xt7v154drm60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v154drm60/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1979 1979 1979-02-21 2020 true xt7v154drm60 section xt7v154drm60 i
l l
Plan demands growth limits A” “‘
By TERESA YOl'NG breaking the stalemate over long- experiences. the rest of the plan would decreasing rate of net immigration. to .
t Staff Writer range planning which exists in the not work. become almost /ero within 30 years.
(irowth Planning Task force.“ Kennedy spoke toahout Sllciti/ens (iovernment assistance will be i
In an effort toelosethe gap between lhis plan. he said.“gives Lexington attending a luncheon held yesterday provided to redirect the home 7 mm BWQBO .
two opposing forces on the Mayor‘s l5 years oflast growth and 20 years of by the United (‘ampus Ministry at the construction ind ustry toward ‘3‘: H. 5&8": 9‘13 Cq’ty, ~
Advisory Task Force on Growth slow growth.Itassuresthatthegrowth Koinonia House. renovation and redevelopment over ,3" , ‘ ~ 9"“S )'
Planning. one committee member has will stop and not take over the whole 'I he plan includes eight points: the next 30 years. " " a 5; v
proposed an eight-point. long-range county.“ The Urban Service Area will be No attempt will be made to ‘ '. / f \
alternative. Kennedy expects some opposition increased lfl square miles over 35 inerIchahse [IiIopulation densityincxisting /’
Michael Kennedy. a task force to his plan. “About 6 percent of yum“ , g g g j . "UL . m. "MI" . ,7”
, . . .. .. . - ,. . . , . . . y the year 2(ll5. 84 square miles Setting a goal to proVIdc all
member and an ASSOLIdlt architecture [gcxrnglong population In making Will ht.“ Iht.‘ lttl‘dl ilfCil ()l urbani/‘d . "d . . . . .I I . //
fessor at UK called his Ian a .. ‘ - i “ ,. . L “M tn”. 0' Lexington-Fayette ' ‘7
pro . ‘ p money from new HOMh‘ h“ ”‘Hd' Fayette County County With c ual services b I990 -
compromise between the two 20-year “And builders are negative about -‘ Insurinvtli't ‘ . id y. g ”I . .
plans Trend Development and anything bcsjdcs buying new property Establishing a governmental . t' ‘ ‘db ha prIohpcr LI “film." I” V ' ‘
Capital Induced Development and building on it.“ agency that would acquistion non- Lt)" Hwth. {“13“}. negotIatioIIn ‘5 ‘ -
presently being discussed by the task Kennedy maintainsthatlimitingthe developing and scenic easements of 'Lilmlii‘ 'T'ht Irden ounty (ouncil I? I .
force. (The trend plan involves growth or the Urban Service Area to land. (An individual maintains the MK: ‘3 ”I” ‘ 9:;th -. . I , O '
keeping the service area about the l() square miles overthe next 35 years. land. which is unavailable for it Icnne y ”IT?“ 'I‘I" h'5IPI‘I“? Wk“ Q; , \Vv-I .
same site it is now and the capital while assuring adequate room for urbani/ation.) This agency WWW lit ‘3 If)???“ Tam: 1(jrg‘f?lgjli)_n a 'wa" g
induced scheme calls for expanding dcycltypmcntg could bring down land insure that for every acre developed in (.2:th fitan-U’n I L ‘ltcmfit‘ 19",: \ wt .
the area by five souare miles.) prices in Lexington. The urban Service AW“- “W “”93 '.d T (.r , (”muoni ppm 0 i i A/' I i
__ , _. (probably outside of the area) are plan ha“ been mailed today 4. 3M0 CLARK ‘
“lhe basic problem of thetwoplans Kennedy also noted that if the _ - ' g ,_ g t luesdavltomembersol thetask lorec “Nixie" CWNTY
. . . . . secure from development. . . . .. . M
now beforethe task force is whattodo government did not make a policy to and l rbaii ( ounty ( ounctl. he said. “TWICE
after the 20—year plan is up.“he said. "I reduce the 3.0(I0-pcrson annual 'l he government will announce a “ | his will be the first anyone has heard
‘ developed this compromise in hopes of immigration Fayette County now policy to maintain a gradually 0‘ this plan."
e I 1 Mason
Vol. I..\'.\'l. N0. “0 l'niversity of Kentucky .
Wednesday. February 2i. i979 an independent student newspaper - l-nineton- Kentucky
M t 't' f td t t tbl'h d't
Pp . ,
BY PATRICE STEADMON seek advice on credit. And Evelyn Fox youths‘ finance drawbacks such as no International Consumer Credit knowing where to go." says KSU‘s Act. passed in l97l. You have to be
.1979 (-olleglm consumer Repomng gem“- of Oklahoma State University‘s property. no income and no credit. Association. adds: “Students are more Stockdell. told the reason why you were turned
(‘onsumer Action Council says her "We like the Jesuit concept of 'get charge card oriented nowadays. They Mary Alice Minney. director of down for credit - it it’s legitimate.
7 Students are paying more attention group is preparing a student guide to ‘em while they‘re young‘ because the are brought up needing charge cards.“ education for ICCA. suggests this: that information could help in the i
to establishing ”6an and credit card establishing credit. college student of today is the The SLILoms-based ICCA is a trade “The last thing you should go afterisa future.“ ,
distributors are paying more attention Most companies in the multi—billion consumer of tomorrow.“says Kenneth assoCIation for credit card companies. major credit card. because that is the It may take some planning and .
to them. douarindustry have noticed this trend. V. Larkin. senior vice-president ofthe Industry statistics show that the last thing you‘re going to get." persistence to start getting credit. biit
_‘ Melanie Stockdell. director of the Spokesmen for major firms say sound Bank of America. the country's largest entire country is becoming more She suggests starting small: opening some companies are eager to help out. '
‘ Consumer Relations Board at Kansas investment reasons support college commercial bank. “credit card oriented.“ The Nilson an accountata localdepartment store. One reason. says Bob Arietta. oi
State University. says many students market credit programs that ignore John Lockwood. director of the Report. a trade newsletter. reports returning mailed applications of Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. is that a I
. .- g _ . , _ i that if every plastic credit card holder established companies and joining a college studentis expected to work iii a 5 ,
' .2..5-:...:“-’.::-5\.:- .-.'-‘..-.-..:r:5.,..=::-, 2W”seas:atria-45:255.:s5»; 53:i:s-5:5::5=~==-=5‘-' ' ' “ ' ' .-5::3 was [0 Spend up [0 his credit “mi! on credit Pinion at work' higher “la f)’ brad“ ultc‘l graduation i
‘ _ M j-. $3? '; - . 1 _- Ij- each card. the total debt would be over Taking out a small loan. even when and receive pay increases at a taster '
. ' ”ts“ , . - instigate - . W ‘WMM .2 1.4:; $260 billion. By I985. the figure is it is not necessary. and paying it rate than people without a college ,
" . s ‘ _I "a s: \ expected to reach $500 billion. promptly is also a good start for a education.
.5 s ‘ Mag; '2 \ - g .2” j But even with this growth. hassles credit rating Minney says. And sometimes "students exhibit
s~ HE 222553235 ‘“.. . 5 2 iris-2:;- 4“ . g -. - - ‘ . . . . ' “ ’ ’
. 13%“ E~$ ‘e . - . Mgr: g still eXist for college creditapplicants. If a student is denied credit. Fox an above-aierage loyalty to a
. “ g is; tow? . ' 5 fi‘ g I'The problem for students has been suggests he go back and find out why. company if it gets its credit card into I
‘ ~g I s . °§ being educated emough to know how "The first thing that I emphasize to the student‘s hands early.“ says lruin ,
‘ jgng.‘ . . V s _ ’EIII to go about establishing credit people is the Fair Credit Reporting (‘ontinued on page 6
‘ ..
si- ‘ :: . t. U or, 0 re 0 a re pa 0 l0 v
‘ i » ”#3 if ' . .
K ‘9“ j . ‘ “ ' - f d k fl I .
. “a; g .5 gig?“ If; I -. “g 3 By DALE MORTON As for all the spare time that offers “(on l have a light hulh'" .1 _ .
$2 .2: x *3 MI .23 ' ii ‘ Slanwnl" desk clerks countless opportunities to "No. l have onli' /I(’U\'l onus. " 2.2-3
a. gjjjfiffv. 1.523? .52“ w "g f . do homework: Why would anvonc wantto beadesk ,3; .
‘ § --"3_ j m g 5‘}; 123%” * ' r-.__.s§“w _ EV" wanted 3 10b where you 80t ‘0 ”Homework. it just can‘t be done." staffer? Because RAs are required to l}; '
“ ”I js: "‘g- lg " g . . g meet P¢0P1c~ “IN" easy money Md said Mike Garnet. business junior and and because overtime pays. ‘r-‘i‘f -'
I' g h I; 53' ' " . have plenty 0f time 10 get last-minute resident advisor at Holmes Hall. According to Rosemary Pond.dean ’f" , _ . -
v» ’1. I ‘2 I' . g j = homework done? If 50- YOU might He‘s notaloncin his vicw.Atalmost of residence halls. each RA must sit 352}: i
.- Wk ' . m i . ’ l - want ‘0 bCCOmC 0'16 Of those every dorm on campus. the on-duty desk two hoursa week asa part oftheir 5;}; "
7" § , ' : personable people 5““ lounging ‘ RAs agreed it is hard to study with contract. if}? . -, . . i
» 2W T . f behind “Ch ”Side-"CC hall dCSk- continual interruptions. which are Time of employ helps determine 2% ’ g
iii-I: 2....- - j "Excuse me. I was wondering. ” generally uneventful. salary. which varies. Pond said. Desk {g g
' M w ' "Name. “’0'" and 50‘7”] WWW." "Do you have the pool staffers gaveasalary range of between 33‘- " -- .
i M“ X . . . . ”1071b” .. equipment?" $2.20 and $2.30 per hour. Theyare paid g . . i -
‘j j "s t ;- .‘ gig .3"é ”3‘" all I “'0'” ’0 d0 [5- - "No. I la]! it at the pool. " for extra hours. ".‘g ‘ » -
- . ‘ "" M 3, TOM MORANlltérnel Sm, ”DO”? Ill/k bat‘k/ Sign in " "Whats on T. V. tonight?" One desk staffer. who is not an RA 5 ' : ’
-I M A good make-up artist "n do wonders for . woman. 0r, 1%" [Ion/F W0"! '0 ltI’ZOWIWhWP- - - " :IPrograms. " I . and asked not to be identified. said she 3:» _ T,g ' .
. ake me on a woman: in this case Karen Pulliam. fine arts senior, IIWSIWO'W 0/ ml USMPSS- You [lost my ticket" in the laundry Sits desk for the money and “to help I? .
' who is transformed into the aged Granny Lester in the muI-VI’u-ig" "I ,.. ~ maItjhme downsttIinrs. other RAs out. If someone has to do - . -'
- production, Tobbaco Road. m, Is the bathroom. Tough lut-k. Continued 0" page 6 g '
- oda
local . '
_ y'ertie‘rfizynfohtlilfiseldnajTile)::ofr‘::1’i‘ni:u0n3:fiEigfrg _ He said the Sheraton groupras chosen from a list that festival. . I . .. .. continued yesterday with crowded american and (ierman -' .'
Columbia (ias of Kentucky. prohibiting the utility from included 0mm. Hilton. Marioti. Admiral Benbow and Captains ofthiprivatcsmial Iltrcws orcrcwsthatspomor jumbo jets wmging non-stop to the csI:0 d h h I d , . II
cutting off gas to a lexington family for nonpayment. Radisson. the parade said: We are notfigomg to let MardtGras beheld I Most of the AmerIcan passengers a arI t e c at erIe . . I
Maria E. Hocker. 50. filed suit against the company Feb. hostage by the Teamsters. The police are members of aircraft continued their way to the United States on regu ar . . .
l4. charging Columbia Gas failed to give IO days written TWO HARLAN COUNTY SCHOOLS WERE FORCED Teamsters Local 253' ~ ~ - - - flights. ' h bo‘ i g
. notice that her gas was to be terminated. as required by law. TO CLOSE yesterday and attendance dropped sharply at five Mardi Gras is a $50 million industryIin wa Orleans. Police A Pan Am spokeswomen said two oft ecompIany stum s . ‘
e Mrs. Hocker. her 94-year-old mother. four children and others when parents set up picket lines to protest the union spokesmen have called the festival our four aces tn were scheduled to return to Tehran for another two . .
H “V0 infant StalldChlldre'l We" WilhOUl heat “V0 days when continued use Of a former SChOOI bus by a strikebound coal seeking to wring concesswns from the City. Summit? 'ihgehrghol‘iifiyonary government settled more scores V
- - - company. canw ic. . . . g
'I . :ggg’lsil[itfidtizgafzege:usiio partial payment on the The demonstrators moved along Kentucky 38 intthlovcr THE BODIES 0F SEVEN PEOPLE. some with their with its enemies yesterday by ewcuting four more generalsof I- ..
. . Gas service was restored Feb.|4 “he“ the Lexington— Fork ”I“ and. asked drivers to turn back. . throats slashed. were drscoveIred last night in a three-story the old regime. but it faced a fresh challenge from Maritist
’. Fayette County Health Department notified Columbia Gas of Official; estimated that 7t) percent of the 2,000 pIuprls were budding in Harlem, police said. I . guerillas who have called a protest march to demand more say I
. an illness at Mrs. Hockcr‘s house. missing from seven schools in the area althoughthcrrtcachcrs There were unconfirmed reports the dCIThIS I'mflhl beliriked In how to run Iran. I I ‘
were on hand. Classes were called off at Shields Elementary to the Rastafarian cult. which is reportedly involved In tlllCtl In Atlanta. President Carter warned the Soviet Union that ., - '
7 and the Holmes Mill Middle School. narcotics activities in the neighborhood. any interference in Iran “will have serious consequences and -
' Police said the bodies of one woman and six men were affect our broader relations with them." ‘\ '
' . ‘ state . found at about 7.20 pm. Identities of the victims were not
' ' "800" immediately made public. " .I
-- 5 - - SHERATON INNS INC. or aosrou will be the weather ' ‘ ' -
_ . "~ , franchise for the S|0 million-plus hotel portion of the ‘ . V ' '-
‘ ‘ - I ' ' Convention Center complex planned for Bowling Green. SPONSORS CANCELED ALI. REMAINING MARDI world SNOW DIMINISHING TODAY with highs in the 505g I I I.I._' ’. - '
I Sonny Barr. convention center chairman. announced GRAS and carnival parades vesterday. citing a four-day Becoming cloudy tonight and tomorrow. lows tonight inthe .I .. - . . .. .'.
. -. g .' yesterday. police strikethat has already dulledthctraditional midwinter EXODUS FLIGHTS BETWEEN IRAN and Frankfurt mid 303 to mid 403. Highs tomorrow inthc mtd ‘0 upper 505- i . . f ,‘ ._ '7
‘ .
[WflM~—W?f:u.g ’ . 5..I~‘ “I;-"." . .--I - -‘"-' .. ~T.‘:f_:4_:..w_._g «‘4.<~. :w~.mgfifiwm~ww~-‘-~-‘ ‘ . ‘1\-----v-o~ ~,~-‘-v--- -f'““‘”~¢hm‘i . .
H . . :' .‘1. 235.35.": a "Spy i' . I 1 . - j I. . g .
i ‘ '- I' ‘. ° ' 3",? ‘ ”1%!“1’: . n'fi- AA—‘n Al 1- I I A —- - ‘ Hib’ 4' . ' O

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'9‘ ‘ . - i ‘ ~ 1 4 ' . ' .mwsaas~wctsmwwsswanm~v ‘ V .... ,.- .. ~n- _._ _, ‘ . , __,‘ {y _
- Steve Iallngcr Thor-u Clark 5"" “6"”) Walter Tunis Jamie Vaught Tom Moran
1‘ hdiior in (hurt hdnortul hilltor Ruth Mattingly 4d! Minor \portv hilltor Director of Photograph '
‘ Debbie McDaniel _
i e! 6 (ma “MI 7' “my T'“ (m NM - t
“kn". McDonald Jeanne WORM Jack WIIIIWIIIM tun/rm! 4d} lilitor John (ill) UM! (.an , J ;
‘ Munaxmx I‘Alitur 4vwi'lalt‘ I-Jluun Copy Eduon Brian Rickcrd Photo Manager .
. ‘ O O '4vviilunl Spurn [ft/Hon
.» editorials 8: comments ‘ i
. ' i y
I .,
e I ,
Ethics. Resumes e“
' ? OWIGD ‘ , i
~ W/// the new government be better. //\ a y ,
A . fly. t BI! .- t
’ l’hose who believed that the Iranian comparison. «1 {0, v _, - 3;
revolutionaries‘ lust for revenge had abated were But in essence. that position is onlyan admission ' 9/ , : g
__ " probably startled with the news yesterday that four that the new administration is no more humanethan ' f "7 v . ti.
. more generals had been executed. after quick the old one: The shah tortured and killed. now it‘s ‘2 a. .__._ l ‘ g
sentencing from a government tribunal. our turn. I4 v-‘ . - y?
‘ . The latest executions came shortly after an More importantly. the executions of enemies - 1' ——— ii
announcement by Prime Minister Mehdi Ba/argan show' that the Ba/argan government (though he is I ‘ ' .
. that the kangaroo-court trials and summary killings perhaps only a puppet of Khomeini) is insecure. and , My ,
\ would be stopped. and that the hundreds of officers apparently feels it is necessary to rule through fear. I FelLdN RA
and officials who were imprisoned after the revolt In fact. leftist opposition groups pose significant -.. A . WA“ 5;, - 7,4
. would receive fair trials. threats to the new government. and they are now t i‘_."!:;t‘»‘(g2:_ri‘f\ I ‘
Evidently. the new government wants to stay well-armed in the aftermath of the revolt. 1.. .:_"(~_l:;:—<'-l’\\ ( I'm
. firmly on the side ofthe masses. whoit believes want For the United States. it will be necessary to \l-T f l 7 i ‘ '
‘ more blood. That kind of vicious stance hardly decide how the Ba/argangovernment‘s policies will \ j’ \_ 1' -
inspires confidence or respect. especially when it is influence our relationship with Iran. If President i , ‘ ‘
coupled with hypocritical. selflscrving religious .limmy Carter‘s human rights policies are to have ‘i i ’// ” C0 ,
instifieations. any consistency at all he will denounce the -V '————‘-———- .‘ ~ ~
Defenders of the new government will still feel executions. just as he did the postponed execution . E .S t/
compelled to act as apologists for the Khomeini of Pakistan‘s former head of state. Ali Bhutto. an 7"“7‘! /‘i W/A ;
leadership. no matter what atrocities may occur. event which incongruously attracted moreattention // "‘in ‘5“
lhe severity and scope of the cruelty practiced than the first slaying of captured generals. And in l( (O ‘3‘! ii "’ 3’»
under the shah‘s administration. they will argue. Iran. the new government may be no more ethical , ‘ “‘4'.“ la; / m s. .
make Khomeini‘s savagery' seem trivial by than the old one. ' 4”ka
.. ,, _—‘——’——“'——‘-—— ~————-—-————-——__._..___.__-_——————————————-—____ng A_. . V..W.7A-..__._mma. . . 7 ”.7 “*w I:
Letters to the Editor i
Mi,”,__,#“.,;_.,.v,,,_ WWW, ,4-W—_____.___._— -.»
a “stereotype" by showing he‘s not interest in its outcome. When it finally one said anything likc that. so you're for these iiidgmeiits differs with each ' g l
Be d'fferent different from anyone else. then I sunk in that I might have to subsidize wrong." bL‘CIIUSC everyone knows individual. ~Certainly. the most LUV't {i E
wonder if that person‘s “religion“ has the student health care program with damned good and well that the term popualar iecords are Judged as h
g . anEIhing to offer me. Many church my own money. l was shocked.to say hillbilly connotates that. I know it's “good." "better"or“best" based onthe DearAlmost-Senator-Elect-to-Be g
I am writingthis in} response to the people seem to havean uncomfortable the least. Throughout the history of been Sild h§liflr9~ bl“ if he CKPCC“ 10 criteria of a significant amount of (ircgg Fields: f
' WW'C “n“‘k‘d [)l‘lllll.‘ Students 5f!) phobia of being stereotyped as medical care. we have had the freedom get a ,lol’ “mm? ‘hlS kind 0‘ imbecilic people. Although I may not agreewith Luvitluvitluvitluvitll ‘7
Stereotypes Arent lrue. l m different. My understanding of being of choice of which doctor to go to. Journalism.lwouldn‘thold my'brciith. all ol the (iraminy selections. I However. you misquoted me on i
5‘Udllng 1“ be u‘mlnl‘k‘r 01 the Gospel Christian is Christ—like and that isn't Because of this freedom of choice. I certainly won‘t condemn them simply something. My amendment was notto
and I \‘Ull‘illhl/C “"h Iht‘ seminary like everyone I know. have chosen my own doctor (not the Trista (”"0" because-[hm \vcrn‘t my selections. ' givethe basketball players dopeiftheyV E
:Wdt'm“ “til“ 10 be Will Md not be ‘d To deny that difference is to deny Health Service.)When my doctor‘s bill Theatre Arts freshman Regarding the author‘s final case in want it; I think they should be forced
stat-Ly“s;:;e:vryy)p:.chrimans 21mm” :Ziiungghirrisyimcrigg ecalirar‘irg;(‘yvrl‘isi‘cill Lilir:‘se:éipgggrf:eelil havethe rightto . . poini‘diirtlierlresearchwillclearupthe to take the stuff. Those guys are in :
. . _ » ~ - . . . y. ‘. _ , ghborto help pay While you may find the term to be mum of “itth albums wcie released desperate need of the added speed.
In the description of the explonts of powerless to make any difference in for it: I received the service Ishould an insult to all Appalachians. many of first, lhe claim that Billy Joel‘s new altitude and articulation. Besides it ‘
the “N church PCUPIC yelled. "lhey one's life and therefore unworthy. pay for it. the region‘s residents are proud ofthe album 52nd Street isolde-rthan recent should helpthem understand what Joe E
that have turned the world upside John Cooke. in some of his I would conclude that. with my word. For instance. Billy Bob Renner. releases by Steve Martin (lit/(I and Hall is saying. ln fact.a little for the "‘
down have come here also (Acts l7:b.l comments. has alluded to “religious" short exposure to the business world. vice-president of Student Government (‘ru:i (tin) and loto ( 'I‘o/o) is old coach! and Ribeye Cliff couldn‘t -'
I” lact. throughout ”W PEN '9 people whose lifestylesdemonstrate so the people who usethe services pay for and a native of Somerset in Pulaski unfounded, Steve Martin‘s album was hurt. ' ~
”mum“ lht’ft‘ “WNW“ him have little difference that he can‘t respect the services. If this mandatory health County says: "I in no way considerthe released by Warner Brothers on ;- f
knowntheirbod havedonethousands them or any of their petty religiosity. care fee business gets the go-ahead. term hillbilly to be demeaning or October l3: while 53nd Street was Senator Richard "Redeve Ziglag" l
0’ ?\Plf‘|l> inJesus‘ name. In his way. he has pinpointed the whenlreturn nextsemesterlwouldn‘t belittling." released by ('88 no earlier than Diznev ' “it
The only way for a Christian to be hypocrisy of ”churchy“ people with be surprised if there was a mandatory Also. the article itselfdid not usethe ()ciober Id. In fact. when Bil/hoard A&S iunior I17
_ real is for him to deal ruthlessly with deadly accuracy. ltseemsifChristisn‘t food service fee to be paid by all term. nor was anyone inthearticle maga/ine announced the release of .5"
any compromise in his life and line up evident in my attitudes toward and students. because of the rising cost of described as walking “around film/Street in its October 2| issue. the
‘0 ”l“ Blbhc'dl l'mnCll’lcs 0i holiness dealings with others. if Christ isn‘t food. And wouldn‘t you know it. I barefoot. wearing tattered clothing album 'Ioto had already appeared in Who cares .'
and purity. .lesus stated. “Without present in my dating relationships. if have chosen to eat where lwant to. at and too lazv to work." — Ed. the lop 200 album listing for one i ‘
home“ no man shall $89 QOd" my standards are just a reflection of my house. ' week, ‘
(Hebrews |2:4l and also. "Little the world around me. then I‘d best This proposal is absurd and should ' ' Next time. be more iustified in your Who gives a damn who John Cooke i
. Chlldrt‘tv let no one deceive you. the admit that I take no pleasure in this go no farther than where it is today. Ed It unfalr accusations. i t is‘.’ ~
one who practices righteousness is Christ or His Word. ' i
l'lghICOLh‘ just as He (Jesus) is Often whenlfind my'selfwondering Stephen Rouse After reading. the anonymous Paul “0s Thomas Ross . .'
“ghtcous ' (l Johnv3z7.‘) what people think. lam reminded ofa Biology sophomore editorial regarding the Grammy Music Education graduate student English junior . -
Real ,( hristianity' is not choice that‘s been given to me Awards(Feb. l9).itbecomesapparent -.
compromising with a world divorced endless struggle. trying to please Fields war ed that more thought and insight should
from (rod. Real Christianity is a myself and others. OR living beyond p accompany SUCh an attack. . .
demonstration ofthe power ofGodtll myself. endeavoring to please . ‘ .. It is easy to say thatsomething is .
Corinthians :45) Someone greater. my heavenly Father. l think (iregg l-ields has a warped wrong. but much moredifficulttogivc P I I ; .
' sense of humor. The Baby Alive thing sound suggestions for its correction. I C .~ .
Craig Terndrup Joe Wiley was disgusting and now. best ofall. his The editorial slams the (irammys as a Letters 0 y i - '
Communications junior “NW“? Medical student degradation of Appalachians. If he “popularity contest." citing record i i
had used a black or a Jew or any other sales as the onlycriterion for selection; ; ’y
, Phobia F of the minorities he would have people perhapsthis is true. While i am also The Kentucky Kernel welcomes and encourages f .
ees absurd :03“? :I h'"; from 3“ Sides- 50 he dlsaPl’O'mc‘l that POPUIM"? '5 3" contributions from the UK community for publication 7
a 5 ac ont e. ood ole stan b th overwhelmin criterion here. I am . - -, - - . ' .
.l was disappomted in the substance This letter is in regards to the “Hll.LBlLLY."gThanl( yotij. yM: confused by fhe author's reference to on the editorial and opinion pages. I
of the comments made by some Kernels storyabout mandatory health Fields. for reconfirming the ideas artists who suffer from “oversight." letters. opinions and commentaries "7"“ be typed and
sTeipiiryary students in the Lexington care fees (Feb. l9.) about Appalachians that they are On what basis are they considered triSIe-Zpaced. and) melt??? thedwriter:Siglgaturp.:dd;ess .
theeolvgizhtiltfifimrony ii reported in Reading the“ story about the dumb “hillbillies" who walk around “best?“ When dealing With terms such an p one num er. .stu ems 5 cu In? u e t t?" "
. . “ one has to problem with rising costs for health barefoot, in tattered clothing. and too as good. better and best. we are using year and mayor. and UniverSIty employees should “51 ‘:
prove that he doesn‘t fit a ministerial care. I didn‘t think I had a vested lazy to work. Don‘t think “Aha. no affective valuejudgments. The criteria lhe” department and posmon. “
Letters. opinions and commentaries may be delivered 2
4 personally to the Kernel newsroom. ”4 Journalism
BOY I FEEL Ly KE‘ BOY I mK UKE‘ CH 1:“ ILL MVE ‘10 (ALL- Euildinbg. Some fornli otf; idenltifjicatigr‘; is rletét‘t‘iired. .
. _ ‘ontri utuions ma . a so e mm c to itoria tor,
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% ll” kl\|l ( |\\ klRNH . “ednesdily. I-ehruilrt 2|. MIN—t
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M B e and Hubbard kick off their television advertrsrng cam paigns
. (AP) Ff” at least 1W" ”"3835 Ha the‘airwayes. ”0“ "WC“ itdW’ll‘l'lk’ consulting lllm -Itl\|\s‘d Ill-ll \WHH “ll” has A lttllmtlls‘ and a lot Iexxetpenxiic."ltlryan lxaac said Atkins consults .i
1 candidates. lerry McBrayer . lherr campaign manager\ MeBrayer does irrirnediately "|\’ ads are important .it thix .idieirixirii: ltllll. “xirite xhe ixa said south ('amIma mm that
i and CarrollHubbard.theradio discussed some ol their plans belore the prirtiary "absolutely time ot year beeaiixe xtiidit-x lltitist‘llitltl name by now He said Sloane. who liax .i xpeciali/ex in political
. I and television advertising race recently in interviews with the depends on money.“ llelion liaie .hown people- Vtatth ari llk'sttlt's. you can turn people louixiille adiertixrng tirrn. liax adiertixing and plans to xpend
forthe Democratic nomination Bow/mg (ircen Dal/r M'H‘t. said ayerage ol tiie hour. ot I\ III on ll you oierplay the adx I been tilmtng lL'lL'\l\l(H‘l about 3100.000 on his media
0 for governor is underway. McBrayer began shooting Hubbard‘s approach will be winter and only aborrt three .i hope xonie oi our buddies do eomrriereialx lot .i tew montbx. gurnpuign
The "35‘ have lirm plans [0 television commercials NW- 3. dillet'cnt. said his brother and day" in warmer weather that ‘ but would not comment on the __
enter the advertising “W ”W day alter lht‘ general campaign manager. Kyle It. (ioy llielriiaStoyall will llarii-i. Sloane. who also cost eseept to say they are (“T “h” 'l " l'd'wlml‘h,
before the May primary. election. said Mike Helton. his Hubbard. plati her erid-ol—eartipargn I~ .. n . I, l I . a l I, u I N \ I | le espenxiye. expensiye "to conduct a l \
3 McBrayei has been running campaign manager. 'lwo commercials now on adyertixrng lll‘sl. xaid her .idyertixiiie eorrrpativ alxo ix (reorge Atkins intendx to Lu”Willi-"‘- hs‘vl'd lyentual-
. television ads in “him he dons In consultation With it N0“ the air which cost about campaign Illiilltigel’. Robert () concentrating lexx on early hold oil on radioand teleyixron I) “”mdhml" 1‘ going“) h‘ncm
- work clothes to light tires and York t‘irm. McBrayer has spent 555.000 will be lollowed by Miller. "We plan to start \\llll .ltl\t‘lltstlli_‘ heeauxe he ix .itlyerlising until about the h" “‘"Md ”“1
talk toughIabout inflation with $210000 tor television spots others inIMareh and still riiore May 29 and buy backwardx known trorn his teritite ax xecoerid week ol .-\ptilarid their 1 meme .. a problem my
. a group ot farmers. that “show lerry lor what he is in April. “as we create What you are able to do louixiille mayor and bix Loon "begin an iriierisiie campaign." 1mm“ 10...] gnu-(”mun l
f r in. Hubbard‘s ads. the a small town (ireenup momentum steadily until the depends on the money How niilewalkatroxxthextatexaid xard his campaign manager U,nIn]I..I.,IIL-I Ralph id ~
candidate promises to clean up lawyer.“ Heltort said. . _ elimart in May when the We plan to xpend about his llllp.tl_L'll rrianager. \llen lorri lsaae "By the time we‘re (irayex. xard his campaign
f governmentashcoverlooksthe Six spots \Mll be alredItIhis ayerage person ix going to Sillll.llllll on her media l‘lH-tll through it you‘re not deal. rtianagcr. (lair \ieholx “We
“Valley of the Drums" month to stir name recognition decide who to mac tor." the campaign ” " l liar ix one reaxon we went dutribarrtl blind there ixnoway don‘t base the big money to
.: hazardous chemicaldump near lor the lormer state commerce campaign manager said, Miller said early adiertixing our and extablixlied ourxeliexin you can exeape (reorge Atkins xpend like eyeryone else." he
' Louisville. secretary. and then McBrayer He said Hubbard‘s Memphis is not ax important tor Mix [lie “all. It ix more etteetiye and hi. ind-“up..- “ “Id
In the next few weeks the willresumetelevisionand radio
,,- other four major Democratic advertising in April alter a ' ' ' '
‘-;- cdddidm. Wm ddvdi ad. mddd. did... dd... ....d. Ch/nese In vaslon 0 f V/emam shows toughness .
'9 (AP) ('hina‘s inyasion ol Iao ('ai yesterday. but lhat intelligence sources in Mlanta. said yesterday the WWW” ”W W” communist i
‘ Victnum has \ho“n that [hc \Iiclnumcsc dClL‘lltlL‘l‘s ltlUlt‘tl ”allybtlk Mlltl lllL‘ ('lllllL‘SC hild l lillL'd States ll'dd HL'tH'lSUllel PUVHITS
I ' new leadership can be tough some (‘hinexe units elxew here thrust 43 tar as l0 miles beyond directly with leadersaroundthe
" . even as it becomes moreliberal in the mountainous border Iltt'H deepest penetration world" about the Vietnam lalk ot derriocratie tightx.
. on human rights. itslriendshtp country. accordingt to re- It‘i‘ttttetl \rlonday \ietrram'x xituation chas belieiedtobe close econom