xt7v154drg31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v154drg31/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1892-09-15 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 1, September 15, 1892 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 1, September 15, 1892 1892 1892-09-15 2015 true xt7v154drg31 section xt7v154drg31 > 5' .4 \ I ~ 5%,
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M'w—T—‘M—f‘TLf—i~fw-—w‘u_wm_m “_-"“—_"—’———‘ " ‘ ‘ M ' '7’ L
Vol. 3. Lexangton, Ky, 238531: :5 1892 . No. 1. , ,
WWW rm‘m‘BW—'NMH_7m_7V77 :me-““""r‘°‘""'="w77777‘~ ,7“ V’r’im‘iriifl‘r'm- .. _
THE DISSlPATlON OF ENERGY l of lItlUtl that per >‘Gcmltl. \Vt‘ lllltl 7% i if: i t 1- t h G \\Y ise ' '

—'— ltlnlt this 15902.79? runs. whit-h. :15 I 1 L() . _‘

Essay Read by \V. S. Page BIL-fore I . . . _ “I ‘ I I . . A

n. - ; ; . - , ‘1; 0f, . 2_ thus lwun lll'tt‘lllllllt‘ll h) :l tnlmtll . , A _, ‘1 J!
, ‘ "H" “whim—“L p” 9 l - -. . Are You Interested m Low Prlces r » ;
.m I. . l:lllll :m-urutv (-nlvulutlun 1> no nmn- . A . ‘ . _'
l» , 1,1'(’l“lmy “I“ “1"“ ””lmmnm lmm‘l “I; l tll'lt l()lllllllllllt"tt(‘tl tn ‘ ' ‘ ' .‘ . . . .l . . I . . -‘
. _ llrmn thv ll't't‘lelgtlltllf’llllllllllllrllllll- ’l‘lle Prlt‘cs \\‘1llscll it, anll that 15 me reason you
tlw 0m. lt‘gltltllllg tnlt'ta (Tl mmeIAg-Jim 191 US gxnmiiw tht- ()1W1'g‘x‘ sllouhlcmne enrly tn get your Bargains fl'hlll rur ,
l I prnlutrly slimlung, (:nl-rg'y, sum- the ' ““1““th hr the llllll‘ll't “I. q =tlll splendid line of ,
term tln'm has llt‘(‘l‘l inlvr Il‘l'tl‘ll in ‘h ' ‘ ‘ 7 . r l l ' v ’ \I ‘
I. II. I in . lurgm't-nnnunlmll=nurvurtn—«\\'lll('l1- Men and BO) 5 Llothlng,

so mun ' < 1 urcn unvs. us ma Y . " . . ‘ . . . _

Y 1 )1 th m (lilillul intn It} is \\'lll1~llllj_1' tllwlugll spat-v ut Lllt‘ltlll‘ Gems, meshmg Goods, Hats. Cm hlrts “Wk

IIHHIWIM. _ . 7, 2- I _ . , _, , l . . r.

‘ "f I L ' . . 0t llllll'tt‘t‘ll null-s per second. Hits to ortlcral Very low PrlCCS. bpt lalty m I'lnc 3,
trm‘tmn zmtlmotmnI (n potmltluluntl i< «implv t-ntn‘nnuh‘ ulnl :l'm'l'l-w‘;ltt'~" Trunks. Tcleacopes. anz'l Leu'lu-r Gems. Ten

, . . - - ‘I ’ ‘3 PI“ r ‘ l ._ 7‘ 7- ~ ‘

will“ (‘11"1‘la’)’- “ 11011 11, Wt‘lrtllt 15 lll'lll‘lV H110 humll‘t‘ll mllllull tnnsl per vent 011 to btudents. ()pposnc Lourt House.

l':Ll.u>— this stutwl in llLElll't‘fi'(ll'l‘Xlll'l‘SFt‘tl in l ., w l .l i ‘3‘ 5

, tuinn it. Thus 0n (‘\'(.‘l‘\' lnnnl in a ' " l . li’lj 1311“ Mill“ NW”-
. ' l l ' ’ wurtls. mnrcyn to the unrnl as Ul‘tll-i
t-ver' mnr um )L’ lnunnur wu sou . . ,. I . l——‘——‘_———‘—-“—~——_ ,
)‘l' t .L l' tl' l' nzn'llv mnstltutvll, nu tlt‘llllltl’ lllt':l.l o
'l 1 St 5 I) 'w n' '1'l<-‘— " . . arr-«1,. e
' In “H (ltlmm l ”ll I (l . ‘1 ,1 ()tlll'l' than that ()l an lll(‘t)lll}ll‘(‘ll(‘ll=i 5‘ ”a. I

0" Mu lt' ”'l't‘ll. n‘u ) (‘lll w nv 1 :q . . . -

b‘l’ ‘ h l. I l . , 3 >1th sunn‘thlng, cntlmrml \ch l'tr (littlltllllll‘ 1 Q: 1 e ‘ ; e S .
ilt 1n:>¢-nt PuffitlIn‘u t u 3mm?“ 1" tuin [Intentiulitics. From the lill‘c- ‘I'f

low In ‘ll'l‘CH lt‘St‘ \“Irn-lus (ll't‘t‘S . . . ., . -_

. ‘ .1 . going “'9 5H" that :u-twn ls ronlhlv ONEV‘VJZE Rt‘lil’cficxltlllg the makes of
"' " 1m". nmllt‘ thr-nl svrvv lll prunmlmg . 'wl .' . ll "ml I n . ‘l «1" I ”Wit—4K3“ , ‘ . _' 1‘. r 7 u ,. h
”11' \V't'll"ll'(‘ (ll' “1““ U)ll\ll tll lll Ylll .- I lull ll I ll J [Jr “z:§:§”e‘%\\\\-E Ah ArIlifil-lcal‘l LAEDUIdCtUI‘erS, I
' i A .' 't‘l' huntl it is :1 llt)llt’:llll(' llu‘t, us \\'l‘ mwfi‘x‘w“ I 7 I. ., , ~-
Nnnn-ruus lhl'nrn-s rvunrlhnu tho' I I i figxmrfiqxt 5?, "\1 33-”“v3lv’lh 35““ :35»). ‘30-5M Era-WU. 510, $15, $18.50.
.- .~ . .I I _ . . . l ‘ shall pngswnlly sux l.l;ll hmt is nut lx’,é€*fli3§lll\ 51351152353 lizllll npuzml.
mluln ml thl.~ 011mm hllu- )t'l‘ll :nl- . i. . I. , r \ Lh.‘ a
' “ I I St) rl-anhl)‘ lrnnsmrnn (,l nltu lnmnm. ;,~{{d G¥I2~gj~jgj;;I.-.;% 5;. l» WWW—r --

runvml. llllll :lll hnw llmlllllllW’“ lll‘t'll 0'11 l l ll II” ”III.“ K nl\ ( n I”:qu fiqfi- “sizéié-‘i‘ffl’l t _‘ fl, __I
- - - - 7‘ "‘~“ “' ‘l ‘ >-‘ *‘V U ' “'H l" t 4f: z - El
lnslrulnvntnl 1n hrlnarln;r ulmnl :lt . . ‘. . t;,Ilt3M;-§vmtl,‘) FEEED (J .lilINTZ,

‘ ‘ nlm illmlll l,l.l-»t\\'\;ntn-th ml lln-lnnl “lilo/$913)” .II . l , I .
I kn“ Fllllll‘ wunl. MHHV (ll. lllt‘N‘ “.0 4 . . ;:‘§ifl\;v‘£}x’_l v“: mtg! .‘,\L ll l{l_\(, Jl~.'\\ IleaR,
11 W ‘l ll: ”I. H tlll. lhln' _ Ill [1 Mlt‘l'gy (ll tln- fuel. l‘lt‘llt't‘ Ul lllt‘ §\‘\‘“§e3:\:fi_j gustonl House Square.
H b (‘l l . ' _‘.\ l , _ . t ,IM‘.‘ 35¢ I. 11’,
I \ 1 ll l 7 l 000 tnns ml mnl rwlulrml ll‘\' :1 stl'nln ”*qu "W“"L

"1“!“ “‘3" l “I.” H. 1‘ 1" 11‘1“ lMH‘H l‘llLi'llll‘ ill t'l‘rnssslllg‘ tllt‘ Atllllltll‘I (m- “€133,¢‘:,::f/” {(F—Effllzlil t‘lrllcrs Ru‘ciw our l‘mxnpt Attention.
th- ylmlllh Hi ”ll“. [Illii‘mlmfs‘ tlmi] lv :llmnt thirty tons nrv t'nllYM'l-ll —~—-———————-—————————————-..___—

‘lll't‘ u‘m” rn )lt \' ll'l\'t‘ll u n‘ll‘ .‘ ‘ . ‘

‘ . I“ 1 ' , llltl) zlnrlunl work :nnl lllv l't'lllilllltl‘l
d““““‘“"“ 1’57 "”1“": ."“l' “WM“??— STtl tunu lrl)(‘‘l‘, w‘ . .. . ‘ l ‘. I -.~ -\ .\ .‘ . .... ‘ A ’ II ..‘ .-
ll . l l ‘ “M ”II. 1W1 \\'Hlll(l 1W HIMIvIIIIII‘hlllltxt ”n.1,. lull. ht .lllh. hllnlllIl ll huh ll] 1 \m) nnnglnn-
“1”" ""l """V ”l’l’“‘l”'lil “ \' HIV . . . . I 9 l» ll ll()\.I1l)ll.ll.l]|§)t)'lt' [or 3'6“ 111M

“[1 \ “l (1 ill I in I ll 'n Ullt lnr rnrhnlmn mnhl hn mnwntrzllml n l j l _ l‘t‘télll.‘ l‘\‘t'l'\‘\'€llt‘rc [hr 37;, nml WM} (yam
v su' 'A'l'l m 15:: l .. , ~ « ~H- .

“ . ' ulmn n hlm-k Ml lt't‘ twn :Ilnl lllll‘ 5'“ “1., ‘9’“ I a“, .
~. -‘ - . l )"|l ‘ , l'.~ H rt ~;F§IHTV 4 r5, .

IIW‘IHH] ”II “(m I.HHIMI'LII (I’m. (“flu (lunrtvr mill-.4 Mlllzll‘l‘ llllll lllllt‘lV—E WW3“ “Sill-"L ‘3’: l2,;lll‘la.u l lg {Ella ET SUPPKEES.

“ll I. :15 ( l'tl’l'llllllt'l w . puiu- :1 (-r . . I . . '. l
_ I V I H l’ -l'x t.' 'l t' thm. nnlhnns ml nnlws 1n lvng'lh ll l \\'t- lllfllx'l‘Illll' hull l_\‘r‘-lll\" :_ P:diff/”"331"“1"l‘-l=~‘1‘.\"~"~‘~_\"~\W‘$WlsinIx‘t-nlucL-V i
it \1 ll )1 {us M W n n 1n\l l- l--‘ W117 wnulll |,I.mIl1l(..l 1n 1‘» thzln ”IN-llllfllll'l.\ll_()l-iz.\.\vt1l):fl!’.\l"vl\ll'.t\l‘.‘.'x‘ :mm as grunt 11\‘:lllt't}' :18 :my tailor in '
wllit’ll is 772 H. llls. :Ilnl l).‘\' hmt, Sl‘Cllllll :llnl Iljfitjlmhll ill 11w llll'lll l lln- puuntry _ ~I\t-l?!1li.t "l 11‘ u, (null-j “Ml gu'u'untL-t- ,l m ”.“(l *fllis'lnt‘tmn lm»

. , . .‘ .. . . . fur) llllx'k't‘ 3:!1 :-?r- llllll 51;, m: \xhnth :lnv nlln‘l lnilm' vhnrgl-s $131) (lllll kw). fir

lmnml IS nit-gull lhkurk l‘:l[ltllvl(l ”l Ul Villnll 111 ll‘» lllllll l‘lgllt >t‘t'l)ll(l&.l ' - H .
l'lllFlllnglt:1l()llll(l lhruugh “no hml. ll, 15 vstnnntwl that tho mul lit-(ls mI R l (‘1 ..
Now lt‘t us (-mnlmn- this with tlw P(']lll>‘_\'l\‘:llll:l mnlnln vnungh ul'lhv‘ ODIE P ICE ‘JIJOTHING HOUSE, I
l-nvrgy prwlul'url ll)‘ tlll'(ll.~'t‘ll:ll"‘..1‘('()l. llrcrrinur' llllltl‘l‘llll to supply lllt'I 7 -
a gun \\'(‘ll_['lllllj_: lllll.lll)lll|;r~.. hnving WHlltH (ll tln' llnllml thtw lnr :l 54 l“ \l . t l l . ‘MIhAUFMAN & 00., ’

. . . , : ‘l - l x . (r .
:1t\\'<-llt.\'1n('hlu'llllwr,:1lnlthrmvnltr thrlnsnnll yt-nl's. )‘l-tI suys lnlnglt'y, " ' H" \ l”_ ' “ .\ll|_.(lll, “3'
:I “might nl' HMO lhs. :11 ll \‘vlnl-ity \\'lmhn.~'l:ln;1ht l1>‘ so nun-h :llmul -‘\ hllt‘l‘ml l‘N‘ mm to Student». rm 1mm» Suits l‘nr Rent.
.. l .

the sun, if all this coal were extract- It is also the action of the sun which i E A STI N E R0 S
ed and burned in one vast coniia- sets in motion great volumes of air. 0
gration, the heat produced would to form winds, so that when we eni- Keep a full line of the Celebrated
not equal that emitted by the pow— ploy wind—mills as a lnotor power
erful luminary in the onc thon— we are only utilizing energydifi'used CCStudent” ShOe
sandth part of one single second. from the sun. This constant in- '
These estimates of the sun's heat draught upon the solarenergy which , i ‘ 1 .~ 7 , _ ‘ _
are based ”1, the fact that it is radi- has been continual for many ages PRICILS BROM $2 TO to. Special discount to Students.
ated equally in all directions, and Inust of necessity cause the orb of
there seems to be nowellestablished day to grow dim, and our present , , , , . -,
reason why it should not do so. So system of stars and worlds as we 8/ . .. . ,
far as we can see. only a very small now see it cannot be an eternal one. gMOIZI/l1o , ,
per cent. .ot'rall this radiation ever The hot bodies are continually. giv— ‘ 3
reaches a resting,r place. The earth ing up their heat to the colder ones, 55 E Main St
, receives only about one two-billionth and there is a steady and unremit— ' ' '
part of the whole, while the remain- ting tendency toward a minimum Finb Photographs at Reasonable Price‘s.
der of thc solar system probably re— throughout the entire universe, for
(‘eives twenty tlIHOS as lllllt'll, thus ll(‘tlt (100:4 WOl'k and lb‘ tl\'tlllfll)le as
making in all, only a very S1,1411] energy only when it can pass from . .
part of the whole as being utilized IlOtt'Cl' t0 C‘ddt‘l'bOdiCS- This \Vm‘ll'l- FAY ETT E N AT I O N A L BA N K, ,
within the limits of thesolar system. lni—é‘ 0f the COMO? lJOleS (“It the 6X- ' .
"A portion may perhaps penetrate pense of the hotter ones necessarily LEXINGTON, KY. ~
the Inter-stellar space, and for the “"01"“ “1055 Of available energy » _ . ,-
rest, science has as yet failed to show which is being incessantly dissipa~ A General Banking Busmess Transacted. Collections Promptly
what becomes (,1' it, and according ted by the processes which maintain , p .
to our human ideas of dissipation the present 111.0 OHM universe, and Attended to.
, by far the greater portion is lost. if this is kept up we can expect no—
Nothing‘is more obvious than that thing more than a uniform tempera- L. N. NOTTNAGLE. F. A. R. NOTTNAGLE,
ythe available heat necessary for the tnrewill 0V91‘)""h°1'0 be attained and . ,
happiness and comfort in every way an absolute stagnation. Now if we ‘
of the human race, comesfifhm. (11'; look backwards we can tinallyiniag- N Ottn a 9 la & B [‘0-
rectly (,1. indirectly from the sun. inc a beginning, without an antece- _ PROPRIETORS OF
iIt is a certain fact that the heat we dent yet filll)’ intelligible; and flit-01"
l receive from the coal fire of the wards, .3411 end 0f til-111.35- in “WT '
' drawing 1.001117 (,1. the log tire of the stagnatum. That this will result in S an 0 er 1 ‘ S
backwoods is only a modified form new heavens and a new earth we are - , m _
i of solar energy. which the leaves of unable at present to say, for 50191196 MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS I\I
‘ growing vegetation have at some to which we look when in doubt, rc- »‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ L
, time 0,. other extracted from the mains silent, and offers no word of Fancy Family Flour, gorn, Meal, Mill Feed, etc. Paragon .Patent, Sterling, Choice
3 sunbeams. ”we “The heat from a explanation. Family, Silver Leaf, Roller Patent, XXX Family, Superfine.
“’0‘“ firm then “'9 are using “1“ “1111' But while science remains silent 66 “vain!“ St" ' Lexumton‘ Ky’
, " ‘ I' ‘i 11‘1"” “11"“0 on the earth it is by no means dormant as each W
\vi1.. - l “ 1”“ few decades. If it day it adds something new to the ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED' .
1’“ " ' i- . "inz‘w 1““ transforming already boundless store of knowl— y I CTO R BOOK E RT
‘ l" “‘4‘ “’1‘” energy “'llidl 1““ edge. Science is at present making 9
l'l\"“l 51‘ f: ‘ earth millions "f ““1““ rapid strides and has long sincepass-
' iii-1.1L -' WENT ill-“111110“ “f the (ll-“Sh ed the limit towardwhichthedream- WATCHMAKBR ,
' l”‘t'i"" "I ucrgy may be mentioned ing alchemists of other (lays were AND MANUFACTURING JBWBLBR
in (““H-“l'ii‘ln With ”111' 5’1“!” water— tending. If it continues at the same ,
, i fall: ’ i h #0 yer)’ appropriatly WP— rate ”WW is in” little doubt flmtthe Prompt attention paid to manufacturing and
“4“" i \ lalhne' welght and are Vortex theory “f I‘m'd Kelvin Will, repairinqjewelrv. Reqairinq ofVVatellcs a Specialtv.
‘ b.1111". . . out by thesnnbeamsbeat- become a reality, and We will then )Ie(lzils, Badges, Bangles, and Class Pins of any—Design made to Order.
, . ‘ ' ‘ i ' gIT‘ilt (‘Xli’dllfitt Of 0111' harness to our machinery the infi- _
’ mo m ., .3, converting the water nite number of natural forces whiehl 1 7 E'7 Short St' LeXIhgtOH, Ky‘
into vapor which soars aloft intothe surround US, and have from the M.
heights of the :Ltll’lOSpllel‘c where it ginning of time been literally slips 3 0- v ,
forms clouds which hold in store a ping through our fingers. When this file I: QJst Cl/ffl .
: considerable quantity of potential is accomplished together with’ nu- "’ ' ’ ’ ' )
energy, The rain falling from these merous other problems which are . . . . . . .
clouds into our rivers and upon our well nigh as in’iportant, there is lit- PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST,
hillsides is typical ol' the conversion tle doubt but that the, pendulum, Comer Main and Mill St. Lexington, Kv.
. 'of ' potential into actual energy. which in, its slow and steady motion Telephone 200. i ‘
’ Doubtlcss as much energy is expcn— has carried civilization across the,
ded incessantly by the falls of Niag— valley of benighiwl barbarism and ________._.__—_.——————-————
ara as would be required in propell— up the slope toward the pinnacle of F. WI H A RTI N G,
, . ing a motor capable of generatingas exaltation, will then be driven back , , . ‘ ’ '
much electricity as would be re- by adverse circumstances, scourges, . l 47 W' 313mm" relcphonc I59-
- quired to light the whole of the devastatingr wars, and immoralities, ‘ ?
Unitec'l‘Slatcsn When we think of' until. gaining momentum it crosses
V this enormous amount of energy we again the shadowy abysses and rises SVOVES AN” TINWARE
are not surprised when some crank, to the peak of human discourages . p
as some may prefer to call him, pro~ ment. While we are to-day stkmd- Roofing, Guttering, Galvinized Iron Cornice, and iv '
poses such a grand scheme as this. in;r upon a high eminence, in the Slating a Specialty.

 .mom».....u.,......‘._,w.__~._.....-,..,.-..,,...........”7.: .. - 31—» . 4v . . ., . , . _,,, W. ”W
isthmus mmleefiing 9tl‘l’éx"lr‘eventful interest to all; to conveyzzhis ideas in a :. 1 H 1’ G. STEVE N8 in,
111st \ it Eh”) 5:“ yliliélllfiiég fLItUi’ile 'Cdli¢is§ hilf’ressivefinaniler wlgét‘herflit XXL": 1 i3 5:...1; "7 l: \' ’ V" ‘1 3‘
21' ' . ' 1‘ ' 14$ cl 1- r; 2' ', .61 ’ «my : it. 3‘. 1‘» . ‘ ' f’ if V 7,; :.~‘ ’ i '5: .. " ’5 r,‘ - ‘.’- a 3
we .11. . 15111;) zfifi‘agflfe Amiuticg fifsbeamangaigsow if Amends 0111.1?! .1111: .9 as! Slarelndom H9126; Barber; Shaping?
‘ . W t “1 )hcnon’lena which presence ofigcro-wded hall. Such work «Mg. 1*
1111111) [.111 tl'ld .1, . . t . ‘ should 1):: next iii-attention‘alftier ‘ypur ' . ,I/ / . Special Rates to. ,Students. >7 ,~ . ~
perscverlng, Holt-denying 1 leniofuall. 'text b01515, and’tlie' developnielltl‘which - 1 , = -. . , .. . _ .1' 1...... _ 1,. 3: gr' 4‘, ;; ,../.
ages have rewslle'd; _'\l\lh/il1jjmemiory homes.Wiiili,goxis'cileiitioiis, patiexithbbr :7 1 i LHairCuttiug,Singing-iilid-Egg‘ Shampooiuga Specialty. 1
notumHyi—r‘yos, il'l'EiistdlfiféQc himislfi' lhl‘iy prove Itself“ the end the 1110“ "31‘ ———'—.—‘—'—_"—"—"T'—__'—l—'_r——‘~——
(is the 1111110 of these men we should uable Of your successes" Perhaps it has i L '
fflxgi—‘i‘TT' ,/ ‘ , . 1 Wieseuthagulefiuu- , A... SCH ... M&, 3‘ 2 % it , 'm‘uwmm
“ It i 3’11““ ‘11 iledri-ts» all]; up i t“ lighted” mind has found sonle happy, W’ ' ' " ' '7 " ' @Sg’ ,
Vll‘t‘S tlal “:Y ll'l‘l' |i11' 1 J‘ ’ . ""‘" "a ”73'“ '~:~ 2...: f 1 111:3 -»~.{' 1- . . 7%.: .- "-. " l 2 1’1 '13. 1”". '3 "
’1 (9,1 '7‘! 1(_1 1,519 ‘ _(\ f: “’ihlt' Iii—fit tho ght‘stlggest vepintgexfififli . , 1 i1" .5 Vim-hi l iii i a; i , i ,. 1H]
“Q'jlfl\ ‘bgt‘l [I‘l'lilljtdtll (gold 'g In ,(11 111fi111§l flogfleej. . grub-5'1}: in; 4... - ‘ 3 ~ 1-“ . ' 1 . - “ ' ‘ ‘ ” " ‘ " ‘ ' ‘ ‘
g1 GROG ERS . -
ready to welcome.iiiéhdicfltiofmt 8tllgyl4lterary' bométles this: {leggette 4: :v .. -1 *7 1: .1 .. 1 ,» ' ~ 1.:1 . : .., :.
”_ . [1st(f ll 1‘ H 'l 1 _ .1 ‘ 11. year will be a great 1mprov6’nieiilsipniflie 1. _ .1 _ 2, r, A N . ‘ .y . 3 3‘. ‘ “17.:
billeg'k (1’1" hail-1:3: “)5 “111,11. “€17.11; Ellipsis/t. ,..()tlr;(illtertainilleilts aire'gi‘tq Epléfisfi I‘I‘ith‘. ll'lUVé‘d to 14 xx GSt bliOI’t bil'eet- . . . . .fi _ \
111? 11111142111991.2111 111-9111110111.11D.- w = '(lppusiieilie-old stand
_,., 1. .9. -. ) ‘_ .. 1 mus withtl‘lcir‘preseilce, 11111111111111. little <‘{:;"- '1: —. 1 1, 1. . '~ .J "--:‘_'VV‘.“"“
' l i :3 A K , " V ‘ enz‘cdu’rageine‘nt‘should be'made‘a' pleas: ‘ .. g .. ._ . . ,_ .. ‘ . . " ' ' " j j .,
siwmrr “bl :49. - ‘ ' ‘ ’ " '1 - _.
LITERARY SOCIETIES. “’o‘eatn‘réofO‘iUeml3 Wh- PHDNE 223. . .; 1- GIVE US A CALL:-
\Ve have no fear but what the young ‘ .. p .. fl ' ' . i -- .. W, .. a” . 7 7.. .
j; .C‘ .1: K 1;; '1 1; ~ 5 _: ; v '3; ladies will acquitftllelllselijesfigis they ‘ " ‘: ' p ' 1' ' ‘ '1 .‘ 3 "'1 "f 1:: j .5 r~ 1'
1\ot soclcty, as that word is generally have always done,w‘ith £111 honor to them- ~ I '1 ,. -. 1 ' ' .:.’ .. l . i 1.1"1 L L 4.1 l '1 ii! .4 l lfij
. understood 21111011555 2’9ng 591%.- hilt-3 31'selilés and friends. But tlle boys need - .1 ;.. . ' , ,. , 1: . " .,. ”.1 f1; _1. ”,1”, fig? ‘;,_;
few ideas concerning a literary society to be urged to~better work, to do that of , ( = p .. \ . H. 2 .. .. .. t2 1. 1 ..i
as we understand those M01313 keg‘e lih Whi'clflheylarelcapable. _ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ' .. r . .l.,.1:.:. . , ,3»! ,» ~.
9011:1159- 'Iihe {origin “.1011‘8'11 "er." eh‘ To the new students that have come “ H l, ‘ i. i 2.11 g .. ’ "Eight. .. ..
Joyflmam even “311914. will” Lu)" 35‘ tostnd' i?u .' ., ’t d d 1 « t, H; 1'1 1 :.~ . .e.::: in: ,1 ‘- II'“~‘- 1.1
1 . , .. :1'.-. 3.”); sml'sgxene a lear) ‘ _ 7‘
not Indulgefifiy 116131131 wile-211,111 «resign “ti-111011111111 that a ., «1K1 M @PGha-nt SI2 2111:} rs, p31-
or should'notbcas hhl’f’hfihtfglcioh 1.111 few hours during tlle week could not be 1 .‘I 1311-; .1: 5 - 1. r; _I;'.; ._ l ~’ ; " 4' ‘I i : ' f' 7’7" ‘
“.2313? 29111.63??? his liltleraiil wolrk. { better used than ill the study ofsubjects .- 1... 3 JAVI'QUIIL‘HY. pl‘CPad‘Qt’l to _IllifikC‘ 111.) i110 IllCCSt SllllS in. the
i hm he hi eer, .mhh t 1e 5‘ 10° 5 0 of which we should be acquainted, and latest styles ”XIIWVQI‘l'. ”Hill"! :ltOCd " '(wv' ‘ t1 "2 'i ; 11‘ 1 1
thl" State from “'thh 50 “hf-“Y 0f the in the readiilgof the choicest literature _ ' I" V ‘L ‘ l i 1 b) (i Y. I. 11‘ .0 rem. {11 id )9
learned publlcmeu of the 'lJl11011,-fir5tr.re- of which our library abounds. 1 . 1 : . im-emrlil-have Votll' Fall-I ‘zuAl-(lfi lVV'lnfel“ Stilts- and1 JOV'CI'COE’CS’
-A. - . .. . , ,, ".‘ .,; ..' . .,-.'.~.:.I."..T
W » 1 memen- llf‘itlv' . , 311111-11» - 1 111w 1’ , - ~
. , .. . .. . . a 1 . . .J. A (1111. m ("r thS Buddmm. . ..
and from whose Lollegcs there has con- quest ofthe difliculties which are sure 1’ _. L “M. ‘12“ "'1-.;-.;£'i .. l .. . 1:2,“: v.1
' Una“): mm “more 31 ginger 1 weiiiaeaamiy. m, m said M
with minds turnbd o publlc’l‘ame. \l'fls before, it was the debates in the humble . .- ., ‘1 , I .1 -- . . .1 ,-, _ l ~, . 1 .. , 2 .,:-. .‘i
. to lie “10":er at, I say, FIT“? there. 15 cabin which led to the studying ofgreat— I i, '4 A» V ‘ t I I”; D ‘ ; .
sucl :1, at} o pjitghlgysgglfiijn ler 1:1— .' ._ s? ,. the'rvf .1!‘ 11” 1 ‘ a _ .. .. . ,7 ; 1.. ..;, 1 .‘ .: ._ 1;.
.. , a . . . .4 111111-1111 18er 1111.1 1.0111111) . , .
' Shfutlmi' ”bf-train? f’ i C‘ 61'), 15 n P)’ mus’t’llav‘e been the thofiiighlt‘ of t leir “ - 3CD; - -.:m 1:: 1“ . .1. ’ .
halfcentury 17’0“ Since those Kentuck- triumph! Alearlled writersaid: “There 1 n all .1 l1; ‘4 ii 11.1111 ;. ’V ’ ‘ . ' , :;
‘ fax; 3131;91‘1éiSE/03'tégfers toréjthe léghts isgqm‘inglieauiii1il..§“}cero,r grand 1.1; 1 . . . . BARB E if?
1 “i1 litil‘lh‘nfl'fi, .9 st.1>r§il§..lw§: 11 fibuxiu the studyoflitslnivstciriés.”.-i ‘ , __ _ -
tidns oftlle ilation‘learnedhtofinoiéperl J 11...; 4 £11.; 1 “" ‘ " "" “ ' I“ ’ “l N 1: "l '» 71“ 1'- 1 7 '
’ F. C5 E. . ‘ l .
' fectly convey their thoughts from one to .- ‘ - 1‘ ’11 .‘1' ll_ ; 1. " ' 1"; . ’51.,1. l - . ‘ — ’ ~ ' V5 ‘ r.
the otherm the rudely constructed. 10g: _/ ..: .11 — Col, blunt and )‘Illlzfitreets. l H.111 Cuttnu; a bpeclulty,
cabin debating halls, as‘t'hey‘ wefe'c‘alledf Ironi yeaitoiyear‘since the founda- _——_—__-1—_——:—-T—-——"—i_T—Ifi_
Beginning with the simplest debates tionofthe State College her facilities ‘ » » .1 .1 .. _, 1 -‘ 1- .. -.. ,..
. led to consider the graver questions, to increased. It has been the purpose of V L i H i H I. H L " .i H I _i ‘ . 7 'i H i I,
the unravelin of tllednvisible we)s W ‘ ‘ ‘ : 1 ~-'.' 1- V ~l- ,.; ' ‘ ' "’ " . "i" “E “
whi‘h 11 [liiligeéonfiéang dd ”(5" 2i ' th‘g Iris't’l‘titlon to, Sgnd’ forth from her . . .. . ,1 , LEXING O N! KY! , . . .,
‘1 l i _. 1., a §P,fi‘i§,fi1_.w_; wallsgine thorofiglilyequgpped' to lead -‘ ‘ 1 - ’ - - 1. - - , -' .1 11 l ‘ ‘ - ' ‘ ~ -' ' ~~
weave about each other." Their 10g‘ in the various branches of 11111i1an‘dctiv- .,‘ z ‘ “5 — . . -' '1? " .f' -' 5‘ 1- w ‘-’ ' .
cabin debates ill which all the men of ity. \Vith this end in view she has con- H' 3' MCCIBIIEH, A'My‘.’. .‘ .. . H7 Prrhélpal‘:
the neighborhood generallyjoinedi W9 stantly added to her advantages for in< My l , i I
are 10m: were ‘hhh’hhgjet remarkably structicn in' the technical branches of A. SELECT ’ BO ABDIN’E .AND E DAY SCHOOL FOR . , YOUNG
‘ interestingluldlnstructlve, and 110 de- science. There have been procured for _ _ . y _ 11- .i.. LAEDIES. \ 1 "[1 1-3.. i ’ ‘
W91? 116.11 11111111 to 1:51.; 1111.»:1111'3e11erg1‘rimé he’aasmrzmé vfa‘ridu’s departments w ‘
I alid intelligence in upholding hi5 argu- men eciiliarlv adapted by their Lseveral i. I I n i \ i, ‘ ‘1 ' i‘ 0 - - . 111 1 . ..
' 1 . , ‘ 1 r l 1 1 ( 1 ‘ ' '
mt 1 squamous... thewormey 1W1 Lexmgton Small-(chilling dlld Dyeing WOIkS,
But now, since the furnished halls chosen to direct. . ' _ '
have taken the place 0f the 05”)in room; As a natural sequence of the spirit of For Ladies and Gents’ Wear. >
since a splendid library now stands progress characteristic ofth'einstitution 6 I“ 1M J St I ,- t 1.: V i
where 0“?“ ranged the little shelves Or she olTers to the ‘student of '92 iilduce- 1 ‘ . ' I " A‘mi ‘ 7' 4Gk111g on, ‘5‘
lHJOkSr (‘flll itbe possible that the illter- lilellts‘ superior to those of any year of . ‘ 1 ' 1 1 . .
est in such anorble workis rabating? ' 18 her past-historyz' New courses of study : . GENTS WEAR MADE TO ORDER'
it to be believed that Society which are presented to him, new classes have Altering and Repairing Done “uh Neatness and Despalcn.
calls {Grill the youngr to the enjoyment been added to the former courses ill or- DRY CLEANING A SPECIALTY. '
oltllewlllrl of the dance. is to replace der to make them more thorough, so A B Hawkins P‘LO In ti ‘ i ' ‘
that work which is essential to prepare that whatever ma'y be the student’s apti- ' ' ' . P e on . .
‘ ~ - V '1 p 1 , I " l . ‘ . u i 7
them for more manly eniulatlonsj. j tilde, he may obtain such instruction as .
| _()ilr College has connected with it one will be required to reliderliiln proficient. - '
of the oldest literary societies of the Not only the immediate patrons oftlle LeXI n gto n I u I I I b I n g C O I I I pa ny
State. From it have branched others, College. but every patriotic citizen of . ' : 1
and now altogether there are {our in the Commonwealth will note with nolit—'
number. But it seems that those which tle satisfaction that this institution of H I G H G R A D E P LU M B l N G
sliouldbe tlienl'ost flourishing are the learningis ever approaching the high . J _ I '
most ‘lnii‘kwurd. Surely not because standard at which it aimsvtlie‘ideal . HOT \VATER AND STEAM HEA'l‘lNG.
there is a lack of good material; our stu- university ol the nineteenth century. ‘
dents can not acknowledge ‘that. lt is . ,_._ . _ ~ . »
.'inl l '111 abseilccoi'iliterest. , -.,‘ . ..‘ 1, . i. ‘ W d M I I _I_ G M h
“ Itl’if‘]:)til‘m‘(lc(l that ever ‘ 71 Du h Moon. “(ll known to thi. In I S, . as ac Ines,
s 3 one 11 10 . .. ..( 1 ._ . ..
ii iii ilitil in 1mtiet} should become '1 htu‘lvmh ”1 31’ nttmuh‘d the Full
) s: “11'." . 1 _ _ ., , . .
professional; a lawyer. a“ orator or a last week. Howlll soon leave for Sewer and Dralh Tlle,
minister; yet every one should be able to an eastern lllll\'("l'Slt_V ‘to prepare
reason and converse about subjects of for tili' llllllistl'y. I9 East Short Street, LCXIDgtOI'l, Ky

 Grand Opening at th Engl' h K'th I)

No. 12 W. Short. Regular Meals 25 cents. . Meals to order at. all hours. Oysters, Lamb Fries and Spring

Chickens a specialty._ On eXlllbltlon 200 tans in perpetual motion, and 5000 gallons of water flowing over a pet-

rified nymph. Seating capacrty ot hall, lot). GUS. LUIGART, Proprietor.

THE ’1‘ TF hereto save the trouble of Uoing o
S A 1 COLLEGE CADET, - 5 dis"? 1" H i"-
around to apologize to each 01 our '==;EY~ l3-9503; . '
Published Monthly during the Collegi- Sllbscribers SGparately. £2 I'Lgoi ee 1 Cu 3 es
ate Year only, in the interest of every As much matter as is usually re- E2255 :5 A SPECIALTY. '
Department of the State College. . - - 1 7. 5'” 3.“? 5 3‘“-
quired tor an issue oi the LADET sj‘? -; g . ;: Oldt 0th )1 ”ti ll 1 t'fi . 1 t th
‘. TERMS. was handed the printer in ample 3; Intdeenithiiiitlml £1 18630 (1 am (1i 1. cla S 66.11
1 0.“ Yea“ ' ' ' ' ' ' 75° time to have had it out several (1‘1 7s I I 2 , I ‘ P a S‘ 1 ea {61.8 8‘1“ Singer WI
SIX A‘IOchS-m--.---~-~----~~--50C , . _. 7 , . 3 find these a great improvement over the old wav of insert—
ThreeMonths Joe age, but and punt-er >et It up 111 me teeth on 1 tes Th 1 t ff ttl v1
5mg“: LOP} ‘OC smaller type than was counted on, a I) a By ( 0 no (i (,t 18 QPLH 1
and when the business manager . . . . . . .
. . . ‘. n
EDITORIAL STAFF. went there to see about havrng it 1s- Fl 6 Geld Fdhngs $l up. Fme Silver F'llmg 75 Cents.
H. M_ Gunn Editor. sued, it was found that another page Vitalized Air Administered 50 Cents
1 . .
F. C. ELKINS, Alumnus Editor. 0f matter was needed. '
E. BRAND, Our business manager being:r a Teeth Extracted 25 Cents.
Associate Editor and Business Manager. 1118.11 of literary attainnlents, at
WM'HOBDY' _ once sat down to write another NEW YORK DENTISTS,
Correspondent Patterson Soeiety. . . l.) ti 1‘ 1 t ‘ .tt ~
WM. PATTERSON, page, u. )e 1‘“ “0' “r? en more R. H. HODGEN, D. D. S., MANAGER.
Correspondent Union Society. than halt a page when m stepped Lexington, Kentucky- .
Miss LIZZIE SCOTT, that diabolical printer with the an-
Lorrespondent £0,113: Hamilton College. nouncement that “yo . more pages Office open Evenings. Permanently located over Opera House.
J“ ‘ ERRP‘LL’ were needed. The limit of human _________________________._________. .
Correspondent Y. M. C. A.
H H HILL endurance was reached, that last an-
Correspondent Athletic Association. 11011110611161“ was the straw that J . B. MORTON & CO-l .
R. A. BURTON, broke the camel’s back (if our busi-
GeneralCorrespondent ness manager is to represent the . .
. ___________ W... a... 1...... .11.g0.-y),.0 Booksellers, Statloners and Drugglsts,
Address all communications to the - -. .. .. ) J . .
\ State College Cad“. A. & M. College, ingtiom In: stooll he heapettl1 .1
Lexington, Ky. mountain 0' anat tennis on rat .
'— poor (but deserving) printer’s head, littp Oll llfllld ihETeXt BOOkS llbt‘tl lllA.&.M. COlltgt‘
EDITORIAL and left in such a heat of passion .
that he took a day or two to cool, . . , ‘
. -) ‘ . . , . 7
On account of the interest taken so hence the delay the CADET has -b 13- 31am St" Lekmstmh IX)-
' . 7‘ ‘ ' . . r . .. x m .
1n the (JADM‘ by ltb many leaders, been made to sutter.
we have had many requests to have However, lieneet'orward, we in- _________———————————————————
1t publlshcd 111 pamphlet torm. This, tend to have the CADET printed in .
would indeed be desirable, for its my,“ cm H]. . 1. .- '1 . . . .1
. . e .. .. pita s, am aunt an) but! ( ) I l 1 I ( : ( )I ]
many valuable (,:ontr1butions from (1,.th in the future. 1 S )
scientific circles, the commencement
orations,and the college notes and . ‘ ———I)EALER IN—Q—
gossip which its pages contain, Dmdf $9117 Emmi?) “:0 31111.3)"
would render a bound volume of “11060 “use am 10‘ l‘eVl e, a , .' , ‘
. . , . . , ‘ < . . «J ' ' , , , ‘ . T
the CADETMI interesting memento has Itsumed his (must in Latin Staple and Fancy GIOCQI 138 and 00111111)
in after .V"?‘l""- a‘nd Lureek. Pl'Oduce.
In view ot'thir 42m. tho p