xt7tx921dw41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921dw41/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1962 journals 113 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.113 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.113 1962 1962 2014 true xt7tx921dw41 section xt7tx921dw41   
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TESTS " 1961
Recommended Varieties:
CLARK, WABASH, LINCOLN - Northern and Eastern Kentucky
CLARK, PERRY, HOOD, OGDEN — Southern and Western Kentucky . _
The Soybean Tests
The soybean variety tests reported herein were designed to
evaluate varieties which are commonly grown or appear promising for V
use in Kentucky. The width-of—row test was designed to compare the
effect of closer row spacings with the conventional 40-inch spacing
upon yield of a medium—ear1y variety (Clark) and a late-maturing var-
iety (Hood). The 196l results of the uniform tests of experimental strains I
of soybeans conducted at Henderson and Lexington in cooperation with the
U. S. Regional Soybean Laboratory, Urbana, 111. , are reported in the
current progress report of the laboratory.
The location of the various tests is indicated in Fig. 1. The I
Henderson county tests were located in the main soybean—producing
area of the state on bottomlands of a stream which is tributary to the V
Ohio River. The Fayette county tests were located on bottom land soil p
of central Kentucky. The Caldwell county test was located on branch
bottom soil. The Fulton county test was located on Mississippi delta soil.
Methods Used
The variety tests were planted in 4-row plots with three replica-
tions and in a randomized block design. The rows were 19 feet long and
36 inches apart. A 16—foot section was harvested from each of the two
center rows. Beans were planted at a rate of 12 seeds per foot of row. ·
The row-width test at Henderson was planted with Clark and Hood var-
ieties each at 24-inch, 32—inch, and 40—inch row spacing with 7 rows,
5 rows, and 4 rows, respectively on plots 12 feet in width. Four replica-
tions in randomized block design were used. Twelve seeds per foot of
row were planted in plots of all row—widths and the 16-foot section was
harvested from each of Z inner rows for yield. The plants were cut by
hand and the beans threshed with a nursery thresher. Field losses of
seed from this method of harvesting are less than those sustained in
combine harvesting methods.

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mouse 1. LOCATION or TESTS
Soybean Variety Test Locations: 1 H€¤d€1‘S0¤ €0u¤tY» Henderson
` 2 Fayette county, Lexington
3 Caldwell county, Princeton
4 Fulton county, Hickman
Soybean Row-Width Test Location: 5 Henderson county, Henderson
The attempt was made to follow best cultural practices at all
Yields: Seed weights were recorded after the seed of all plots had
reached a uniform moisture content. Then weights were calculated to
’ bushels —per—acre basis.
Oil Content: Percent of oil was determined from a composite sample
of seed from all replications in each test. Analyses were made at the
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station chemical laboratory. Percent
oil is expressed on moisture—free basis.
Seed Size is reported as weight in grams per 100 seeds.

Lodging notes were recorded at or near maturity according to the -
scale shown in footnote to each table.
Height of plants was determined as the average length of plants in
a plot from ground to the top extremity at time of maturity.
Maturity is taken as the date when the pods are dry and most of —
the leaves have dropped. It is expressed as days earlier (—) or later (+)
then Perry as a reference variety.
Seed Quality is rated from 1 to 5 according to the scale shown as
a footnote to each table.
Interpretation of Data
The difference in yield between varieties necessary for reasonable
assurance that such an inherent yield potential exists, has been calculated
and is given in a footnote to each table. Unless the yields of the two var-
ieties or the two row spacings being compared differ by as much as or more
than the figures shown, little confidence can be placed in the apparent supe-
riority of one variety or row spacing over the other under the conditions of
the particular test.
Data on agronomic characteristics other than yield have not been y P
analyzed statistically; however, small differences between any two var-
ieties are likely to be of little importance and should not be considered
strongly indicative of a true difference.
Duration of Tests: The results of evaluating varieties or cultural p
treatments over a period of several years are more trustworthy than those
from a single year. A given variety may be outstanding in performance
one year and show less desirable characteristics another year. Rcsults
over a period of years tend to average these fluctuations. Yield data for
more than a single year are given in the tables along with those of 1961 ·
except for the width—of-row test in Henderson county where this was the
second year.
Recommended Soil Treatments
If soil tests indicate that the soil is moderately or strongly acid use
ground limestone at rate of Z or 3 tons per acre respectively; if low in
available phosphorus use fertilizers to supply up to 80 pounds of PZOB per
acre; and if low in available potassium use fertilizers to supply up to 80 y
pounds of KZO per acre. Apply limestone and fertilizers either before or
after plowing. To avoid injury to seedling soybeans, do not drill fertilizer
in contact with the seed. Soybeans respond well to the use of needed lime
and fertilizers on other crops in the rotation ahead of the soybean crop.

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