xt7tx921cv3c_40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/87m1.dao.xml unknown 0.63 Cubic feet 2 boxes The Sherrill Martin papers (1937-1954, undated; .63 cubic feet, 2 boxes) primarily comprise Carrs Fork Coal Company newsletters (1940-1945) containing line-drawing illustrations by Martin accompanying articles and letter-format lectures on mine safety by general superintent P.A. Grady. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Sherrill Martin papers Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Perry County Illustrators. Mine safety -- Illustrations. Newsletters World War, 1939-1945--Economic aspects World War, 1939-1945--Social aspects--United States Safety Paralysis text Safety Paralysis 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tx921cv3c/data/87m1/87m1_1/87m1_1_41/6313/6313.pdf 1942 Oct. 31 1942 1942 Oct. 31 section false xt7tx921cv3c_40 xt7tx921cv3c Q'}? ` 1 YET; Biz; ` `Z;. iii   Q: .*1; /   iii " up
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It is a very dangerous and deadly disease that creeps with no ’
warning upon some of us occasionally. We don't even know we
have it until suddenly we find ourselves all bandaged up, flat »
on our backs In bed. It is\caused by forgetting the rules of
g safety; and it is contagious; V
We know sf one case where safety paralysis set in with horrible
results;] The miner attended a‘Saturday Safety Meeting with a few _
_ drinks under his belt. He hadn*t paid any particular attention to
what went on ~4 same old stuff`-- he was anxious to get out and get
afew more. He did, and enough in a bottle to carry him over Sundaye
Monday morning he had a Uhangover". He neglected something. The
miner in the next room rushed over when he heard a slate fall, and
found him under it.
An epidemic of safety paralysis has been sweeping the mines of
our state and nation during the years The record is so bad that
. it cannot be made good during the short space of time before the
‘end of 19424 Coal mines have had more accidents in one single
month than they previously had in an entire year. Safety men and
foreman have been fighting their hearts out to stop this onrush of
accidents and injuriesi but they cannot do the job alone. Unless
I · each of us cooperates there can be no good results; ·
Only those to whom injury and death strike close are seriously
affected by the occasional injury that happens in every mine not
thinking and acting safely. The rest of us hear or road about
these traggic affairs —— and forget them ~— unless we have horse-
sense enough to ask ourselves; "Can that happen to me?”
When you start the day tomorrow decide to make it your Safety
Day +~ just yours personally; With safety uppermost in your mind;
_ watch how you do things, look for possible hazards in your working
place and section, try as hard as you can to make your place safer, »
‘ both for yourself and the men, trackmen, haulage crews, machinemen,
and others who must also do their work there; You will be surprised I
. and shocked to scc how many things you are doing) how many hazards i »
there are that can injure you and others terribly. I
The cost of accidents has been gone over many times; You know what
it would mean to you if you were injured so that you couldnrt work ,
· and the bills would mount so high that you couldn*t even buy .
Christmas presents for the kids; You know what it would mean to
your family if they had to stand by and watch you suffer as the _ ‘
result of a foolish; careless act on your part; People feel sorry
for a man who's hurt himself through a fault of his own, but they
go away talking about what a dum y he was to do such a thingn

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