have been found in many positions of leadership and responsibility. In dramatics, athletics, clubs, publications and self-government bodies the College of Agriculture has won a strong place.
While a high appreciation that the complete development of a good college depends upon the broadening influences which may be procured from intermural activities, the estimate placed upon class room work is even higher in our college. "Ags" and "Home Ecs" consider ourselves particularly fortunate in being engaged in training for work that is a great human need.
The purpose of the College of Agriculture in the University of Kentucky is to give instruction in the scientific principles of one of the primary industries. No nation can remain great unless it is properly fed. The greatest contribution any college can make is the training of young men and young women to become efficient citizens and home-makers, skilled by science in the great primary industry of agriculture. To this end, we of the Class of '22 from the College of Agriculture offer ourselves and what skill we have gained, to be used in the woik of die world.
A Senior "Ag."
  The College oi Engineering
The year 1921-22 marked a change in the College of Engineering. "Little Paul," the dean, like Elijah of old, was called upon for a still greater work, and upon whom should his mantle fall? Upon whom other than Professor W. E. Freeman, a man he had helped to train, one imbued with the same ideals and principles for which the "Kentucky Engineer" is noted.   Therefore, it could hardly be termed a change after all.
Service, the epitome of the engineering profession, was still the basic principle taught, and in order to render better that service, necessitated the knowledge of something other than purely technical.
Today the engineer has come to deal more with human nature than with the laws of nature. For this reason he can no longer be merely a technician. Now he is dealing with the forces which obey no fixed laws and therefore requires a broader knowledge in order to fulfill better the modern conception of engineering, i. e., the art of organizing and directing men and of controlling the forces and materials of nature for the benefit of the human race.
A Senior Engineer.
Page sixteen
  Trie College of Law
HERE is not a happier, more congenial family of students on the campus than that to be found on the third floor of the Natural Science Building. This family of students compose the College of Law. This college was organized in 1 908, and since that time it has trained and fitted hundreds of Kentuckians for the practice of law. The purpose of the College of Law is twofold. First, it was organized primarily for the purpose of fitting and preparing men and women of Kentucky for service in the legal profession. To this end every student is given a thorough knowledge not only of the statute law and Code of Kentucky but also of the fundamental principles that govern the legal relations between persons. Second, the College of Law endeavors not only to make lawyers, but, what is vastly more important, it has for its aim the making of citizens. Every student is made to feel that respect for law and organized government that characterizes the good citizen.
The College of Law is indeed fortunate in having at its head Dean W. T. Lafferty. It was Dean Lafferty who was given the task of organizing the college back in 1908. How well he has succeeded can best be appreciated when one notes the growth of the college during its brief existence of thirteen years. It has grown both in numbers and in efficiency, until today, though still in its infancy, it ranks among the best law schools in the country. Dean Lafferty is more than the executive head of the college. He is the personal friend and adviser of every student in the department. It is to him that every embryonic lawyer goes when he feels the need of advice or assistance, and no one is ever denied either. It is he who, like a father, chides and praises each of his "lawyers," always exhorting and inspiring each to be a better lawyer and a finer citizen.
A Senior "Lawyer.'     1922 KENTLJCrviANL
Page twenty-three 1922 KHNTlJCrxI AN.
rodman wiley
The Alu mm Association
The Alumni Association, founded in 1889, is one of the oldest organizations of its kind in the country. Its policy from the beginning has been to wcrk for the well-being of our Alma Mater.
The recent growth in membership and in strength during ihe last year has been unusual and has given much hope to the university officials in their plans for a larger and greater institution. The membership has increased four hundred per cent in a year and a half, and the alumni clubs from two to twenty-seven. This year eleven former students were elected to the Kentucky General Assembly, one of them a woman, the first to serve in such a capacity in the state.
A big brother movement among the alumni clubs, especially those outside Kentucky, holds the interest of younger graduates and former students. Aid is offered in obtaining positions, suitable living quarters and social acquaintances. Meetings are held monthly, including informal get-togethers at homes of the members. A spirit of mutual helpfulness is spreading among the "Kentuckians" in forty-six states of the union and in seventeen foreign countries.   "Do it for Kentucky" is their slogan.
Page twenty-four 1922 RENTUCrvIANL
The President Says
It is a good thing to be a college student under almost any circumstances, but it is a great thing if one puts his heart and soul into it. During his four-year residence the student undergoes tests of character, develops viewpoints, and lays a foundation for open-mindedness and tolerance that should lead to a better citizenship. This is the hope of the state in establishing the university.
On the other hand, the university must be prepared to do its part in the training of the youth who come to it. Adequate buildings, equipped laboratories, libraries, and well-trained men and women on the staff are required for the work of the institution. The call upon the university to teach and to carry on research grows each year. Buildings wear out, equipment becomes obsolete, and staffs must be enlarged and strengthened.
Fage twenty-five 1922 KCKHIJCRIAN,
ffS^^^^^     Kentucky has done a good deal for her university, but much more must be done if the work of the university is to compare favorably with what is done elsewhere.
The contribution which students can make to this progress is through loyalty, hard work and honest endeavor in all their relations. Nothing counts so much for a university's progress as these essentials, coupled with good teaching and the inspiring purpose of the university's officers and faculty. The student body of the university has always responded to the higher ideals. In my five years as president I have come to have a real affection for the university, its student body and its faculty; such a spirit of good-will and affection on all sides can make our dreams of the university come true, and with the help of the alumni and the citizenship of the state, the university is bound to be a great factor in the development of old Kentucky.
(Signed)        frank L. McVey.
Page lTvcnt\)-six 1922 KENTUCrvIAN,
From The End Of T	N he	Trail. By James Earl Fraser
Page twenty-seven 4
Robert L. Lavin.................President
Josephine Evans ..............Vice-President
Margaret Dean Harbison.............Secretary
J. J. Slomer......... ........Treasurer
Henrietta Rogers...... . .......Historian
Raymond Johnson....... .........Orator
Eva Congleton.................Prophet
J. Burton Prewitt................Crumbier
C. V. Watson....... ....     Permanent Secretary
Frances M. Marsh........Editor-in-Chief Kentuckian
C. V. Watson.........Business Manager Kentuckian
Page twenty-eight  1922 KENTUCrvIAN,
Burton Prewitt Arthur Shanklin C. V. Watson
amp a
nd C
Silas Wilson j. W. Crenshaw Milton Revill R. E. Lavin
Warren Clare Oakley Brown Edgar R. Grecc
(Senior Men's Honorary Fraternity)
Page thirl!) 1922 KENTUCrvIANL
r i      r 11    i el Mortar Board
Lolors:   Liold and Oliver
Staff and Crown Chapter
Elizabeth Kimbrough Edna Snapp
Adaline Mann Lucy Kavanauch
Louise McK.ee Annie Russel Moore
(Senior Woman's Honorary Fraternity)
Flower:   Red Rose
Katharine Reed Henrietta Rogers Ilma Thorpe
Fagc thirty-one Mary Christian Adams, B.S. in Ag..........Brighton
Ag. Society (2. 3, 4), Secretary (l); Y. W. C. A.; Lexington Club; Botany Club (3); Sharpies Dairy Scholarship (3); Hoof and Horn Club.
Wouldn't you like to be the only girl taking Ag. and be the pet of the class? That's what Chri3tle is. And she actually gets Chemistry and Soil Analysis, and all those hard technical things. And she is sweet and little and delightfully feminine, too, and has had a refining influence on those rough farmer boys.
Paul Wendell Adkins, A.B..........Williamsburg
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; All-Southern Center, All-Kentucky Center (3); Pre-Medical Club (3, 4); President (4); Patterson Literary Society, Pathology Club; Mountain Club; Basketball Varsity (3, 4).
When the roll of social satellites is called, Paul is among those absent, but when he stands arrayed for action on the gym floor, and the referee blows the whistle, there is fire in his eye and, gentlemen, he can handle a wicked basketball!
George Burns Akin, B.M.E.............Utica
Track (1); "K" Wrestling Team (3, 4); Class Football Team (2, 3); Charles Schwab Engineering Society; Owensboro Club; A. S. M. E.; A. A. E.
George is a fair athletewc mean a tall, dark athlete. He is one of Far-quhar's pets and a master of English, sometimes making only seven mistakes in one sentence, but who could expect an engineer and a wrestler to like poetry? He's not a "dull Akin void" by any means.
 James M. Allen, LL.B
Patterson Literary Society (3); Henry Clay Law Society (3, 4); Democratic Club (2, 3, 4).
Call him James Lane Allen. "Jimmy," "Toofie," or "Runt.'* In college he has accumulated nicknames as some people do degrees. He M.A. the D.* and S.A.M.H.*
Hiram T. Allen, A.B..............Prestonburg
Sigma Nu.
For he's my boy, my boy Hi. an Economics shark. He's smarter than any durn city guy, and always makes a good mark.
Aubrey Webster Armentrout, A.B. . . . Linville Depot, Va.
Pre-Medical (2, 3, 4); Patterson Literary Society (3, 4).
Armentrout blossomed forth into a gay old dog in his Senior Year. ("We mix our own metaphors in order to get the proper blend.) When the cat's way, you knowthe cat in his case being an older brother in facilitate who had held him down up to this time and had also held him up down to this date.
See list of abbreviations, page 314.
 PAUL E. AsHBY, LL.B...............Lexington
Paul, or "Chief Justice," as he is known to the frequenters of the Law Library, came here in the good old days when the word "whistle" meant more than a soft drink. He has not been here all this time, however. He stayed away from us long enough to convince Mrs. Ashby that she needed a husband. Broad of shoulder, sober of mind, deep of thought, commanding in appearance, a lover or a good joke, and a genuine good fellowwhat is there to keep him from becoming "Chief Justieo" indeed?
John H. Atkerson, B.S...............Franklin
Phi Kappa Tau; Alpha Zeta; Ag. Society, Hoof and Horn Club; Rafinesque Club; Editor-in-Chief "Rural Kentuckian"; Secretary Men's Student Council (-1).
It is an Ancient Mariner, and an Editor, too, I wot; and what it takes to be an honorary "Ag." I hope to say he's got.
Ruth Baker, A.B................Lexington
Another "Q. and U."* classmate, whose escaping Professor Farquhar's wrath. She is the C."*
*See list of abbreviations, page 314.
biggest adventure in college was "S. and R."* and one of the "B. of
V y-\: y \ ",
 Robert F. Bamber, A.B
Petersburg, Va.
Kappa Alpha; Goethal's Engineering- Society; Cast "The Amazons, Philosopliian Play (3); Tennis Club; Psychology Club.
Bobby came to us a triHe late, and before he had time to develop an immunity to the Kentucky variety, became a victim of bacillus Cupidus. His resistance was low (or he didn't try to resist) and lie has been in a semi-conscious condition eve/ since.
Henry Bryan Waller, B.S. in Ag..........Verona
Masonic Fraternity; Agricultural Society; Y. M. C. A.
One of the justly famed "Two Gentlemen from Verona," who came from the country to the town to learn how to farm; Same principal as going to the University of Sahara to learn to swim, or taking a course in English at the University of Cincinnati.
Mary Smith Barret, A.B............Owensboro
When a woman majors in Math, at U. K. it is a sign of pure love of abstract reasoning. Love of human nature is another of her characteristics, and many a homesick freshman has wept on her shoulder and found comfort.
Class Cynic:
'Freshman boy or freshman girl?"    (Foolish Question No. 77,789.) TT IT
Frank Baugh, B.M.E...............London
said ho would make his letter senior year, winning fame and flowers him up in the football section anion;
or break his leg. He did both! All in his overnight. If you want to know more, look ; the Wildcats.
George Woerner Baumgarten, B.M.E.......Louisville
Boots and Saddles; Glee Club (2, 3); Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (2, 3), Secretary (4); Blue Ridge Delegate (2); Track Team (1); First Lieutenant Co. B (3); Captain Co. B (4); A. E. E.; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.
"Mon Capitain" is what Mamie Miller calls him. He's a brave ossifer and is present whenever the Italian is deformed. In the Engineers' Who's Who he has received the sole degree of C. C. (See Page 314.) 'Member when George got shocked to death in that impromptu wrestling match on the drill ground? Some man!
Bailey B. Baxter, LL.B..............Richmond
Phi Alpha Delta; Berea Club; Democratic Club; Old Madison.
Bailey's even temperament and loyal heart have endeared him to all his brotiters-in-law. Not meaning to be personal at all, but we believe that Bailey has had sufficient experience to determine whether "it is better to have loved and lost" since we see him wearing a returned solitaire.
 Henrietta Bedford, B.S.
Here is a girl who has worked hard and steadily through a four-year Home Ec. course with a definite end in view. We think she has decided to balance the other end of the breakfast table, and we know that our best wishes for her success will be realized.
Class Cynic: "Cherchez rhomme!"
Herman L. Becker, B.S..............Louisville
Alpha Tau Omega; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (1, 2); Kej-3; Mystic Thirteen; Stroller Eligible; Alpha Chi Sigma.
Gus's attendance record at social events since he entered college has been almost perfect. He rates high with our social registrar for humor and dancing, and will get "A" for being "the life of the party" always. We'll look up ole Gus at every reunion the class has.
Ann Bell, A.B.................Hopkinsville
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
She would wake in the dull grey morning, as the day was beginning to break; and the other campers resolving another long nap to take, would be rou3ed from their slumber profound by a timid but insistent sound: "Joy-age, are you awake?"
The staff dumb-bell wrote this prose poem and, although it gives you quite a wrong impression of this altogether charming, amiable young co-ed, we risk her good humor and hope for your appreciation of an incident of camp life "down on tile river."
% Hi
\ Henry Jordan Beam, B.S. in C.E..........Bardstown
Masonic Fraternity; T. K. B.; Charles Schwab Engineering Society; Ex-Service Men's Club, president (I); A. A. E. Secretary (4); A. S. C. E., President (4).
"Beam!"  exclaimed  Farcjuhar,  lifting liis right eyebrow .about  three inches, "you may be a beam but you look like a girder to me."    I-Beam has been girder of support to Twenty-Two, and one of those rarities, a civil Civil.
Martha Clarice Bellew, A.B............Fulton
Fulton County Club, Secretary (4); Philosophian, Treasurer (4); English Club.
This is not the Clarice mentioned in the late (but not lamented) song, "Johnny's In Town." Our Clarice isn't interested in Johnny, it's Otis who is occupying her thoughts. (For the benefit of the freshmen who didn't see Clarice and Otis last year, we here explain that he is an alumnus of the Engineering College, and one of those strong, capable men who could just protect you and cherish you, and everything nice like that.)
Roswell M. Bennett B.M.E............Narrows
S. M. E
T. E. E.
Charles Schwab Engi
Roswell is in the Archibald and Percival class, if names mean anything, but actually our Roswell is not in that class at all. He has been classified by a fond fel'ow mechanical in the exclusive (pardon, excluded) class of R. N.'s. (See page 314.) George Wesley Benson, B.S. in C.E.......Williamstown
Triangle; Tau Beta Pi; A. S. C. E.; Society; Masonic Club; Class Football (2
A.  A. E.
Charles Schwab Engineering
There is a theory which states man's development from the ape; there is another, madly refuted by our Baptist friends, asserting that the monkeys are degenerate humans.    "Pug" is our entry as the proof of either.
But we really mean that he is an awfully good student and has an awfully good heart.
Newton Osbourne Belt, B.M.E..........Blandville
Triangle; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.
One engineer who seems to get by the personnel of the whole college without any knocks.   Like other belts, ho runs around a lot.
Class Cynic: "The pun is the cheapest form of humor, but we don't want to make the book too expensive."
Berl Boyd, LL.B..................Sedalia
Pi Kappa Alpha; Phi Alpha Delta; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (2); Associate Editor Kentucky Law Journal CI); Ex-Service Men's Club; Alpha Delta Sigma; Football (2, 3, 4) ; Men's Student Government (I).
A long shot for Kentucky when Man O' War is the card. He's first under the wire whether in gridiron or track parlance. Berl doesn't neglect liis cultural development, either, for he is one of our hopeful lawyers with literary inclinations. We fear though, since the results of the November election have been announced, he i3 headed on his downward career.
Class Cynic: "Wonder if the downward career means Frankfort or Shelbyville."
', ' .4 (i 111:-.      Mi'V
 Lawrence Francis Bischof, B.S. in C.E. . .
Alpha Sigma Phi; Tau Kappa Alpha.
"Bisch" used to be a social lion but somebody tamed him. You didn't Know lion tamers came from Paducah, did you? Well, they do, and they go back there too, leaving their victims roaming around the campus thinking mournfully of the days when they were wild.
William E. Blake, B.S.....
Shaler Geological Society;
Band (1,
Look at that! Who would have thought that anyone interested in fossils and strata, or whatever they study in Geology, would be a musician? That shows how versatile he is. Anybody who can please "Daddy" Lampert and "Monk" Miller at the same time is some man.
LULA BEATTY BLAKEY, A.B............Beattyville
Alpha Xi Delta; Vice-President Y. W. O. A. (2): Delegate to Blue Ridge (1); Delegate to National Convention (2); Secretary Henry Clay Law Society (1); Secretary Philosophian (2); Secretary-Treasurer Romance Language Club (2); President of Woman's League (4); Secretary-Treasurer Mountain Club (3); Student Government Council (3); English Club; Glee Club; Horace Mann.
This isn't half of what this bright-eyed little bundle of nervous energy has accomplished. She has been at every rally, bonfire, and pep meeting on the ca ni pus during the past four years. Her popularity is unusually widespread in that it extends even throughout the ranks of her girl friendsa rare thing.
2 Minerva Sue Boardman, A.B.............Paris
Alpha Xi Delta; Student Government Council (3; Women's Fraternity Council, President (4); Y. W. C. A.; Romance Language Club, Woman's League, Glee Club (1, 2); Bourbon County Club; Pan-Hellenic (2, 3, 4).
In "Baird's Who's Who" of 1950. we find that "Miss Boardman was a girl of Straight-forwardness and sincerity, brilliance and attraction. Her level-headed judgment and leadership made her prominent during her college life at I J. K. and won her later success."
William Gilmore Bobbitt, B.S. in M.E.......Somerset
Phi Delta Theta.
A girl came in our office, with stealthy tread and furtive look; "Have you put him in?" she said; "have you put him in your book? They might think he can't spark and isn't much on a iar;c, So please say, 'He can sure entertain in the dark!' "
Charles Rice Bourland, B.S. in C.E.
.   .      . Madisonville
Pi Kappa Alpha; Tail Beta PI; Transit Staff (1); Union Literary Society (1. 2); Pan-Hellenic Council (3); Treasurer Clas3 Society (3); Fish Club (3); A. A. B.; A. S. C. E.
Ask him to do something for you and watch him do it and do it well. Put upon him the test of true friendship and watch him prove 99.44 per cent pure.
Class Cynic: "Yeah, watch himis right!"
A u
William Carton Broderick, A.B..........Falmouth
Shaler Geological Society; Class Baseball (3); Band (3).
Mike is happiest when attached to the cool end of one of his favorite cigarettes for verily ho smoketh like a chimney.
But whenever the band starts playing he will always desert Madam Fatima long enourh to spread a little joy on the dance floor.
Marion Thomas Brooks, A.B............Bellevue
Pi Kappa Alpha; Sigma Tau; Keys; Mystic 13; Glee Club; Raflnesque Club; Pan-Hellenic Council (4); University Quartet (1); Choral Club Treasurer (3); "Robin Hood" Cast; "Mikado" Cast.
Tommy is student representative of Lashlux and Pebeco, and as Mike in "Mikado" his Glee Club career reached its climax. General popularity on the campus and offdue lo unusual good manners and friendly voicehave made us Tommy's friend for life till graduation us shall part.
Ella Brown, A.B.................Lexington
Kappa Kappa Gamma; English Club; Y. W. C. A.
1011a made the popularity contest when she was a freshman, has remained just as charming, but since then she has been contented to sing "Dear old S. A. E." Instead of "Hall All Kentucky!" She keeps her own counsel, smiles a lot, and is another one of the f. g. of the c.    (See Page 314.)
 Oakley Brown
Alpha Sigma Phi Hoof and. Horn Club;
Alpha Zeta; Lamp and Cross; Su-Ky Circle; Class Football (2, 3).
] taseball i l
"A gentleman and a scholar, and a judf supreme compliment. Well, Oakley is a gentle player, and a good judge of cattle. We mean being an expert Ag. and not the kind that c Drug and tell you the difference between the calf.
e of good liquor" used to be the nan and a scholar, a crack baseball that he really can judge live stock, in stand in front of the Lexington tfeary and the beefy type of fatttd
Neil Mitchell Wilkerson, B.M.E.
Sigma Nu; Class Basketball  (1, 2, 3); A. I.
St. Petersburg, Fla.
A. E.
A.  S.  M. E.
He fouglit hard in the anti-squirrel crusade, the only campaign Twenty-Two lost. Some even suspected Neil as the writer of the notorious tirades against squirrels thai appeared in the Kernel. He procured his material by malting every dance. He is the Sigma Nu who ruffed it up in the basketball fraternitj tournament.
WlLHELM, A.B.................Paducah
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Delta Sigma ri; Political Science Club; Football il. 3. 4); Basketball (2, 3, 4); Track Team Varsity (1. 2. 3, 4 1.
Repeated lough luck and injuries have not kept Jimmie from making himself famous on the gridiron and on the basketball floor, and even entit'ed him to the well deserved petting always accorded the wounded hero by tender hearted maids.
Class I'yni
'Wonder if any of his injuries were S. I. W.'s,'
 Rothwell Woodward, B.M.E............London
Band (1. 2. 3, 4); Capt. (2); Orchestra (1. 2. 3. 4); Su-Ky Saxophone Sextet; A. S. M. E.; A. A. E.; T. B. K.; Charles Schwab Engineering Society.
Woodward of the Band is a familiar figure to the campus at large for his cornet solos have made him famous since he arrived and started playing "When You Look in the Heart of the Rose." He is talented enough in practical things to get a B. M. E. besides, and has a h. of f.    (See page 314.)
John Fred Casner, B.A.............Providence
Phi Kappa Tau; Delta Sigma Pi; Patterson Literary Society.
"How to Be Popular Though Studious"; "The Jazziest Baptist of Old U. K."; "My Secret of Success"these are some of the personal articles Johnny has been asked to write for the American Magazine. We hail him as one of the best scouts of the class.
Carlisle Chenault, A.B.............Maysville
Chi Omega; Strollers; "The Admirable Crichton," "Under Cover," "The (31imbers" casts; Glee Club (1); English Club; Women's Student Government Council of Fraternity Houses  (3, 4); Y. W. C. A.
Carlisle might have been the girl Coles-Phillips chose for his modei, and not for the Community Silver ad. either. As th-- languid Lady Agatha of Crichton fame, Carlisle broke hearts clear across the state. Her stage presence and Barry-more profile then praised have been interestingly popular among others less profound and just as appreciative throughout her four years at school, and therefore we don't make the usual college annual predictions about a future stage career.
Sue Elizabeth Chenault, A.B
English Club; Woman's League; "Robin Hood" Cast; Eligible; President "Old Madison" Club; Y. W. C. A.
Mikado" Cast; Stroller
Sue is one of the f. g. of the class. (See Page 314.) She likes to talk and we like to hear her talk; one so well traveled and experienced as this former C. C. (same reference), Hamiltonian, Ward-Beimontonian, and Old Madisonian is worth listening to.   'Member her in Mikado, awful pretty 'neverything.
Myrtle Totlen Clar, A.B............Louisville
Cast "The Climbers" (2); Pan-Hellenic Council; Woman's League; Romance Language Club; English Club; Philosophian Literary Society.
Myrtle is the only "cute girl" of her size on the campus. Her voice has a charming tone, or accent, or something that makes "Why, Mister Farquhar!" sound like a perfectly valid excuse for being late to English class. (Editorial comment, put in some more stuff about dimples, etc.)
Margaret H. Cole, A.B..............Lexington
History  Club;  Romance   Language  Club;  Horace  Mann  Literary Society.
Cole is her name and coal is her hair. We may add "coal-eyed" but not cold-hearted by any means and this characterizes Margaret. Margaret always smiles, always gets by the prof, and always has a date; is quite a very G. G.
 John White Cooke, B.S............Smith's Grove
Delta Chi; Shaler Geological Society.
Cooke's hair Is blue black and has the nicest waves in it. He has been accused of having it waved by machinery, but we don't believe it; they probably haven't any hair-waving machines in Smith Grove, Ky. (We heard him trying to kid one maiden fair, who thus expressed her emotion: "Just because you have a wave in your hair, don't think you're the whole darn ocean.")
Class Prophet (4).
Eva Congleton, A.B.  . . .
English Club;
"Sweet" is an overworked word,
But no other word will do To describe this fair little country maid. Whose eyes are that exquisite, unnamed shade
That is faintly suggested by "blue."
Wo must deal in superlatives too,
(Something else we don't do as a rule). But we'd break all the rules that we used to believe In order to tell you the truth about Eve
"She's the sweetest girl in school."
Larton Lloyd Rudolph, B.S. in Ag.......Little Cypress
We may have to break into rhyme in giving some of these seniors what's coming to them, but here's a man for whom only good, honest solid prose is a fit medium.   He'3 steady and prompt and meets his obligations.
Ho'll put Little Cypress on the map.
62 John Robert Currey, A.B.
Sigma Phi Epsilon; Glee Club (2, 3); Robin Hood Cast (3).
'Member Robin Hood? And the sweet voiced tenor? He sprang into sudden prominence and at the same time into the affections of a certain fair maidenif you know what I mean.
Class Cynic: "As if no one knew what she meant!"
Raymond Hicks Craig, B.S.M.E..........Lexington
Alpha Sigma Phi; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Tau; Pi Sigma; A. A. E.; A. I. E. E.; A. S. M. E.; Chas. Schwab Society; Glee Club (1, 2, 3,