xt7tx921g869 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921g869/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2004-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 2004 text GLSO News, August 2004 2004 2004-08 2019 true xt7tx921g869 section xt7tx921g869 fig} GAY and
3-,;7 SERVICE _
Lexington, t 004
Kentucky “gas
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 19 Number 8
b1$1.850 Fuiiéiéaiser Dinning Out For Life
R0 ' Bart Concert
Moveable Feast will have its annual
On Saturday, August21, Robbie Bartlett Dinning Out for Life fundraiser on
will be performing with her band at the Thursday, August 26. Many local restau-
Phoenix Ball Room, 110 Short Street. rants are generously donating a portion of
Doors open at 8 pm and the show starts at their revenue to Moveable Feast,
9 pm There is a $15 cover to benefit the Lexington. There are some resturants that
Gay Lesbian Service Organization and the will be including their lunch revenue. See
Pride Center. Cash Bar available. ad on page 9 and for additional informa-
Robbie Bartlett has been performing in tion. Or see www.feastlex.org.
Louisville and central Kentucky since 1982. gmgmwgmggggggwmwxggmwfi
Her talent and strong sense of musical g “(Gay Cuba” Film g
direction is electric and engaging. .Robbie 3% Gallerie 8016111 ti
has a warm, smokey alto mice which she fig tag
puts to good use in a diverse repertoire. g Saturday, July 31 7—" p.m. :32;
She sings loud raucous numbers, torchy ‘ 3 P 1 I ll. it?
blues songs, jazz and R & B favorites and g 2 Art Gal . Rec g3
some new wave funk. Bartlett is accompa- % Artwt BObble Stoyt é
nied by her band, an outstanding group of fig Sunday, Aug 1, 6 hl 8 5-?
Louisville musicians. inext page for details on both events g
Robbie’s sets inc|ude numbers such as . tfieflEQEfifififiWfiQ‘WQQEEQMEEEEfiQfi
"Respect" by Aretha Franklin, "Good .
Morning Heartache" by Billie Holiday, "Give Imperial Court lnvestitures
Me One Reason" by Tracy Chapman, and .- - ., Wed August 18th
"Love Sneaking Up on You" by Bonnie Raitt. &
She has received many positive - 566 page 15
reviews. Marty Rosen writes: “If you yearn I I
_ _ 1 r
for the days when R&B was a bone shak I— sponsor Of the Month 7
ing, hip-tWitching mu5ic ruled by women
with towering voices and goddess-like . .
authority, (her music) will take you back.” Umtarlan
in reviewing her CD 'he adds: “(Her) “t. “l Universalist
scorching performance (is) guaranteed to _ 'i
get you shimmying through the house like ' , Church
a barefoot child crossing a hot road in July.” 1. .
Join us for this wonderful evening and wear Of exmgton
your dancing shoes. {L _l;

 a... ‘ _ ’ .. . “ ” o _ I o
\. ’;_-‘y LESAYW Gay Cuba Screenmg Gallerie Solell
'l‘-f',.‘-I;:i OSRWHON On Saturday, July Blst, from 7-11 pm. Gallerie
“7‘,” Waggon, Kandy Soleil, 363 W. Short St, will host "Venceremos," a
fundraising event to raise awareness about the Bush
administration‘s policies toward Cuba and to rally
support for local activists who traveled to the island
@LSO NEWS as an act of civil disobedience. There will be a show-
Volume 19 Issue8 ing of the documentary 'Gay Cuba' by filmmaker
Sonja de Vries who will be present to talk about her
published monthly by film. The event will also feature poets, the work of
The Lexington Gay local artists, and a report from Leah and Greg. Asug-
. . gested donationof $10 is asked but no one will be
LeSblan Servwe turned away. see page 22 for more info
Organization . .
339 Waller Ave. Pnde Art Gallery: Bobbi. Stout
August 1 - August 31
Mary Crone Bobbi Stout has been creating and displaying her
Jackie Cobern art since 1990, having shown her art in Nashville,
Chicago, Asheville, NC, and Lexington. Her unique
BoardMembe’s style features flat and multi-dimensional images
Thomas Collins, President using wide variety of media including paint, markers,
Joan Branon, Vice-Pres. pen and ink, and found objects.
Ben Salyers, Sec. The artist says of her work: “The art that I do
Mary Crone, Editor seems to come from some part of my unconscious
Jackle Cobern mind, as I seldom plan a piece and never know what
Tom com”? the end result will be. When l work on a project I lose
Sarah Martin . . . .
Ginger Moore all sense of time passmg. Much of my art is healing
Terry Mullins and when i look at a completed piece I can get an
idea of what was going on inside my head while i
Bill Chandler, was doing it. Often I learn a lot about my work from
Office Manager what other people see in it.”
GLSO Annual Dues & See page 22 for more information.
Individual _ $15 Pnde Art Gallery Opemng Receptwn
Cou le - 20 . . ' .
p $ r' w“, Bobble Stout
Opinions expressed in the GLSO ’9 J‘ '
News are those of the authors and g t f. a. Sunday Aug 1
don’t necessarily represent those of tits; :y;€-:::i~$ I, ’ '
the GLSO Board. Submissions are R'fl" "xv. .
welcome and staff reserves the right ,4 ' 7:3: "w 353‘ 6 ta 8
to edit submissions and advertise- «» Wflx» .
ments as well as the right to reject ’mwflmmjw”,& Prlde Center
submissions or advertisements. _?Mw§id&:fii
’4' 80 Page 2

 Community News
Voter ID Walks Emil” Haglllal‘a GI! Ralease 00mm”
CANVAS: WIT” FAIRNESS On Thursday, Aug. 26, Emily Hagihara
will have a CD Release Concert at the
sat July 31! sundayl Aug 15'! Kentucky Theater at 8 pm. A fullband will

Sat. Aug 21 & sun. Aug 22 be performing with her for this engage-

ment. Her new CD, "Time to Wake", will
Meet at KFA office, 110 N. Upper Street, be available after the show outside behind
10 am on Saturdays, 3:30 on Sundays. the KY Theater. Tonya Lewis will be show-
Netta Brooks Will provide training, food, ing her art in the gallery outside the state
and encouragement. More information on theater at 7pm.
page 16 or call Netta Brooks at 396-5251.

Jo-Betli GLBT Reading Group
fiantrunners/fianhvalkers Meredith Whi'eS

There is interest in starting another A GLBT reading group, the Lavender
Frontrunners/Frontwalkers club in BOOK Group, is forming at Joseph-Beth
Lexington. This club would be affiliated with Booksellers. The first meeting Wi” be on
the International Front Runners. If interest- Saturday, AUQUSt 7, at 3 pm, at the book-
ed, please attend a startup meeting at the store. We'll be discussing Michael
Pride Center Thursday, August 19, at 7pm. Chabon's The Mysteries Of Pittsburgh.
Contact Hal Kutter at 859-294-7944 after 7 Chabon won the Pulitzer Prize for The
or email haroldkutter@aol.com for more Amazinf Adventures of Kavalier and Clay,
information. his first novel. This later work raises some

International Front Runners is an affilia- interesting questions that I can't wait to dis-
tion of GLBT running/walking clubs that cuss. Please spread the word! If you have
have organized in many of larger cities any questions or title suggestions please
around the world. The first FrontRunner feel free to e-mail me at mwhiles@joseph-
club began in San Francisco in 1974 and beth.com.
other FR clubs quickly began forming in the Uniform and Leather Night
United States then in Canada and abroad.

There are currently about a hundred 0” Saturday, AUQ 21 there Wi” be a
Frontrunner clubs around the world and fundraiser at Crossings to benefit Ky
they are as diverse as where they are situ- Fairness and The Moonshine Bears of KY.
ated. Some of the clubs have hundreds of Join ”3 between 10 pm and 2 am. The
members, others only a few. Many include evening Wi” be hosted by Bi“ Howard,
walkers, not just runners, and at least one International Mr. Daddy Bear 2004 and Mr.
club has many more walkers than runners. Kentucky Bear 2003-

Some of the clubs elect officers, have There Wi” be caSh prizes for Best

bylaws and a membership dues structure, Uniform and Best Leather Outfit. There

many don't. Most have regular weekly will also be raffle prizes including a DVD

runs/walks and many also get together at player, DVD’s, gift certificate, and more.

local restaurants after their runs. Cover charge $5, half price forthose wear-
ing a uniform or leather.

GLSO page 3

 MISS gay CW5 141 Diversitu in Gender Alliance
On Thurs, Sept 23 at 9.30 the Miss http://groupsyahoo.com/group/lexDGA
Gay Club 141 Pageant will be held at_the The Lexington Diversity in Gender
Club, 141 West Vint St, featuring MISS CIUb Alliance meets the'first Saturday evening Of
141éthe let Lady Of tiegtUCkYi thog’a fBacall. each month at a private location. Contact
ntertainmentwi e provi e y ormer Kelli at kellindel@hotmail.com.
Miss Club 141’s: Wendy Williams, Nicole We welcome all people who transcend
Diamond, Taylor Bryce, Lady Devane, gender norms or who are questioning their
Tracy Taylor, and SPeC'a' QUSSt Rhonda K- gender identity. This includes transsexuals,
Steele. Judged Categories include intersexuals, effeminate men, masculine
Presenttion, Talent, Evening Gown, and women, drag Kings, drag Queens, gender
On Stage Question. Entry Fee $30. queers... and more. Family and supportive
Winner Receivesz; $125 on the night 0f allies who would like to discuss trans issues
2": Came?» tCLOVTVP: 3“? Zbgfiggg: at a“: are welcome. This is not a therapy group.
. onac aoyaa or u
141 233-4262 Buddhist Discussion Group
40+ (Ill/B FOR WOMEN The Buddhist Discussion Group will
The 40+ Club isagroup forwomen over meet at the Pride Center on Thursday,
. . August 12. We are open to anyone inter-
40 (and their younger friends) who are _ . ,
. . . . . ested In learning and talking about
interested in attending a Wide variety of B ddh' S f tt d b ddh' t
activities together. In the past we have u _ lém' ome 0 US a en U IS
. meditation groups, some do not. We share
gone to plays, attended sporting events, , . _
. . . an interest In becoming more centered and
ViSited museums, and enjoyed many meals , ,
. compaSSionate through reading and con-
together. We get together is groups Of2to t l f PI . ,
20. If you have something you want to do emp a ion. ease 10in us.
there is probably someone in the group that
would love to join you. With the 40+ Club MEN or All COLORS TOGETHER
you don't have to go it alone.
If you are interested in joining the Club KY Men Of all Colors Together
we meet every month on the second (MACT) '5 a “393' chapter ot a ”3“?”
Sunday at 2pm at the Pride Center to plan al gay mUlt'raC'él organization Wh'Ch
the next month's activities. Bring you ideas fosters a supportive environment where
to the next meeting on Sunday, August 8th friendships and partnerships can be cele—
and plan to go out to eat afienivard. You brated free of racial and cultural barri-
can also call or email Ginger and Jane at ers. For information call 8593514453
859-253—0061 or gglcr@yahoo.com. (don) or email MACTky@aol.com, or
This month the 40+ Club is planning to V's't www.mactky.com
attend the performance by Robbie Bartlett .
on Aug. 21 at the Phoenix Bar on Short St. Lyons “VI/Leather Club
fife f3)“; 9819:) Robtbie tis a favohrite 0f the The Lexington Lyons meet every other
+ U an we ry 0 see er every month at the Pride Center, the Aug meeting
chance we get. The evening is a fundraiser for will be on the 9th. We also meet for brunch
GLSO and the Pride Center. Be ready for a at Mia’s on the last Sunday of each month
night fU” Of great mUSiC and danCing. at 1 pm You are welcome to join US.
. 3LSO page 4

 ‘8 Th U ’ ’ ’ 1' h h
er e mtarzcm Umversa zst C are
38 ’
34 ofLexmgton
Cl M '11 Rd
3564 ays z .
y, 22 34448
Jt .
st Summer Serv1ces 10 am
.e _
4d After Labor Day, Serv1ces at 9:15 and 11 am
1' . . . .
The Un1tanan Un1versallst Church welcomes people of
all religious traditions and those of none. We do not
have a dogma or creed that defines the beliefs of all
members. We are Theists, Pagans, Christians, Iews,
H“ . . .
l_ Buddhlsts, and Humamsts. We do not always agree W1th
h each other and we see lively discussion as a sign of a
6 healthy community. We are enriched by our lesbian.
f" gay, bisexual and transgender members.
.r 9 , is; We “Ct-"91V supp“
'3], " l 4;: ,, I "No on the Constitutional
4 _ 54444 4 4 . 4.44:1“,4 4.4444 4 544., 4:4
4%; = fit .34 «w 4 Amendment."
9 €1,4444‘44444 4 ~. 4v! 4444444, 44; m 44W? ;
h 4 4 4 ~44 43‘? 3ng air www.uucl.org
h 4 ' ”l , www.uua.org
" GLSO Page 5

’ 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat we open at 10 am. .
. We stay open until 5 pm on most days, and on Wed until 7pm. i .
Tenemos una persona que puede Pride Center Library Highlights:
hablar espanol en la oficina cada jueves Athletes
desde las 3 pm hasta 5 pm By Jane Minder
Discussion Group Every four years we witness the spectacle
The discussion group meets every Of the Olympic Games. This month they
Wednesday night at 7 pm at the pride return to their roots in Athens, Greece. 80
make this a safe space where you can be and their StorleS? Some Of the names We
yourself. If you are jUSt coming out, or are know, like Navratilova and Louganis but you
new to the community, this is a great may be surprised by the stories 0f the gay
place to come meet some good people. baseball umpire or the lesbian bullfighter.
If, on the other hand, you have been We even have some novels and a couple of
out forever and would like to participate in videos, lUSt in case the Athens Games get a
some lively dlSCUSSlonS, please join us on little dU“. CheCk out the f0llOWlng works at
any Wednesday evening at the pride cen- the Pride Center Library and enjoy:
ter. For more info contact Jane at lady- Biography: .
Janeky@yahoo.com Behind the Mask: My Double Life in Baseball
by Dave Pallone (GV 865.P32 B419)
LESBIAN VHDEO NHGHT Breaking the Surface by Greg Louganis
Lesbian video night will be cancelled (GV 838.L68 A3)
for August. Please make plans to join us Martina by Martina Navratilova (GV 994.N38)
at 8 pm. Friday, September 10, for Stardust Girl: A Memoir by Jan Welles
Lesbian Video Night. Everyone is invited (CT 275.W38115A3)
to join us. We hope to see you then. Fiction:
"e are 0 0 ng or vo unteers to Front Runner (track) by Patricia Nell Warren
keep the Pride Center open. Do you (F Warr F935)
have time to be here from 5 to 7 Iced (women’s hockey) by Judith Alguire
one weekday? Or some time on (F A'QU ”5)
kSaturday? Give Bill a call.253- Lady Lobo (women’s basketball) by Kristen
Garrett (F Garr L157)
Lazjgi’f Keep the love you find, Water Dancer (swimming) by Jenifer Levin
fleet)“; 3%“ Get the love you want. (F Levi w325)
7 . . . Videos:
Jessica Bollinger LCSW Gay Games from A to Q (VIDEO Game)
Personal Best (VIDEO Pers)
Certified Imago Relationship ‘
Therm isl: These and many other materials can be
. . P _ . . checked out from the Pride Center Library.
COUPIBS, family, IndIVIdual The Pride Center at 389 Waller Avenue,
imagooonnection.oom 859-552-6533 Suite 100 is open Monday-Saturday, 10-3,
some weeknights till 7.
GLSO Page 6

{2: Entrance 110 Short Street
'0‘; A Performance to benefit GLSO & The Pride Center
:er. : ‘. ‘- _,,
Lof ‘ m L~ .~ _' . >-:Q_,
Q R 82 B ; _.Q-QvL'Lfis-Q-leflfl Ls
at {~th Q OI) : ' , _.«'/Hm’\
Q \QL _ _ QQ
- BLUES \\.
a” ‘13? Q , _ , QQL M. f
9 PM. $15 Cover at the Door
” Door Opens at 8 pm
n Come Dance With Us
1 "Robbie Bartlett. . .blends elements of jazz, southern rock, and
soul into an entertaining musical mosaic. .
Butchertown Pub, Music Fest
6 "Robbie Bartlett has one of the sexier voices around, a soulful
y. shout with equal amounts gutter and glitter, and she uses it
3 well. . Jeffrey Lee Puckett, The Courier-J ournal
_ , "mm—m

 - - ni ' niversalist Church
Spiritual Resources U manU
The Unitarian Universalists are proud to
sponsor the GLSO News this month. Our
iNTEGRiTY a support group for GLBT UU Church community is made up of liber-
Episconalians and friends will hold their al individuals who hold a variety of beliefs.
August meeting on Sunday August 8 at 4 We do not have a dogma or creed that
pm in the Chapter Room of St. Michael’s defines the beliefs ofall members. We are
Episcopal Church on Bellefonte Drive. A held together by seven principles including
special presentation by Dan Bernitt Will be a belief in the inherent worth and dignity of
given at 7pm that evening in the Parish each human being and the right of each
Hall. This one man Performance called person to search for truth and meaning in
"Moments of Disconnect" chronicles the their own way. .
life of a gay high school student. A $5. Many of us are social activists and are
donation is requested for this perform- involved in numerous community organiza—
ance. All are welcome to attend! tions including GLSO and Fairness. There
. _ is information about LGBT marriage from
SOCIQW 0f “lends ' Quakers the UUA, our nationalAssociation, on page
Do you seek a religious home, without 20. or men www.uuc|.org www.uua.org
. . 7
creeds or reqwred statements of. belief. Are St Mychal The Martyr
you looking for a meaningful spiritual com— .
munity? Are you concerned for peace, jus- St Mychal has serwces'each Sunday at
join with us for silent worship where we do Walbel performing mass. St- Mychal '3 a
not have the complications of rituals or pro- member 0f the Orthodox Catholic ChUFCh
grams. We believe that in such periods of of America, a national denomination that is
quiet waiting we can open to spiritual gay supportive. We welcome all people
resources which will enable us to live more regardless 0f the bieSSihQS or problems in
calmly’ more compassionately and more their lives. The OCCA performs bleSSlngS
creatively in this chaotic age. Sundays, 0f gay UthhS, welcomes divorced people,
10:30a-11:30a, 649 Price Avenue, Phone and ordains women to the orders 0f
254-3319. Everyone is welcomed. Deacon, Pheht and Bishop.
’ ' Gay Marriage
The state not recognizing it legally *
doesn't make it any less holy.
Call us and we will help you celebrate. ’
St. Mychal the Martyr Parish (859) 389-9418
"A Christian community celebrating diversity"
GLSO Page 8

 Ito ——‘————
Z Alfalfa Restaurant
531 Asian Wind
are Bistro La Belle (in Midway)
not}: ' , 1 Buffalo & Dad’s
10h 1 :91» ‘ 11-13 1. Café Jennifer
in G) p ‘r ‘7 ‘1 ,~ Café on the Park (dinner only)
”‘8 :9; (‘3 ,1 -___; V Famous Dave’s BBQ
za_ \.. g" "' . It " 1 ' . Glass Garden Restaurant
are ,_. j ‘ Hanna’s on Lime ,
”g“; ‘l ; r High on Rose
‘ 'V i; :59? " Jonathan at Gratz Park
o Hi M 9tr°P°l
, at Mia’s
31h Vign y’s Café
S 3
tis _
That’s the day when the restaurants listed above will generously
donate 20% of the day’s revenue to Moveable Feast of Lexington,
the volunteer organization that prepares and delivers hot,
nourishing meals FREE to those living with HIV /A1DS and
Hospice of the Bluegrass clients in the Lexington Area.
J Please join us on August 26. For more information and an
' - updated restaurant list, Visit our web site at
__ mm

Fa , h
E 7mm mm out: 141, , i‘ E
% gm 1.1 £adg; of Manley, ~: "hf; _ ‘g
% Thursday, September 23rd 9:30 pm %
a Club 141 . g
g 141 West Vint St. Lexington, Ky. E
E Door Cover $5 E
El El
El '5
E Entertainment by former Miss Club 141’s: %
% Wendy 742mm"... We (own (Jam owe a
% .2ad4 @wmw gm garden a
g and medal quest anda 1. (fleele E
'5 '5
E Judged Categories: Presenttion, Talent, Evening %
E Gown, and 0n Stage Question Entry Fee $30 E
'5 El
'5 E
% Wilm Receives: $125 light at cutest, ilmu, all inking: at llllb 141 E
h, liutaiit La’i‘oya at 2“ HO] 01'th iii“ 233-4262 %

 GLSO Rainbow Sponsor

E , Imperial Court ochntucky........252-3014
% A Charity Organization


E 2009 mm Mom Sponsors


% ScottAckerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
E For all your real estate needs . . (mobile) 338-8483
E 711eBarComplex........................255-1551
E 224 East Main Street



E GLSO News Sponsors 2004 _

E Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter . . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
E Promoting equality for all people

% EmestoScorsone. .................................254-5766
E Attorney at law

lg SisterSound .....................................268-0113.
a Diverse music for all women

% RichardsonVisionCenter ..........................2784201
E 1757 Alexandria DrQ, Gardenside

E Unitarta' nUniversaIistChurch 223-1448
% Seeking a Diverse Congregation

% DebraHensleylnsurance..........................276-3244
E 1513 Nicholasville Road

E MndyKnolll-‘arm ................................29.9-7410
% Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding

GLSO page 11

 7 ”'7‘ To schedule events at the Prlde
fir";- 1., ,3. Art Work by Bobbie Stout
in Throughout August Center, cell Blll at 253-3233.
' ti: . .
5* ,_ WW1 Pride Gallery - Prlde Center . www.webspawner.com/users/glsoqxnet
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FNdaY Saturday
1 3 . 4 5 6 7
10 a UU Church SOMGO 7 pm Gay Straight 7 pm DISCUBfliOH Group Pride Center open t" 5pm Pride Center open t" 5pm Pride Center Open 10 - 5
10:30 Mass St the ' 8 G /L b‘ AA 3 Lavender Book
a @ Mm 'Manyr AlpilaageceZgéngfa) pm ay es Ian Tenemos un persona 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Gp u J h B th
6 P Art-Openlng R?°°Pu°” Pride Camera an t" 5pm Pride Center Open que puede hablar (Call for place) m p', 039? ', e
Bobble Stout - Pnde Gallery p untll 7pm espanol en la oficina 8 pm DIVBr'SIty' in
Pride Center coda Jueves Gender ' email for
a Ias 3 pm hosta 5 pm place
8 9 , 1 11 V 1 13 14
10 am UU Church Service Pride Center 0P9" 1" 5pm 7 Pm Gay Stralght 7 pm Dlscusnlon Group Pride Center open tll 5pm Pride Center open tll 5pm Pride Center Open 10-
Bp Lex Lyons Alliance (Call for 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA , ,
lwamm‘ MW“ MW AA Step Study place 266-5904) _ 7:00 Buddhist Discssion 8 9'.“ LBSb'?“ M°V'e
4 p Integrity at St Michaels (Call for place) Pride Center open til 5pm Prideuggptegmopen Group _ pride Center Night. F’nde Center
6 pm Imperial Court PC 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
(Cal for place)
15 1 3‘ . 1 1 3 1 ' 20 21
10 am UU Church Service Pride Center open tll 5pm 7 pm Gay Stralght 7 Pm Diggdsefirnferfup Pride Center open tll 5pm Pride Center open tll 5pm Pride Center Open 10-5pm
- Alliance for outh Call '
10.30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal GLSO agggxeeflng for place 26:69“; 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7 F t R PC 7:30 pm CGaliflLesllnian AA
2 pm 40+ Group- PC ' (Call for place) p ron unners ( a or p ace)
Pride Center open tll 5pm organizational meeting
7 pm MACT Pride Center Prlde Center Open
untll 7pm
GLSO News Deadline
2 A 2 2 1 2 2 ‘o‘ 27 28
8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm Faimes Steering 7 pm Discussion Group Pride Cent” 0P?" fll 5pm Pride Center open tll 5pm Pride Center Open
9:15 8‘ 11 am UU Church $9M“ 7pm GSA for Youth Committee, P C 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA SgDEgllly Hag'gzra rt 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 10'5 pm
. ages 15 - 20 call mary Center a ease nce (Call for place)
10'30 Sunday Mass, S" Mychal for place 266-5904 Pride Center open tll 5pm PC Open until 7 pm Ky Theater
6 pm Imperial Court PC
Tenemos un persona
que puede hablar
espanol en la oficina
, coda Jueves
2 3° 31 _
10 am UU Church Service AAStep Study .
10; 30 Sunday Mass, (Call for place) 7 airlift: foggfltth (Call More information about many of these events is in this newsletter.
1 it" {AyiizagflihMafrht/‘fis Pride Center open til 5pm for place 266-5904) You can call or email the group to confirm the date and time,
PM" C°“‘°' °P°" t" 59'“ see the directory on back page.
Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC.
Call for Place may be abbreviated - Call
m W
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 There ’s No Place Like Home,
There ’s N 0 Place Like Home, i
There ’s No Place Like Home, . . .Dorothy
First Time Homebuyer Consultants L I ,
Residential Home Sales >__; U .
. .- 7"” ; err-W
Property Marketing .
Buyers Agent . . - - .
Relocation . e
Rwy Kristin Smith
[R Q and Abby
Just 3 chcks of your heals and a
phone call away from your next home.
Imperial WNW honorary and perpetual titles. Doors open
at 8:30 p.m., with the show and ceremony
The Imperial Court of Kentucky, fresh off scheduled to start at 9:30 pm. Cover is
a successfu| year, have already gotten $5.00, With proceeds to benefit the chari-
things underway for the coming year of ties 0f Reign 23-
fundraising for local GLBTQ and HIV/AIDS The Imperial Court of Kentucky is a
charities. 501(c)3 philanthropic organization whose
At the Board of Director's annual transi- mission is to raise money for organiza—
tion meeting, the following officers were tions 59Wan the homophile community in
elected: Wayne Swope, President; Daryl Kentucky. Recent recipients of the Court's
Royse, Vice President; Chris Rhorer, financial assistance include AIDS
Secretary; and John Ridener, Treasurer. Volunteers, lnc., Kentucky Fairness
They join fellow board members Larry Alliance, KFA's Bluegrass and Gray Dove
Stanley and Bart Steele, along with the cur— Chapters, GLSO and the Leather
rent monarchs-Regent Emperor EV and Archives and Museum. M
Empress 23 Lady Marmalade. For further information about the
"Meet the Monarchs," an informal social COUI‘L contact Board President Wayne
and show, was held July 23rd at Club 141, Swope or any board member. Wayne can
marking the first event of Reign 23. be reached via email at "
On August 18th, the Court will host its NicoIeDiamond1@a0|.com- 1.»
Investitures ceremony and show, in which e-
_ _ g 1.3::
members of the court Will be presented With 5“ you “timaflmms --
GLSO page 14 —

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GLSO Page 15

 FAIPNEéS CAMPA/éN WW ’0 My emf"
“NO ON THE AMENDMENT” 03/ find“ em
I have decided to do something to encour-

We need your involvement in this cam— age people to vote no on the marriage
paign to defeat the Constitutional amendment in November. l’m reaching out
Amendment prohibiting gay marriage_ to family, friends, and others by writting
There are several suggestions throughout honest, kind and personal letters. This is a
pages 16,18,19,20. letter / sent to my cousin Jack.

We would love for you to join us for Dear Jack,

one of our door-to-door voter ID walks that I heard what you said yesterday as you
are happening every couple 0f weeks. In got off the elevator in the parking lot of the
the walks we have done so far, the people state capitol. If I heard you correctly, you
we talk _Wlth have been receptive (or at looked at the Fairness stickers on our
least polite).4This process has workedwell shirts and said “I’m for fairness...the fair
in other sections of the country. We Will be thing would be to let the people vote on it”
canvassmg on Sat. July 31’ Sun, AUQ 1St’ referring to H8245 amending our state
Sat. AUQ 21 & Sun. Aug422 constitution to ban same sex marriages.

Meet at the KF,A Office’ 110 N‘ Upper I made eye contact with you in the ele-
Street, 10 am on either Saturday, 32,30 pm vator and l don’t know if you realized who |
on either 4Sunday4. Netta Brooks WI” pro- was or not. I’m sorry that I didn’t speak to
V'd_e training during the f'rSt hour, then you; l was feeling so emotional over what
pairs WI” walk door to door and then we I had observed in the legislative session
return for debriefing and food. For more that l was afraid I might say something
information call Netta at 396-52451. unkind or unloving if I had opened my f4

You can also help by reaching out to mouth at that moment. I
your Circle of friends, neighbors, and co- If this issue does go to the public to 1
workers and talkto them about the amend- vote on in November and it passes by an I
ment. (see example by Linda Curd in ne>ft overwhelming majority or if it passes by I
column) Make sure they understand that It even a slight majority, that doesn’t neces—
prohibits notlonly mamage, bUt cw" unions sarily mean that it is right or fair. To para- I
and domestic partner benefits for employ- phrase a comment one of the legislators
9654 Of State univerSIties. There are more made yesterday...lf the majority of our con- I
talking pomts on pages .19 and 20' l\/lany stituents want to drive us off a cliff, are we I
people who aren't yet With us on marriage . .

, , gomg to allow them to vote on it?
Will see that this amendment goes too far. For a long time African- American peo— I

We also need your finanCIal support. ple were, and are still at times denied
Whatever amount you can contribute to . . .. . I

, . rights, as are many other minorities in our
the campaign, from $5 to $500’ ,W'“ help society but it isn’t definitely right or fairjust I
tremendously. ASK ”If-3nd? or family mem- because that is what the majority thinks or
bers to consider contributing. Checks can believes or even because that is how one, I-
be sent to thls address: or many, are interpreting the Holy Bible. ’ I:
NC on the Amendment I think I know where you stand on these
P.0_ Box 2904 issues based on your comment in the ele- '-
Louisville, KY 40201.2904 vator that day and based on the editorial '—
that you wrote to ...continued on page 18
—————————______.____________________ L
GLSO Page 16 —

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he [B 13)
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vtl E-MaIl: SAcker4224@aol.com " °f cem'a' “MW”
at .
3n Call me thh all your Real Estate Needs
y GLSO needs your financil support to maintain the Pride Center
to I and to support our other projects that include: I
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