xt7v416szc10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v416szc10/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1986-08-sep16. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1986-08-sep16. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1986-08-sep16. 1986 1986-08-sep16. 2011 true xt7v416szc10 section xt7v416szc10 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, September 16, 1986.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1 p.m.
(Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, September 16, 1986 in the Board Room on
the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

       A.    Meeting Opened and Roll Called

       Mr. Robert T. McCowan, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 1
p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. Brereton C. Jones.

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of
the roll: Mr. Robert T. McCowan (Chairman), Professor Raymond F. Betts,
Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Professor David R.
Driscoll, Jr., Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. Ronald G. Geary, Ms. Donna G.
Greenwell, Mr. George W, Griffin, Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mr. Henry E.
Hershey, Mr. Brereton C. Jones, Mr. R. Larry Jones, Mr. T. A. Lassetter,
Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. James L. Rose, Mr. Bobby Watson, and Professor
Constance P. Wilson. Absent from the meeting were Mr. William R. Black and
Mr. W. Bruce Lunsford. The University administration was represented by
President Otis A. Singletary; Mr. James 0, King, Vice President for
Administration; Chancellors Peter P. Bosomworth, Art Gallaher, and Charles
T. Wethington; Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel; Mr. Henry Clay Owen,
Controller and Treasurer; and Dr. Paul G. Sears, Special Assistant for
Academic Affairs.

       Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum
being present, the Chairman declared the meeting officially open for the
conduct of business at 1:04 p.m.

       B.    Minutes Approved

       On motion made by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Farmer and passed, the
Minutes of the August 26, 1986 meeting of the Board of Trustees were
approved as written.

       C.    Nomination of Officers and Executive Committee

       Under the Governing Regulations, officers of the Board and the
Executive Committee are elected annually at the September meeting. Mr.
McCow~n, who had appointed a Nominating Committee comprised of Mr. George
W. Griffin (Chairman), Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mr. James L. Rose, Mr. R.
Larry Jones, and Professor Constance P. Wilson, called on Mr. Griffin to
present the Committee's recommendations.


                                  - 2 -

      Mr. Griffin placed the following slate of officers and Executive
Committee members for 1986-87 in nomination:


            Robert T. McCowan, Chairman
            Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman
            George W. Griffin, Secretary
            John C. Darsie, Assistant Secretary


             Robert T. McCowan, Chairman
             William R. Black
             Albert G. Clay
             Tracy Farmer
             T. A. Lassetter

       There being no nominations from the floor, on motion by Mr. Larry
Jones, seconded by Mr. Ramsey and passed, the slate was elected as proposed.

       Mr. McCowan, speaking on behalf of the officers, expressed thanks
and appreciation to the other members of the Board for their expression of
confidence and support.

       D. Committee Appointments

       Mr. McCowan announced the following committee appointments for

Finance Committee

Albert G. Clay, Chairman
Tracy Farmer
George W. Griffin
Brereton C. Jones
R. Larry Jones
Robert T. McCowan
James L. Rose


Henry E. Hershey, Chairman
Albert G. Clay
Ronald G. Geary
T. A. Lassetter
Frank Ramsey

Honorary Degrees

Brereton C. Jones

Student Code

Bobby Watson, Chairman
Donna G. Greenwell
George W. Griffin
Edythe Jones Hayes
Constance P. Wilson


R. Larry Jones, Chairman
William R. Black
David R. Driscoll, Jr.
Edythe Jones Hayes
Raymond F. Betts

Council of Supervisors
U n ive rs it-y Ho-spital

Albert B. Chandler,
  ex officio

(Other members are appointed
by the Board of Trustees.)


- 3 -

       E.    President's Report to the Trustees   (PR 1)

       President Singletary reviewed briefly some of the items in PR 1,
calling particular attention to (1) a record enrollment of 46,500 plus
students and another significant increase in test scores of the entering
freshman class, and (2) the celebration of the University of Kentucky
Libraries Two-Millionth Volume on Friday, September 19. He commended Paul
Willis, Director of Libraries, on being a "superb librarian" and encouraged
the Trustees to attend the celebration.

       He also reported on a Japanese Saturday School for the children of
Japanese families working with Japanese firms in this area. He stated that
the University took the position it would be supportive in the move to
interest the Japanese in settling here and pledged to cooperate with the

       At President Singletary's request, Dr. Betts introduced Ms. Amy
Hack, a junior from Louisville who designed a new program in the Honors
Program, "Homework Hotline." Ms. Hack explained that during the school
week, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., selected Honors Program students will
offer assistance by way of telephone to high school students who may be
having difficulty organizing and completing homework. She stressed that
the program is to help the student through problems and not to provide
answers. She indicated that the program has the full support of the
Fayette County School System. Mr. McCowan thanked Ms. Hack for her report,
following which she was given a round of applause.

       F.    Personnel Actions   (PR 2)

       With President Singletary so recommending, on motion made by Mr.
Rose, seconded by Professor Wilson and passed, the routine personnel
actions in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       G.    Supplemental Recommendations of the President    (PR 3A)

       There were no supplemental recommendations.

       H.    1986-87 Budget Revisions   (PR 3B)

       Mr. Larry Jones moved that the proposed revisions in the 1986-87
budget be authorized and approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Clay,
and it was so ordered. (See PR 3B at the end of the Minutes.)

       I.    Patent Assignment-Lexington Campus    (PR 5A)

       Mr. Watson moved, and Mr. Farmer seconded, that the routine patent
assignment in PR 5A be approved. The motion carried without dissent. (See
PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)



      J.    Change in Name of Educational Unit--School of Accountancy (PR
5B-lj and Change in Name of Educational Unit--Department of Geological
Sciences (PR 5B-2)

      Acting on the recommendation of President Singletary, Mr. Clay moved
(1) that the name of the Department of Accounting, College of Business and
Economics, be changed to the School of Accountancy and (2) that the name of
the Department of Geology, College of Arts and Sciences, be changed to the
Department of Geological Sciences. Mr. Clay's motion was seconded by Mr.
Farmer and unanimously carried. (See PR 5B-1 and PR 5B-2 at the end of the

       K.    PR 5C was Withdrawn

       L.    Approval of Policy on Hazing  (PR 5D)

       President Singletary recommended that the Board approve the policy
prohibiting the forced consumption of alcohol or drugs for the purpose of
initiation into or affiliation with any organization as presented in PR
5D. At President Singletary's request, Dr. Joseph T. Burch, Acting Vice
Chancellor for Student Affairs, explained that the policy was in response
to a state statute passed during the last session of the General Assembly.
To ensure that the University was in compliance, Vice Chancellor Burch said
the policy contains much of the same language as the statute. On motion
made by Mr. Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Geary and passed, the Board approved
the policy on hazing as recommended in PR 5D. (See PR sD at the end of the

       M.    Change in Name of an Educational Unit  (PR 6A)

       With President Singletary so recommending, Mr. Griffin moved that
the name of the Multidisciplinary Center for Gerontology be changed to the
Sanders-Brown Center on Aging. The motion, which was seconded by Professor
Wilson, was voted on and carried. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

       N.    Patent Assignment  (PR 6B)

       Without discussion, on motion made by Mr. Griffin, seconded by
Professor Wilson and passed, the routine patent assignment in PR 6B was
approved. (See PR 6B at the end of the Minutes.)

       0.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of
Kentucky for the Month Ended July 31, 198b  (FCR 1)

       Mr. Clay, chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the
Committee met on the morning of September 16 and reviewed the eight agenda
items to be presented for action. Mr. Clay indicated that all members were
in attendance and complimented them for their input, their wisdom, and the
time they devote in carrying out their responsibilities on the Finance
Committee. He also expressed appreciation to members of the staff,
including Vice President King, Vice Chancellor Blanton, and Mr. Owen, for
the time and effort they devote to the meetings of the Finance Committee.


- 5 -

       Mr. Clay then moved that the Board accept the University of Kentucky
Consolidated Financial Report for the month ended July 31, 1986.  The
motion was seconded by Mr. Brereton Jones, and it was so ordered.  (See FCR
1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       P.   Capital Construction Report  (FCR 2)

       After reminding the Board that the Capital Construction Report was
in compliance with House Bill 622, Mr. Clay moved that the Board accept the
report for the twelve months ended June 30, 1986.  The motion was seconded
by Mr. Geary, and it was so ordered. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Q.   Approval of Lease  (FCR 3)

       The Finance Committee so recommending, Mr. Clay moved that the Vice
Chancellor for Administration, Lexington Campus, be authorized to renew the
lease between the Owensboro Community College and Owensboro Independent
Board of Education, Mr. Carrol Hanberry, 1335 West Eleventh Street,
Owensboro, Kentucky, for office and classroom space, effective July 1, 1986
through June 30, 1987 at a rental rate of $42,955.85 annually.  The motion
was seconded by Mr. Rose and unanimously carried.  (See FCR 3 at the end of
the Minutes.)

       R.   Approval of Leases  (FCR 4)

       After noting that previous Board action authorizes the President to
enter into leases and easements not exceeding $30,000 in value and requires
that all such leases be reported to the Board, Mr. Clay moved that the
report on leases in FCR 4 be accepted.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Rose
and so ordered. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       S.    Use of Fraternity Reserve  (FCR 5)

       With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Clay moved that
the Vice Chancellor for Administration be authorized to request the Trustee
of University of Kentucky Student Housing Bonds of 1960 to make available
the sum of $5,800 from the "Maintenance Reserve Account" of said Bonds for
the purpose of paying the cost of upgrading the electrical system to
current code requirements of the Sigma Chi Fraternity House located at 704
Woodland Avenue.  Mr. Clay's motion was seconded by Professor Wilson and
carried without dissent.  (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       T.    Acceptance of Audit Reports for the University of Kentucky for
1985-86  (FCR 6)

       Mr. Clay stated that a representative from the firm onf Coopers and
Lybrand met with the Finance Committee during the morning meeting.  He
reported that no significant problems were noted and that everything was in
accordance with good accounting procedures.  Mr. Clay therefore moved, and
Mr. Larry Jones seconded, that the Board accept the University of Kentucky
consolidated summary audit report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1986,
consisting of the Accountant's Report from Coopers and Lybrand, Balance
Sheets, Statement of Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers,
Statement of Changes in Fund Balances, Summary of Significant Accounting
Policies, Notes to the Financial Statements, and a Cash Reconciliation of
amounts on deposit with the Kentucky State Treasurer. The motion carried
unanimously.  (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)



       U.    Acquisition of Property for the University Press of Kentucky
(FCR 7)

       With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Clay moved that
the Vice Chancellor for Administration of the Lexington Campus be
authorized to acquire the property located at 663 South Limestone Street at
its appraised value for the University Press of Kentucky at a price not to
exceed $240,000. The motion was seconded by Dr. Betts and carried without
dissent. (See FCR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

       V.    Kirwan and Blanding Towers Brick Repair Project   (FCR 8)

       On motion made by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Ramsey and carried, the
Board authorized the increase of the scope of the brick spalling repair
project for Kirwan and Blanding Towers from $380,000 to $1,290,000. (See
FCR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

       W.    Resolution Commending Professor Emeritus Thomas D. Clark

       Noting that Dr. Thomas D. Clark, Professor Emeritus in the
Department of History, will present the special Two-Millionth Volume to the
University Libraries at the celebration September 19, Dr. Betts moved
adoption of an oral resolution praising Dr. Clark for all he has done to
increase the intellectual life of the University and for his deep respect
of the written word. Dr. Betts' motion was seconded by Professor Wilson
and unanimously carried.

       X.    Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board of
Trustees, the Chairman declared the meeting officially adjourned at 1:27

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        George W. Griffin
                                        Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3B, 5A, 5B-1, 5B-2, 5D, 6A, and 6B, and FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
and 8 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting.)



                                             Office of the President
                                             September 16, 1986


Members, Board of Trustees:

                           Personnel Actions
Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments and/or other staff changes which require Board action;
and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or changes
already approved by the administration be accepted.
Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.
Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:  Approved    of      Disapproved           Other
Date:    September 16   , 1986



                       COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



               Transfer, Elizabethtown Community College
               to Owensboro Community College

               Green, Gary, Associate Professor in the Community
                    College System (with tenure), 7/28/86.


               Maysville Community College

               Crockett, John H., Professor in the Community College
                    System (with tenure), Associate Director for
                    Academic Affairs, 9/1/86.

               Owensboro Community College

               Green, Gary, Associate Professor in the Community
                    College System (with tenure), Associate Director
                    for Academic Affairs, 7/28/86.



               Ashland Community College

               Carroll, Jennifer, Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
               Kumar, Ramamurthy C., Instructor in the Community
                    College System, 9/11/86 through 6/30/87.
               Schomer, Richard B., Instructor in the Community
                    College System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.

               Hazard Community College

               Hayden, Joseph L. . Assistant Professor in the
                    Community College System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
               Monson, Arvid M., Assistant Professor in the Community
                    College System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
               Monson, Barbara J., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
               Stamper, Harriett, Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.



Hopkinsville Community College

Bingham, Wanda, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/16/86 through 6/30/87.

Jefferson Community College

Haas, Ralph C., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Johnson, Helen, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Schmitt, Anthony, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 9/22/86 through 6/30/87.
Smith, Melanie, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.

Lexington Community College

Adkins, Michael A., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Gorham, Kurt, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/25/86 through 6/30/87.
Murphy, William K., Instructor in the Community
     College System, 8/20/86 through 6/30/87.

Madisonville Community College

Anderson, Cynthia H., Instructor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Bellarmine, Thomas, Assistant Professor in the
     Community College System, 8/16/86 through 6/30/87.
Krampe, Paul D., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Puryear, Barbara, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Tomaro, Malinda S., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/11/86 through 6/30/87.

Maysville Community College

Abney, Darrell H., Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Wylie, Jeff, Instructor in the Community College
      System, 8/20/86 through 6/30/87.

Owensboro Community College

Barrett, Lana S., Tnstructor in the Community College
      System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Davis, Frances A., Librarian IV in the Community
      College System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Dick, Timothy, Instructor in the Community College
      System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
 Flynn, Philip K., Instructor in the Community College
      System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.



          Grimes, Moneda, Instructor in the Community College
               System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Hiten, Mary Jean, Instructor in the Community College
               System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Lake, Sara B., Assistant Professor in the Community
               College System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Laughlin, Jody, Instructor in the Community College
               System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Marroquin, Fernando, Instructor in the Community
               College System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Mayes, Joan D., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          McDonough, Greta, Instructor in the Community College
               System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Runyon, Carl Instructor in the Community College
               System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          West, William B., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.

          Prestonsburg Community College

          Chandler, Robert E., Assistant Professor in the
               Community College System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/37.

          Southeast Community College

          Bacon, Mary, Assistant Professor in the Community
               College System, 8/25/86 through 12/31/86.
          Garwood, Kimberly, Librarian IV in the Community
               College System, 7/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Harding, George E., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Sain, Katherine P., Instructor in the Community College
               System, 7/1/86 through 6/30/87.


          Madisonville Community College

          Oglesby, Sarah A., Assistant Professor in the
               Community College System, Acting Chairman,
               Division of Humanities and Related Technologies,
               9/1/86 through 12/31/86.
          Schuermer, David A., Associate Professor in the
               Community College System (with tenure), Acting
               Assistant Director for Instruction, 8/15/86
               through 12/31/86.

          Maysville Community College

          Campbell, Barbara, Business and Industry Liaison-
               Continuing Education, 8/18/86.



         Owensboro Community College

         Miller, Larry S., Assistant Director for Student
               Services, 7/14/86.

          Somerset Community College

          Cronan, Cecil E., Assistant Professor in the Community
               College System, Acting Chairman, Division of
               Social Science, Business and Related Technologies,
               9/1/86 through 6/30/87.

          Southeast Community College

          Bacon, Mary L., Assistant Professor in the Community
               College System, Acting Director, 8/25/86 through


          Lexington Community College

          Clovd, Patty S., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Gade, Barbara, Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
          Henry, Robert G., Instructor in the Community College
               System (voluntary), 1/1/87 through 6/30/87.

          Somerset Community College

          King, Kenneth, Instructor in the Community College
               System, 8/1/86 through 5/31/87.

Fain, Dianne, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 7/1/86 through 6/30/87.

Southeast Community College


                                    -5-                              REVISED - PR 2

                               LEXINGTON CAMPUS



            College of Agriculture

            Haynes, Kenneth F., Assistant Professor, Entomology, 9/1/86
               through 6/30/87.

            College of Arts and Sciences

            Breitbart, Yuri, Professor (with tenure), Computer Science,
               effective 8/16/86.
            Finkel, Raphael A., Visiting Professor, Computer Science, 8/16/86
               through 6/30/87.
            Cheng, Fuhua, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, 8/16/86
               through 6/30/88.

            College of Business and Econcaics

            Hoyt, William H., Assistant Professor, Econcmics, 8/16/86 through

            College of Engineering

            Huffman, Gerald P., Research Professor, Chemical Engineering,
               8/1/86 through 7/31/91.
            Pyo, Sam Soo, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, 8/16/86
               through 6/30/87.


            College of Agriculture

            Hays, Virgil W., Professor (with tenure), and Chairman, Animal
                Sciences, reappointed Chairman, Animal Sciences, 7/1/86 through

             College of Fine Arts

             Hersh, Alan B., Professor (with tenure)*, Music, appointed
                Director, Music, effective 8/16/86.

*Special Title Series




           College of Architecture

           Coleman, Caruthers A., Jr., Visiting Professor (part-time), 8/1/86
              through 12/31/86.

           College of Arts and Sciences

           Baskin, Carol, Associate Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences,
              7/1/86 through 6/30/88.

           College of Engineering

           White, Garey, Associate Professor (part-time), Civil Engineering,
              7/1/86 through 6/30/87.

           College of Law

           Elliott, Robert L., Associate Professor (part-time), 9/1/86
              through 12/31/86.
           Garmer, William R., Associate Professor (part-time), 9/l/86
               through 12/31/86.
           Lee, Joe, Professor (part-time), 9/1/86 through 12/31/86.
           Moore, Escum L., Jr., Professor (part-time), 9/1/86 through
           Savage, Joe C., Professor (part-time), 9/1/86 through 12/31/86.


           Vice Chancellor for Administration

           Brown, James, Disabled Professor, Employee Benefits and Risk
              Management, after 40 consecutive years of service, effective


           College of Education

           Rose, Harriett A., Consultant (part-time), Educational and
               Counseling Psychology, 7/1/86 through 6/30/87.



           College of Agriculture

           He, Jia Lu, Visiting Scholar, Agronomy, 8/19/86 through 8/31/87.

*Special Title Series



College of Architecture

Doble, Ellen, Visiting Assistant Professor (part-time), 8/1/86
   through 6/30/87.
Guyon, Scott Lee, Visiting Assistant Professor (part-time), 8/1/86
   through 6/30/87.
Jacobs, Michael W., Visiting Assistant Professor (part-time),
   8/1/86 through 6/30/87.

College of Arts and Sciences

Alkhameri, Shakib M., Instructor (part-time), Russian and Eastern
   Studies, 8/16/86 through 12/31/86.
Dekin, Michael S., Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences,
   8/16/86 through 6/30/88.
Hamilton, Mykol C., Assistant Professor, Psychology, 8/16/86
   through 6/30/87.
Janecek, Susan M., Instructor (part-time), Russian and Eastern
   Studies, 8/16/86 through 12/31/86.
Lacy, Laura R., Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, 9/1/86
   through 5/31/87.
Milman, Jacquelyn, Assistant Professor, English, 8/16/86 through
Ranseen, John, Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 8/16/86 through
Staffeldt, Ross, Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics,
   8/16/86 through 12/31/86.
Steirn, Janice N., Assistant Professor, Psychology, 8/16/86
   through 6/30/87.

College of Business and Economics

Johnson, Pamela, Instructor (part-time), Management, 8/16/86
   through 12/31/86.
Myers, L. W., Instructor (part-time), Management, 8/16/86 through

College of Communications

Hansen, Elizabeth, Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 8/15/86
   through 12/31/86.
Ireland, John W., Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 8/15/86
   through 12/31/86.
Jordan, James C., Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 8/15/86
   through 12/31/86.
Kearney, Philip M., Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 8/15/86
   through 12/31/86.
Oldham, Cheyanne B., Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 8/15/86
   through 12/31/86.
Townsend, Donna F., Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 8/15/86
   through 12/31/86.

*Special Title Series



College of Education

Houston, Launa, Visiting Instructor, Educational and Counseling
   Psychology, 8/16/86 through 5/15/87.

College of Engineering

Hsu, Yi-Jen, Visiting Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering,
   8/16/86 through 6/30/87.
Venkatraman, Chelakara S., Assistant Professor, Electrical
   Engineering, 8/16/86 through 6/30/87.

College of Fine Arts

Colbert, Joseph R., Instructor (part-time)*, Music, 9/1/86
   through 12/31/86.
Coldiron, Jill, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/86 through
Herring, David J., Instructor*, Theatre, 8/16/86 through 6/30/87.
Jackson, David H., Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/86 through
Lockett, Waltraud, Assistant Professor, Art, 8/16/86 through
Rezny. Mary, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/86 through 12/31/86.

College of Home Economics

Duncan, Cynthia Lynn, Instructor (part-time), Family Studies,
   8/l/86 through 12/31/86.
Duncan, Ruth H., Instructor (part-time), Human Environment:
   Textiles, 8/1/86 through 12/31/86.
Hisel, Gary Franklyn, Instructor, Human Environment:Design,
   8/1/86 through 6/30/87.
Holley, Kay, Instructor (part-time)*, Nutrition and Food Science,
   8/1/86 through 12/31/86.
Kennedy, Cynthia Chandler, Instructor (part-time)*, Nutrition
   and Food Science, 8/1/86 through 12/31/86.
O'Malley, Angeline J., Instructor (part-time), Family Studies,
   8/1/86 through 12/31/86.


Black, Katherine J., Librarian IV, Special Collections, 9/2/86
   through 6/30/87.

College of Social Work

Weir, Ivan R., Lecturer (part-time), 8/16/86 thre ugh 5/15/87.
Weir, Myra, Lecturer (part-time), 8/16/86 through 5/15/87.

*Special Title Series




        College of Arts and Sciences

        Dietrich, Shelle, Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 8/16/86
           through 12/31/86.
       Willard, Norman, Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 8/16/86
           through 12/31/86.

        College of Business and Economics

        Baldwin, William T., Assistant Professor (part-time), Economics,
           8/16/86 through 12/31/86.
        Sioshansi, Azar, Instructor (part-time), Economics, 8/16/86
           through 12/31/86.

        College of Engineering

        Harik, Issam E., Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, 7/1/86
           through 6/30/88.
        House, Barry C., Assistant Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering,
           7/1/86 through 6/30/87.
        Naishadham, Krishna, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering,
           8/16/86 through 6/30/87.
        Ormsbee, Lindell, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, 7/1/86
           through 6/30/88.
        Vaziri, Manouchehr, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, 7/1/86
           through 6/30/87.

        College of Fine Arts

        Campbell, James B., Assistant Professor*, Music, 7/1/86 through
        Glixon, Jonathan E., Assistant Professor, Music, 7/1/86 through
        Goodwin, Allen W., Assistant Professor, Music, 7/1/86 through
        Gron, Jack F., Assistant Professor, Art, 7/1/86 through 6/30/87.
        Henderson, Russell, Assistant Professor*, Theatre, 8/16/86
           through 6/30/87.
        Holloway, John R., Assistant Professor*, Theatre, 8/16/86 through
        Kennedy, Margaret, Assistant Professor*, Music, 7/1/86 through
        Maschio, Geraldine, Assistant Professor, Theatre, 8/16/86 through
        Mendes, Guy, Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/86 through 5/31/87.
        Muir, Gerald A., Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/86 through
        Rand, Richard S., Instructor*, Theatre, 8/16/86 through 6/30/87.

*Special Title Series



       College of Law

       Pfeiffer, Robert M., Assistant Professor (part-time), 9/l/86
           through 12/31/86.
       Roberts, Larry S., Instructor (part-time), 7/1/86 through 6/30/87.


       College of Education

       Stevens, Kay, from Instructor, Special Education, to Lecturer,
           Special Education, 7/1/86 through 6/30/87.


       College of Agriculture
