xt7v154drg4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v154drg4m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-03-04 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 23,  March 4, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 23,  March 4, 1915 1915 1915-03-04 2015 true xt7v154drg4m section xt7v154drg4m _,_   —»--·.   .....,.,,..
»·: •=
  University of Kentucky
      ANNUAL csnsnonvl A DELIGHTFUL 1>ANc1·:l Asn lumens wm · · · ·
4 l `       Alpha Zeta. the honorary agrlcull 'I`he annual "Tau Beta Kake" danrel ln the annual bunt ball game be    
_l   tural fraternity, conducted its annual l was given Friday evening at Buell Ar- tween the Junior- and Sophs at Buell
Z ceremony Wednesday ln chamel. `mory. Armory, Tuesday mgm. the Juniors E A *i··‘
‘ , . The fraternity ls well esta lshed atl The Tau Beta Kakes are those stu- °
Varslty Meets Wlth Two State and the exercises which lt holds  dents who have not attained the high Egg.; (::3;; tg: :::gJ(;:(:0:; *;:3 2:01; very Hthk-:t€TI:‘{\;S;{C€Ft1fy
S Déféats 8lld C0·eds Lose every year ln chapel are always ln-} standing of the Tau Beta Pl and the kms, of lhelsophsl were me Slam On OI?%€anq, 6 IS
One Game. tnrestlng to the entire student body. l dance always follows thut 0f the Tau |·‘0l|0w|¤s me game, the girls nr the .t °
l -1- `The high standards maintained byi lleta Pl. The pledges are men among Lexlngton High School defeated the The Southern Intercollegiate Ath-
_ Both basket ball teams fared badly Alpha Zeta and what the fraternity l whose grades are at least three "C's." Coeds. Second tum by a more of 10 mic Association rules governing the
- in their end nr the season games at moans to the institution formed thai The danee ls always a merry and to ‘_ { participation of "udems in mwrcob
E. Lenlsvlne, last Friday and Saturday subjects which were so interestinglyldellghttul aRalr and a novel feature The lineups: lemme athletic- were received from
  nights, The varsity team went to the discussed W6d¤0Idl!. was the lights of many llttle chande- Junl0m_w0"6 (cupm and Felix, President W- M. msg" of me S. I. A.
Q Falls Clty tor two games and lost both. Mr. John McDonald presided and hers dancing in perfect time to the cum.; Howe and Ummm, forwards; A- Int week md Ordered polwd by
  · The glrl|’ team had a game with the with a few well·ch0•0n remarks intro- music, owing to the lnveutlon of Mr. com and Burke. guardl Ipmmssor Guns, of me Athletic Comb
  Louisville University girls IDG lost duced the spG&X0l‘¤. Pl'0f. T. R. BW- S. N. Courtney, called the "Muslcal S0ph0m0ms_H0pmns and Swamhlcu.
i also, Tne varsity played the strong ant spoke on "Standards ot Alpha Synchronizer," forwards; Gmbbm mmm.; Clarke and The rules have been posted in Order
{ St. Andrews team Friday nlght, losing Zet.a," and Prof. George Roberts on President W. B. Croan and Miss Peak (Capt). guardl to acquaint the students with the ml.
lu one of the best games seen in Louis- "\Vh&t Alpha Zeta Should Mean to Bessie White gracefully led the grand meld g08ls_5v0“e 1, Faux 2, and 3. mg of the society and to Crum lamb
vllle thls year, by a. score of 50 to 2v. Kentucky State." Both talks were march, foul goals; com 1, Grubbs 2. Hopmnslmem against my {mud by the lm-
The wllnents had won from thls team very able and interesting and are ap- The pledges thls year are Messrs. 2, Swan"' 3 mul scam l dents in their Golem athletics.
I earllerlln the season and while the St; pllcable to all other fratomitios at T. C. Taylor, George Warwick, D. M. RGt6m9_C0ach Bmmagll Every college athlete is required to
_ Andrews team was greatly strength State. Phelps, H. L. Fearing, Fred Wash, C. Girls. High Sch°°l_Pm.¤eu 5, and certify on honor;
l ened yet there gas hope ot;lma(1;1r:;c:`° 'I2h;i¤:;l:el;l:n ;l1;sc;1i¢;::;Bth; 6;- Qhgulnn, Wllllam Clarke and Fred minding 5, forwards; Barber, center; That he hu never received compem
I :"° u “"°mm" °w°v°r’ ° b “r° ° I ' ' A C' ‘ ' °y' Huydon Mid Dew. 8¤¤'d¤· satlon in any form whatsoever for
I oys were too strong and won y al Nelson, D. P. Campbell, . arman, -——-..•.....—... State GMS, second m“m_W00dm¤ athletic Services'
good score. V M. L. McCracken, R. W. Soearce, W. and Dickey, forwards; Mathews 2, cGn_| That he is not now receiving from
I,. ..... ,....., wm. me p..w..mty ..tl.~..M.....c.. ..... S. D. l........       ,,6,,,, W, W,,,,,_ g,_,,_,,_   mn or   mm mm
· Louisville, the Varsity showed the The active chapter members are: G0a1s_Mi“ Pumou 2, Branding 2’ directly or indirectly, my compoun-
`,_. ` term that ls usually shown on the nocq M_g>ssrs. John McDonald, S. J. Lowry,       Dickey 2_ F0uls_Pume" 1, Branding tion for his athletic services.
ond consecutive game away from lr., Wayland Rhoads, Kenneth Clore, L That he has never phyed on ·
home. The boys were far from being Wllliam Tuttle, Archie Petter, Phil H€feree_Ralph Morgan. Heague baseball team.
in their true form and lost s very [Richards, Herschel Scott and Harry Y M C A Offers Different l,mph_€_Mi" vu Mew',. i That since entering I college in the
rough and poorly played game. Theltialbralth. lvlessrs. Bryant and Davis · • · • · ________¢_______ Iasgochmon he has never played sum-
. , glrls‘ team lost through bard luck and   are also members but not ln school at Fl€ldS of Work fOI'     Imer ban on 8. mum not belonging to
‘ nothing else. The team work of therpresent. Students, mis home county
stm gnu was mr seem than um ori =··»———·•·———— —·· INTERESTS STUDENTS T, t h h ` I ed d
or the Fall City girls but close a.udlNOTICE TO SENIORS F011<>wing the Mercer-Rush cam- ...— I ` `° d° as °°v°r °°y un er °°
¤‘0¤8h S¤¤1'di¤8 ¤¤d€¥' UW SUM 80¤lI AND ORGANIZATIONS Dalgn at $****9 Um"°"BltY 1°¤*’ hundred The great interest manitested by the I dszlgs h;a:; never played in inter-
*·~¤* tm c°*° dm- Ther SM1 — ““" "“’ “"’" "‘°“"’“ “"""“°‘“‘”‘ ‘°   in ”€¤·*m*°g>‘ *·* **1;** *"··‘**=.»..u..gi..m   for ...0... ........ .0...
end the season for me Wildcats, mul The $¤¤*<>* mdtvidual victum 0* iw! ¤¤¤ ussrwivs Christiun life ¤¤d ls u glowing tribute to their capablel V _
l the state gms play one game yet with l t*¤¤¤¤ ***10 haw Mid their cms d¤°¤l x>¤¤¤¤ U6 Mins ¤¤¤d€ whereby my xnstnlctor, Pro:. Frank ¤1¤rarn¤nd.i:::;“ ::a‘;“;‘;"° bryan ‘;l°:;"`; :°;
me gms from Kentucky Wesleyan   will be mailed to the engraver Sutur-I can fulfill this agreement. F. H. Ken- ’rne·re are elgnty students enrolled lulof fort yea u a C e
qqlu game played nt the Auditorinm,}d¥\Y· All pictures will be arranged ine nedy, student president of the Y, lu, lu, lkndrology Glasser a large uum_i TEM he mamcumed within may
saturday night wlll. end the basket;¤lDl¤¤b6U€¤l 0¤'d9F· Th0¤¢ D¤>'i¤8 d¤€¤ C`. A. has sent out notices to these men ;,,.r uf then] taking uu, Subject as uuiduys of the O Gum 0t’th8 session in
bull Season for ]9]4_]5_ lklfttér S8.[\1I`d8Y Wlll be placed lll the Offering dlffgrgnt Qgldg of wgrk up 9l9(_[ivP. An added compliment toithe fall p g
The lineups and points scored werel rear of the list and mcse who fail to social service, the students to receive l»rl,l·l.SS0r Mcparluud ls me {acl mall Thm‘h0 remained in cone 1
as follows: ;D¤Y will not set 3 Dl<>¢¤¤`€ i¤ the ¤l¤€· previous instruction at the University. l uuulbur of me Expurlmeul Slalloul _ g° at
. I _ l {mean Kemuckhm. AB a re Mama for the work Du Ji I U have or aimed to lneetlsession tif a tootball player) at least
St. Andreas vs. State. Score a0 to wen and ' I Q D D np oyees g Iwo-mirds of the Session.
25- ‘ S °*°'° ‘ °‘““"‘“"°“     "“»·'· J- “*°“· °' “‘° "“"°“"’· "”·l **· *···*· on S·*··*·*·y· M mt ws That ... ....   1. ..d 0.. ... sh.
st, Andrews-1·‘orw·nrds, Mosher 6, wt Mid their ¤¤¤¤¤| bm and ¤¤l€¤*lJ0ln¤ Anderson, of the Good Samaritan} ;;;:·» to get instruction in treo ldentrl _ · · D y
* . _ nletlt club not a member of the A. A.
Seelback 4; commu Jansen 20; guardsvsannle ls paid before Saturday at norm Hospital, and otl1ers_wlll give courses] lu-ullorr U or (after wu) on an UAH Smrn
_ Duncan 8, and Moorman 4, UNB Dlctul`9 will ¤0t· 8DD€&!` ln the 3H' of instruction. The Reform School is? lu almost any kind of weather Ouelfognbau mam
Mosher, 8 free throws out of l1l"“al· U19 Held that OHWB NIB 8*`€&t*?sl·i1¤xu,v see groups of students scattered `
4 lrlulu u A K€¤W€kl¤¤ dunes “'m be l·%.lV°"’ ln &¤\0¤¤t- of W0¤`k-D¤`i¤¢iD¤ll>' U1 Ulf lbnut on the campus studlously en- ••AGSn   e•ECSn  
Kentucky Statwl•‘0rwards, Morganrilw A*'m0*`Y· S¤·t¤¥`d¤Y» MENU 13- {mm way of teaching. There is also a re-u lllmrurlug to learn mu lllguruul kluds    
8, Zerfoss 4, Ireland 0, Schwant 0; lg to 12- Adml¤8l0¤· 50 ¢9¤t¤· The quest for teachers for a night school, ,l· lruuu There arg at present 44 ul;. '
Center, Server 4, Hopkins 0; guards, Umgmm to ba announced later- lm? €l\lld¥`€¤» and the Janitors at m¢‘|»"<·1·e11t species of trees on the campus, The Agricultural Society and De-
Scott 10, Gurnbert 0, Tuttle 0. I AHY one d°’u`inK tv tv MUD 00 for U¤1lVB¥`Bl¥Y l\8V9 BGM R Bliiillar N*· and some of the students can recog·|partn1ent of Home Economics held a
Morgan, 1 out of 12 trials. an annual must- d° so before March 15· ¢l\1€¤¢· nlzc all of them. {joint meeting last Monday night, ln
Referee—Gramlg. IOMY “v°nty'¤v° cents ls required “S A “'0¤`k UW'- WHS atwuipwd •-mi'? bt" 'l`he dilferent. sections have become' chapel and later adjourned to the Ag-
Kentueky State vs. Unlverslty of [ il d*’p°Bit· Tha b“l“¤c° 0f 01-75 to be fore is to be ¤d0l>¢¢d ¤K¤i¤··U1¤i uf ¤l*· interested ln raising funds for the pur-, ricultural Bulldlug where the meeting
Louisville, Score 26 to 15. lmld on delivery of the b0°k· Sign up lwlllllllg students to IW! RB big b¥`0U\‘ pose of purchasing and setting outlxyas continued. The meeting was un-
Kentucky State·—Forwards, Morgan M Once- UTS to R l1¤|Ilb9|' of UOYB \\'h0¤¢f |\¤m€5 species of trees not found on our gan;-{ usually good and the attendance was
4, Zerfoss 4; center, server 2; guards, THE STAFF`- have been suggested by the truant pug lglglu trees lulrt, ulreuuy b88u|[‘lnB_
l Scott 0, Tuttle 0. -1-—-•++—~—·-— G- 0i'¥ll‘0|`· paid for and wlll be planted by mein-{ Dr. R. N. Maxson made an address
• Morgan, 5 free throws out of 14 Professors E. L. Guns, J. ,1.. C. Noe, · UBBBGB Y0! the i¤BU'¤¢$U011 of UIOB6 bers of the glass in the spring, lheselon llelation of ( henllstry to .·\grlcul-
rrlulu P. I,. Boyd, L- L. Dantzler and Mc_ zuterested in ¤00l¤l ¤0|‘Vi06 will be trees will long remain as a ll10lll1lllt!ll{|tU¥`9. in his usual ¤\HSl•·*¤‘f¤l WHY. Mid
llnlverslty of Loulsvllle—l•`0rWards, Henry Rhoads attended the Suporhr ll<‘ll• lll U16 Y· M· C· A- !`00|1\ Mid BW upon which the coming generations nas well received,
Rogers 6, Kornfeld 4; center, N. Dan- wndelws Division of the National Ed_ M ¥`0ll0W¤i muy proudly gaze, l In 0. most pleasing and entertaining
lol; 4; guards, J, Daniels 0, McCalt·b 0. ucutimml Assocluuon ut Cmchmuu A Study uf tlw Ulbl8··;l!1¤U‘\1<‘!0|' iw! ———-—•-••———— ` ‘way, sprinkled profusely throughout
MeCaleb, 12 out of 21 trials. lust week. Nv! llullwd. Tlw 0"St *`*‘l¤*‘¤¥`¤¤l of the °¤m¤¥¤ with her tlne style of humor, was an
ltet'eree——Jamlson. "l‘hrlstlan Movennents in Asla," Ur. "Ruth." by Alfred Gaul, will be given llluulrulud luuluru of her recent ylulr
Glrls games. Score ll to 8. · John Anderson. by the choral and glee clubs next Mon- ·o the Garden Cities of England, by
State—·l•‘0rwards, Hughes and Taul; Whnp, McCallum, 1 goal; center, Hos- "'|`he Grvat Southern Race Prob- day afternoon ln the Y. M. C. A. nnuslo 'iss Mary ll. Sweeny, instructor in
ogntor, Heller; guards, Innes, Woods klns; guards, Koop and Huber. lem," Ur. J. J. Tlzvrt. Hiudlv. M 3¢30 0'€l0¢‘k l|1¤¢t>¤d of *130- - the Department of Home [gt-unolnlte
and Bastln. Points scored—Mlss Hel- Miss \Vhnp, 9 polnts ln free throws "Llquor, the Great American Prob- All who can sing are urged to join thls glu. had u lluu uulluurluu of bull, plulu
I•.·r, 8 out of 15 trials. out of 19 trlals. ltlll,U ll. Il. Surtln, assistant instructor cxccllent organization. No dues are uull l-ulurull yl,_,wu of purl Sunlight,
University ot Loulsvllle——l·‘orwards._ l*‘PM¤¢‘ of
V I 107
I graduates, alumni and faculty of the Institution. I such K mp(,I.mR_ Mmmm I W- Mlln St. ll
i——V—-¢—~·»—-~—-— ·   rr V —- Vee.   ~———————— mm hmm mmm H I W INT SODA rcuunm in 1·•-on »t
SUPERIOR VAUDEVILLE I rim: mma Is me omcm newspaper ot me university. it is muea wiut _ ‘· ‘“ · l CITY. rm: csumn ,
I the view of furnishing to its subscribers all the college news of Kentucky, '·¤~.ri!• from students deposits, a much and S0 <‘l98¤‘lY &¤SW€¥‘€d, that GWR in For full information rgggyd.
larger stun than ever hefort-. but after wiping out the deficit left over The <'¤¤\18l ¤`98dl¤R Hwa! benefit is de- , ,
,   '._,>._ Ill)lCA had left from this source only $268,65, Irivgt]_ lng appolnteesy COUPSGS of ltudy, \
  ;_ ‘2 i;;J   The present nianagetnent desires to turn the paper over at the end of tlieI 'l`l1<=‘ l¥l10Y8¤€>' Bild SIIFGIIGSS. with C08t of board, gtcq apply to
;_ _‘ TXT   •>‘j year with as small debt as possible. The news must of necessity be reduced, I Wltlcll lt is depicted. the deep thought
J `°?H$*:   il yet an attempt will be made to publish all important items relating to tht- and painstaking analysis given to H' S' BARKERW
  Vniversity and college life ill general. ,*f\'<’!`Y question Will make this book Pl‘88id6nt,
I me- rW--.--e4»---'-.» ~—-H wilnablv not only to every student to Inxingwu, Ky
-  {_     * THE NEWS IN RIME I T [ d { t U [_ _ it f day, but tv Students for many years to .._______
·» . wo s u en s a ie mvers v o ;$· ··
1 ‘ come. t. •
-—— ` l d , f · r > -
~. _- I H "’I"“t_" 8*: ‘:' *"“’I“'; "‘;"' 1* °""(;“ rm- work has been (-twin.-d mm
$4 I Copb ttm tra;) stu on or & tours cam tie ong ¤ ',_\_t_lv€ chapters, each chapter Idenw FOR PENS AND PENCHS,
· I Hut gives no line of credit, IHHCB p00l playing championship. hed under three division? Dau TABLET8 AND FINE
·   \\‘hit·h makes the students np there What is there in it to brag sbout? h y
, I I I k Reading, Study for the Week, and Sug- STATIONERY
t nn ~——————
It I gestions for Thought and Discussion.
r . . · . ' 'I A , · ‘ M
/0 I 1`hat they themselies had said it I t Stu Jnetlnid TI tlzpplnilhas bein lhmugh Chapter I- one may JOHNSTONG CANDY
, .   · V ..— -.-, in ro · .
Q D, llkwlw gum} are the me at le M am Oum d n Iglance and see the purport of
(oy. \ _ Aim another college; nt; room, says the Tennessee 0rsngeItm< book It H headed __Th€_ Col
0 ' { @3* I “'° "“"“°‘ g“°“· ‘*"" “"‘“"· Bm ““" “" M “°"""*‘I lege Purpose ·· ibeglnnlng win. the Wm. E. Stag g `
' CMQ " » Just why, l1lll€BS, but u Siml’l° (`asp °l' nl Saw you mlm; questions \‘Vliat makes college worth 30. W"' Ml"` °t"“
Thev think `tis without our knowl· lilly me!" W y   t
‘ j · · hlle? The reason for college edu- ·
To inspect tie new SprmgI __dw_ I 9 I I  
_ I I" _ `_ I • I I tation. Hovt does the college fore-
Sgyles yn   ·· > institutions ot learning the bit Shadow me mmm? and many Ouwm ——--—-——-.;...._..._ U: •
H   ·\\'t~` tlo Iltil give- the naines lwt·1\\is•· Ilitllil Hull pool rooms of the country Each question is answered by quo- E
a • , I |ht· t·•·nsor will not let us, H¤\• HMM glzuluatetl any statesmen_ {minus from UW MMP, fulmwmg close HAVE yOUR
I Mui just [ht· suiitg [ht· guilty u|i•·>, $l'l*'||llNlH, Hl'llH[S Ul' |10t·:ls. Now ulltl I ,
I Vlp the life and words ot Jesus, for the h
Sh0€§» I Sittmiti tut-y cttsny ··g,et" ns. Itheh. however, they turn out tt mundo-I solution  
Sh"•tS_ I'|‘htg gms nttve lost s single game, Iliu l’lil)'€¥`-"(lllDD€d. The authors realize that social and FOR THJSAISPEINTUCKIAN `
  ·\“‘l l‘°"““;m° has the r°‘"’°"' t Tl I ethic laws must be applied to humsnI AT  
I me tamu; hunt-h U |*;l!`;1l|l\0!' Inst the trotIsers used in wings, and that only In following NWI     ,S     I
;· ·i · · i ' ‘ · · · rz ' _
, _ I t att punth tor punth, e 1 osopi an play >tio¤n.,tti to great umu laws of me, denned in uw, p y u   I
  t     Anti hrokv e·vt~n lor the SPHMIII. *··-· ’·· ulld ·~—~· —- --———~ seeins to lt.! I_ _ I ,
————-——- · ’ ' [ t· ie" o '
I hww some foundation tor n ni t t· MM Hm one Mlwct to have u real 341 w•“|lll Sl. P.0I|l635l `
I chance for their fulfillment. I _
      Some ot` the track men think they the b0>‘S \\'€l‘t+ Séen out on the street __ _V_     _r__i_> rw i Mv_ I
I . · · . . » . · V V »· -‘ · \\’ednesdgv MEN`- —"_ "" l
Iain-· pulling, OHL out li} \\td.IlllL, _. .
Palm Inch Sui:     or "°"“**"** *"“*· ;—— WHERE AM I GOING? ° I `
Mad. tu umu __- I ______ lhe president of Western lleserve
*;""""   aud ' “"' “'"°"gIl‘hiversitv has unnount·t;t1 that ituttt-u. To
`those who quit school just ult··l' ¢·Mlll1SlI·0"Il it wm In · _ . •
; I ~ pertet-tl; proper tor I D
    l"u! (ll<*ll' IMTPIIYH l`€llU€Sl- lgirls [ty (lt) their Own y;w9urh)g_ ggytg an      
I ——— `e·x<·liang<·. V -    ..-.
Eg C I Harry Able was the only one who _ I,,,’ —· —-;;--... 
. V U ' ' · H r ` H I ' · · "`  
• was able to introduce the- hustle   __Y ·_.
lncomonud .\\'nlk at the Kake \\'alk.  
I .....1 For mo yours the 'I‘eiiiies>at»t· foot M  
» I [ 1
The College Fellows   p   E m U"_ ~ wr ‘IlMl| {Pull! has defeated ours and for I
' ’ ‘ ‘—""I""" V"'; ' Iluo _v•·zu‘s our basketball team has I
I · ‘ if Iht-en the- onlv twain that has not been I   I   (   I
' ' i • ` I ·
      ` · Itlt·t"ut•·tI by the 'l`4‘llIl('§Sl‘8llli, whit·h • • ..
heorpontd I ‘*"-'” I¤•~<·¤ns to show that the "hohtailt·tl" l¤c°`l0nm•' I
Manufacturers of I Miss ~ ~ - wore an awfully pret—q \\·II'I‘_M is SUNW num"- _?  
    Ity hat to school Monday inorning, hutI • • ’
‘ . . I
  I\\t· hu\'€.l)t%(‘Il [Old ('UIl‘ld*°lllluI.l)v lll-il'. ll l> l'lll||()|'t·(l {hill \\`l|(·*Il 1         l
    i I>ll¤‘ Kill Il llllll ’ mlnell NH`? \\‘t·||l t;i|\ in hh; 7 t-gr [hp ()[h(¤|·   ···'I
Elulunls Illlélll to BHP   hp 5(·[  
DR. J. D. KISER   '¤`¤··· ···¤·‘·‘i<·¤¤¤"‘ =····! MW **·¤* ~·¤··“ sssnv CLAY EOEIYETY ‘‘‘‘ ""‘*f_‘“’ f*{"’"“°" "’ “" """' °'f , *;;-·~ *\ ‘ I Young Men’s Suits, Overcoats
"lllzh Jlnks," whlvh run all Inst wln~ _______ i img" L") "' Machamm OI M“t°rI“I"• I — ‘ _
ter ut the Casino ln New York, break- MI m‘_mh‘_m Ot. mp Henry mm mw “‘I***"•‘I>Y III} IIMI been u“I°"Iu”¤I"IY 1 ·` ‘ ' —Qfi.?_'  and RBIDCOBLS and all
hilt the- mnslvall <·oin¤·¤ly r<·¢·ord ol' the w·" [NTERSCH•0•-•-L AKL1 and *** °*°" ¤*m*¤·— P H O E N I X H 0 I E L
$1.50 up TRACK MEET IN MAY| _‘_**’—"’ V   so <— ·~ A A A   —   A-A A  
Cluett, Peabody & Lo., inc. M¤I¤¤¤ The interscliolastlc track meetl   BI”€akfaStS frOI11 . 5c to  
_ - ' will he held at the Vnlverslty May
- _ . _ . _ , Ye Fates, Ye Gods what have l done,   Luncheon 40C to SSC
ll, l.» sind lh, by the lniverslty lt· _ __   v_ V _ 7 M _ V_W_w_r _4_A____W_wwv#_L___
self, since the lnterscliolastlr League mm I am thus beset- MI wm     7 u_w   TH~—_——
*   L T.   which has formerly Conducted the ***0**1 m<>¤‘¤ III night- from Sun I0 SWL The new Grill is the most beautiful room m Central Ken-
Ch   meet, has been (IPI`llIl('[ from a lack of HIGHS eyes I cant tm-BGL tuckyo d¤¢¤r•t¢d wlth   Pottery-
127 caps, e interest on the part of the high school Hwy magneuze me an me day  
IIOUTS 8 H.II`I. Ill 9 [LIT]. I»h(*I¤t‘ 8II*I·X tggghgrg and gupQ|‘i·[][(-)ndgn[S_ [~)g]{py. And   my thoughts   tire'  
___ _..._-_,,L--.-._._.-...- ing that the meets are of beneht both AI work' aSI°€p’ and een in play   ·-;—·
' to the University and to the schools, I tauvfmm a desire ’
· • ri     ; `the Vniverslty authorities have taken I0 have mem neu €wm8'"y’ a n S    
‘ ..,4..-» - »—--— ·‘ . 'l`o worship—id0lize
* _   * in on themselves to arrange the meet. ’
I     _ The high school Superinmdentsl lo till my soud with ecstasy- SEE KAHN FOR FRESH SUPPLIES
, ` will meet here at the same time. · I mmse °y0S_m€Smeric eyes`      
I `   _-LEO' ’ . •
»·‘i? M €’T`°’\~\ W NI IT E NI Supphes fcr Partres, Banquets. Etc.
* `· \— • . l - .
’ U'R \< i NEXT, ` IU   Y T N S Phone 483 or 1690 y Call for Solicitor
        \ i Al tl lllevtilig 0i' the 'l`0nnis_ (llubl *‘
exczrr sA1’uR¤AYS» hom mst “_,ek_ Kwlmg (;_ pumam Ofl Miss Evalle Allender was the guest
/   \ Lexington, was elected president; of IYIISS BBSSIO \VI'lI[€, FI°IdHy   J J Graddy   Ryan T c Bradley J.- T Mccany
, i- m;°ME£§$gE|_cI0__K,   mm zsrmss, of Ashland, vice—presi-l MISS Olive Tuul went the w<><>I<<>¤d ` ° ` ` ` `
I V »—-- · — V ~ M ” M";-I (lpnt; john ;\[a]·Sh` of Alaygy/i|](;_ Sggrg. \VI[II IVIIBS Aleene Edwards. l   H    
·i - -» H ~ --7 ————--»-· ··~- ~—————-——-—-— mry, and J, (). Reynolds, of Lexington, MIB8 AHB- Turner returned *-0 her    
` ¤°"k"‘ G F°n°h' Pr°pr|"°" treztsnrer. Nlzitelies will be arranged IIOIII9 III VIIIGKIW B9¤d» Alam 'I`¤€Bd¤Y Incorporated I
' Eagle Barber   with ·»tis·¤· Kentucky tsiisgss mid morning. after ¤ vI<—>¤¤¤¤¤ visit to the c0Ns0L1DAT1No
8 h LI { sg M in- .».- ll..-sis -·K·s·· will its stomisd vm Omega Sorority. "*TTE“f‘°"· RYAN * ”'°"'*“TY A”° °*‘A°°Y * °"’§°I·EY
Lexlngton, Ky. these nmtclies. Two new courts will W<·'€k 8I the Ii¤II· Phom 903 No wut Mlm 8in"
; FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED he graded and put in shape. MISS AI€9¤€ K9·V8·¤8·uSII SDQIII the
i ——~—---7---l-·—····—·"‘ .._...•......_. week-end in Lawrenceburg.
I Med M° An", uw Gu¤° lt `°°AG”   Miss Susanne Beitz visited in Paris,
V · · G0 T0 HENDERSON sunday. i • ·
» McGURK S _.. . . '|‘h V
· Miss Eloise Ginn was the guest ol* 8     1  
· Where sill II Well And GOOD. I)"°f°“S°"" T· R· H"y““t· J· H- Ca" Miss Jacqueline Hall, Monday night. 1 Comer Llmenom um wimlow
I mody and George Roberts uttended Miss Am.0 Gregory is tu of must.; `
O 4 Q Hot Ch°c°I·t°• C·¤dY md ka the l·`urn1er‘s Institute meetings Militia. i   LIIIC of   8IId  
{ —-#·——·—···—·—"" He¤¤¤<1¤>‘. \\'¤d¤¤·¤<1¤>‘ ¤¤¤’ 0* lm mk- gt·t..lpb€»l, sunday. l ·
I DENTIST l’··<>¤‘· I<—>¤~·¤¤ M50 visited the wl mss Lulie Hurblson has returned wl ESPECIALLY on sunmtv.
lperiinent plots in Muhlenberg County Shelbvvme    
. . _ . ‘ ' l
McCIcII|nd Bu|Id|¤g land made several addresses st tar- Miss Elizabeth ROMS Spent Frmayl • F•     CO•
" _"-_` mers meetings ut Greenville. mgm hem_ j
G0 TO l I . P'- ' "' i
‘—— Misses Mattie McMurtry and Muriaul
SCRUBBY HOBSON HERE. i · --·--—---.-—----·-...;-—-—————-—
Johns, Drug   ·Horine were visitors in Nlcholusville,I
Next ic Pt"` Omg. ' \\' |•‘ llohson ’l'I of tle I` ll * fimst wvekiendl I
· For Prescriptions, Stationery, Sodal ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ " ‘”*° " me t-. it i·ts.»,v, of nmol., sts
a C     d Qllnes and Metallurgy, was in town f I i `H St uu.
I · '€, . SS t*  
{   u         lust week to ilI.[t'lllI [IIB illllllluli ll" iuest U \l\er in gt 1          
, ·, »*·=········** ·**` *'*·* A· "`· °· “"`*‘“"""’·iieiili.liM;il’.~i..ii;lli)Qwl» »»···»¤ ·¤·~i        
`       il'pon his iarnduutlon in 'I3, Scrubby ` bb of I ` I `I - -
I . d B. . l luccepted u position us engineer with   “iwkQud with hor Shmm Mm` Hugheai AND T0 ALL OTHER RESORTS OF THE SOUTH.
`T I ` I v X _ wi. I I 1 ··•¤••-¤•————·-
· I Anthraclte an ltumlnous tho Uonsolldutlon t‘oul t‘o. at .Ienkins.i lmksum oust`? b ul [I I t TICKETS ON SALE DAILY. LIBERAL RETURN LIMIT.
‘ · ' . . · i' .· ie ·ues ~
{   “hl_l___ IW is stm ‘_I"pl0yed· : {NIN. :\» H It III;;:;lb‘x*:n and I·•Fl0r   FAVORABLE STOP-OVER PRIVILEGES
. _"__dW W _ in tor (ull]; l 0 s I k ‘
tl Lexington, - Kentucky,-·.il.., gl ...,.. 0 it l.i..dll.. or   it ¤.t- E. A EQUIPMENT. SERVICE ANI! SEENEIIY IINSUIIPASSEII
Q ""'_""  t-i-led I Miss [tohentt l’relltt ls visiting her For Puuc ·APPly to Any
Y THE CHICAGO TEACllERS’ AGENCY l was ...l.¤.·.- the mm. to ,t.·.»i.s.» ll. Islstvl'. mss n>»···»¤i··~¤, ~~·¤··» Is III in ¤¤··· 11 cm Mmt or A dma
PIIOMI"|‘ IHIIIIMILEY EI·`I•`It`|I=2N'I` llnt lllll had uu urmful of waist iu the 4(lood Su.IllIlI'IIllI\ IIUSDIIIII. ’I`II*‘)' “III     P , d T. k
‘ The Wuy to 'I`he Best Positions in _ _ ._ . I _ _ lc c en
• I The North, West und Mlthile West ~ (ul" ‘bulh Nunn mum smm   u° C. K ’ as I an I Ag
‘ lM_g;R]· p_ pggggyy py, M_(U_°gc_) yggn | .·\nd wusn't disposed to release |(_ 1 Miss Newell Smith has returned to 101 salt Mun stu L•xin't°n’ Ky_
  lll Iavihusstam llnlvumly Ill}. CII¤a|0. _ I [Iu|y_ of Qhwumutj Nuw$_t I't‘rt'I\[€I` sclluul. i l _ U
*  _•
., tk ,

 a · ‘ 
1 T H E I D E A
U  ¢
°*l‘3¢°§t3»‘l‘l%‘l"°   www   REET A· L»  ENTS t STUDENTS ATTENTIONl
` nn \\'wlm·¤dny. February 24_ Mr. ’
    A Inltvh has (ll‘\`•'lll|N‘(l ln the- propo- vlhvhl “, nun Sfwrpmrv H mp`
. OUR SPECIALTY anion 1··¤1tam·;·|y agrooel to m·tu·(·m1 AxIm,m.,,,, ,.;,,,.1,:,, of M‘_(_m;nk_QI En"! Do YOU kl`IOW tI'|8t thé     of  
  Florist *’··‘ *‘*'*‘ **"*’ ""‘ """’*‘""’° ""' ""’ ‘"" Wm. ¤dd¤—.·¤.»d ons hranvh of th.- ml per cent DISCOUNT goes oh' on March lst? If
’ • V . » .
lprounwntl of \\lnsl0\\ Street. the _` V I
230 I. Mala Il. Pl•on• 354 ‘F“_(_mm_ (.0mmm“_ uf uw Board of ‘ ° *· y0u have l10t 8Il'€8dy 8l'l'8I\§¢d f0l' Fotos y0u m\I8t
G. * f d [ ‘ " Mr. Rice Hrs! remarked briefly upon d . _