xt7tx921gb22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921gb22/data/mets.xml Missouri Missouri Historical Records Survey. 1940 20 p.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:M 69oc/12 books English  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Missouri Works Progress Administration Publications Missouri Historical Records Survey Missouri -- History -- Sources Historical Records Survey of Missouri Invites You to See for Yourself That "This Work Pays Your Community": May 20-25, 1940 text Historical Records Survey of Missouri Invites You to See for Yourself That "This Work Pays Your Community": May 20-25, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt7tx921gb22 section xt7tx921gb22 ” " 1METHTTT'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTj +



‘ CIT F M l 88 0U R:

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3 3 Invites you to see for yourself that '
3- J . May 20 - 25, 1940 ‘
~ _ 1- DIVISI o N OF

The Historical Records Survey 5
came into existence as the direct
‘ result of the need of employment by V
' professional and other white collar ‘
I workers. The wages earned by these
workers are spent in this community ‘
and directly or indirectly benefit '
various lines of industry. People in
all walks of life pay the taxes which ~
sustain this work. It is quite natu-
‘ ral for them to inquire whether this
money is being used to produce worth-
' while results. The purpose of this i
booklet is to present facts regarding . ,
our project. This will give those L '
interested the information necessary
to form their opinion of its merits.
Material in this booklet was prepared by the State office ’
staff in St. Louis. Edited and compiled for publication
by William H. Michell, Oliver Gerard, and J. B. Huffman.

 .fil:2 . r. w , . w 7 A .V ,VVHV 7 7V.w V VW_V 2,}
".153? ~
_,§% \
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, sq _ ~ r: 4 .
» I iv" ' JJWY :3 r,
J . . , '1 vaw
J J ' INTRODUCTION - @flfi; ”fl
J , . \JEBS'
, J _
J The purpose of the Historical Records Survey
V J Program is twofold: first, to list manuscripts, church
6} records, and public records in county offices in a
JJ reference volume for the use of county officials and
E the general public; second, to locate, classify, and
‘J catalog all extant county and city records so as to .
VJ ' make them more easily accessible to county officials,
_ 'J historians, and research workers. '
> vlJ , \
,,J J _ It has been found that county archives contain
. "% a wealth of valuable material which may be used as
j authoritative source information in the fields of J
", county history, sociology, political science, and J
‘ "fi’fi; ' economics. A compilation of some of this valuable J
.;;..3€ information is found in the volumes produced by the J
‘J ‘ project. ‘
7j£JVJ This project expects to complete a guide of the ‘
, .fifi archives of each county in the State of Hissouri and '
’ 45 ' the City of St. Louis. These guides, when completed,
Vilflé are intended to meet the requirements of day-to-day
9 ~ -' administration by officials of the counties, and the
I”Ei g , needs of lawyers, business men, and other citizens who :
:fimmg ‘ require facts from the public records for the proper
JJXJ 93 . conduct of their affairs. _
gfl¢§7,3’ The various units of the lnygntorv of the County . ‘
*Q*;_j; Archives of Missouri will be issued in mimeographed J
.§7_jJJ ‘ form fer free distribution to state and local offi- - J
j;;g9513 cials and public libraries in Missouri, and to a ' J
“Fig? 3 limited number of libraries and governmental units J
ivvfgfié in other states. - J
' J. {I ‘T‘ , .. J
gfidfr J Inquiries regarding information that may be J
”AQWGJf furnished by the Historical Records Survey Program ;
:fl117 t , should be addressed to Horace F. Grimm, State Supor— J
JQBEJJE visor, Historical Records Survey, 2051 Olive Street, ' .
J‘JflJ St. LouiS, Missouri.
, f" ' A ' J
J . J
;::.-.;;':f‘-fii$7ril:,,3,3 , ~ 'J
”J :.
gc~saarga ’
er; , ='

 ' 1
fig I
' I
x — 2 -

: r i
, Montrcct, N. C. i
1' January 26, 1939
v Mr. Matthew S. Murray, State Administrator I
5 SPA Historical Records Survey I
, 4136 Evans Avenue I
I, St. Louis, Missouri
i Dear Mr. Murray:

I we have today received the Inventory of County Archives of I
I Cole and Linn Counties, and I hasten to assure you of our appre- ' I
f ciation of each of these. I have taken the time to read the ,_ I
2 historical sketches of each of_these counties and to get the I
I . outlines of the volumes. I wish to commend the work of the j
f Historical Records in the strongest terms I can command. The ;
; longer the lapse of time, and the many changes that thne'will I
{ work in the development of these counties the more will these i
3 volumes be appreciated, and their values be acknowledged. I
a . I consider the Historical Sketches of those two counties, I
i of the very best that have come to us to date. The Linn County I
l - history is splendid for such a brief sketch. I wish you please §
2 v to convey to each of the workers concerned my congratulations :
I and gratitude for their faithful labors.

l I
I Wb have one volume of Missouri imprints. Whether there will i
I be others I knOW'not, but this certainly has already been of great I
I help to us. I
I I am looking forward to the survey of the church records with ‘
I great interest. I
I I trust that you will realize that you end your associates I
E are rendering a most valuable service. Every research library

. will be deeply indebted to you - that receives those reports. I
I Very Cerdially Yours, I
f S. M. Tennoy, Curator I

 a ‘ s -


1 City of St. Louis

l Missouri,

g July 20, 1939


5 Mr. Horace F. Grimm, ”

E State Director,

3 Historical Records Survey,

} 4156 Evans Ave., ,

E St. Louis, Mo. ‘

§ Dear Mr. Grimm: §

E I am taking this opportunity to offer you my genuine thanks and '

E , express my appreciation for the excellent manner in which Mr. August

g Peterson and his staff of the Historical Records Survey handled the

§ project of arranging our records alphabetically and chronologically.

i It was a monumental task and its achievement commands the admira-

g tion of everyone having any contact with Mr. Peterson and his entire

; staff. All these workers are to be genuinely congratulated. :
. I i

Q Yours truly, , J

i John P. English

f Recorder of Deeds.


i i

3 , ,


3 Office of the Secretary


I ,

May 31, 1958 i

‘l i,

; mr. Matthew S. Murray, H

E State Administrator, WPA, j

; Jefferson City, Missouri. b

i Dear Mr. Murray: ‘ H

l we are happy to acknowledge the receipt of the Inventory of County H

1 Archives of Ripley County, the second volume in the Missouri series. fl

g ' This will be carefully filed for permanent preservation, and will be %

E available for use by the public at all times. Mention of the receipt i

f of this volume will be made in the October, 1958, issue of The Missouri %

j Historical Review. ‘ , N

f Perhaps you wOuld be interested in knowing also that a short review n

g of the Pike County inventory, the first volume received, has been written 1

i for publication in the July Revimw. ' ’ i

; Sincerely yours, l

l Floyd 0. Shoemaker _ E

E RTK: Secretary ‘ g

i ‘

 '17: . - 4.- - I
2:511 I
)1 480 City Hall I
“ St. Louis, Missouri I
ll I
June 2, 1958 I
‘» Mr. Horace F. Grimm, I
' State Director, ' I
= Historical Records Survey, !
*1 4156 Evans Avenue, ’ . I
;3 St. Louis, Missouri. I
_ I
‘ My dear Mr. Grimm: I
I I wish to thank you for the copy of Pike County Missouri Inventory
« received today. If this is a fair sample of the work of the Historical
- Records Survey, the entire project seems decidedly worth while.
. When you get ready to list the original records of the City of St. I
{1 Louis, I shall be glad to give you and your assistants the benefit of my
I‘ experience in locating and using certain of these records. I
, Sincerely, I
FCA:MH Acting Librarian I
'5 _______..___________________.________.._______.________..__, I
I In The City of I
I _ New York . I
The Library I
I ' June 2, 1938 I ,
I Mr. Matthew s. Murray, I
‘ State Administrator, ' .
I Works Progress Administration, I
I 417 Bolivar Street, . I
II Jeffersdn City, Missouri. I
II Dear Mr. Murray: I
II Mr. Horace F. Grimm who is State Director of Historical Records I
Survey in St. Louis has sent me a copy of "Inventory of the County I
' Archives of Missouri, No. 91, Ripley County," for these Inventories are I
going to be as important to American scholars as Medieval Inventories i
are now to students of the Middle Ages in Europe. I am very happy to '
find that you have placed this Library on your list to receive these
Surveys as they are issued. I
I . Yours faithfully, I
| . |

E ‘ 1
E Jefferson City E
E January 27, 1939 ' i
i ., -
Mr. Iuhtthow S. ifixrrsy E
E State Administrator
E Federal "-.“Iorks Progress Administration E
g \ 417 Bolivar Street i
E Jefferson City, Missouri ' E‘
y ‘ Dear Mr. Murray:
1 We have received copies of Cole and Linn County inventories for 1
our library from Mr. Horace F. Grimm, Historical Records Survey, and
o I wish to let you know we think this is 9. very valuablepiece of work. i
my E - It is making accessible information which has been impossible E
E to locate heretofore and we are in 0. position to appreciate its value. ,
‘ l
E Yours very truly, E
E \ RUTH ounLLEY ' l
E RO‘MzAH Secretary I
E cc: Mr. Horace F. Grimm E
E i
“F”, .E -——.——.——————.—.————————.—.——-—-——-——.—— ' ' E
E - :
E Urbana, Illinois E
_ 3,
’ August 9, 1958 i
- . 1
Mr. Horace F. Grimm, State Director E
E Historical Records Survey E ' E
E E St. Louis, Iiissouri E
. My dear Mr. Grimm: '
E I am writing to thank you for your kindness in presenting to the 1
E University of Illinois Library, a copy of the Eventorv of the County I
E Archives of His souri of games Counjgb Number 29» EE
E We are glad, indeed, to have this book,'s.nd it will soon be cata- E}
E logued and made available for the use of our graduate students, faculty, E
E and citizens. E
E _ 1'
'e E "‘Iith best wishes, I am ‘
i Yours very truly,
E PL’:‘I:H , P. L. "-I1l\‘.DSOR EE
E - E
E - ‘2
E , E
E ,

 7111 1 V
1 - 6 - 1'
,111 Of Cass County
, 11
11 R. C. Kimberlin, Recorder
13 Harrisonville, Missouri
1 1
71} April 8, 1940
{1’ Mr. A. Loyd Collins
‘1 Assistant Supervisor
.11 ' Historical Records Survey 1
1 1 2031 Olive Street
1‘1 St. Louis, Missouri
1 Dear Mr. Collins:
31 I want to take this opportunity to thank the Historical Records
1.! Survey for the many services which we have received from them.
f1 There is scarcely a day passes but what we find that the Historical
1'; Records Survey has been of some service to us in this county. Your
111 worker, Mr. Reading, has rendered invaluable services in locating miss—
1}: ing records, in arranging and filing court and public papers in connec—
f 1 tion with his inventory work, and in finding important documents for A
1 US. A
.11 We appreciate this good work and want to thank the officials of A
1 the Survey and compliment the work that is being done. ; A
; 1 E
)1 Sincerely yours, E
.1 R. C. Kimberlin, Recorder E
1 B
1 ' B
T 1 W C
1 names 011 EEMORIAL ,
11 ST. LOUIS, MO. 7
11 July 20, 1938
R1 my dear Mr. Murray:
”1 we have just received from Mr. Horace Grimm cepies of the Pike
1 and Ripley County Inventories. I am writing to say how pleased I am
1 with the work and to congratulate you and Mr. Grimm upon the splendid
1 work you are doing.
W These inventories will be of great value to the students and
1 historians using this library and I want to express to you the grateful
1 thanks of the Society. The work certainly has been done most intelli-
1 gently. 1
f Gratefully yours 1 1
Mr. Matthew S. Nmrray Librarian
1 Wbrks Progress Administration
1 Jefferson City, Missouri
ww_~f .—: -_-—-«~- —— »—-A_~ .-. i- . I

 . _ 7 _
Percent of records from field-workers accepted as of April 15, 1940 g
Lula: 12.21% - .6. ‘
C- arter 65% Hickory 15% J
Cass 85% Johnson 46% 5'
l Clark 95% St. Charles 95%
__1\l_o_ War-153:3 in County - 151 .
Barry 20% Dent 90% St. Clair 60%
Callaway 50% Dunklin 0% St. Francois 75% ‘
Cape Girardeau 40% Gentry 70% Scott 25% !
Carroll 70% Harrison 90% Sullivan 95% I
zal Pemiscot 65% .. g
5- goyntx Field @3515 Comole_t_e_d - _81 g
3- g‘
Adair Camden Douglas Lac la de Mis s is s ippi Platte Shannon
Andrew Cedar Franklin Lafayette Moniteau Polk Stoddard . ;
Atchison Chariton Gasconade Lawrence Monroe Pulaski . Stone i;
.3 Audrain Christian Greene Lewis Montgomery Putnam Tansy g!
Barton C lay Grundy Lincoln Morgan Ralls Texas
Bates Clinton Henry - Livingston New Madrid Randolph Vernon I“
' Benton Cooper Holt Macon Newton Ray Warren Eli
Bollinger Crawford Howard Madison Nodaway Ste. Genevieve Washington llj
Boone Dade Howell , Marries Oregon St. Louis Wayne 'yi
Buchanan Dallas Iron Marion Osage Saline Webster [
Butler Daviess Jackson McDonald Ozark Schuyler ' Worth M
_ Caldwell DeKalb Jefferson Mercer Perry Scotland Wright gg
Knox lo. lle r Phe lps gl
C_°1_1_____nties Berra-lei 2539:: final...“ 1....0n - 2.3 ‘ l
, Audrain Dallas Lewis McDonald Ralls g
Boone Greene Livingston Moniteau St. Louis l
Caldwell Henry Macon Monroe Stoddard !
Clinton Iron Marion Montgomery Warren
Lawrence ‘ Ozark f
ls: Draft Inventories Completed - S. ll
Iron Montgomery g ‘1
Marion McDonald 3
ul Moniteau Ozark 3
- Monroe Macon ,
l Inventories Published - g 3'
, -—-—-——-——— ——--—--—~-- .
Cole Pike 3
Jasper Reynolds I
Linn Ripley ‘ '
Pettis Shelby g‘
Percentage of field work in State completed as of April 15', 1940 - 94%. ‘2

 111 ' . 1;; 1. i , '
’1‘ .‘f
1 - a - -
1 '
E13 Fieldworkers in each county and the City of St. Louis inventory
1 3 . manuscripts and church and county records on prescribed forms, ’
1 ‘ and forward them to the State foice. County court records up
i; to 1879 are copied for use in the State office.

:. ;__.l_____.___-..__j
1 Field Work 1

, *~*_"”fi-‘“*W‘ PM
11 *_mi___n__w~“mnj rm“4,_.7 rnnnn_m____J___n__n____1

5 Inyentor in Count Records 'Research 1 Co in Court Records
:liii gm. penning”
: : 1 ; 1 1 : 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1
‘~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 ' 1 1 .l._____.1-___.___..__, 1 I 1

.1 1 1 1L“‘ 411 z 1
; ° 1 1 STATE OFFICE J1 1 1'

. ‘ . : L—w—mrw—m 1 . ..

, 3 l ‘ . . 1 ‘ 1 1

1» 1 l 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ‘

.I 1 1‘ ,1 1 ' L I“ (I

13‘ .J————J-—-—~T—————————-*—~—1~————~———-—-1--"—%~—*————j*~‘t‘ft—““"1

1 1 1 1"] F.:L_.__1____..__T .__..__1_.___..1 ,._i__._______f. -.._.._.L._______I L7

: 1 ' p , 1 .

11 Record a Housing and 1 1 Legal 1 1Historiccl Governmental1 Office

1f Entrie4 Care of Records1 . Department1 1 Sketch Organizationj Essmm

3 . _l . T__i__l_: 1.__n_l_mill_ L_____ .__,_____n 1
, __._._1.._~_..._______..._.l_l______1.m_l_._...___-1._ _,.~..l_____.1 ,

1 L 1“”- ' .

1 133133115121 ~ .

1‘; i ' _
11 ‘ __________._Ll-___l___

11 ‘ 1 Re—edited and 1

1 approved by 1

111 1 editor-in—chieg

11 _‘-____.__1_._~._._.1

111 1 Units assembled in I

g11 1 final draft, typed,

‘11 1 .

11: 1 and mimeographed _J

1 L~-~M~1~~-~w

21 1M——_———w¢——————_~——_1

:1. 1 Inventories completed 1

-; ’ 1 and distributed to Libraries, 1

'1 1 County Officials, Historical Societies,1

1‘ 1 and Educatigpal Institutions__~_.J

1 Church and manuscript work follows in a general pattern the outline

1* on county inventories shown above.

 , - 9 _
Procedure — continued E
An inventory of county archives is divided
into two main sections. Part "A" consists of
explanatory introductory material, an historical 7
sketch of the county, a comprehensive outline of
the organization of county government in Missouri, E
, and a description of buildings in which county rec-
ords are preserved. Part “B" consists mainly of
. record entries for the various county offices. Each ‘
set of entries is preceded by a brief essay on the
office, court, commission, or bureau whose records
are to be listed. ,
. All of this essay material must be gathered
and edited for each county individually. Although
I the counties have much in common, each presents
""‘ its own problems and each has differences that 3
require careful investigation. Such considerations
as, for example, population of the county and whether
or not it has adopted township organization must be E
kept in mind in compiling its history and govern— i
mental organization. Statutory provisions vary for E
counties in different population groups, and a county E
that is functioning under township organization E
‘ differs in many ways from other counties. E
"E ' Fieldworkers of the Historical Records Survey E
. \do the groundwork in gathering material in the E
fice county courthouses. They arrange the records in '
55%“ offices and vaults, and in a number of instances, E
3*, ’ new shelving has been erected in courthouses and . E
the older records have been placed on them in proper j
' sequence. This work is very constructive and is E
highly appreciated by the county officials. They E
also inventory the records of county offices and E
‘ copy many of the early court records that form the E
basis of our source material. Historical sketches E
are then built up through research in libraries and E
historical societies. The essays on governmental E
organization and on the various county offices must,
of course, be based on legal enactments. Provisions E
of the constitutions and statutes of Missouri furnish E
the basic information on which to build the story of
each office from its origin in the county, through
changing times and conditions, to its present status.
When material from all available sources has
been gathered into the State office, the rough
draft is written. After checking, editing, and
revising, a final draft is made of the essays and
record entries as they will appear in the mimeo-
graphed county inventory. Then the complete final
3 copy is edited once more before stencils are cut E
for mimeographing. 1
, El

 S f
i l — 10 —
Jib g


‘ l -
Q j The following information is a brief resume

,"g of the mechanics necessary in compiling the record
;?1 entries for the county inventories in Missouri.
:2 3 On the opposite page is a sample of the blank form
3 sent to fieldworkers and filled in with required

A‘; data. -
' l The number of offices authorized by statute

:3} to maintain the county government is fifteen; com-

‘ prising the county court, clerk of the county court, ’

‘3‘ clerk of the circuit court, probate court, recorder I
7i: of deeds, prosecuting attorney, sheriff, collector

if of revenue, assessor, treasurer, coroner, public

if; administrator, county surveyor, highway engineer,
lli and superintendent of public schools. The number
big of records to be found and inventoried will average

‘5} about three hundred and fifty-for each county. This

it means three hundred and fifty separate forms will be
r;; returned to the state office for editing.

" \
,§§ ' The fieldworker is instructed to begin the .
,§§ inventory in a certain office and complete the
fil _ listing of bound and unbound records in that of-
-{ fice before progressing to another.

1f$ Answers to questions 1-12 on the form must be

l:l- accurate. .
%‘ As the forms are returned to the State office
i; they are checked by the editorial and legal staffs,
3}} and if any irregularities are apparent the forms are ' '
9%? returned to the fieldworker for correction. »

Vt, When the forms for all the county offices have

fi‘ ‘ been received by the State office and the work re-

” ported as completed, an Assistant State Supervisor 7
'fl‘ rechecks the forms for accuracy against the BREEZE

if records in the courthouse., ‘
tj Record Entries are the types of records county

lfii officials are rcquired_by statute to keep, and show

flu the title of the record, years for whieh'thc record

M is kept, whether original papers or volumes, purpose

H; of the record, arrangement and indexing, size, and

t; location. For examples, see page 15. .

l‘ ' -

i .

1 ,
l .

1 V
R , _ ,5

 '7 - .- 11 - :
J’%z z 0&4 44 «/O* /z4/0 / 72
rker's full name) (Date) (Form identification no.)

M-‘*M6M J
- Oeunty 214212: 24 “State 2% J
/ Name of agency or officefiW J
I ‘ Address of office of custodyWM~ :J

1. Title ZW—R“ J

2. Bamb_ J

3- QuantityWN J


. 4-. Labeling 2221/— WM“ J
6. Discontinued and missing records/“72 0 -- 46 I a /Z ._ J

6. Contents é xgéwm’ @6614 272%;ch égfkééi _..__._.__, J

’ ' 4/ 2' d , ,W 47225 ("g/Mm ; J

W ‘ W70 52245021, .1297 (arr/44' gMfi/éj‘w J

i4. "6661444166322 46 4 44652.43; 4W J

. 2 / :JJ

22 12:1. 442' a (LC/£9 2w1r/Lcd, amt/g 4422.2; 441% J

7. Arrangement a/WLfiaZ/COfl/A/ 42/2/4229 2% x4 22%;, J

‘ 9. Writing 4424222222222 441.225, - . 2172/ MM ‘

10. Size édd , /iy/V2X}/‘ I J

11. Location by dates and quantities—WW ,J

12. Other information flow / 9057' 7 “2.4.4 J

_ MM __ J

'- “ME—M- J

 1A , 1) _,,»_ M

11 ‘ ?€
. 31 1 - 12 - ,
EI 31 1 ‘
11 1
11,1 ,

\11 The information received on the form is typed

f1: on 5 x 8 inch cards and double spaced to allow for .
1 corrections, . '
111 1

111‘ 1 . .
1 .....__*_—_—_———————~—————-

1 1} QUITCLAIM DEED, 1880-~. 18 vols. (numbered). 1837~79 in
.11 Deed Record, entry '- . t
111 Record of deeds conveying only the interest in real estate possessed I

‘N by grantor without warranting title thereto, showing date, names of ' ,
11 grantor and grantee, consideration, description and location of prop— I
11 erty, signatures of grantor and witnesses, acknowledgment, date and v‘
11; time filed, and certificate of recorder. Arr. chron. For index, see
'11 entry . (Direct and Inverted Index to Deeds). Hdw. and typed on '

1 ptd. r. 640 pp. 18 x 13 x 4. -

1 ' Revised'Statutes, 1835, page 525, section 5; 1
111 p

1‘4 ' Revised Statutes, 1929, sections 11543 and 11547 ‘
‘3; WW ;
11 The cards are then edited, assembled in their

1j respective offices, given descriptive headings and

,3, .sub-headings, and retyped on paper in single spaced 3 1
g‘ form. ' ' 1
1‘ Cress—references are then made to prior, sub-

1‘ sequent, or related records and given to the editor- 1
111 in—chief for final approval.. -
1 _ 'When all units are completed they are assembled '
1 . in their proper order and stencils are cut for the 3
1 mimeograph.

1 The following page is a sample of the finished 1 "
g13 product to be found_in the Inventories 2: the County '

‘1 Archives 2i Missouri.

1 ' j

11' .1
1: -.-

 l - 13 - 3
I Recorder of Deeds - Real Preperty (106-110) 5
‘ 106. WARRANTY DEED RECORD, 1867--. 73 vols. (numbered). 1857—66 ;
, - in Deed Record, entry 105. i
3 Record of instruments conveying and warranting title in fee simple to
real estate, showing date, names of grantor and grantee, consideration, 3
_ ‘ description and location of property, notarial acknowledgment, date
, filed, and certificate of recorder. Arr. chron. For index, see entry - f
104. Typed on ptd. r. 640 pp. 18 x 13 x 5. ‘
r 107. QUITCLAIM DEED, 1880--. 18 vols. (numbered). 1837-79 in 1
Z Deed Record, entry 105. '
Record of deeds conveying only the interest in real estate possessed by i
grantor without warranting title thereto, showing date, names of grantor y
' and grantee, consideration, description and location of property, signa- X
n ". ' tures of grantor and witnesses, acknowledgment, date and time filed, and E
‘ certificate of recorder. Arr. chron. For index,-see entry 104. Hdw. i
and typed on ptd. f. 640 pp. 18 x 15 x 4. l
108. RIGHT-OF4WAY CONVEYANCE RECORD, 1937--. 1 vol. (290). 1857- Q
1956 in Deed Record, entry 10.5. i
Transcript of instruments releasing and quitclaiming to the State of
' Missouri right-ofdway for state highways, showing date, name of grantor, E
State of Missouri as grantee, description of land by township, section, }
range and road district numbers, signature of grantor, acknowledgment, ,
date and time filed, and certificate of recorder. Arr. chron. For
: index, See entry 104. Typed on ptd. f. 640 pp. 18 x 13 x 5. ;
' 109. COLLECTOR'S DEED FOR TAXES, 1936—-. 1 vol. (291). 1845—1935
. V in Deed Records, entry 105. j
‘ V Deeds executed by collector covering property sold under special execu- i
, tion at public auction for taxes unpaid and delinquent, showing amount 1
‘ of delinquent taxes, entries, number of years delinquent, name of tax- W
payer, description and location of real estate, date sale was executed, {
. names of collector and grantee, recital of certificate of purchase, {
' name of purchaser, amount paid, acknowledgment, certificate of recorder,
date and time filed. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 104. Typed on
1 ptd. f. 640 pp. 18 x 13 x 3. t
I 110. SHERIFF'S DEED, 1868--. 5 vols. (l, 41, 79). 1857-67 in ‘
’ Deed Record, entry 105. l
‘ Sheriff's deeds to property sold under special execution to satisfy a f
levy of judgment for back taxes, giving date of instrument, names of i
p 1" sheriff, grantee, and parties to execution, sale price, description of
" real estate, signatures of witnesses, acknowledgment, date filed, and I
certificate of recorder. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 104. Hdw. I
on ptd. f. 638 pp. 18 x 15 x 3. H
_ 1
~ 1

 J“ ifi
'H{1 C
W“ The Missouri project of the Historical Records Survey is new i
1‘ engaged in the preparation of a digest of the Territorial and State T
11m laws. This digest is being prepared from the session acts of the ‘
“‘ Missouri Legislature and the Revised Statutes of Missouri. fl
ug1 a
1“ There are five persons on the project who are engaged in this 3
‘5 work. The laws are carefully read and all material found therein ¥
1 E that pertains in any manner to the various counties, directly or in— 5
1‘ directly, is written on the work sheets in digested form. These 3
3‘ work sheets are then turned over to the legal editor, who in turn 3
‘ classifies each section and arranges the work under the various 5
H subjects. P: ‘
1fi It is our intention to arrange this material in such manner that ;
‘H each court and office that exists in the various counties will be i
i” thoroughly covered as far as its legal existence is concerned. Under f
id each office heading will be shown the creation, duties, jurisdiction, :
‘ffl and powers of the office; term and qualifications of the official ?
fH holding the office; the various structural changes that take place 9
‘H from time to time; bonds that are required to be taken by the offi— f
‘H cial; oaths that are necessary; and all requirements for the keeping f
‘H of records. This work will serve as a guide to all future essays that ' ’
‘t may be written on the governmental organization of any county and the ‘
‘jfl different office essays that appear in the Inventories g£_thg County . 1*
3H Archives pf Missouri. ,
‘Q As a supplement to this work, a check list of all records that 1
‘fl‘ are required to be kept by each official is being prepared. This 5
;W list is being taken from the session acts and statutes, and is being {
:‘ made up in conjunction with and supplemental to the digest. When the g
H‘ legal editor is going through the work sheets, he notes each record . Z
1“ ' requirement and at the end of the digest of each particular office the f
‘t‘ check list will be found. This list will show each record separately, ;
;‘ by the title, and will be arranged by subject in the order of impor- 9
‘t‘ tahee of the record to the particular office under consideration.; I
1t: ‘ Citations for each record will enable the reader to know when it orig- 1
H; inated and whether or not it is a currently kept record in the county. 3
9‘ If for any reason a record has been discontinued legally, this will I
“ appear on the check list opposite the title of the record. :
1 i
“‘ This digest and check list is being prepared in such a manner as i
“ to serve many different purposes. These most noteworthy are: as a Q
L‘ guide to our own project essay writers and inventory editors; as I ‘
3‘ material for all legal research students; as legal history fbr these i
“ interested in the development of governmental functions from the time g
‘1 that Missouri was called the District of Louisiana to the present; and a
fl4 to serve as an up to date digest of the laws of Missouri. i
hf All legal facts that are stated in the inventories produced by
t1 the survey are augmented by citations from the laws of Missouri. These ‘
‘W? citations are obtained through research made by a member of the legal .
“I: Staff. "

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if The Historical Records Survey is assembling
33 , through its church archives department all the
fi2 historical data obtainable concerning the name,
I origin, denomination, location, growth, and early
t, founders, together with a brief history of every
,5 active or defunct church in the State. This data
?7 is being gathered by fieldworkers in each county,
; by means of personal interviews and by correspond—
;. ence with pastors and officers of individual
;? churches. It is entered upon prepared forms which, ~-~
2 when completed, are forwarded to the State office
; - 2 in St. Louis. ‘
‘ =- The Church Archives Inventory was started as’
j a unit of the Historical Records Survey Program,
in the spring of 1957. Much time and effort has i
l ‘ been spent in laying the foundation for the exten- ~
5 sive research, field, and editorial work necessary
; to gather the histories of approximately ten thou-
? sand churches estimated to have come into existence
i in Missouri from her earliest territorial days to -
) ' i the present time. Field surveys have been come
5 3 plated on about three thousand churches to date.
; Upon completion of the field survey it is
f contemplated that these inventories, after they
I § have been finally checked, corrected, and edited, 5
’ 3? will be published in volume form by denominations,
g and be available to libraries, educational insti-
¢ tutions, historical societies, and denominational V
L bodies. These volumes will provide not only a .
7 =nationwide directory of church data, but also a
f valuable source of historical, statistical, and
; bibliographical information for clergymen, students
5 of church history, authors, and historians generally.
. I J
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 . H . "
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ll: ~ 16 - .;
Mi 3:
.E.‘[‘ . g .
I . .; ‘ 3;
L‘ii 25. First Presbyterian Church, 111 W. Chestnut k
yt’ Street, Carthage, Missouri. f:
{ gaggegggggg Organized. August; 1867! in g{
M Dunlap 8 Hello Services held in Thomas Bldg., §f
y“ until January, 1870, and in Regan s Hall until {}

W November of the same year? First ohureh, u if
‘jM ' small trans building; 706v710 Grant Street; ff
Vt completed in November 1870 and occupied until , j;
tlé January 12y 1903, when the congregation merged E?
fl; with the Westminster Presbyterian Church, 6. E. i;
{ii corner of Chestnut and Grant Streets; Present If
is} ohuroh at 115 W. Chestnut Street ereuted and ‘g
HH‘ dedicated in 19163 modified Gothic, tWO"St0ry .3
dll ‘ brick and stone strunture with square bell tower f2
pi} and red tile roof; 4 ierge art-glass memorial 5}
[:3} windows depicting events in the life of Christ. 43
‘fii Church school oanupies basement and both floors ‘;

'pl} of eanh half of building; test half ocnteins ' .g

flji church auditorium with dining room and kitvhen . ‘l
”ifl in basementc Present reetory, a two~story‘ ' g

Vfl frame residence, at 110 East Tenth Street. E

Ufi First settled clergyman, Rev. John W. Pinkerton . 'fi.
11;; (Septu 1867 Aug. 15... 1872). Educational beck- -
UH ground unknown. Present Pastor; Rev; Edwin i

M Eugene Mme (April 9‘ 3.92323): Graduate of * *
tli Drury College; Springfield, Mo; Presbyterian if
lfll‘ Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111.; University f;‘
pH“ of Arkansas. 1;

1 ii ».
‘fi Ejbgigiggphyc History of Jasper County, E: .
l“ Missouri by Mills & Company, Des Mbinos: Iowa, it
lfig page 278, Contains an soccuut of the organize— g3
i*§ tion and early history of the church” Article ':

1‘, :i in $33.. 8‘1: Liis August 1.2 1897: