xt7v154drh1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v154drh1d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1996-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 1996 text GLSO News, May 1996 1996 1996-05 2019 true xt7v154drh1d section xt7v154drh1d r
ORG- ~~
, . ' “I [(an
by MW (“"1“ . FAMILY PICNIC Peter: p]tayl00@ukcc.uky.edu
I 3“ years ago when I became involved The annual Pride Picnic will be held on Elizabeth: bee@mis.net
With the 6150* l startedIvolunteIerrng wrththe Sunday. lune 16th from 11:30 to 3:30, at Bell Tammy: sappho@mis.net
Speakers Bureau, Waking marnIyI to college Court Park. This is the central event of our _———-—"' —'
classes. Th5 flmde ‘5 partly a reprrnt 0f one I pride celebration and we are expecting a good THE END-" OF THE
wrote four years agoIabout my impressions turnout. “Family Groups" are encouraged to BEGINNING
and experrences. I Will do a follow ”ll piece set up imaginative picnic spreads to compete Thirteen anti-gay measures were
about how thework has changed over time. If for prizes in the categories of Most Fun, Most introduced over the course of this General I
1‘ sounds ‘meresmg ‘0 You) ““5“” Elegant, Most Butch, and Most Reflective of Assembly. None of these ever made it throngh ‘
becoming a speaker for the GLSO. We don [ Pride. Everyone is asked to bring their own committee and are HOW, OffiCifllb’ DEAD- Any
havealarge numberof requests, but they often food and a dish to share. Cold drinks will be number of local activists and agitators for
come In batches and we could use alew more sold and we are working on renting an ice equal rights, including the ones that 3an
people Willing to talk to groups 0f 10 to 300 cream machine. The Pride Center Task Force 133")“t and distribute the 0150 NEWS (that's
people. YOU WOUld always have at leiist One is Sponsoring 3. Cake Walk, please C3.“ Joe at us) want to Say thanks to any and all of you
other P630“ Wllh YOU- I 225—1817 if you can dongmfg a dessert. who took the time to write, phone or visit our I
l enyoy speaking and answer “1% Inside the Bell House will be showcase legislators on behalf of tolerance and diversity l
questions about the lesbrgay community: I of local organizations, artists, c raftspeo ple, in Kentucky. We want to urge all of you to Il
particularly like to challenge the SICICOIIPCS and buslnesseSI Groups wishing to rent tables maintain your commitment to acting in the 3'
and mrsrnlomratroane find In all audiences. contact Roman at 2779270 One table for local political arena to keep things fair for all
1 know 1 d0 ”115 for some people IUSE by $13 and two for 333 A free table will be the many minorities that exist in our culture.
showmg up. older than expected. wearing available for community organizations to Maybe if we’re more effective at the P0115 this
“temmy clothes. and happy to be there.I l distribute information. There will also be a year, we won't have to try so hard just to stay in l
may get dressed up, but I strll get asked, Why raffle organized by the GLSO to help pay the the same place next time! 7
do IesbfrarIrswear flanIpIel 511115; IPeIthaps II\am rental of the Bell House. Additionally, Dignity ,
one o ttose invisi e steat cs ians ’ate . < . - .
Will Offer Brn o to benefit several local I
Clinton 'okes about in her comedy routines g , . I
l I . groups. We are also expecting musrcal enter— 7 _
and they really dont see me at all. I am tainrnent including the Morris Dancers. If . -
thinking Of putting 0“ some of my more you would like to share acoustic talent, please ' .
outlandish ”testrwear" and saying, “I am call \Iarv (766-5904) ,
wearing lesbian clothes". [‘11 get some new The . , .. . _ . "'
. picnic rs always one of our best GLSO 5
~ . - w n ' onsor of the Month
questions out Ol that' (And I dud Sill put on l attended events and we don‘twant his year to p
I I introduce rInySIBli I15 {trimmed “will” be any different. Yes, we know it‘s on Father's Scorsone 81 Ransde"
of three children. tie Ian go up or tie Dav—bring him along' Rain or shine grab
ncils start fivin “Didn't your ev-husb'md ‘ ~ - I i - ' Attorneys at Law
pe “ « g. , II ‘ ‘ I your prcnrc baskets, blankets. lawn charrs,
try to take them away from you? Isay he rs and help us celebrate our pride in the '
not homophobic but many do not seem to (1“,er of our families v ' .
continued on page 23 '
fl ’ 7;;7i V

 y ' from lire/run! page
SM understand that as a real possibility. "\V’illyou Sometimes there is a smile. a wink. or a thank
”N try to influence your children?" What a thing you from an apparent sister or brothel: I also
LESIfi fora mother to attempt. “\V’on't they grow up notice fearful glances and see tense. slumped
figmc to he "Adult Children of Lesbians" like bodies One older woman did her accounting
5‘; "children of alcoholics?" (Can you imagine as we spoke on front of her sociology class.
a” ~s.j-;’§I'*:j§.§ the comments—"My mom was one of those Rows and rows of nice neat controlled
Kant”); ‘te'tlth lesbians and I had to b 'bl t rt 1 n r b ‘ add‘r ) t s thi r0 h rld
wxfi‘gmfl s1 t y . f . (y r ‘e a e or tne rrn‘ers 11 g u} o .onre lbs, e COL
5 krnds of oppressron before she d let me understand. Idontthmk she was eyer able to
date") look up at me, Was I so scary to her: maybe
a I always stress that my children have even evil? Maybe just cute. v
GLSO News expressed no problem with me because I am 21
Published Monthly by the lesbian. although they certainly have a r_fi_sw::7_fii
. . growing awareness of homophobia and ll
Lexrngton Gay / Lesbian respond to that in their own ways. After whatI .l
Services Organization considered a positive description of the rela» I ll
p0. Box 1 I 471 tionship I have with my children, I still got, ll
Lexington, KY 40575 “Do you think your children will forgive you I .l
when they grow up?" T his was from awoman, l l
later identified by the professor of the class, as u 6 ll
Editor: one of the more liberal students. We have ll ll
Peter Taylor more than a few layers of homophobia to work I t r on ll
through here i 9 ll
layout Editor: There are more popular questions. some ll
Tammy D. Strong with negative assumptions so deeply imbedded l ll
Graphics: that answering clearly is quite a task. "Do you l _ 0 O . l
. . _ think God condones hornosexuality?". “How llCCDSCd pSyChOIOngf ll
Elizabeth A“ G'lham do you reconcile yourselfto the fact that homo— ly
sexuality is the most hated sin in the bible?", ;l
6150 Annual Dues and ”Wouldn’t you prefer to be nonnal?". and ll
Newsletter; $15 “What do you say to people who blame l ll
Dues and Newsletter for homosexuals for bringing AIDS ti this L“ _ ‘
country?" Maybe stealth lesbians should be
COUPIeS‘ $20 issued invisible brain cleaning dart guns,
In spite of the occasional hostility, I enjoy 5
we“ or OPINIONS 9XP1'6556d in ”‘9 GLSO the stimulation of hearing what audiences are W E
News are those of the authors and don‘t necessarily going to ask next and figuring how I can give
represent “lose Of the GLSO Board Of ””009”; them an answer some of them can take in I W
bubmrssrons are welcome All submrssrons i . .
become the property of GLSO and must indicate speak as a way to support the rndrvrduals A N Cllr
full name and address of the author. The staff lrstenrng wrth some personal concern on their
reserves the right to edit submissions and ads to minds and in their hearts, A few people have l W. U [l
meet publishlng requirements' 35 well (15 the fight approached me after 21 presentation [0 Sily they l o
to reject any submissions. are trying to mediate between their parents and l A: A VOLUNTEER
Placement of advertising in (IbSO News a Sibling who is coming out. One young l my,’ 311“” at 2.664‘904 I
denotes neitheraperson's sexual orrentairon nor a woman said she was struggling with whether V ‘ /
business customer preference. to tell friends that her mother is a lesbian.
m32___—___—_' '

Cgl til Ui WES
- L .
, profit, tax—exempt status. Jim Wiechers (chair) 254-7150, Allan Barger
LEXINGTON WOMEN S In the next months the Task Forces’ (secretary) 254-4067, Judy Goldsmith 269-
CHORUS work will be completed and 21 Pride Center 7218, Mark Isbell 269-9166 and Billy Bailey
A group 0f creative women and a very Board will be selected. It will be the board’s 254—5077. We invite you to call any of us
talented director have joined their hands and mission to continue fundraising efforts and with your questions, comments and
voices. From our hearts we Will sing out *more lmportantly" get the Pride Center up suggestions. v
songs 0f hope and joy, “515“?“ and friends. and running. The Task Force’s members are:
Come join us on May 18th for an informal , ,
concert at our rehearsal hall, Park Methodist
Church, 645 High Street (near Woodland 1 '1- , . 1' , _ . .
Park). We will sing for friends and family at ‘1 - l » .. ; 1 ' . 1. a,
7:00 pm. with areception following. Come ”Q , : i J \
and share with us aswe learn. 7 fi‘:‘h€i E. if, ,. . _' 7" k . 2
PEGASUS TRAVEL INC. V 1’. .. ;; y .w x d; e . ;
Pegasus Travel Agency has a new ““Y‘ fire of” 5.11:1”;1 , ., 1; ’1
address at 245 Lexington Ave, (near U.K.), ‘3; ,' “32%;e‘k ; 3
andanew phone number 253-1644. Pegasus q $31 1 ‘ '1 1 l 5 ’7: 11 '11.;
has acooperative relationship with the GLSO. . fr é ,. ‘5‘ 7; . f l \
For each person who mentions the GLSO, 2r? _' - 17" .._. ”an: ....,......_. = a 3 __'_ .
Pegasus donates 1% of their ticket price to us. “W“- gaging g .~. f <
y Although this may sometimes seem like a 1
r small amount, it adds up. GLSO has just 1 - ,
I received a check for $95 from Pegasus for There s a new race In long “
i which we are grateful. The lowest amount of ' , '
i money we made from asingle individual was d'Stance- And _we thlnk
i $.75, the most was $9.28 (some lucky person second place IS for losers. ‘
1r $552332:'bifiigzia‘igESQOauggsbl: That's why we were the first long distance company in the U.S.
contribution each year. So next time you to offer customers up to 50% savings. And that's why we will
need to fly call Pegasus ' ’ continue to go the extra mile by offering lower basic rates" and
1 " ' personal, independent representatives. Switch your long distance i
PRIDE; CENTER UPDATE , service to a winner. Choose Excel. For more information on resi—
l .The Pride Center Task .Force 15 dential and small business long dis-
continuing its work toward the ultimate goal tance services call today
of opening 3 Pride Center. The groundwork ' ' '2P32:::”"”‘
is nearly completed. So far, we have raised itikfi E
$101000 through many generous contribu' Calling Plans for Every Part or Your Life.
lions and fundraisers throughout the «mince5minedmarrsnlr.o.ml.cyams rummarrmmmmeisnneummmaa
community. We have survey information - ' '
l ffigifluwcfnzméx:hfvliligmugfzgzlng garrie Straub, MR ..........606.353.3462 Gina Baker, MB ........606_289.8305
bylaws and articles of incorporation. We are eniselPeskargMR, AC . . . . . . 606.235.5462 Karen Stomibrmger. . . . . 606.252.5009
currently in the midst of applying for n 011- (Certified Trainer) bee Stormbrmger. . . . . . . 606.277.9365
" _-_————_——_—_———GISUW
, . as, a, ,~ _ _____—_



5”“ Francisco. (IA (EGCM) 1“ aground ANTI-GAY HATE In my thinking- br‘ior to writing this. it
breakingpronouncement. APHZIO President A new. non-profit, toll~free hotline is became apparent to me that never haye so
john Sweeney has written hundreds ”l ”0“" available to “595‘ all victims ofanti-gay many people been so emotionally and psycho—
affiliated unions and other labor bodies to incidents and provide them with a lovically hurt by the Biblical excerpts which
urge their SUPPOYI for 11 national conference centralized source of information and docu- £11.: commonly interpreted to be anti—gay and
for lesbian. gay. bisexual and transgender mentation, The Gay 8; Lesbian Victinis' lesbian. ' '
labor union members. According to Nancy Assistance Hotline (800-259-1556) is a 24— A bold, proactive readinv of the Bible
WOlllfOllllr (Io-Chair 0f Pride 1” \‘(r’ork-San hour proiect 0f lilMBDA SCI'VlCES Amj‘ offers newlife for lesbians. Uaysljand the trans—
Francisco Bill Area. Sweeney's statement Violence Project lAllPl- located in El P1159 Uendered as well as their lehfilies and friends.
EXIEIK‘lS lfll)()l"S historic support for the lesbian TX, The hotiine is answered by trained E613 open the door of the ancient ClOSElS,
and gay rights movement. volunteers “'l“) provide information and Liberation theology and feminist Biblical

"l” the early Eighties. the AH’ClO referrals [0 P9990115 who have experienced critique have shownthat the Bible. in order to
declared its support for mu rights for all terrifyingviolence 01‘ more common anti—gay empower all people, must be read with a new
persons without regard to sexual orientation. incidenis‘ such as discrimination. eye from the vantage Of oppressed peoples. You
I” the Nineties. ll urgedits affiliates to oppose harassment. 0" vandalism. Callers may andlboth know that "we“haye been on earth
flllIl-gily h21ll0l initiatives. and to participate ll] remain anonymous and all information is 115 long as there has been 2111 lilil'tl! and ill 21
appropriate coalitions to defeat such keptstrictlyconfidential. constantproportion (100,“).
measures President Sweeney is acknowl— Founded in 1991' iJmBDA Services is in all. there are iust six brief ”usages 0f
edging the Value Of the gay rights moyement an imernational. all—volunteer. nor‘r—profit. the Bible that have been directed anairfsft us.
as an important ally of organized labor. as well Legfiicay organization. LAMBDA seiriceg‘ All sir; must be taken out of their mi) context
1“ the presence and influence 0f lesbian. gay. Anti—Violence Project (AVP) works [0 preyent to be used to condemn lesbians. ways and
bisexual and transgender‘ union members.” and assist victims of anti—gay hate. 1 AMBUA transsexuals. There are over $00 [1165:1976 that

1“ his memo. dated March 28' 19% is 1‘ national tracking member 0f the proscribe heterosexual expression. (which
Sweeney urged making the 2nd Pride at Work National Coalition Of Anti-Violence Projects. proves I guess. that they just need to be
Conference ‘1 success. “through financial For information . 7159“me 0" l0 reminded more often). I, will be discussing
contribution. by assigning staff.“ and by make a tax-deductible donation, call the 2+ 6le11 of these six passages 25 we“ {B the
publicizing the meeting within your own hour Gay & Lesbian Victims‘ Assistance likelihood Ofgay and lesbian relationships in
organizations. Pride at Work ““5 founded in Hotline at 8004594536 01' write 10 LMIBDA the Bible in future editions Of the newsletter. If
NeWYOFk Gill" l“ 1994 duringthe Stonewall 35 SEMCES AVE PO BOX 313211 El P1159 TX- you can't wait. come see us — we talk about
Celebration The second Conference will 79951—0321 USA. Office: 915-533-6024 01‘ things like [hislv
emphasize building local chapters and will 915-562—GAYS FAX: 915-534-7778 E—mail:
present several workshops on topics of interest A\7Proiect@aol.c0m v
to gay labor activists. such as "Organizing
Non-Profits in the Gay Community". and
“Enlisting Labor‘s Help to Fight the Right." [aura E. Kaplan

For more information contact: Vince . . . .
Quackenbush: Pride at Work Conference: 65S Llcensed Cllmcal SOClal worker
14th Street; San Francisco. CA 94114 415-284—
7554 Voice HIV/AIDS I Personal Growth

Copyright 1996 by The Land o/‘A/r'ex Relationships I women's ISSUES
Campy/er ham-7mm 5:119/6/11
Telephone (316)269-0915 y“
Fax/Modem(3r6)269-4208 v 606.25“ 690 I Pager: 232.0873
GLSO News Page 4 I

Michelle Shocked
‘fc'r' .. -' -' $1“ "'.' . I": (“C ,"_-
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If . I ' AWN-5"»
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Michelle Shocked ‘
WRFL, WUKY and the Troubador Concert Series present Michelle Shocked in conert. She burst
onto the American music scene in 1989 and was called the female Woody Guthrie. Now, two
Grammys, six world tours and fours albums later Michelle Shocked comes to the Kentucky Theatre
Tuesday May 14th 8:00pm. in Lexington for a sure to be sold out solo acoustic concert. Tickets
for Michelle Shocked are $22.50 plus tax and .75 service charge are on sale at the box office, 214
E Main Street, Lexington . Call 231-6997.
- GLSO News Page 5

 a} 1996 A ALFALEA
Gay and Lesblan Serv1ces Organlzatlon Calendar
\ .
. ' I '»
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday .. yin/W
~ ‘ .
J 11 2 3 4 - -s -' .
Apr“ um 7:00 PM LexM ' Chorus Full Moon . ' 2 ' ‘
s M TZ v: T4 P5 9; s M T w T F 31 My Dali/3911“"? Reheml “‘5 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 9.00 AM Frontrunners _
I: 1: 12:2 013:: 3731112312,: MW?“ 812?” “WSW" 822m - ~11
" 6 7 18 19 20 21 22 7:00 PM Eben Mal M I
i; :2 i3 £3 5 25 =7 29 ggggmgéeasus‘iamsu “" Youth oféiiivzpims R E S T A U R A N T
IWMGa’Mbm" ‘ Of” 557 S Limestone
5 6 7 l 8 9 10 11 Lexington, KY
. - ‘ - I / H l V WM : ' ' ‘11 d S '
Cmco de Mg 20 7'30 PM Pnde Ctr. 1200 PM GLAA . 'AIDS Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM LexMen's Chorus 7 30 PM Gay/LeSblan LOUIS“ 6 Gen 61' omety 253-001 4
. . Taskforce 7:30 PM Gay/Lesblan 1600 PM Fromrunners Rehearsal AA Mtg.
1 1'30 AM Meuowhtan Al-Anon l (Woodland Park) 8'00 PM I'HV/AHDS S t 9.00 AM Frontrunners -
“"11““th Chmh 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl» 7100 PM MCC ' pp ‘
2:33 1311:; BS6136? Mtg‘ ing (Joyland Lanes) ‘8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian Grp. d k d h
: lgnl
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA I AA Renown-e wee en anc I
12 13 14 Vim G 16 ”if“ 18 servmg Hue/Jerry bur/(whem’
1 Mother's Day 223232212; AL 12%;?M Mme? GLSO News Deadline Armed Forces D“ /( b (I 1‘ l0,
Imperial Ct. (RISC) Mtg. ' Anon I (Woodland Park) 7:021’Mglgwgratisoijdowm Integrity (St: Augustine's) 9:00 AM Frontrunners panca (’5, egg‘ 3”? I C arno ,
11:30 AM Metropolitan Com- 7:30 PM P—FLAG (Chapel Hill 700 PM Morehead St. Student 7.05 Sign M15320“; 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 1o;oo AM Men‘s Network .
munity Church Presby.) Grp. ’ Rehearsal. 8:30 PM Louisville Youth 5 an I 5 h 0 m e / effe‘
12:30 PM Interweave Dimer 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling 7:00 PM MCC 8:00 PM HIV/ AIDS Sppt. GTP- Group (Fairness Ofc) p I
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA (Joyland Lanes) , 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA
and much more... 0
1 9 20 2 I ‘ 22 23 24 25 i
1 1 :30 AM Metropolitan 7:30 PM Fairness Meet- 12:00 PM GLAA IAIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM szMen‘s Chorus mm a
- - . . - . R h 1 _.——— 9:00 AM Frontrunners °
2 gggubr/iriutygphgcli k mg (Alfalfa s) 7'13 lrn/Iogyay/Lesblan léfigvifdffigfiffi‘f“ 8'00 Efiamv/Ams Sppt. 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian wednCSday ls
: es 1am ot uc - . i _ ' AA . .
7:00 PM Dignity 8:45 PM Rambow BOWI- 32331122; gfgesbian 9.35224 cons Mtg Internatmnal N lght
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian mg (Joyland LaneS) ' ' AA Y ‘ '
AA 1
26 27 28 29 30 31 Breads and desserts
. - 7:00 PM Le .Men‘s Chorus 7:30 PM Ga [Lesbian ' ' '
M M_______£em0"al Da 2238°P§AMG§2fibm 2% EM'IHF,;,:I;§;;P- Rehearsal" ‘ AA y baked d ally m our kl tchen
Imperial Ct. (RISC) Mtg. coma-veg) ‘ ALADOD (Woodland Park) 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt.
11:30 AM MBU’OPOIMH Com- 8'45 PM Rainbow B OWl- 7200 PM Morehead St. Student Grp.
‘t Church '. .
215?)“é‘hyoosomsmdmg mg0oy1andLanes) 723% MCC 2 FREE EVENING PARKING.
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA

/ Name(s) ________._

’6“, GAYAS‘N :iwr:::te ZIP
. SBI 1 p
, LE VICES __$15 Membership and Newsletter
—' SER 6 ___$20 Couple Membership and Newsletter
OR ' ’ ___I do not wish for my name to be added
,/~/"/ ton, Kentuc )’ to the Community Mailing List used
‘ Lexiflg exclusively by and for Kentucky
_ v Gay/ Lesbian organizations.
Please become a member: help support and build our community and
receive your newsletter by mail!
MAIL TO: GLSO Newsletter, P.0. Box 11471,
lexington, KY 40575
Are you being discrimino’red ogoins’r in Kenlucky due lo your sexual orienlolion?
‘ Call Hie GLSO Discriminuhon Projecl, and help lo pul our discriminahon on Hue books.
l ”M

\,_ \C‘;3
\\\\\§‘% The GLSO Board decided
\ \ Q“ that in order to achieve true
.\ \\ \ %?\ financial stability, it would seek a sponsor '
\ ‘w g\% for the costs of the newsletter for one month,
\ \\§\’\ \‘ and-use its-other advertising income for a number of
‘\\% ‘ other ongomg prolects.

For more information, please call Mary at 266-5904.
The GLSO News is proud to announce our ll
supporters so far for 1996: It
i Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist .......................255-4964 1!

[ Scorsone and Ransdell, Attorneys at Law.......................255—5766 l}
‘ Craig Hudson, for the Catholic group Dignity ll
l Tri—-State Gay Rodeo Association 3.
i Terry..............255—5469 i1
Paul ...............278—8023 l!
l Lexington Men’s Chorus.................................................23l~09OO ’l
L Front Runners 254—6850 :E '
: Russell Beam Bookkeeping 81 Tax Services .....................266-2903 E;
l Unitarian Universalist Church 2564 Clays Mill Road ......223—1448 ii
a seeking a diverse congregation: Sunday worship 10:45 %
Metropolitan Christian Church 271—1407 ;
Elizabeth 81 Tammy Gilliam—Strong 2
Pegasus Travel................................................................253—l644 l
Pegasus Travel donates I % of your ticket costs to GLSO ’

 URVASHI VAID example, I participated in a community LOVING SOMEONE GAY _

During the recent Lambda AIDS discussion group on race relations organized by EVEN IN YOUR OWN FAMILY v
conference. I‘rvashi Vaid made a keynote area churches. In the two months we sat and by RC“ Ruth “5001.“ 5
address that was stimrrlating and challenging. I talked. I never said I was a lesbian. This may Twenty—three years ago, the phone rang I
will not attempt to summarize her speech, but have been partly because I saw a need to focus in our house in New York State. It was our i
will focus on her main point. She believes that on race. but it was also because of internalized daughter calling from the University of t
the goal ofthe lesbigaytrans political movement homophobia. It is hard to come out But I now Indiana from which she had just graduated, (
should not be narrowly dEiiHEd (IS the end 0t regret ’hlSSthtl the Oltltbtthhtb’ to let other group She and her twin brother had both been 5
public discrimination but broadened to include members know this important part of wholam. accepted at medical school in Chicago and (
the transformation of american society in Maybe next time t C11“ casually Shij in it they were to meet there to find a place to live. i
cooperation With the larger progressive reference to my queer self. In college, Roxanne had become friends with i
movement, More specifically. this means that as What Ciih you do towards these £02115 0t a woman whom I will call Sally, sally had ‘
we work to end homophobia we also work to dismantling prejudices within and without. been :1 guest in our home but I didn't really I
end racism. sexism, classism. ageism. and all building coalitions, and furthering progressive like her. I thought she 11th some kind of ‘
other forms ofdiscrimination. causes? One step at it time. We ‘Vbbld love negative influence on my daughter and I was

In these areas. we have work to do within people to write articles for the (ILSO News about just waiting for Roxanne to start medical
our community as well as in the larger society, their experience 0t being it working—class dyke. school so she could get rid of her. But in the
In Lexington, our lesbigay community is often about being black and bisexual, about being phone conversation my daughter said, ~~1 want
divided by race and class. we are not even transsexual. and so forth. Iiach of us can talk to Sally to go to Chicago fittdltve with me there."
together enough to know how these divisions our friends and acquaintances about our I was appalled and replied, “Whatever would
limit us. but I'm sure they do. Leghians differences. We can look at the areas of ourlives you want to do that for?" She said. "Becflusel
bisexuals. and gay men are now working more about which we are silent and struggle to speak love hep" In that blinding moment. I knew
closely together but sexism and other gender— out. We can educate ourselves about many fonn hh' daughter mtg a homosexual.
based prejudices still get in the way of easy and of discrimination by reading books such as 011/ I was crushed. dismayed. disappointed.
honest communication. And what are the 0/7796 Clam Closet. lesbians W’i‘z'lz‘ug Abozr/ grieved. I thought what kind of 1th Is she
differences between lesbians ithd gay women? CM“ A5 it Cbhhhhhth’? we the asking our going to have? What will I tell her brothers
It’s not that we shouldn't have differences, we country to become 1855 homophobic: we Sbbbld and sisters or her grandparents? What will her
should communicate across differences, ask the same of ourselves and of each other. we friends say? Icouldn't stop thinking about it.
celebrate dtVeISttI’i 3th move onward from there can encourage each other to be more 0t” b“ I remembered a couple of years before that
to change the larger society. discovering wars to be loving Ethd Sttpbbt‘ttVe bf Roxanne had asked me. “Mom, what would

Other groups working for social justice are people who are either more or less out than we you do if one of us was gay?" I replied, “I
not always welcoming of our support. but we are. We waste a let 0t energy by being 1111th at would run. not walk, to the nearest psychiatrist
nevertheless have to be present and participate each other around this issue. to get you cured," but 1 never thought it was
in a variety of ways in liberal and progressive Many forms of oppression and privilege happening. There were no gay people in our
organizations andprograms. Anexample ofthe are 3 PM Of our “"95 A“ Of ”5 have some families on either side. I thought of it as an
success in this work was the anti—klan rally in privilege. whether it be C1355: gender, age. able aberration. In fact, I knew very little about it.
Louisville in early April in which Faimess was bodied. or educational privilege. Most of us As a parent, the first question we have to
present in coalition with many other progressive reading this also have some oppression. We can ask ourselves is “What did I do wrong?" I also
groups. The thZtCt 0“ the klan may have been start With ourselves, looking at what we need to thought, desperately searching for an answer,
Iiegligibie bUt the coalition building 0t web in learn more about. how we can be more active, 01' could it be that because she has a twin brother
event is crucial to our eventual progress. what we can share t0 insure Pregl‘eSS- For that maybe the genes got distributed wrong?

1 d0 IiOt mean to imply that many Of US example, how fibbbt sharing some 0f your She had dated boys all through high school.
are not already active in avariety of causes and money and subscribing to this newsletter? Aswe and was and is a beautiful person, very
programs, but when we are active we need to let work on ourselves and with each other, we will feminine Yes, her style of dress had changed
people know that we are members Of Our become astronger force in making American 3 in college but it was the 60’s when everything
supporters of the leshigay community. For place of social justice and freedom for all. V .

contmued on page 9
GLSO News Page 10
”Wham V“

 ("0"fimwdfl‘vm page 3 dozen or so verses that speak about it. They coming out to their parents. watch for
we knew as normal went out the window. The inst liftout those \‘ersesbutignore others about legislation that limits civil rights. and talk
sexual revolution they called it: the thhg of behavior. \‘i‘e have no record of Jesus ever wherever the opportunity is. The problem here
lanis Joplin and \v’oodsrock and 151). But he mentioned homosexuality. is that Kentucky is very conservative and we are
my husband and l sttttthmwd the bitter Dill of As I began to read and understand denied access to places where we could help.
this news we knew one thing; we loved her. We homtisexual orientation. 1 gradually became like the public schools. But we keep trying,
couldn‘t stop loving her iust because an activist for the lesbian and gay community. 1 can only say that having a lesbian
Shhttithhttt had changed, She “-25 still our Through the years lsaw only decent. kind. daughter is not a cross to bear. ()n the
daughter. 1 will Sill that ml' husband took it compassionate gays, lesbians. bisexuals. and contrary, it has enriched my life. as l have met
better than 1 did. He was a physician. not that transgendered people, And althorrgh it took a so many beautiful people and have found
had anything to do with it, but he was the one while for me to comfortably say the word other prejudices fading away. lbelieve that as
who had encouraged Roxanne to go to “lesbian,” i saw Roxanne having a very good a minister of the Gospel. this is a calling. an
medical school and he was so pleased that she life indeed, beingthe kind of person the family opportunity to tell the church and the world
was going. her sexuality didn‘t matter that hired and trrrned to for advice or help. in her that God loves gay. lesbianbisexual and trans-
much to him. profession. her patients cared nothing about gendered people in the very way He loves all of

In the following years. i let Sfllh know her sexual orientation. They just wanted at His children. and i am confident that someday
how much 1 disliked her. We argued a lot, but good doctor. But I also saw that homosexuals equality for homosexuals will be the rule all
she hung in there. I'm so glad she did because are persecuted. both subtly and openly. over the world, V
she and Roxanne are still together and I love sometimes bl their 0““ families. , . ,
her dearly too, like another daughter and a 'l hen I (lISCOWWd the organrzatron dontforget to P13“ for
that“. friend. For years I covered UP Roxanne's called PilAtl. or parents, families and friends fart“ M : magi: ._ $W6
gthttegg People would Sill? ~15 Roxanne of lesbians and gays. lfirst saw it in a church Elma”:
married yet?" and l would explain shes so meeting in California where I found it to be a ’ " ’ ”
busy in her practice shes not interested. The SUPP”t group for P‘U‘L‘HIS and families liki‘ Raiiziat'myWémi fat-$3“? (fé-‘i‘t‘gu'fiii‘3i'i
love of her brothers and sisters didn‘t change myself who were strugglingwith the trauma of 1303’“; WWW-“iii?”iiiitiiift‘ifii “119*!” i
and neither did that of our extended family. tryingto HWP [llt’lr lOVEd ““95 homosexuality 2321?. Effuide i” limf’iifl ‘5?“an '

But what happened to change me? After Present at the meeting was a woman who was RZEEEE: t“?:::::;:: “6::
ml husband died. I went to seminary to hysterical over her daughter being a lesbian. {throngs ”a”: and “ About."
become a minister in the Presbyterian Church. The kmdl." people 1119‘? who had been “11‘0“th fligitigty 9g ggxgugtmtvs yrmfi. Mass;
in seminary. you live V6“) close to God and l the same thing comforted and helped her, I ; Egiiswgmi Dit‘urese of Lexington
soon learned that God loves everyone. He dQCldEd then 1‘1“] there that f l 9"” had 21 A1853 Ministry: AEDS Z-Zeaiiog and
doesn't cast out a whole group'of people chance to do anything to help P—l‘lAleould Memoriai Service . Lexington
whom, I‘m convinced. have not chosen to be do it. and my opportunity came when I moved Metropolitan Community Church

gay and say. “You‘re sinners and i don‘t want ‘0 Kentucky three years “£0 iiricie . SEW“? ‘ flag“? grid-e.
anything to do with you." It's the church that P'FLAG is an organization With chapters lfmfnfimfi“ fimmffi li’mi: Midlife