xt7v154drh20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v154drh20/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2000-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2000 text GLSO News, January 2000 2000 2000-01 2019 true xt7v154drh20 section xt7v154drh20  / GLSO NEWS
W- l
. W Vol. 15 January 2000 No.1
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
CLSO on The Web Kentucky fairness Annotation. Btucgruss chapter
"Out with the old and in with the Our local Fairness chapter will forces with GLSO, the Lexington
new", isn't that what they say, or was hold its annual General Meeting on Men's Chorus, the imperial Court,
I dreaming of my Mother singing to Wed., January 19, at 7pm. The meet- Moveable Feast and others,
herself as she cleaned out my room lng will be held in the downstairs sanc- Fairness mobilized a 200+ strong
when i left for college? Anyway, it tuary of the Lexington Metropolitan contingent in the independence Day
goes to show that even the "give me Community Church (MCC) below the parade this summer. The August
your tired, your poor__," has rele- Pride Center, 387 Waller Avenue. ordinance celebration bash at Windy
vance in this change of times. There are seven positions up for Knoll farm attracted hundreds of
Yes, you guessed it, we are election for the Steering Committee. happy Fairness-minded folks and an
moving forward, and maybe it has Anyone in attendance can vote. impressive showing of local politi-
been more at the speed of grass 1999 has been such a remark- cians out seeking votes. Fairness
growing than light, but hey, better able year for Lexington and and GLBT politics appear to be com-
now than never, right? l could tell Kentucky as a whole thanks to a ing of age in central Kentucky!
you timing is everything, but then if large part to our Fairness volunteers This work is leading to recogni-
you believe that, you'd buy my and our two staff members, Maria tions local and national. Maria Price,
swamp in south Florida thinking it's Price and Krisi Sexton. Starting in Fairness' resolute organizer and lob-
bluegrass. January with no anti-discrimination byist in Frankfort for over six years,
What is it we are doing? We are protections anywhere in Kentucky was awarded a national Stonewall
setting up a web page, a page for the other than for Henderson City's pub— Award of $25,000 in recognition of
tired, the poor.__and those in between lic employees and workers at certain her amazing work in Kentucky. The
celebrations. It will remind us of progressive employers, we can be various statewide chapters of the
where we came from here in thankful that December finds our statewide Kentucky Fairness /
Kentucky, our struggles and victo- state with no less than FOUR Alliance and its Louisville Fairness
has it will give you information and Fairness laws on the books affiliate (which pre-dates KFA) both
contacts; hopefully, it will even make Lexington in particular can be won the _,,_continued on page 2
you laugh. There'll be information pleased at having the most compre-
about finding support, links for relat- hensive of these ordinances after its
ed topics and sites for those looking overwhelming 12-to-3 passage on Sponsor of the Month
for something or somewhere to go. July 8 by the Urban County Council.
it will take you out of the area, Fairness hosted a number of _ '
giving you news as to what the rest popular fund raisers and events in SomaWorks
of the world is doing, even events 1999 including the March movie and Therapeutic Massage
upcoming and past. Eventually there vigil for Equality Begins at Home in
will be pictures of pride events and conjunction with the National Gay
social activi- __Confinued on page3 and Lesbian Task Force. Joining

 Fairness..continued from page 1 sister counties. 2000 will be a busy
-23.... ”Harem? NGLTF'S 1999 Creating Change year! .
Wee e ewe " Award as the two groups that have Therefore it is critical to have our
eeetw”2e;eee’ most bettered GLBT's peoples lives best and brightest serving our com-
eeeeeetefi this year. munities. Fairness is one outlet for
figgfiféfi The Lexington chapter's co- this vital community service. Please
53%: _ chair, Jeff Jones, was also appointed consider votunteering in some way
__ mm), by the Mayor to the Lexington- and/or servrng on our 15 member
.’ Fayette Urban County Human Rights Steering Committee. Due to our
Commission in recognition of his rotating terms 0f 3 years, we have 7
efforts since 1993 to document and vacancies open. Traditionally any-
educate about hate crimes and dis- one may vote who attends the meet-
crimination in Ky through the GLSO ing. bwe hare "0W instituting annual
I ter als with FA - mem ers ips to help support our vol-
The GLSO News Sloject. god to this 25:31:22,}:22 unteer work and eventually will move
Vol.14 Issue 10 ed amount of media coverage via to members-only voting. On January
“11,118th Monthly by cable access public hearings, TV, 19’ voting Wi” be open to those in
and the newspapers, and we can be attendance, but we urge you to join
. content that our neighbors have been Fairness and get 0" OUT
The Lexington Gay richly educated this year about our mailing/phone/email lists.
- . lives and struggles. Nominations will be taken from the
Lesbzan Servzce Now it is time to look forward to floor that night or you may call (296-
Organization the 21st century. The biennial KY 7812) or email (nominations@fair-
General Assembly begins Jan. 4 with nessQQorg) into the co-chairs before
321 Second St. both proposed bills for a statewide the meeting. Local politicians are
Fairness law (the Steln-Marzian bill) being invited to attend, 30 this is a
and one seeking to quash local com- great forum to 33" questions.
Editors: munities from offering these protec~ 30’ mark those calendars: 7pm,
tions (the Kerr bill). Wednesday, January 19, Lexington
M813, Crone Religious conservatives backed MCC: Waller Avenue!
Peter Taylor by Pat Robertson's American Center
for Law and Justice (ACLJ) are pur- Therapy GPO"? Opportunity
suing constitutionally questionable Kerri Goodman, a Marriage and
GLSO Annual Dues lawsuits against 3 of the 4 new Family Therapist, is planning to start
and Newsletter: $15 Fairness laws. All 12 of the district a QVOUP for gay/lesbian individuals

Dues and Newsletter for seats on the Urban County Council and couples 0” Jan. 25. 't W” be

Couples: $20 and all of the Ky House held on Tuesday evenings, from 6 to
Representatives face re-election in 8 PM at her private practice 0”

_ , , November along with several key KY Reynolds Rd- It Wi" 0051310 per per-
Op'n'ons “pressed '" the GLSO News em Senators and the President who will 30" 0’ $15 per couple to cover office
those of the authors and don’t necessanly undoubtedly appoint a number of space rental, beverages and other
represent those of the GLSO Board. . . enses. For information you can
Submissions are welcome and become the supreme Court seats In his term. exp - -
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves LeXlngton Fairness also jUSt Changed call her vorce mall at 273-5698 and
the right to edit submissions and advertise— its official name to KFA—Bluegrass leave your. name and phone number
ments as well as the right to reject any sub- chapter to reflect our plans to expand and She WI” call you back.
missions or advertisements. our membership and voter education -Mova,hieiFeast 53:3“. need of '

guide research to our neighboring
GLSO Page 2

 xrlr",-.rl;,awmur “Mil” “Winter/”FM 3“,”! “M
r l~ ltin‘r’” ’S/‘iilrvj‘f’tjiltlfil‘él
. ? If’tjr"’””~*" figrth‘rg‘T ‘1"ltrii’J‘iebwtt’trer"“i«rz,*rtli.’i“’ét’I
r ties, complete with lists of supporters. Interweave - gant pep rally for womens' gymnasts.
t In a nut shell, the new web page will On Sunday, January 9’ Sunday, January 23 - WOMENS'
; be a place even Dorothy would be Intenlveave will be having second BASKETBALLllll - UK vs Tenn. 2PM!
_ proud to call "home". Sunday lunch after the church service Memorial Coliseum.
_ This is an exciting step for us but (about 1215') Members of lnterweave For next month, a Valentines
, it does not mean “out with the old"; and friends are invited to join us at a Dance is planned for Sat, Feb. 12 at
this ever faithful newsletter will still be restaurant to be determined. Some of the Kirklevington Clubhouse, 8PM. it
available and more in need of sup- us willthen go to see the free Diversity will be an intimate amd special
porters than ever. The newsletter and Films showing of Guantanamera at the evening. Come comfortable, or dress
web will work hand in hand, bringing Central Library Theater. to the nines; good music, good
in the new with the old, collaborating A number of lesbians and straight friends, good fun!
as one. women will also be gathering for the
Pass the word, the GLSO is Women’s Spirituality Group on Jan 7 M8. magnum 1345mm:
expanding and the horizons are vast, and 21 at the Fellowship House at the The annual MS Valentine
so support your community and UU Church. We will be having a pot Pageant is set for Wed, Feb. 9. The
become a member of GLSO or pay luck at 6:30 and a program at 7:30 On Royal Sovereign Imperial Court of all
what you can to receive the newslet- the 7th we will be doing dream work. Kentucky is planning the Ms. Valentine
fer at your home. See the subscrip- 2000 pageant to be held at Club 141
tion form on page Consider giving a D‘scuss‘on 6 "up on Vine Street starting at 9 sharp.
donation, no matter how small to help The GLSO Discussion Group is A Season for Love is the theme.
maintain the web and newsletter, as going strong with a variety of people All girls interested in vying for this won-
Gay Kentucky needs both in its quest attending. A good place to meet peo- derful crown need to start planning,
for equality. ple and to have interesting conversa- preparing, and practicing now. Co—
tions. Come out to the Pride Center on hosting the pageant are Niagara Falls
Jmages of Blackness Wednesday nights at 7230 for some and Sundae Delarouge. Categories
The Variety Show good talk, support, and laughs. Call 'nC'qu presentation '9 ’de talent and
in honor of Black History Month, Jane at 389-7698 for details. evehlng 90W“ App'watlons W'" be
Ebony Male will once again bring an available from Niagara (321-5411) or
exciting cast of entertainers to the Social Concepts Sundae (3128113)! at GM) 14? and
Bar Complex. The Show will be on Social Concepts is a social group 0” “”e- Get ready to 8h9W lfex'”9ton
Wed. Feb, 2 and will begin promptly for women that sometimes includes ¥0U’_ love and talent. Application dead-
at 9 PM. A donation of $3 is suggest- men in its activities. lts major project in “”9 '3 February 1- _
' ed to benefit the Aids Medication january will be a mentoring workshop Everyone get ready for a ”'th 0f
fund_ on Sat, Jan. 15, from 9 to 11:00 AM. fun: Va'enfine 'Ove’ drag and meybe a
This year’s show will include live Are you interested in becoming a men- few cute guys!!! _(0f QOUVSG Niagara
performers and female illusionists. for to the newly coming out or the new and Sundae get f'TSt d'bs) We expect
Returning by popular demand, DJ’s to the Lexington community? i haven't toIhave CUp'd available for moms! 30
Larry and Harvey will be Spinning heard from those of you who bring your spouse, lover, partner, 9'
R&B favorites throughout the night in expressed interest earlier. Call or date for_ some fun pictures. Th's
the Johnny Angel Disco. Please join email Ginger to reserve a spot. pageant '5 expected to be one 9f the
Ebony Male and the Bar Complex for Other activities: Sunday, Jan. 9 - beet 0f the year 2000 so do "0t miss 't'
this sixth Annual images of 7PM, Memorial Coliseum, Women's SEE YOU THERE!
Blackness ShOW! Gymnastics "Excite Night"; extrava- Community news continued page 4

 Community Net/Os Canti'nued Phoenix and coordinator of the event, pleted ballots and the results were :
' - - called it "the most successful drive Best Neweomer—Ckicki Rodriquez
Married Lesbians ever. The CWOLTS haVe conducted Most Jmproved——Karen Kollefi
There is a new support service on similar benefits in the past but this Best Stage Make. up——La+oya Bacall
the net for women who are lesbians, year with the assistance of the Lyons, Best Haiw—eden Towers
or who are considering the possibility it really took off. it's great to see the Best Costumes—«Taylor Bryce
that they might be, and WhO are mar_ leather community DU" together." Best Character Jmpersonat‘iow-
ried to men. You can reach the list Both clubs will have bar nights in Rayna Starr
serve at http://0nelist.c0m/communi- January at The Phoenix, 123 W. Main Best Comedy performance-—Sunclae
ty/LexMarriedLez. You will have to St: the C.O.L.T.S on Friday, January Delamgue
become a member to onelistcom, 7 and the Lyons on Saturday, January Best BaflendeW—Annie Cummings
which is free. 22. In addition, the Lyons will have an Best Bar Manager—Terry Brockman
outpf-town bar night at the Serpent in Best DEL-Chad Norris ,
Successful Leather Benefit Cincinnati, Oth on Sat, Jan. 29. Best Bar Owner—Michael Langano
Leather Cares, a benefit for the 8‘ pd” Dew”
UK Children's Hospital, co-hosted by Your Choice Awardsl Best Overall Stage performer“
Lexington's two leather clubs, the ROCI‘S CMSSMQS Lab)” Bow”
Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S and the Lex. Leigh Angelique’s award show Congratulation to the winners
Lyons L/L, at The Phoenix on Dec. 4’ on Dec 8 at Crossings proved itself and a big thank you to Crossings and
yielded 78 stuffed animals(mostly once again as top entertainers and the fabulous entertainers. Watch for
teddy bears) valued at over $400 and bar staff were recognized for out— Leigh Angelique’s Miss Lexington
$186 in cash donations. standing work in the Lexington Supreme coming Feb 23. See Leigh
Larry Stanley manager of The Community. Over 150 people com- or Latoya Bacall for information.
C01 d Feet, Warm Heart feet trying to find that warmth shejust become wedged between my side
lost, my partner makes one last fluid and the mattress.
By LOI‘i Sh ephe I‘d motion that closes what little gap was Seconds later, l feel a cry well up
left between our bodies completely. inside of me and it startles me as it
On a cold January night the only I wrap my arms tightly around escapesmy lips, "Sweetheart, you
place I want to be is nestled deep her and I hold on for my very life. All are pushing me off the bed!"
within flannel sheets, nuzzled up next this movement has sent the com- She wakes only slightly, mutters
to the warm body of my soul mate. forter askew and the cold night air is and snorts as she wiggles an inch or
Her skin is so soft and supple. l starting to creep onto my naked so back toward the center of the bed
can feel the warmth of her body as it back. | shiver and use my free hand and lets me scoot my body back into
escapes her naked back and soaks to salvage the corner of the com— our bed. I reach down and pull our
into my chest. At some point during forter before it falls to the hard, wood thick comforter back on top of us,
our slumber, the covers shift slightly floor below. tucking the edges around her as best
and the cat that has wedged itself It's too late. The comforter has as I can.
between us stirs with a distinct mur- fallen from grasp and is lying in crum- Having saved myself from the
mur of annoyance. pied heap on our bedroom floor. impending fall to the hard, wood floor
As if drawn magnetically, our Now with the cold rushing quickly below, I breathe a contehted Sigh
bodies are inching closer and closer over us, my lover's urgency for close- and lie back against what little of my
together. Just before we forge into ness has intensified. pillow she has allowed me to share
one solid mass of flesh Maggie, the mm a new found desire for the with her. As I drift back into my wrn—
cat, is forced to flee to save herself warmth of my body she pushes her- ter hibernation, I feel her body inch
from being crushed. self deep into my arms and forces my closer to me. | wrap my arms tightly
As Maggie turns circles at our arm that was wrapped tightly around around her and thank God for bring—
her to slip loose from her and ing her to me.
GLSO Page 4

 : Unitarian Views show, "Public Eye", for our sexuality
THE PRACTICE curriculum (teaching SEX at church!)
As do many religious leaders, . . Our denominational response has
i” Rev Cynthia Cain communicates 1: Spend five minutes at the begin- been to forge ahead with new sexu-
some of her thoughts to the UU ning of each day remembering that ality curriculums which UUCL is
Congregation every few weeks in the we all want the same thing - to be, about to undertake. Why should sex-
Uniview. Fiev. Cain is a Buddhist as happy and loved, and we are all con- uality classes be taught at Church?
well as a Unitarian Universalist and nected. Join Rev. Cain as she explores some
recently sent us these words: 2. Spend five minutes cherishing ways in which her life, and the lives
yourself and others. Let go of judge- of those around her, might have been
We heard recently from s om e- ments. Breathe in cherishing your- different had she learned about sex-
q one who returned from lndia. Her self, and breathe out cherishing oth- uality in the context of a loving reli-
group met with the Dalai Lama for ers._ lf thefaces of people you are gious community. Warning, she plans
, several days. The meetings focused havmg difficulty With appear, cherish to be honestl.
on dialoguing what they believed them as well. ' . On Sunday January 16, the ser-
were the five most important ques- 3. During the day, extend that atti- Vice Will be in honor to Martin Luther
tions to be considered moving into tude to everyone you meet - we all King. Plans are still being made and
3 the new millennium. The group was are the same, and I cherish myself we hope to have a musical service.
1 asked to come up with five questions and you. Do it With the grocery store On Wednesday evenings, from
r before meeting with the Dalai Lama. clerk, the client, your family mem- 7 to 9 pm, we have adult forums that
1 They asked: bers, co-workers, etc. include a variety of programs. On
1 How do we address the widening 4. Stay in the practice, no matter the first wed, nights of each month
gap between rich and poor? what happens. . we will focus on "Contemporary
_ How do we protect the earth? If you enjoy learning about a issues in Unitarian Universalism."
5 H ow do we educate our children? variety of Spiritual beliefs, the On Wed, Jan. 5, at 7:00 pm in the
How do we help Tibet and other Unitarian Church has a lot to offer. Conference Room, Chuck Sohner
) oppressed countries lpeoples? Look over some of our upcoming will lead the discussion on the draft
I How do we bring spirituality _ deep acfiwties below. “Statement of Conscience,
' caring for each other - through all dis— Economic injustice, Pm?” and
ciplin es? WHAT’S'UP at [)1] Church Ramsm". We may not like these
: The Dalai Lama said all the things, but what are we as UUs going
’ questions fall under the last one. lf Worship Services: Every to do about them? The subject for the
I we have true compassion, our chil- Sunday 10:45 AM. Jan 2: Gifts we February 2 session is "Responsible
i dren will be educated, we will care for didn’t give; Gifts we didn’t receive" Consumption as a Moral Imperative".
' the earth, and for those who "h av e For fun, bring any gift (unwrapped) On Wed, Jan. 12, and continu-
n ot." He asked the group: Do you you didn't really need or want and ing through February on the second
: think loving on the planet is in cr ea 3- you Will be able to take home a gift and fourth Wednesdays of the
ing or staying the same? that someone else didn’t need l month, we will begin a study of T he
I His own response was, "My There will be an opportunity for some World’s Religions," based on a Video
' experience leads me to believe that of us to share our thoughts about series with Bill Moyer and the emi—
love IS increasing." He shared a these tin-asked for gifts. Rev. nent professor of philosophy and reli-
‘ practice with the group that will Cynthia Cain will offer a homily gion, Huston Smith. We will watch an
increase loving and compassion in Jan 9: "Sex, Lies and Religion: hour video each evening and follow
the world, and asked everyone (sorry, no videotape)" About one with an hour of discussmn. J0ln us
attending to 90 home and share it {far age], ourttUU church in Corlicord, for these stimulating films.
. . assac use 3, was "expose " on
With as many people as possrble. the now defunct Bryant Gumbel
- CLSO Page 5

 The Royai Sovereign Jmperiai (ZoomL of 0" Keniucky
is planning +ir\e Ms. Vaienfine 2000 pageanf *0 be keid
on Wednesday, Feb. 9, ai Ciub 141 on \/ine Sireei
s+ariin9 a’r 9 sharp. ‘Uney iniended To have a fuii page
ad in +kis space bud Ckrisimas confusion se+ in. Look
for ’rkeir ad for “A Season for Love” her} mom‘k.
.i- ‘- ”gigsjfigim3*”?3."J,-,.~-.-.-.—W'=>3~?E:'1,“-511.1a“1».-.-1.v,‘='iI§:EE::ye" A N I T A V A N D E V E N T E R
*1. V.» 2% ff
;f w§  (606)233—3439
“ka are inere so many songs abouiL rainbows and wkai’s on ike
oii'ier side? Rainbows are visions bud oniy iiiusions, and rainbows nave
nofking ’ro hide. So we've been ioid and some choose io beiieve if. 3
know ikey're wrong, waif and see. Someday we'ii find if, Hae
Rainbow connecfion. Tine iovers, Hie dreamers and me.” KermhL
GLSO Page 6

 “Atheism! game, and a professor blacklisted for politi- Conchita Brando. To Ms. lbarra, her
Guantanamera cal nonconformity, and her husband, late husbands film is “a song in
Adolfo, travel with the hearse praise of life and love." Join us in
On January 9 at 130, towards Havana. viewing this engaging film that is also
Guantanamera, directed by Tomas Adolfo uses this opportunity to a bold overview of modern day Cuba.
Gutiennez Alea and Juan Carlos implement a hearse relay system In March, Diversity Films is plan—
Tabio, will be shown free of charge at that only a bureaucrat could love. ing to show Golden Threads, a docu-
the Central Library Theater. Alea The protracted funeral procession mentary about Christine Burton who
previously directed Strawberry and serves as a metaphor for the deeper founded an international network for
Chocolate, a bitter sweet gay themed problems facing contemporary Cuba. midlife and elder lesbians. The film
comedy, that was the first Cuban film And yet, as they transverse Cuba, makers, Lucy Winer and Karen Eaton,
to go into general release in the the beauty of the land and the vitality are coming to Kentucky for this view-
United States. Those of us that had and humor of the Cuban people con- ing in early March.
the opportunity to see this previous vey hope for the future of the country. We are also planning to bring
film were impressed with the direc- In contrast to her stuffy husband, Lucy Massie Phenix, another lesbian
tors ability to weave together politics, Georgina, played by Mirtha lbarra, film maker, to Lexington in April. She is
social commentary, humour and a Alea’s widow, reawakens to the joys the editor of Regret To Inform, an
bet of romance to charming effect. of life as she reconnects with a past Academy Award nominee for best doc-
A reception will be held following the love. Succeeding both as a romantic umentary in l999. Phenix’s work has
film in meeting room A on the lower comedy and a political satire, been shown in Lexington and at
level of the Library. Free parking is Guantanamera is a fitting end to the Women’s Music Festivals over the last
available in the lot behind the Library. career of Tomas Gutierrez Alea. Co- decade.
3 Guantanamera, Alea‘s final film, director Juan Carlos Tabio worked We are looking for volunteers,
’ is a road movie with a twist; a hearse closely with Alea, who knew he might financial sponsors and contributors to
containing the body of afamous diva not be able to finish this film. Mirtha enable us to bring these women to
is transported across the countryside lbarra, stars in the film along with Lexington. if you are interested please
of Cuba. Georgina, the diva’s niece Jorge Perugorria, Carlos Cruz, and contact Mary Crone.(266-5904)
lF YOUl? MALlNG LABEL is A STPANGE comp. PLEASE PENEW...ori if you are not a subscriber. think
how nice it would he to receive your newsletter in the mail at the first of every month. It will arrive in a discrete white
envelope (do you think your mailman cares?) If you are a student or just basically broke. there is a blank to check off so
that you can send what you can afford and we will send you a newsletter---f0r a while, maybe a whole year! Please
Subscribe. We need more subscribers in Lexington to be able to mail at the lowest bulk rates.
. ddtess m
“$15 membership and newsletter ’
_..........~ ~’ $20 couple membership and newsletter
..______I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate _________
WE NEED YOU? SUPPOPT NOW' Mail to GLSO News, PO Box 11471
' Lex. Ky. 40575
GLSO Page 7

252-2867 CC - , ‘ -‘-.
. "I "W
‘ _—'-_—"—' I l
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:30 pm Fairness 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men’s Chorus 7:00 pm LMCC Games ' I '
11:30am LMCC Lexington (Pride Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) Night (LMCC) I '
12:30 am CUUPS Center) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
(UU Church) 7:30 pm PFLAG (Chapel time tba Miss Mary (Student Center) tba COLTS (The Phoenix)
6:00 pm Dignity Hill Presbyterian Church) Christmas Pageant
6:00 pm SisterSound reh. (Club 141)
(Park Methodist Church) time tba Your Choice 6 S t a u r a n t
Award (Crossings)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 57 S. leestone
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men‘s Chorus 6:30 pm Women’s 9:00 am Mentoring '
11:30 am LMCC Meeting - open to the Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) Spirituality Group Workshop (Pride Center) LeXlngt0n3 Ky.
12: 15 am Interweave public - (Pride Center) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ; 2 5 3 _OO 1 4
Lunch (UU Church) 8:00 pm AA Step Study (Student Center) i
12:30 am CUUPS t
(UU Church) .
1:30 pm Dwersm' Films featurlng the famous
(Central Library Theater)
6:00 pm SisterSound reh.
(Park Methodist Church) I Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
__ i servm blueberr
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 i g Y
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm Fairness annual 7:00 pm Men‘s Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA tba LYONS l bUCkWhCat pancakes,
11:30 am LMCC General Meeting Rehearsal (Pride Center) (The Phoenix) .
12:30 am cuups ‘ (Pride Center) eggs benedlct arnold,
(UU Church) GLSO NEWS 7:30 pm GLSO Discussion .
6:00 pm SisterSound reh. D ENDLINE' SUI‘BMIT Group (Pride Center) SpaHISh omelettes
(Park Methodist Church) ADDITIONS 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
AND/OR CORRECTIONS gourmet desserts,
273-9649 and much more
23 and 30 24 and 31 25 26 27 28 29
10:45 am UU Church 8:00pm AA Step Study 7:30pm GLSO Discussion 7:00pm Men’s Chorus 6:30pm Womens Spirituality , All Of our breads and
11:30 am LMCC Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) (UU Church) .
12:30 am CUUPS 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 Folding newsletters 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ; dCSSCrtS are baked dally
(UU Church) (Pride Center - call Mary to . .
6:00 pm SisterSound reh. confirm- 266—5904) 1n our kltChen
(Park Methodist Church)
Free Evening Parklng

 . . . . tionship-threatening problems emotion when dealing with individuals
R 91131095 D lverslty between me and my partner. We of other spiritual paths in the
CPIfnnumcauon he”??? opted to join the Unitarian Universalist Community. I know someone in the
thIM and No“ Cth church (a spiritual home for individuals Community whose car, which sported
w1thm the LBG'I: commumty of all beliefs, including some liberal overtly Pagan bumper stickers,
by Rev' Pamek Buck Christians) and l eventually opted for received an M00 tract while parked
. . Paganism as my spiritual path. We outside a local gay bar a few years
_ , I seem to be developing a habit Of never regretted that choice; at most back. He swears his was the only one
WWW articles for this publication on my partner sped the process up. lwas that got a tract under the windshield
SUb’eCtS “M.“ wthh I have a real but already reading a great deal on wiper and was (and still is) very hurt,
somewhat mdmd cont?“ Several Paganism and even doing some angry, and upset about the whole mat-
“.96"? back, l WM? an article on bipho- Pagan rituals. ter, which he interpreted as an act of
bia In the Lesbigayfiransgendered Now on to the core of the prob- religious intolerance and even Pagan-
Community from the perspective 0f lem: there is in our Communitya very bashing. I
the gay life partner Of a bisexual male. strong Christian presence, ranging Maybe it WAS, but l can think of
NOW‘ as a 'ega,"¥ ordained and very from very liberal and humanistic to at least two other explanations for the
active Pagan Minister m the Norse tra- amazingly conservative except on gay presence of the tract (an attempt at
dition, lm writing about "‘9 contacts and lesbian issues. There is also a setting upafriendly dialogue, the other
and conflicts “ewe.” Christians and substantial number of individuals who “tracted” cars had left before he got
non-Christians Within our Lesbian, have been traumatized by their back to his car, etc...) but be that as it
Bisexual, Gay, Transgendered Christian experience, or who for other may, the damage was done.
Community. . reasons do not identify as Christian. Please bear in mind that the
. I remember we had a gathering There are sometimes misunderstand- atmosphere in our community is very
during PW? Month 50m? years back ings and hostility between various reli- charged religiously, and many individ-
at the Unitarian Universalist Church (or gious groups. Hostility damages our uals are apt to act from raw, gut emo—
WhICh my partner and-l are lay me m- Community and its members. l'd like tion on this matter. Many of us are
99’s) There was an informal dlSCUS- to look at that and explore ways of very spiritual, even deeply religious.
Slon of-being LesbigayTransgendered defusing the problem. At the same time, many have lost their
and spirituality. Unfortunately, [t turned There are definitely people in our families due to religion. My partner’s
into a borderline (7) Show“; match community who due to their own back— sister didn't speak to him for almost
between liberal Gay Christians and ground, issues, and residual religious eight years after he came out. On the
mdw‘duafi for whom the com“? out baggage, are ready to believe the very other hand, he has a degree in com-
process included leavrng Christianity. worse about Christians, virtually ANY parative religious studies which he got
While the roundtable was a real eye- Christians, including those who are AFTER he came out! There are a lot
opener, I don't think we got anything also a part of the LBGT Community. of people walking around with
substantial accomplished. l've often The recent and absolutely false rumor unheated wounds, and it is very easy
wrshedover ‘T‘e years we could 9° that the Pride Center/GLSO had to knock the scabs off!
something Similar but more CW” again. merged with the Metropolitan i would ask Christians in the
2:35:15 want to take that bull by the Community Church (a Lesbigayffrans Lesbigay/Transgendered Community
I was one of those folks who left majority Christian church) and that a to remember that many of us have
Christianity after being active in sever- donation to GLSO was essentially a been deeply hurt in the name of their
.. . donation to the MCC is illustrative. Savior, and that if they feel a need to
al traditions 3nd spending a y