xt7v154dp490 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v154dp490/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1970-10-sep15. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-10-sep15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-10-sep15. 1970 1970-10-sep15. 2011 true xt7v154dp490 section xt7v154dp490 

      Minutes of the Statutory Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, September 15, 1970

      Under KRS 164. 170 the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
met in regular statutory session on Tuesday, September 15, 1970, at 2:00
o'clock (Eastern Daylight Tire) in Rooms D and E on the 18th floor of the
Patterson Office Tower on the University campus with the following members
present: Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mr. Jesse M. Alverson, Mr. Thomas P.
Bell, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, former Governor
Albert B. Chandler, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. George W. Griffin, Jr. , Mr.
Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Mr. B. Hudson Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James
H. Pence, Mr. Floyd H. Wright, non-voting faculty members Professors Paul
G. Sears and Robert W. Rudd, and non-voting student member, Mr. Steve
Bright. Absent from the meeting were Mr. Albert G. Clay and Mr. J. Robert
Miller. The University administration was represented by President Otis A.
Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L. Morris, William R. Willard, Glenwood L.
Creech, Lewis W. Cochran, George J. Ruschell, Robert G. Zumwinkle; Dr.
Donald B. Clapp, Budget Director, and Mr. John C. Darsie, Legal Counsel.
Representatives of the various news media were present as were a representative
group of faculty and students of the University.

     A. Meeting Opened

     Governor Nunn called the meeting to order at 2:00 o'clock. The invocation
was pronounced by Mr. Hillenmeyer and, following call of the roll by the
Secretary who reported a quorum present, the meeting was declared officially
open for the conduct of business at 2:03 o'clock.

     B. Minutes Approved

     On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Wright and, without
objection so ordered, the reading of the Minutes of the August 13 meeting of
the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as

     C. Resolution on Dr. William R, Willard

     As chairman of the committee appointed by Governor Nunn at the August 13
meeting to draft a resolution on Dr. Willard, Dr. Nicholas read the resolution,
a copy of which is included at the end of the Minutes.

     On motion by Dr. Nicholas, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, with all present
voting "aye", the resolution was adopted as presented, ordered spread upon the
Minutes of the meeting and a copy sent to Dr. Willard.



      Dr. Willard was present at the meeting and received a standing vote of
thanks and appreciation from all present. Governor Nunn instructed the
Secretary to send a copy of the resolution to Mrs. Willard as well as to Dr.

      D. Resolution Adopted on Dr. P. K. Kadaba

      Governor Nunn expressed concern on behalf of the Board of Trustees that
a member of the faculty of the University of Kentucky, Dr. P. K. Kadaba, who
was a passenger on one of the planes hijacked on Sunday, September 6. remained
a hostage of Arab guerrillas and asked Dr. Paul Sears to read a resolution ex-
pressing this concern.

      Following the reading of the resolution, Dr. Sears moved its adoption. His
motion was ordered spread upon the Minutes and copies sent to Kentucky's
Congressional delegation in Washington and to Mrs. Kadaba. (See resolution
which appears at the end of the Minutes. )

     E. President's Report to the Trustees

     President Singletary discussed briefly some of the items in his monthly
reps rt to the Trustees (PR 1) and recommended a more leisurely reading of by
members of the Board.

     Governor Nunn accepted the report with thanks and it was ordered filed.

     F. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

     Since all members of the Board had received copies of PR 2 prior to the
meeting, Governor Nunn asked if anyone wished to raise any questions. There
being no questions, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Wright, and
passed without dissent, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved
as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See
PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

     G. Dr. John B. Stephenson Named Dean of Undergraduate
Studies (PR 4A)

     President Singletary recommended that Dr. John B. Stephenson, Associate
Professor of Sociology, be appointed Dean of Undergraduate Studies, retroactive
to September 1, 1970. He reminded the Board that the position had been es-
tablished by Board action in September 1967 but had never been filled.




      On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Dr. Sears, and passed
unanimously, Dr. Stephenson was named Dean of Undergraduate Studies,
effective September 1, 1970. This action by the Board was applauded by
students in the audience and Dr. Stephenson, who was present at the meeting,
was asked to stand and be recognized. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

     H. Dr. William H. Dennen Named Acting Graduate Dean
and Coordinator of Research (PR 4B)

     Dr. Singletary said that a search committee had been appointed to
recommend candidates for the position of Graduate Dean and Coordinator of
Research but was not yet prepared to submit its recommendations. To serve
in the interim, Dr. Singletary reported that Dr. William H. Dennen, Professor
of Geology, had been named Acting Dean of the Graduate School and Coordinator
of Research.

     Although the appointment to an acting administrative position does not
require Board approval, the members of the Board indicated their concurrence
in the appointment of Dr. Dennen. Dr. Dennen was introduced and his presence
was recognized with applause from the audience. (See PR 4B at the end of the

     I. Professor Garrett Flickinger Named Academic Ombudsman

     President Singletary said a third appointment which he wished to announce
was that of Dr. Garrett Flickinger, Professor of Law, to the position of Aca-
demic Ombudsman. This position is one established by the University Senate
and does not require Board approval. Because of Professor Flickinger's rapport
with both students and faculty members, he should be particularly effective in
this position.

     Following Professor Flickinger's introduction and the attendant applause,
Dr. Singletary and the University Senate were commended both for the establish-
ment of such a position and for naming a person so obviously well qualified to
fill it.

     Steve Bright, as the student body representative on the Board, added his
words of commendation stating that these three appointments were of utmost
importance to the students and expressed gratification that students had been
significantly involved in the selection process. He felt that all.three were
respected and admired by the students and that their appointments had the whole-
hearted approval of the student body.

     J. Budget Revisions Approved (PR 5)

Dr. Clapp, at the President's request, presented the recommended budget



revisions, calling particular attention to the change in income estimates which
reflected the reduction in state appropriations resulting from changed economic

        On motion by Dr. Nicholas, seconded by Mr. Alverson, and passed, the
 revisions inthe 1970-71 budget as set forth in PR 5 were authorized and approved.
 (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.

        K. Policy Established Relative to Requests for Appearances
Before the Board of Trustees

        President Singletary said he had received three requests for permission
to appear before the Board of Trustees for the purpose of presenting certain
matters of concern relevant to the University. Since only the Board can grant
such permission, he was now presenting these requests to them for whatever
action they deemed desirable.

       Mr. Bell read the following policy statement and moved its adoption:

            Anyone desiring to be heard by the Board of Trustees will
       first submit in writing the subject matter and the reason for
       desiring a hearing before the Board of Trustees to President

            President Singletary shall determine if the subject matter
       is relevant and material to the University of Kentucky.

            If the President determines the matter is relevant and
       material to the University of Kentucky, he shall refer the matter
       to a Committee appointed by the Chairman of the Board.

            Said Committee will fix a time, place and conditions for
       the petitioner or petitioners to appear before the Committee.

           Said Committee shall report their findings of fact and
       conclusions to the full Board.

            The full Board will act or, the Committee report or may
       determine the full Board will hear the petitioner at such time
       and place as the full Board may determine.

       Mr. Pence seconded Mr. Bell's motion. Determining that there was no
discussion of the motion, Governor Nunn called for the vote and all present
voted "aye".

       In addition to the three letters requesting permission to appear before the
Board, President Singletary had also received a written request from the Student



Coalition that he present to the Board petitions which had been circulated during
the summer and letters of confidence from various people supporting the Student
Coalition in its efforts to prevent violence on campus. In accordance with this
request, President Singletary said he was formally delivering these materials to
the Board of Trustees.

       On behalf of the Board, Governor Nunn accepted the materials and re-
quested that copies be made available to all members of the Board.

       L. Finance Committee Reports (FCRs 1, 2, 3)

       Mr. Hillenmeyer, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the
Finance Committee had considered and approved the recommendations in FCRs 1,
2 and 3, and made a motion that the Board give formal approval to the three
reports. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer and all present voted "aye".
FCRs 1, 2 and 3 were approved as presented. (See FCRs 1, 2 and 3 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       M. Board Hearing Committee Appointed

       Governor Nunn appointed the following persons to serve on the committee
authorized in Section K of these Minutes to hear persons requesting appearances
before the Board of Trustees:

           Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Chairman
           Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer
           Mr. Jesse M. Alverson
           Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer
           Dr. Robert W. Rudd

       In appointing the committee of five, Governor Nunn noted that any three
would constitute a quorum for a hearing.

       N. Meeting Adjourned

       Having determined there was no further business to come before the
meeting, Governor Nunn called for a motion for adjournment. On motion by
Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Butler, and without dissent, the meeting
adjourned at 2:25 p. m.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
(Resolution on Dr. Willard, Resolution on Dr. Kadaba, PR 2, PR 4A and 4B, PR 5
and FCRs 1, 2 and 3 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting. )



WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky

proposes the following tribute to Dr. William Robert Willard who has

been the builder and director of the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center

at the University of Kentucky since the first spade of dirt was turned,

under which the project was inaugurated in 1956.

      WHEREAS, Dr. Willard by his wisdom and foresight, has caused

this Medical Center to become recognized as one of the outstanding

Medical Centers in the United States, and

      WHEREAS, Dr. Willard is responsible for the staffing of this

institution, and his wise choice of dedicated personnel has contributed

largely to the reputation that this Medical Center has gained during the

last 14 years. The Board of Trustees was advised, before Dr. Willard

was suggested, of his outstanding contributions in the field of medicine

in other institutions throughout the United States.

     NOW, therefore, the Trustees of the University on their own behalf,

and on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the faculty

and students of the University wish to express their appreciation to Dr.

Willard for his outstanding contribution to the health, welfare and education

of our people.

     THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the

University of Kentucky in evidence of its high regard and high respect for

the contributions of Dr. Willard and Mrs. Willard to the establishment and

conduct of this Medical Center, do express to him our highest admiration


and our warm personal esteem. We wish for him an abundance of health

and happiness in the years to come. He has, in our opinion, earned the

respect and devotion of the people of this Commonwealth, and as long as

the Medical Center continues to administer to our people we shall always

remember him for his contributions to it.



       This Board notes, with grave concern, that a distinguished member of
the University of Kentucky faculty, Professor P. K. Kadaba of the College of
Engineering, remains a hostage of Arab guerrillas after more than a week's
incarceration following the hijacking of a plane on which he was a passenger.

       Cognizant of the awesome difficulty faced by those who are working
ceaselessly to effect the release of Professor Kadaba and the other innocent
hijack victims, the members of this Board urge undiminished continuance of
these efforts until all of the hostages are freed.

       Meanwhile, the Board expresses its deep sorrow for the great anxiety
experienced by Professor Kadaba's wife and daughter, and extends to them its
heartfelt wishes for his safe and immediate return.



                         September 15, 1970


     The 1970 fall enrollment figures at the University total
29,812 students on all campuses and in all divisions. A break-
down shows 17,603 students on the Lexington campus, 10,109
students in the 14 community colleges, 1,100 in the Evening
Class Program, and an estimated 1,000 students in the Extension
Class Program. Dean of Admissions and Registrar Elbert W. Ocker-
man reported enrollment on the Lexington campus is up nine per
cent over last year. "The increased number of students partici-
pating in advance registration, the changes in our admissions pro-
cedures, and the cooperation of the deans have made this the best
registration ever," Dr. Ockerman said. Prior to late registration,
students enrolled on the Lexington campus totaled 17,320. This
figure represented 4,055 freshmen, 3,491 sophomores, 3,443 juniors,
3,488 seniors, 2,247 graduate students, 47 auditors, and 549 stu-
dents in medicine and dentistry. Early registration figures by
colleges included: Agriculture, 657; Arts and Sciences, 5,610;
Business and Economics, 1,706; Education, 2,875; Engineering,
1,295; Graduate School, 2,245; Law, 450; Pharmacy, 188; Medicine,
342; Dentistry, 207; Architecture, 394; Allied Health, 332; Home
Economics, 368, and Nursing, 392. A breakdown of the community
colleges shows: Ashland, 1,073; Elizabethtown, 630; Ft. Knox,
792; Hazard, 210; Henderson, 584; Hopkinsville, 478; Jefferson,
2531; Lexington Technical Institute, 583; Madisonville, 310;
Maysville, 360; Paducah, 1,132; Prestonsburg, 420; Somerset,
668, and Southeast at Cumberland, 338.


     The dedication of new buildings in the Community College
System will begin at Prestonsburg Community College September 24,
at 2 p.m. Governor Louie B. Nunn, Dr. Otis A. Singletary, and
Dr. Stanley Wall will take part. A hospitality hour and dinner
are planned, along with a dedication dance. The new buildings
take their names from the surrounding counties: technical build-
ing, Pike; administration building, Johnson, and the student
center, Martin. The Ashland Community College dedication has
been set for November 18 and the dedication at Hazard will be
October 2. Dedication plans at the moment are incomplete.


- 2 -


     Although Kentucky farm population has dropped 45 per cent
in the last 10 years to a little over 300,000 it will not mater-
ially change programs of the College of Agriculture, says Dr.
Charles E. Barnhart. The dean said programs have been changing
over the years in keeping with the changing population complexion,
and that the real benefactor of agricultural research has always
been the consumer--urban and rural. Dr. Barnhart also said that
despite the dwindling farm population, farm gross income in the
state has for the first time in history hit the $1 billion mark.
He is concerned that present-day farmers be followed by well-
trained young people. That, he said, is the responsibility of the
college. For a number of years the college has been encouraging
youths--both farm and city--to take courses connected with farm-
related businesses, as well as those in production agriculture--
feed and machinery stores, dairy plant operation, meat packing
plants, horticultural enterprises, etc. Fifteen years ago, the
extension service pioneered in providing experts to assist com-
munities in resources development in an effort to help indivi-
duals as well as communities develop their potentials. The
service provides home management aides to work directly with poor
families in teaching them how to prepare nutritious meals, and
provides a means of getting the families involved in other pro-
grams of self-help through the services of county agricultural
and home economics agents as well as 4-H Club programs.


     The University Student Branch of the American Society of
Agricultural Engineers has won first place in 1969-70 Group B
Competition for the FIEI Trophy, an award sponsored each year
among ASAE student branches in the U.S. and Canada and known
as the FIEI Trophy Competition. Trophies donated by the Farm
and Industrial Equipment Institute are awarded on the basis of
the most conspicuous record of activities and achievement in the
current school year. Recipients are determined by a standing
committee of the Society. The cup was presented to the Univer-
sity Branch during the ASAE annual meeting in Minneapolis.

     "This represents a splendid record of achievement on the
part of the students of your Student Branch and one in which you
and the Branch can rightfully be proud," said J. L. Butt, executive
secretary of ASAE, in a letter to Dean Charles Barnhart.


- 3


     Dean Charles F. Haywood has returned to the campus after
a leave of absence for nearly a year during which he conducted
a study for restructuring the staff organization of the American
Bankers Association. His work with the association is continuing
as his recommendations are to be implemented over the next six
months to a vear. The membership of ABA is 18,000 banks, branches
and other institutions of which approximately 13,000 are voting
members. The restructuring of the staff organization of ABA was
aimed at making organization more responsive to the needs of the
membership, Dean Haywood said. Part of his work included re-
commendations on duty assignments of ABA executive officers, the
reorganization of committees and the functions of each. One of
the major recommendations of Dean Haywood's study was that the
headquarters of the ABA should be moved from New York City to
Washington, D. C. The move, involving approximately 275 staff
members, will be accomplished early in 1971.


     The College of Law, in cooperation with the National Insti-
tute of Mental Health Clinical Research Center, is sponsoring a
legal aid plan for the residents of the national agency's local
facility. Alvin L. Goldman, associate professor of law and ad-
visor to the law students, said the agreement between the college
and the health agency was signed earlier this year. The agree-
ment stated that second and third year law students, with super-
vision of a licensed attorney, could give legal advice and aid
to the residents. Problems the legal aid interns handle include
advice on liability for indebtedness, custody of children,
criminal charges held in abeyance, parole status, and divorce
proceedings. "We normally help the residents in getting legal
aid in their hometowns or wherever the action against them may
have been initiated," Prof. Goldman said. He said it has been
"an excellent learning experience for the students," noting that
students earn academic credit for their weekly trips to visit
residents. Students who have participated through this summer
include David R. Vandeventer and Bruce Viles, both of Lexington;
Donna Terry, Elizabethtown; Leslie Martin, New Castle; Phil R.
Aaron, Columbia; John W. Kirk, Warfield; Leo A. Marcum, Frankfort;
Gregory L. Monge, Fairfield, Ill., and Willie Sanders, Gary, Ind.


     A check for $12,000 from the Fayette County chapter of the
March of Dimes was presented to the Birth Defects Treatment Center
at the Medical Center recently. A total of 424 children from 77
counties throughout the state were treated last year at the center.
Dr. C. Charleton Mabry is director of the Birth Defects Treatment


4 -


     A recent survey by Dr. Paul H. Owen of Media Services re-
vealed that about twice as many students agreed as disagreed
that TV lectures seemed more personal than they had anticipated.
Approximately 480 students enrolled in credit closed TV courses
last year took part in the survey. More than half the students
indicated they would take other such courses if the alternative
was a large lecture hall. Dr. Owen believes that since univer-
sities do not have the financial resources to provide extra pro-
fessors "for a nice one-to-one relationship with students, TV can
be a means by which students will regain personal contact with
the professor instead of being a depersonalizing influence."
Similar studies throughout the country have shown that students
can learn as much in TV courses as they can with the traditional
lecture. Officials in the College of Agriculture made their
own study, confirming findings of the national poll. They also
found little difference when they compared the grades of students
in a TV agriculture course with those of students in non-TV
sections of the same course.

     A new TV course begun this month is Political Science 151--
"Principles of American Government," presented by five political
science faculty members: Malcolm Jewell, John Fraser, Michael
Baer, William Lyons and Bradley Cannon. Dr. Owen said the pro-
fessors have spent much time finding films to illustrate their
lectures. The 45-minute political science lessons will be shown
on Mondavs and Wednesdays to 20 classroom sections which meet in
the Classroom Building. Each section will meet with an instructor
on Fridays. Another new series is Accounting 201--"Principles of
Accounting," presented by John Gaciala, who uses 28 half-hour
video tapes on an experimental basis. Members of the Departments
of Agricultural Economics and Sociology have a televised course
in Economics 102. The four-hour course uses 48 half-hour tapes.
Professors are Frank Bordeaux, Russell H. Brannon, James E.
Criswell, Rabel Burdge and Loys L. Mather. Prof. Michael Adel-
stein's tape, English 101--"Freshman Composition," is used in
about a third of the classroom sections.

     Agriculture 106--"Animal Sciences," is presented by Profs.
Frank Buck and Arthur Rudnick, with guest specialists handling
seven of the 48 sessions. The Ten-Statement Fortran, an experi-
mental application of TV to a non-credit short course in computer
programming, will be given several times during the academic year.
The eight half-hour lessons by Dr. Martin Solomon and Michael
Kennedy were shown three times last year to approximately 300
persons, and were supplemented by discussion and lab sessions.
Six community colleges are expected to be hooked onto the closed
circuit system through technical arrangements with the KETV Net-
work. Other community colleges will be hooked up "as soon as
possible," Dr. Owen said. Dr. Owen discussed the possibilities
of utilizing the community colleges as viewing centers for a
series of 25 half-hour segments for professional engineers now
being made by College of Engineering Extension.


                                - 5 -


     A training course for Peace Corps volunteers has begun under
direction of the Center for Developmental Change. The Center
will train volunteers currently being recruited from all over the
U.S. to be instructors in hospital administration and maintenance
in Venezuela, under a $130,000 contract with the Federal Govern-
ment. Dr. Willis H. Griffin, director of the Office for Inter-
national Programs, said three UK representatives recently returned
from Venezuela where they spent three weeks getting information to
aid in planning the training program. They are Vyrle Owens,
director of the project, John Laverty, hospital administrator,
and I. T. Baldwin, training development officer. They visited
Caracas and Valencia, where the volunteers will work with and
train Venezuelans in the maintainence operation of hospitals
from the top administrative levels to the custodians and laundry
workers. The volunteers' training program began September 1 and
ends December 18. Presently there are 12 in the program.


     Visually handicapped students tnroughout Kentucky will bene-
fit from a program sponsored by the Human Relations Center through
the Woman's Club of UK. Affiliated with the Kentucky Volunteers
for the Blind, Inc., Frankfort, the new program provides cassette
tapes of books college students need in completing work on their
degrees. Members of the Woman's Club, an organization of faculty
wives, record the textbooks, usually two or three chapters at each
recording session. Arrangements for recording space in the Student
Center, scheduling and duplication of the cassettes, is handled
through the Office of Handicapped Student Services in the Human
Relations Center. Sixteen members of the club who have volunteered
their services have completed more than 25 books for use during the
fall term. The program provides a service to blind students by
insuring each student he will have the material he needs for his
courses and by preventing unavoidable delays which otherwise may
occur when textbooks are not available on tape from other sources.
When the students no longer need the tapes, they will be sent to
Frankfort to be placed in the library of the Kentucky Volunteers
for the Blind. From there the tapes will be used by students in
colleges and universities throughout the state.


     Documents found in the Campbell County Courthouse, Alexandria,
by a researcher on early Kentucky banking history, have been given
to the University library. The papers show that Daniel Boone and
a fellow pioneer, John Grant, Woodford county, agreed to pay one
Hugh French, Goochland county, Va., 100 per cent interest for a
loan of 150 pounds, Virginia money. The note was dated November 12,
1791. The papers were presented to the University by the First
National Bank and Trust Co., Covington.


- 6 -


      Improving the braille system for blind readers by use of
computers for translation is being studied by the Office of Re-
search and Engineering Services. Presently, reading matter must
laboriously be translated from the printed word to the braille
system, whereby blind people read by passing their fingertips
over embossed symbols. In the present system of short-hand
braille, called Grade 2, certain groups of letters are abbre-
viated. Russell E. Puckett, director of the research office,
says the technology and equipment exist for improvement of the
system. He said "we have to determine how to program a computer
so that it will take the input from the typewriter, translate it
into Grade 2 braille and store the information to be embossed
later on braille paper." Puckett's co-workers on the project
are Prof. John Jackson, Department of Electrical Engineering,
and Benny Dukes, a senior student in the department, and
Joseph A. Pruitt, electronics specialist on Puckett's staff in
the Office of Research and Engineering Services.


     Research studies by Dr. Lewis Donohew, professor of journal-
ism, and a graduate who received a master of arts degree in
communications, were presented during the annual meeting in
Washington, D. C., of the Association for Education in Journal-
ism. Dr. Donohew, recently returned from a semester of research
at the University of Oslo, Norway, discussed the relationship of
psychological stress to dogmatism. His co-writer for the paper
was Philip Palmgreen of the Social Welfare Research Institute.
Lowndes I. Stephens, Spindletop Research Institute, presented a
study entitled "Mass Media Exposure and Modernization Among Appa-
lachian Poor." Stephens and Palmgreen received MA degrees in
communication from the University. Prof. Bruce Westley, chairman
of the Department of Journalism, assumed the chairmanship of the
Communication Theory and Methodology Division of the AEJ during
the meeting. Dr. Robert E. Murphy, director of the School of
Communications, and Prof. J. Ardery McCauley, associate chairman
of the Department of Journalism, also attended the meeting.


     The new College of Social Professions is emphasizing the pre-
ventive side of social work as it begins a two-year master's de-
gree program this fall. Dean Ernest F. Witte explained that "the
role of the social change agent for which we hope to prepare stu-
dents is not always a popular one and is fraught with risks,
community misunderstanding, and political hazards. If, on the
other hand, we cannot prepare students to modify the institutions
serving people so that they do damage to fewer of them, the number
of people requiring help and support from social agencies is going
to increase continually and social tensions in the society will
grow and further polarize it." The program also will prepare stu-
dents for supervisory, administrative and consultative positions.


- 7


     A forum for discussion of mutual problems meets each Friday
at the University, featuring representatives of the Lexington
community, the administration, faculty and student groups. The
Student Center sessions usually last about two hours. Subjects
are diverse and topics often change abruptly, with some speakers
putting forth their own views on a favorite subject rather than
replying to the previous speaker. Sessions are loosely controlled
by a moderator who calls for "time" when it appears a subject has
been exhausted. Representatives of the Lexington Police Depart-
ment, Student Mobilization Committee, Lexington Chamber of Commerce,
Student Government, and Transylvania University have participated
in some of the discussions. Meetings have attracted as many as 40
persons, with some 25 being active participants expressing views,
while the rest constitute a spectators' gallery.


     Two scientists designated by NASA to study lunar rock from
the Apollo 12 mission have found one sample chemically unique
among all lunar rock coll