xt7v154dp48d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7v154dp48d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1989-13-dec12. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1989-13-dec12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1989-13-dec12. 1989 1989-13-dec12. 2011 true xt7v154dp48d section xt7v154dp48d 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, December 12, 1989.

        The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 4 p.m.
Lexington time on Tuesday, December 12, 1989 in the Board Room on the 18th
floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

        A.    Meeting Opene

        Mr. Foster Ockerman, Chairman, called tle meeting to order at 4:10
p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. Jerry Stricker.

        B.    Roll Call

        The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll: Mr. Foster Ockerman, (Chairman), Mr. Ted B. Bates, Professor
Raymond F. Betts, Mr. William E. Burnett, Jr., Professor Mary Sue Coleman,
Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr., Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes,
Senator Walter D. Huddleston, Mr. Sean Lohman, Dr. Nicholas J. Pisacano,
Professor Judith Rhoads, Mr. James L. Rose, Judge Robert F. Stephens, Mr.
Jerome A. Stricker, Mr. William B. Sturgill, Judge Julia K. Tackett, Mr.
Billy B. Wilcoxson, and Judge Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr. Absent from the
meeting was Governor Albert B. Chandler. The University administration
was represented by President David P. Roselle; Chancellors Robert E.
Hemenway and Charles T. Wethington; Vice Presidents Edward A. Carter,
Wimberly C. Royster and Eugene R. Williams; Mr. Thomas W. Samuel,
Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration; and Mr. John C. Darsie,
General Counsel.

        Members of the news media were also in attendance. Mrs. Hayes
reported a quorum present, and Mr. Ockerman declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business at 4:14 p.m.

        C.    Minutes Approved

        Mr. Ockerman asked for any objections or corrections to the
Minutes of the October 24, 1989 Board of Trustees meeting and the Minutes
of the November 7, 1989 Executive Committee meeting which had been
distributed. The Minutes of both meetings stood approved as distributed.

        D.    Report of Actions by the Executive Committee

        Mr. Ockerman commented that he had written President Roselle and
stated that due to a conflict he would not participate in any of the
actions that relate to a retail mall on Coldstream Farm, particularly
questions about its development. He stated that an amended action which
relates to the Small Area Plan will be submitted to the Board. He stated
that he does not have a conflict under the terms of the proposal as it
will be submitted. However, if any discussion relating to a proposed mall
arises, he will decline to participate. He called on Mr. Joseph Burch to
explain ECR 1, Amended Coldstream Farm-Comprehensive Plan Change.


- 2 -

        E.   Amended Coldstream Farm-Comprehensive Plan Change (ECR 1)

        Mr. Burch stated that the Executive Committee had authorized the
administration to file a Small Area Change with the Planning Commission
for an area of Coldstream Farm on Newtown Pike which is to comprise part
of the research campus. He displayed a map of the area and stated that
the proposed amendment is to file the plan according to the map. He
indicated that it would include only a small area as part of the research
campus. The remainder of the property would be left as "other public
uses" and there would be no attempt at this time to have the comprehensive
plan changed for the research campus except in designated areas.

        Judge Stephens asked how the plan fits in with the proposed
development plan by MPC & Associates, Inc.

        Mr. Burch replied that this is a part of the total development
plan as presented to the Board in the past. It seemed important that the
University get started with the research campus. A plan must be filed and
approved in order to put the administration in a position to respond to
potential clients. Rather than trying to deal with the whole plan, a
decision was made to present a smaller version of the plan in order to get
started and deal with other questions as they arise.

        Mr. Ockermar. asked Mr. Burch to explain ECR 2 as it relates to the
zone change application.

        Mr. Burch explained that the administration was approached prior
to the Executive Committee meeting on November 7 by a client who wanted to
build a facility on the Coldstream Research Campus. The client liked the
idea of the Research Campus very much; the facility this client proposes
would be a 100,000 square foot building.  Thus, the University is not in a
position to respond to the client and wait perhaps a year for the Small
Area Plan to be approved. Therefore, the client asked if the
administration would make application for a zone change of a small parcel
(15 to 20 acre parcel on the corner), and the Executive Committee approved
the request on November 7.

        Mr. Burch explained that ECR 1 and 2 work hand-in-hand. The
client is interested in dealing with the University if the property is
rezoned. If this action is approved, the application will go to the
January meeting of the Planning Commission.

        Mr. Ockerman asked if there were any questions from any member of
the Board.

        Mr. Forgy stated that at the meeting of the Executive Committee he
had voted against the original proposal because he felt that it would stop
or form a waiver by the University of Kentucky of consideration of a
shopping center on certain parts of Coldstream Farm. He said that he is
not in opposition to the proposal that is being submitted today. He
expressed the opinion that it still leaves the University in a position
where at some point it could go to the Planning and Zoning Commission for


- 3 -

consideration of some commercial retail at the north end of the farm, and
he would not vote against that. He noted that at the Executive Committee
meeting he also voted for the rezoning of some twelve acres for the
construction of an industrial site. He stated that he thinks that is
correct. He feels that his thinking on the whole issue is well known,
however, he could not pass up the opportunity to express his views again.
The University is in serious need of additional revenue. In 25 years of
dealing with the finances of the University in one form or another, he has
never seen the institution in as serious financial condition. In Mr.
Forgy's judgement, the potential of a mall on Coldstream Farm could
provide as much as $50,000,000 to $70,000,000 over the full life of a
lease on the Coldstream Farm property. He said that he does not think the
Board can take lightly that kind of potential source of revenue. He went
on to say that the revenue stream which would be generated by a shopping
center on the site would solve the major problem regarding the relocation
of the College of Agriculture's facilities currently located on
Coldstream. The relocation of the Agriculture facilities would, in his
opinion, require the expenditure of $15,000,000 to *20,000,000. In
addition, the provision of the infrastructure necessary to develop the
farm will require another $10,000,00 to $15,000,000. He remarked that the
stream of income that the shopping center would provide would allow the
University to do both of those things on an orderly basis. For that
reason, he thinks the Board has to consider carefully whether it has any
option in view of the financial condition of the institution. Obviously,
it is not going to be unanimous but there is available today an option to
the institution to solve that problem. He stated that he believes the
developers that the institution discussed the matter with are still
extremely interested in discussing it further. He noted that he does not
have a connection with any of them. He remarked that the Board has a
fiduciary obligation to look extremely carefully at the situation. He
said that he did not mean to be lecturing the Board with regard to its
obligations. However, the Board cannot, with the University's present
financial condition, simply "kiss off" $60,000,000 over the life of a

        Mr. Ockerman called for any other questions or comments and asked
President Roselle if this is the recommendation of the administration?

        President Roselle stated that ECR 1 is a new recommendation
because it has been amended since the Executive Committee's action at the
November 7 meeting and is before the Board as a new recommendation. He
commented that ECR 2 is as approved by the Executive Committee, and it is
also the recommendation of Che administration.

        Mr. Wilcoxson asked, "if the Board does proceed with the
development of a 100,000 square feet research development and office
complex, is there any numbers as to the cost to the University of getting
all the facilities and getting this thing ready for development versus
what we have coming in as income?"

        Mr. Ockerman indicated that it will be a subject of negotiation
with the potential developer and also a matter to discuss with the
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government. The present action will not
tie the Board to any proposal. He stated that it would come back to the
Board before any lease or other agreement is made with any developer.


- 4 -

        Mr. Burnett moved that ECR 1 be approved. Mr. Wilcoxson seconded
the motion, and it carried. (See ECR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

        F.    Coldstream Farm-Zone Change Application (ECR 2)

        Mr. Ockerman stated that ECR 2 was recommended by the Executive
Committee and also recommended by the administration. He asked for a
motion to approve ECR 2. Dr. Pisacano made such a motion. The motion was
seconded by Judge Stephens. Mr. Ockerman asked again for any discussion.

        Judge Tackett asked if the Board makes application for the zone
change, will this limit the University in developing or seeking to develop
a mall at some time in the future?

        Mr. Ockerman stated that it would not.

        Judge Tackett stated that time is generally money and she wondered
when the Board would try to do something about developing the mall part of
the plan. She said that Mr. Forgy's comments have validity in terms of
the Board trying to adopt this plan in an orderly fashion with some
revenue to carry it out.

        Mr. Ockerman indicated that it would be a matter that he supposed
could come up at any time that the Board wanted to address it.

        Judge Tackett said, "but there is not a plan."

        Mr. Ockerman said that there is not a proposal before the Board

        Mr. Wilcoxson asked for clarification of the fact that the Board
is only addressing a zone change, and the benefit to the University will
be decided when the numbers are put together.

        Mr. Ockerman said: "That is correct."

        There being no further questions, a vote was taken and ECR 2 was
carried unanimously. (See ECR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

        G.    Revised Administrative Committee List

        President Roselle reported that there had been two changes on the
Board's committee list. He stated that Mr. Ockerman had appointed Mr.
Burnett to the Finance Committee, and Judge Wilhoit had removed himself
from the Investment Committee due to considerations applicable to members
of the federal bench.

        H.    President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

        President Roselle called particular attention to the following

      - Sponsored funding for research is up by 10 percent in the first
        several months of the current fiscal year. This is one more


- 5 -

     - demonstration of the faculty's expertise and interest in their
       disciplines. Funding is mainly from industry, government and

     - The Law School moot court team has advanced to the national

     - Governor Wilkinson attended two groundbreaking ceremonies recently
       at Hopkinsville and Paducah community colleges. A $5,350,000
       Allied Health Building will be erected at Paducah, and a
       $3,400,000 multi-purpose facility featuring a student center, an
       auditorium, a corridor for art and other exhibits, game rooms, a
       conference room and four classrooms will be constructed at

       - The Forestry Program has been reaccredited until 1994.

       - The Entrepreneurial Institute at Jefferson Community College has
       been named a National Model Program by the National
       Entrepreneurial Education Consortium.

       He called attention to other activities in the report,
particularly the faculty who had helped the University recruit good
students at a recent phonathon. He made mention of an item that came out
after PR 1 had been prepared and called on Dr. Jack Blanton to give a

        Dr. Blanton reported that the administration is delighted with a
recognition that the University recently received on the Combs Research
facility which has been operative for the last year. The Association of
Schools and Colleges is an association which solicits applications for
elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities. The
applications are for new buildings that have been constructed across the
country. He reviewed the competition process and stated that the
University has received recognition for the Combs Cancer Research Building
in the present issue of the magazine. He noted that this is the first
time the University has received this kind of recognition in recent
years. He added that Owensboro Community College had been judged one of
the best state architectural projects of the past year and stated that
both projects were by Omni Architects.

        I.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

        President Roselle stated that PR 2 is a recommendation that the
Board approve the appointments, actions and/or other staff changes and
that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved
by the administration be accepted. Mr. Stricker moved approval. His
motion was seconded by Mr. Burnett and passed. (See PR 2 at the end of
the Minutes.)

        J.    Report on Results of Alumni Member Election (PR 3A)

        President Roselle recommended that the report of the Secretary of
the Board of Trustees on the results of the election authorized by the
Alumni Association be received and put to record, and that the secretary


- 7 -

and the work of the McDowell Foundation. Two of the greatest benefactors
to the facility are Ms. M. Margrite Davis and Mr. Ralph E. Mills. These
two individuals have independently given more than $2.000,000 to the MRISC
and to related projects at the University. For this reason, he
recommended that the Board of Trustees approve naming the facility in
their honor. Ms. Davis and Mr. Mills were asked to stand and be
recognized, following which they were given a round of applause.

        The motion, which was made by Judge Stephens and seconded by Mr.
Burnett, was voted on and passed unanimously. (See PR 6A at the end of
the Minutes.)

       N.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of
Kentucky for the Four Months Ended October 31. 1939 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Forgy moved that the Board accept the University of Kentucky
consolidated financial report for the four months ended October 31, 1989.
The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hayes and passed without dissent. (See
FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

        0.    Disposal of Personal Property (FOR 2)

        On motion made by Mr. Forgy, seconded by Dr. Pisacano and carried,
approval was given for the disposal of surplus and obsolete equipment as
recommended in FCR 2. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

        P.    Report of Leases (FOR 3)

        Mr. Forgy moved that the routine report of leases in FCR 3 be
adopted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sturgill and passed. (See FCR 3
at the end of the Minutes.)

       Q.    Capital Construction Report AFCR 4)

       Mr. Forgy stated that FCR 4 is the quarterly Capital Construction
Report of the institution that is required under House Bill 622 and moved
its adoption. The motion was seconded by Judge Stephens and carried.
(See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       R.    199-90 Budt Revisions (FCR 5)

       Mr. Forgy reported that FCR 5 is the 1989-90 budget revisions
presented to the Board and the Finance Committee by Central Administration
and moved its adoption. His motion was seconded by Mr. Stricker and
passed unanimously. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       S.    Uars-Gilbert Professorship of Law (FOR 6

       Mr. Forgy reported that FCR 6 creates the Spears-Gilbert
Professorship of Law at a sum of no less than $150,000 which shall be
funded from multiple gifts to the College specifically for this
professorship or from gifts designated for general use by the College


- 8 -

which this resolution authorizes the dean to quasi-endow as funds are
received. The motion, seconded by Judge Wilhoit, passed unanimously.
(See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

        T.    Brown. Todd & Hevburn Professorship of Law (FCR 7)

        Mr. Forgy moved that the Board establish in the College of Law the
Brown, Todd & Heyburn Professorship of Law at a sum of no less than
$150,000 which shall be funded from multiple gifts to the College
specifically for this professorship or from gifts designated for general
use by the College. Mr. Forgy noted that Brown, Todd & Heyburn is a fine
firm located in Louisville and Lexington. The motion was seconded by
Judge Wilhoit and carried unanimously. (See FCR 7 at the end of the

        U.    Patent Assignment (FCR 8)

        Mr. Forgy moved, and Mr. Wilcoxson seconded, that the routine
patent assignment in FCR 8 be approved. The motion carried without
dissent. (See FCR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)

        V.    Resolution Adopting Purchasing Regulations (FCR 9)

        Mr. Forgy entertained a motion to adopt the Regulations
implementing the Model Procurement Code pursuant to KRS 164A.555 - 630,
and the motion carried. (See FCR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)

        W.    Meeting Adjourned

        There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4:42 p.m.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          Edythe Jones Hayes
                                          Board of Trustees

(ECR's 1 and 2, PR's 2, 3A, 4A, 5A, 5B, and 6A, FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, and 9 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)



                                                 Board of Trustees
                                                 Executive Committee
                                                 December 12, 1989

Members, Board of Trustees:


Recommendation_  that the November 7, 1989 Executive Committee's action on
PR-1 be amended and approved as follows:

That the University's Administration be authorized to file an application with
the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Planning Commission for a Small Area Change
in the Comprehensive Plan for the land use of a portion of Coldstream Farm.

Only that portion of Coldstream Farm south of Carnahan House will be included
in the Small Area Change process at this time. The remaining land North of
Carnahan House will remain in the Comprehensive Plan with its present
designation as Other Public Use.

Backgroun1: On November 7, 1989, the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees authorized the filing of an application with the Lexington-Fayette
Urban County Planning Commission for a Small Area Change in the Comprehensive
Plan for a portion of Coldstream Farm. This amendment revises the amount of
land to be designated for the research campus at this time.

The plan has been revised because (a) the relocation plan for the College of
Agriculture's animal research program has not been completed and submitted to
the Board of Trustees; therefore, the balance of Coldstream Farm should be
reserved to support Agriculture research until a relocation plan is approved
and relocation can begin; (b) it is impossible at this time to designate the
appropriate future uses of the remainder of Coldstream until more is known
about the changes which may be made in the overall transportation system
serving this area; and (c) it is the objective to designate a portion of
Coldstream for the research campus at this time in order to respond to
opportunities as they come available and begin the long term process of
developing the Coldstream Research Campus along with the relocation and
enhancement of the Agriculture Animal Research program.

Action taken:  Approved             Disapproved   _           Other

Date: December 12. 1989



                                                 Board of Trustees
                                                 Executive Committee
                                                 December 12, 1989

Members, Board of Trustees:


Recom endaton: that the University's Administration be authorized to file an
application with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Planning Commission for a
zone change applicable to approximately fifteen acres of Coldstream Farm.

Basgeround: This action is proposed at this time at the request of a major US
corporation that plans to locate in Kentucky a facility of approximately one
hundred thousand square feet to house research and development, offices and
some light manufacturing of high technology products. Because of this
corporation's development schedule, the University has been asked to proceed
with the zone change request at the earliest possible date.

The facility proposed by this action conforms to the concept envisioned by the
Coldstream Research Campus plan and can be incorporated into the zoning which
is expected to eventually be approved.

At the point when the Small Area Change process is finalized, the zone
designation for this parcel will if possible be changed to conform to that of
the entire Research Campus development.

Action taken:  Approved              Disapproved               Other

Date: December 12. 1989



                                                 Office of the President
                                                 December 12, 1989

Members, Board of Trustees:

                           PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or
changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:  Approved            Disapproved

Date: December 12. 1989





                        CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION


    A.   CHANGE

             Office of Legal Counsel

             VanBooven, Paul C., from Associate Dean for Academic
             Affairs, College of Law, to Associate General Counsel,
             Office of Legal Counsel, effective July 1, 1989



                       COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



              Madisonville Community College

              Welch, Dorothy I., Office Assistant IV in the Community
                    College System, 12/29/89, following 20.5
                    consecutive years of service.



               Ashland Community College

               Coleman, Meribeth, Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 10/9/89 through 6/30/90.
               Willis, Nanette F., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 11/1/89 through 6/30/90.

               Somerset Community College

               Cecil, Brenda, Instructor in the Community College
                    System (voluntary), 8/1/89 through 5/31/91.
               Fryman, Karen, Instructor in the Community College
                    System (voluntary), 8/23/89 through 5/31/90.
               Groves, Debbie, Instructor in the Community College
                    System (voluntary), 8/1/89 through 5/31/90.
               Payne, Jenny S., Instructor in the Community College
                    System (voluntary), 8/1/89 through 8/1/91.
               Singleton, Debbie, Instructor in the Community College
                    System (voluntary), 8/23/89 through 5/31/90.
               Terrell, Elizabeth, Instructor in the Community Coliege
                    System (voluntary), 8/23/89 through 12/11/89.


               Somerset Conmunity College

               Burdine, Jana, Instructor in the Community College

     System (voluntary), 8/1/39
Eaton, Kenny, Instructor in the
     System (voluntary), 8/1/89
Honeycutt, Jolyn, Instructor in
     System (voluntary), 9/1/89
Mitchell, Sheila, Instructor in
     System (voluntary), 9/1/89
Wilson, Paul, Instructor in the
     System (voluntary), 8/1/89
Winchester, Lula, Instructor in
     System (voluntary), 8/1/89
Wright, Marianne, Instructor in
     System (voluntary), 8/1/89

through -/31/90.
Community College
through 5!311/g0.
the Community College
through 9/1/91.
the Community Colleqe
through 9/1/91.
Community College
through 5/31/90.
the Coirnunity College
through 5/31/90.
the Cormmunity College
through 5/311/91.




          Hazard Community College

          Hurt, Valina Kay, Associate Professor in the Community
               College System (with tenure), sabbatical leave at
               full salary for the 1990 spring semester.

          Southeast Community College

          Noe, Roger, Professor in the Community College System
               (with tenure), leave of absence without pay,
               1/2/90 through 4/12/90.



                               LEXINGTON CAMPUS



            College of Arts and Sciences

            Gleason, Scott K., Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, 1/1/90
               through 12/31/91.
            Rosenbaum, Milton, Adjunct Professor, Psychology, 8/16/89 through

            College of Engineering

            McDonough, James M., Associate Professor (without tenure),
               Mechanical Engineering, 1/1/90 through 6/30/91.
            Sitarski, Marek A., Visiting Professor, Chemical Engineering,
               9/15/89 through 12/31/89.

            College of Home Economics

            Carll-White, M. Allison, Associate Professor (with tenure), Human
               Environment: Design and Textiles, effective 1/1/90.


            College of Arts and Sciences

            Henrickson, Carl Ernest, Associate Professor (with tenure),
               Biological Sciences, after 39.4 consecutive years of service,
               under Section III.C of AR II-1.6-1, effective 12/31/89.

            College of EducatitQfn

            Franz, Joseph A., Equipment Room Attendant, Health, Physical
               Education and Recreation, after 18.3 consecutive years of
               service, under Section III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 12/31/89.

            College of Social Work

            Holmquist, Chester A., Associate Professor (with tenure)*, after
               19.5 consecutive years of service, under Section III.B of AR
               II-1.6-1, effective 6/30/90.

            Vice Chancellor for Administration

            Demus, Willie K., Custodial Supervisor I, Apartment Housing,
               Auxiliary Services, after 17.5 consecutive years of service,
               under Section III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective 12/31/89.

*Special Title Series




            College of Engineering

            DeAngelis, Robert J., Professor (with tenure), Material Sciences
               and Engineering, after 25.5 consecutive years of service, under
               Section III.A.l(a) of AR II-1.6-1, effective 12/31/89.

            Vice Chancellor for Administration

            Barber, Lorene W., Custodial Worker IV, Custodial Services,
               Physical Plant Division, after 24 consecutive years of service,
               under Section III.A.l(b) of AR II-1.6-1, effective 12/29/89.
            Kirtley, Omer L., Maintenance Superintendent III, Custodial
               Services, Physical Plant Division, after 43.5 consecutive years
               of service, under Section III.A.2(b) of AR II-1.6-1, effective
            Mulligan, Louis, Jr., Custodial Worker IV, Custodial Services,
               Physical Plant Division, after 19.5 consecutive years of
               service, under Section III.A.l(b) of AR II-1.6-1, effective
            Thompson, Eugene, Custodial Supervisor II, Custodial Services,
               Physical Plant Division, after 44 consecutive years of service,
               under Section III.A.2(b) of AR II-1.6-1, effective 12/29/89.
            Viney, Beatrice, Custodial Worker I, Custodial Services, Physical
               Plant Division, after 15.5 consecutive years of service, under
               Section III.A.l(b) of AR II-1.6-1, effective 1/19/90.

            Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

            Keightley, Hazel R., Staff Assistant, Student Financial Aid, after
               25.5 consecutive years of service, under Section III.A.2(b) of
               AR II-1.6-1, effective 1/16/90.



            Colege of Agriculture

            Barney, Robert J., Adjunct Assistant Professor, Entomology, 11/1/89
               through 6/30/90.

            ollege of Arts and Sciences

            Carey, Sandra M., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/89 through
            Lehman, Rhea H., Instructor (part-time), College of Arts and
               Sciences, l/l/90 through 5/15/90.
            Nuckolls, Charles, Instructor (part-time), Anthropology, 8/16/89
               through 12/31/89.
            Pichard, Leisa D., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/89 through
            Rhoades, Russell, Instructor (part-time), Anthropology, 8/16/89
               through 12/31/89.

*Special Title Series



      Stiles, Martha Benett, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/89
         through 12/31/89.
      Tomkinson, Michael John, Visiting Associate Professor, Mathematics,
         1/1/90 through 5/15/90.
      Vance, Mary Lee, Instructor (part-time), English, 9/18/89 through

      College of Education

      Fleming, Jo Ellen, Assistant Professor (temporary), Special
         Education, 8/16/89 through 5/15/90.
      Haas, Joan F., Instructor (part-time), Curriculum and Instruction,
         9/16/89 through 12/31/89.
      Mandel, Elise J., Instructor (part-time), Curriculum and
         Instruction, 9/15/89 through 12/31,'89.

      College of Fine Arts

      Beavers, Clyde, Instructor (part-time), Music, 8/16/89 through
      Henderson, David, Instructor (temporary)*, Music, 8/7/89 through
      Osland, Miles Stewart, Ass