xt7tx921dc2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921dc2k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1950-02-17  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1950 1950 1950-02-17 2013 true xt7tx921dc2k section xt7tx921dc2k The Kentucky Kernel

Don't Miss The
Founders Week



Partly Cloudy
And Cold







Musicale Will Open


















The University Orchestra and
Chorus will open the Founders Week
activities with two performances of
program in Memorial
a four-pa- rt
Hall Sunday at 3 and 8 p.m.
The presentation is under the direction of DY. Edwin E. Stein, head
of the Music Department, with
Lewis and Aimo Kiviniemi acting as associate directors. Concert- master will be Dr. Kenneth Wright.
The first three parts of the
will be by the orchestra alone
They are. "Prelude to Act 3 of
by Wagner;
Major," a
phony No. S in
lesser known work by Schubert: and
a new composition by a former
Dr. Wcldon Hart.
The Hart composition, called the
"John Jacob Niles Suite" in honor
of the Kentucky folk song specialist,
includes love songs, carols, and ballads ba.sed on folk music collected
or written by Niles. Composed in
1948. the "Niles Suite" won wide acclaim after its performance
summer by the New York Philharmonic. Dr. Hart, former head of
the music department at Western
Kentucky State College, will be the
fruest of the University for the Sunday concerts.
For the concluding number of the
program the Mixed Chorus of 140
voices will join with the University's
orchestra in presenting
Brahms' "Song of Destiny."
Special guests at both the afternoon and evening concerts will be
members of Phi Beta and Phi Mu
Alpha fraternities.
No tickets remain for either performance but the afternoon program will be broadcast by WKLX at
3 p.m.

pro-pra- m


Ken-tuckia- n.

Work Taken
Applications for engineer, chemist,
physicist, and metallurgist
paying $3100 a year are being accepted by the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics for laboratories in Virginia, California, and
Ohio. NACA work is primarily in
research so applicants should be interested in this kind of work.
Applicants must have completed
or will complete the reguired courses
in the field for which they apply by
June 30, 1950. A written tests is also
Detailed information and application forms may be obtained from
second-clas- s
most first-an- d
post offices, from Civil Service regional offices, or by writing to the U. S. Civil
Service Commission, Washington,
25. D. C, or to the Executive Secretary, Board of U. S. Civil Service
Examiners, NACA, Langley Fieid,
Applications should be sent to the
Executive Secretary at Langley Field,
and must be received not later than
Feb. 28.

Foreign Study
Lists Program


For Founders Week

Travel and Study, an
tion for study abroad, has announced
study programs
a summer series of
for undergraduate and
students in the fields of human-- i
ities, economics, political science,
and the vocational arts,
The programs, to be directed by
American educators, wil be offeied
at several European schools includ-- I
ing the Universities of Oxford, Cam-- I
bridge, and London in England; the
Sorbonne and the Universities
Montpelier and Grenoble in France;
end the Universities of Uppsala,
Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Oslo in
the Scandinavian countries.
Air tours to the study p:ograms
have been arranged by Travel and
Shidy and certificates or special
diplomas will be presented to students who successfully complete the
courses. In addition, academic
credits will be granted to students
who fulfill the specified requirements of American colleges and universities.
Information may be obtained by
wiiting Travel and Study, Inc., 110
E. 57th Street, New York 22, N. Y.

New Zoology

Museum Opens
The opening of a new Zoology
Museum which contains a variety of
specimens has been announced by
the zoology department.
Located in room 10 of the Funk-houser

Biological Sciences building,
the museum contains a set of skeletons of mammals illustrating numerous orders of animal life. Among
those represented are the gorilla
and the rare duckbill of Australia.
Also on display is the skeleton of
the noted racehorse and sire, Hanover.
First plans were made for the
museum in 1933 when, the designs
for the Biological Sciences Building
were made. A single room was set
aside on the ground floor. After
the building was completed, the
room was left empty because funds
were not available to furnish it.
During the war it was used in the
ASTP training program.
Two years ago the University authorized funds for the project and
the first unit was set up. The new
unit consists of cases, along three
walls. Each case has a filtering device, modern lighting, and circulating water in the aquarium tanks.
Some of the specimens, including
a set of mounted birds, were obtained from the Smithsonian Institute of Washington in exchange for
archaeological study materials from

Graduate German Exam
Will Be Given In April
The graduate reading examination in German will be given at
2 p.m.. April 24, in room 302, Miller Hall.

Wised Up Senior Divulges
How To Beat Registration
By Billy Noe
After three and one half years of short snow job about the worth of
wear and tear and great mental an- this class in later years has never
guish when it comes time for regis- known to fail.
Write Letters
tering and classifying, I have finally
Another way to sign up for early
discovered a few tricks that I would
like to pass on to the incoming classes is to write the instructor of
groups, so they won't suffer as I the class. This is a good test for both
you and the instructor. If you have
Undoubtedly first, and most im- written a good, clear letter, chances
portant is to learn the Rencral order are that he will give you a C no
of classifying and registering.
If matter what were grades are just
this is not understood completely, because yourself. clear, and could
then defeat is all you may hope for. express
The last
This knowledge consists of the three early but way to sign up for a ways
one of the surest
W's, or when to do what and where.
The failing to understand register- that I know of, is to have an alum
ing and classifying has been the di- to write a letter for you. Chances
instructor and the alum have
rect cause of so many of our top are themet,
but the word "alum" is
flight students spending weeks and never
even months in the infirmary.
These are all methods for the
Get Slip Early
righteous, upstanding student. This
Secondly, and really quite impor- next one if for the student who looks
tant, is getting a registration slip so only at results and does not pay any
you can get a jump on the rest. The attention as to how they were ac- beauty of this move can only be complLshed.
truly appreciated by someone who
This last one is for you to learn to
has obtained a registration slip make a reasonable likeness of your
early. While others are writing, adviser's signature. This will give
tearing their hair, cursing the day ' you classes ordinarily closed, allow
that ever made them decide to go you to choose different classes that
to college, you will quietly and you want, and also to confuse the
peacefully hand in your cards, al- Registrar's Office when they try to
ready made out. (We recommend check on you.
that you do not try to talk to a stuEut I'm wasting time! This is the
dent who is going through the pain- second week of the semester and I
ful process of registering while you haven't finished registering or class-- j
have your hards already made out. if y ing yet!
Then move quietly into Alumni
Gym to sign up for classes.)
This brings up another point. Get
your classes ahead of time. As to the
Jo Frances Daughterly, Arts and
best way this may be accomplished
there are many schools of thought, Sciences junior and a member of the
one of which is go see the instructor YWCA cabinet, will be
in whose class you wish to enroll of the annual Kentucky YWCA
before the end of the last semester. Leadership Training Meeting to be
This shows the instructor how caTer held nt Morehead State College Feb.
you are to get into his class. Also a

Coed Leads Y Meet

124-2- 5.


en tuckians Honored
In Program Schedule


Founders Program
Orchestra, Chorus
To Perform Twice


Year s Study
in oiiiiigui .t
Is Offered
Ob-.- u



Donovan Urges!


Halt IMarch

President H. L. Donovan Tuesday
urged teachers in the Ashland area
to abandon their plans to reces:
school and march on Frankfort in
the hope of obtaining more state
rjr. Donovan, a past president of
the Kentucky Education Association,
said in a wire to the Ashland Educ?-ma- n
tion Association, "Such a move, in
my Judgment, will not win friends
for the schools. If there is anv
marching on the Capitol we had
better leave that to the parents oi
the children. We will find a solution to our difficult educational
problem only by attacking it in a
professional manner."

opportunity for a year of study
in Germany on a pe:
exchange basis is available to a University student with certain qualifications, it has been announced by
Mr. Bart N. Pea'.c, director of the


Under the plan, the UK student
would exchange p'.ices with a Ger- boy. Malte Neidhardt, son of a
Stuttgart physician, and v;ould live
in Dr. Neidhardt's home. The stu- dent would attend Stuttgart Institute of Technology, which, in addition to engineering, offers excellent training in physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and good
training in geology, geography, biology, history of art, and German


A graphic example of what can happen if you put off orderDON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!
ing your 1950 KEXTUCKIAN is illustrated in this scene from the KENTl'CKIAN office. Doris Waikrr.
sophomore from Lexington came in this week and even fell to her knees in begging for a '49
shape h'
KENTl'CKIAN. But Editor Charles Patrick, ably assisted by Business Manager Jeanne Wilson and Managing Editor Mary Shinnick, was firm in his refusal to part with the treasured volume. Patrick weakened,
but was bolstered by his stronger-wille- d

Order Deadline Announced
For 1950 Kyian Yearbook
Feb. 28 is the deadline to order a
Kentuckian, Jeanne Wilson,
business manager of the 1950 Kentoday.
Kentuckian will be distributed beis out, and subscriptions
fore school
can be obtained in the Kentuckian
office, next to the Post Office in
McVey Hall, for 5.
In previous years, 500 books were
ordered in addition to the number
of subscriptions sold. This year, due
to increased printing and engraving
costs, only the books subscribed to
before the Feb. 28th deadline will be
Many people were disappointed
because 'they were unabls to buy a
1949 Kentuckian. The few that
were left at the beginning of the
year were tied up by 1949 senior orders. There are a few 1949 books
left, .which seniors failed to claim.
These can be obtained in the Kentuckian office for $5.
Some 1943 Kentuckians were sold
for $1, because there was a big surplus, due to a mistake in ordering.
The 1949 and 1950 Kentuckians are
$5, and there will be no surplus.
Work on the 1950 Kentuckian is
nearing completion, Charles Patrick,
editor, said. The last pictures will
be sent to the engraver this week.
The cover has been ordered from
the Kingsport Press and will be different from Kentuckian covers of
former years.
Two new appointments to the
staff have been made. Charles
Tyroler has been appointed assistant managing editor and Janet Anderson has been appointed associate
editor. The other positions as associate editors are yet to be filled.

Six Awards Offered

In Design Contest
A group of

The parents of the UK student
must live in or near Lexington, so
that Neidhardt may live with them
while attending school here.
scholarship is involved, only a

BSU Revival1
A University Revival, conducted
by University students,

and financed

next week, Feb.
Speakers for the meeting to be
held by the Baptist Student Union
at the group's Student Center, 371
S. Lime, will be Walter K. Price,
graduate student; Gene Reece, Arts
and Sciences senior; Ed Cunningham, January Arts and Science
graduate, and Jim Hatley. associated
secretary of the State BSU.
C. Hoge Hockensmith, Law College junior .and president of Kentucky Young Republicans, will conduct the singing.
The success and meaning of tin
revival, one of a series of such programs conducted by college stv.dento
throughout the South, will be discussed at the King's Hour program
cf the group at 7:30 tonight by the
Rev. Bo Baker, Ft. Worth, Texas.
pastor of Birch-ma- n
Avenue Baptist Church in Ft.
Worth has worked since 1345 with
student groups throughout the
South and in Hawaii. He will arrive on campus today, leaving tomorrow for Eastern State Teachers
College in Richmond where he will
speak throughout next week in a
similar revival.
Local campus activities in connection with the scheduled meeting are
under the direction of Eill Cody,
ne'Aly appointed student secretary
for the University.. Mr. Cody is a
graduate of Baylor University r.nd
Seminary and is r.
native of Texas.
is planned for

20-2- 5.

early family portraits

from private Lexington collections
are beiinj exhibited at the art gallery
of the Fine Arts Building.
The exhibition, which includes 34
portraits painted in the period from
1815 to 1850, is being held in connection with the Founders' Week
program. It was arranged by Miss
Anne CUlihan, assistant professor
of art.
The gallery is ol'en to thr public
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and from 7:30
p.m. to 9:30 p.m. weekdays and on
Sunday afternoons from 2 to 5
o'clock. The current display will
continue through Feb. 23.


Three awards to students of finance
to make the exchange was received
in a letter to Pres. H. L. Donovan
from Dr. Robert T. Ittner, higher
education specialist in Stuttgart.
and is not part of any foreign student exchange program.

Students interested in the exchange may obtain further details
and information about young Neidhardt from Mr. Peak at the YMCA

t. ; t.

tj C..rCJ iilZi tru

Book By Dr. McVey

New Yorker Studies
UK Education College

Is Exhibit Feature

President Emeritus Frank L.
Dr. H. D. Behrens of Genesee,
recent book, "The Gates Open N. Y. left here yesterday after
Slowly," is the theme of the current studying the organization and ad- exhibit being held on the first floor ministration of the College of Eduof the Margaret I. King Library.
cation and the building program on
The book, which gives a history of the University campus.
Kentucky education, was printed by
Dr. Behrens. chairman of the Dethe University Press for use with the partment of Education at the State
University's 85th anniversary.
Teacher's College in Genesco, is
Included in the display are the making a tour of several universifirst and second proofs, the first ties and colleges. UK was his second stop.
transcript, and the finished copy.


Three awards to economics and finance students have been announced
by the Pierre A. DuVal Founds,
for the purpose of encouraging in
vestment studies by young men and
women. The awards of $500, $300.
and $200 each may be given in castor used as tuition. They will bf
made to students on the basis cf
their "investments".
Students may invest a theoretical
$25,000 each in stocks listed on the
New York Stock or Curb Exchanges
for the year starting March 15. 1950
A panel of experts will Judge the
records on the basis of maximum
dividends and appreciation wltr
consistent safety, it was announced
by Pierre A. DuVal. president ol
s investment consensus.
Rules and applications may be
secured from the Pierre A. Duval
Foundation. 13 W. 46th Street, Ne
York 19. N. Y. The awards arc
open to students of finance and
economics at educational institu
tions throughout the United States
Names of winners will be announced
in the spring of 1951.

American Collegians Offered
Foreign Study Opportunities
More than 100 foreign study fellowships and scholarships for the
1950-5- 1
academic year now are available to American college students.
A. E. Bigge, foreign student adDr.
viser, announced this week.
Offered under auspices of the Institute of International Education.
the foreign study program includes
scholarships to colleges and univer- sities in various countries. Dr. Bigge
explained that the HE awards are
in addition to the scholarships made
available by the Fulbright program
which operates from funds raised
through the sale of war surplus materials.
The following awards are open for
the school year 1950-5- 1 in the coun-

tries indicated:


England: Five scholarships with a
value of 200 pounds each are open
for the study of labor relations at
Ruskin College, Cxford. The only
restriction placed upon this area of
study is that the applicants "must
be active members of a labor union."
France: Thirty-tw- o
with a value of approximately 20.000
francs each, plus a waiver of tuition
assistantships, with
and forty-eiga value of 18,000 to 22.000 francs.
Here also tuition will be waived for
any course the assistant may wish to
take. The usual demand of these
candidates is that they teach English in French Secondary Schools.
Also there are four $1000 cash
awards for the studv of art. music.
and psychiatry.




A fellowship of $750
for study in the field of Germanics,
to be pursued in the Western Zone
of Germany, in Switzerland, or in
one of the Austrian universities. One
$500 cash award for the study of
German language and literature.
Italy: This government is expected to renew its six fellowships,
each of which has a value of 340.0O0
lire. A waiver of tuition is usually
granted by Italian universities.
Three fellowThe Netherlands:
ships for graduate study are offered,
each with a cash stipend of 2000
guilders. Tuition fees are waived.
Switzerland: It is expected that
many free tuition scholarships will
be offered and that certain schools
will add a sum ranging from 1000 to
3000 Swiss francs.
Pan American World Airways system offers 25 travel fellowships
which cover only round trip transportation from the United States
terminal to the terminal in the Latin
American country agreed upon.
Further information may be ob- from Dr. Bigge. room 303-Miller Hall.


Kathrrn Whitmrr

"This is the best program that has
been prepared for the University."
was the comment of President H. L.
Donovan on the program f r Founders Week to celei-.ra'tlv eiihtv-fift- h
anniversary of the University
and dedicate the new Fine Arts
Building. The prosram committee
was headed bv Dr. Herman Spr.ey,
head of the English department.
Founders Day has been observed
for six years tut this is the first
time that such an extensive program
has been planned. Centered around
the dedication of the new art center,
the Founders Week program will
feature appearances of several figures prominent in national mu.si'".
literary and art circles, some of
Kentucky's leading authors and artists, and personnel from the UK
music and dramatics departments.
Building Is Milestone
"The erection of the Fine Arts
Building and its dedication is a new
milestone in the accomplishments of
the University." President Donovan
said. "The educational program of
art and drama which will be
carried on in the building will have
influence on the
a tremendous
people of Kentucky and their aesthetic values." he continued.
All of the programs will be broadcast over WBKY and the local radio
stations because of the limited seating c opacity of Memorial Hall anil
"ne Ouignoi Theater where the programs will be held.
Music will be the theme of both
the opening and closing programs of
the week. Two performances of the
University Orchestra and Corus
under the direction of Dr. Edwin E.
Stein, head of the Music Department, will begin the week's activities. The first concert will be Sun-la- y
at 3 p.m. in Memorial Hall and
the second will begin at 8 p.m.
Hanson Speaks Toeday
A concert bv the Louisvi'.le Philharmonic Orchestra under the
of Robert Whitnev will bring
the Founders Week program to a
close on Saturday at 3 p m. in Memorial Hall
Dr. Howard Hanson, director cf
the Eastman School of Music at Forester. N. Y., will discuss "The
Place of Music in Our Society" on
Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Guignol
"The Place of Drama In Our
will be discussed
Richard Eaton, former New York
Sun dramatic critic and
"meritus of olavwriting at Ya'e
on Wednesday. "Medea" will
be presented Monday by the Guignol
Players to demonstrate the dramatic
irtivities that will be carried on in
'he building. Both programs will
begin a: 8 p.m. in the Guignol
Guthrie Moderates




Rerreenting the literar interests

found in the new Fire Arts Building,
a symposium of Kentucky writers mi
the art of writing will be held .i
Fridav. A. B. Guthrie Jr. will lead
rhe discussion bv Kentucky novelists Jesse Stuart and Hollis Summers
vhich will beain at 8 p.m. in the
Guignol Theater. William Sloane.
New York publisher, and Robert
inner, will
Warren, a Pulitzer Pri-- e
also be on the program.
Art will be featured in the program Thursday when Phiiio Rhvs
Adams, director of the Cincinnati
Arademv of Fine Arts, will sneak on
"The Place of Fine Arts in Our Society." The dLcuion will t.ike place
in the GuUnol Theater at 8 p.m. A
portrait of President Donovan will
also be unveiled.
This will also be the theme of the
Founders Day Convocation when the
Fine Arts Building will be formallv
dedicated. President Donovan will
speak on "Accent on the Fine ArU,"
and Dr. Raymond F. McLam. presiwill
dent of Transylvania College pro- discuss "John Doe. Artist, inis
gram wi'.l be held Wednesday morn-taining at 10 o clock in the Guiynol


Medea Launched In Style
Worthy Of New Guignol

Old Local Portraits
Now On Exhibition
Two contests in architectural designing with six awards totaling
$325 have been announced by the
Beaux Arts Institute of Design in
cooperation with the Tile Council
of America.
The first competition is for the
sketch of a side wall for a fiower
shop. It mustbe completed in
nine consecutive hours between Feb.
13 and April 17. The second, a design of children's tuberculosis sanitarium, must be completed in any
weeks between
five consecutive
March 20 and May 29. Special attention must be given to the use of
real clay tile in both contests.
Further information may bp obtained through the College of

Prizes Prompt
Stocks Study



Students Lead


Kuilding Dedication
is High Point of
both Observance

By Holton II. Mastin


A scene from MIMHIA,
week's run. Shown from
Drake, anil l.mille
Monday night as a part

on Monday nishl for a
the Greek tragedy which oprneil the new f.iiisnol
left to right are Joe Knight w ho .orlrai cl Jason, I'risi ilU lluu tirr, .m IVrrine.
production will be sliced af.tin n.xt
I.illle who il:iyr,l ilip role of Slril.-of the Founder's Day Celebration.
Tiu-att-- r


Joe Pat Knight, an excellent
by Mr. O. G. Brockett. good lighting, and a poised performance by
Lucille Little held together Gui,!-nol- 's
stagey opening production of
the Greek tragedy, "Medea."
Towns people and students alike
hdicd make the christening of the
new Fine Arts theatre a real event
on the University campus. Tuxedos,
formats, corsages, and the presence
of some of the more prominent faculty members lent an air of excitea
ment to the long awaited event
classic tragedy completely foreign to
most of the Lexington audience. For
a while the spirit of the old Romany
Theatre and the Stroller was revived.
Guignol was making a grand aienipt
herself and pave the
way lor better drama in a new

theatre with more polished

"Medea" got off to a eootf. weil
moderated start. As the Nurse, M iry
monologue established an appropriplay. Michael
ate mood for the
Graine as the Guardian seemed
properly old. C. B. Stephenson wisely restrained his small but rather
important role as Creon, ruler of
One cf the highlights of the play
was the defeat of Jason (Joe Pat
Knight in the second act. but this
scene also pro'.ed to be the ciei'eut of
sequin-eye- d
Lucille Little.
Cheers to Gu:nol and h?r


difficult and worthy as "Medea." He
ail hope this meaiis she is itrnwinT
in stnture and tlevclopinrt bettor and
more mature tasto.

� "




Pa ere 2


The Kentucky Kernel
end colvmne are to be
tsnsidered the opinion of the writer Kentucky Intercolleeiate Press Association
themselret, and Co not necexsari'p reflect
Lexington Board of Commerca
Vie opinion of The Kernel.
Kentucky resi Association
National Editorial Association

National AdvertisingService.lBC


CiUin PmUitktn ktmrntmint
New York. N. Y.
Madison Ave.








PATE3 11.00 prr rmeFter


George Reynolds


Editor Earl Conn, Kent Hollingsworth, Bob
Asst. Sports Editors
Managing Editor
Herbert Allen Moore, Gene Phillips

Bob Cox
Nell Blair
News Editor
Tom Diskin
Sports Editor
Harold Fleenor ..Business Manapei
Betty Boggess
Society Editor
Holton Mastin, Head Feature Writer
Wpfred Lott ..Advertising Manager

News Desk

Eob Fain
Bon Williams
Dorothy Allen ....Circulation Mgr.
Irwin Higgs
Henry Malony. Simpson Tompkines,
Bob Fain, Shirley Porter. W. J.
Boughey, Linda Patteson, Frances
Dick Macke, Joe Lee, Joan Cook
West, Joe Coyle, Marilyn FaulkCopy Desk
ner, Julie Blumenthal, Joyce Cool-eJoan Cook, Bruce Dunlap
Bill Simon, Lewis Donohew,
Advertising Staff
Janet Anderson, Katheryn Whit-me- r,
Jacqualine Day, Temple Cole,
Rosemarj Hilling and Bill Mansfield
Wes Bird. Mary Swetnam, and
Assistant News Editors
Jack Suttles

Founders Week

Founders Vk is to he one of (lie outstanding events in the
history of the University of Kentucky. It will present a
program worthy of the occasions it is designed to celebrate. Seldom will any of us have an opportunity to witness so
impressive a list of events during any one week.
The celebration of the Soth anniversary of the University and
of the dedication of the new Fine Arts Building is of definite
to a great many persons. Fractically no room is left for
any of the programs which have lcen planned for the week, onlv
a few tickets to the Sunday performances by the orchestra and
chorus remaining after the first rush.
Many who wanted tickets were unable to get them. If more
of the programs wi re to be held in Memorial Hall, larger audiences could be seated. But in that case one of the chief purposes
of the week's festivities could not le realized the audiences would
not be introduced to the Guignol theater and other parts of the
new Fine Arts Building. Those who wish to, however, will be
able to hear most of the programs by radio.


Plastic I. D. Cards

After reading the impressive list of
Kentucky authors to be presented in a
symposium here next Friday night and
t.ikip a cue from other college papers,
the Kernel i begi'ining a series of bc-oreviews, written by students and featuring the works of Kentucky authors,
as well as other new books.
We hope our readers will find this
an interesting one. Ed. I

All The Kind's Men
Robert Fenn Warren
By Earl Conn

Robert Penn Warren nas pictured American life as
it exists today in his Pulitzer Prize
winning novel, "All The King's
The book, the life story of a
farmer who becomes governor of
his state and possibly its dictator,
is supposedly built around the
story of Louisiana's Huey Long.
from the start
It is
and interesting to the finish as it
takes the reader behind the scene
in one of the exciting chapters of
cur time, the story of the American
Willie Stark is the name of the
farmer with ideas of his own of how
a state should be run. Jack Burden
is the reporter who comes to know
Willie and becomes his right-han- d
man through his administration. It
is Jack Burden who tells the story.
The author does not seem to




to the Editor
Editor, The Kernel:
I would like to call to your attention the lack of respect and care
that the University students afford
the facilities offered them.
The new Fine Arts Building, the
pride and joy of the campus, has
already fallen prey to careless students. The lounges are a shining
in paper towexample knee-dee- p
els, the basins used for trash cans,
and cigarette burns in the new
leather couches.
The Art Department walls, floors,

and furniture are spattered with
paint, where thoughtless students
cleaned their brushes by squeezing
Plastic identification cards now being considered by Dean Kir-wa- n them on the floor, or waving them
in the air. The Music Department
and Athletic Director Shively, which would he good for all pianos have cigarette burns on the
University functions, seem to lx a good answer to the present dif- finish, and gum covering many a
square inch under the piano seats.
ficulties in handling the ticket situation.
Students have already carved
Although no card has been approved as yet, if one is accepted names, insignias desks, Greekpenciled
on many of the
on the walls. In a few years,
it probably will include a picture along with other data concern- them
and peel, the
ing the student. In addition to the usual activities, next year's the paint will chipfrom the bricks,
mortar will crack
ticket will be good for a scries of at least eight community con- and the new Fine Arts Building
will become just another "old classcerts, if present plans are carried out.
Unlike the present ticket books, lost identification cards could
be replaced. They should serve as excellent identification for cash
ing checks and in other business transactions.


Ag Instructors Speak

Are we going to let the Fine Arts
Building become, in a few years, an
other White Hall too old and decrepit to repair, but necessary for
classes? It's up to the students.
A Disgusted Student
The winner of the carton of Chesterfield cigarettes for the most Interesting
"Letter to the Editor" run last week was
the one signed "Student".
If the person who wrote this letter
will stop by the Kernel sports office
(McVey Hall), Tom Diskin. one of the
campus representatives for Chesterfields,
will present the cigarettes to him.
All winning letters must be signed. If
the author does not want his or her name
to be used please state this and the request will be complied with. Ficticious
names will not be considered In the contest. At least two letters must be run
weekly in the Kernel to be considered.

Y Secretary Visits








Put a canary in a
and you get shredded


Miss Rosalie Oakes, regional

Four students are attending a Pep
Convention sponsored by the University of Florida in Gainsville today and Saturday.
The convention group will discuss
problems of school spirit, financing
pep clubs, and card sections.
Students atftnding the convention
are Eugene Stevens, president of
Suky. Betty White. Kitty King, and
Ed Strobe, Suky representatives.
Chaperone of the group is Mrs. J.
Howard King.

All Work Tested by










Tony Martin
Patti Page Quartette
Andrew Sisters

At the
Student Union Ballroom

Fran Warren

Beginner's Class
Advanced Class

6:45 p.m.
8:15 p.m.


Slow Dancing and Jitterbug

Course of



11 Lessons








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Shell Service Station


10 p.m.



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