xt7tx921cx42 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cx42/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1957-04-may22-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1957-04-may22-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1957-04-may22-ec. 1957 1957-04-may22-ec. 2011 true xt7tx921cx42 section xt7tx921cx42 

          Minutes of thle Mee'tl:g of the E Kecutive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the Tnniversitv of Kent-u.cky, May 22, 195-.

          The Executive Committee o the 'Board of Truistees of the .*niversity
met in the Presidernt s O .ce at 9:30 a.i., CST , Wednesday, Mav 22, i957,
with the following members present: P, P. HLobson, Chairman; Louis Cox and
Harper Gat.ton.. Absent, Dr. Ralph T. Angelucci and j. Stephen Wa`kins.
President Frank z.. Djckev ard Seczetarv Frank D. Peterson met with the
Cornmittee .

         A. Approval of Minutes.

         Upor motion duly made, secocnded and carried, the min.lutes of the
Executive Committee of March i., 195', were approved as published.

         B. Financial Report

         Vice President Peterson made the financial report for the ten-months
period ended April 30, 1957. The report consisted of a balance sheet for cur-
rent funds, restricted, piant and othe- funds. A statement of realized and
unrealized income was given, as we,' as a report on departmental appropria-
tions, expenditures and encumbrances.

         Each member examined t-he report and, being advised, upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the financial report was received and filed.

         C. Various Purchases Approved.

         M.Ar. Peterson subm~tted a '.1st of purchases made from rianuary 1,
1957, through March 31, 1957, and advised that a"l purchases had been made
in accordance with approved policy of the Board of Trustees, and that the docu-
ments were available for examiaticn,  .,e recommended confirmation ard

         pon motion duly made, seconded arnd carried,

         State Requisitions,                : nclusive Nos. 660-980
         Emergencies State                  I Inclusive Nos. 190-272
         Special Orders          O          Inclusive Nos. 5541-6632
         Job Order Vouchers   q             Inclusive Nos, 6647-7031
         Stores Vouchers         I. inclusive Nos. 17'73-2359
         Vouchers .. ... ,,.       ...... I. inclusive No, I - 6404
         Orders-by-Letter  ..,........ lclusive Nos. 1      544
         Emergency Purchase Orders    .,   Inc. Nos. M-384  - M-538
                                                      PR-453 - PR-752
                                                      N-335  N s- 461
         Athletic Orders   .I .        ..nclusive Nos. 67-*05



were confirmed. ratified and approved.

          D. injuries, -- ' Taylor, GriffL!n. Henderson, Hess.

          Mr. Peterson submitted doctor' s and hospital bil-ls for services
rendered to Louis G., Taylor, He advised thast Mr. Taylor had in 1952 in-
jured his spine and had from ti.me to time been urder the care of a physician.
Upon the advice of various doctors, -ncluding Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Mr.
Taylor received surgery to re-ieve pressure on a nerve in his back, The n--
voice was rendered by Dr. Ralph . Angelucci for examination, x-ray-lumbo-
sacral spine, operation and pos~.-opera:ive care, in 'he amount of $Z72. 00O
St. joseph Hospital rendered invoice for room, board ard general care in
the amount of $224, 20,  Dr, Charles Mo`.Ier rendered an invoice for anesthesia
in the amount of $35, 00,  Mr, Peterson recommended that the claims be paid
with the expressed understanding that t1he 7niversity does not admit negligence
nor liability..

          Members being advised, on motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the clai4ms listed were authorized paid, with t!e expressed understanding that
the University does not admit negligence nor liabili'y.

          Mr. Peterson reported an accident on February 16, 1957, in the
kitchen of Boyd Hall to Mr. E .helbert Griffin, an employee of the Women, s
Residence Halls..  Mr. Griffin struck hIs head on the door of a metal fuse box,
cutting a deep gash that req-aired immediate attenrtion,  He reported to the
Emergency Room of the Good Samaritan Hospita.' for treatment.  Dr. D. Mo
Royalty performed the necessary medical. services and submitted an invoice
for $10.00.  The Hospital submi tted bill for $6. 75 for the use of the Emergency
Room,   Mr, Peterson recommended that the account be paid, with the ex-
pressed understanding that the TJniversuly does not admit negligence nor liabil-,

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the two invoices
were authorized paid with the expressed understanlding that the Ulniversity does
not admif negligence nor liability in paying these bills.

          Mr. Peterson reported an accident to Mlr. ,rohn A. Henderson, a
janitor in the Division of Mainteriarce and Operaktions.  The accident occurred
on January 7, 1957, in the basement of tbhe Coliseum-Swimming Pool. He was
putting Celite Powder in the swimming pool ealaipment, A rype of explosion
resulted,  Powder was blown into his eyes, causing an irritation of both eyes.
The University Health Service washed out his eyes and called Dr. Claude W.
Trapp, who rendered the necessary medical service..  Dr. Trapp submitted
an invoice for $10, 00. Mr. Peterson recommended that the account be paid
with the expressed understanding that the U.1niversity does not admit negligence
nor liability,

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the invoice of Dr.
Trapp was authorized paid, wvith the expressed understanding that the University
does not admit negligence nor liabilityv in -he payment of this account,



          Mr. Peterson reported an acc.den. ;o Mvr. E. Walter Hess, an em-
ployee of the Division of Maintenance and Opera'lons.  The accident occurred
on March 20. 1957, under the Social Sciences building, Mr., Hess was spray-
ing for termites when the hose on the container he was using broke and insecti-
cide was blown into his right eye.  The UnIversity Health Service washed out
his eye and sent him to see Dr., Claude W_. Trapp who rendered medical
service.  Dr. Trapp submitted invoice for $5, 00 for medical services rendered.
Mr. Peterson recommended that the account- be paid, with the expressed un-
derstanding that the n' iversity does not adrnm.t negligence nor liability in pay-
ing the billk

          On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee
concurred in the recommendation, with the rnderstanding that the University
does not admit negligence nor liability in connection with this account or by paying
this claim.

          E. ncrease of' Fees for Nurserv Schooi.

          Mu. Peterson submitted a recommendation concerning the University
Nursery School, operated by the School of Home Economics, He stated the
school is set up to take care of 13 children per semester and is staffed by one
assistant professor, one instructor, a maid or cook a.nd some student help.
The current fee is $50. 00 per semester per child and $10. 00 per summer session
per child.  With the approval of Associate Dean Wall of the College of Agri-
culture and Home Economi-cs and the concurrence of the Director of the School
of Home Economics, Doctor Marlat.t, Mr. Peterson recommended that the fees
be increased to $60. 00 per semester and $i5, 00 per summer session,, effective
for the summer session, 1957.

          Members of the Committee discussed the recommendation, Upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried; they approved the fee of $60. 00
per semester and $15, 00 per summer session, effective June, 1957.

          F. Assigment of Copyright, South from Heli-Fer-Sartin.

          Mr. Peterson reported that Mr. Bruce F, Denbo, Director of the
University of Kentucky Press. ha.d recommended sale of about 500 copies of
the book, South from Hell-Fer-,Sartin by Leonard Roberts, including assign-
ment of copyright, 'to tI e CouncT1T`ohe Southern Mountains, inc. , of Berea,
Ky.  The price is $800.00- Mr. Peterson stated that the book is now sell-
ing at the rate of about 60 copies per year and *' would be eight or ten years
before we could sell the remainder of these copies, even if the current rate
should continue,  By disposing of these copies, we would gain space now used
by the books and would have $80C. 00 immediately to invest in other scholarly
studie s,  The $800. 00 will reimburse the University for all capital outlay
in connection with publication of the book and we shall have made a contribu-
tion to the literary field.  President. DMckey concurred in the recommenda-



          Jpon motion duly made, seconded a:-.d carried, the Vice President
was authorized to sell to the Council of .he Southern Mountains, Inc. , of Berea,
Ky. , the remaining copies of South from Hell-FertSartin for $800. 00 and to
assign the copyright on the booed

          Go Purchase of Various Proper.xes

          Mr. Peterson recommended purchase of house and lot at 426 Columbia
Avenue from Mr., and Mrs. MManvle M. Duncan for the sum of $8. 000. 00. The
lot is 36 feet wide and '85-7 feet deep..  The house consists of sx rooms and
bath,  it fronts on Columbia Avenue and extends to the alley in the rear.. The
house is constructed of wood. the roof is good? and the house is in fair state
of repair..

          Mr. Peterson recommended purchase of a lot and four hoiuses located
on the east side of Sellers Street in Prafltown for the sum of $800. 00 from
Esther Greenfield, through Virginia C. Wolking, Agent.. He stated that the
four small residences, not in a good state of repair, were situated on a lot
having 118k feet on the nort!h side, 881 feet, on the sooUth s:ide, 51. 7 feet at one
end and 96, 6 feet at the other end.

          Mr. Peterson recommended the purchase of house and lot at 166
Virginia Avenue from Mrs, MinniLe L. Moore, for the sum of $19,000.00, This
lot has a seven-room weatherboarded house and two utility houses.  These are
situated on a lot having a front footage of 108- feet on the north side, 117 feet
on the south side, 463-i feet on the east side and 466 feet on the west side,
This is a very fine piece of property.  It ioins the building owned by the Kens
tucky Seed Stocks Association. 7t 'S within about 400 feet of the Experiment
Station property,

         Mr. Peterson recommended purchase of house and lot at 508 Rose
Street from Mr, and Mrs. J, B. Campbell for $8, 800. 00.  The property is
between Columbia and Clifton Avenues and has a front footage of 30 feet and
a depth of 1.40 feet. There is a six.-room house with bath..

         Mr. Peterson recommended purchase of a house and lot at 414 Rose
Street on the corner of Rose Street and Rose Lane from Mr. John R. Dale,
for the sum of $20, 000, 00.  Tlhis property has a one and one-half story
frame residence with garage, a front footage of 50 feet and a depth of 150
feet,  This is a strategic piece of property and can be traded to the West-
minster Foundation Board for property in the 500 block on Rose Street. Memo
bers of the Committee., President Dickey and Mr. Peterson discussed the above
recommendati.ons and the des-irabil ty of the 'Tniversity acquiring the property.

          upon motion. duly made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer was
authorized to purchase the property at 508 Rose Street for $8, 800 00;  426
Columbia Avenue for $8.00  00; 166 V IrgInia Avenue for $19,000. 00,; 414 Rose
Street for $20, 000; and the houises on Selters Street in Pralltown for $800, (0
and pay for same w-ith Haggin Fund monev.



          H. Purchase of Property at 510 and 514 Rose Street as an Exchange
for University Property at 412 and 414 Rose Street.

          Mr. Peterson stated that the Westminster Foundation Board (Presby-
terian) owned two adjoining lots on Rose Street, Nos. 510 and 514, These lots
have a weatherboarded house on each, a front footage of 40 feet and a depth of
185 feet, which cost the Foundation approximately $29, 000. He stated that
the University had requested the officers of the Westminster Foundation Board
not to construct a student center house on this property since the University
desired to acquire the property in this area for academic purposes, the lots
having a depth of 150 feet and a. front footage of 50 feet each,

         President Dickey, members of the Committee and Mr. Peterson dis-
cussed the advisability of acquiring property in the 500 block and the obligation
that the Westminster Foundation Board felt might exist by reason of their de-
ferring construction. Theydiscussed the value of the property and, being
duly advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the exchange,
at even trade, of University property at 412 and 414 Rose Street for the prop-
erty owned by the Westminster Foundation Board at 510 and 514 Rose Street
was approved and authorized.

         I. Approval of Degrees of Graduates at Mlay Commencement, 1957.,

         President Dickey submitted the list of candidates for degrees at the
May Commencement, 1957, and recommended that they be authorized granted
with the concurrence of the Faculty. He submitted the list.




Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Lois Mae Ailer.
Lenore Abnev Baber
William Cain Ballantine
Ralph Thompson Ballard
Anne Winsnmore Beard
Donald Beckett
James Thomas Belcher
Kenneth David Bell
Edward Church Blackwell
Joe Earle Blalock
Frederick Walter Bond
Angelo Augusto Borras
William Gale Bradley, Jr,
Arthur Leroy Brooks, Jr.
John Young Brown, Jr.
Tames Hewitt Byrdwell
Mary Watson Campbell
Albert Benjamin Chandler, Jr.
Leonard Stanley Chauvin, Jr.
Alva Chrisman
William Kennet-h Clark
Jane Boggs Cole
Yandell Beckham Collins, Jr.
Judith Wyles Crow
Frances Gertrude Edney
Carole Ann Ehleben
Edward Walker Eversole
Cortez Francis
Bettie Dean Gabehart
George Ellen Gay
Otis Edward Gibson
Fredrick Henry Goldbecker, Jr.
Carolyn Graham
Douglas Charles Grant
James Baker Hall
Lois Cammack Hall
Graydon Oliver Hambrick, Jr.
Ka tharine Harelson
Ellis Killinger Harkieroad
Roger Allen Harrington
Harriet Hatchell
Julie Ann Hawkins
Margaret Gay Hodgkin
Patricia Ann Hoffman
Bobby Jeweill Holt
James Edward Horner
William Kenney Houston
Martin Lewis Huffaker

ane.' Charlton Hummel
Linza Bernard inabni-
Jeannette H.1.i Tennings
Richard Thomas Jennings
Marilyn Evans Jones
Mary Ann Kuuilack
Elizabeth Allan Thomas Kuster
Nancy Arnold Leek
Richard Leroy Lehman
Gary Randall Leslie
Laleah Neil Logan
Normra Jean M./cBurney
Martha Carolyn McClain
Marian Dulanev McCleliand
Simpson Elliott McConkey
Dorothy Mitchell Mack
Betsy Lou Marquis
Dayton Harris Matlick
arames Kolb Miles
Jack Lee Mil ler
George Arlington Moore
Mary Evelyn Neel
Ja-ck Harper Norris, Jr.
Elizabeth Patricia Nurney
Lucy Kirk Moberley Oaks
~.ane Boswell Patterson
Barba rane lle Pax ton
Sandra Jane Peterson
Moira Burns Quinn
Hughes Hami-ton Rice, Jr.
Patri.cia Ward Richards
Ann Louise Foster Rives
Barbara Jear Roberts
Mi'ldred Ann Rohdenburg
Paul Mart.i Ross
Robert Montgomery Saxton
Carl Ray Seale
Ann Adelaide Shelton
Sonla Alexander Shine
Suzanne Shively
Mary .oan Sh'ort
James Marion Silvers
Nancy Lee Smoot
David Vernon Stewart
Donald lames Stewart
John Strachan
J:ean Carole Suter
Walter Thomas Swetnam


Nancy Shattack Taylor
Bruce Harris Terrell
Tamara Thompson
Jane Ellen Thornburg
Barry Lyran Wall
Donald Adron Wallace
I. Jay Weaver
Beti Ethel Webb
James Richard Webb
Suzanne Whilden Webb

Earl Richard Wessell
Robert Maurice White
Thomas Wayne White
Ella Sue Whitlow
Marcia Elaine Wilder
John Marion Williams
Kenneth Walter Williams
Duane Edward Williamso':
Davi.d Jioseph Wolfe

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Louis Calvin Baker
Frederick Wallace Bennett
Coyet Bolen
Lowell Eugene Brandenburg
James Walter Brooks
Charles Mathew Bump
William 7ohn Col'is
Roland Combs
Harry Lee Conley, Jlr.
John Irwin Cooper
Willia.m Graves Davidson
Bobby Miller DeWeese
Joseph Alexander Ferguson
George Logan Foster
John Robert Freeman
Elizabeth Joan Fritz
Ronald Nolan Gordon
Mark Edward Gormley
Robert Lewis Hamby
Earl Samuel Handley, Jr.
Charles Edward Harris
William Morris Hendrickson
Curtis Delano Herron
William Warren Hoffman
Robert Milton Huffaker
Michael 0 Leary Hunt
Reedes Hurt
Ovid Marion Johnson, Jr.

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in

Peggy Joyce Adams
Marvin Davidson Beard .I

Thomas Morris Jones
William Carl Kempster
Paul Lewis Kiefer
George Griffith King, Jr.
Sandra Kay Kitchen
Benjamin Han Lim
Ooyce Marlene Lutz
David Foster McAnelly
Robert Francis McCarthy
Charles Thomas McCullough, Jr.
Warren G. McHargue
Sallie Ann Morrow
Thomas Henry .Morrow
George Lawrence Parsons, Jr.
Rebecca Restrepo
Willard Eugene Rubarts
Robert Patrick Schiavone
Thomas Joseph Schneider
Thoinas Earl Shown
Sandra Lea Skinner
Charles Lee StephlensJ1r,.
Gene Allen Thomas
Dan Freeman Travis
lTames Kenneth Vincent
Alva. Challie Ward
Robert Norman Watkins
Erlyn Merl Wright.


Roger Malcolm Crump


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Music

Eugenie Baird
Carl Otto Bleyle
Ouida Anne Farmer
Faye Marie Gibson
Georgia Anderson Hill
Merle Ruth McIntosh
Joseph Harold Nave

Leona Kaye Parker
Charles Howard Sampson
Charles Kessler Sims
Emily Clyde Walter
Faith Emily Way
Robert Wayne Wills

Candidates for 'he Degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical TI'echnologv

Barbara Joan Blevins
Virginia Grinstead Depp
Dewey j1ohnson justice
Betty Don Shay Mulberry

Patricia Ann Nichols
Lora Lou Southwood
Marian Lor.,ne Whitesel
Mary Lynn Wolf


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Robert Paul Arnold
Ranny Lee Ayer
John Carl Bach
Orville Barkley Baird
Leroy Baker
Marcus Randall Barnett
Kenneth Clarke Bean
Billy Joe Bennett
Beverly Lynne Botsford
Garnett Lowell Bradford
John Herold Bundy, Jr.
John Curtis Burgess
Arlen V. Burton
Lloyd Lee Cain
Stewart McBrayer Calvert
William Francis Carroll III
James Donald Casey
Gaylord Reid Caswell
Ernest Lyle Clifford
Jerry Cobb Colley
Jlimmey Dow Cornbest
Theodore Rudy Conway
Maurice Gayle Cook
James William Cox
Irving Crosby, Jr.
Richard Emmitt Crutcher
Marvin Edward Davidson

Alvin Taylor Davis, Jrr.
Miller Lloyd Doyle
William Robert Dunham
Wilbert Harold Earley
William J ames Evans
Arlis Bailey Faulkner
Robert Warren Featherston., Jro
Finnell Lowell Fields
Roy Duvali Gibson
Carroll Don Godby
James Lois Goodlet
Wayne Hughes
Richard Harold Jett
Ray Edwin Johnson
Paul Gene Kyle
Thomas Leland Lyne,Jr.
Alvin Guy McAneily
Charles Robert McDowell
William Lucas Maddox
,ames Sloane Mobberly, Jr.
Earl Griggs Moore, Jr.
George Wendell Mountjoy
Edward Ray Netherland
Thomas Albert Noe
Walter Gibson Norris
Marvin Jean Powers
William Kendrick Robertson



Wilmoth Arnold Rock
Alfredo Sanchez Rubirosa
Frank Charles Schneider
Wilbur Shif let
James Thomas Shirley
Michael Lee Sloane
Jack Handy Snyder
William Franklin Soards
Thomas Gordon Sparks
Ernie Martin Spencer
james Allen Stevens
Donald Lee Stowl
J. W. Story
Leslie Carl Swanson
Maurice Dale Trivette

Candidates for the Degree
      Home Ec.onomics

Truman Turner
Char-,es Gifford Varney
Harold Cash Vaught
Victor Lee Vaught
Frederick Dale Watson
james Earl Wells
Omer Allen Wheat
Roger Bou'lter Wiedeburg
Wil'liam Lawrence Wiesman
Archie C. Williams
Henry Russell Wilson
William Edward Withers
Max Terry Woolum
Allen Dearen Young
Ben Guithrie Zaring

of Bachelor of Science in

Patricia Lynn Bailey
Sylvia Mewburn Bentley
Eleanor Ann Botts
Betty jean Burgin
Mary Ballou Burns
Ella Mae Chapman
Elizabeth Frances Clay
Mary Ruth Cochran
Josephine Barbara Colees
Mattie Lavon Cooksey
Sondra Jo Cowgill
Patricia Ann Warrington Craft
Juanita Sue Cravens
Delores Arnnetta Dargavell
Vera Scott Dawson
Mary john Diamands
June Greathouse Dickinson
Lois Ruth Frev
Patsy Anne Giasscock
Orpha Fern Gosser
Elva J:oyce Hail
Frances Coi.e Haydon
Josephine Alice Prichard Hildebrand
Willa Sandra Hlpp
Joann Ingels

Elizabeth Lee Potter Jordan
Mary Cordelia Kelly
Nora Lee Kennedy
Lois Marilyn Lindsey
Ann Rose Lordi
t;ane Farwell Loyd
Aleece Gwen. Maggard
Cecilia. Kate Mahood
Nancy Br't.Fain McKinley
Marilyn McNulty
,Tane Mitchell
Katherine Akers Moore
Nancy Lee Penn
Lois Lane Lamkin Pinguely
PhvlLis Ann Sanderfur
Evelyn Loretta Seithers
Barbara Tatum Shelton
Fredda Sue Short
Mary Lois Stone Summers
7anice Fern Taylor
Dorothy Ann Thomas
,o Anne Trivette
Norma Irene Weiss
Angela Mae Youmans




                    COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science 'in Civil Engineer'ng

Milton Charles Beattie
William Boyle Blount
Robert Knight Capito
Billy Keith Castleberry
JIohn Green Charles
Larry C. Chu-ng
William Thomas Codell
Bruce Lyon Cole
Donald Cooksey
Nathan Wayne Coomes
Kenneth CottFen
Bert Cox, Jr,
Arthur Saiathiel Curtis, Jr.
Warren Joseph Deatrick
Richard Eugene DeLozier
Thomas Robert Deye
William Fred Diersing
Howard Tudson Dohrman
William Dorris Frost
Kenneth Edwin Glass
James Lee Gresham
Brocton Oliver Griggs
Harold Clifton Hanson
Steven Earl Harris
James Lesije Heaberlin
Charles J. Henry, Jr.
Arthur Dean Hickerson
Gayle Franklin Horn
Willie Dale Jones
Charles Herbert King, Jr.
Edgar Hetzel Lambert

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

William Martin Luebbers
Henry George Luken, Jr.
Roy William McCowan
BilLy Grant McKinney
  Ina Leeomo Mason
  Tohn Thoma s Milton
  William Turner Montgomery
  Charles L. Murphy
  William Bryant Oaks
  Hal Gordon Perry
  Joseph Jackson Pettus
  Robert Thoma.s Pruett
  Elbert Carroll Ray
  TIerry Malcom Regani
  Anthony Wayne Roberts
  james Allan Roberts
  Anse' Russe'll Romine
  Boyce Dew Ross
  Thomas Shuck
  Robert Hutchen Sparks
  Arthur Beauchamp Taylor
  William Ray Thomas
  Orville Ray Threlkeld
  Darrell Alves Veach
  Robert Anthony Walsburger
  Jerry Ballard Watson
  Carroll Williams
  Donald Lee Williams
  Jack Shelby Williams
  Wallace Beecher Winstead
  Jack. Young

in Electrical Engineering

Paul Charles Bayruns
Daniel Glen Begley
James Minor Bicknell
Aubrey Leroy Bondurant
Charles Curtis Chadwick
Thomas Alan Childers
Donald Raymond Clark
James Franklin Dean
Delno Calvin Decker
James Dickson Ewen
Neil Jerome Falley
Donald Ray Fugette
Franklin R. Gnau
James Edward Goff
WiliJam Milton Grim

Tandy Young Haggard
Courtney Hall
Paul Clifton Hallett
Kenneth Darrell Handy
Charles Leslie Hopk-ins
George Reid Hucaby
Richard Lee Hudson
Hubert Harold Huie
Lester Hurst
J.oel David igleheart
Henry Thomas jaggers
Hubert J7 ent
Billie Elton Johnson
Carl Foster Johnson
Robert Kenneth Nones


Daniel Adams Kelly
Donald Frederick Kizzee
Edward Miller Lassiter
Donald Lewris Lust
Virg:X Lee Maners
Ernest David Marshall
Jack Kenneth Ma.y
Ray Moore
Louis Baxter Morgan
Joseph Crittenden Mynk
Albert Louis Osborne
Robert Lee Pace
William Ryle Presser
Ronald Herbert Riggs
Lloyd Ralph Roberts

Lee Boyd Russell, Jr.
Harry Douglas Shearer
John Richard Shrader
Bill Charles Spradlin
dame s David S toc k
Elvin Dean Sutton
John Burnett Tayior
Ray Harrison Thurmond
Howell Goebel Vick
Timmie Bertram Waddle
Daniel Edmund Wells
Marvin TI.homas Whalen
William Thomas Williams

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
      Mechanical Engeering

Ronald Neel Abraham
Harry Raymond Allen, Jr.
Joseph Jackson Arnett
Roy Donald Baldwin
Walter Raymond Barber
Erastus Nelson Bishop
Ronald David Bonnell
Robert Sidney Bowling
Richard Gordon Boyatt
Robert Eugene Burcham
Orner Guy Carter
Vincent Barry Cassilly
Robert Harold Compton
Charles Andrew Cothran
William Preston Cox
Paul Willia.m Cummins
jack Ronald Cyrus
Larry Joe Dickerson
Roger WIlliam Dickerson,
John Joseph Elsner
Franklin Delano Farney
Edwin Butler Fieldhouse
Robert Donald Green
Forrest Hall
Charles Earl Halstead
John Turner Humphrey
Jafar Hamoodi Kamoosi
Thomas Albert Keuper

                      Joseph Patrick Knight
                      George Douglas Krause
                      George Clark Letton, Jr.
                      names Albert Moore
                      Kenneth Robert Morrison
                      Charles Edward Neergaard
                      Joseph Simms 0' Daniel, Jr.
                      Paul Wallace O Daniel
                      William Earl O De;,l, Jr.
                      William Estel Privett
                      Robert Larue Reed
                      Marcel Charlot Reynolds
                      Jesse Colvin RyLes
                      Tohn Theodore Schmitt
                      Manuel Shewraaker
                      Charles Woolfolk Smith, Jr.
                      Philip Clements Spalding
                      Charles Floyd Staley
Jr.                   Ray Marion Stephenson
                      Richard Clarence Stich
                      Marion Bradford Thacker
                      Billy Ray Thompson
                      Wendell Franklin Thress, zJr
                      Robert John Tiller
                      Charles David Wade
                      John Reid Webster
                      Jimmy Lee Whitt
                      Alvin LeeRoy Wiftwer



1 2

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical

Edward Louis Bedell, Jr.
James William Morris

7ames Michael 'Tierney

Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Min'x-ing Engineering

Harold K. Franklin

                         COLLEGE OF LAW

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws

Arthur Eugene Abshire
William Eugene Bivin
William Charles Brafford, Jr..
Josef Leland Brewster
Gailen Wayne Bridges
Beauchamp Evans Brogan
Williarm Lee Brooks
Charles Lee Calk
Wayne Jackson Carroll
Robert Camillus Cetrulo
Jrames Earl Cooper
Gerald William Fuller
Luther Porter House, Jr.
Mercy! Merle Hurlburt
Ted Lewis Tgleheart
James Albert Jones
Lowell Walker Lundy
Martin Van Lawrence Mainous
Calvin Napier Manis

Lohren Fuhrman Martin, Jr.
Jacob Wil.iam Mayer
Robert Caywood Metcalf
Jamnes Francis Mi!.ler
Dale Charles Nathan
Henry Carroll Neel
William Piexce Runnels
Melvin Scott
Waller King Sibbald, Jr.
Donald. Brace Srmnth
Henry Robert Snyder
*.ames Bedford Stewart
Marvin Wilson Suit
Joe Lane Travis
Oliver Wendell Waddell
Hunter Byrd Whitesel.
J5ack Wylie Womack
George Washington Woodcock, Jr.

                      COLLEGE OF EDUCATION

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education

Susan Ann Bachmeyer
Ethyl Childs Bailey
May Hawkins Barnett
Bartie Uhrel Bates
Barbara Ann Baugh
Patsy Ann Beard

Robert King Bennett
Patricla Yvonne Blackburn
J.oy Sue Blevins
Be.tye Carol Frvyman Bradley
Robert Allen Baster
Donna Sue Callahbam



Betty Vonne Combs
Nancy Jaconette Combs
Patricia Booth Conway
Delmas Gene Curnutte
Lucy Marget Daniell
Mary Tippett Dan'el
Shirley Marie Wolford Daugherty
John Ful]ton Davis II
Harriet Adele Dlenstag
Mary Nancy Disher
Elizabeth Bell Dohrman
Glenn lTrey Dorroh, Jr,
Camille Todd Dutcher
Garnett, Faye Dyez
Margaret Lomuse Ebien
Ethel Mar.i.e Edwards
William Eugene Farley
Margaret Lois Farmer
Juan;ta Faulknei
Katheryn Marie Finch
Charles Millard Galloway
Betty Louise Gaskin
Thomas Elmer Gaston
Karen Diane Glass
Carolyn June Goodlett
Elbhanan Pete Grigsby, J.Tr.
Paul Edwin Griswold
Nancy J7acqueline Gurnett
Charles J. Harris
Ruth Elizabeth Harshbarger
Thomas Leonard Henry
Eva Nadine Hereford
Bernard Hiles, -Jr.
Eugenia Huddle
Jane Diete zich Huebner
Maurice Edse; Hard
Norma lean lsenberg
Alice Rose Brinegar Jackson
Ravenna 'Jacobs
Carol Ann Tarvis
Bessie Ada Johnson
Geraldine Cole Johnson
Kathryn Stackhcuse J.ohnson
Sue Carolyn Jolly
James Richard Jones
LaBe rnice Jones
Thomas Carl.`sle Jones
Suzanne Hazel *.ordre
Charles Robert Kellum
Ronald Kincer
Dan Ccok Lalue

Laverne Carl Lay
Kenneth Howrard Lehkamp
Patricia Campbel; Lewi's
De?.o-es Louiise Scurlock Lin
Carol. ynP Rae Lindley
Renee Weddle McAnelly
W:,am Rupert McCoy
Mary Carro.. Walters Mangione
E'izabefh Baker Marcurm
Elizabeth Ann Mcgibben
Bet'v Lea MA4I er
Brad'eV  1ls, .r.
Ra y Z.. M' il s
William Aea. M-"-;chefl
Shir ev ean Wayman Moore
:oseph -un .or Mu`.lns
Narncv EIlz2beth Nicholson
Wi..-.iril Green 0' Connor
George Clark Overstreet
Roger Dean Pack
Mary Ellen Perrine
Ruth Barbara Purcell
Boyd Andra. Puldom
Barbara Anrn Forester Ray
Randolph Ganes Pice
Puth Er .;e .d Y!lchmond
Phyltis Fleurete.e Shaffer
Betty Jc Shaw
Lynre lean App7.egate Sims
oan E-len Slaughter
Ruby 'ea.r Slone
Ha r ry W1.'.' aa m S mi.th
Ruth Nellene Sivth
Don Woi thing ton Snyder
Susan Carol Stewart
Sidney Ph`.W7.lp S'one
Nancy Lot:. S:ou1
Carrol'.ton S ae Stargill
Caro'yn'. Arm Terry
Donal.d Bert - rimb.le
Raymond Joseph Trout
Darnle'. Herbex-t urchilrn
Patricia Sali.v Vry
Dale Addison Wa.r:.e
Mary Elizabe':h Ward
.oanne Wa'son
Eihzabeh  loyd Weave r
:'ack Ba.-.ey Whitaker
W ima -.oan Winkler
Nancvy Morr-s Wise



                     COLLEGE OF COMMERCE

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce

Leslie Donald Aberson
Marvin Abramowitz
Betty Ann Ethington Adams
George Beckham Adams
Kenneth Ray Adams
Carlton Eugene Anderson
Robert Harold Anderson
John Edward Ballard
Robert Shaw Bar-ow
Frederick Pierpoint Barrick, Jr.
Greta Juanita Barrickman
Louis Francis Baumgarten
Coburn Buc~ker Biackerby
Carl Roger Blankenship
Greta Joy Boswell
Betty Joan Braden
John Foster Brewer
Marilyn Anne Brown
Donald Lee Bryan
Earl Rondall Bryant
John Ross Burnett
Frank WIlliam Bush
Paul Morris Busse
Geren Franklin Bybee
George Harmon Calvert
James Howard Campbell
Delanore Lee Cannon
Austin Stanley Carro u
Michael Kent Carter
Henry Lewis Cash
Harry Wendell Cherry
Tohn Branson Clements
Jon Dale Collier
Peggy Ann Collinsworth
Leslie Brownelle Combs 1I
Curtis Deweese Congleton
Lee Congle ton
Carol Ann Conrad
Jroseph Moore Coogle, jr.
Errol Lloyd Cooper, Jr.
Robert Boyd Cornett
Raymond Carey Cranfill
Stanley Gentry Davis
Hobert Kenneth Deatherage
Betty Carolyn Dedman
Clifton C. Demaree, Jr.
Henderson Walter Denny, Jr.
Robert Clarence Denzinger
01in Eugene Dunbar

Charles Everett English
Charles Herbert Erwin
Helen Irene Fannin
:ames Walter Fisher
W -liam F ranklin Fletcher
Anthony Pevton Fowkes
Clarence TLayton Francis
Mill.ard Richard FrancIs
Shirley Ann Friar
Claude Daniel Fryman
Thomas Alfred Frymire
Oliver .oseph Gonnella
Howard Lee Graham
Phillip Ernest Grawemeyer
Wililam ViCFctor Gruber
Charles Ralph Haven
Willam GCynn Hel.on
Wallace Hancock Henderson
William E9;gene Higginbotham
aames Lee Hilke
Ronnie Lee .Hood
Delbert Wayne Hoskins
Ralph Glenn Hovious
Mildred Ann Hubbard
Tom Mavson Huev
Barbara Sue Huffman
Glenn Morten Huffman
John Delmar Hughes
Raymond Edward Humphrey
Bernsard George Jansen
Richard MoQley Jennings  
Betty Carolyn Ilewe ll
Jerome Samuel Josselson
Randal. E Agere Karrick
Daime. Thomas Kearney
*James Donald Ki tinger
Donald Avery Kornrumpf
David Joseph Kuhn
Frederick Vincent LaFontaine
Car-l Robert Lencke
J.,ohn David Lentz
John Ven'zeles Levas
,anet Lew..s
John Henry Fock
Martha Jean Lockhart
Wilda Gene Lovins
David Wetsei Lynd
Max D:uane Mclnturf
Theda Frances McKmnney


Mitche'l Allen McMurtry
Raymond King McWhorter
Jennings Brooks Mabry
Lawrence Fletcher Marcum
Robert Calhoun Martin
Billy Hazel Mathis
Pat Newman Miller
William Robert Miller
Charles Augustus Mischier
Robert Morton Monarch
Will Milward Moore
Mary Lena Callahan Murphy
Thomas Edward Nea.
Elyncr Fortune Newman
Dan Carroll Newton
Harold Lloyd Newton
David Shaw Noyes
James Edward Owens
Douglas Eugene Pinguely
Robert Jacob Plarr
Ralph Dudley Playl
Thomas Jefferson Porter IU1
Harold Gordon Prather
Roy Thomas PTgh
Robert Lan Ray
William Leroy Reeves
William Howard R.heldaffe r, Jr.
David Lee Roach
Edward Rofaxen Rogers, r.
Edgar Clair Ross
Lucien Maltby Rouse
Jack Bruce Saylor
Charles Dougl3as Scott
William Caxley Scott

Billy Dean Sargent
Wi'.'iamn Fredrick Shafar
Donald Lee Shel'on
Bobby Lane Simmons
Wesiey Newton Sims
Phyllis Ann Slone
Fave Lynn Srmn th
Felice Alma Smith
Ollie '[arleton Smith
-ohn Robert Smy'on
Ann Lanser Spoonamore
T homas Eugene Spragens, Jr,
Kenneth Ray Summers
Carl ,oseph Swieterrman
Howard Ray Taturm
Elmer Tavlor, '7r.
Theodore David 'Tllman
Earl Hoaston Tacker