xt7tx921cz7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cz7c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-05-11  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 11, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 11, 1928 1928 1928-05-11 2012 true xt7tx921cz7c section xt7tx921cz7c THE KENTUCKY KERNEL





U. K. Men to



KY. MAY 11, 1928


Manage Herald Advertising

reporters on The
Kernel staff are asked to report to
the news room of the Lexington
Herald today at 1:30 o'clock that
they may be instructed as to their
duties in working on The Herald
next Monday: Jessie Sun, John
Murphy, True Mackey, Scott Keyes
and W. A. Kirkpatrick. The entire editorial and reportorial staff
of The Kernel is requested to be
present in the news room of The
Herald Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock for instructions.
The following

Strong Cast Will Produce
Play Written by
Girdler Fitch

Mys-ter- v



Department Sponsors Races For Both

Eds and


The second annual roller skating
derby, which is promoted by the intramural department of the University,
will be held Saturday, May 12. This
is the only athletic event sponsored
by the men's physical education department in which both men and
women compete.
Every student registered in the University is eligible to enter the various
events and compete for the silver loving cups to be presented to the winners of each event, and present indications are that there will be a large
number of entrants.
The races will be held on Euclid
avenue. Three races for men at distances of 100, 200, and 400 yards have
been arranged, while the
test their skill on 50- 100- and
straightaways. The Sigma Nus,
victors in the fraternity relay last
year, and Alpha Gamma Delta, who
captured the sorority event, have indicated that they will enter teams in
an effort to repeat. Four persons,
each skating 100- - yards, will make
up a relay team.
The only restriction imposed is
that winners of last year's races will
not be permitted to enter the same
events this year, exclusive of relay




Papers Ask To
Enter State Contest
Pt-pk- s


Daily With Issue of Tuesday,
May 15.


news-paper- s,

The annual student edition of The
Lexington Herald will be published
Tuesday morning, May 15, by student
journalists of Kentucky Wesleyan,
Centre, Georgetown, Murray State
Normal, and the University of Kentucky. The students promise to put
out a real newspaper filled with live
news and snappy features. The advertisements will also be different
from the ordinary run, since the students will apply the knowledge learned in their psychology classes in
writing the copy.
The entire news, editorial and advertising departments will be turned
over to the student journalists of the
Blue Grass colleges on May 14, and
the following morning's paper will be
the product of the collegiate crew.
The question, "How will it feel to
work on a daily newspaper?" can be
answered by those who take part in
the work.
Members of the regular staff of The
Herald always welcome this annual
vacation, when their work is done by
"cubs" and "cubesses" of the colleges,
and they resign their positions with
a feeling that their work will be done
Another thing that makes the event
a popular one for the students is the
lunch that is served during the evening. Professor Grehan, who will supervise the workers, said that "No
student edition would be complete
without the hamburgers, hot dogs and
Coca Cola, which is the usual lunch
of the newspaper man."

This group will manage the
are shown the members of the Kentucky chapter, Alpha Delta Sigma, national honorary advertising fraternity.
advertising sections of The Lexington Herald when it is edited by journalism students the morning of May 15.
They are from left to right:
Front row, Ray Valade, L. C. Cummins, Harold Bennett, J. S. Fish, Virgil Couch, president; Dr. J. B. Miner faculty advisor; second row, James
H. B. Ellis, vice president; William Durbeck, Francis Watson and F. J. Conn, Jr.
Shropshire, A. K. Messick, secretary-treasure-



Doctor Allen to
U. OF K. DEBATERS Large Audience
R0SWELL JOHNSON Complete Article FINISH SEASON Hears "Messiah"
by C. Eigenmann
Wednesday Night
Noted Eugenicist Will Address
and University

Banquet Tonight; Gives IllusDr. W. R. Allen, associate profestrated Lecture This Afternoon sor of zoology at the University, is
in Physics Building.

working on a manuscript, "Fishes of

Prof. Roswell H. Johnson, of the the Eastern slope of the Andes," by
University of Pittsburgh, will give Dean Carl H. Eigenmann, who died a
illustrated lecture this afternoon year ago, before completing his work.
at 3:15 in the Civil Engineering and The manuscript was lost by Mr. EigPhysics building on the subject: enmann in December, 1925. He was
Changing Russia." The public is in- - on his way to Florida, and was taking
vited to hear the talk which is being the manuscript with him. When he
Kentucky chapter arrived at his destination, the manuby

of Sigma Xi, national honorary scientific society. There will be no admission charge.
The motion pictures that Professor
Johnson will use in his talk are the
result of over a year spent in Russia
with his cameramen who made the
picture with authentic backgrounds
of Russia as it is today. The film
shows the development of the country
in industrialism, commerce, militaristic advancement, and the general re- -'
construction of the nation. The pictures will be shown exactly as they
were taken and have not been censored by the Russian government.
Professor Johnson uses the motion
pictures to illustrate his talk and show
the exact condition of the country of
which he speaks.
The seventh annual banquet of the
local chapter of Sigma Xi will be
held in the Palm Room of the Phoe- : hotel this evening at 6 o'clock.
Professor Johnson will be the principal
speaker of the occasion and will talk
on "Eugenic Aspects of Politics and
Religion." The basis of this talk
will be his personal experiences in
Russia and China. The committee in
charge of the dinner is composed of
C. S. Crouse, Alfred Brauer, and M.
The annual election of
M. States.
officers will take place at the banquet.

General Jamerson
To Review R. O. T. C.

And Present Awards

The R. 0. T. C. of the University
will pass in review May 23 before
Brig. Gen. George H. Jamerson, of
Virginia, commander of the 10th insions to about 75 senior officers

The Kentucky Press Association
committee on newspaper prize awards
for weekly and
iust sent out from the depart
ment of iournalism of the University
a call to prospective entrants in the
contest for 1928 for exhibits of
advertising matter, etc. The
prizes will be awarded during the
meeting of K. P. A. at Elizabethtown
this summer.
The committee is composed cf Prof.
Enoch Grehan, head of the University
denartment of journalism, chairman;
Warren Fisher, editor of the Carlisle
Mercury; R. E. Garrison, editor of the
Anderson News, Lawrenceburg, anu
M. F. Conley, editor of the Louisville
News. The papers will be sent to the
department of journalism of the University and through the chairman of
the committee submitted to the judges.
This contest was first fostered by
the department of journalism in 1922
and is sustained by funds donated for
that purpose by The Lexington Herald, Lexington Leader, the Louisville
Times and Post, and Professor Grehan. The prizes consist of a handsome loving cup to the best
paper, a cup to the best first page of
any paper, money prizes to seconds
and thirds in both cases, and a gold
money prize to the best editorial
written throughout the year prior to
the forthcoming meeting.
This contest has grown to be an
outstanding feature of the K. P. A.
summer meeting.


Journalists of Five Schools Will
Display Their Skill on Local

Association Committee fantry brigade of Fort Benjamin HarSends Out Call For
rison, Ind., who will present commis-




script was missing.
In December, 1927, the manuscript
turned up among some articles found
on trains between Indianapolis and
Evidently Mr. EigenCincinnati.
mann had left it on the train. His
name, and the name of the University
were on the manuscript, hence it was
an easy matter for the railroad of
ficials to trace its ownership.
Under the direction of Mrs. Eigen
mann, the manuscript was turned over
to Dr. Allen to finish. Mr. Eigenmann
and Dr. Allen had worked together in
preparing the manuscript, previous to
its loss. Dr. Allen's addition to the
work will represent work done on
fishes collected by him in South Amer
ica from 1918 to 1921.
The material used in the manu
script all comes from the highlands of
the Andes, and the headwaters of the

Engineers to Give
Masked Ball
Friday Night
The annual masked ball of
lege of .Engineering will be
the Men's gymnasium next
night from 9 until 1. Music
furnished by the Kentucky

the Col
held in

will be

Kings and the Kentuckians.
According to an announcement
made by Mr. Jack Dicker the affair
will be the most pretentious in the
history of masked balls at the University.
Everybody attending is required to
be masked, nnd costumes may be
ordered through Mr. Dicker today
and tomorrow.
Tickets may be purchased from any
member of the College of Engineering
for one dollar and fifty cnts.

that date.

General Jamerson was graduated
from the United States Military Acad
emy in 1893. He was in command of
the 15th infantry of the 80th division
during the World War and received
the Distinguished .Service Medal and
two silver star citations for gallan
try during the war. On August 2G,
1927, he was made brigadier general
Besides the review of the R. O. T
C, there will be several other interesting events during the day. A silver
cup will be awarded to the best drilled
cadet, to be selected in the competi
tive manual of arms, and one to the
ranking cadet in each class. There
will also be a competitive drill between
the best company in each battalion.
When marching from the field, the senior officers will fall out of line and
the regiment in command of junior of
ficers will pass in review before them
Misses Agnes Stinian and Kathryn
McWilliams have been appointed by
Prof. Enoch Grehan, head of the department of journalism, as editors of

(By Ollie M. James)

"The Messiah," Handel's famous or

atorio, was presented to 3,000 perThe University's debating season sons in
the gymnasium of the Univerwas concluded Monday night at Morrison Chapel when the Kentucky rep- sity Wednesday night by a chorus of
resentatives, Richard Weaver, Russell 300 voices, accompanied by an orches
Davis and Pat B. Rankin, engaged tra of 75 pieces.
The chorus was
the Transylvania debating team in the made up of singers from Georgetown,
first official competition for several
years between the two institutions, Paris, Lexington, Berea, Frankfort
on the question: "Resolved, That the and other central Kentucky towns.
The presentation was sponsored by
American Policy Constitutes a Men- the University and the Central Kenace to World Peace."
tucky Choral Association, of which
Richard Malcolm Weaver, freshman Prof. Carl A. Lampert, head of the
member of the Wildcat debate squad, University music department, is the
The accompaniment was
was the outstanding luminary of the director.
evening. His clear logic and eloquent furnished by the University Philharpersuasiveness contributed greatly to monic orchestra.
the almost irrefutable argument of
The soloists were Dan Beddoe, fathe negative.
mous oratorio tenor; Olive June La-ce- y,
Weaver and Davis, with K. P. Wolfe,
soprano; Edna Swanson Verhaar,
of Transylvania, defended the nega- contralto, and Stanley Deacon, baritive side of the question, and Rankin, tone. Mr. Beddoe sang the beautiful
with Alfred Naff and A. C. D. Gor- tenor arias with a charm that was
don, of Transylvania, were the affirm- the product of years of attention to
ative speakers. Prof. William Suther technique and a thorough knowledge
land, coach of the University debat- of the traditions of the oratorio. The
ing team, presided and introduced the remainder of the solo parts were as
debaters. No decision was rendered. adequately rendered, but did not reThe debate early developed into a ceive the same masterful interpretastate of both teams vying with each tions that Mr. Beddoe, the grand old
other in an effort to satirize the Cool- man of oratorio, gave his work. The
idge administration. Gordon, the first choirs of voices blanded into one glorspeaker, defined a menace to world ious ensemble, forming a huge organ
peace as any action which would cre- of voices upon which Director Lamate ill feeling between nations. He pert played with the touch of a genius.
went on to show that America's imchallenge
perialism in Nicaragua was creating which basses roared forth a to meet
the upper voices leaped
that ill feeling. He declared that at a wave of the baton. Glorius sowhen Coolidge said capital and Ameri
and lovely in their
can citizens abroad are part of the freedom" brilliantnasal tone, answered
general domain of the United States,
the call of the
the "bolsheviks."
The entire ensemble rose and fell from
"Wolfe, the second speaker, said
whispers of the promises
that the bloodshed of recent times in of Christ to tremendous, surging cliNicaragua is nothing to compare with maxes which
audience breathleft
the bloodshed which has existed in less in awe of itsthe
tonal grandeur.
that state. He declared every great
The performance was entirely free
nation of Europe pursued the same
policy as the United States is fol- from any suggestion of amateurism
defending its property and because of the years of practice which
the chorus has had in the presentacitizens abroad.
Pat B. Rankin, the first University tion of similar oratorios, active pracspeaker, declared that the world was tice for this performance having been
so united that every nation is in inti held in the respective cities of the
mate contact with every other nation vocal delegations since January, the
and that any act of imperialism will orchestra also have practiced since the
early part of February.
thus endanger world peace.
Russell Davis, the second Univer- (Continued on Page Eight)

Graduate School
Awards Scholarships Four Students Win
Scholarship Awards
Fourteen Students Are Honor-

Dr. Arps Speaks on
"Why Go to College"
McVey Praises Ohio
State Dean After Con-


vocation Speech

"Ignorance is the dynamite of so- city, and the mother of intolerance
and bigotry," said Doctor George F.
Arps, dean of the College of Education
of Ohio State University, in an address on "Why Go To College," at
the final convocation of the year last
Tuesday. After the address President Frank L. McVey paid high trib
ute to Doctor Arps calling him a
stimulator, and a philosopher."
In explaining reasons "Why Go To
College?" Dr. Arps first gave a few
trivial answers to the question and
then some fundamental reasons why
the youth should go to college and
why the leaders of American democracy champion the cause of higher
As the first answer to the question
Doctor Arps said: "It is said that its
fashion; everybody's doing it, so 'like
dumb driven cattle,' the adolescent
youth enters upon a four-yeof academic jazz, eddies and jags
about here and there like aimless, pur
poseless cork upon the waters irre
sponsible, irreverent, noisy, indifferent and nocturnal when he should be
diurnal, and vice versa. There is
some evidence of this latter indictment as I have occasionally observed
when attempting the art of instruction."

University of Illinois
Professor Speaks at
Engineer Convocation

Lamp and Cross
Pledge Ten Men
Senior Honorary



standing Juniors At

ed; Three Are Lexington

Senior Journalists Receive Sig
nal Honor From Sigma
Lamp and Cross, honorary senior
Five fellowships and nine scholarDelta Chi
fraternity, pledged ten men who are
ships in the graduate school at the
University were announced Saturday
Victor R. Portmann, instructor in outstanding juniors at the University,
by Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of journalism and faculty advisor, as at a dance given by that organization
the graduate school.
Only one fellowship and two scholarships went to students out of the
state. The others were scattered
through Kentucky; three of the schol
arships were awarded to students who
live in Lexington.
Those honored were as follows
Fellowships J. L. Miller, Brooksville,
agriculture; William E. Spicer, Danville, Va., chemistry; William K
Smith, Louisville, metallurgy; James
Greek, and
W. Singer, Georgetown,
Roy H. Ousley, Bowling Green, politiScholarships
cal science.
Spicer, Lexington, engineering; Wil
liam L. Maschmeyer, Paducah, metal
lurgy; Lucile Gay Naff, Lexington,
English; C. A. Poole, Lexington, physics; Thomas D. Clark, University of
Mississippi, history; Harry L. Dillin,
Hammond, N. Y., mathematics; Russell Smith Park, Richmond, mathematics; Margaret B. Tandy, Murray,
English, and Samuel S. Shawhan,

the campus lulletin.for the year
They succeed Misses Eula
Webb and Pauline Carpenter who
have had charge of the bulletin for
the past year. The new editors will
assume their duties next week. The
bulletin is issued every week and contains announcements and news items
of the University.
Georgetown, engineering,
1928-192- 9.

Hold Split-teaDebate on
Coolidge Central America Policy; Richard Weaver Is Star.

well as national officer of Sigma Delta Chi, international honorary journalistic fraternity, received word this
week that, of the ten annual awards
given to seniors by the national committee, four have come to students of
this university. The seniors to receive this reward are Lydia Roberts,
Martha Connell, John Bullock, and
Neil Plummer.
The purpose of the award is to give

Saturday night in the Men's gymna
A dinner was given at the Phoenix
hotel at 7:30 o'clock for members of
the chapter and their friends. The
dance immediately followed and all
University students were invited to


The men pledged to the organiza
tion are Elmer Gilb, Newport; Wil
Clair Dees,
to liam Glanz, Louisville;

recognition and encouragement
high scholarship among the students
Stuwho arc studying journalism.
dents. are chosen on the basis of their
scholastic average for their first three
years in college and who stand in the
highest ten per cent of their graduating journalism class.
The successful candidates will receive a Sigma Delta Chi scholarship
award certificate and have the pnvi
lege of wearing the gold schorship
key. The students here receiving the
awards have standings of 3, 2.9, 2.8,
and 2.7,

Lexington; Waller Jones, Lexington;
John Dundon,
Munyan, Lexington; Henry Maddox,
Shelbyville; James Shropshire, Lexington; Beverly Waddill, Madison-villand Carroll E. Byron, Owings- -



'The Objectives of Heating and
Ventilating," was the subject of the
principal address delivered Wednes
day, by A. C. Willard, professor of
mechanical engineering at the University of Illinois and president of
the American Society of Heating and
Ventilating Engineers, before the College of Engineering weekly convocation in Dicker hall.
Professor Willard was introduced
by F. Paul Anderson, dean of the
College of Engineering, who also in
troduced the other speakers: Thornton
Lewis, president of the York Heating
and Ventilating Society of Philadelphia and vice president of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers; A. J. Cary, sales engineer of the York Heating and Ventilating Society, Dr. McVey, presi
dent of the University of Kentucky,
and Mr. Boles of Philadelphia.
In his address, Willard, whom Dean
Anderson introduced as the "Lindbergh" of heating and ventilating,
said that there were only two objectives of heating and ventilating, biological and commercial, both of which
have vast frontiers that must be extended only by men trained in engineering.

of the active chapter are
Oscar Stoesser. president; Charles
Several articles of clothing have been
Wert, Paul Jenkins, James
way. John Rice 'Bullock, William found and are now in the dean of
Gess, Leonard Neil Plummer, Richard men's office awaiting their owner.
Mcintosh. Lerov Miles, and L. M. If you have lost anything please call
at once, yours may be among them.



Two Mediocre Playing Baseball
Aggregations Play on Stoll
Field Saturday
Gilb Will Hold Shortstop

Large Attendance Expected; No
Plays to Be Presented
Next Season

Roller Skating Derby
To Be Held Saturday




The final Romany play of the season, "The Whip of Fire," by Girdler
Fitch, opens in the Romany theater
Monday night, May 14, for a week of
The cast is.
nightly performances.
headed by Jeanette Lampert and Prof.
R. D. Mclntyre. The remainder of the
personnel of the cast includes Alvin
Hammel, Elsworth Perrin, Mrs. T. T.
Jones, Miss Caroline Speyer, Bennett
Tucker, James E. Gates, and Ollie M.
The plot concerns itself with the
revolutionary theories of Dr. Barton,
a young psychiatrist, who believes
that all crime might be eliminated by
observing people with criminal tendencies, and locking them up as soon
as they appear to be dangerous
enough to be apt to commit any crime.
Professor Mclntyre is cast as Dr.
Barton, Miss Lampert playing opposite him as Lucette, the doctor's fiancee. The play is said to portray a
psychological reaction such as was
the case in "Outward Bound," except
that the emotional manifestations are
more tangible than in the previous
play. The plot marches through the
thrilling sequences of a murder, the
hunt for the killer, and a happy ending of a perfectly logical nature. The
play possesses none of the triteness of
the typical murder play, yet surpasses
its thrills and action without straining the credulity of the audience at
any moment.
The play is to be the .last to given
by Romany for at least a year, since
Professor Sax, the director of the
players, has obtained a leave of absence from the University for next
year in order that he may enter the
school of fine arts at Yale. Professor
Sax is being assisted in the direction
of the play by Jeanette Lampert.


and Covington or France-waSecond


Two teams which have played indifferently during a hectic season in
Kentucky intercollegiate baseball will
meet tomorrow afternoon on Stoll
Field diamond.
The Wildcats and
Eastern Normal were supposed to
have played a game in Richmond earlier in the season but the contest was
postponed on account of rain.
Eastern Normal and Kentucky both
have defeated other teams in the
state and both have lost about half
of their games this season. Kentucky has defeated Centre and the
University of Louisville by decisive
scores, the former by 13 to 0, and the
latter by 12 to 4 and 13 to 2. Eastern
Normal has defeated Centre Transylvania, and Georgetown. The Wildcats have just returned from Tennessee where they made an unimpressive
showing against the Pressman's
Home team, winning Saturdays game
by a score of 10 to 6, and losing the
game the day before by a large margin of runs. There is no favorite in
the game tomorrow.
Both entries
are dark horses.
In the games at Tennessee, Robert
Rhoads. continued to perform in his
briliant manner on the mound, acting
as relief pitcher in the first game and
ascending the mound in the second to
win his own game. "Lefty" McGary,
after an impressive showing against
Minnesota, weakened in the seventh
inning and allowed the opposition six
runs. He had replaced Wert whe
was knoc kid out of the box in the
Robert Rhoads
probably will be selected by Coach
Fred Major to do mound duty tomorrow.
Jeffries Not With Squad
The team suffered one loss after the
Tennessee trip when Irvine Jeffries,
shortstop and a skillful baseball player, ceased playing with the team. This
large gap left by him in the front
line defense will be filled by Elmer
Gilb who is accustomed to filling gaps
as fullback on the football team. He
is benig shifted from second base to
this position and his own shoes will
be filled by Covington or Franceway.
will remain
The rest of the line-u- p
the same with Ropke, Layman, and
Rhoads in the outfield, with Cole and
Croach at first base and third base,
respectively, and with Goodwin behind
the plate.

Debate Team Tryouts
Set For Tuesday Night
Professor Sutherland Announces
International Debate With
Cambridge Next Year
Tryouts for the University debat
ing team of 1928-2- 9 will be held Tues
day night at 7:30 o'clock in the Little
Theatre in White hall, Prof. William
R. Sutherland, coach of the team, announced.
Three .faculty judges will
decide who will best represent the
University in ivs schedule of ensuing
Professor Sutherland also announc
ed that in the last week of November
or the first week of December the
University representatives would en
gage in another international debate
in Lexington, this time with Cam
bridge. The tentative subject for this
debate is "War is the natural and inevitable outgrowth of inquisitive, so
During the last debating season the
University team engaged in 15 debates. The schedule was:
National Union of Students of Great
Britain team, representing the Lon
don School of Economics and Political
Sciences, Reading University and
University, November 30,
in the Men's gymnasium; Centre College, Dr. A. G. Weidler critic judge,
giving the decision to Kentucky; Berea College, at Paris and at Mt. Sterling; Northwestern University, at the
Lexington courthouse and at
Nicholasville and Richmond;
University of Tennessee, at Knoxville;
Vanderbilt University, at Winchester,
Mt. Sterling, Versailles. Harrodsburg
and Georgetown; Transylvania College.


'Cat Trackmen Leave
For Conference Meet
Coach Bernie Shively and seven of
his best track and field performers
left Lexington at 9:50 last night
for Birmingham, Ala., where
they wilL participate in the annual
Southern Conference track and field
meet today and tomorrow.
Trials for all the sprints and runs
in the conference meet for a distance
less than the mile will be held today,
and the contestants not making the
runs in a specified time will be disqualified for participation tomorrow
when the finals will be held.
The men who made the trip are
Capt. Bill Gess, Thomasson, Owens,
Dohrman, Akin, Root and Kavanaugh.
Gess will run the half mile and the
relay, Thomasson the half mile and
relay, Owens the mile and relay,
Dohrman the two mile, Akin the relay, Root the high and low hurdles
and Kavanaugh will put the shot and
throw the discus,





James Park,


Action Allowed By Faculty Committee in 1903 Thanksgiving
Game Is Censured by Vote of




L. Kirk, '24

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Wm. H. Townsend, 12

Walter Hillenmeyer, '11
Wayland Rhodes, '15
W. C. Wilsen, '13

University of Kentucky

Program of the Commencement Season
to the Twenty-Eight- h
Nineteen Hundred Twenty-Eig-

of May

Twenty-Thir- d




Military Field Day


Parade of students selected to enter the Advanced Course
Awarding of Prizes
Pass in Review




Senior Ball in the University Gymnasium, 9 p. m.




Class Day
Breakfast to the Senior Class given by President and Mrs. McVey
at Maxwell Place, 8:30 a. m.
Reunion of Class of 1908, Little Theater, 9 a. m.
Class Day Exercises on the Campus, 10 a. m.
Meeting of Board of Trustees, President's Office, 11:30 a. m.
President and Mrs. McVey at home to Alumni and Guests,
Maxwell Place, 4 to 6 p. m.

Class of 1908 Banquet, Palm Room, Phoenix Hotel, 6:30 p. m.




Baccalaureate Services, University Gymnasium, 3:30 p. m.,
President Frank LeRond McVey, presiding
Address to the Graduating Class by Dr. Harland H. Pitzer,
Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Lexington
Concert by Combined University Bands, University Gymnasium,
4:45 p. m.





Exercises, University Gymnasium, 10 a. m.
Procession will form in front of the President's house



9:30 a. m.

Address by Doctor Alfred Horatio Upham,
President of Miami University
Conferring the Degrees and Announcement of Honors by
President Frank LeRond McVey
Luncheon in Honor of Speakers, Guests of Honor, Board of
Trustees, Alumni and Seniors, Patterson Hall, 1 p. m.
Meeting of Alumn Association, Patterson Hall, 3 p. m.


Enclosed find my check for $3.00 for dues

for 1928-2-






University of Kentucky Club of
Greater Cincinnati: Luncheon at
noon on first Saturday in each
month at Industrial Club, Pike
Madison avenue, Covington, Ky.
Note Will the officers of other
Alumni Clubs please send us the
dates and places of their regular
University of Kentucky Club of
Chicago: Luncheon third Monday
of each month at 12:30 p. m., in
the grill room of Marshall Field's
Men's Store.
The Louisville Alumni Club of
the University : Luncheon first Saturday in each month at the Brown
hotel, 12:30 p. m.

Alumni Assn.

Special Rental Rates to Students



Opp Courthouse

Brief Summary of Year's Work
Is Published for Those Who'
Are Unable to Attend Annual






Business Meeting.



Since there are a great number of
Alumni who will not be able to attend

the annual business meeting of the
Up to this time it has been
to consult the daily flies of the
Alumni Association, space is being
local papers in order to obtain the
taken this week to give a short resurecord of the games along with the
me of the work that has been done
list of the players.
in the alumni office during the year.
The issuance of the college annual
Taking the year as a whole there
had not yet become an established
has been some improvement in the
practice and the yearly alumni publiWhile
affairs of the association.
cations generally omitted all references to athletics.
ALUMNUS IS GOVERNOR'S AIDE there has been nothing spectacular
there has been a steady growth and
Henceforth, however, the Univerthe interest of
sity possesses in its own contemporban Maxweu neavrin, who was gradual increase in membership this
ary archives a tolerably complete graduated from the College of Law the members. The
history of athletics in regard to of the University with the class of year is a little larger than that of
schedules, scores and placers,, and 1923, recently assumed his new duties last and the financial condition of
the reader will be referred to these as aide to Governor Flem D. Samp the association, as was the case last
for detailed records relating to such son. The appointment was made by year, is fairly healthy. There are no
the governor. Mr. Heavrin has been outstanding debts and when the busiAt the close of the 1903 football practicing his profession in Hartford ness of this year is closed up there
season, the faculty committee on ath since being graduated from the Uni will be a small surplus. Not, howletics was investigated by a com- versity. He was married to Miss Mar ever, large enough to be used effec
mittee of the board of trustees. De- tha C. Pate '24, on June 1,1925. They tively for the University but large
spite a very able defense in person by have moved to Frankfort where they enough to make possible a more in
tensive campaign for members next
Richard Stoll and Clay Elkin, the will live in the future.
findings of the committee were adto the committee on athletics
The University Is rapidly taking
Its action in the
for the faculty.
on a newer and greater importance
Thanksgiving game affair was con
to the people of the state. There is
demned by the board and a vote of
an ever increasing feeling of friendli
censure passed upon it.
ness being shown toward the Univer
James Edward Parker, Jr., B
The faculty committee remained in