xt7tx921gd5x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921gd5x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-03-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1982 1982 1982-03-22 2020 true xt7tx921gd5x section xt7tx921gd5x W
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"“r ’7 .1; 'k soil theba '
‘. . t I y up to r t, .
“nah ”n." - °: Columnist Jim Harris adds fuel to the
Castles or other formations can be seen in ' l . _ alcohol»by~tha-dnnk controversy b7 Od' ,
the partly cloudy sky today with highs in g. ’ FONS "‘9 Lumg'o" '° grow ”9 ond 5°” .
the low 505, low; near 30. Highs tomor ‘ " lquat .0“ Sunday The “me 0' wme '
row will be in the low to mid 50$. \“ .» drinker 5 speech can be found on page 2 , .
V0LLXXXW= Na. '“MMdGYl MON" 72. 193? Uitlvers-Iy at Kanlluhy Le-mqtnn KEItlurhy A” .,,,,.t,,..,;,t,,,,““1““,”VW‘IM‘W MM. W” —" '—‘ _ “" '“**——-“"‘—‘—WW* -______v, r . ~ . . V
I I I if
pr lets succeSSI u al II I‘ :l' hile ,'.'.
you ;.‘ =.

______ “The people who are involved with from 18 days to almost half that were i 'j

g: mggmggWN the testing have become much more time," Thomburg said. “One of the 4 ;~

33m proficent in their work,” Thornburg main reasons is we don’t have that 5. -

a patches said. “They are more understanding many modifications to do to the or- . away A; .12]

______..________ ofhow theyaresupposed togo about biter.” ‘i '

their check-outs." , s}, '2.

Editor's note: This is the first of a He said part of the reason for But the forces of nature have cm- By JAMES EDWIN HARRIS ‘
three-part Kernel series reporting the NASA's opu'mism in the space shuttle ed a mum?“ three days delay 0" the ASSlSmm Managing Editor '.. .
third launch of the space shuttle Col- is the trust that launch engineers Columbia sfourth 13th l 2' 7 "
umbia and the procedures surroun- have for the spacecraft due to ex- Prekus shuttle "“5310” landed Pt __._._.. _ H H ‘ 1"" ’
ding the space transportation system perience gained from previous mis- Edwards A" Force Base, Calif, In A mines and minerals research _-3 .l l.-
(STS). 510m. the Moiave Desert. But the runways . = school is on its w ha l =. ' ,

Columbia has flown in space twice there are rainsoaked ”d NASA of- macy school is Sty'diyaavkp Ult l = i.

Excellent pro-launch conditions before and both times, near-perfect ““315 decidedtoredirectS'I‘Sstothe , might be out of a controversial ‘ In ,
and positive weather forecasts have countdowns gave way to alternate landing 5‘“ ‘, Northrup g book the UK Medical Center had a l
led National Aeronatics and Space postponements. Nonetheless, last 5919, °" the, Army White Sands ' very. important patient and the l ' ~
Adminstration officials to predict the April’s maiden mission was a tex- MlSSlle 381188111 New Memco. i . : .

. , ; M t of the - lized - Tobacco and Health Research In-
thu'dlaunchoftheColurnbla,schedul- tbook success. Columbia’s second 05 Spec“ . equipment . stitute is once again inthespotlight l " ‘ -
edfor 10:“) 8.111. (EST) today, will be {light in November achieved most of used to load the 001mm“ on the 747 Whil l , ,'= '

_ , _ _ _ ' t tr t r ' - Calif - e student-S m 35‘ Week 0“, l 3' ‘I’;
near perfect. NASA 5 objectives but early-flight 39 “59°" emams m m- the U ~ - . - . .
. . . mverSity remained in the . l_

—— fuel cell trouble forced the a enc t0 Although workers Will UHPTOVISC by 9 . . ,
Shut“ tthe . . . half 8 y loading the shuttle with several news almost daily. It put on its best 1:
9 cu _ ”510nm; - _ - - face March 18 when Gov. John Y. --. .-
Witll the ex nence med from heavy-duty cranes, NASA offlcmls , .

. ; pe ; 83 ; - . ~ ; Brown was admitted to the Medical 1 ~
. be roduced as a result of thel . Center for treatment of hyperten- .- t. _
1)andsecond(STS-2)launchesofCol- sigma e W stoniseeretatedstory on page“ . . ..

it ~ n . umbia, Thornburg 581d he believes - ng ' ; , Amongthemajor stories this past l

We are certainly go, testdirector the turnaround time (recycling the Equipment that could be moved week were- . _
Norman Carlson said yesterday. “We shuttle for future flights)will be ”9’“ Edwards ‘0 White Sands arrived '3 . ‘ - ' . 1"
are confident of a 10 am. liftoff,” greatly reduced. Via a 23-car train yesterday and , , . Wm school bill “sea . _-'
whichhecalleda “CIOCKWOTK count.” “We have a lot more confidence in crews practiced handling an un- ~ .= ' ; Th ‘H ted p ' l i

,, . . . . ; . tedoff- touchd ofthe it t i e ouse v0 unammousy

Communications, “8Vl88tl0n. ourvehicle. . .becauseofthis we are wan ninway own la . .

. . . ; , h ttl its . at week to find the $14 million = __ .
flight control and instrumentation gomg to probably launch the next 3 u e. t,» needed to build a new mining , -. .
systems have alt been turned on end mission in a shorter period of time Landing is scheduled for March " engineering school here. l -
Cheek“ out, ”5;?" “hall's than we orisnially planned.” he said 29; White Sands also is the prime lan- l The House passed House Bill 722. . ' = '.
reported yesterday. Teams 0‘ m- NASA engineers spent a total 0‘ 93 ding site in the event 0f launch day ' l' which would authorize a $14 million a:
spectors have comm the launch Pad work days in preparation for today’s trouble. ‘ . ' a bond iss to build the heel Th . ’ “

l ' debrisandhavedeclared - i ' ' 1 “e SC ' e ‘ *2. =
C eamns “P " launch, Thomburg said.A total of 118 Astronauts Jack Lousma and C. , measure, recommended by the , ;
dwpadready for launch. _ work days were needed to prepare Gordon Fullerton were tobe awaken- , : governor in his State of the Com- . ‘}

Weather {it the launch Site yfiter' S'I‘S-2 for launch. ed at 5:10 am. for their 2,960,000-mile , ' , A. monwealth mat-$5 earlier this ‘ ,‘ ‘ - :

, day was brilliant and not With only a NASA calculations, dated March 9, night, the first in space for the 45- ' month; now goes to the Senate. . " ._.
few light, “9°C? cloudsm thesky. T0- places thelaunchof STS-4 on June 27, year-old Fullerton, the second for . ‘ '”' ' “ ' , »~ ~ If the measure is enacted, Ken- ‘ "

, days forecast called for pre-dawn insteadofthepublicized July4launch Lousma, 46. After breakfast, the tucky, which leads the nation in ,5 J‘
ground ‘08; burning 0“ '8} launch date,Thornburg said. astronauts were to get a weather it... _ . . ’ coal production, will be on the way . -.
time-10‘? wmds and 800d mlbllftY; “The plan has always been to briefing, suitup, and enter the cockpit ‘5‘ ‘ mm ' ; - to having an accredited mining . s. L" .“

Thethirdlaunchof theworld 51th launch STS-3 by March 22, and the at7:353.m. .: . ., 7' ”W ”WWW J". ' 5‘ engineering program. The lack of ‘-
and only reusable spacecraft wdl'be seven-day mission landing in Califor- Hundreds of thousands of vaca- 2' '- ,_ . . it an, such a program has hindered the
the. Fm“ 0‘ ‘umed on-thejob nia and bringing it back here on the tioners jockeyed for viewing positions " , \, ,‘t .., ‘ liceming d Kentuckians who wish . T,
training by NASA launch engineers, 9th or 10thof April,” Thornburg said. in the Cape Canaveral area, midway - ' , . a : . * V to become mining engineers. Under :_' '
Sold D“:k “Mb“, shuttle opera- “Our plan has been to launch'S'I‘S-4 on Florida‘s east coast. Parking spots ' ‘ tutu pit... icurrent law, only graduatfi of a , ,. ;
tlol‘lltszvmanager. 0 II I this by ”WmdtheuhdJuIY- We thinkwe 09 the Indian River, With 3 spendid NASA estimates Columbia will launch at 10:00 a.m. (EST) today. lSChOOl accredited by the national , 5’

men :5 wde gt uch Flt: can. improve upon that by the ex “cw 0f the launch Site, had been ml“ Although the spacecraft has not changed significantly since its se— {Engineers Council for Professional I 5

wed ,va pun 0: To 32?: h penence we have gained here “all "18 for days Wit-ll recreation “”0191 cond launch on November 12, l98l (pictured above), the external lDeveIOPment may be licensed in: Z.- - .
alter—girrejuls‘ofigceentn’g’ muc S'I;S-3, hesaid . Asmany asanullion people were ex- tank used on today's launch is tinted brown instead of its usually lKentucky. UK'S 5‘3th (10% not I=35};7

p - At a minimum, We are 58““ pected. painted white gloss in order to save money. 1 have that accreditation. 7.,»

l f . SA I t ' Pharmacy school out '3 . '1' .-

, tu ents register or upcoming e 90 Ions T... H... mm

, Revenue committee refused to find _’ '
. . . , , , the mone to finance debt service '- ?

_—_— and Keith MCWW accounting Goldberg, econormcs Junior ; 5W0" year law, and Millicent A. Moses, business administration sophomore; , on a my harmac school '. -

I By NANCY E. DAVIS so homore . . . , p posed p y , . ,

Ass' tantMana ' Editor p ' . . . Pete‘s. ”mas Jim?“ and Greg” “Nye” law? and Alan Holt. history/philos0phy ibuildi here. 1

~ ‘3 3mg Stud ts runnln f d t - - “3

en . 3 °" “cc 9'51 .e" Yann. accounting semor, Library Science: Peggy Lyon. junior. . In considering House Bill 722. the i . '
———————-—————-—— are. Davxd Bradford, accounting Communications: Kevin M. Devlin, library science graduate student; . committee defeated an amendment ‘ if
Juiuor; DOUG Kennedy, commumca- communicatiom sophomore; Pharmacy: Michael D. Hislope, Other senator-at-large‘candidates d b R J , f

Spring has arrivedinseveral ways: tions sophomore; and accounting Ed tion- Glenn C T dru har - ' . are: 5‘3“ Lee, accounting Junior; sponsore y , ep‘ erry j 11‘ ’ - = ..

'r- hirts suntans and St d nt ' - ill 1 "c.“ ' ' em 9' 9 "my “mm“ Krista A McBride political science Lundersan. D-lexmston. to find: ~: , ,.

‘ s . .’ . u e JumorB Tay °’- ; educationsophomore; Social Work: Alison C. Wells,social j ' . . . mil' 'l 'h f 5 ,; "
Association elechom Coll t (mam . . freshman John R. Miller political 882 lion to bu! d a new em or . .. .,.

Th e1 ti will be held ege sens orcan are. Engineering: Thomas 1" Adams, work semor. science ‘freshman' Wai‘ren M UK'S pharmacy college. i ‘l' 'i ‘

e c ons . Ml”- 31 Agriculture: . A..T'. Hahn, chemical engineering junior, and Nenty-three students have filed . . . ‘ . . ‘ Thenew building was also recom< . "; »‘. .-

and Apr. Landthedeadlme for films agriculmreecononucsmmor' Jose h A Howard elect ' 1 f0 15 to t] ts- Phllhps' electrical engineering - . I I l 't"? '

was Mar. 12. The offices to be filled Allied Health: Mark R. Hull, enginiering'senior- ' rica Ragegngaéagfitgpfiy junior- freshman; and Jim Pustinger, gended m llama; State;t of 0311:! gym

are president, vice PMidellt. college medical techno] 'unior, and Peri ' ‘ . . ‘_ economics freshman. ommonwea 8 65- W 3 Cur-t ‘

senators and senators-at-large. Jean Kenned 08y}: sical thera Fine Arts: Dan Clifford, commer- John Brewer, mechamcal engineer . . have added 20300 square feet to the. ‘-'=,

. . . y, P y W . . , ; mg sophomore; John W. Burress, pre- Also, Chris Ragland, agricultural colle e and would have reatl 1‘ ,:

A mndatory meeting for a“ can- mar. C18] art Junior, . . ; g t g y l ,1 5

. . J . _ . . med freshman; John Cam, busmess economics freshman; Randy Rock, : enhanced the college‘s chances for . ‘ r .
didaies Will be held at 8 pm. tomor- Architecture Jeff Dwellen fifth 5mm“ Scimi- Vincent Yell. - . - . . . . , , , _ ; , .

in206 Student Ce to d 1 ; - ; . v physics graduate admlmstratlon freshman, John C. finance sophomore; Malvana J. . accreditation in 193233, Accredita-; '. ‘
w . , it ran a m yeararchitecturesemor, ’ , Davenport, political science Smith, advertising/marketing _ tion teams have {amid the colleges , "
will follow immediately afterward in Arts 6: Sclences- Weslc Holbrook "mm Economics. Terry J- War- . - - . . . . . . _. f
. . . . . ' . y . - - SOPhomore. and John DaVIS.busm&ss semor; Lynn Spoonamore. busmess facilities lacking according to col-. ~' 2‘

the same room. The meeting is to political selence 'unior- Nanc A ren, early childhood education . . . . . . . . . ; ; . . , i . =
, . _ . . J i y ~ . , administration Junior. administration sophomore; Louis lege officmls ,'., - it

allow candidates to become familiar Kelley, undecided sophomore and semor, ~ = - - - = ii -- 1‘-

'th 1 ti rul , _' A180. JBCk 13. Dulworth, busmess Straub, busmess administration UK maybeoutofTimes guide , my»,
wl eec on es. . _ Teresa Marie Stathas, b10l08y Lexington Technical Institute: Ann administration freshman; Cheryl freshman; Kathy Van Hook, business - - 4 . "r- 'i -»‘

Candidates for president are Jlm sophomore D w is - = , . - - - - . - Jon" Dame- un‘vem‘ty general '-

'nkl tel 0mm . tions senio _ . . .esse , second year non-degree Hardcastle, political selenc.‘ administration Junior; and Bud see GONE pm.“ -.'
D1 e, ec - turned - r, .Buslne-ss & E‘EMPM“: .Isenda 1" nursmg; sophomore; Neal A. Hardesty, pre- Zurmehly, agricultural economics ’ 5F“;
Will Dupree, political science semor; Hisle, finance Junior; Michael A. Law School: Andy Comer. second pharmacy freshman; Keith Hill, freshman. i591
8' I t f' d rt h I f I

———————-————————— One group, Koynonia, which means “outreach,“ was started by Wright's “,‘y
By LAUREL BAILEY mother, Betty, at 'h'inity Baptist Church. . .
Reporter “The majority of the members are women, because men don‘t like to admit ,‘ t1
M” ___ _#_._ they‘re lonely," said Emma Wright, group coordinator a, ‘
Men are expected to maintain an air of confidence and self assurance even ‘. ,
The day is too short for Dawn Wright. She must cook, clean and study. She through the crises of their lives, she said.
must work. Andshe must care for her lfrmonth old daughter. “( Men) go to bars, but women usually don't reach out for help and compa- . A
Wrightisasingle parent. nionship in that way, they come here." -’ -
She is someone who is raising a child alone with unshared responsibility for The group meets every other “fiddly and has 8 mailing list Of about 200- 2 »
thechild's care and direction. it was established in 1968 because many divorced people felt left out and . ‘
According to the book Single Parenting, statistics show that more than shunned by other married couples. The married women were afraid single , 3. .
one in six American children live with only one parent and 93 percent of those women would create trouble and try to seduce their husbands Emma said. = -
children live with their mothers. The group‘s goal is to promote friendship and fellowship to those who are ' . '
“Unfortunately, children of married parents are becoming a minority,“ lonely. .- .
Wright said. Children are encouraged to attend and express their feelings. "We want to ' ‘
Her daughter is her first priority, Wright said. Studying for a two-year include them also because they need to be shown they are no different from _. f '\=
para-legal degree at Midway is her next priority and then comes work. others who live with both parents," Emma said. L .
“The main problem single parents encounter is lack of money and time," Single mothers are usually inexperienced in paying bills and managing the 3
she said. budget while single fathers are usually deficient in child care and house clean- - . .
Wright lives with her parents and operates a “mini daycare center" from ing, she said. H. '
there. “This is convenient for me and my daughter," she said. “I can take in a Single parents have trouble with their own self image, said Ruby Ramsey,
couple of other children whose parents must work or attend class and still be Koynonia outreach leader. “We try to reach out to those going through these ‘ ‘
withher." situations." , ‘
Kinship bonds can provide a safety net when a marriage fails or when a One 34-year old divorcee in the group supports her two to and 11-year old . ~
spouse dies. The family often provides relief from isolation and helps with the children because of a degree in dental technology she received after returning
' responsibilities and special demands of a child. to school.
But dependence upon the family can often leave the single parent feeling Without the degree. she said the only job she felt she could get was a
guilty. cocktail waitress. “That's no job for a mother; I would be gone until late at ‘
“I feel guilty about always leaving her with my parents because I think night and (thechildren) wouldbeby themelves." .
they'rebeingimposed upon," Wrightsaid. Consequently. when her husband asked for a divorce, she said, “Yes, you ;
l ”I sympathize with those living in a strange town without family to lend take the kids until 1 get out of school} They kept the agreement and the two '
support,"shesaid. “lamluckywhenlconsider othcis'situatlon." chlldrennowllvewith their mother. .
_ ; ; / Single parent groups can supplement or substitute for relationships single She said she feels her children have grown up faster tlnn those of married
3 4,, /, parents maintain with fi'lendaorrelatlvss. pamts. “Became of the added reopomthilitiee, we must depend upon each
They can also be an infmnstton source about problems single parents face. 5.. PAIINTS, page 3
l t l l

Ké '
”roel'” .........
- Editorial Editor
out S'oldon tron AM». Many Meooo Ah- enme- ll'iv Stool-oo- u. cue-tau loll. t
. . Editor In Chi-l Day (diver “our I. Dul- spam (dtlol Al's Eduor Graphic Editor more Editor
ersuaSIon "mm“ “M" immimm. ........... ...... ”M” a...“ “w
' ~ . Managing Edno: Copy “"0, AssisionlMonoqngdllols . AsslslonISpons Editor ASSII'D'I'AI'S Editor layout Editor (mu 'holwdm
‘ —M __._.. MM
‘ i ' ' ' ' ' Salvador
' Southern Strategy. The United States ls libero too much amplifies on El
" , - Vietnam vs. El Salvador. The easiest way to do this so far is to charge _
“ The comparisons are common. the parallels Castro and Nicaragua with trying to influence .
' 7. seem to be substantial and the administrative the upcoming “free” elections in El Salvador. MK OFF,/ I H is ‘5 I [’7 ) TOY. 41/55,
. stand is familiar. As we all know, influence is the worst thing A ‘ , M E-
'~ The official word from the US. government to have during an election year. If the M/ӣ, M l/VE) L IN a c
. ‘ is that extreme leftists like Fidel Castro in Democrats and Republicans were allowed to / ,
, i; Chiba and the Nicaraguan government are influence American voters, who knows what “ / ///
-, 2 supporting the “insurgents” who are trying to would happen. f h /,/ ,4
.‘~: ' - th ent 'unta overni _ . v .
V, ousteo'ur friends, e curr J g ng So, to stop tlus unwarranted influence, the r 5.7;, , 9 "I
" i- The US, in order to protect “our southern US has decided to back the govern} nent that la, 4:“ " Q14 “V“
. .5 ,; - .. - - l t - “accidentally killed four Dutch Journalists - .) K -
g g neighbors, has decided some mvo vemen is d 0000f 15 citizens , // Q 3 0
, " necessary on our part. It should be painted out an 40’ ‘ own ' ‘ . t n /
’ 1 that the alleged Cuban and Nicaraguan m' But Communis' t influence is not the real _ I ' o t,” / “
1 terest in 5099‘”:th the OPPOSIHS Side 15 con- threat. It’s the United States that may present ? . 1' v 4 j I, . \s t
I 4 sider ed subverswe. . . , the most threat to a truly “free” election. Ct . ’ t t. ‘ r k 1
2... ,- So, the great US. power is sending aid and After all, the US. is trying to put down the . .. . i I, M! 3 I, “n if ‘3: ?
' “advice” to the small central American coun- revolutionists who are fighting for the rights of r m . t. if : t .v’“ more: {15,5 H
' try to counter the efforts of other outSlde fac- thecitizens. ’ v‘ 3,, 2:19. . l ‘\ (all, ' a o ,
3 ' ' ‘ to ' th le of that count to over- . . _ un‘mn‘ .. , ' ____ .. I or
. tions ald e peo p t ry If the guerrilla faction or the more right Est 3‘ x‘ s 5 , '--
. , throwarepresswe governmen . . . . . . . é . L E T O N 0 I
_. . . th ld t wmg military faction wms, the US. loses. e! , \\ C.
. . ~ The US. is the only country in e wor o _ _ , A” I s.
. _ 'th t‘n In order to gain popular American support . .3; - ,
. . do so. The others are el er suppor l g _ , o | \ 1 Cal.
. . ( - 1 th - ) th ‘lla forces or for the US. involvement, the State Depart- 9,, M!“ T": \\\\\\,\\, s, 001M,
-, passivyoro erWISe eguem . . c , , . l n,“ . $ 4
- . - l tel ment has produced Nicaraguans sent ot fight 0 || \i ‘2 \ “I -
are staying out of the matter comp e y. . u . n _ R“ r, . ii #45
. . America however seems to feel that any in El Salvador and has convmced represen- 2 MODE, 51A , “2‘9“" 5 Cg: .. d
.. a . v . - c . - . If. u . f '
i ,. {f semi-democratic government anywhere in the tang: as}: senators magnvol‘gemem ‘5 :8” .‘ , , :1 (AS ~'\\“\‘\\\. \\ ". “unfit".- ‘J Mn; «W4 3
f - " world should be protected from its citizens at ran . er ”99139“ W“, owever, V9 l. . it, “lined up, “WI“ in” I) [’4 4/4,, . g
- -. . - - - h _ gone to El Salvador to see for themselves. ,-. .p J , ll . .ilh, y. x 7» ,. ‘
_.. . . all costs. This 15 espeClally true w en com h , _ diff tl f th tate . \\ 9 | “1,.-. v ; W ..~~ / ,. _. f
- ~. munist involvement is implied. Remember, gee" agewt def: 8’93 Y 11F°mf ‘1’ S, 18 , , i"I.i!“"""““"'-u'.i'.'|'"5- .M' g
. everyone would rather be “dead than Red,” _ par S". an ey 31:9, ca ing _°" 9515 ' 3.. ‘ .,‘,',|h . I
j . .,. wouldn’t they? tion prohibiting US. military action, either , . fir,“ .. . ‘ ( 3
. i’ ' . . . v :SEEEEEEuzr ; ham... 1:257:55? 452:2: essaszzes“ ,
j » In ordertohelp these poor people deCldeJust Open or covert. - \ ,‘E’L’R . I ..
_' who will run the government, the US. has It is a hypocritical stand on the part of the ,1 , ' ' ““1” “a... r. _.::.222- .. _
f- decided to get out the can of red paint and give US. to support one faction of a civil conflict 1. '“ 1- _ 5,3 .4 - - .
.. I. ', .. the revolutionists a good coat or two just to while condeming other outside support of the - ' KL, A\-D R . '
make sure no one gets confused and decides other faction. Acivil war, after all, is an inter ’ . ,
" that the guerrillas are for the 800d 0f the peo- nal conflict. U.S. involvement, therefore, is
it ple. uncalled for.

' ll ' Id S d ’
, Lexmgton grow up - a ow liquor to be so on un ay
l 7 I‘ve gota busy next lodays. I’ve got ing a good time. Some oftherevelers from such behavior.But this business tolmock backaTurkey before knock- tioneeis happy — there are several so much only to miss out on the '
., a monster paper due the end of the are alcohol abusers, but there are of going to a good restaurant on Sun- ing back the blue plate special at Le conventioneers I work elbow to elbow rewards.

L_ 3. '. ; month, the General Assembly ad- those of us who simply want tosit in a day for a T-bone, a fresh salad and a Cafe Chantant. with who can attest tothat.
, 1 journs next week, my car needs fix- nice place over a stiff belt and debate glassof milkhas gottocease. And as an afterthought, the voters When are ou oi to ow Some people are hereon thefive-year
ing,onand (m. theonginsoftheworld orthevalidity All of us should be able to enjoy should demand a change in the cur- I . mwfettywn 3’ “9' plan. Kernel assistant manasins

‘ '_ ' So, Saturday night I thought I'd get of taking Tommy John out after he eating and drinkingaswe please. The rent laws topermit taverns and other ' ’ ‘ editor Jim Harris is here on thesis:-

. V254; " nostalgic — i took my wife out for a pitched eight-and-a-third innings of fires of hell are not going tocome lap- establishments to keep their patrons After all, I've only got thirteen mon- semester plan. He is a unior during .
. . date. You know, young love, holding five-hitball. ping at Fayette County’s borders just satisfied past 1 am. Sunday liquor ths left to take part in your rites of all six, thinking he majors in jour-
j hands. married as long as we have. Perhaps I'll set my question becausea majorityof thepecple want sales aren’t enough to keep conven- manhood. I’d hate to have sacrificed nalism.

‘5 , .: .f etcetera. answered in September. The T d t d, f I . . .bl I t
.. . _. newspapers say that’s when the

m s... cm 80 w n... mus n. rue un ers an mg 0 ave IS Impossv e, a mos
3.2,: w 208%? medflZktnnmmghcfiefi “I love you." havebeenbasedintrue love that they events, characterized by much im- prove to Himself that He was
E1 cry want the la 8:" nd ed to Just three little words. But how have become numbed.'l‘hehardening agination and idealization; without anything. Hewas freetolove.

_> ‘ ‘, ' j Jim 3:; convention bws. e to the those three words have changed the process oftenbeginswhen wearelit- basis in fact; an exaggeration or The impact of this love and an ‘

7‘; ,1 . ‘ / Harris state’s lar ere. ti "5m lives of so many people. For a select tle children. falsehood.” understanding of love must be realiz-

g 1‘ es. . few, those words have led to a rela- A child is very vulnerable. He ins Many people are seeking romance. ed in the great difference between
11,33, . Already the “MS hm- Over, SP?- tiorship that has lasted many years. not learned the emotional defense But romance is, bydefinition, without Jesus and the people lie died for. lie
_. ,2 We went and Sew Deatht'ap- Save mg break the Christians We” {films And those years were full of all the mechanisms that time teaches. So basis. Two people who finally come was not fulloffear, theywere. He had

your money. You U want to so at least the letter? eolumns of Lexington 5 two hopes and dreams fulfilled in wonder- they open their arms freely to mom- together through this system have no not sinned, they had.

, ; ,.: .~ 11,, twwe- 0th" “the? With tales 0‘ dmnk ful companionship. my and daddy with no fear of being basis for marriage. The only fOunda- He was the Almighty Creator, they
We had to 8° to the late Show dnve’s killing m9the'3 9M tame” Heartbreakingly enough. the "18- rejected. tion foralasting marriageislove, not were lowly creation. In the dating
. because we 5999‘ m0“ of Saturday .8nd "elem?“ filled “"01 scream- jority of relationships that begin with like you see on television, but in the game, He would have been the very
; ‘ 1;: afternoon watching Kentucky's best ing, howling, fighting drunks. those three words end up in confusion. _ true meaning of the word. best, they would have been the worst.
.. basketball team pick up its tickets to _ The opposltlon was equallyvocal, pain, brokeness and bitm_ More Guest Love, as opposed to romance, does But He did not play the game. He lov-
3’._“'-“ threqNCAA “Mgfiéy onfh t The “3. Fat?!“ swalled “th mmw thanonewoman has spentthenight in have a basis. It is not as exciting on ed.

WWW S '50 'C - .mm‘s "3 °“ “BMW 3’ We? tears over giving herself toe man in thesurface. But inthel runitpro- .

’. : . . movie ended at midnight, with Carol in theMarchZOHerald and Leader. the bedroom who had no concept of O -n-on duces far more peace aonndglasting en- all)“ it‘elevance “:2: mm the

33.31? . ~' suggesting We 80 to our favorite love. Worse than that, both men and pl I joyment. Romance alone may last for s Jec 31:22:; I 1 nos love’hrn:

:; saloon fora mghtcap. Iagreed. Now I respect this newspaper’s women alike are carrying around , several years, But when the honey- ml m?“ t to f The only :1" to be
; We Jumped in our musical-any editorial columns. I realize there’s a wounds from a marriage that ended moon is over, the relationship ends it deli 9;, {mfi' is to be 13ml in
. if ‘1 ~' _*_ Speed subcompact, broke the world place in this newspaper for this W in divorce. Next comes the rejection by early there is no love. This results in more thez'u 0“:- word

2'1: 1.1. land speed record getting to the bar, of comment, but I‘ve got to add my In our nation the amount of bit- playmates It can be based on the hurtand more hardening. The cyan ' from the

3 j , dea quick COUPle Irish cot- twocentsbeina from thelandotspill- terness, rejection and just living a silliest things but is so tragic toa soft After such a distortion of the true ,, ,, mi, “,1;ng

-. fees and obeyed the bartender when edwine and tainted souls. plastic emotionless life is tremen- young heart. meaning of love, it is hard to break .gafnffm m; ho win 1m 0“

‘-.j .f', he played keeper Of the realm and This referendum Ought to pass. dous. Real peOple who truly love are By thetimea childis throughgrade free from all the fears and become a ls t of f H E’l'xen and onl then

'.: )U- threw us out at 1 am. _ There’s been plenty of times I've hardtofind. school, he has watched enough televi- truelover. Thekindoflove I’m speak- a" 5'ng5 love 1);“ in

:3, .- ,Whlch broughtme to the question wanted toquaff a little wine with my The problem, however, is not that sion and read enough magazines to ingofisalove thatisnot selfish. g." ”f “’3“ cu wwube".ble to

at:- l 1 V6 asked ever Since we mmd here veal marsala. and there’s been plenty the quality of people has changed. It learn what love reauy is. It is finding it is not a “love to be loved,” but a I "‘8 ”V 3'

_L- r if. two Augusts BSOILethgtOD. when are of times Carol’s wanted to lift a quick is the general erosion 0f the a beautiful model type who is bright, givingof yourself. Agood definition“ ove.

',"‘-,f;1' you 8°lh8 tOSTOW hp? When are YOU Amaretto on the rocks beforedigging understanding of true love. The exciting and full of energy, who love is, “Giving yourself totally toso- One of the ream Jesus came to

i': {,1 I: j‘c 801113 to realize eVll doesn t mine by into her broiled trout filet. greatest thing in all the world is love. always comes through with whatever meone for their good and not your earth was to heal the broken-hearted.
__ ' the fifth” thew-Peek? There‘s no excuse for someone togo Itcanheal you mentally, emotionally. you nwd. own,” or “Commitment, based on a He was thevery embodimentof lave.

. Back in civdlzation, where I come out on a Sunday and get pie-eyed. physically and spiritually. The junior high school “dating decision and not on emotions or feel- He gave His life to bring deliverance

i- 12 I, from, people stay out until three and There ought to be enough respect for Many people have been so used by game" is played on many levels in ings." It does not produces 50-50 mar- from not only sin but also fear. When

it: four In the morning drinking and hav- the Lord’s sabbath todetain someone relationships that were supposed to high school. There are the beautiful riage buta loo-100marriage. He died on the cross with His arms

BL M o N pe0ple (cheerleaders, athletes, etc), Thegreatestexampleofthiskindof outstretched He was saying those
1; m C U TY the “in" people (those who know love, which is foreign to many, is precious words in a pure unselfish
I? a . ,_ by Berke Breath“ what’s happening and how to do it) found in the New Testament. It is not way—“llaveyou.”

., I ”H75 ”6057' andotherlevelswhichoverlap. aromancebutatrueaccmmtoflove.

.' C ‘. 'zérmmsagy 313K W By the time you graduate from high The most perfect man, Jesus Christ, Billy Hendereon is a campus minister

.' '.; g my amp aamés K ”R ”NA EH?“ school, y0u find yourself wearing the did not play the dating game. He had from the Lexington Christian

.,- buyer ,7 EM?! EAT... ARE m/ WM right brand of designer jeans, mug nofearofrejection. He didnotneed to Fellowship.

_ \\ 1"? n i r ‘ tunes, wearing your hair jut right Bi" ‘3

‘F. .. L; / .4..- , I, and never leaving your Certs at a

1,, _. J K\ T / W fl, (7 . homeAllofthistoprovethatyouere
f i -, , ' ‘ - . r ' (j ,,,_-.._ { -_ / {Vi \\ I‘ lovable, hopingthatifyouarelovable Do

r .j. '- ‘2 ,, ~ . ’ ‘ _j ‘ . enough you will get your opportunity "X

”,3 .’ ,, 5 ‘\ I" ,, ~4) /“ to ”fall inlove" with yourdrenm per- —'——”‘_ ' ' '

I I 1 1' .L' -' 3 ,’ "T“ a ’ 3' _\. '1'!’ 'm‘

' ,_‘ . - ’ m H) *3 ‘ ma, iG-z‘fwli By an m yw get‘to m y“: . b “(Infinity

, knowtheropee.'l‘he datinggame Gays Ufllle new 3' -

-'. ’ ,5 “mg AH 15% becomes more serious and b played “83:: ll mxmwmmmb';

, . x; , ' forkeeps.Youknowhowtopmtect WI.
. . 'W. ,QE ( TO 0
. we... fight «ihfihfigm sll’g'mm mfémmms 32% your-eh oryou will learn quick. The It seem then are two lama mumutliequoh-lvehurd. ,
' mom: mm mm? carmaovs mmmw more problan, um, ism, mu, relaumtoagaysuiderilwgaiuuuon hellthemarrledcowluinxenhleky
my” QJUW theme. “W‘Wl WWW m“? friends and.” the meal. luv. atUK. areinumuchtrmblcutheny
j 5 ANIMDLS wings gs. we ems. WW' RIGHT 2353’s“ sou! destroyed your ability to be Nflflt is,“Whetisthepurpoeeof commmlty. W it t' “m t“
. , , I _ vulmue mg mg You n". no a gay mutation?" It is clear tint ever-yarn concerned about individual
' -rw-r-sse _ /. , /”“_‘_ , canceptofwbattrlielovels. thewniutionistobeasuppwt libertieetospeekmtendgottllle
‘. _ ‘m _ '- ; , _ 1.". Irmflymdmflckmflu m — similar in fulcdm to mmw-mmm
" " . ~-.‘-.\ . i"