xt7tx921cv3c_62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/87m1.dao.xml unknown 0.63 Cubic feet 2 boxes The Sherrill Martin papers (1937-1954, undated; .63 cubic feet, 2 boxes) primarily comprise Carrs Fork Coal Company newsletters (1940-1945) containing line-drawing illustrations by Martin accompanying articles and letter-format lectures on mine safety by general superintent P.A. Grady. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Sherrill Martin papers Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Perry County Illustrators. Mine safety -- Illustrations. Newsletters World War, 1939-1945--Economic aspects World War, 1939-1945--Social aspects--United States Coal Miners Safety Manual text Coal Miners Safety Manual 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/87m1/87m1_2/87m1_2_6/6418/6418.pdf 1942 1942 1942 section false xt7tx921cv3c_62 xt7tx921cv3c ,c·`—.   - .   .=?’<-@1 7`.»3..V=V F——?5:r»s . wp---  W
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   • I V  
; I HAROLD L. Iexns, Secretary  
  BUREAU OF Mmus  
if I R. R. SAvmzs, Director .
  A Handbook for Minucrs  
l " ]. ]. FORBES. M. j. ANKENY  
A . I
tg I
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III   ~»  ¤
1 uy .   ‘ . yo, .
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I _ UNrr1;¤>sVrI·xTus .
_i GU\’IiIsi¢»us:u‘1<1 mlm- fi1·e·s— ·(`4.u.
Questions uml 2'l11S\\'(‘1'S— ~(`U1I111l11l‘11.
P1'()[K%1'11(‘S of ll11TN‘ g;1s¢·s——(`lnminmwl. P=¤¤<’
Nitrogen .._,_, K KKKK ,_,__,,, K K KK KK ..,.A. $9
1’1}'(1I'O{J;(‘11 sulfide ..___., K K K K K _ KK KK K K K KK K S9
Nitrogen pc·r<>xic1cKK KK KK K KK KKKKKK K K K K K 90
SII11"lI1'(11()X1(1($ K K KK K KK KKKKKKKKKK K K KKKK 90
(7<>a1us K KK KK KKK 93
1’r<—v<—uti0n 0f;ggz1srexpl¤»sin11s K KKKK K K K K KK 95
V<·uti1:11i<>nKKKKK KKKK K K K K KK KKKK   109
’ S0ur<·<·s of igui11m1KK K K K KKK 122
l·I1<·<=11‘ic arcs ami sparks K K KKKK K KKKK KKK 122
1·1x]>1osiv<·sK KK KKK KK KKKK K K KKKK KKK 120
()]><·nl1g111s KK KKKK K KK K KK KKK KKKKK K K KK   135
Mime <~xpl<>si0us uml I`(‘$(31lC uml r<·<·<>v<¤ry rnpvrsx-
111msK KKK K K KKK KKK K 139
1’r<·v<·u1i<>11 of uu<·i<1<~u1sfr0111 cxplosivws K K K 119
'1`ypiv:11 uxmnplcs of <:xpl<>s1v<·s 11cci<1<~n1s KK K K K KK KK 149
Quwst ions uml zmswors KKKKKK KK KKKK K KKK K K 151
(lsv uml lmmlliugr of c·x]>1<>sivr·s K K . K KK 151
1’1·1·v¢~n1i4m |)1·(‘1(‘('1I'1(‘:l1 ;l(*(‘1(1(‘1I1'S KK K K K KK KKK KK KK 172
'1`_vpi<·:11 <·x:m1]>lus uml :msw<·rs KKKKK KK 173
1’1·<·v•·n11<>11 nf:11<¢<:1¢1<·111sfrom 11|21(71l111f'1`_\'211111 luuls K 189
'1`_v]>1<*z1I <‘X2L11l|11('S(>1`111£l('11111(‘1L1l(1 tuu1;u·¤·i11¤·ms _ 1.89
Qm·s1i<>us:1m1 :msw¤·rsK K KK KKKK _ K__ 191
1·`irs1 xml 1()11l1‘11l_1111`(‘<1 K KK KK KK KKKKKK KK K KKK KKKK ]99
K\1·t111<·i:11 I`(‘S])11‘{I11UIl KKK KK K K  KK     ___ 199
(`nrntml (>1·1)1('l‘<111IUj KKKKKKK K KK KKKK 207
1’l1_vsi<·:1l s11m·1< K KKKK K ____K 212
\\'<)111ll1N2l1I(111111`1|$ KK KK K KK 21-1
1)1S1U('J111U11$211l<1111'1l('1111'f‘S KK K KKK KK 211%
'111`£11l$[)()1`11l11U11 of lim iujur<·¢lK KKK K KKKKKKK 217

 - l
C(lN'1`I·INTS V $1
Flu. Page  
1. t>il firm-s can ho prt·vt-ntcrl by storing oil in clvan. tl
il1`t‘1>1'U()I'· stnraaei l1<¤ns<~s, ,,, ,,,,,, __._,,,,,,, ,, KKK. E1 Q
2. .\tlt·t;natt· [)I`(‘('l111llt111S will pruvcnt accidents fmnu I
falls along liaulagtr roads ,,__,,_._,_____ _ _,,,,,, 1] P
3. 'l`ln» vibration invtliml should bc cmploycd f0r testing; f_
rmnt`. and the roof slioul l lm tcstncd often _....__ ,, , ,, 17  
4, A rloiinitv tiinlwring plan slionlcl bc adopted; inincrs {
slmnlrl ho inarlu tliumtiglily familiar with it and ’
SI1t)1lI(II'(1IlU\\` it carctnlly ,,,,, , _, _, ,__,__,,___.. . 21 `
5. t\(I(‘([II2Ll(* lIl11l)(‘I`I11,L[ anrl safvty posts at- the working a
face: will prcwunt 1111`l11}` roof-falll accirlcntxs ,_,. . .-..- 211
. 6. .~\ lI1&‘{lN\l1`I11g stick slmtilrl l><— nsorl su that- ltimlicrs
can always hc cnt, tn thc ])1‘t1[)t*]` lwngtli ,, ,,,,,,,- 28
7. A saw rathvr than an axv s1n>n1¤11¤- nsorl for trinnning
t'iinl><·rs_ ,, ,,, __l__ , ,,, _. _ ,, _ _ ,, ,,,, 29 I
S. Minors shonl0f0r<— th<—_v ar<~ avtnally
n0t·(‘1`S and cap pi<·<·0s slimilrl lm sturvrl in rnnin
n<—<·ks or crossciits, 01* Other plavvs whvru tht*_x‘ will -
not t)l>Nl1'11t'l (‘l<‘£l1'1l1l('(‘ along rnarls..,, , . H  . 34
10. llvavy cross bars shnnlrl ho liftwl and siippniitorl hy
a lII11l>(‘1‘j2`I(}I{, , ,, ,, ,   , ,,,, {11 n
11. \\'h<-n saft-ty posts arv l`l‘Il1(l\'<‘(l tn porinit 111t1\'t‘l11(‘l1l`» 3
uf lI1(*111Illl11§L]1111(‘lllI1(‘2l('1`()S$ tlw fa<·<*. thvy shnnlrl I
lw r<·pla<·<~Ullt>111,\\`I1It‘l1ISll1!‘lt‘1`I11IIlI1I(1I`ll1(*l11I1lI1I§(‘
systvni, slnnulrl lm l<<·pt in p<~rf<·<·t t·<>n \‘11 .g
Fig. Page  
  31. After coal has been blasted. the coal pile should be wet.  
€ down thoroughly with water before coal is loaded- _ 98 3
32. \Vater should be applied to the broken coal as it is  
being loaded with the loading machine ___________ 99 i
33. Loaded cars of coal should be sprayed with water to {
S reduce dustiness of haulage roads ________________ 100 1
‘ 34. The flame safety lamp is commonly used to detect .1
  explosive gas and oxygen deficiency in coal mines, _ 102 `
i 35. A mine ofiicial should leave his initials and date if
  mark at the face of each working place when he
,' makes his examination .._......__._..._......,_ 100 ‘
` 36. The air should be tested frequently for explosive E
gas in places where electric equipment is in 1
___ operation s__s..._._........ 1 .....s...._....... 108 `
"£ 37. Collecting a sample of air from behind a fire seal ____ 1 15
” 38. Ventilating fans should be of adequate size and capac-
E ity to ventilate the mine properly- -_.. __.._______ 120 j
  39. Mudcappcd shots are dangerous. When boulders
E are blasted holes are first. drilled in them .___,_,_ 131
i* 40. Clay or other incombustible material   used for
stemming ,..... . ..,.. .1. .....,... 1 .........,. 133 .
#1.1. An explosion in a Pennsylvania mine traveled to the
outside and destroyed the coal tipple .._..._.1_,, l~1tl
` 42. A mine rescue crew prepares to enter a mine after an .
explosion ____ _ ____, ._ __,,__1_ .. .. ._..__ . _._,____, 143 l
43. Oxygen-breathing-apparatus crew leaving fresh—air *
base for an exploration trip after a mine explosion_ 146 t
44. Explosives should be transported into the mine in
well—constructed, insulation-lined explosives cars __ 153 ;
45. An insulated coupling should be used when explosives {
cars are hauled by electric l()(5()ll1()l·1V(‘S.._.... 1 151 `
46. The tamping stick is used to measure the depth of
the undercut and to gage the depth and location
of the borehole ____________ . _,,,.______,,,___, . 1.30

 Ylll (`t)N'l`1£N'l`S
|·’ig_ Page-
»l7. '|`ht- shot fir:-r should n1alh<-
solid rib or cle-(-por than tht- undt-rent ,,_,,_, ,,,, 159
It). tloniplc-to shot-tiring t-qnipint-nti consists of a I)(‘l`l`|llN-
· siblt- tlanu- sat}-ty lamp. a dt-tonator box, a. blast ing
cabh- not lr-ss than 125 ft-ot long, an cxplosivt-s box.
1 a pt-rmissiblo blasting unit., a wood t-ainping stick,
and a roof—t<-sting stick _______ ,_,___ ________ ,___ _ lot)
`- Bt). Shot tim-r gt-ts in tho cli-ar, wcll around a cornt-r.
bt-t`oro tiring cliargt-,,, ____,____._,.___ ., ,. ,. _,,i itil
51. l·lnds ot` tht- blasting cablo are kt-pt', Sll(1I`tT—(‘iI'('lIlt(Bil
until tina- to conn:-ct tht-in to tht- blasting nnit,,,. 1(S3
52. Xlain t-xplosivt-s magazine-s should bt.- constrnctc-d of
It-an in-nit-nt mortar. lot·a.t<-d in isolatod plate:-s, and
slyipltlt-d by (earth l);U`I`l('il(l(‘S __,_ _ __,,,,_ ,,____, _ |($5
52%. i\ wood niallot and wt-dgw should bo usodt`or0p<-ning
’ t·ast·s ot` z-xplosivt-s,, ,,,,.,., , ,,     ___4__ ,,, _ ,_ tot;
Tit, 'l`h<- s-nds ot` dt-tonator lt-g wirt-s and blasting t·abI<·
are- staggt·rt·d to avoid short t·irt¢nit’s and rusnlting
_ niistirr-s ,, ,,,,.,.,, . , ,,,,, ,,,,,, , ltis
35. 'I`|n· blasting cable- is snspt-nd:-d on tiinbt-rs to avoid
|>i<·l4ing up a stray cnrrt-nt that would ranst- a prt--
||i;it|ir4-4-xi>Iosio|1_,,,__,., ,,, , ,,, , ltiil
M3. ltails should bt- bond:-d at t-vt-ry joint. and orosslnonds
should bt- installt-d on haulage- roads at inte-rvals
ol` not inori- than 200 t`<-t-t , _ __ __, |7,t
57. t'ndt·rgronnd pumping stations should bt- ot` tirt-proof
(‘l`lI|lSFll1lt‘ _11111r=ti1111 l10x1·s arr- lltll usvd. Calulvs  
tl1at Sll1)]>l}' 110w01‘ to 1101‘tal1l0 1I]fl('lllll(‘S $ll()lll(l lw  
attaclued t0 lll(¥ tI`l)lll$)‘ \\'l1`(} by 11 fused Clillll])-_, lTN it
111). rllI'1llllllQ ('1ll)lt‘S of ])()I`l1ll)l(‘ lI11l('llllll‘S $llOlll(l bc sus- E
1)(‘Iltll‘(l 011 l1<10ll`t'$$|lI'l‘ ])<>llllS lll£\l`lxf‘(l Ull ,
surface 0I` 11111101* UXl.l'Cl11lL)` ___.,,__ .. -- .. .....,__.. 211
` O

·‘¥ r
NY J. J. I·`011111·;s.“ M. J. .*\NK1CNY.n AN11 F1:.xN111s 1·‘1:m1Ax ‘ 1
R1*:1s1m:1l11c s:1f01.y rulos :11111 1*1*g111:11‘11111s :11111 :111 (’&(‘('11\'t‘ `Q
s:1f1*1y 111*g:1111z:11.11111 :11*0 :11111111;; 1111* 111:1j11r 1'l‘1[1ll1`l‘I11(‘ll1$ 1`111· 1111* 1
S:1f1* 11p<*1*:111011 of 011:11 11111111s. T1Ill‘ f\11])l1(‘{l11()Il 111` s:1f1*1y 1'1l1\‘S Q
  :11111 {110 €ffc1:t1vc111*ss of :111y s:1f1*1y 111·::1111z:111011 (1(‘1)l}1l(1 1:11*31111 ’
1111 11m 1*x1‘e111‘ 10 wh11·l1 1110 1·:111k :11111 1111* 111* (‘I1\p1()§’(*(’S ]1:11*111,·1]1:111~
M 111 11112 (‘1lfO1'(‘(‘l1l(%l\1Y 01’ t111—s0 §21f(·‘1}' rules. S
j I1. is 1*110 111111*:11 :11111 11*;::11 111111;;:1111111 nf 1*111- (1]191‘il1‘111'S 11f 1-11:11 ·
‘ 11111111s 10 p1*11v1dc s:1f0 1111111*s 111 111111:11 111 \\'(1l‘k :11111 111 1*1*;:111:111*
1111*11* 111101*:1t11*111 so :1s 1*0 [`1l`(~‘\'(*1l1 f:11:111t11~S :11111 111_1111·11*s. 1111w-
1·*\’1‘l‘. 1111* 1111911 who work :11s11 ;ll`(‘ l1l1(1l}1` 111111;::1111111 111 1)l'(‘\'(‘111 1
:1c·1·1111·111*S, Tho v:11*111uS S1:11’1· lllllllllg laws 111:111* (,'(‘l`12l111
1*1~s11*1c111111s 11111111 1111* 1·111111111e1 of 1111* I111ll1‘I'N for 1111*11* Silfvl}`.
:11111 1*v1*1·y 11ll]lL‘l' knows 111:11 111*. :1s w1·l1 us 1*111* 1111111* (1\\`1ll‘1`. .
1·:111 1111 fur ll11,ll'(‘ 111:111 is l'(‘1]ll11`l‘(1 hy 1:11v 10 1I(*1]) 1`0(1l1C(‘ 1111* .
11111 11f :11·c1111~111s 111 1111l1(‘S.
'1`111— 1\]l[12l1:l('11l21ll fl§l'(‘(‘1l1(‘1l1 1)l‘1\\'(‘(‘1l 1110 ]€1l1lllli110llS-CUQI1
11]11*1*:11111*s :11111 1·l11» 1111111-11 )I1111‘ \V111*1<1·1*s 11f A1111*1*11·:1. s1g111*1l ,
·111111~ 151, 1941. ])l`1)\'1(1(‘S 111:11 "1*1*:1s1111:11111— 1*1111*s :11111 1`(}§1111llll1llF 1
111` 1111* (l]11*1*:11111· 1111* 1l11— p1·111111·111111 111` 1111* 111*1*s1111s (111 1111* )l11l•‘ 1
'\\'111*1< 1111 1ll2I111lNC|`1]l1 1·111111111—11·11 X1ill'(‘11 111. ]t142.
°1`l111·I`,1`11:11)11111· 111S1`A1‘1'I11111 1111·i$11111_1’»111*1·:111111)1i111·s.
" $1*1111*11* 111111111E 1·11;;111111·1·_ I=|11'l*:11\ 111` Miuvs.
l ‘ 311111* SJllv1‘1}' 1·111111111ss111111·1*

 2 COAL MlNl£lt` ¢l;I4> illltl H0! lvss than 15 )'(‘1ll'S` <‘Xll1‘I'lQlI('(§. 1 N0 l·lll‘lll~
ht·1‘ ot' tht- Minn (lUllIlllllli't* shall ho :1 lIIt‘llll>l’I` ol` tho Salvty L()llllllllQl(!t‘.
'l‘ln~ Sat`t·ty t'o1n1nittt·t· shall sorytr \\'ll`ll(llll (‘tllIl]l(‘llSi!l'ltlll,
This t·o1nn1ittt—t· shall haw- tho right to inspntct any niintt (ll‘\`l‘lQ])llll'{lll`
or teqtiipiitoiit, nsntl in lll'0llll|‘llI§.{' t·o:1l for tht~ ])lll']Il)Nt* ot (ll)Sl’l`\'lll§I·ll:<
Y Sill.(!(ll`llIlN£llr(' t·ontlition wlnsn s1t¤·h r|at·stit>11sa1‘0h1‘t1t1:l1t to 1ls illl('.llllKll_l.
lt` thee (*(>lllllllll<‘l' ln·Iit·vt·s t·ontlitinns l't1llll(l arti (l2lll}L`l‘l'()llS to lilo. tt.
( shall I'|‘}l()I'l' its lintlinxs to mana;:t~n1t=nt.
V IIt~1·0 is an opportuiiity for niintx workters to bcteomta a mort-
vital fortete in thc ])l'(‘\`(‘llll(»ll of actritltmrs in llllll(*S. The 0hli»
gallons llIl])(lSPll upon lllf‘ll`l hy the provisions of this ag1·t·t·-
llll‘lll' not only t·all for initiative, tavt. and l'(?Il$Ollill)l(‘lll‘SN but
also t`o1· t·t·1·tain familiarity with tho it-2chnit·al asptrcls of
;|t*(‘l4l(‘lll' ])l'(‘\`(‘lllltlll. lt is ht¤lit¤vt>tl, l'llt‘l'(‘ftll'(*, that the lhn·t·a11
1 tal: Minvs. with its witlt· Sltll`(‘ of inforiiiatitni on sal?t·t,y. t·an l>t·
ol' snhstantial assistancv. Wit’l1 this i11 vivw. it was sn;;;:t~stt~tl
hy tho tli1·t·t·to1* ol` lhw ]*ll1g’ll1<*t¥l‘il1;! ]}t*]1:1l‘l111t*l1l‘ of thtt Unll‘t·tl
Minn \V(Il°l{l‘l'S ol? Alll(‘|'l('2l tl1at· tht· lllll`(‘2lll ol` Minos ]ll'(‘]lJIl‘(‘
` a (Yon] Allll(?l`Sl Safvly Manual for the lllft*l'lllilllt)ll and ust; of
tho rank a11tl tilt- of lllllll-* \\'Ul'l{(‘I'S antl t·spt·t·ially for t‘ht·
§|Il(lllll('(‘ of lll('ll st·l¤·t¢tt·tl to $l‘l`\'l¥ on Minh Safvty (lUl]lllIll'l(F(‘S.
Tho lIl`lllll'lll£ll'lUll t·ontaint·tl in tho inannal is hasntl upon
lllt)l'(‘ than Ht) yvars of i1t·ltl invt·st‘i:ation nntl lahoratoi·y 1·t·-
Nt*$|l’(‘ll hy thv BllI'l‘§lll of Minas antl I‘{*]ll'(‘S(*lll'< what mining
I. t·ngint+t-rs antl t·oal-mint— llI$]ll’('llI]`N ot' tl1t· Blll'(’:lll ht~lit·vt1 to iw
1 tho niinininin l'l'f|llll't‘llIt‘IllS for sal't~ty if t·oal ininvs arc to ho
op•·1‘:1t,t¤tl rulativtely l`1·t»t— l.l'tllll at:t·itlt·nts. .
.~\11sw¢—1·s to tho qttvslloiis ln this hnannal Jll'l‘ hastwl upon
gootl sal’t·ty ])l'Jit*llt'l‘S tlt·vt~|opt·tl in t·<1al inininu antl in lllll(ll`2l·

(lEXEl€.\L S.\F1i'l`Y I’l{O\`1S1()NS 3 zi
tory r<=s<>ar0l1 and iiivvstigatioiis of thv F¤&llSi]`ll<‘1l\`\‘ snggvstions. `
1. Q. //014* ‘))l(l’7l]/ nu·n u‘r·r¢· l.·i//wl llIl4[1’)`]lI`UlI}lf1 in ?»ifuminou·<—
cou] and a.nlhru¢·i/rr mining iu. {hc I]/piral yjvrzrs /9.%* .
uml llrgllf I
.-\. 1.01-1 nn·n woro killed in ltliitl and 1.27-1 in 15)-11). 1
2. Q. I/mr ’IIIiIII]/ mma u·¢·rc Irillrid in hiluminoux-coal mul- an- ~»
//•nn·ii<: ’lHlIIl71{/ during the .30-your period ]!}]l Io _
1:;;:;;* ;
»\. 59.-192 niiiiors were killvd during ithv 30-yoar p<~i‘iod. [
Fl. Q. Wim! mia Ihw u1~¢·ruy<· numbrw of nnrn lrillrvi pw your in Q
7JifMminou.s-r·r»ul and an/lirrwiiler mining; during; I/iw JO- `
}/('il}`]}!'l`1¢H[ INI! Io mw?
l A. On I‘l1¢*:1\‘01‘:1gn· LOSS ininurs wvrv killoil vacli year.

-t. Q. I·Ion= many l1ifuniin0ns—¢·r>al and an./liraci/e miners, on the `