xt7tx921cv3c_9 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/87m1.dao.xml unknown 0.63 Cubic feet 2 boxes The Sherrill Martin papers (1937-1954, undated; .63 cubic feet, 2 boxes) primarily comprise Carrs Fork Coal Company newsletters (1940-1945) containing line-drawing illustrations by Martin accompanying articles and letter-format lectures on mine safety by general superintent P.A. Grady. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Sherrill Martin papers Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Perry County Illustrators. Mine safety -- Illustrations. Newsletters World War, 1939-1945--Economic aspects World War, 1939-1945--Social aspects--United States A Well Placed Post Will Protect Your Life text A Well Placed Post Will Protect Your Life 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/87m1/87m1_1/87m1_1_10/6248/6248.pdf undated section false xt7tx921cv3c_9 xt7tx921cv3c ~¤   -»· - };:_»,..   wm,  
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. i ig-Magix -w-9 -Fe?-@-9**     w.rx;>.ya assay
A »] *·d ‘]W€Ba,.SEUElE ` €We arc not talking to a bunch of H. P. A.
" -*.‘ J V _ _ · t _,€ _ `WR ~ V Eworkers, but to you workers in a mine.
"‘“ ni ` _ {Fl `yq _ 'N§"Rest On Your Tools" whenever a supervis— `
¤— er" ‘_ A `¤,V ‘ V ior visits your working place. "Rest On
· VQ; ‘ I " A- A23 V·4 §Your Tools" whenever he comes upon you ~
p { vt ,_ _··· in w,~ glaying track, setting timbers, cleaning ,
V "wm ,“ Q__ __..-·‘‘ i `&::::LE ' yup slate falls, or doing any other work
, ._ ~ "‘,M ‘··. ',_" ·-‘‘ I} ,| §in or about a mine. A few minutes spent
‘ -· _ _jeQ '_`. ~ ?in talking things over will do much to-
n' tx (V ri.        wards planning the work so it will COIHG
` J _.·· ""\\ “» _____ i /_ V {easier and safer for you. Your ideas will
. . gj;r;IIij;;;;;:;:F;;E;E$_,,> _ §help him, and he may be able to help you.
` Z, ._ ‘ _. §The workman who rushes at work when the
. ` Qforeman approaches is usually not a safe
° Tire Changing Diagram . §worker; that post should have been set,
. · t §or the loose slate taken down, before he
Now that we are going to find it impose- Qcame. `Anyway, a miner, or a trackman,
' ible to get-tires or have them rationed §or any other workman is judged by the
out to us, more-care will have to be taken work he does, and the way he does it, and
to make the ones we now have last longer. ith; most skilled and safest menfalways
§give that few moments to talking things
.We can make them last longer by slower §over. . _- ‘
driving, by applying our brakes less and ¥ · V
A avoiding quick starts and sudden stops, Q - J , J
» and keeping the tires properly_inflated. @ Qt ,.‘ ·
` § " T A.K E C A R E 'Q_E_ Y O U R S E LF"
Experience has also proven that regular § , `_, ,_ ‘ tg _‘
and systematic rotation of tires from· §Your fellow worker or your_foreman will
wheel to wheel_increases tire mileage and §tell you to Be Careful, but when you are
V reduces the hazard of uneven wear and gtold to "Take_Care of Yourself" fit is
blowouts. ` i i §generally from some loved one at home.
_- _ .` §Even if.they do not express it in words
_ Tires on the right-hand wheels tend to Qthey may be hoping and praying that you,
wear out more rapidly than those on the {will; so for them, _"Take Care of
left side because: ’ , g I ]Yourself." ` . _ i _· ‘
l. Crowned roads throw more of the car's§ "` ‘ _ ··
weight to the right. Q __ » V .
2. The right-hand tires frequently ride Q T§§_MOST DANGEROUS PLACE. ,
the rough edge of pavement off the shoul-;
der and back again. , . §The Most Dangerous Place in any mine is
Z. The right hand tires often rub the Ethe place that looks safe and isn't, not i
curbs. ' · ithe place that looks dangerous.
4. The·right—hand tires are more apt to 5 t _.. ._ '~ _,
encounter sharp stgnes, glass, nails, Qetc   V _ __—_1—_————__——_ ,· 2-;
that find their way to the gutters. § T§§_SAFEGUARD `
The above diagram illustrates a scheme Q
which includes the spare in regular turn Egg g Egg THINKETH, SO HE wORKS_ EE
ivith the others. 5 "___"" """""`““ ""
._?·*5`?.IE@T.&•Qé·2I!;*&.P2· EEETE   ——""`—"
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