xt7tx921gb0w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921gb0w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1997 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals 1997 KPA Better Newspaper Contest text 1997 KPA Better Newspaper Contest 1997 1997 2019 true xt7tx921gb0w section xt7tx921gb0w I
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Page 2 - 1997 KPA Better Newspaper Contest \l l l' "‘ ~
.__, " _ . Category 12 - Local Feature _ _
‘N? eekl | Pictures “alt-n. ”r-
t; l l “ Certificate of Merit FI'IXI‘UN 'I‘In- , .
LEADER [(vnlnn '
C '1 h ( e c o r e r ,

‘ategf’r’ ' “P09.“ X , , , Category 13 - Local Sports . 1m . a: u’:fg.'.‘3?":. _ -

tertiticate ot Merit — H LYON Pictures . V A , ,
l l“ \DFR . r V v . . A lla) ‘ Summersprm DIX"?

‘ ‘ First Place ~ BENTON (‘()l {\T\ 7/3... m . . 7 ‘, . F : . .

‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ , RECORDER ~ 40,-, , . e ; awaiting
Eategf’ry Z ' (.Ommumté' Service Excellent photo of swimmer’ Soccer ' ‘ *k 1 ' m f‘ orange
l ertiticate ”l MM” ' PI E‘N(‘ ER and golf photos also eye catching. mm “diam“ ', “ ‘- .2
\1\(‘\'1“T ‘ v \houlilhenhantlup _ V‘ , t A ‘5— harm's
~ A " 4 Also good cropping on photos """"“"“‘j’"" ‘ q.‘ ‘ f‘ ' ’ V “hm.” '

‘ ‘ . Second Place - FULTON LEADER "l‘1""\ ' \ £3 ‘9 a“ L"; w 22.,
Eategonui-Mau 0“an Nothing wrong with these pictures, ‘LEL'QN ' . 1 s . k
( (“Elluf‘h' ”l MW” ' SPENt ER when it comes to catching the read— gETgi‘fi‘éid'wt‘J-iiSui-fies ?- 5 t x, v ' '1' Sift};_'{',"-,~7:"ff{,-t{~7'
MALALT er. Great photo of football action "irafiw‘imw ‘ J. 1' ' ""-"-':'f~'"“:¥i~'"'-l'~'t4'75-:»

‘ ‘ Good T—ball photo, but could have $13; , l ' " ""3"
Category 4 ' 1‘ ron‘t Page . V . used some cropping. Basketball “1:353“ ‘- ’ {j;{,._~j‘~gg}fij~fi;;'
First Place - RENTON COL NTX photo {00 dark ”Egg-2M4"; . MM“... 33':;'i§;;7flr::::g".z
RECORDER Sili.:§.;'~3i€'~*-"37~" :;,-:;::_;-;;~,;~-~ ' "m "w M m WW“ 2:7fflffi'iz'iriiri
Good Lise ot color, good layout. great Category 14 _ Best Use mhmn m "m! USSCI'y honored for volunteerism ”ME:-:
9‘“‘”““ t V _ t t v of Graphics ;;:;21:51.‘-:;..«::-‘:«.";:; :1 gavggwfigfiw ““m
Second Place — SPENCER MAQNET First Place - FULTON LEADER "if“; $23.2; fix: “.12: :1: . 6 a ;+:=~Z"-:f‘-“‘§.-:S.§+:
It was (“fl-”Uh 1" decide between It’s obvious a lot of planning went Mr ”If“- v‘s ‘ - “NWT?
your “UWSP'JP‘T and the first place ‘ into the charts and graphics used, n~.. . mififjfim .4’3 ‘ s. i - I £3531. if:
The deciding tactor came down to Second Place — SPENCER MAGNET ‘" 11:1: "‘ ‘ " ‘ "m"
ll?" pictures (”Pd Nb: ‘ Good use of graphics and photos. h:\~orl:s on. (m :r"--3i~""'7¥-"-7-73”? :::,.21'.';.;.L:~.1r;::i‘:~Hrs-7;: -:;;-' n growirzg :33.
Third Place ~ Flt LTUN LEADER “:53“:- Patmlzmw' W) . l l l‘l' l “'" "f ' '
“Nd lm’km‘s’ W‘WSPHPHH Category 15 - Best Use Eli'iiiiffilfii'fl: takingiaim £317:qu S I“ S "g 'I (m H {c ram
Interesting artu-les- of Photo Illustration L‘“‘”‘" at S 7 erg ”lizfi'zrf‘fif

. . No Entries ‘;7:{.'."7'*{7:5'9?"L7 W I. ' 5:11-24“: t

Category 5 - Editorial Page " ' ' winging —:-,; N flailiflm‘iiz'tx t l
First Place » SPENCER MAGN ET Category 16 _ Special tviflrtfiifljnotii :‘v'fzrjs'fnzitp: $.13“. :LZEEfExEM,

(loud editorial content Kim th‘ll'S Edition/Section : :;'::'.7.rii.'.‘"l'7-f 1:1,"? 0 -
vmrmnts Hm I“ follmr- have sub- First Place-FULTON LEADER ,,

Slim‘f“ FUND} cartoons . ‘ . . , Excellent? Covered so many topics a U ; ';:'. ifz'iumfisz, “'.“.‘
SQ‘Cllnd l)lii('(‘ ‘ hf;:\T( )r\ ( (ll 3“ ”f C(jncern to svnjmr Cltlzons “i..'.- '. ' ‘ ,1' ‘ . “1 “"9, . ' "w .' ‘
RECORDER -. , ‘ 'r ‘ w . H t. " ' '

. ! ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ V ' Adytrtising fit right in with mws ,asvv’s (wt/Mgr
\\ t'll xx rttten (Ulnlllt‘lll> by Ste\ e content This was a clear Winner. {mag t
”Mm: mi NW1 31mm Mrs Second Place - FL'LTUN LEADER % ' ‘J 3
Mi‘nm ‘ comments might. fill" “ml“r A lot of work Went into this football 35:.” [v ‘
personal column instead ot 'etlitor» ”an,“

m. .\ "'“l‘l‘ wt mamm- ml hard Third l’lltt't‘ , Sl’lfiM‘Ht MAth-J
' ‘A‘li'l‘4r‘ltil‘l‘3 ”Week” (iootl tist- ot'color in ads layout was H ,, , ‘ . , t

good In]?! Ill!” [\(‘HIUII (UIHIIV Rt't ordw {(HlA [rift llU/I()}'\ II) I/It‘

l'éllQ‘g(lr)'(5' \(WVSDHPOF lltlllltrélltll‘ xlt’llll‘lli l'lJVlrlll‘\ I ‘ .t, , , .

iiiaiix mt s ll) this Slt'w‘lttl ~"t'll"1i (Hill/N’IIIIUH. lie/(H13 [He ,lllt'l'L’('\ (ti/Ir it HIM \{lt't Itt/ \(‘t'lltili

lung?” " ”mm“ “7“ “”L'l“ ‘" “WT" mm" "““l' of ll'lt' Fulton Leta/er "<‘,\<’(‘/'/'cm‘."'" ll]: lll‘xt mm (‘ tt'u’y
l’ilgt‘f5t‘t‘ll”'- i rllll‘ iii littl'li'lx , , 3
1-"? L mix. Liti‘xlll‘dl one of nine for the net; V/Nl/N’l' nnoone It Inc «tear \wnner ;
I I' ' 1?“ ~' * “H «= Category l7 - Original Ad Idea III the ll'i’(’l{/_\‘ ('lttfi‘s l (jl'l'lN/Uln l

13' ‘ '- ' ‘1‘ T“ ‘ 3H1" All“! First Plat»- n P'l‘lfl'UN LEADER f____.___..____________

1“» A? . > . ‘ ‘ \'er\ cleyer use ot graphics in this :1 7;

s,“ M“ 3 I’M .. Sl’l‘IN‘ 'lxl'i MN Alf-l series ofads ' if: @h£ (adult
1“" ““3“! ‘iwri ~ iaww \'wi sit-0nd em- — FI'L’I‘ON LEADER « A ' l .

a» it It st: it \ NH all Hi All ‘lill (loud use of photos in this .‘itl ‘ $329610 secuo" Funng 0" l
.lfjlli'ttlllifl to the reader Third p11,“. . H'Ifriix LEADER , the lifestyles of senior adults I

I‘Iye—catching tor a small ad / ' s l
(‘ategory 8 - Agriculture I 1/" _- l
. . , . - \

Page/Section Category 18 ' D'SPla." ' 'l/ ’« * '

('ertit'it‘ate of Merit , SPENFER Advertising _‘ {( ‘.-’ _ ‘

MAGNET ('ertificate of Merit » FULTON ‘F’fffe'p’f ‘

LEADER ~39 a? K ,A .
Categorv 9 - Business r, ' g?“ ‘4
‘ w . , . O , . 'J‘ 1” .. ‘
Page/Section You can tw1n if you lq- ‘ w fd‘ it .
First Place - I’I 'LTUN LEADER , t} ‘1,“ ‘ f y, /-‘ ,9 mu.‘ 1
, - tm1.r,/“ 1...» -

t‘lear Winner in this category, don t enter! _- “ .1! "4-1 . it? 4 s
Fulfilled all the guidelines in this ‘Nf ' ‘. ' '7 0" ' "r" " - , l
sateL’orV \'er_\' well" atCh your mall T. ”A“ 45 '3; l " 0' ? ' l l
swat Place , KENTUN ('HIVNTY inf ' . “T‘s-J“ ' “A ‘2 '3
REt ‘URDER for orm,atlon ‘ ., « 1'. At ,, -, l l

about KPA 3 next 3 5 t" i

Category 10— Lifestyle . . I, ! g, f ‘
Page/Section competitlon, the g, I

No Entries 1 > “W i i

t W '
1997 Fall ‘ ~ inside. . . é? ;,

} I , _ .1 N . v_ l . page ll — Grandparrnnng Youlhiul 3 Id! m&\ n I-m ;
(rit( gun I l l A)( ‘I ( “ N Newspaper ! page .1 - Deallng will! a trauma!“ disc]: - Alzheimer \ l
I l('l urt‘S , i \ page I4 - Will you he prepared" Make ture r rualr n. in i
A um» own Contest l ,

_ V s—-- » - re -7 u n , ,,__'__V___.,____._,AA 7 , ”7 v t ,
. ‘ \
\ .

 g .
E ll lQQ'f
t. 1997 KPA Better Newspaper Contest - Page 3
. 7 a /
;: Mark \onr Calendar Now!
. 1998
1998 KPA Events You \
7 y 9 v _ o
“ on t “ant to Miss: l
l l Jan. 22-23 1998 Kentucky Press Association l
i \V’intcr Convention and Trade. Show :
‘ Radisson Plaza Hotel. Lexington '.
g : x
l June 18-20 1998 Kentucky Press Association/
. Tennessee Press Association .
Joint Summer Convention
Sunsprcc Resort/Holiday Inn l
Gatlinburg. Tennessee ‘
l ' 4 ' ‘

 :uu 7 .
Page 4 - 1997 KPA Better Newspaper Contest ‘l l H l '
l(——'—_=_———__‘. My: 'I‘ischler, iI)id he ever find a standing Head and shoulders above all other
It Weel§ly 2 l title for his column‘."I The standing heads entrants except winner. Sharp stories. Category 15 - Best Use I.
i‘ “ ; seem a tad large. even in the iii—design. good use ofartwork. crisp (and i do mean of Photo Illustrations x
_,.,..,.-.__,._-._,A-__V______,A-A--_g but m1] mp ”19153 Are [hp mnmm Iquilly crisp?) layout. This is a helluva newspa— First Place — LAUREL NEWS LEADER I
Category 1 - Typography pmduced'.’ ( Ru] ”,0“. if,“ pm: Absolutely \\'()I](lt‘l‘llllll Good photos. easy ' I
First l’lrm' - IARW (“V-V“ ”Ht- Honorable Mention . lARl'lC coi‘yn’ 'l'hiirl PlatoSPRINGFIELDSI'N it. read mm. vrmtivv lawn desimr and ‘
A“) NEW-P HERA] .1) NEWS lthl solid lite pages. layout toiiipetent attractive iiseofmlor ('leai'ly the bestll ‘
l llbt‘l lll“ L'V‘Ul -‘l‘-‘l‘~l““¥ll“l ‘llt’l"1l*‘i' but iiiHN'itiiig, .-\ few more feature sto- Second Place-('li\Y(‘lT\ITIMES
l' "Wily“ “~“‘ '1‘ ""“i ”“i ll 33““ ll 4’" ('ateg‘or'yli-Newspaix-rPromotion iies \VUUltlll'lilt1*.-ltt.i\t' Il\l(l.‘I lin ly done' lm nitpicking lthiiilx‘ I might have ‘I
PM“ ”‘W‘l "'~‘" ““I‘ “*“i \ll‘11l‘ll‘l" sun the whole i'illllliitliill_‘. enioycd lllt' Honorable Mention - ('l‘ll'll'l‘l‘lNl ll‘lN extended the top photo one llttil't‘ column
”l “3“”“Wl”“WP” “‘ I‘I‘ \tk‘t'litl section ol .ids (lmelopml by chil‘ PRESS illitlt'l‘tbple it a littli-tighti-i‘
Hm” ”it“ idllllfl NED-P LEADER dn-n' \Velldone. well-thought out pages chock Third Place « .\l('l.E.-\N (‘t )l'NTY
‘h'lli1‘lllt‘ill I1 <‘>l“'l~lll\ llIM‘l ”M" U“ Second Place ~ l..\l'l\'El. NEWS full of local stories. Layout. however is NE\\IS
Ill” ”1‘1”“ large 4"“ 1" “““l “11““ MI l.l‘I.ADEl\’ clumsy. and the photo pages need cut- (iood photo. nuds tighter cropping. Your I
m.‘ LN“ ll “Wk“ ’1 UP 1‘ " ”W'I“ it never hurts to toot your-own horn lines under each photo. Still. much better layout designs are virtually identical and
Third Place - SPRINGFIELD Sl'N than avemge. show very little creative thought.
Category 2 ' Community Senice (‘rood contest, [in sure all the cooks in
Hm H‘MI ' .\l( II‘FAN (ll )1 'NWI‘Y NEWS Four arr-a enjoyed entering or wading all Category 11 - Local News Pictures Category 16 - Special Edition/Section
Hinmtwn l’wmiatmn 101‘ Excrllvnu‘ was the great recipes. First Place — LAUREL NEWS LEADER First Place — LARUE COUNTY HER-
«1:27PM ldt‘iil‘lit*1 {11“de Shi’mldlS Seemed to have the most of true "news” ALD NEWS
Swmd P1110“ -(‘RI'I‘1’ENDEN PRESS Category 7 - Sports Page’Section type photos. I like this. It lets the photos tell the story.
Yuur mum is one all newsman should First Place — cRn'i'aNiiaN PRESS Second Place - LARUE COUNFY HER- as opposed to most sports supplements '
mlb'ldPF Great idea? Very close between winner and runner- ALD NEWS I've seen, which are extremely copy—heavy
up. The difference, a bit cleaner layout. Good hard news photos. (a sin I've been guilty of myself, believe i
Category 3 ' W“ Of Information wide variety of features Solid sports sec— Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN me!) Well done.
First P1809 ' (II‘AYCnleES tion here, covers all the bases. Well done? Pictures good, but no real hard news Second Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
Hear winner m the category- Ediwn'al Second Place - LAUREL NEWS type. NEWS
good on DUth 5 nght ‘9 know what deci- LEADER Honorable Mention — TOMPKINSVILLE Boy, it was hard not giving this one first
sions were being made in closed 5938101]. Very close to Winning. Layout a bit slop- NEWS place. Top-notch efforts from stem to 1
Second I)12109 - SPRINGFIELD SUN py, needed more features. Otherwise, stem, but it fell short of the "neamnable l
Great )0” All newspapefi ShOUld b? “111* Denis House does an excellent job. Good Category 12 - Local Feature Pic-times blend" as specified in the rules. Too much l
0de on the 0P?“ meeting laws and writing, good use of photos, wide variety FirstPlace — LAUREL NEWS LEADER advertising, not enough editorial content.
WWW any violation. of stories Nice job! Pictures seemed most representative of Rough decision!
Third P1309 - BIG SANDY NEWS Third Place - BIG SANDY NEWS true "feature" pictures. Third Place — TOMPKINSVILLE NEWS
GOOd mverageoflsaac 900W Solid sports section. Nice writing, decent Second Place — TOMPKINSVILLE I like the biographical content, most
variety, photos a bit weak Best pure lay- NEWS - senior supplements usually look like
Category 4 ' Front Page out in division. Just couldn't overtake first Good feature pictures. poorly reproduwd yearbook pages. A nice
FlI‘St Place - [Al/REL NEWS LEADER and second place. Keep up the good work Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN variation on a traditional supplement
Well thought 0111 and deserted pages. Honorable Mention — MCLEAN COUN— Goodfeatme pictures. idea
b0th NEW and 01d styles. Like the new TYNEWS Honorable Mention - CARROLLTON Honorable Mention - CLAY CITY I
df‘SIIEU better though. GOOd writing and There's a lot to like in this entry, but NEWS DEMOCRAT THVIES ‘
photos. Glad U) 599 a fmnt page {921th in clumsy layout and wooden writing drop it Good pictures, but not quite in the catego A little lacking in the creative layout ’
each 155118. Excellent work? down a couple of places. Keep trying. ry of above. department, but very well done none the
Second Place ~ (‘ARROILTON NEWS less.
I )l‘llW X ‘RAT Category 8 - Agriculture Category 13 - Loan] Sports Pictures
8931 use Of color photos and graphics in Page’Section First Place — LAUREL NEWS LEADER Category 17 - OriginalAd Idea
(lmflt in. Nice “Titing but [fink 11> plOd 21 First Place - BIG SANDY NEWS Good tight action shots. that prove the old First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS
little as you :10 deep” into stories. First. the bad news; photos are a little saying about a picture being worth a Eye-catching grand opening ad. Good
Visually a treat. needs a boost in writing grainy. making them difficult to view thousand words. I especially liked the placement and use ofphotos. Layout very
Utlr“ lht‘mifll‘ti l‘ZXG‘llvm WUTkT pmpm‘ly. Now. the good news: excellent sequence shots of the runner trying to good?
Third l’lim' - lill i SANDY NEWS Ag page? Nice mix of locally produced. score in the July 31 edition. Wish our Second Place - LAUREL NEWS
Lay-out in this paper including typl 5:111» appropriate tiller copy. good layout. good sports pictures looked this good” LEADER
phy is outstanding. best in (lth‘WH. low lt‘atul‘t‘sl Second Place — M('LEAN (‘()l'NTY Cumberland Valley Bank layout very
the (Ionmiunm (iéilt‘ndat' hox. Writing Second Plao- -- SPRIN( lFlELDSl'N NEWS good. Good useofphotmzmd color.
is wry good This is It ht‘llm'éi IN'\\'~}MIX‘!‘ Plenty ofphotos ol kids. always a plus for Nice action shots in the October in and Third Place— SPRIN< lFIELDSl 'N
Honorable Mention » t 'Rl'lleENl lEN miniiiunity weeklies. Layout is solid. but Dewniberfi issues. (‘ommandei' Band ad very eyt~crrtching
PRESS tlll-S})(‘('l.‘lt'lllltl‘ A few morr local teatun's Third Place - LARl'E (‘( ll 'NTY HER- and graphics work well with message,
This was a tough. limital tllyislttil This wouldbrightenyou page Still.grxxl_iob ALDNEVVS Honorable Mention - LAI'REI. NEWS
lroiit page is cit-an. easy to n-ad. nicely Third Plait » ( ‘lAYVl'l'Y TIMES Excellent action shots - a couple ofthem LEADER
written. good photos The Press is an Von close to second place finisher, Nice. could have benefitted from tighter crop- The pictures say it all in the l‘lav-( l—Rich
t‘Xt'l’llt‘iil papt't' Keep up the qualih but plain section. Feature on sorghum ping. and the piesswork seems to lluctu- ad.
work' molasses best in division. Keep up the ate from one issue to the next, but, overall ‘
gt “(l work very goal. Category 18 - Display Advertising
('atogoryS- Best Editorial Honorable Mention — MVLEAN (‘( )l'N- Honorable Mention - SPRINGFIELD First, Place - LARIVE (‘( )l’NTY HER-
Exo-llent layout. Niu- use ofgiaphic «its limit and back pages wen- superbll But. (loud photos, but very little action. Sports Good use ofgraphics to grab attention
merits over entire page Plenty of local inside was weak. washed out photos. hap— photos minus action spells boredom for and dress up ads. Ad layout good. Easy l‘
writing. a rarity on many opinions pages hazard layout. including a blank 2x2 hole the reader. for reader toget to point ofad.
these days. With letters to the editor in 3“ Second Place - TUMPKINSVILLE ‘
given strong visibility. Pennington s Category 14 -B&‘t Use ofGraphics NEWS ‘
Speechtrme column was great? Category 9 - Business Page/Section First Place — BIG SANDY NEWS Good balance in ad. Ad layout variations
Second Place - SPRIN( }FIELD SUN No Entries An obvious choice. Home produced make it easy to go from one to the other.
This would been my top pick save for one Category 10 Lifestyle Pago’Section graphics that help illustrate the stories in Creative use of scruzns.
thing. why, on a page clearly labeled as First Place - LAUREL NEWS LEADER the same way gmd photos do. Speaking Third Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN
an "Opinions page, are you placing fea- ( ‘meat use of colors, excellent layout. well- from the reader's point of view, these cer— Good use of graphics, white space, photos
tune photos better suited for other mgezs‘.’ written. These are sections that could tainly enhance their respective stories. and borders.
A big drawback to an inherwise superior compete with louisyille or any other big Nicely done? Honorable Mention — MCLEAN COUN-
mge. daily. Very, very good job. One quibble, Second Place - LARUE COUNTY HER— TY NEWS
Third Place - LAUREL NEWS LEADER color photos a bit blurry. ALD NEWS Ad design rates with the top three Good
Strong writing, mfiimlarly on the part of Secrmd Place - BIG SANDY NEWS Nice use of color on the bar graph. use of graphics. Balance of ads good.
M l
. > ., ‘ \ “ .
, . \ .

 ‘ .
l. ‘ 1.“. .7!“ 1
- 1997 KPA Better Newspaper Contest - Page 5 l
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‘71.?313W53‘7'l Museum receives funding fl" future expansion Cheerleader “ ‘ ' f ‘i ' » ’t ,, i.— ‘ . Three More
. “4...... it--- air???:5-ej‘f‘éz-‘saii-.. ' J: :T;::i."-i-‘.'-'.:= Remains ::.-::.::x..:.r.;;::2....: . ' J“ . ‘ Jail Staff
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‘fif‘l‘fififlam... Juveniles return tucircuit court 8mm «hoscuuwchunpm ~~ . _v 7‘ . '“ 1‘, '
:Lfm‘" ‘2":2.‘ ' ”:1"? . [u l..|Ruc \chmvl (ah-ml.” "'_ " ' __ " ‘1', "f, ‘3" " ', " " " "“'
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‘ “swim (7rimcsc0mmitlcd by Jln‘cnilcx . . ' 2 ‘ DOG DISPUTES LEAD TO CHARGES . V “7.73:?
‘ m .0 ”MC, . escalate in county at alanmng.v ml-c - ' - . " .. . “ ‘
magma... “W9 ...“... ... ,. .. - . , .1 ROM... . . . ~- Neighbors Howling About Trespass - ~
“I“ :j'.""" Til" .‘ ‘ y‘ . 1 .. ' . ’ . .
. . .. ... .. .... . ... . ... .... . _ Knox Count Man Who " (m‘ V929“ wan)" .
monumm'wmg fir"; '7'" 7.0:“ "3.. ’ ~ '. ' C';IL:B I ‘ . Admmed ly’oummng ’ ' S'yj’ys :nudenu '\ an ‘ /
bllll——pllfllllm .... . ,- .'- f " " ‘ ‘ Dog To Be Sentenced 3 : 8e Awndad ' '
INDEX ...... ;. ~ .. . W ' ‘ . . 7 .‘.“.~ . .
crud-u u ‘ ‘ f "‘ ' .‘ . - _ . '_. .' . \ V. a I .. ' " '
FUIUCM'DID 'A '7 ' ’ ' . . . / Q- - .' . .. "
“\GION M ' - ’ 'V‘ > . . . ‘ . . V U \
(nut-”06. m ‘ ' ‘ ' ' 56 years .. . a . . ‘ r‘ . \
snows m . _. . .. . M ......»um... . . I / . . , ... \
m. . . . .. . . .1 . .. .. . , / . . . - . . ‘\.
msuuw u ' , ...a. ‘ ’””’_ ; .,‘, ... . \w A ~ . .‘ ‘ . . . _ .1. . _ 1‘
. _ ‘ . ’ .‘ ‘ O I ‘. V ‘ . . ‘ I.
INSIDE .’ ~ . pr . . . . . .
E. 3...”. ... . . . . . ., ,
The competztzon was tough '* ‘ - . . '
tn the Weekly Class 2 lel-
s10n between these three
newspapers, the Laurel S 1 - t - W_ _ ‘fl‘
News-Leader, 31g Sandy C1100 addl 10D glven Proposed addition
News and Larue County 1 b b d
. _ approva y oar ‘ . .. ,
Herald News, Wthh ftn- . / '
' - ' . By Jerry Pennington “h'x wmcuhat .ruudcu xhcrc . ‘ _ ‘
[ShedfirSt’ seLOHd and thlrd Educ; .md hm been to! wwrul \mtx' Cafetena Gymnasuum ‘
respecttvelv 1n the General Mnhacl ...... l
i . . \«m Ilmt [hr ncv. muddle ‘ulh‘nl l’.u1 ml the mnm-x ll‘l lln l‘lxqul. ,_\
EXC'ellenCE ("umpé’llIlOIL Plt‘lk‘kl |~. ..umplclc, lllv.’ lnurcmr S‘Z‘ (HM: uxll . umr llwm ll). \
. ' , (hunt) llnartl pl . .. Kcnunk) ‘Mhmvl I‘.1\¥lflu‘~ \ - ,,
7b!) lefi' This entryfiom the ltdmalmnlurlml I Board ('nnxlruuwn (Ullllllhwt‘ll m m. New ‘
~ lhl'lr \Ighh nn lutm nl hutlnllng hnmlx l'lu‘ wm Illl addition ' Th. 5 n. m tnmrl
Larue county Herald News lhc lngh \ghmil of Ed- mg “MUM“! mll .nnu- ln-m llu‘ , Mummy .t»(.
was the jUdgeS ’ favorite in Mummy mghl ulnml hunnl'x )JCnvml luml ,."';'.\.',','.',':,:' “if“!
l‘l“l““”‘." J lhh ya‘lx the Insumum .Illh‘lllll‘ \ vw' "’1'7'H'1'Hrw
the TYPOgraphV (Tategurv. $l H rmllmn mmuan pmyul ml \mlc mum» (ha! vu‘ mlll mu" 1 "“1"'"" h" M" V“.-
' . _ ' ' Suprnnlcn-lcnl lanhlu' Mnlmcl \lu‘hml mad I“ .L'k‘i ”h” ”“'”"V w' «a w’VlF
. T()l) rlght. One ()f [’16) \JMl lhc d|\”|.i \ 1‘1”}ny pldn hum lhc \l.|l\ llll\ I\ lln.‘ \:/(‘ [‘{l‘le l Jaw.» Hm m.“
a ’ . \lnmrdn nun! lwr muu' H mm v .nml \u' would hau- lu hulhl ” ...). it. p.
Laurel NeW.S‘L€ader ‘8 firSt to. hnulnm lnl‘x .ll lhv lnyh \. llmvl. (hmlun (Lmtplxcll .m .m lulu! From entrance '
laces was this ent Or uml Ilm .nlxlllmn .Iml IL‘HMJIIHH -—~-—--—‘——"—"_“‘—_ ———-—~‘-
p . ry f “.l\ .l \h'p lll Ill.” \lm‘dlwn 590 School. page A7 I“. A. .. ,. N ; ‘1‘. ".4 .‘ ‘. .4
best front page. Right: The
818 Sandy News [00k [0]) —
honors m the Best Use of
Graphzcs category.
..__.____.____._._._____._______.____. ,
i . _
l -, . .
3 » a .

 J til add i 1»
’ g Page 6 - 1997 KPA Better Newspaper Contest ' . i
5 t _ rence that unfortunately occurs all written story, to boot! overall an outstanding job. i
- . Weekly 3 too often. Excellent background on Second Place — ()LDHAM ERA Third Place - BENTON TRIBUNE 3
*5 Kentucky's Open Meetings Law. Here's something different from most COURIER 1
. You'd be surprised how many people of the other entries in this category, a A paper that cares about local busi- ' i
_ don't even know such laws exist. category promoting your paper, ness. Lots of interesting local items. - I
Fffitngi/aie mfiTXTI’ISBURG rather than an ad or series of ads Could use some more photos. Good
NEWS JOURNAL Category 4 - Front Page pushing newspaper subscriptions. job overall. ~ ’1
Fantastic color reproduction. First Place — BENTON TRIBUNE Third Place-ANDERSON NEWS Honorable Mention - UNION g}
Excellent reproduction throughout. COURIER . _ What made tlhisuone interesting to COUNTY ADVOCATE
Good layout, clean. A really attrac- A clear Winner. Very creative deSign me was the ad proclaiming your Good job covering local business, nice f’
tive paper? “ on front page features With good use Circulation/readership increase. I feature on WMSK radio. Watch out 3
Second Place - BENTON TRIBUNE of color. Some of the photos are also liked the "Toot Your Own Horn" for bumping heads. Nice work. V
COURIER murky. but the overall impression ad promoting both your paper and j
Nice reproduction, clean. neat layout. one gets is very strong indeed. the schools' marching band. Well Category IO-Lifestyle g
(‘utlines under photos make it more Outstandingll donell . Page/Section .
reader friendly. Second Place — SCOTFSVILLE CITI- Honorable Mention - CITIZEN First Place - BENTON TRIBUNE .
Third Place IcYNTHlAVA DEMO- ZEN TIMES . TIMES . . . . COURIER. . . ‘
CRAT A strong entry that proves you dont This is an interesting idea — selling A class Lifestyle section. Dateline, -.
Good, clean layout. Good typeface have to have tons of color and multi- an exact reproduction of a 50-year ongoing area events, Bernie’s bits, _
and head selections. Good reproduc- ple type faces to get the reader's old newspaper. I'd be interested in etc. are outstanding. Excellent!!! ‘
[10!]. An attractive paper. attention. Some judges today might knowmg how successful it was. Second Place - UNION COUNTY _
Honorable Mention - JESSAMINE not appreciate the simple, "old-time" Darned good ideal! ADVOCATE
JOURNAL look, but I love itl! Lots of news and information of fam-
Good layout. neat and clean. Good Third Place - CYNTHIANA DEMO- Category 7 - Sports Page/Section ily interest. Nice job!
use Of C610,. Overall reproduction is CRAT First Place - UNION COUNTY Third Place - CYNTHIANA DEMO- .
good. Simple but interesting layout; nice ADVOCATE CRAT .
mix of color and black—and-white Go Bravettesl'; Helluva section on the Good job of packaging a number of ‘
Category 2 _ Community Service photos. The long swimming pool state champions. Consistently excel- items on a page without destroying
First Place _ (“ASEY COUNTY photo across the bottom of the page lent on every page, good to great pho- the layout. Goodll
NEWS in August 8 edition really caught my tos, sharp writing, good layout. As Honorable Mention — OLDHAM ERA
A last ing contribution to the commu- eye. good as they come. Super jobi! Excellent content. Lead page needs a
nity. Outstanding job by the paper in Honorable Mention — JESSAMINE Second Place — WILLIAMSBURG header that enhances the layout and 3
terms of leadership. coverage and JOURNAL ' NEWS JOURNAL pI‘OVldeS identity to a good Lifestyle
making It happen. ' Strong, attractive layout that accom— A top-notch sports section. Good presentation.
Second Place - L'NION (‘OL'NTY plishes what it sets out to do. grab writing, good photos, nice layout, on
ADVOCATE the reader's attention, without being front page. Layout gets a little boring Category 11 - Local News
There is no greater community ser- forced to rely on fancy trickery that inside. Overall, a classy, brassy Pictures
vice than to join against drugs and would detract from the cleanness of sports section. First Place - CASEY COUNTY
educate all community residents. the des1gn. Third Place ' ANDERSON NEWS NEWS
Nice job? Let's be honest: your regular sports There weren't any bad entries in this
Third Place . ANDERSON NEWS Category 5 - Editorial Page sections are a little boring, but those division. But those special "white
An effective service to the communi- First Place - JESSAMINE JOUR- special supplements are fantasticll page" photo pages were superbl!
ty. Some dramatic photos. NAL Nice job. Great photos, well cropped, all faces
Honorable Mention _ ANDERSON Clean, consistent, reader-friendly Honorable Mention - BENTON TRI- clear it isjust a super overall effort!
NEWS layout with strong local writing and BUNE COURIER Second Place - WILLIAMSBURG
A nice Offer to the high school. typography that is pleasing to the Just missed placing higher. Well- NEWS JOURNAL
Gregg! eye. Clearly the best in this category! written, good photos, but great page Close to being the Winner in a tough
Second Place - SOMERSET PULAS- one layout doesn't follow on rest of division. Well done photos. used well
“@313-de KI WEEK pages. Nicejob otherwise. to compliment news copy. Excellent
First Place - LEBANON ENTER- This Page design is a little dull. but lob!
PRISE the strong writing more than makes Category 8 - Agriculture Third Place - BENTON TRIBUNE
There s no way 1 (-0111th award this up for it. Especially Brenda Sexton's Page/Section COURIER
one first place. Haw'ng covered more columns — well-written and humor- First Place - ANDERSON NEWS Had the competition not been quite
than my share of similar tragedies ous. And since she brought it up in This paper towers over its opposition. SO rough, this paper could have at
myself and having lost a dear friend the column, let me just say, I, for Nicely done, good use of photos, spe— been a winner. Major problem iS con-
to such a tragedy, I know what kind one. find her picture very attractive! cial report on Bloomfield a winner. sistency. Still, a great set of photos (I
of work went into this. For what its Third Place ' CASEY COUNTY Very good! loved Icy Inferno?!
worth. the final wrap-up was very NEWS Second Place — CASEY COUNTY Honorable Mention - LEBANON
won done My Pearl is to be com- Subject matter focuses quite well on NEWS ENTERPRISE
mcnde-d for his efforts in battling a local issues. as such pages should Competent but uninspiring. A SOlid competitor in a rough field.
problcni that not enough of us are 'hut dont alwaysu Page design not Third Place - WILLIAMSBI'RO Competent, clean photography repro-
{iiin‘ig anything abnup I thp ygur bad but ('OUld USP 21 lllll(‘ work. NICWIS J()LVRN/\Ii duccd VVE‘ll. NICt‘jOl').
('(ir‘nlngj follow-lip llii> good news to Biggest drawback - ”Focus on the Very nice ag page.
ri-poir' Past feature seems out of place on Honorable Me