xt7v154drp2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v154drp2r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-01-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1993 1993 1993-01-28 2020 true xt7v154drp2r section xt7v154drp2r t



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Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Thursday, January 28, 1993.:

SGA OKs resolution against tuition increase


By Nlcole Heumphreus
Staff Writer

The Student Government Associ-
ation Senate last night passed a res-
olution against the tuition increases
proposed by the state Council on
Higher Education.

The resolution said the possible
8180 increase will “decrease access
to higher education for Kentucky

Senator at Large Misty Weaver,
who co-sponsored the resolution,
said students need to speak up if
they oppose the increase.

“The president (of the council)
thought most people were in sup-
port of the increase," Weaver said.
“Without students coming out
against the (increase), he will con-
tinue to believe people are in sup-

Tuition for Kentucky’s public
universities is set by the council
every two years. The rate had at-
ready been established t'or the I‘M}.
04 school year. but the council's
new proposal would raise the rate It]
the middle of the current biennium.

Senate Pro Temp and presidential
candidate Jeremy Bates, who also

We're coming up with other options to help
students, just in case (the increase) passes. We
suggest that a cap be put on the increase, that
scholarships and financial aid be adjusted and
that the money be used for the students.

— Pete November,

Student Government Association president


co-sponsored the resolution, said it
was not right for the council to
“change the rules (for increasing
tuition) in the middle of the game.”

Weaver agreed: “(The council)
can't increase tuition just before the
199394 year begins, and it can’t
assume that every student’s parents
are paying for their education."

Weaver said one student told her
that the increase would mean the
difference between paying bills and
buying books.

SGA President l’ete November
said he tn no way supports an in‘
crease iii tuition. Bttt he also said it
is very probable the increase will







Anthropology students Justin Maxson and Matt Earley
shoot hoops outside Blazer Hall yesterday.

GARY TEMPUS Kt,‘l"t" Contr bulC'



Clinton: Lifting of ban
requires conduct code


By Donna Cassata
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President
Clinton tried to defuse opposition to
lifting the ban on homosexuals in
the military yesterday. pledging on
the eve of his proposal that a strict
code governing sexual conduct
would accompany any policy
change. Republicans readied for a
fight just the same.

Clinton focused on fellow Demo-

crats, telephoning Sen. Sam Nunn
and inviting Nunn and other Armed
Services Committee Democrats to
an evening meeting at the White

Nunn, probably the most influen-
tial senator on military matters, rc-
cited a litany of reasons for keeping
the ban in a Senate floor speech.
However, in a switch of tone from
earlier criticism of Clinton‘s han-
dling of the issue, he also said, “It's
in everyone‘s interest to see if we

See GAYS, Back Page

be accepted at the Feb. 8 meeting
of the council. to be held on the
campus of Kentucky State Univer-

November said a number of op-
tions have been suggested to the
council in case the increase is

“We're cotriing tip with other op-
tiotts to ltelp students, just lll case
(the increase) passes. We suggest
that a cap be ptit on the increase,
that scholarships atid financial aid
be atljmted and that the ttiottey be
tised for the students."

See TUITlON, Back Page

Jones asks for aid


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


Gov. Brereton Jones told the stu-
dent leaders of the eight state uni»
versities Tuesday that his health—
care reform program and increased
funding for higher education will
go hand iti hand.

“He was really stressing the fact
that by getting his health-care pro-
gram passed, eventually he might


tuttion rates have traditionally been
set for two-year intervals and,

students are not prepared for an
increase in tuition for the 199394
school year and,

a raise in tuition will be used to
compensate for budget cuts rather
than improve our current standing as
a state university (as stated in the
1992 CHE tuttion review) and,

an increase in tuition will decrease
access to higher education for
Kentucky restdents and.

Kentucky's per capita income ranks
44th among other states and,

low tuttion encourages the education
of the people of Kentucky.

by the University of Kentucky Student ’
Government Assoaatton that the
Councd on Higher Education not
increase tuition for the 199371994
school year and that it maintain its
current tuitionsetting guidelines






be able to help higher education,"
said Pete November. president of
UK‘s Student Govemment Associa-

Jones‘ comments echoed senti—
ments he voiced Friday at a state
media convention, where he said
state universities could face IO to
30 percent budget cuts if the crisis
III health care is not resolved.

State universities already have
suffered two 5-percent budget re-
ductions since fall 1991. In addi-

Student senate approves
rules for spring election


By Joe Braun
Editorial Editor


Confirmations last night for the
Student Government Association
elections boards signal the begin-
ning of campaign season at UK.

The SGA Senate approved Presi»
dent Pete November's nominees for
elections boards chairmen, Reno
Deaton and Scott Mason, without
debate. They will preside over new.
ly constituted elections boards dur-
ing spring elections, to be held be-
ginning in late March.

Deaton, a business management
senior, has served as the president
of Lambda Chi Alpha social tratcr~
oily and currently is the parliamen-
tartan for the SGA Senate.

Mason. a biology junior. has
served as president of Kappa Alpha
Psi social fraternity atid worked on
the SGA Prejudice Reduction Task

The new SGA constitution, ap-
proved last semester, establishes

two separate elections boards. Dea-
ton will handle the running of elec-
tions, and Mason Will handle any
complaints or Violations reported
during the election and enforce all

Both Deaton and Mason said they
plan to work hard to make sure this
year's elections are tau and elli-

“'th students have already said
the changes they wanted. anti those
are reflected in changes in the new
constitution," [)eaioti stilti.

Some (it those changes include a
ban on arty campaigning near cer
tam polling sites atid a littiit on the
number posters at ross t ampus

While Dcaton said he doesn‘t he
lieye the new constitution will make

See RULES. Back Page

in health reform

tion, Jones has ordered universities
and other state agencies to withhold
2 percent of their current budgets in
preparation for another possible cut.

The presidents also used the
meeting in Frankfort to voice con-
cerns about a tuition increase.
which may be approved by the state
Council on Higher Education,

The council will decide Feb. s
upon one of three options regarding
its tuiti0n~setting policy. Option one
would leave the current policy un-

changed. ()ption two would allow
the councd to set rates annually in-
stead of biennially and would raise
rates set for next year. The third op~
tion would dispose of setting rates
based on per-capita income and
raise rates to match those of bench—
mark institutions.

CHF. officials have said that op-
tion two likely will be approved.
The presidents told Jones ot their
opposition to the second and third
options. November said.

College degree doesn’t guarantee good job


By Tim Bovee
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — That college
diploma hanging on the wall Is‘
worth 81,039 a month in extra pay.

At that rate, it takes the four-year
graduate just a little under two
years to make up the cost —— not
counting the pay and experience he
would have earned working rather
than studying.

On average, people with bache—
lor‘s degrees earn $2,116 a month,
a Census Bureau study said yester-
day. High~school graduates earn
SI .077 a tnonth.

Ttiitioti, books, room and board
for four years at a public university

averaged $9,880 in I990, a survey
by the College Board lottttd. The
cost of education has since risen to
more than $23,000 for the four

Prestigious private
cost far more.

Is it worth it'.7

“As my job search threatens —
I've gotten four rejections already
-—— it‘s kind of depressing, especial-
ly considering how much education
costs today," said Don Modica. II.
a senior who pays more than
518.000 a year to attend .\'otre

Despite the cost. Americans in-
creasingly pri/e a college degree

it] 1900. one American III lottr






Jay Logan sketches yesterday at the Student Center.


PETER MOOHE hornet Stall



Most Ky. congressmen oppose gays in service



LOUISVILLE, Ky. —- President
Clinton’s proposal to lift the ban on
homosexuals in the military could
weaken morale in the armed forces
and drain his political capital, mem-
bers of Kentucky's congressional
delegation warned.

, "4......“ o.” '- N‘DCV‘ .

Both Kentucky senators and four

of the state‘s six representatives

said they were opposed to lifting
the ban. The two who would not
take sides indicated that the presi-

dent should carefully consider the
concems of the Joint Chiefs of

Staff, who are said to oppose allow-
ing gays and lesbians to serve in the



“My concerns are for the overall
tnoralc anti unit cohesion critical to
maintaining a strong natkinal de-
fense —— all of which I believe will
be undermined if the curtent ban is
lifted.“ US. Sen. Wendell Forti (D-
Ky.) said in a statement Tuesday.

Ford. the Senate Democratic


whip, was among congressional
leaders who met at the White
House with Clinton on Tuesday.
but he said the homosexual-ban
controversy did not come up.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
said in an interview he opposed

See MILITARY, Back Page

had a bachelor‘s degree or higher.
the Census Bureau said That‘s up
front one in five in l084.

But a diploma doesn’t always
open the doors to high pay and se-

“It isn't like it used to be." said
Susan Miller. president of the An-
nandale. Va. job-placement firm
Susan Miller and Associates Inc.
“You have art edge to start, btit it's
not the guarantee it used to be."

People with degrees in engineer-
ing. computer science and other
technical fields can get well-paying
jobs when they graduate. Miller
said. Everyone else is “out there in

See DIPLOMA. Back Page

LA prepares
for new trial
in King case


By Linda Deutsch
Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — The Rodney
King beating returns to the fore-
front next week as four white police
officers face federal civil rights
charges in a case likely to test the
mettle of the jusuce system and the
nerves of the city.

Dominating the proceeding is the
memory of the officers‘ acquittal on
most charges in last spring‘s state
trial, triggering three days of deadly

The city says it‘s preparing for
the worst.

Legal experts say that back-
ground is sure to complicate the
federal trial and selection of an im-
partial jury.

“I don‘t think there's any process
in the legal system that can erase
the memory of what went before,"
said Loyola University law profes-
sor Sam Pillsbury. “It is going to
have an impact on the case.“

Jury selection is scheduled to be-
gin Feb. 3 with distribution of ques-

See KING. Back Page


Value of diplomas




. - The average person with a t
I : bachelor 5 degree earns $2,116 a ‘
: i month

l f - nghascl‘tool graduates earn

i : $1,077a month

’ . - The cost tor iUIllCF‘i, books and

l 1 room and board for four years at a f
l . public universuy averaged $19 880 i i
’ , in 1990 The cost stnce has risen t
: . to more than $23,000


' SOUEYCE ' Assoeiatod Press“ \ 1



Animal Bag's self-titled debut
proves 'music is magic. It's just
spelled diflerently.‘ Review,
Page 2.

‘Used People‘ is a hilarious and
moving glimpse of two Queens.
NY, families in 1969. Review,
Page 2.

The Fleshtones moves its
version of ‘805 garage rock out of
the driveway and into the ‘905.
Review, Page 2.


ls Rush Limbaugh a new leader
cl conservative thought or is he
just plain nuts. Columns. Page 6.
If students aren't prepared to let
the state Council on Higher
Education know they don't want
a tuition increase, they'd better
start getting their checkbook: out
now. Editorial, Page 6.


Partly sunny today; high around
50. Mostly cloudy tonight; W
arOund 25. Partly sunny and
colder tomorrow: hiya around 35.







DiverStons .


Cinemas ............... . ..... a.......... 7









2 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, January 28, 1993


y UK jazz musician
taking to the streets


Dave Lavender
Arts Editor

If the mountain won't come to
Mohammed, then Mohammed must
go to the mountain.

It is upon this ancient philosophy
that L’K music education senior
Keith McCutchen takes jazz to the
streets of downtown Lexington.

For the fourth year. jazz music —
rarely heard and a seldom scene in
Lexington — will be showcased in
the Radisson Plaza Hotel tonight at




tional prominence, as well as to
continue shining the light on local

“We approached WCKU about
continuing to coordinate this event
and make it a three-time-a-year
thing. The intention (is), as we build
up the proceeds, we actually make a

9pm. -- .
Put together by Diverse Enter- profit on anevent and make it
tainment, a company started by biggernexttime.

McCutchen and his wife Linda, the
annual downtown celebration of lo-
cal jazz musicians has come a long
way since its inception in the late
19803. when there was only one
sponsor for the event.

“The different locations down-
town and trying to make it accessi-
ble by using regional and local art-
ists is just a way to expose people
to the music and a nice evening

at" McCutchen said. “People get
jazz around here. but it’s usually in
a club or big groups come in and
it's in a university setting."

in the beginning, McCutchen.
who is performing tonight with llut-
ist Cheryl Skinner. had a hard time
drumming up support for his e\ent.

"We hope to have a national act
by the next one we do outdoors over
the summer or by next fall. That‘s
not to conflict with any pre-existing
events, but I don‘t think that Lex-
ington is so overbooked With things
to do that there couldn‘t be some-
thing else."

With Skinner, McCuichen will be
unveiling some of the duct music
for which he won a $1,500 grant
from the Kentucky Arts Council.
The council receives National En-
dowment for the Arts money from
the government to promote compos-
ers and artists in the state of Ken-

{\lcCutchen. w ho directs music at
Consolidated Baptist Church in
Lexington. won the grant with such









r/p/p/i /r /p /) /9/> />

which for three years took place at 3 3 All h u L _ _” K b lb iF . . i
Breedings. origina com isitioiis as “ t e ie oiiisvi e. y.- asei am or- ..
W Metal band has seeial conscrence
has some big-time sponsors like “0 Fear the Lord." in Louisville at the Kentucky Fried
Budweiser, WC-KU-FM and Bank Although Lexington is home to Chicken 11171 FCSliVfll- _ 3 3 g
One. one of the better jazz programs in “We‘ve had really cuccug, {ch Animal Bag 50m“ 5
KTCCUIChCn, 21 Bowling GICCIL the nation. NTCCUICIICIL \VhO IS part funk.fla\'0rcd mugic and Straighb Animal Bug “Hello COSIIIO." an acoustic . it
Ky., native, plans to expand the of UK's award-winning jazz ensem~ ahead jauj‘ McCutchen said. “But Stardog/Mercury Records track, has a deep meaning in one of 53
6V3"! ‘0 include performers 0f "3' bk. said the town '5 pretty much in we really haven’t had a group local- the band member‘s lives. The mem- .
ly that’s a more pop, funk, jazz . bers, who moved to Los Angeles in
Su.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.u.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.o.-.-.o.-.-.-.o.-.-.-. ----- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.o.-.né group. (Formula has) a guy with By Ty Halp'n 1989‘ grew up in North Carolina‘ ‘3
388 WOODLAND AVE/LEXINGTON! "(Y/255'6614 really long hair that throws it back. 513" Critic and this song is a remembrance of if ’:
:2 :1 It’s a little bit more of a yi5ua| Edwards and $00 if. you can make home. if
iti'T‘g‘“? seei [“3er 3‘” If” "1”,“? 3‘3‘Music is magic, it’s just spelled any sense outofit. 3 3 3 9 Yet another great song is “An— 3‘
i 1-: I 3V”) m0iem an conttmpcrar). dilferently." ‘ We have stuff that sounds “kc other Hat," an interesting view of 3,.
”We ”y ‘0 "‘9de CVUW‘MY WC That‘s what Animal But; be Crecdence meets Black Sabbath prejudice. In this case. it is referring -' i
can. That's what it is about: ShOW- lieves. and judging from it; gen; and songs that could be cum“ to anyone who chooses to wear his
casmg local 13“ “”155: Even titled debut album, the group CIUb meets Slayer. hair long, but the song also could T»
though we do plan on going the wasn't playing any games when Well, whatever Animal Bag is, it deal with any kind of discrimina- j
other way in trying [0 get a national they said it. 15 200(1. tion. Edwards, who graduated sec-
act, we 5"“ always want to keep 1 can say safely that i liked every Some of the best songs on the al- ond in his high “‘th ”1153» said he ‘3 .‘
:- ji 9““ “We? 0f showcasing local song on this album. Their music is bum could easily be top-20 hits. For SCCS PTClUdiCC as simply judging a it i
jazz amsts. hard to describe, basically because instance, a track titled “Cheerful bOOk by "‘5 COVCF- i2 1
3 ”Jazz M6815 DOWfIIOWM.” fcatur- their sound is so unique. The only Mary in the Rain" is a typical hard Animal Bag covers a lot of i
3 -; mg Formula. wzll kick offal 9 pm. other band they sounded like to me rock love song. It begins With a soft , ,- - . .. . . t , .3
. .. . « . . , ground with its first album. Tth .
:- -3 :11 Iht’ RadlSSOH Plaza ”010/. Doors was Pearl Jam. but only at a few bass intro by band member Otis, ac- don‘t just make somethin , that will ,3
GIIIGIIGO'S open at 8’ ““8me [he event are points. companied by Edwards” flowing sell co ies. the 'I make a itatement. 7
: -‘ 870! the door and Sifor students Tak . f . ~ 1‘ L k. vocals Soon aft‘r the first third - p ) .
I I ‘ l i ” ‘ " e ‘1 quote rom “’NN u L th r“ "k' k‘ .L 'th 3 ‘ 3 h" 5: Their vocals and talent as musi- .3
-: tl!;| ill! I. |I:l'|| ‘{ .lll II": "II I“! I. 1.; e3 am 3 'C 5 m “/13 fomfi “13") cians should sell enough to make }
I ‘ I ‘l I 9.9“” "“5 from gunarist R‘Lh Par- them rich. Probably won't, but it
Mon'ZII- Mamas Homemade am “5' should.
;. Tues-m-LILY P NS .3 Another excellent song is “Hate . .
Th ~2/4-Moth mi! 2/53 MIStethPY 51.” This song deals with the trou- Th“ band '5 WWW on the LA
u” er “ “$2535.33 32% I-i blcs of the inner-city. Included are CIUb scene, and that '5 a 8’63! place ii:
-2 SavZ/é-CATAWAMPUS/Happenstance 2:: brief examples of winos, drug deal- [0 start. li they play as well m, con- ?
9.-.“T-.'-.'-.'-T-T-.'-.'-F-.'-.'- ..9 9. _.,_._.,_.,_r_., .‘- f9.» 9.9. .9 ..9 ..9.9 .9 9. .. g _ _ -.._r 9T9.9.9.9._-.9.9. 9.9._ .9 CTS, prostitution. gangs, pickpockels CC”. as they d0 0" [hCII b‘IUle al— .3;
and the spread of AIDS. A rough, bum, i can see why. Hearing an at 3:







Flutist Cheryl Skinner and pia-
nist Keith McCutchen are per-
torming tonight at the fourth
annual “Jazz Meets Down-
town" concert at 9.

the dark as far as jazz awareness

“A lot of jazz stuff started stimu—
lating even though the whole of
Lexington still hasn’t really been
reached by any of us." McCtiichen
said. “You can go around the block
from here and no one's heard about
your event."

This year‘s lineup will include


vow. .. . . -



LA-based metal band, Animal Bag, is comprosed oi tour North Carolina natives: Rich Parris,
Boo, Luke Edwards and Otis. The band mixes heavy metal and socially-conscience lyrics.







raw look at big-city life illustrates
some real problems facing the na-
tion. The music is great, and. more


burn for the first time usually
doesn‘t impress me, but this one
did. it was almost like



A! .







v . importantly, the lyrics are awe- “magic.

That'za 3Not






Applications for Residence Hall
Directors and Assistant Hall Directors are now .-
being accepted at the Office of Residence Life

i 54] Patterson Office Tower.

Application deadline: W .

Requirements include: ‘ :5

0 Graduate student status
(Hall Director only)

0 Experience in Residence Halls

0 Demonstrated ability to work with
and supervise students

0 Proven leadership : ..f

0 Strong sense of professionalism . ‘

0 Problem-solving skills









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a» x- .. ~ < —»-o -mwm“- .. _.




The Fleshtones
Naked Language Records


By John Abbott
Statt Critic

Looking for some music you can
dance to?

You‘ve got a lot of options these
days. You could try the technos,
who hide behind walls of comput-
ers, spinning viciously mechanical
beats that have all the warmth of a
vengeful ex-girlfriend. They’ll get
you jumping.

You could try rap music, where
the unrelenting bass threatens to
pulverize your body at any mo-
ment. You could check out the
slick, skillfully calculated. fluff pop
that Paula Abdul & Company spit
out every now and then.

Or you could try the Fleshtones.

Bereft of samples, instant pop
classics written by designated hit-
makers or mounds of electronic
equipment, The Fleshtones simply

Comedy ‘Used People’ extracts humor from life’s troubles

“Used People”

Starring Shirley MacLaine, Ka—
thy Bates, Jessica Tandy and Mars
cello Mastroianni

Largo Entertainment


By Jami Beavers
Contributing Critic


“L'scd People" ollcrs a hilarious-
ly funny and often moving glimpse
of two Queens, N.Y., families in

The allAstar cast, led by Shirley
MacLaine, accents this movie to
perfection by offering a delivery
and performance that is unmatched.

The plot revolves around a Jew-
ish family -_ namely Pearl Burman
(Shirley MacLaine), whose hus-
band has just died and whose two
daughters, Bibby (Kathy Bates) and
Norma (Marcis Gay Harden), are
somewhat less than stable.

Bibby and her two children had
been forced to move in with her
mother after a divorce. She desper—
ately wants to seek a life of her
own, away frorn the long suffering
and cruel insults of her mother.


take your basic guitar-bass‘drums
axis, sprinkle it with sotne rousing
horns and manage to have just as

much fun as Erasure or House of


The band's new album, Power-
.rtamrrr, is a set of wonderfully un-
polished garage-rock tunes with a
sense of humor. Give ’em a 94 —
they’ve got a good beat, and you
certainly can dance to them.

The best song on this album is
“Living Legends," which absolute-
ly swings. Vocalist Peter Zaremba
overflows with energy, and the in-
fectious, lurching tempo could con-
vince even the most squeamish
nerd to lift his butt off the gymna-
sium bleachers and join the party.

The Iyrics’.’ They’re practically ir-
relevant, but all the best dance-hall



Norma has chosen to identify
\\llh movie characters to deal with
the loss ol a child. and her living
son has developed emotional prob—
lems of his own because of the
death of his grandfather the
only stable person Ill his life.

The boy also has difficulty deal-
ing with ltis mother's fantasies,
never knowing if she will be Mari-
lyn Monroe or Mrs. Robinson frorn
”The Graduate" when he wakes up
in the moming.

At her husband's chiva, Pearl is
approached by a strange Italian,
Joe (Marcello h’lastroianni), who
has plans to disrupt and change her
stable, yet mundane, life,

Joe had known her husband and
had been in love with Pearl for 23
years. With the death of Pearl‘s
husband, Joe feels the time has ft-
nally come when he can approach


stomps run that way. After all, how
are you supposed to have any fun if
you‘re wrestling with Nietzschean
questions while you’re trying to

The playing on Powerslunce is
very loose. Guitarist Keith Streng
owns a fairly decent vocabulary of
chops and even manages to latch
onto a really neat hook once in a
while. He doesn't have a distinctive,
instantly recognizable sound like his
collaborator in the Full Time Men.
REM‘s Peter Buck, nor the raw fury
of Kurt Cobain or Johnny Ramone,
but he gets the job done admirably.

Zaremba adds some boisterous
harmonica, and drummer Bill Mil-
hizer occasionally pulls off some se-
quences worth picking up a couple
pencils and tapping on a chair. It
isn‘t too smooth. but that's precisely
why the album works so well.

The secret strength of this band is
its potent horn section. “Living Leg-
ends." “Mod Teepee" and “irresisti-
ble" just wouldn’t work without Ste~
ven Greenfield’s effectively

her and embarks an a relentless pur-
surt to win Pearl‘s affection.

Through Joe's pursuits, the two
families form a strained and some-
what awkward connection, partly
beeause one is Catholic and the oth-
er ts Jewrsh.

Shirley MacLaine's character.
Pearl, has lived one life as a married
woman raising a family and now is
embarking on another. Her two
daughters have been married and di~
vorced and are having to deal with
their own mistakes and inner tor-

Pearl's mother (Jessica Tandy) is
a woman who has lived many years
and experienced many things and
now is faced with the fact that her
life is coming closer and closer to
its end.

The beauty of “Used People." is
that it presents life’s obstacles and
new beginnings in a most humorous
way. One laugh follows another in
this story about accepting what has
passed and starting over.

“Used People," rated “PG-13,"
is showing at South Park and Man
0' War cinemas.



' “a



The aim wore’hipinq. Tier primitive dimers. The marina
rituals}. The primal acreamo. Only one bf’zit‘ll can lit ltl thin
much Culture on ite 2,6771”? sandy {wtr‘ett‘lr This» Spring,
Break. head for Daytona Beach. For more iritormat it in, call





’803 garage-rockers roar out of driveway into ’905

uncomplicated arrangements. and
“i chers" aitd "Armed and Dan
gerous" are fleshed out nicely with
some well-placed honking,

It isn’t wildly brilliant. epic
scale horn work, but an easygoing
garage-band like this doesn‘t need
breathtaking instrumental Wllilrtl»
ry. it just wouldn't fit their style.
They aren't trying to make you tall
down in awestruck reverence of
their skill. They just want you to
have sotne fun.

That’s the best part of this al-
bum: lt‘s a lot of fun. No top»
heavy symbolism, no “message
songs," no pointed politics and no
skewed Michael Stipe lyrics that
you could debate for hours on end
without beginning to figure out
what the heck they really mean.

What do you get'.’ Rough-cut
songs, campy lyrics and backup
singers screaming with the kind of
reckless abandon that more pol~
ished artists iron out in the studio.
Check ottt I’owerr/unr‘e and enjoy


3 -.

Kentucky Kornol, Thursday, January 28, 199.: ‘ 3









The Fleshtones, led by lead singer Peter Zaremba, bring class
and flash back to the rock ’n' roll scene. -/




Frank in the movie “Used People," which also stars Kathy Bates and Jessica Tandy.


Marcia Gay Harden plays Norma, who lives in a fantasy world; Joe Pantoliano is her suitor


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4 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, January 28, 1993

. .. 0”,»; ,u-r-m‘qwurw, . .


Teams already fighting for bids



§y Jim O'Connell
Associated Press


Six weeks after the Super Bowl.
the sniping and shooting from the
lip will be about which schools
made the NCAA toumament and
which didn't.

The Southeastern Conference has three
definites in Kentucky. Vanderbilt and Arkansas,
while either Florida or Louisiana State could be

the fourth.

Arkansas, while either Florida or
l.oursiana State could be the fourth.

'i‘lVC-OI The Big East lost a bid
before the season started when Sy-
racuse became the first conference
member to go on probation. Still,
Seton Hall, Georgetown, Connecti—


west — certainly will get two

There are still lots of gatnes to
play and it‘s not too early or late
for a team to play its way Ill or out
of the field of 64.

But what would spons be with-
out looking ahead?

Here's a look at who should get
invited to March Madness and get a

berths with till Otlleth shot of
matching last year's thrce.

Now with no scientific backing
and using little more than a keen
eye for obvious talent, here‘s how
the multi-bid conferences should
shake out on March 14. the night

chance to reach the Final Four in
New Orleans on April 3.

First, we have to dispense with
the one-horse leagues. This season
it looks like 19 of the 30 conferenc-
es whose champions receive auto-
matic bids Will have only one en-
trant in the grid. There could be
surprises but recent history says it's

Two conferences don‘t receive
an automatic bid. One — the Trans
America -— fits into the above
group so will most probably be shut
out. The other —- the Great Mid-

Brown not

By Jimmy Golden
Associated Press

BATON RUI‘UE. La. ,_ Dale

Brown‘s first election in 35 years



of coaching was it little on the
bland srdc He didn‘t storm the

court or throw a chair. and the one

office pools around the country be-
gin to take shape barring any law-
seed uprisings in conference tour-

-Two-timers: The Metro should
get Tulane and Louisville; the
Southwest has Houston as a virtual
lock with a second team coming
from the BaylorvRice—Southem
Methodist group since Texas is
having a rough year: the Western
Athletic Conference will get two
out of the group of Brigham
Young, Utah and New Mexico.

-Trios: The Big West always
gets UNLV when its eligible and

this vear should add New Mexico cut and Pittsburgh will be there with

,, ,msmwawmaswas ”WM , ., . . . .

State and giant-killer Long Beach
State; the Pac-ifi has taken more
hits than a sparring partner so far
this season and there could be some
hurt feelings when Ari/.ona leads a
small group that will also include
Southern Cal. Calit‘omia or UCLA,
with Arizona State as a long long—

St. John's and Boston College fight-
ing for the fifth berth.

-Si\ pack: The Atlantic Coast
Conference has the usuals that are
always in — two-time defending
champion Duke, North Carolina and
Georgia Tech. Add to that Wake
Forest, Florida State and Virginia

and two-thirds of the league is in.
~Lucky seven: The Big Ten is
considered the strongest of the
leagues and it should match its own
record for bids. Indiana, Michigan,
Purdue and Iowa are no-brainers.
Michigan State, Minnesota anti one
of Ohio State. Illinois and Wiscon-

