xt7tx921dc0d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921dc0d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-01-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January  7, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, January  7, 1938 1938 1938-01-07 2013 true xt7tx921dc0d section xt7tx921dc0d Best uopy Mvauauit?



The Kentucky Kernel

Lafferty Hall Dedicated
As Law Students Resume
Studies In New Building
Scans '37 News
In Air Address
Past Year Placed On Parade

Building: Is Latest Addition
In UKy Construction

In Radio Broadcast
By University Head


Spepking from the University
studio on New Year's Eve. Dr.
Nestling northwest of the library Prank L. McVey reviewed state, nathe new law building, latest com- tional, and world events of 1937 for
pleted structure in the University
radio station WHAS of Louisville.
proFollow ing the summary of world
million dollar construction
gram, began housing the College of affairs. Dr. McVey praised the
administration for its
Law when classes were resumed Chandler
progress and gave a brief discussion
$100,000, of the University's
Costing approximately
the building has been named Lafwas the ninth consecutive year
ferty hall In honor of the late W. T. President McVey had placed the
Lafferty. founder and first dean of year on parade for station WHAS.
In his discussion of important hapthe University's law college.
taw books and other equipment penings of the year just past, he
"liuus'tiiI war" in
were moved from the old law build- also listed
ing to Lafferty hall durtlig tha Harlan county and the Ohio river
flood of
Christmas holidays so that the "eventful" last Januaj-- amor; the
and "tragic'' happening:;
building was ready for occupancy
of the year.
Monday. .
of developments
An example of modern architecture, the law building is "L" shaped Kentucky, Dr. McVey said: "In our
and Is made up of one story and a own state industrial have in Harlan
from the
county to
reduction of
Tlie main or south doorway of the debt now the 1 1.000.000." the
building Heads into a high foyer
He statetf that Governor Chandin red brick that gives it a de- ler has made progress in the orderly
cidedly masculine appearance. The development of his administration
foyer is the only portion of the and that the state is living within
building decorated in this manner. Its income.
To the north along the first story
Progress is apparent In the conof the building is a hallway finished struction of the new prison and the
glazed buff brick. Offices of dean hospital for the insane," Dr. McVey
and faculty of the colleee open into declared.
the east side of this hallway.
The elevation of Seiator Alvin
The offices are finished in white W. Barkley of Kentucky to Demond are well lighted. Green Venetian cratic leader also was mentioned by
blinds help to give them an attrac- Dr. McVey.
tive appearance.
Lounges and two of the three
classrooms of the building open into the west side of the hallway. The
iwcoiid year classroom is at the
northwest end of the building. Next
to it is the Uiird year classroom.
Convene At
Tlie library, probably the mosl
Washington Assembly
imprvsMive room in the building,
December 28-3- 0
opens into the west side of the foyer. With glass brick along parts
Nineteeen staff members, and
of the south end west fides, and a
prties cf indirect lights, the room alumni of the bacteriology deiwrt-meattended the meetings of the
presents a well but quietly lighted
Society of American Bacteriologists
Rows c. rows of law books line held at Washington. D C. DecemMembers of the staff and
the walls on three sides of the room ber .
graduate students of the departgiving the library a studious
of auiet dienity.
The ment presented four papers and
north side of the library opens in- two were given by Prof. A. S. Ruto a stockroom with it's multitude dolph, a recent graduate of the department.
of ltw books.
A feature of the meeting was a
Contained in the basement of the
building is the first year classroom, luncheon on December 30. for the
men's study and locker rooms, of- staff, alumni, and students of the
fices, stackrooms and the ventilat- bacteriology department.
ing equipment.
The papers presented by the bacTlie first year classroom takes up teriology department and the authe entire north end of the building. thors were:
Desks in this room are long and are
Bacteria Using Indol in a Trickling Filter: H.E. Calkins, R. H.
arranged in tiers.
Large glass windows along" the Weaver and M. Scherago.
Motility of Protaminobacter
east and west sides of the building,
supplemented by indirect lighting,
den Dorren de Jong, bv R. H.
make the room well lighted'. Green Weaver, T. C. Samuels and M. SchVenetian blinds hang at the east erago.
windows of the room.
Food Poisoning
A large door ay opens from the from Canned Oysters, by Paul Mabasement about midway along the jors, R. H. Weaver and M. Scherago.
east side of the building.
A Study of the Paracoli Group, by
Jacob L. Stokes, R. H. Weaver and
M. Scherago.
GermicWil Ffficieency of Hypo-- I
chlorite Solutions by A. S. Rudolph
and Max Levme.
A Technic for Preparing Bacterial
As a result of the Athiei ic Coun-i- l
Spore Suspensions of Uniform Res receut vote to re xtgnixe fencing as a minor sport on this cam- sistance for Disinfection Studiees
pus, the University will soon send by A. S. Rudolph and Max Levine.
into competition a team coached by
a Ioniser national champion in the METEORITE LOANED
art of flourish ng the foil.
He is Dr. Scott D. Breckinridge,
A siderite meteorite probably part
who in 1906 and again in 1914 cap- of the Xlquipitco, New
metured the National A. A. U. senior teorite has been recentlyMexico to
championship and who in 1912 was the Geology museum by Dr. L. D.
a member of the United States Fipgins director of the Bernhein
fencing learn which participated in
Natural History Foundation, it was
tlie Olympic games in Stockholm.
Since tm-months before the anounced yesterday by David M.
Young curator.
Christmas holidays. Dr. BreckinThe specimen approximately 6
ridge has been coaching a small
group of fencers at the University inches long with a diameter of two
on one night each week. The first inches, shows well developed
figures. It was formerly
intercollegiate foil team to represent the University will open its part of a display at the Bernhein
season early in the second semester. Museum.
The meteorite will constitute a
For their first match, the Wildcat
fencers are scheduled to meet a part of the museum display for
several week asnd will be used for
University of Illinois learn, at
on February 5. On March 5. study by geology classes.
a match is scheduled with the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill: and on April 9, the Kentucky
team will meet the University of
CiiKuiiLati in the Queen City. Arrangements under way for additional matches have not been comBy ANDREW ECKDAHL


fin-Hie- d

Staff Men Attend
Scientific Meeting



UK Fencing Team
Will Be Coached


Former Champ


Classes in fencing under C W.
Hackensmith. member of the staff
of the physiral education department, have become increasingly
popular since they were added to
the curriculum in 1934. Interest in
installing fencing as a varsity sport
increased until the University Athletic Council voted, just before the
Christmas holidays, to recognize the




innate thai al
II ugistiation unloi more than 3,500anstudents, it isboasting
for more than 1,000 of these undergraduates to reside oil
the campus of tlie school. It is even more deplorable when
one attempts lo compare the local condition with that of
other educational institutions in this state.
Not of slight imjxirtance, and of considerable interest
prove figures showing male and female housing conditions of
ihis University. Women's dormitories, Patterson and Boyd
halls combined, can accommodate a maximum of but 220
women. In September, before registration began about 50
women were informed by mail lhat there would be no room
for them in the dorms; 50 more were placed on the waiting
list as schmil began; and it was estimated by Assistant Dean
of Women Sarah Holmes that approximately 80 more were
definitely turned away. How many more were contemplating
staying al the dorms and were discouraged cannot be asis

Transy Tackle Sweeney


An Informal Discussion Will
Be Held At 3 P. M. .
In Memorial

In an effort to cooperate with the

managers of rooming houses in
Lexington who have University students in their care, the dean of men
and the dean of women at the University are inviting the managers
of these rooming houses to meet
with them at 3 p. m. Tuesday, January 11. in Memorial hall, to consider
the question of organizing a coClub
House Mother's
composed of all those who have
University students as roomers.
There are approximately
students- living in private rooming
houses in the city and the University wishes to bring the landladies
of these students in closer contact
with the University
From time to time problems arise
concerning the housing problems of
students, and the dean of men and
dean of women feel that with the
University and the landladies
many of these problems
can be ironed out.
The service rendered by these
women, who have this large group
of students in their care, is necessary and vital to the successful continuation of- the University, and
there are doubtless many ways in
which they and the University authorities could cooperate to Improve
this service.
Every student living in a private
rooming house is requested to notify
his landlady of this meeting and to
give her an invitation to attend.
Those not receiving personal notices
are urged to come of their own volition. The meetings will be informal and the discussion will be open
to all.

Former Student
Killed In Wreck
Marion Ewen Atkinson. 24, a resident of Charleston, W. Va., and
former student at the University,
was fatally injured December 27
when an automobile which he was
driving plunged from the Mt. Sterling pike and overturned, five miles
east of Winchester.
Atkinson, who had been visiting
his mother in Lexington for the
Christmas holidays, died at the
Clark county hospital in Winchester
three hours after the accident.
Both of his legs were broken and
his skull was fractured.
Carl Earle, 24. mho was riding
with Atkinson, received multiple
cuts and bruises.
At the time of the accident. Atkinson was on his way back to
Charleston, where he was employed
by the Commercial Acceptance corporation. While attending the University, he was a member of the
Kappa Alpha fraternity.

Prof.. H. B. Holmes, of







mance languages department,
tended the Modern Language Association meeting held in Chicago
December 28, 29. and 30. Dr. H. L.
Ryland. head of the department,
was in Boston and New York over
the holidays.

installed in most of the rooms and
'.he heating and fan systems are
partially finished.
The great hall on the first floor
presents a complete picture despite
scaffolding and machinery. A modern yet graceful style of decoration
is used in the interior.
the entire length of the building
facing Limestone, the hall opens on
the south end at the side entrance.
From this hallway, a converging
staircase leads to the second floor
where balconies overlook part of the
first floor. It is expected that
lounges and statuary will be placed
along its length.
Fnished in glazed double brick,
(Continued on Page Three)



Days Bring Triumphs
Over Cincinnati And



Cadet Hop
Will Be Held
This Afternoon

Lexington Lions' club Most Valuable Player trophy last night by Attorney General Parks at a banquet
dedicated to recognizing the outstanding gridmen at the University
and Transylvania college.
This plaque is the first of an annual series to be presented by the
Lions, who intend to foster the display of fine character qualities on
the gridirons at Kentucky and
Introduced as a star football
player, wrestling champ, heavyweight boxer, captain and coach of
the swimming team. Hinkebein became the first winner of the handsome trophy.
Inscribed on the shield are the
four requirements an athlete must
conform with to win the prize. The
quartet includes scholarship football ability, training and spirit, and
tackle, received a similar award for
his performance under the Maroon


Summer Session
Dates Announced

First Cadet Hop of 1938 w 11
be held from 4 until 6 p. m.
under the auspices of Scabbard and Blade, with Bill
orchestra supplying
the rhythms. Admission will
cents per coube twenty-fiv- e
ple or stag.

University Elementarv And
High Schools Will
Be Open
That the University summer
sion will open June 13 has been

Stephan Hero To Perform
At Sixth Vesper Service
Series Of Sunday Musicales
Will Be Resumed At
4 P. M. Sunday In
Memorial Hall
Hero," brilliant' young
virtuoso, will appear as the sixth
attraction in a series of Sunday afternoon vespers to be held at 4 p.
m. Sunday. January 9, in Memorial
With his father as his first violin
teacher. Hero, at the age of eight,
won the gold medal of the New
York Music League In competition
with 10.000 other young musicians.
Later he studied with Paul
Strassvitch and in 1928 went to
Paris, where he studied violin with
Jacques Thibaud and harmony and
solgege at the Ecole Normale. Upon
his return to the United States he
studied with Louis Persinger.
After becoming the musical protege of Jose Iturbi he appeared on
several occasions with orchestras
under Iturbi's direction. During the
past year he has appeared with
such orchestras as the Chicago
Symphony, Rochester Civic,. National Symphony of Washington.
Toronto Symphony, and Montreal
Critics have unanimously mentioned his lovely tone and masterful technique.
Marjorie W. Briggs will assist at
the piano. The program follows:



nounced by Dr. Jesse E. Adams,
director during the summer. The
first term will end July 16 and the
second will begin July 18 and close
August 20. '
During the first term both the
University elementary
and high
school will be open for teachers desiring the moflern, directed, train-nigRichard C. Stoll. Lexington.
method. The opening date of
Bar Member, Paid Tribute the elementary school will be June
For Service To University 10, the closing date July 15. while
the high school will open June 6
By President McVey
and close July 22.
It was also announced by Dr.
A record of public service was esAdams that three full summer sesJudge sions have the same value toward
Richard C. Stoll, prominent mem- graduation, or an undergraduate
degree, as one year's residence.
ber of the Lexington bar. completInformation concerning courses
year as a member and classes may be obtained by aded his fortieth
of the University board of trustees. dressing the director of the summer
In congratulating Judge Stoll on session. The dean of men or the
dean of women should be consulted
his service Dr. Frank L. McVey as to living accommodations.
said: "Judge Stoll has served the
University effectively and sympathetically. On many occasions he
has given his services las a lawyer
without cost Judge Stoll has been
Funeral services for Isaac G. Wat-kina member of the board longer than
in the University
any other person, which is a trib- electrical assistant
laboratories for 27 years
ute In itself, as well as a record." and known to hundreds of engiAs a youthful Lexington resident, neering students as "Ike." were held
Judge Stoll was appointed to the December 22 at the C. A. Baker
University's administrative board in Funeral Home, by the Rev. R. L.
1898 by Gov. W. O. Bradley. DurRiddell. pastor of the Maxwell
ing his years as a trustee Judge Street Christian church. Burial was
Stoll has served with many of the in Hillcrest Cemetery, with services
most prominent citizens of the by the Masonic Order.
state, including the late James Interested in radio work for many
Marcum. General Buell, and others. years, he was in charge of. and inDuring the two score years he strument in founding, the Universistation, W9JL. He
has been a member of the Univer- ty' short-wav- e
sity board. Judge Stoll has served also aided in installing equipment
under thirteen governors. They in- for the Lexington police radio staclude W. O. Bradley, W. S. Taylor, tion, WPET.
William Goebel, J. C. W. Beckham,
Augustus E. Wilson, James B.
A. O. Stanley, James D.
Black, Edwin P. Morrow. W. J.
Examinations for graduate stuFields. Flem D. Sampson, Ruby
Laffoon and A. B. Chandler.
dents planning to take their masJudge Stoll served as Judge of the ter's degree will be given January
Fayette circuit court from 1920 un- 15 in the Education building, actil 1931. He has been prominent in cording to the College of Educathe civic, social, and political af- tion. Written examinations will be
fairs of the city and state for a given in the forenoon and oral
quizzes will take place in the afternumber of years.
At present Judge Stoll is
Dr. C. C. Ross, head of the edof the board of trustees
psychology department
and a member of the executive comand Prof. L. E. Meece, assistant in
mittee of the board.
the bureau of school service are in
charge of arrangements.




Funeral Services
Held For Watkins




contented Wildcat squad, still
basking in the brilliant glow of its
Sugar Bowl triumph. Journeys to
East Lansing to encounter another
five Michigan
State's Spartans. And if the Rupp-me- n
hope to add further laurels to
their crown, they must perform on
the same high plane which they established at New Orleans.
Michigan State's aggregation, always a tough foe. appears to hav
clur.bed to new heights. The Spartans have been vanquished. But bv



Concerto in E minor . . Mendelssohn
Alegro molto oppassionato
Allegretto non troppo Allegro
, molto vivace

Praeludium and
Kreisler-Pugna- ni
Mode Espagnole. .Percy Fullen wider
Paganini-Au- er
Caprice 24
La Ronde des Lutins

Alumni Association
To Get New Offices

Announcement that a suite of offices for the Alumni Association will
be located in the new Student
Union building appears in the current issue of the Kentucky Alumnus. It is a publication of the University Alumni Association. These
offices will include a directors'
room, a staff room, and a library.
The same issue carries a story
regarding the Kentucky-PittsburSugar Bowl basketball game at New
Orleans; a review of the 1937 homecoming festivities; a list of alumni
members who have contributed to
Marshal Barnes, of Beaver Dam. the alumni fund during the past
was recently appointed a member year; pictures of reunion groups at
and a
of the University Board of Trustees the June commencement;
by Governor A. B. Chandler.
He brief story on the University's
enrollment for the cursucceeds Dr. George Wilson of
rent school term.


Time Sheets

Due Saturday
NY A time sheets are due in
the offices of the Dea of Men
and Dean of Women at noun
Saturday, January 8. It is
important that they be turned
in by this time.



President McVey Designates
Law Professor To Occupy
Vacancy Left On Athletic
Dr. Frank Murray, professor in
the College of Law. was recently
appointed a member of the University Athletic Council by Pres. Prank
L. McVey. to succeed the late Prof.
Enoch Grehan. head of the department of Journalism.
Professor Grehan had been a
member of the council for 20 years,
serving as its chairman in 1932

when Dr. W. D. Funkhouser. dean
of the Graduate School, was on a
year's leave of absence.
In 1932. with Professor Grehan
representing the university at the
annual Southern Conference meeting, Kentucky and 12 other members of that conference withdrew
from the organization and formed
the Southeastern Conference.
Dr. Murray, first member of the
College of Law faculty to serve
on the athletic council. Joined the
university faculty in 1930. coming
here from Missoula. Mon. He is a
graduate of the University of Montana and holds an S. J. D. degree
from Havard.
Other faculty members of the
council, in addition to Pres. McVev
and Dr. Funkhouser, chairman, are
Prof. E. A. Bureau. Prof. M. F..
Ligon. and Dr. Paul P. Boyd. Alum- ni members are Louis HUlenieyer.
Wallace Muir and William "Doc"
Rodes. Student members are David
Petti;-;Stanford, and Walter F.ip-piSomerset.

UK "Y" Delegation

Attends National
Meeting In Ohio
Thirteen students and four faculty members, the largest delegation from any school in the South-eregion, represented the University Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. at
the national assembly of student
Christian associations held at

Miami University, Oxford. Ohio,
December 27 to January 1.
Dean Sarah G. Blanding, one of
the leaders in the commission
"Students and the Educational System"; Bart N. Peak, Elizabeth
Cowan. Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.
secretaries of the University respectively; and Prof. Merton Cyler
were the faculty members who accompanied the group.
From the Y. W. C. A. were Anne
Lang. Rae Lewis, Mary E. Koppius.
Runelle Palmore, Mary Jane Roby.
Anne Jane McChesney. Ruth Peak
and Janet Fergus. Representing
the Y. M. C. A. were Tom Spragens.
Dave Lewis, William Craig, Thomson Bryant, and Campbell Miller.

With "West of Shanghai" starring Boris Karloff and "Love On
Toast" with Stella Ardler and John
Payne making up a double feature
bill, the Kernel sponsored College
Night will be resumed at 8 o'clock

tonight at the Strand theatre.
A story of
China. "West
of Shanghai" features Boris Karloff. a Chinese bandit and
supported by Ricardo Cortez and
Beverly Roberts and has been rec
ognized as one of the outstanding
adventure pictures of the year.
"Love On Toast," a first run pic





Dr. Edgar Z. Palmer, professor of
economics In the College of Commerce, attended the American Economic and American Statistics Associations' Conference in Atlantic
City from December 22 to 30.
Also present at the conference
were Scott Keyes. now a graduate
student at the University of Wisconsin; James Gates, who is an instructor at Clemson College in
Couth Carolina; and former instructors in the University. John P.
TroxeU and Ester Cole Franklin.
While away Dr. Palmer also
worked as consulting statistian with
the National Research Project in
ture, brings to the public eye two Philadelphia.
comparatively new stars, whose perSOCIETY .MEETS Tl'ESD Y
formances in this light comedy will
amply fulfill the laugh side of the
Also included on tonight's program society will meet at 7:30 o clock
night. January 11. in
will be number four of the serial, Tuesday
"American Toreodor," a silent film Kastle hall. Members of the society
cartoons, who attended the convention of tl.e
melodrama, news reels,
American Society of Bacteriologists
and band shorts.
The coupon, which will appear in Washington, D. C. during Christ- elsewhere in today's Kernel, en- mas vacation will report on that
ables all students to gain admission meeting. The latest developments
to College Night for the matinee in the field of bacteriology will also
price of 16 cents.

College Night Is Resumed
With Double Feature Bill

whom? Michigan,
Minnesota to cop Big 10 honors,
eased out a 43 to 40 victory. Which
fact points to titanic struggle Saturday night.
Rest! There is no rest for Kentucky's heroes. They hop over to
Detroit to battle with the University of Detroit s famous quintet
Monday evening.
'Cats Shock Pitt
Coach Rupp's magic touch again
showed itself against Pittsburgh.
Journeyed from the Bluegrass region
to take its place in the national
spotlight during the
Yuletide holiday.
Kentucky astounded the nation
by the manner in which it trounced lUt's supposedly Invincible five.
The Panthers ruled a 2 ;o
favorite to humiliate Kentucky
in its first Bowl invasion.
In this memorial 'conflict. Kentucky slipped into a 10 to 2 lead in
the early moments, as Curtis and
Opper peppered the hoop from ail
angles. The inspired Kentuckians
ran their advantage to 28 to 13 at


Panther Threat Stopped
The veteran Panthers were anything but finished, rallying in The
second half to cut the Rupp
to 31 to 29. Scenting that the":
las danger of victory being snatch
ed from their grasp, the 'Cats proceeded to play their finest ball of
the season. They held Pitt in
check, while racking up 9 pouifs.
Scoring by the Blue and White
color bearers was well divided.
Thompson led with 11 points, and
was closely pressed by Curtis. :o.
and Hagan, 9. Opper and Rov.ie
played neads-uball at the guanl
It was Kentucky's impregnable
defense throughout the first half
that caused Pitt's downfall as Opper continually Intercepted neither passes. In addition, the N w
York lad brought the crowd to its
feet with three hits from the center of the court.
Pre-PPrep Putrid
but managed to win two warm-i'preps during the vacation period.
In a literal battle, the Cats ran
over Coach Rip Van Winkle s Cincinnati Bearcats, 38 to 21. Four
players were sent showerward on
personals, while Bob Davis was
banished for taking a haymaker
swing at IiifT. Cincy forward.
Marion Cluggish led all scorers
with 8 points, while Hagan. between scuffles, managed to bag 7.
The 'Cats led most of the
Continued on Page Four





WildcaU Tangle With Tough
Customers In Spartans
And University Of


football center, was awarded the




liott Honored Similarly
For Maroon Playing

Boarding House Managers
Asied To Meet Tuesday




on Editorial pagt



'Cat Pivot Receives Trophy
For Outstanding Work
On Field And In

In the men's dormitories conditions were similar in
Septeniljer. The University's three male dorms house a total
of 200 men. According to Dean of Men T. T. Jones about
00 men were on the waiting list as registration began, and
jjossibly 100 more were turned away. Here again it is difficult
to determine how many more were discouraged.

Student Union Building,
Resembles Crazy 'House'

a carnival "crazy
house" of multi sized blank rooms
and endless passageways meeting
turning and separating, the $250,-00- 0
Student Union building presents
a jumbled picture in its present un- finished state.
Although the structure is expected to be completed about the middle of February, the work is at a
point where the average observer
is at a lass to identify each of the
Dr. C. O. Latimer. Dr. L. W. Co- numerous rooms as to purpose.
F. John, Sullie
Plastering work ts almost comhen. Dr. and Mrs.
Pence and Prof. D. E. South, of the pleted on the first and second floors,
department attended and doors are being fitted throughmathematics
the mathematics meeting in India- out the building. Baseboards and
iHcings of stool have already been
napolis December 27, - 31.


7, 1938


Rupp's Sugar Bowl Champs,
Toting Yuletide Court Loot,
Aim At Michigan Week-en-


Housing at U. of K.

President M'Vey




Z 246

Completely Modern Edifice
Is Named In Honor
Of Iaw School


An important basinets meeting of all fraternity prrrirnts
and treasurer will be held at
7 o'clock Monday. January I",
in President McVey 's office.
PI Sigma Alpha will hold a dinner
meeting at 6:30 o'clock. Tuesday.
January 7. at the Patio.

The Music Group of YWC'A will
meet at 3 p. m., Monday, m the
Woman's building
The American Studfiit, Union
will hold its regular nvedug at.
7:30 p. m . Monday, in Room 210,
McVey hall.
A discussion of the
results of the-- nafonal ASU con
vent ion which was held during 'he
holidays at Vassar College, will be
Students will discuss
the organization's plans for their
second semester activity. The meeting is open to all students.
Please see Dean Jones.



p i s t.

There will be a meeting of the
at 7: JO
o'clock Tuesday nmht, January 11
in Kastle hail. Members or the so
ciety will report on the papers read
at the meetines of the Society of
American Bacteriologists at Wli-b- e

� V Fri


lntm at

I ctmm


tt Po 0?U
matter ander Uu Act

lurch t,




Scrap Irony




about an
is nothing really
Thfre razor. That is important
to say, nothing that
would impress the casual observer. But when a
fellow has been selling electric razors for months
and has been going with one particular girl for
years and this girl knows that the boy is selling
electric razors, that he is making his living by
Ross J. Chepeleff
Managing Editor selling electric razors, and that he thinks electric
Raymond T. Lathrem
razors are a boon to mankind, then we fail to
Business Manager
Edgar D. Penn
understand why the girl would give the boy an
Advertising Manager
old fashion shaving set for Christmas. It simply
doesn't follow.
Robert Cohrn
Not that there is anything wrong with shav-iifPrt Smith
Jum Dooly
Cecil Krttingrr
sets. As a matter of fact, we are of the opinion
', Circulation Manager
T 1T"M
that shaving sets are pretty good, as shaving sets
CLIFF BHAW go, but you don't use a shaving set when you
ANDREW ECiw.-.l- ,
have an electric razor. You don't even want to
ssociat Nrw F citmr
see a shaving set again after you have purchased
SrorM Editor
an electric razor. Shaving sets are absolutely
taboo in electric razor circles. It would be just
LobI Rnkln
Marvin 0t
t kfowhlcr
Alio Wood BaOcT
like giving Shirley Temple a.pneumatic drilL to
give anyone who uses an electric razor a shavSPORTS WRITERS
J. B. rtulcorjr
Mack RufM
Tom WtttlM
ing set. And what could Shriley Temple do with
Louis Hartie
Bob Ruin
Jnc creaun
a pneumatic drill? She might use it to clean
tier teeth, but it would be awkward. She couldn't
do anything constructive with it.
Ltrtnrtoa Boat of Oommm
Keatockj InteraiKCWM





at U. of K.


Bode ringed Wanda Frasier.
his Arizona flame.

from pmet it


tidying these figures we have a simple picAs indifferent as a mirror.
ture of the dormitory situation. A total oi
480 students may be accommodated and just
A friend of ours who goes to Randolph-Macoabout as many annually must be denied this had an interesting story this Christmas. It seems
housing under orderly adminis' ration control.
that things had been going along rather smoothThe need for additional dorni.icnes f n- - both
for years, and then last
ly at Randolph-Macomen and women becomes increasingly evident.
year one of the professors casually remarked
Interesting it is to study this situation further. that he
didn't seem to be getting in as much
Sixteen men's and nine women's greek lodges work as
he used to. His statement started things
grace this campus. The male homes can hold an and a few of
the other professors said that they
average of 30 students, while the women's groups had
noticed the same thing, but weren't going
can house a maximum of 18 each. In this manto mention it, because they felt that it must be
ner 642 additional students may find refuge. We their fault. The authorities began investigating
now have placed 1,122 enrollees. What becomes and found that a week had been lost in the
of some remaining 2,400? Of this number possischool somewhere. .They finally found where
bly 800- -a high estimate are permanent res--i the error had been made in the school calendar
s of Lexington and Fayette county. Thus,
and everything is