xt7tx921cv3c_49 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/87m1.dao.xml unknown 0.63 Cubic feet 2 boxes The Sherrill Martin papers (1937-1954, undated; .63 cubic feet, 2 boxes) primarily comprise Carrs Fork Coal Company newsletters (1940-1945) containing line-drawing illustrations by Martin accompanying articles and letter-format lectures on mine safety by general superintent P.A. Grady. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Sherrill Martin papers Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Perry County Illustrators. Mine safety -- Illustrations. Newsletters World War, 1939-1945--Economic aspects World War, 1939-1945--Social aspects--United States Umbrella Of Safety A Protection Against Accidents text Umbrella Of Safety A Protection Against Accidents 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/87m1/87m1_1/87m1_1_50/6332/6332.pdf undated section false xt7tx921cv3c_49 xt7tx921cv3c    ·                   
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  TAFETY     K, (I
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 U 5 THOUCHETS QF A MINER RIDIN§_Z·_Q2"x_i;‘§_ @j-T 
v ° · · * [
¤» ; ”Didn't sound the roof back in the rar
  _ ° Fl { pp v_ _ _   V_V:_  yesterday, some of it may have_w0rkedV   V, ..., , .V
·* »-*— ··   ‘° " ’ " ‘ ‘ icons. wiii doit first thing today." #
V *{ y ‘ i
`   { /0 Q1 t' \ _ '  
·   A `_<~ » r ”'I‘ook a chance yesterday working under L.
g Q/;’ that piece of slate that did not look any  
Q — -»-.~           ‘_   too good. "Shouldthave set another. DGSQZQ3 g `
; i {V/4,),,}.: {IU//zj}’ A_c. · i V     under it before loading that last '_ee.r_.Y#Vj,;   V
" rw, Q "Heard there were a few miners killed by i V
the trolley wire last month because they  
were not paying attention and getting  
H     A   5  of the man—trips on the wrong side,`QC·j 5* 
· , VV _ _ lhave done that, too. Never again.? It _   ‘ _
_   C     U { Id A4 "liaven't; paid much attention to   shoot-·V
» » L ing cable lately. Gettim _a little short A -
‘_ ‘ V and has bare spots on-it, Better get a ‘ M
‘_     ID   • A a new one. Do not want a charge of y I
  v_   "' V powderrto go eff in my faee." ` TV ;Q ·
S V. " ` =   » V, ; `   if
  "Something to that talk I heard at the ji
{ . A 4 - · Safety Meeting about LUCK not having  
‘   A LIFE IS SAWDM1   y _   V‘ anything to aewith keeping a man from  
A     » , gettinghurt or killed. We take too many 2
"How- prompt application of Bureau of Mines; Ch:mCOS’ and the HOKE .0nO might tm my   
first-Laid measures Vby fellowemployees i last" BOUQGTV bg Camfill itnall i?lm9S'V.   y..,  
saved the life of a coal miner."` -.~A _ g You mmm pus ymlr uc ° l , _ V’ i ’  
"The miner, Fred Hedrick of Mabseott W. _ _ _ ,_ . I ' V Q § _
Va.,z suffered a serious electric shock .r‘‘   MINE GAR`°’.MOTmP`S’ QUITDIG -V;    
when he accidently contacted a power line   ” V ‘ A - ’ ` A  
wniis in Liiiybnnnk coal company Affinity V"·ND LF’*“?ING M"U‘TIm?i‘S QANUF Tum'     `-ag
Slope Mine near Mabscott. Artificial Z A 9 ‘     ’ {     5 V. `·   A Ii  
respiirationwas administered by Wm.tStaf-V   lg YQUR 3:OBf ` ·‘ V {    
ford, Section Foreman, and Ira Amburgey   . .A_r·   :_ `—  `L   ‘ Q 5 g  ` it ‘— f··”;* § V
and .Tames` Sorrelll to Vthetuneenscious A _ ¤‘           _. V: I i “   · J,   A
man. All three hold first-aid,certificates '     i  “ " ‘ " 5   A
issued by the Bureau. After two hours of A A G', ‘ ,· V ` ` ·  
continous treatment Hedrick was breathing * ' A "d __,' -‘         w
voluntarily. He regained consieusness `   I N _; { __ V  _`   ~ ° tg   .-
after Fire Chief Wcidensall of the Beckley `   .   'V           ' °   '
(W. Va.) Fire Department administered '`»~ # Y   ~f‘_`{,e=?;Agi$·j;,}¤¥%‘ \   · 3  
oxygen through an irhalator. Chief Weiden—   > O Q J   }!,\ ,_s_ _ L_ y-
sall, who also holds ·a Bureau of Mines U ? _ "} Q V (A _ }_(e_\; \ ,   —_ `T -
first-aid certificate, hadbeen summoned   J   (WN   jh? » Q
to the mine by A-. F. Whitt General Supt." S ' ‘? § ij A · 3 ·f ‘
Z   _, ,?_V. V A I?   \_ pg, ,,4 ___,’_, ti l
"There is no doubt "fthat“"Mr. Hedricklis V ? ` " "`   ri Q     ‘   V   1
alive today because his fellow employees E ?     ‘,‘;_V_ ,·"-·";
had received first aid training, Dr. Sayers FIND THE MMEJR WHO  
§©P<>I‘l@ed_1te’ llir. H. _L,,Ickes· ;CI?QditV is,. 23.150 ·   A AV   -   ~·SmD 5p,FE·ry qgUL~E$---··-»  
uc CV;i_e,L noidensall for h1S part 111 *310 WERE THE E>u\\\}¢,/
resuscitsrtien." K L
. I _
From a Bureau of Mines Report. F NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL ·