xt7v416szc35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416szc35/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1950-10-oct25-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1950-10-oct25-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1950-10-oct25-ec. 1950 1950-10-oct25-ec. 2011 true xt7v416szc35 section xt7v416szc35 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, October 25, 1950.

     The Executive Committee oF the University of Kentucky met in the
President's Office at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, October 25, 1950.   The
following members were present: Guy A. Huguelet, Chairman; J. C. Ev-
erett, and H. D. Palmore.   Absent:  R. P. Hobson and Harper Gatton.
President H. L. Donovan and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the

     A. Minutes Approved.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Executive Committee of August 26, 1950, were approved as published.

     B. Report of the Comptroller.

     The Comptroller made financial report covering the months of
July, August and September.   A balance sheet was submitted and ex-

     After members of the Committee had examined the report, upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was ordered received
and filed.

     C. Experiment Station Budget Revised.

     The Experiment Station budget is usually prepared in February
in advance of accurate information concerning amount of Federal funds
which will be available.   Dean Cooper submitted a revised budget for
the work in Research and Marketing, which increased the amount appro-
priated for these purposes in the amount of $3,053.83.

     President Donovan recommended that the revised budget reflecting
the increase be approved, and upon motion duly made, seconded and car-
ried, the change in budget for Research and Marketing funds was author-
ized approved, and the Comptroller was directed to make the necessary
budget adjustments.

     D. Western Kentucky Sub-station Budget Revised.

     President Donovan submitted a request of Dean Cooper, petitioning
an increase in appropriation for the Plant Fund budget of the Experi-
ment Station.   The changes primarily affect Western Kentucky Sub- Sta-

     President Donovan recommended a new Plant Fund budget totalling
$146,200.00, to be used for the following purposes:




Fencing............................            $1,500.00

Tiling wet land..........................          700.00

Parking space, Dairy Center...........           2,000.00

Construction Roadways ............              15,000.00

Completion sheep barn ..............             2,500.00

Brooder House .....................              8,500.00

Remodeling Agr. Engineering Bldg. .....      .......  75,000.00
(to provide shop for Farm
  Maintenance Equipment)

For specialized purposes as may be required...      25,000.00

Barn, Western Kentucky Substation ...........        3,400.00

Water System, Western Kentucky Substation ....       5,000.00

Modification of Assembly Pavilion, Western
     Kentucky Substation                         7,600.00

To meet budget, transfer from balances, June 30, 1950:

Farm  Fund  .........................

Fertilizer Fund  ..      __ ...........

Western Kentucky Misc. Fund

$ 30,200.00


  16, 000 00

     President Donovan recommended that the revised budget be approved.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the revised budget as re-
corded above was authorized approved, and the appropriation made for
these purposes from the following funds:


starmFund  ... .3... e .0..e .0.0...... . . .

   Fertilizer Fund  .......... ...................       100,000.00

   Western Kentucky Miscellaneous Fund .16,000.00.

   E. Purchases Made by the Comptroller's Office.

   President Donovan submitted a communication from the Comptroller
listing various types of purchases made for the first quarter of the
current year.  He read the following letter:

                                             October 9, 1950

    Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
    University of Kentucky

    My dear President Donovan:

         I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of emer-
    gency purchases, special purchase orders, food contracts and
    departmental purchase orders which have been made by the pur-
    chasing division from July 1, 1950 through September 30, 1950.
    These purchases have not been approved by the Board of Trus-
    tees.  The listing below gives the numbers of the documents
    requesting the purchase or actually issued as purchase orders,
    which documents are made a part of this record and are held
    in the Office of the Comptroller subject to inspection.   The
    purchases have been made on properly drawn documents at the
    request of the various departments and have been charged
    against available funds.

          State requisitions                1 through 272
          Emergency purchase orders         1 through  77
          Library departmental orders    2001 through 2041
          University departmental orders 1001 through 1118
          Special purchase orders           1 through 2726

          The foregoing record of purchases is respectfully 4ubmit-
    ted with the request that they be approved by the Executive
    Committee of the Board of Trustees, thereby ratifying the action
    of the Comptroller in making such purchases.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                            (Signed)     t'raiik D. Peterson,

$ 30,200.00


     President Donovan recommended that the purchases designated be
approved, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,

          State requisitions  .....  .........  1 through  272
          Emergency purchase orders ........    1 through    77
          Library departmental orders ...... 2001 through  2041
          University departmental orders  ... 1001 through  1118
          Special purchase orders .........     1 through  2726

were authorized, and the action of the Comptroller was ratified.

     F. Sale of Printing Press.

     President Donovan stated that the Kentucky Kernel owns a Chandler
and Price printing press (12" x 18"), which is used for small jobs.
He stated that the press does not operate with desired efficiency,
that it requires the constant attention of one man in feeding and op-
erating, and does not take onion skin and other thin sheets without
excess spoilage.  He said that Messrs. Grote, Denbo and Peterson
recommend that the press be sold and a new press, known as the Little
Giant, be purchased.

     President Donovan recommended that the request be approved, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was
concurred in.

     G. Acceptance of Library of McCormick Historical Association.

     President Donovan reported that there was a probability of the
University acquiring the library of the McCormick Historical Associa-
tion.  He stated that, if this library was acquired, it would place
the University in a leading position in America in the field of agri-
cultural history.  He reported that a committee, consisting of Dr.
Lawrence Thompson, Dr. Tom Clark, and Professor Thomas B. Stroup, had
been studying the possibility of acquiring the library and the general
and financial obligations which the University would necessarily have
to assume, and requested permission for the committee to meet with
the Executive Committee of the Board: Whereupon Doctor Thompson, Doc-
tor Clark and Professor Stroup were invited into the meeting.   They
submitted a resume of the collection of the McCormick Historical As-
sociation as follows:

                   RESUME OF THE COLLECTION OF

         Research and reference potentialities inherent in the
    McCormick Collection are so great as to be almost incalcula-
    ble.   Its acquisition by the University of Kentucky would most
    surely raise our library to the position of being the South's
    leading research centre in fields of interest noted below.


          The original McCormick collection and its ancillary
     collections include manuscripts, printed materials, and mu-
     seum items. one or more of these cover the period from
     1739 until 1940.  There are well over 1,000,000 manuscripts
     and more than 20,000 printed pieces in the form of books,
     pamphlets, broadsides, almanacs, periodicals of agricultural
     and mechanical societies both here and abroad, federal gov-
     ernment publications, patent laws, travel accounts, circulars,
     early newspapers, rare biographical publications, genealogies
     and state and local histories.

          Manuscripts include business reports and records; social
     and economic evaluations of conditions throughout this country
     and in Europe; diaries; letter books and letters; legal docu-
     ments; minutes of agricultural societies; plantation records;
     and business and financial records.

          A brief summary of the subjects covered embraces those
     of agricultural history, including the development of agri-
     cultural Implements, economy, and technology; land speculation,
     Westward expansion and history; development of the U. S. rail-
     road systems; military history including the War of 1812;
     problems of labor and capital; religious questions; plantation
     and farm life in the South; slavery, secession, Civil War and
     reconstruction; gold and silver mining; the development of
     manufacturers from early iron furnaces to the functioning of
     modern industries as the International Harvester Co., the
     perfection of laboratory research; education and its progress;
     political history; patent law; the development of advertising;
     the evolution of rural trade from the period of the barter
     system to that based on currency exchange; the shift from Eng-
     lish to American coinage; this nation's conversion from a self-
     sufficierV domestic economy to the modern diversified structure
     of society; and philanthropy and art.

          Considering the historic purpose of this university which
     was at least partly founded to lead Kentucky in the fields of
     agricultural and mechanical research, the acquisition of the
     McCormick Historical Collection appears to be a highly desir-
     able proposal.

     The members of the Executive Committee of the Board and the members
of the committee discussed at some length the obligations, conditions
and advantages incident to acceptance of this library, and after due
consideration, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the commit-
tee was authorized to advise the McCormick Historical Association that
the University will meet the requirements in the event the University
of Kentucky is selected as the institution to which the library is



      H. The Will of Miss Annie Dillard.

      President Donovan reported that, with the approval of the Com-
mittee, the University had entered into agreement with Miss Annie Dil-
lard whereby she deeded outright to the University her house and lot
at 270 South Limestone Street, Lexington, Ky.  He reported that Miss
Annie Dillard died on September 22, 1950, and her will had been probat-
ed, and submitted a copy of the appraisement of the estate.  He also
reported the will contained a provision that, after the bequests of
Miss Dillard, debts, claims, taxes and cost of administration of the
estate were paid, the residue was to come to the University of Kentucky.
He said that it is too early at this time to ascertain how much, if
any, residue will exist.   The Security Trust Company, executor of the
estate, will keep the University advised as to progress in settling
the estate, and a more accurate report will be made to the Board at a
later date.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report on the
will of Miss Annie Dillard was authorized received.

      I. Transfer of Dawson Springs State Park for the Use and Bene-
fit of the University of Kentucky.

      President Donovan recalled that the Federal Government in 1935
transferred by an Act of Congress certain lands in Hopkins County,
Kentucky, to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, to be used as a State park.
The Department of Conservation had determined that it was not advis-
able for the State Park Commission to develop this tract of land and
proposed to transfer same for the use and benefit of the University
of Kentucky.

      It developed that the State Park Division of the State Conserva-
tion Commission did not have the authority to transfer the use of the
Dawpon Springs State Park without the consent of Congress. Congress-
man John Whitaker introduced in the 81st Congress, Second Session,
House Resolution 3480, which became Chapter 263, Public Law 556, and
is copied herein:

     An Act to authorize the Commonwealth of Kentucky to use
         for certain educational purposes lands granted by the
         United States to such Commonwealth for State park pur-
         poses exclusively.

     Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
         the United States of America in  o~g~ress assembled, ThaTh

         Notwithstanding any provision of the Act entitled "An Act
     to authorize the transfer of certain lands in Hopkins County,
     Kentucky, to the Commonwealth of Kentucky", approved July 3,
     1935 (Public Law Numbered 196, Seventy-fourth Congress), or



     any express condition in the conveyance of lands made by
     the United States to the Commonwealth of Kentucky pursuant
     to such Act, which limits to State park purposes exclusive-
     ly the use of the lands so conveyed, the Commonwealth of
     Kentuckyis authorized to use the Dawson Springs State Park,
     which comprises such lands, for the use and benefit of the
     University of Kentucky: Provided, That if such lands are
     used for purposes other than for State park purposes pursu-
     ant to such Act of July 3, 1935, or for the use and benefit
     of the University of Kentucky as provided in this Act,
     title thereto shall revert to the United States.

          Approved June 16, 1950.

     President Donovan reported that the Commissioner of Conservation
had notified Dean Cooper that a copy of the Act would be filed in the
Hopkins County Court, as an amendment to the existing deed, and that
the State Property and Building Commission would adopt an order
transferring the property to the University of Kentucky.

     The President reported further that originally it was thought
that it would be necessary for the Veterans Administration, Washing-
ton, D.C., to make a deed transferring Dawson Springs State Park to
the University of Kentucky, and that, since the matter was not yet
clear as to the proper procedure, he was reporting progress for in-
formation and record purposes.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report of the
President was ordered received.

     J. Lease of Property at 456 Rose Street to Chi Omega Sorority.

     President Donovan submitted lease by the Board of Trustees, Uni-
versity of Kentucky and Lambda Alpha of Chi Omega, for the use of
land and building at 456 Rose Street, Lexington, Ky.

                             L E A S E

          THIS INDENTURE made this 25th day of October, 1950, by
    TUCKY, a Kentucky corporation, party of the first part, les-
    sor, and LAMBDA ALPHA OF CHI OMEGA, a Kentucky corporation,
    party of the second part, lessee,

                        W I T N E S S E T H

         WHEREAS, the party of the first part has purchased and



now owns a tract of land with the building thereon designat-
ed as 456 Rose Street and situated on the eastern side of
Rose Street in the City of Lexington, Fayette County, Ken-
tucky, fronting 971 feet on said street as described in the
deed to the party of the first part dated September 29, 1950,
and of record in Deed Book 489, page 458, in the office of
the Fayette County Clerk, to whIch deed reference is made for
a more complete description, and

      WHEREAS, said property was paid for by the party of the
 first part by the issuance of bonds designated as "UNIVERSI-
 in the principal amount of $74,500, and

      WHEREAS, the party of the first part desires to lease
 said property so that it may be used as accommodation for
 students attending the University of Kentucky under proper
 supervision and without profit or loss to the party of the
 first part and on such terms that the party of the first
 part will in a period of thirty years, be fully reimbursed
 for all of its costs and expenditures in regard to said prop-

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and
the promises hereinafter made, the party of the first part
agrees to lease the above described property together with
all improvements thereon to the party of the second part
for a term of four years, beginning on the first day of
November, 1950, and terminating on the first day of Novem-
ber, 1954, together with the right of the lessee to renew
or extend said lease for additional periods of four years
each as long as the lessee complies with the terms of this
lease. Said renewal or extension of this lease from
period to period shall be automatic and shall continue un-
til there is a breach of the conditions in this lease or
until the lessee gives a sixty-day written notice of its
intention to vacate the property and surrender the lease.

     The parties hereto bind themselves to the following
terms and conditions and agree to perform the same.

     1) Rent shall be payable in advance on the first day
of each and every month during the term or extended terms
of this lease beginning with the payment on the first day
of November, 1950.

     2) The amount of rent to be paid monthly shall be de-
termined by the amount necessary to pay all of the interest
on and to retire the above described bonds as they fall due
and in accordance with the schedule of payments printed



therein and to pay premiums on the insurance required there-
in and to pay at dormitory rates for any electricity, water
or similar services rendered to the lessee.

     3) The lessee shall have the right, upon making addition-
al payments of rent at the time and in the amounts provided in
the bonds, to cause the calling of the bonds for payment be-
fore maturity.

     4) In the event the rent is not paid as provided in this
lease the lessor shall have the immediate right to place other
students in the building so that the revenue therefrom will
be sufficient to pay interest on and to retire said bonds as
they mature and if the rent is in default for a period of
three consecutive months, the lease shall be terminated and the
property surrendered to the lessor.

     5) This lease shall not be assigned nor the property sub-
let nor occupied by other than University students without the
written consent of the lessor.

     6) All repairs, alterations or additions to the building
or grounds shall be made by and at the expense of the lessee,
but no major alterations shall be made without the written
consent of the lessor.

     7) The property shall at all times be under the control
of the lessor with the right to require the lessee to make re-
pairs and alterations or additions which the lessor deems neces-
sary to safeguard the health and well-being of the students re-
siding on the property. The lessor reserves the further
right to have a member of the staff of the University of Ken-
tucky reside in the building with general supervision over the
activities of the students as provided by the present or future
regulations of the University.

     8) In the event of damage to or destruction of the prop-
erty by fire, wind or other casualty, the lessor will apply,
to the extent the contract with bondholders allows, an amount
equal to the net receipts from insurance to the repair or res-
toration of the property according to plans and specifica-
tions prepared by the lessee and approved by the lessor.    In
the event the building is rendered uninhabitable, the obliga-
tion of the lessee to pay rent shall be suspended until the
building is repaired or restored, but the lessee shall not be
credited with any payments on the bonded indebtedness which
are made by the lessor during any time when such payments are
not made out of the receipts from rentl and the period in
which the rentals are determined by the amount necessary to
retire the bonds shall be proportionately extended.

     9) In the event that sororities are discontinued at the



University of Kentucky or that the charter of the lessee is
revoked or suspended for a period of fifteen consecutive
months, then, in either event, this lease shall terminate
and the lessor shall pay to the lessee, or its assignee,
the sum of $15,000 if said termination occurs during the
first five years from this date; $10,000 if within the
second five years; $5,o0o if said termination from this
cause occurs within the third five years; and nothing if
the termination occurs thereafter.

     10) It is contemplated that no taxes will be pay-
able on the leased property, but in the event of a change
in the law or otherwise, if the property is subject to
taxation of any kind, sewer rentals or charges, or special
or improvement assessments or levies, then the monthly
rental to be paid by the lessee shall be increased to re-
imburse the lessor for such taxes or charges.

     11) At all times during the term or extended term or
terms of this lease, the building and surrounding grounds
are to be kept in a presentable condition.    The lessee
is not to commit or allow waste or the maintenance of a
nuisance and cannot terminate this lease by its own act
unless the lessor elects to treat such act as a termina-
tion as provided herein.   Upon the expiration or termina-
tion of this lease, the property is to be surrendered to
the lessor in as good condition as when the lessee entered
into possession, reasonable wear, tear and normal decadence

     12) The execution of this instrument has been approved
by proper resolutions adopted by the governing bodies of
the parties hereto and signed by the persons authorized in
said resolutions to execute the same.

     IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed
their signatures and seals at Lexington, Kentucky, on the
day and year first above written.


                          President of--its Executive Com-

                               Secretary of the Board of



                               LAMBDA ALPHA OF CHI OMEGA

                                    Mrs. Betty Dickey, Vice Presi-

                                     (Bess P. Wilson, President, being
                                     absent from the State of Kentucky)

                                         Secretary of Lambda Alpha
                                           of Chi Omega

      The members of the Committee being familiar with the lease, upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, approved same and authorized
the Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Secretary to execute
lease on behalf of the University.

      K. Allocation of Fees.

      President Donovan stated that the University's registration and
incidental fee at the present time is $60.00 for in-state students and
$90.00 for out-of-state students entering the UniversIty before Septem-
ber 1, 1947, and $120.00 for out-of-state students entering after Sep-
tember 1, 1947, for all colleges except Law, in which case the fee is
$3.00 more than the amounts stated.    He recommended that $1.00 of the
registration and incidental fee be granted to the Community Concert
and Forum Series; $1.25 to the expense and maintenance of the Universi-
ty Infirmary; and $.75 to grants-in-aid.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in.

      L. Name of English Department Changed.

      President Donovan reported that he had received a request from
the Department of English that the title "Department of English Lan-
guage and Literature" be changed to read "Department of English, Speech
and Dramatic Arts."   He stated that he felt that the new title was
more accurate and gave recognition to the work of the department, and
recommended that the request be granted.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Department of
English title was changed to "Department of English, Speech and Dra-
matic Arts". effective as of this date.


     M. Policy for Military Leave of Absence.

     President Donovan stated that, during World War II, the Universi-
ty had a policy for leave of absence for faculty and staff members
called to military service, and that the personnel of the University
was again being called into military service.   He said that it seemed
desirable to approve again a policy which could be relied upon by the
staff of the University.

     After some discussicn, upon motion duly made, seconded and car-
ried, the following policy was adopted:

          Any employee of the University of Kentucky, who has
     been in its service at least twelve months, will, on in-
     voluntary induction into active military service, be al-
     lowed fifteen days accumulated vacation with pay.

          Further, such an employee, if on continuous appointment
     at the time of induction into military service, shall be
     granted a leave of absence for the period of active service.
     After receiving an honorable discharge and upon return to
     civilian life, he may resume his former duties at the Uni-
     versity at the rate of remuneration then attached to the
     position. He shall be reinstated as nearly as possible in
     the status occupied at the time of leaving the University,
     provided application for reinstatement is made within forty
     days after the time of separation from active military ser-
     vice. In each case the University reserves the right to
     postpone the reinstatement until the beginning of the
     semester following the date of application.

     N. Radio Grants-in-Aid.

     President Donovan stated that it had been customary to give the
radio staff a number of grants-in-aid and that he had received from
Mr. Sulzer, through the Vice President, a request for approval of 16
grants-in-aid, and read the following communication:

_L I-



                                             1 9 5 0

      Dr. H. L. Donovan
      University of Kentucky

      Dear Dr. Donovan:

           Attached is a request from Mr. Sulzer for the approval
      of sixteen grants-in-aid per semester for students who will
      lend their talents to the work of Station WBKY.    As you
      recall, the greater part of the incidental fee is remitted
      for each of theee students.   It is my understanding that
      when this is approved Mr. Sulzer will have authority to se-
      lect sixteen students for each of the two semesters of the
      1950-51 school year and a like number for the summer session
      of 1951.   He will submit a list of these students to the
      Comptroller's Office prior to the opening of registration
      for each of these three terms.   This request covers the
      same number of grants-in-aid that was approved last year and
      I am recommending that these grants be assigned to the De-
      partment of Radio Arts.


                                  (Signed) Leo M. Chamberlain
                                            Vice President

     President Donovan recommended that the request be granted, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation of
the President was concurred in.

     0. Gifts.

                               From The Geor e Davis Bivin Foundation,
                                    Inc. -- $150.00.

     President Donovan reported to the Committee that the University
was in receipt of a check for $150.00 from The George Davis Bivin
Foundation, Inc., to be used as a scholarship in the field of Mental
Hygiene of Childhood.    He said the only condition was that Mr. Edgar
Leigh Vance be named the recipient of this scholarship for the academ-
ic year 1950-51, and he recommended that the fund be accepted and
used for the purpose indicated, with the understanding that one half
of the fund be paid to Mr. Vance this semester and the remainder in
the spring semester.


      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in, and the check for $150.00 from The
George Davis Bivin Foundation, Inc., was ordered accepted and used in
the manner outlined above.  President Donovan was asked to thank the
donors on behalf of the Executive Committee and the University,

                                      From Mrs. William B. Worth --

      President Donovan read a letter from Dean M. M. White, of the
College of Arts and Sciences, announcing a gift of $100.00 by Mrs. Wil-
liam B. Worth, to be used by Dr. Charles Diehl in his speech correction
work in the Department of Psychology.  He recommended that this gift
be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Uni-
versity was authorized to accept the gift of $100.00 by Mrs. William
B. Worth, to be used in the manner prescribed.   President Donovan was
asked to write a letter of appreciation to the donor.

                                      From Professor Kenneth Wright,
                                        Department of Music, Universi-
                                        ty of Kentucky--Musical Compo-

      President Donovan read to the Committee the following letter from
Professor Kenneth Wright, Department of Music at the University:

                                      October 16, 1950

    Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
    The University of Kentucky
    Lexington, Kentucky

    Dear Dr. Donovan:

    Last June at the occasion of the dedication of the new Memori-
    al Coliseum I wrote a musical setting of the very fitting text,
    FOR THE FALLEN, which had been placed on the building corner-
    stone. The University chorus and orchestra performed the work
    at that time, and this summer I have made a hymn arrangement
    of the composition which I should like to offer to the Univers-ty
    with the hope that the hymn might be used on memorial occasions
    in the future.

    I am taking the liberty of enclosing a copy of the hymn arrange-
    ment, all drawn from the first section of the choral works and
    if it meets with your approval I should be very happy to have
    it presented to the University for use on memorial services at



     its option.   I have a master blueprint copy from which we
     could reproduce additional copies at little expense for cho-
     rus or audience use.

                                        Very sincerely yours,

                                 (Signed) Kenneth Wright, Associate
                                           Department of Music.

      President Donovan explained that scores of people had mentioned
to him how profoundly they were impressed by