xt7ttd9n6929 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n6929/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 2008 2008 2008-09-04 2020 true xt7ttd9n6929 section xt7ttd9n6929 CHEAP TRICK

Apple uses new price
to sell old toy

See POP, page 3






Ragland files motion after $63 million verdict

By Katie Saltz

Shane Ragland. the man who
pleaded guilty to manslaughter in
the death of a former UK football
player. is requesting a new civil tri—
al. On Aug. 19. a jury ruled
Ragland owed the family of Trent
DiGiuro $63 million in punitive

DiGiuro. a former UK offensive
lineman. was shot and killed in
1994 on Woodland Ave. Ragland
was convicted of tnurder in 2002.
but that conviction was later over—

Ragland and his attomeys
did not attend the first civil trial for

the wrongful death suit: Ragland's
attorney Steven Romines told the
Kernel in an Aug. 27 article that
they felt it wasn’t necessary
to argue the case.

“The jury decided
based on the guilty plea
that liability was deter-
mined." Romines said in
the article. "We didn‘t feel
it was necessary to contest
that issue. Whatever (the
jury) said was fine with

The motion is not nec—
essarily to get a new trial.
Romines said. but it is procedural to
change the amount awarded to the
DiGiuro family.


“Punitive damages by law do
not exceed compensatory damages
by a multiple of 10. In this case they
were multiplied by 20,"
Romines said.

Trent DiGiuro's father.
Mike DiGiuro. said he
thinks Ragland is jtist trying
to postpone the conse-
quences of the original ver-

“(His requesti is just to
ptit off facing this for as
long as he can." Mike
DiGiuro said. "If he was
concemed about the trial he
would have been there the first

The motion for a new trial will

go before a judge who will deter-
mine if there are valid grounds for a
new case. Thomas Conway. the
DiGiuro's attorney. called the re-
quest a "frivolous appeal."

“it is rather unusual that
they didn't even appear at the tri-
al... they had no objections." Con—
way said. “And now he is saying the
jury awarded too much in punitive

The claim that the $63 million is
too much money is unfounded.
Conway said. since during the civil
trial. Ragland and his attomeys of—
fered a $50 million judgment to the
DiGiuro family.

A judge will review the motion
and then could decide to change the

amount of the verdict or let the deci-
sion stand. Romines said. or the
case could go to the Kentucky Court
of Appeals.

Conway said he does not expect
the new trial to take place because
Ragland does not have much stand—

"1 don‘t think it has any chance
at all." he said. “1 would be

DiGiuro said in an Aug. 27 issue
of the Kernel that he didn‘t expect
to see any of the $63 million his
family was awarded. but it was
more about the principle.

“For somebody with no money.
he sure is spending a lot on
lawyers." he said.


SG forced
to rethink

By Katie Saltz


While there may have been sup»
port for Student Government President
Tyler Montell‘s proposal for a bill
eliminating sales tax on textbooks.
there is one problem With his plan M
it is already a law.

in the Sept. 2 issue of the Kernel.
Montell said he had pre«fi|ed a no-
tion fora bill that would allow book-
stores to sell textbooks without sales

in 1978 Kentucky passed a statue
stating that textbooks and related
course materials purchased for use at a
non—profit educational institution were
excizipi from sales tax. tKRS 139.480)

“Out of all the people we talked to.
no one knew Kentucky already did
this." Montell said. "Even legislators
said this was something they wanted
to be a pan of."

The 1978 law allowed the UK
ovs'ned bookstore to sell textbooks
without sales on. btit not privately
owned bookstores like Kennedy Book-
store or Wildcat 'l‘cxtbooks.

(‘arol Beltt‘. general manager of
Kennedy Bookstore. said this ptit pri~
sate businesses at a disadvantage. so
Joe Kennedy petitioned the Kentucky
Department of Revenue to amend the

“Students who shopped here were
being penalized." Behr said. “So in
1981. Mr. Kennedy filed the petition
saying that it was unfair."

Thc revision passed. Behr said.
and now private and nonprofit hlhl’
nesses in the state of Kentucky can sell
required cotirsc materials without sales

Kentucky is one of its‘ states with
some kind of tax exemption law. ac-
cording to the National Association of
(‘ollegc Stores,

Bchr suggested S(l follow up on
the already-instated law by writing
legislation about textbooks that come
packaged with other items like work‘
books or (’l)s. The textbook ends tip
costing more because it is part of a

See Textbooks on page 6

Fine Arts,

the contract." said HaiTis.


The “most derelict building on campus.” is getting a
makeover. according Bob Shay. the dean ot the College of

Reynolds litiilding 1. home to the (.‘ollcge of fine
.-\rts. is part of a group of five acrcs with four buildings
oft of Scott Street that will be sold to a developer to give
the block a new look and make structural and facility im-
provements to the studio and classroom workspaccs.

The university is requesting proposals from interested
developers to rcnoyatc the buildings and the area. said l'K
Director of Purchasing Bill Harris.

“We are looking for a developer to buy the building.
renovate it-and lease it back to its as will be a condition of

Reynolds Budding 1 was built in 1917 and has been
home to the dcpaitmcnt of an tor more than 30 years.

"The need for a new fine arts building has probably
been known for decades." Harris said.

Harris said the 01—y‘eanold building is rtin down and
iii need of structural improvements. btit some students
who have classes or \\ork in the facility’s studios don't

See Reynolds on page 6

,. .5, ,_.¢-¢w-——m my.

moms BY ALLIE cam srw

Art studio junior Will McComh works on a throwing wheel on Tuesday in the Rtrvntrlti 5 Building klrfiComb, who transferred int) UK this year believes that while
he has not spent much time in the building, "it's tieirnrtelv tune" for renovation "This illlllfllllfl needs a lot of work "

Renovations to revamp art building

By Ali Cicerchi

at: icerciiiZVY-Tvkgrnei Vt‘ urn

Art studio junior Ben Owen, ret't, screeriprintrnti instructor Kathryn Martinez and art edura
trori student Lisa Mueller work on treating a screenprrmrng i‘narti viés‘it‘rtdtiv in the Reynolds


UK students, Kernel photo adviser released two days after arrest

By Jill Luster
ilaster©kykernel com

Two llK students and a Kernel
adviser were released Wednesday
after being arrested on felony riot»
ing charges two days earlier at the
Republican National Convention.

Kentucky Kernel photographers
Ed Matthews. at joumalism senior.
and Britney McIntosh. a joumalism
sophomore. and Kernel photo advis«
er Jim Winn were detained at the
Ramsey County Adult Detention
(‘enter in St. Paul. Minn. They were
not covering the event for the Ker-
nel. but were there on their own ac—
cottnts. said editor in chief Brad

Matthews. McIntosh and Winn
were released Without being charged
With a crime. however charges are
pending further investigation. ac»

cording to jail officials.

All three were photographing
protests of the convention. said
Matthews. although they were not
on assignment for the Kernel in

As the three took photographs
around the hotel where Republican
National (‘onvention delegates were
staying. riot guards were pushing
back the crowd. The guards then her
gan throwing cherry bombs.
MattheWs said.

Matthews and Mclntosh were
together and tried to break from the
crowd as they took pictures. he said.
but it was unsuccessful.

"It was crazy. People were run»
ntng left and right. You'd turn
around. and there‘d be a line of cops
coming from one direction."
Matthew's said. “You‘d turn back




around and there would be cops on
bikes coming in the other direction "

Matthews said 'during the arrest.
police confiscated all of his and
McIntosh‘s belongings. which they
wrll be able to pick tip in Minnesota
on Monday. The only thing he had
when he was released was hrs ID
card and debit card. which he tucked
in his shoe beforc the protest.

liven though Matthews said his



and Mclntosh's arrest was not war-
ranted. hc is concerned that they
will be charged along Wllh the pro»

"They definitely don't have
\ ideo of me throwmg bricks or any-
thing." he said, “So while there is a
small fear. l‘m not too won'ted we‘ll
be charged."

The three photographers will not
be treated any differently from the

others u ho were attested because
they were documenting the protests.
said Tom Walsh. the public informa-
tion officer for the St. Paul Police

“They were not credentialed

jotimalists." Walsh said. ”They were

not on an assignment."

Despite the trip resulting iii the
arrest. Matthews said he felt it was
part of his job as a joumalist.

“We were arrested for doing our

jobs as joumalists. so 1 think it's not

all for nothing.”

If convicted of felony rioting.
Winn. Matthews and Mclntosh
would receive a minimum sentence
of one year tn jail and have to pay a
minimum fine of $3.000.

The St. Paul (‘ity- Attomey's “f.
fice could not be reached by press
time for comment.

Newsroom: 257-1915; W 257-2872


 PAEEZLIBU'W Seinemeer 4.. 2008



























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating: 70 is the easrest
day, 0 the most challenging

Aries (March 21-April 19) ——
Today is a 7 Changes are re-
quired, but don't Simply react.
Have a definite objective in mind,
and be patient This may take
several tries.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) ——
Today is a 7 ReSist the urge to
buy pretty things that you don't re—
ally need. Build a strong foundation
now; you can add the frills later
Gemini (May 21 - June 21) —
Today is a 7 The asSIgnment is
to not only do the tough job, but
to actually have fun at it This
may require a shift in attitude
You can do it


Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
-, Today is a 6 You’re right,
costs can be cut even further
Some associates are afraid this
means they'll have to do without.
Be persistent, they'll survive.
Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) — To-
day is a 7 You certainly don't
like somebody else to tell you
what to do. When that person's
right, however, it would be wise
of you to listen.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) ——
Today is a 7 — You don't like to stir
up controversy, but it may be neces-
sary. Don't allow somebody else’s
lack of interest to ruin your grade
libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) —
Today is an 8 Pay attention to
what you’re doing There are lots
of distractions, but if you give in
to them you'll be sorry you did
Keep your eyes on the prize
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) —
Today is a 6 Don't talk about
being frugal and nobody Will
even notice You’re looking good,
so you don't have to tell them


you got the outfit on sale
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
— Today is a 7 You can't do
everything, nor should you. Let
somebody else assist by running
errands and bringing you what
you need. This includes colas
and pizzas

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
— Today is a 6 Don't be
stopped by a failure, they happen
all the time. Don’t run away from
a tough Situation, either. You can
figure it out.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
_. Today is an 8 Managing
time and money are excellent
skills to master You'll get a
chance to practice now. Don't
complain; it's a valuable lesson.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
— Today is a 6 You have a
spiritual advantage, but learning
to use it takes practice. Withl
help from those who love you,
life Will get a lot easier.




Today’ 5
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31.91" 9“, E‘Ehi‘m
US Weekly Magazine

You ready to takc your
baby home?" (int-ii Stclaiii
asked her l—y‘car-old son.
Kingston lhc singcr. in it
long black robe and her hair
in a ponytail. and husband
Gavin Rossdalc were rolling
their new baby boy in a
bassinet out of the nursery of
LA ‘s Ccdars«Sinai Mcdical
(‘cntcr August 24. Kingston
scented more than ready to
assume his new role as big
brother to [Lima Nesta Rock.
is ho had arrived three days
earlier. referring to the new
born as “my baby.“

“It‘s going to bc insanc
when it comes." Rossdalc
told Us in July of his son‘s
impending arrival. lit the car»
ly hours of August Zl. thc
married couple of six years
checked into the LA. hospi—
tal for Zunias schcdulcd cac—
.sarean birth. and Zuma was
born at 12:46 pm. (It may
have seemed like dcja vu:
Kingston was also delivered
at that hospital via C—scction.)
Family members couldn‘t be
more ecstatic. After hearing
the news. Rossdalcs dad.
Douglas. a London doctor.
told Us. “It‘s fantastic. . . .
Everyone is just so happy."
Postsurgcry. Rossdale. 40.
wearing dark blue scrubs and
a huge smile. was seen walk-
ing with his’ wife's cx—Yama
ha marketing executive dad.
Dennis Stefani. to the
birthing suite. And during her
stay. Stcfani. 38. was visited
by her mom. Patti. and older
brother Eric. 4i . a musician.



It’s a boy for
Gwen 85 Gavin

Stefani and Rossdale

we Dig" welcome a 2nd son in LA.

Kingston also couldn‘t con-
tain his excitement. When
Dad tried taking him home
August 21. he cried, “I don‘t
want to slccpl"

With their latest name
choice. ll seems they are con—
tinuing to pay homage to mu-
sic icon Bob Marley. The reg~
gac rocker hailed from
Kingston. Jamaica. and his
middle name was Nesta. As
for the baby's first name. it
may come from the Malibu
beach where Rossdalc was
rumored to have had an
epiphany that jump~started
his career. The family rc—
turncd to their Beverly Hills
home Atigiist 24. where
Rossdalc plans to make good
on the promise he told Us in
July: “I'm just trying to bc

'thcrc for the Wile."

Leighton and Se-
bastian's birthday

Gossip (.iirl's Leighton
Mecstcr. 22. is so smitten
with Sebastian Stan that she
hostcd parties to honor the
actor‘s 25th birthday at
NYC's Vento August 20 and
at Lily Pond in East Hampe
ton. New York. August 23.
“Leighton wanted everything
to be perfect." a source says
of the latter fete. which also
promoted Vitamin Energy
drink. "They were adorable.
She sat on Sebastian's lap all
night long." So what‘s on tap
for the show this scason‘.’ “It‘s
going to be stcamicr."

Mccster tells Us. “A ton of

Chuck and Blair stuff. So ex-
citing for me!"

Orlando and
Miranda's New York

Actor Orlando Bloom
and Miranda Kerr enjoyed a
recent taste of NYC with a
romantic meal at Lurc Fish-
bar August 18. "They were
real tight and cozy." says an
eyewitness. Two days later.
the Victoria‘s Secret
spokcsmodcl. 23. and her
bcau of almost a year. 31.
joined magician David Blaine
for lunch at Blue Ribbon
Sushi before zipping off on a
motorcycle. “They tried to
make a James Bond exit."
says an onlookcr.

st Hollywood home he
shares with his wife of four
years. actress Rebecca Gay-
heart. an insider close to the
couple tells Us they “are to-
tally happy. I don‘t know
where that story even came
from. They're a solid. happy
couple." So solid. in fact. the
duo are adding to their fami-
ly! “They just rescued a dog
whose leg was broken." the
source says. “And they are
helping it get back to perfect
health." For his part. the
Grey’s Anatomy star. 35. re—
cently told Us. "Our marriage
is great. [ don't know how I
got lucky." adding that he and
Gayhcart. 37. are “working
on kids. and that in itself is
pretty romantic!"

Copyright 2008 Us Weekly



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September 4,


Whitney Waters
Features Editor

Phone 257 1915
wwateis@kykernel com


Who could have sex the longest. I think
that’s an event I could do well in.”


— Diddy, on creating an Olympic sport he could medal in


‘aumat {autumn


11:11 PM





Apple iPhone 3G
continues to make waves
in smartphone technology



m». "nu-w» ,. L «mug...» .,_

W‘u‘ A


By Whitney Waters


sold 7 it took 7—1 days to sell 3 ltllilltiti ot the Inst generation

Steve Latiff. a eheinistty [LllllttL bought ins itt‘\\ il’lione a
week alter it \\as launelied attei initially \yaitint: .i yeai toi the
seeoiid generation to debut.

“I wanted to get the first one iil’honei. but I didn‘t want to
get it in the first generation latitt said ”I knew they would
improye it in the nest generation."

And the iPhone 3(i has inipio\ed upon its pietletessoi .\t
cording to the Apple. liie. Web site. the newest il’iione added
the 3(ianetwork speed. a UPS system. an applieations stoie
and ll suppoits .\lieiost-tt l‘\ehange \eiiyeSyne »\ll ot whitlt
are ayailahle tor \l‘N. the hot est slat’ltttf.‘ prite of an il’lioiw

the lirst generation il‘lioite was tiist availalile toi Wt)"

l.atifi said these new teatttres and the iiiipioyenients were
part ot the reason why he iushed to get his il’lione .lespzt;
w anting the earlier \ersioii,

"Basieally l w as weary about the tiist one.
"When it tn'st eaine out (Apple lllt i w as talking about the
things that it eotild haye done that ll hadn't done yet. \ist i
thought. ‘well. ll yoti giye them another silillls'L‘ to upgiade =7.
they‘ll probably fiy a few oi the piobleiiis' \nd the\ did lts

Earlier this year. one eommereial sparked a new genera‘

In the commercial —— simply called "Hallway” — two
guards walked down a dimly lit gray hallway each With one
l‘and tightly fastened to the handles on the sides of a small.
steel safe as Mission lmpossible~esque musie played iii the
background. As one guard swiped his ll) through a door's se-
eurity system. the music faded and a \UlL‘CtHCl‘ was heard
through the television.

“It‘s finally here." the narrator began. “The first phone to
beat the iPhone. It surfs the Web and downloads data twiee as
fast for half the price."

three the guards reached their final destination. they set the
safe down on a table and inserted their respeetiy e keys into the
safe to open it. And then. in a style that would make even
lathan lluiit blush. the safe opened. and a phone appeared as
the \oieeoyer eoneluded. “Introducing the new iPhone 3(i.‘~
The Apple lne. logo flashed. the eoniinei‘eial ended. and the
lien/,y began.

The seeond-generation iPhone was launelied July I l.
Three days later. aeeoi‘diiig to an Apple. lne. press release. the
eoinpany announced that its 1 millionth iPhone KG had been

latitt said

See iPhone on page 4


Late night film series to add
B-grade flicks to the mix

By Kelly Wiley

featuresakykernel r on:

Beer isn't the only thing
that will be on tap this week
end. Students ean get free pop
eom and free movies 'l‘liuisday
and Friday during The late
Night liilm Series. and there is
more than one movie to elioose

"ll you don’t like 'l‘lllll‘sr
day‘s movie you‘ll like T‘Tl'
day's." said Russ (‘aldw ell. the
eoordiitator for The Late Night
Film Series, "They are on the
big screen with seats and
sound. There is no reason why
students wouldn‘t want to see
these movies "

As film eoordinatoi‘. (ald
Well pieks the films shown
throughout the year.

“I love film and the eultur-
al influeiiees that it has.” (‘ald

well said. “We try to piek

Grant was a {tie


'Seasoned band' ofie 5:
soundtrack to my life


hints that make people think
and to me that‘s really satisfy
iiig "

The late Night l‘lllll Series
has no speeifie theme in mind
when ehoosiiig inoyies. but
(‘aldwell said they do like to
piek liliiis that eoi'relate with
the months. In ()etober they
show more horror films and
thrillers. and last year they
\iewed “Romeo + Juliet" on
Valentine‘s Day.

This year The Late Night
l'iliii Series started a new tra-
ditioii by introdueing B—grade
movies into the mix. Caldwell
said he has always loved
“eainpy and eorny" nioyies
but never knew where to find
them until he searelied the lit—

“We diseoy'ered a number
of liiternet sites that have old
liliiis or tiliiis that are out of
eopyiiglit laws, We are now

‘ Triangle Park Fountains

‘ Happy Hour y
Mummy - Friday y:
S 00 pm. son an1.

‘ - ‘.
Free Purkmq'i’n’z',
Short St. Garage


*‘TH‘OI'LVFrLr Mum St
oso‘ass gun

able to sereeii these B iiio\ies
tor tree." (‘aldysell \lllti.

The first Bigrade film will
he "’l‘urkisli Star Wars." pro
dueed iii 1930. This film will
be shown on 'l'uesday, 'l he see
ond film will be “Night of the
l.i\ mg Dead. produced in
most and it will be shown on
Tuesday. Sept. 33. All Brgi‘ade
movies will be shown at 7 pm.
in room 205 of the Student

The original Late Night
Film Series is held eyery
Thursday and l‘l‘ldil) at It) p.lll.
in Worsham Theater in the Stu-
dent Center. The 'l‘hursday‘s
film is "Mallrats." followed by
"linter the Dragon." which will
be shown T‘Tltlit).

The rest of the month will

feature ".luno." “TRON."
"There Will Be Blood." Robo~
eop.” "l-riday" and “(ihost


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. teiiee. lately. my
a personal sound
.. ti'aek has been
NICK doitiiiiated by one
WALTERS band. The Hold
Kernel Steady.
columnist l was original

|y iiiti‘odueed to
the band's iiiusn a

ten years baek and was instantly drawn

to their \ibe.
musieal grea

The band takes kllk'\ troin
ts sueli as Bruee Spring

steen. Ste\ e [curl and The Band by utr
li/ing lyrieal storytelling, memorable

18 BliliRS , l5L'


FS SAT 7 no

DOWNTOWN. l.l‘.\l\'t} TON

sin: a lone e'li‘ltlse“ .i‘iti


ilepit tin: lost iw\e

I'heii sound is tit! hex:

paities .111".


that lll\iUtiC‘ a good .llllz‘li
\\Illl.ltit‘l1lllle \lidysest teehn:
the band now iesitles llt lliookly:
ot ttie tiye iiieinbeis ot the gen:
originally tion‘. the \liiiiieapoi:s
and then \lidwest iipbiiiiging has
oiisly spread throughout then sozi'a
partieularly loxe then rise of llamr“

style organ tones on then new
Stay l’ositiye

loi'ined 111200,? llte Hold Stew.
.1 l‘tclly seasoned Ullllll l‘hCy llfl‘t‘f 7'"
pleted tout albums and a few l l‘s t'
you hear a te\\ ot the band's sol's'
beeoities e.is\ to reeogiit/e then \1'
espeeially the \l‘lLs' of lead \t-t
(‘iaig lnin llis tone has a tough
nient that adds a LL‘l'ltllll depth and .. .1

\‘w Walters '

l LIQT'OR Sllll’t‘ llth

23 30


 PAGE4 | Thursday Septernber4 2008


Continued from page I

First generation owners
not switching

Just like his cousin Latiff.
Jon Chadwell also bought his
iPhone immediately after it
came out. But Chadwell
bought his one year ago. he
couldn‘t wait for the second

Chadwell was impressed
by the previews of the
iPhone. and he bought his
first generation iPhone based
off past experience with Ap—
ple products.

"I‘ve had very good ex—
perience with Apple and cus—

tomer service. Even if you ,

have an older piece of equip
ment they constantly have
(software) updates." said
Chadwell. a pre-pharinacy
senior. “It's easily updated if
you have an older phone.
they (Apple) don‘t want to
leave you out in the cold."

Chadwell said the iPhone
is useful during classes for
reasons besides text messag-

“Sometimes I‘ll pull out
my phone and type in a Web
site. an important date or
something new." he said.
"I'm not the type of guy that
carries an organizer. It’s got
everything I need. “

Bobby Gaffney. a third
year graduate student in mo-
lecular biology and first gen-
eration iPhone owner. said he

doesn‘t really use his iPhone
for academic reasons outside
of e-iiiail.

“I‘m not really using it
for school work." (iaffney
said. “I might read a profes-
sors e-mail. but I'm not going
to respond to them."

(iaffney said the iPhone
has network issues that can‘t
be ignored.

“Its so fragile. and it
drops so many calls."
(iaffney said. “I can be sitting
in my apartment and not get
signal. And if you‘re on the
Internet it‘s slow, You can use
UK's Wi—Fi network. but if
you don't use \VI—Ifl. it just
goes through the phone. and
it's just too slow."

Gaffney said for these
reasons he wouldn‘t consider
upgrading to the 30 models.
and would not have gotten
his phone if it weren't a gift.

"I would have never
bought it." Gaffney said.
“I‘m cheap. I get the phone
that comes with the plan. It’s
cool. but its not that cool.
I‘ve had the iPhone experi-

Chadwell also said that
he has thought about switch—
ing generations. btit ultimate-
ly there aren‘t that many dif—
ferences between his model
and the 3G.

"The 36 has 8 gigabytes
and mine is 4 gigabytes. the
36 has a built in GPS and
mine uses Google maps. and
the 30 has a faster network."
Chadwell said. "Its nothing to
make me get a new one. this
one is doing the job."


Musical duo
show to UK

By Kellie Oates

There really isn‘t any—
thing tasteful about musical
duo TASTiSKANK. Their
lyrics are shockingly blunt.
scandalous and hilariously
vulgar. and they top it off by
rocking high-heels and look—
ing fabulously risque. And
they‘re coming to UK.

“They are essentially
good girls gone had." said
Nigel Lepainka. the cultural
arts director for the Student
Activities Board.

The duo consists of
Broadway actresses Kate
Reinders. who played Glinda
the Good Witch I the musical
“Wicked." and Sarah
Litzsinger. who played Belle
in “Beauty and the Beast."

And these two women are
putting a twist on obscene
comedy and showrng the
world it isn‘t just men who
know how to be publicly per--

Lepainka said
TASTISKANK manages to

If you go

When: Thursday at 7 pm.
Admission: Free

get their message across in an
adult fashion while putting a
spin on traditional lyrics.

"Their songs are mature
in nature because. as they
claim. they are tired of being
these ‘innocent' girls." Lepi—
anka said.

With songs that feature
lines such as. “You were the
worst sex I ever had." and “I
heart dirty boys with no mon—
ey." TASTiSKANK was
deemed. according to their
MySpace page. "the rockin'
love child of Tenacious D and
the‘ Indigo Girls."

Lepianka said that the
SAB decided to bring
TASTiSKANK to campus af-
ter an unforgettable perform—
ance at SAB‘s national con-

“They were very ener—
getic. funny. and it seemed
like an event that would at-
tract LIK students for obvious

According to their My—
Space page. TASTISKANK
was nariicd as one of the
"Top 35 Sexiest New Yorke
er‘s" by the New York Post.
and their lyrics speak on be—
half of single women every-
where by discussing the trials
and tribulations of today‘s
dating scene.

TASTISKANK will per—
form Thursday iiight at 7 in
Memorial Hall and is free and
open to the public.




Continued from pagt I

iiess to his singing. AI-
tliougli The Hold Steady
has a tone that becomes ta~
iiiiliiii' \et'y quick. they
hay e been able to find their
sound without getting
stuck with the same tiring
foi'iiiat. Itach album has an
oiei'all ambiance that is
similar. yet features differ»
ent musical elements. from
their other recordings.

While The Hold
Steady presents great mu—
sicianship. they are able to
give you the comfortable
feeling of a band that
could possibly be seen at
your favorite hole in the
wall on any given week-
end. I was recently reading
an article about their new
album in which the author
perfectly described the
group as "America
smartest bar band." The
Hold Steady delivers Iyri»
cal punches that actually
cause the listener to think.
all the while leaving the
m ei'all pleasant sentiment
of a good party.

Essential [)(I\i‘II/U(ld.\'.'
"St'qritnvrt'r'r'tl in Mem-
phis." “Killer Parties"

Wit/twat i.\' an [ing/[sh
senior. Ifrmuf/
_ft‘ttliirt'sfil ki/u’l‘flt’la um.



The Read, Dead Serious, Duppy

A' Jamba

8 p m. Mad Hatter. Ccvington. Tickets cost $5.

WRFL presents the Shondes, Spooky
8 pm, The Void Skateshop. Tickets cost $3.

Idaho, Alaska and Whistle Peak
IO p.m., Al‘s Bar. Tickets cost $4.

FRIDAY, Sept. 5
Great Depression w/ Frontier Folk
Nebraska, Travis Talbert, 40 East

8 pm, Mad Hatter. Covington. TIckets cost $5.

Lexington Hip Hop
10 pm, Al's Bar Tickets cost $3.


Strongest Proof, Black Saints Cartel,
Horns to the Heavens, Ricky
Veeneman, The Reminiscent

8 pm, Mad Hatter, Covington. Tickets cost $5.

3 Doors Down w/Hinder, Finger Eleven
and American Bang

For the week of
SEPT. 4 — SEPT. 10

Doors open at 5 pm, show starts at 6:30 pm,
Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati. 'fickets
cost $25-$75.

SUNDAY, Sept. 7

Look Afraid, Roxy, Just Above Jealous,
Bosco Rossi

8 pm, Mad Hatter, Covington. Tickets cost $5.

Journey w/ Heart and Cheap Trick
Doors open at 5:30 pm, show starts at 7 pm,
Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati. Tickets
cost 325-3125. ’

MONDAY, Sept. 8

Deaden Your Fears
8 p. m. Mad Hatter, Covington. Tickets cost $5.

These United States, Some Other
10 pm, Al's Bar. ‘fickets cost $5.

TUESDAY, Sept. 9
Vampire Weekend w/ White lMlliams.
Doors open at 7 p. in, show starts a 8.

Headliners Music Hall, Louisville Tickets cost

WEDNESDAY,Se pt. t10
Recon w/ The Path & soldiers
8 p. m. Mad Hatter. Covington. Ticket prices not



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WRFL 88.1 FM
Top-10 albums of the week


2. Sic Alps, “A Long Way Around to a Shortcut”
3. Stereolab, "Chemical Chords" {mm}
4.Silver Jews, "Lookout Mountain, Lookout !

Thér trong. The t e‘ z my Strong f you w .
»- ’ lam”: life, joining A m fiC' In collegejs‘fhe strangest way
1 rtwfarr Army ROTC ov’ ’ . ends on leadership development
an :T‘round out your collé udies. Plus you can earn a full-

" ‘ tuition, merit- based schola‘fship After graduation, you ll begin .
5- Dr. 009: "Fate your career as an Army Officer. With a start like that, there 5; ESE—RE]
6.1110 Walkman, "You 8i Me" rfo limit to what you can achieve. ' I

7.Beck, "Modern Guilt" M I; V“. . . W YSTRONG.
8. Bonnie Prince Billy, "Lie Down in the Light” ' ' ‘ ” ‘ ‘
9. Apollo Sunshine, ”Shall Noise Upon"

10. Calexico, "Carried to Dust"

”um" ’

Visit us In Barker Hall or contact Major Harrington at 859.257.6865 or bdherr3®uky.edu for more Information.






September 4, 2008
Page 5


Bobby Reagan
Asst. Sports Editor

Phone 2574915
breagan®kykerne| corn


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