xt7v154drn4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v154drn4c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1985 1985 1985-04-12 2020 true xt7v154drn4c section xt7v154drn4c _____________________________________._._.—___—__—___———————
-1151; film “153;" tits; I ; , - . . . Jana-r :1 31. r - .
, =~=: frugal? g capo“ .: II..1.~-II“:;.-cl -- _ Mdmy.mington.itonnxky imispsndsntsimi”! Friday.Aprll12. "8,.
' B STEPHANIE WALLNER graduate BM! Lln-jung Chen in lgwis said when Morton was ar- Morton's parole time famed in . . . . »
Mama-alto. tthhcmlstry/Physics Building. rested in California, “he was told April 1934 when he was released mating; 03:332.. 2’: mmmgfijgsfild “"3” ‘°' '
Dcfcmc attuncys Erwin W. Lewis that he was being charged for rape tromthe 1979conviction. July that claimed Morton was seen I I ' - .
A motion to suppress statements and Edward C. Monahan are scck- and murder when in fact no com- The state official said Morton in various locationsinthecity. l" hlS Closmg argument, Wis ' '
made by accmcd murderer and rap- im a oppression of statements plaintshadbccnfiled.“ failed to report to a June 11 parole , 531d; ”0" Jun? 3th 9th and 10th the . '
ist Elzie m Morton at the Morton made in which he allegedly At the time of arrest. there were appointment and also did not attend Al“? M°"°" S "“0"“ 90'0va bexmswfl polio? department had a ‘1 ~
time of his arrest and arrival in confusedtomurderandrape. three warrants on Morton; proba- a comprehensive care appointment tesm‘ed that M°"'°" may have gone hunch that Ellie was the killer 0‘ . ' 1. ‘
Lexington last August is pending in Morton's first statement was tion and parole violations and 3 fed- thesameday. ”hm Where? he had a female  _Chen. They wanted to . , 1, I 1 1. _
Fayette Circuit Court after testimo- made todctcctivca at the time of his eral warrantfor unlawful flight. Lewis said the parole and proba- tnendheusedmwme t°- talk to 51119 . - - but the Pmblem -' ' ‘ 1 .
ny yesterday. armt in 11mg Beach. On Aug. 5. de- Morton was on probation for 8 tion violation warrants were invalid However, Commonwealth‘s Attor- washe was notthere," I _ " . ‘
tcctlvs John Bryant and Al Borne 1977 conviction for assault under ex- because police “clearly had no prob ney Kevin Home said the police and Home 5 ‘d mph ‘ ' . ~ -
Morton was arrested at a mission of the Fayette-Urban County Police trcme emotional disturbance when able cause to think Elzie was in any courts had acted within “reasona- manhunt lithe .. l iIs case was a 1 .. .I . . .
house in Long Beach. Calif.. on Aug. Department also took a statement he was sentenced to 20 years in 1979 particular state." ble" bounds and established proba- turned \lVe h lime; Refine un— I I ' - t ’
. i 2 and charged with the June 9mur- from Morton when he arrived in for a rape offense, according to a Morton arrived in California on ble cause after talking with mem— honor .and wind 'tlm l '.“ your ., . , .
dcr, rape and sodomy of chemistry licximton. state parole and probation official. June 28, Lewis said, but Lexington bers of Morton‘s family. and that on apo ogize for ' . . 1 -_ "
. W P0 1 _ 4 ‘. '
' « e , “a. . , , II" l . .II .
- New Games fellows l - ' WW~W~ I mglmhg 5 . -
fiat; .» . . . .
. §.- ’». . "cg. 3,1...11 . ' . .
2 receive scholarshi s ‘ ' a ., balls begin
>- “.. 2st - . ~
1’ . ‘ . , LKD events . I
or thelr paSSlon ' ' ’ ByJOHNJL'RY -' . -
3 Staff Writer ' ,
‘ ‘ ’ ' . The winds that whip through the . . ' ..
second group OfSChOIarS a g 00d mix Patterson Office Tower plaza will be ‘ ‘ .
. . .{if'I ~ .fi gusting more than usual Monday. - _ - '
for promotion of academic excellence a § . . thanks to a macaw hovering . .
CI:- " t5 3‘ I above. ’ . ‘
By DARRELLCLEM said Nancy Howard, an administra- ‘° ‘ ._ 3, I:-’-1- " The rented craft will fly over the . -
Senior Staff Writer tivc assistant at the Gaines center. 1 . if... plaza at around 11:50 that morning . ,
Sophoma'es are chosen for the ‘a , $3” ‘ to drop 2,000 pingpong balls as a
Ten top—notch UK students have fellowships. shesaid. but undergrad- 2%.? .31 ~ kickoff for the 29th annual Little - . ‘
‘ been chosen for Gaines fellowships uatcs with five-year plans can be I- 2’; Kentucky Derby. said Shari St. ' ' ‘1
and will receive $5,000 scholarshiin choscnduringtheir third year. .3331. M133; *3. Clair. public relations director of the . 1.
designed to promote academic mt- “It’s always for your last two i .-5 fit ’12? : Student Activities Board. . . »
ccllcnceinthehumanitics. years of undergraduate study,“ é; l At 11:55 am. the helicopter will '
This year marks the second time Howard said, and the students re~ to gt! 1 it ; begin the drop with 1,000 balls, with .
students have been selected to re- ceive 82.000 and not», respectively. to} , :52; l the remaining 1,000 falling a few _ .
ceivc the John R. and Joan B. duringthcirjuniorand senior years. 5‘ ; III .351 -‘ 3 minutes after noon.she said. ‘
Gaines fellowships in the humani- 'nie selection committee this year , ; ‘ St. Clair suggests pe0ple pick up 1
tics, which were fu'st awarded last chose the winners from among 17 fi- fr . ”'3' as many pingpong balls as possible .
year after the Gaineses diluted nalists, said Robert Rabel. an asst} fin, J?“ is‘ s , because prizes can be won with . '
$500,000 to the University. UK ciate professor in the honors pro- “ t 2:». I” I 'IIIIngf {Qt more than 200 invisibly marked ‘
matched that amount. and a new gram and in the department of A: g. “rt; . ., “a. gr n.5,: 1 balls. They can be redeemed for ,
Gaines Center for the Humanities classics. Babel. who served on the 112's ’” g 2.3 it. . Regimflfl. prizes at the LKD outdoor festival I
building on Maxwell Street is sch“- selection panel. said, “We were - r’ a; . . : : near as. Goodbarn Saturday, April , .
ulcdtoopenAprilza. looking for a good mix of people it :I ”t, ' , 41” ., , t I, rI “I ~- . 20,she said.
At a time when the struggle for from different fields. 1 think we m ‘ if % ‘( g . ; “Hopefully. people will get excited 1 -
academic excellence cmtinues at have an excellent second-year " . 4” ‘ A 3' l enough and antiClpate enough to
UK, the Gaines fellowship — gmup. ”4/6. .37} " ,3. pick them up.“St. Clair said. .
named after the owners of Gallics- “We want people who have a pas- i 4 I It; 5;3':?'£:;;,j§;7 {'1- 1i The prizes include nights at the -
way Farm — provide qualified sm- slmfwtheluunanities,"hesaid. I ‘ _ 5 " " ._ ’ tOLHfS Radisson and Hyatt Regency hotels, ' 1
dents with an opportunity to excel in While Harvard said the program is ' . ' . ‘I-r’ t ,? ' - dimers at more than 30 Lexington
thchumanitics. duigncd primarily for students in . 1 7 restaurants and other merchandise
Sara Caldwell, who was among the bonus program. “We do have 5! {Q W AZ ’ l ranging from liters of Coke to sub— . ‘
those chosen earlier this month for several (suidents) who have not : ,4 1%4/n I ~ 5‘, " l scn‘ptions to the Lexington Herald-
thc fellowships, said she had mixed bccninthchamprogram." , 95 ”fa 4? 3;», , Leader, she said. '
reactions. “It will mean another sc- ln code to qualify, students must 5 . . ¥§E§fi§m:ég%¢fl ‘9 ,, Volunteers will pass out flyeis . , .
master here at UK for me. but it submit a curriculum vitae listing ff . 13;. f; . , Monday morning to inform passers— ' . - .
will be worthwhile," she said. such things as personal interests, 43% " ’ '“ ' ‘7 " by how to get the prizes and which . ’ .
“Being a science education major, activities and swank received. In titanic businesses are sponsoring them, she - ., ~
I'm not required to take the tannani- addition, a transcript and rccom- 13:1.» . said. ’ .
tics causes, but this gives me a mcndations from professa's are re- ‘ tn the past. LKD has not faired so 1 .
chance to do it, and a reason to do quircd. “Mat impatant," Howard well in student participation. and St. 1 , ' ‘ '
it." said. “is an essay on the study of the , Clair is h0ping the pingpong ball , »
Money for the scholarship comes humanities and how it affects (stu- gm“ drop will spark interest in the yearly .. ‘
from interest on the Gaines cndow- dcnts'Hivcs." . ' spring event. . , ' ,
ment. which resulted from the de- Thc wirmers must demonstrate _. 3 I I‘ “LKD is. of course. for the stu- ‘ , ' . - ~
sire of the Gainscs and Raymond outstanding academic performance, ' ' ———-—-‘L—-l dents. and hopefully we'll get them 1. , . .
Betts, director of the University an interest in public issues and “a ReaChin '“asmmmkme's‘m allanOlved."Shesald- ’ ' . ' '. - '
Hona's m. to pranote the hu~ daire to enhance the understanding g “The more tstudents) we have in- 1 1 _ _, -
manlticsat UK. of the human condition,“ she said. . . . volved, the better itwillbe." 1 , ' . '
All students on the main campus “The idea is to love the Center for Doug Pedlgo. a freshman on the Haggin Stars team. and Alan Vincent. a freshman for the Holmes “We‘re hoping to get a lot of peo- I . '
and in UK’s community college sys- All-Stars, go up for a loose ball in last night’s annual Haggin/Holmes basketball game. Haggin ple out there,“ said Ronnie Gilbert. ‘, . ' . . '
tcm are eligible for the schdanhips, SccGAiisim, paged went on to win 59-57 on a last second shot. LKD chairman. “I think people will I a , .
' be interested and see what it’s all 5 - ' .
I ' .) l O U . . . . . abhut'd ' ht f k ' ' ’
t on ay mg . a rec SD63 pre- . I ‘ -
a A 1, , nlversmes, religious students ma... . .-
O ? ‘ shown at 8 pm. in the Worsham . ' 1
I ' . D g . . , . Theater. he said. with more prizes 'I .
- Will be topic for priest s talk me ' - '
I I A new event for this year‘s LKD is 1 , ‘ .
.~ the Big Man on Campus contest. _ ‘ ',
By ALEX CROUCH - 3 ‘ - Any registered student nization .
Staff Writer -’ . 1 , Newman cen ter is invited to nominate aonligle candi- ‘ _
. The ner Edward K. Braxton will ~ it reveals speakers mad m‘fflsfigfi g; .3; .
. . dismiss 'me Bellows Student and ‘— -. «a. . at the SAB office in the Student Cen-
the Secular University“ at 7:30 to- ‘ " - 1-» ’8 5- ’86 ,- es 1 ‘ 1 ‘
I . . -: f 0" 5e 1 ter. Votes wtll cost one penny each
mghtatthettlcwmanCenter. spit . is» '. : ; __I and may be cast Wednesday and -
? 7 Braxton is currently director of -¥5’1.~=.-_ , - .,. » staffrepons Thursday. . I I »
' I“ the Calvert stc. the University of ' ‘ ,- , 1 vi; , .
Chicago's Catholic student center, » 5 ' The Newman Center has an- Upcoming events for Tuesday in-
. which is equivalent to a Newman m M ' ’5‘” nounced the speakers in next year‘s cludc UK Day at Keeneland at 1:30
entuc [ans assemble center but on a smaller scale. said .. a ‘3‘. . DistinguishcdSpeakers Series. pm. and the LKD Pool Splash with
the RBV- Walter 3800. 8 priest 8t . ' _ 00ctober — Michael Novak, vice the divein movie “Splash" at the ‘
o o a "10th Center. s. kw chairman of the Lay Commission Memorial Coliseum pool.
trlv1a for local ursuit M a... 111 W 111W" \, I, Wm... a... a. We... . .
will handle his subject, but said “the '° gr will discuss the “War of Ideas: the —-———--—
ch-llence to students is to inform 3 Spirit of Democratic Capitalism."
By WENDY SUSAN SMITH tlcrp'ba to produce the Fascinat- themclvu of various religious tra- Novak has been critical of the Cath- INSIDE
Staff Writer in Fact: game. Swanbcrg mmcd ditiom and to develop a personal olic bishops‘ recent letters on mele-
thc company after his mother. system of values in which the rcli- EDWARD K' BMXTON ararmsandthccconomy.
Q: Wtylllmprwldeweek- Mara-M. his older IBM. Ann. slim dlmmim is also given due follow their earlier statements on oNov. n24 — the Rev. John Stau- t W .-
endrccrcstioninrcsidcncchalls? andhlsyotmgcrslstcr.Margm'ltc. emphasis." m arms and the my. denmaier. . mm of mummy ww_”‘°. 3*
A: A Km! trivi- wne Ilm- Sir-Idlers uld Fuclnatlns Thin ell-liens. m in the face Bade said. and Braxton is involved at the University of Detroit, will lcc- ' m W W
liar to ‘n'ivlal Final! that will Fact is a Kentucky product. The of an apparent concentration among in that process. ture on technology's impact on the tor! M F “I m
soonbconthcmarkct. game is comprised of a deck of shidcnta on cancer preparation and . . livesdau'isfiam. ”'4'” °' "
And the name of the game is carfh with six categories on Ken- an attendant lack of emphasis on “'69 “'0'“ “'5 9°“ at the “1V9" oJanuu-y _ the Rev. Brian Hchir ”6'
Fmtlflhch- tiny: momsportsmhm, value orientation and liberal carica- "0““, 3mm" t?” W'thed W of the us. Catholic Conference's .
m Silt-Mi «lain-W 0‘ count. people/politics and miscel- acumen-ltd. "at“ ‘°' “N” 5W“ ““l‘ Department of Social Development " """ " ~m-a-1‘
"I”,mwfllhfllm “musical-emoticons Bado said there is “a strong “““W mvmtttfii WW Ch" andledPegcewilldmhisde. “*WMfin‘v‘Vu”
of crating a trivia game abut incachcatcgtry. movement toward comelousncss “3.01 Cornell Umvcrsity, ”"3731 partmcnt‘sconccrm. m M “ M“ h "‘
mm, m gm .g m as “1119 m can be Film on . mu m Roman Catholics Uvacmlty and Northwestcm Unl- OMarch _ Monika WI. profes- ‘ulflnl. .1
accamtantfa'Bhlqra-Farln. Trivial Ml“. board or med as “by way (I disamion group, "m9“ our of theology at Georgetown Unl-
"I called Shawn Bay. hail dlrsc- flashcatrh."8wanbcrgsald. Mandela-Isa.” varsity, will probably dhctns new
tudllathandbtddms .. m tdnaclfwill conduct a Behold! doctorate-in "list” perspectives on the tradition of
thathcwouldgctnnancialbact- Athwdmi manomorrowmortungaom. studiu and systematic We!!! Girlstlanlty.aaldRcv.WaltorBado.
lnslflwddsetthtmb." '“MWWMJUK” tomatthcxolnonlallwscfor trantlnCathollcUnlmltydW- pncotatthcislcwmonCentcrond
Swarm-aid. ”‘5'“ Int" “t WW1 shldsnt leaders from Catholic uni- v-ininBelslmn. mmanflmflm. ' ‘ A _ ,-
BIbit-ln-Imtom- “mm?m”“‘m' wold-ammonium .M_Anmp.m.w 7":“1'9r
dcntttmshttlumi-ctwu- MWJIe-nld. topicwillhc'mummitystu mmmmtoclosethls imumotnanupoooi. “duo—‘21...
gloatidas.“lwasnlrhsdht Maid."ltncalotdtrlv- dmtztnca-llcriacofttcanrchin ycar'lestlmulshcdSpcakchcriea. lcgclnNechncyandcxpcrtal .“**:__":fi,
thfih’tdmlt.” “Ethnography clams] thcysarm." EarlierthlsycanthENmnCflP mm.'lllmhlyd’ ‘fl‘ “'1
hssald. mumrfhml mwamdichahtprmdc UMMWMM- molthflahm'safimflcahcafu‘ "" Wat
no two inn fund I»! lin- ”m."4 Undead Stat. an may papar- llll" J. MIC, Alvin llllg and Car- Wham East and Wat and Hyman: .. Witt-13.55511:sf”:'1‘?" «1 i'
in. a loo-r alum danish-y to roam. saucduidssudarjadnald. “" , M““*“*
I ' '

 2-KWYKMMM12J“ _
‘ “Vi“ “oil-lbw
cover-mud W66"
' a... Joan-A4008
Mia Editorial Editor
T t th h' h a 8 mean that there’s spring in the air

I knew spring was here for sure —.—_—.—————-—————— tion frustrates me 81mm! as much {M- M" mm m be "31:11, Mr. Farmer,” I tell the tra- clan that will be him tin mad.

when 1 found myself following a tra- asdrivingslowlydoes. . “H for people who can make .' ctu'. “I like you. but I've got work That way, by the time fall rolls
- ctorupNicholasvilleRoad. mm Maybe if I weren’t so ignorant little seed turn into a stalk of grain todo, too am, rn be may to p.- all

Some people welcome spring as about farming I wouldn't getsofrm- (or a tomato plant or a radish or tluetobaccotrucka.
early as the first crocus; others wait COLUMNIST trated. I'm so ounb that i don't whatever). Now that spring is officially nene,
until the start of spring training. For know what a mare spreader was I1 cant even keep Mats I'll have to hate up on my passing Beverly Hague u on ennui grad-
me and many other commuters. the unul someone pointed one out to me. alive. and "real; “men make a W skills so I can get aroimd all the tra- uate student.

NS! sign of spring IS the first trac- — I CUSIdOI'Bd It a "18]“ break- mg by producing amber “VS 0‘
tor on the de through when a student explained si- grain (and other things). ,
. If you‘re not in a hurry. there’s quickly. and I start to wonder why lagetome. It’s too bad so many farmers all “2"“ ,
something comforting about follow. the farmer couldn't wait to put The only time I came close to un- over the country are going bank- ,_ Y5
ing a tractor. wm. all the terrible bread on my table until after rush derstanding farming was when I rupt. and it would be nice if we a
things I keep hearing about farmers hour. spent my third- and fourth-grade could b3“ do something to help them L , .
and bankruptcy these days. it‘s re- . . rush years living in rural Pennsylvania. out, t it’s hard to know what I 3..., ~
assuring to know that right there in hair-1 121:1: )awtrglcézrty dgfnrtiigme to Our bus stop was next to a soybean could doaboutthe problem. ? Wwfi‘g m“ r .
front of me is a farmer who's setting think At times like that my field. and it didn't take us knob long Should I buy more produce? . fi-g‘mv mg: ,"."‘
out to do the laudable work of put- thoughtsturntofarming ‘ to figure out that soybeans made There’s only so much that two peo .- “my; wags mail-Y “ .
ting bread onthetable. ' great missiles If I think about it, I plecan eat. a- MM".‘;“«5)
. This feeling starts to disappear “Where is that farmer going on can still feel the sharp sting do All thosefacts and figures I see in _ .
when I look at the cars coming the that tractor," I ask myself, “and soybean hitting my cheek as I wait- the news magazines really don't I“ m _ 7 I I m I;
' ‘ other way and realize I won't be what does he intend to do once he edfortheschoolbus. . commumcate a whole lot to me, -_‘ w a" g 1“} \
able to pass. Going five to 10 miles gets there?" Being unable to offer My ignorance about farnung prob~ maybe because they’re always talk- ) 2,, H ‘2 ' ‘15 ‘ If)
per hour loses its glamour very an intelligent answer to that ques ably contributes to the awe I feel for mg about the plight of The Farmer. “amt ,'.:- & ‘ , n ,
I don’t know much about The Fann- s. We? x: ~——-, <‘ l‘ l
. ‘ . . ’ 0 er; all I really know about is this ‘ n9:
- zm American stance memwwm l I .
I to l anhmrinfrontofmeduringrush ‘-’ fl 3.? ’
hour. k c o . . ' Val/4’ . ..- .
. , g Q Maybe if there’s a break in the ‘-~
does not help Korea s citizens - my W
- This is regarding the article ————————— whenever you want to. you may pull a/
“America cannot say ‘goodbye‘ to out your brave men and women @
' Korea" by Sam Eden. . when the situation is unfavorable to /- // /,»

A few months after I landed in Editor“. YOU. bUt we Koreans have to “d y/% ”/€/ ‘" "'For whore
this 00‘1““? I met one gray -haired REPLY Will live on in our beloved land. We CHURCH ‘ 2% a??? \ s/ two or more
man saying that his brother died in are not living our lives to please /%;:{2/;¢/ /‘ I or. gathered

‘ ' Korea during the war. While holding American eyes, tOYOUI” dismay. ‘ \~. 3/7 ., "/ in My Name
. his hands I totally lCBL my words * If you want to save the remaining DIREC I ORY , . '4 :f/ “ there Wl‘l'
simply because there couldn't be American prestige, stop “inculcat- ‘\3’/ b l ..
. ' any way to appreciate the sacrifice was celebrating George Orwell‘s ing American ideas or influencing °° '°
properly. 1984. Almost always it is dangerous them upon a small developing coun- w
The unfortunate happening in to judge a distant country through a try" as you wrote, stop playing a
. Korea following Kim's arrival was TV screen in your cozy Garden of role of Big Brother. and stop victim- "gm" ”for
hardly the democracy we Koreans Eden. izing a seemingly powerless country W 32030.- lone 255-8566
want to show to Americans and was I appreciate your concem about for your pleasure of intellectual di- Malawi-auteur"
definitely not the type of thing that the development of democracy in lettantism. UNITED METHODIST STUDENT CENTER "mmfilhdflwd'fio
the gray—haired man‘s brother died Korea, but at the same time I firmly P.S. I thank you, Mr. Eden, for ‘5' Emlmmllsf- 29-37" MMWWW'
for. reject your patronizing, condescend- not asking to use American Marine a ep'fihWNw'w'nmr‘hP “m’r'méi‘ozzn
I admit that the democracy in mg attitude toward my country. To forces even though the precious Coubflfl’xmzm ISL", 019:3? .I. Wat-II""0-0--I|=‘!I-nulvnn9.=flv-II-
Korea is not satisfactory to Ameri- remind you. that attitude is exactly American lives were endangered. V 'V' "3 Mmflfll-wf".
W “W h... 0,... °* "a m... mm _ _
been striving for it. But, please take hear the resounding sound of “Yan- This editorial reply was submitted PRESBYTERIAN BAPT'S'I
time not to jump to the irresporsible kee go home!" by Gil Ho Choi, a plant pathology CHAPEL HILL "55"".th CHURCH Looklng For UNI Friends?
comment. among others. that Korea You may chew up a small country graduate student. 3534 1°.” c,“ Rd. Find n..." .f Coll... nu. Study
Lex-ngton. KY 40502 606-272-2311 9:45 .Jm
9:45 on. - Sunday “not I‘m-4n. - Wonhlp Chevy Chan. “PT", Church
' 200 Colony Blvd. 266460l
mam:— enema.)
Only 5 minutes from com - us
Mass consumption each person consumed approxi- “Iron City" Todd 3 Big Man On "1 CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH ASSEMBL'ES OF GOD
' mately 83.3 beers. WOW! Campus, but just think, he is a third- ' . . . M Gl ' FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD (“mam
If we assume they stayed in Flor- year law student, too. What more . . _f. 59”“ MM" -' ' ynn Burke 900‘ Ionotm Sunday School
' After reading Tommy “Iron Qty" ida for six days, that means each can I say. Tommy. you have cer- .’ . ill? Chapel Servrce 8:45 9200uoéaoozm. :‘_:::'_'_'_::::'_Litibmmwcnmp
Todd's letter, “Beer Huggers," I person comumed about 14 beers per tainlyimpressedthehelloulOfme- . ‘ . [‘va Chum" 5Ch°°' 913° 6:mp.m. EvontngWorshlp
came to the conclusion that he is one day. Wow! Totally awesome. Just . {5. a erfil-tg‘pMomlW WWII“) 11:00 Wednesday FomilyNigM 7 p.m.
' cool dude. Let's face it, 1000 beers think. they didn’tevenusehuggers. . .JeffPilger ~._._ "L. ‘ °°‘ .-_"l":' aroodcosowrxcmom Mom" JKW,A,,°¢5°,.MM,.., noun
consumed by 12 people means that Not only does this make Tommy First-year medical student ' ‘ [maroon-hater mam Mm.“
CODE NAME: Music Intelli ence Project :1 3" a .. ‘
\ | MISSIONzlrock down VltolgNew Releqses . ‘ ' _ ’ ’ .8 "
‘ h OBJECTIVE:Expose NewAlbumsThrough . t . - - ”2’: . ,. *-
7 Epeciol Pricing 8. Inside Information ~ - u, . I. .f ‘ » “‘5 ‘ “WM
_ \’ ONTACT: Any Record Bor Agent . “ -' "“' 1" x . . - _ , . , . « .1 ‘> .W
I _ \ I \ I . . . _ f-I \ I I v :r .- z ‘ t_ 418- .,
' ' I. ‘ -_ _ ." . I n r ‘ ’ ‘ ' I.» u »- .
. . ~ (5“ \\ » \_ .I o ‘7 a” .-" .7
L I .. H ~ L _... '- R
, - . - . £100 3 . 2 -,. _:-‘:~ I,” .5 -
. ‘ ‘ - Millie «a h. T s "4:1 , ‘ "‘ ,, 3ng .. *5 " .th .;
. ‘z . . . ’ \._ MTE 35.15485 Crag/Ev . . er" . _ W . . . . “I,
"- _ . , . , . J y" ‘ q 2 'n. . ~ " ' ' ~
1 M"’0. 33”“: v, ‘" " "5" ' “ . . e . 1', 4‘
‘ 5‘ " “£32,;va ’ Q " ' g ‘ ~- . - is I II ' a 5‘; . {l’ "..
, _ . ~ Rwhllw.‘ a .‘ fl" ,' .. I, . . ’.III ”’4’. . ,4 x .
Mafia, _ .. t ; ,I . I r. , . - A ". . ; .t
. » 'l CHANGE NO CHANGE .J‘W‘ -» . - , '. ., *z - _u-& s. flit .
. . .- .ELLIOTEASTON .. , AI . t, . ,. , 7 v“ . ..
’- - C First solo outing from the Cors‘ lead guitarist ’ I a ’ ' r ' " , I I . ' ' / . i
. C Solid and exciting guitar-based rock ’ _ I l . ' , I I l , t?“ g, h ,f‘" I/ j .
i I ' ' \ a . I ‘ 1 . , ‘
LLOYDCOLE‘ f U . W . ' 'I ‘ / A t," , 1* .1 ',"“‘u~‘
. THECOMMOTlONs i’ , 'v s ‘ ' ‘ ' ~ .. " ,f “ . t' ‘ f" r ., .a
‘ 1' gimme -. f x» I' ' ‘ v 4t’.“Ir #?{?>"_‘
. ' . 2 RATTLESNAKES .I. .l I , ‘ ,' A" ~ ”A“ ’ V2“ '
' ‘ LLOYD COLE AND THE COMMOTIONS ' g: , I - A - I I! l“, I » _. ~ 4“ E 1 v.“ 5" ‘
‘ . I . Debut from bright new British band i ' ,2 I 1’; . ._ . I ._ "o. I. ‘ II ’ ~ ', . _ 4 f
_ . . O Warm and melodic pure pop impressionism ‘Q ' i / ’53. > : ~ v-...»“¢. 9' 9312‘," .» ’. . 1’ .;
. . ‘ — _ u I "i ‘ " ‘4’; , ‘ . . ‘-
. . l t ‘ . - ’L,‘ . — ‘ V ' ‘
. ' ,I I ,, - . - - Getacloseup look atatop—notch collection of . ~
y‘ . . u - 3. VULTURE CULTURE m .—————-——— ' shots.Thesesupercharged photosrepreent
. . ALAN PARSONS PROJECT ' theverybestof the Kodak International Haws-
, . H O Challenging and l’lveilng musical adventure paper Snapshot Awards. To topltoff,the
2 ' 0 State - of - the - art sounds from moior rock force mmwswc winning photographers weren't blgshots.
W Theywereamateurs...peoplewhoused .
, . imagination, emotion, and Kodak film.
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‘ . O Rock's best-kept secret is out! 3. ' 1 ',
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 __ «mum mu 1:, 1.4
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7 e ‘ e 9 - f
, I , ma-
lnhm’ I ' llC ona IS an
' . e C ' K ,
_ . K. -, Vanedprogrammmg on WBK Y-FM gives students a great place to learn
_ "i , - ByLYNCARLISLE . .. . . .R . . . , compoeed of five NPR stations that -
v41. », em: 1'
‘ V: V .V) ’ ~' . '~ V . V
\R on.“ ”P “w" °‘ MW" "‘1' 1" ‘ "One Night Stand." 10-11 pm. Sat- ' -
“2...... .. , .. W... 2 'me‘d‘mummexl’e' ' urdays featuring music from the ’ 2

2 ~ . testis, . 3.: ‘ J» “waive the clutter (1 'ti to be . i R . big-band era, is theonly WBKY-pro
mama-“fl” R‘ R " x . filler; . 9"”2'2.’ Wu“! 2 ‘9‘ duced show that is distributed iride- . - " 3
M m" . . I. "'I I.‘= . . "T‘Zti‘ f‘ i If”; a '. ‘ ‘ .2 . R) mm“. m M in the VRVVV ', V0“. ! v pendenuy ChESSEI' said an sulndfl ' Vt .

Y . . x 2-- - «was: "rj'i’r‘f'tf are world of broadcasting is UK's own ' ‘4' 2 .. . ., g ' . . '
2 . . VR .3 g 3. rs M22}, _ » 13,22,223“. 3.2.32... radioetation ,4 , ,V- it V - of the great dance bands are heard . .
N‘h - III I. “tow , 7 use If, in.“ a W - ' .2 R ’ ‘ *r R on 24 different stations acrtss the . ‘ '
“pmfim " ., . m? ’t , if.“ ,1' L. 1‘ V 2. .. m "‘1' YBKY_ YWW i. W" 'e R}. ‘1 United States, from California to R . . .
I ’l K ».4‘ R :3“? may xi!“ int 3:333:31: Fh—l mhlndbfrnidrgng it ‘ R, ‘& r“ ”’ \ Maine. , . _' I
“”2;ng “Rt"? emirates; ._ 2m my nation’s oldest college station. its ' ‘ waxy carries the top shows NPR ‘ '12 h ‘ ’ '
.' -- '- “tie” it: 'f "I“ 0‘ at; grams is small ‘ . R and APR offer: “Morning Edition," ' '. I -
I -. I . Rh ll; ill" ’ -”‘-“'”“ 's «is. 'm‘ a compared average lOormore " f ’ " - - 68 am. Monday through Friday. ‘ V . . »
“Mtga’m~n ' 3R. VV;‘:.;._~.{-~~7E¢.«.~r1r‘-V~ 4—: ’2 V; “mud m other “an“. “id 8mm] ’ » H ”Wang » a. and “All Things Considered," 56 V. '. ‘ ' .
- «2-; «r -' , man-833mm tthe 2 _ -. 2 pRmR on “ 22,22, 222.22. 2.30 R , ~. —. V.
2.. ' , R. " V “"R’ -2 ‘w‘ . ”ff Ab”. Vstuden WOI'kaV ' 2r ., m ‘ V . ' pm. Monday through Friday. both ‘ .' . ' .R .
if"? I ’I‘i- ”‘5” a» 33's fl"; sex-V25: flyw- ‘ Q station, said Wheeler, emphasizing ’ ; - ‘ NPR news shows. Noah Adams. co - » ' . ' .
forum. Ophtfleahfl“ 3’— :‘Rf:“.v.~”‘..."2..as"itn 5:99: ‘ that M come and 80 almost as . . . .. . ' Vt host for the latter. is a former I .
' . . , ' s3‘}m ten View fast 85 WNW are broadcast W ~ ~= -. ~- WBKY staff member. ~ 4 r ' -
h m .. “m“r ." ”it " 1.4V V. - 'V , ' ,~" ..’ “Every time I get a 30“! student, Tomwu'un Kemelvat' APR'S “Prairie Home Campan. .- ‘ .' V‘ .' i -
PM .. I w. my» ' ‘ '7‘” “W Wk 1' ’ -£)M'— sornebodyhliestheln! . . ion." 68 pm. Saturdays. is the sta- _ ‘ .- .':
I‘m 63-h? . :. ~ leaf»? ‘3; :' =V V“If I pulled every kid in the state Staff announcer Hal Leet pulls another shift on WBKY-FM. tion's most popular show. Wheeler ,
' ‘ 5V i if 2 2 R ' R- (in professional radio) that started said. "Seven thousand five hundred ,V _ ‘ .
m—Wfi—Tfi I. §fi1m1 1"“ 7. - ’wi’ » ,‘~"~ j' at WBKY, Vl'd have half the state," day. Mullins pulls his own records. come to make your mistakes . . to (people) tune in and listen to our j . . 1 .
w 2 ".me .fi .31»? fl“ ~“ “fight: Wheeler and. He believes one rea- offers features which are usually in- learn." Terrell, who worked at the station for that show." The live - ' ‘
. V: :2 R_;..R :s‘. .f.f i :13 “Reiktfiggym RV son for students’ success is that the terviews, and shifts between his own station from 1981 to 1984. is present- show offers music from bluegrass to ’ ‘ . .2 ~
“II 2 w w . 3 ~. ‘ 41V; ‘ ' " “R g. . station has a good reputation among andnetwork news. ly news and public affairs director jazz. sprinkled with phony commer~ . ‘. 2: '-'.
“MM “9M ' 33“?!“ rim commeV rem] broadcasters for train- Carmen Geraci. a recent UK grad- at KHCCin HutchinsonKan. cials and comic comments . . . V .
Vgrdtflgyagg: ”tag «R ff‘fji‘rf"? ‘ 1‘ _. “if“ ulgstudents well. uate, is one of five hosts of “Week- Most of the shows on WBKY are Wheeler is often asked about the R * ' '- ,

’ MP“ _%~ " *“ewafiwf-rt 24;»; was“ The handful of students on the air day," 8:35 am. to 4 pm. Monday either National Public Radio or station's lack of rock ‘n‘ roll; he 1 ‘ ' ,- ‘
(T00) ,'DV~".V~*V V’“? -~-f f 3r _~ ~ " usually works With prerecorded through Friday, which features such American Public Radio material. feels that music is “already in the ‘. ’ ' ‘-. 'R "

’ ' _ ‘ f: Re,» '2 . ‘ ' programsfi filling air time between artists as Charlie Byrd, Tony Ben- NPR is a membership organization. market place." and that WBKY's ‘ ' v~ R

_ | I ii" i . Ll ‘ . . II 3 . 3.“ songs wi news. comments and in- nett and Lena Horne. Geraci feels explained operations manager programs meet its audiences needs. » ~ . .
m'mm' 9M.“_m~w_ is: w formationontheartists. that WBKY is “a great place to Roger M. Chesser. composed of “We are so dependent on the finan- ' ' ._ .

-. ' - I 2 Vi}: f - .- . MOnVe excelthion to this rule is Wade learn.“ about 250 noncommercial stations cial support of our audience that we R ~ .‘

- CID —- W > 3 ‘2- w, m. “Bums. a K student who prepares Patsy Terrell. another UK grad— wh0useltas anrogram source. must .. . present certain (pro- . » ' ‘.
:mwffml.9mt§ifl 2 a £31de The Sunday Show, 7—9 am. Sun- uate, agrees: “This is the place to Chesser said APR is "baSlcally gramsmonsistently." R .~ .
m. .. 9‘s 9 ° ° '6d 9 °’ ' '

. . , CBS pace maXlseries IS on t-mlss Viewmg __
' By FRED ROTHENBERG intelligent, insightful and funny. nect and are dominated by Ameri- oHarry Hamlin plays straight- ‘- ' .R
F . / 135063de Even the romance is “10qu credible ca's space program from the 194th arrow astronaut John Pope. Hamlin » -R ' ‘.
e, 3 . . and plu'poseful. . to the 19705: is the weakest link, mistaking John . '
NEW YORK — The maxtserles And Amenca‘s former love affair oJames Garner. who gets top bil- Glenn-type virtuosity for blandness. . ‘
.. ‘ “Space" takes viewers on an exhila. with space will be tapped with ling while the rest of the cast takes His relationship with his girlfriend— ‘
rating mission that floats effortles- stirring scenes recalling the space- alphabetical turns in the credits. wife Penny (Blair Brown) is the '
-'— sly amid fact, fancy and fireworks, launched goosebumps from the plays war hero Norman Grant who least interesting match, and their -
. recapturing the tingly drama that earlyflights. becomes a US. senator and constant separations and reuniom

\ I. .' ' once surrounded those red, white The production doesn't go over- cheerleader for the federally funded aregrating. '
M u be ._ w. w g. at y w, wit;- m M and blue heroes who hitched rocket board on the science fiction. VSpecViaI- space administration. Pope's fellow space jockey, Randy »
toned h for added he. efllee gee-L Intel e. m m. as. 9:15. rides “flush the sky and our Imagi- effects Junkies wont get their kicks .Bmce Dem mommy “222,222,222 Claggett iBeau Bridges», a late-arri~ . _

7.40 9.40 ".0 mum; ' nations. until the fourth part, but the real . .R val. threatens to steal the movie
- .- . - -) . _ , CBSwillb dcatthem-million NASA foota lds . l 'ththe in a rare TV appearance. is Dr. . . V R
Hy —- A young dd (Seal “and“ 0 ml in he pd a“! e to)“. S . t . V . 88 me mce )V' W Stanley Mott. an engineer who deliv- with his goodol —boy hlJinks,Vlaugh-
mmmmummnwnttumi ~ 1W )3ka?" adaptation of arhflcxal stuff. and Part Fives walk as key German rocket scientists 20 mg in the face of death during his -
flue ere-true cub — m. m in on W on.» and James Michener§ bestselhns novel on the moon (actually the Par- America at the close of World We, fictional Apollo 18 mission to the '
bred down add beaten .- they we end-y in dune-s. tie-ruse, on five consecutive nights, Sunday atnwntlthl :5 notcheesy stall. "_ Dem becomes nursemaid and dark side of the moon and relishing -
M (“led love." new cane-f). “eh-v. runs: an") on!“ wmurtshugx do“