xt7ttd9n6685 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n6685/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-08-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1987 1987 1987-08-28 2020 true xt7ttd9n6685 section xt7ttd9n6685  




After Hours

Three local artists

in upcoming exhibit. SEE PAGE 3.

find “expression”




Chapman finds fools gold at
Pan Am games. SEE PAGE 6.




\ \\\\\\\\\\

Today: 80% chance of rain
Tomorrow: Cool. possible rain



Kentucky Kernel

yet. was. is: . . .

m of Kentucky. Lexlngton. Kientudty


Friday, August 28, 1987

UK grocery, restaurant makes campus debut

Editorial Editor

The student eatery in Blazer Hall
is looking less and less like a cafete-
ria —— intentionally.

This summer. the north campus
student dining facility. formerly
known as the Blazer cafeteria and
grill, was revamped by UK food
services into a convenience type
grocery store saddled with an a la
carte restaurant, a sub shop and
pizza shop that delivers to north
campus students, said Robert

Braun. director of food services.

Put them together and they form
the Courtyard Restaurant. a student
dining facility that keeps up with na-
tional collegiate dining trends.
Braun said.

“Student eating habits are chang-
ing and with Blazer we are trying to
keep up with the demand that stu-
dents provide," he said.

Part of that demand was made ap-
parent by way of a student survey
that Food Services conducted last

The department conducted a sur-

vey in the spring semester on north
campus. during a period of three
days. asking students what they
wanted the Blazer facility to be.
Braun said. in addition. the student
food committee — made up of one
representative from each residence
hall on north campus — was con-
fronted with the results of that sur«
vey and asked for their input.

The results weren‘t surprising.
Braun said. “The majority of the
students weren‘t pleased with the

So food services took the results to

heart and made some serious
changes to a cafeteria that was los-
ing money.

As a result, the Courtyard Restau-
rant presents students with a relax-
ing setting. Braun said. Part of the
facility is dedicated to the food serv-
ices. while the rest has been styled
for use as a lounge.

The lounge will eventually consist
of sofas, chairs. a large screen TV
~ complete with cable — and a pool
table. Braun said. “We‘re still in the
process of doing this.“

Much of these changes took place

thanks to the advantages of the Din-

“We‘re offering more of a variety
because of it.“ Braun said. “With
the Dinercard we can design opera-
tions to be more efficient and more

The Dinercard has grown in popu-
larity since the first semester it was
offered. Braun said. This year. 85
percent of all students with a meal
plan subscribe to the dinercard pro~
gram.he said.

As a result of this growth of facili-
ties such as the Courtyard restau-




Muddy waters


Mark Hampton and Robert Baker make a bridge for fraternity brother. Ben Rao.

to slide through yesterday by the Lambda Chi house during the thunderstorm.

RANDAL mtumsou Kernel sun



UK accepting bids
of hall’s renovation
for supercomputer

Editor in chief

UK is accepting but to renovate
McVey Hall in order to accommo-
date its recently purchased $5.7 mil-
lion supercomputer. Bids will be
opened Sept. 10. with renovation ex-
pected to begin soon thereafter.

UK President David P. Roselle an-
nounced the purchase of the comput-
er. an IBM 3090-300E. on Aug. 12.
Roselle said the purchase will make
UK one of the top higher education
computer centers in the nation. as
only 17 institutions have such a com-

The Class VI computer will allow
University faculty, students and em-
ployees to work much faster and
more accurately. administrators
say. Users will be able to calculate
much more complex computations

Coal tax could pay debt,

Associated Press Writer

FRANKFORT — An increase in
the severance tax on coal could be
used to help pay off the workers‘
compensation debt without severely
damaging the industry. Rep. Joe
Clarke. D-Danville. said yesterday.

Clarke. who is co-chairman of the
interim joint Committee on Appro-
priations and Revenue. said a study
done by the US. Department of En-
ergy showed that Kentucky coal
would still be competitive with a
slight increase in the 4.5 percent
severance tax.

The study estimated that a tax
rate of 5 percent would prompt a
production decline of 400.(X)0 tons but
raise $21.5 million in 1%. A rate of
5.5 percent would cause production
to fall by 1 million tons but add $42.6
million to the tax revenues.

at a much higher speed. and per-
form large-scale simulations.

An architect was hired earlier this
year to design the renovation. but
the actual work was delayed until
the specific kind of computer was
chosen. said Gene Williams. acting
vice president for informations sys-

Renovation will be more electrical
and environmental than structural.
he said. No expansion of the building
is planned.

The building will be renovated in
three stages. The building will be
brought up to fire and safety codes
and then made accessible to the
handicapped. The machine room in
the basement. where the computer
will be housed. will then have appro-
priate air-conditioning and electrical
systems installed.

UK hopes to complete renovation

Jim Baker. head of the Western
Kentucky Coal Association. dis-
agreed with some assumptions of
the study and the conclusions made
by Clarke.

Baker said the study used coal
prices that were unrealistic. it also
ignored the fact that many long-
term contracts for coal are up for
renewal in the coming two years
and a tax increase would hurt Ken-
tucky mines' competitive position.

He speculated smaller coal com-
pania especially would be harmed
by the increase and that some would
beforced out of bminess.

Clarke said extra money is needed
in the workers‘ compensation formu-
la proposed by Gov. Martha Layne
Collins to avoid the financial crunch
that would come in 10 years.

Collins has propon the sale of
$380 million in bonds to finance
workers‘ compensation swank. ’lhe


by Dec. 15. Williams said.

Students and faculty will be able
to use the computer through the cur-
rent computer setups. something
that was done at Roselle‘s former
school. Virginia Polytechnic Insti—
tute and State University.

Roselle said the opportunity would
expand opportunities for study. par-
ticularly in areas of medicine. engi-
neering and economics.

See BIDS. Page 9

Rep. says

bonds would be repaid over 30 years
with debt service the first 10 years
at $24 million annually. in the last 20
years. though. annual debt service
would rise to $55 million.

“I think we need to look hard at
paying it off faster." Clarke said at
a committee meeting yesterday.

Clarke said the coal industry
should bear a larger burden of the
estimated $1.7 billion debt of the
workers‘ compensation program be-
cause approximately twothirds of
that amount is owed to victims of
black lung disease.

Baker also disputed that position.
saying the coal indmtry had "no
control over the program that‘s been

Collim has iroposed a 20 percent
surcharge on workers‘ compensation
insurance premiums and an $18 an-
nual employee levy to pay for the
bondsand othercosts.

State’s largest papers
make pitch to students

By (‘H ER] COLL] S
Contributing Writer

The Courier-Journal and Herald-
Leader are trying to make it easier
for UK students to get paper sub-

The Herald—Leader has subscrip-
tion stands located at Kennedy Book
Store and the Student Center. while
the Courier-Joumal‘s locations can
be found at the Kennedy and Univer-
sity Book Stores, in front of the
Chem-Phys Building on Rose Street,
and two locations in the Student

The Herald-Leader will be open
8:30 a.m.- 3:30 pm. and the Courier-
Joumal will be open 9 a.m.- 6 pm.
The two papers will be at these loca-
tions today and next week.

The Courier-Joumal is seeing a 10
percent increase in sales this year.
Joe Coffman. state sales supervisor.
attributed the increase to many fac-
tors. including a new sports reporter
based in Lexington who only covers
UK sports.

“This gives a lot more UK sports
coverage . . . we stress that as we
talk to people."

The majority of the Courier-Jour-
nal‘s student subscribers came to
UK from outside the Lexington area
and live throughout the state, he
said. This is because it is “delivered
to their town." said Coffman.

“A lot of kids‘ mom and dad read
(the Courier-Joumali and feel more
at home so they decide to get it at
school." said Bob Taylor. a Courier-
Journal salesperson.

Greg Spotts. Herald-Leader dis-
trict manager trainee of circulation.
said there is “not too much competi-
tion with students. We‘re the
most popular. "

Spotts said that the Herald-Leader
has been at the same two locations
the past few years.

Although Spotts said he did not
know if circulation has increased. he
said the “majority of people are
used to getting the Herald iaSi part
of the (back to school) ritual
getting books and getting your Her-

The Herald-header student rate is
40 percent cheaper than the regular
rate and if you currently have a sub-
scription. it will stop immediaetly
and your student discount rate
comes into effect.

A full-year. seven-day subscription
costs $55 and includes a free UK
rug. The semester fee is $30. You
also have the option of getting only
the weekday or weekend editions.

The Courier-Joumal‘s rate for the
daily and Sunday paper is $26.82.
The cost of the daily paper is $14.74.

Both papers accept check. cash.
MasterCard and Visa.


If you missed Aiddrop. don't

You can still add a class. but
you better hurry. Tuesday is the
last day to add a class for the
197 Fall Sernesta'.

And if you haven‘t even regis-
tered yet. you can do that too.
Students who did not advance
register and new applicants
cleared late for admision she
have until Tuesday to late regis.
late fee.


Sept. 9 last day to add

Students who need to add a
class or late register should go to
the office of their college‘s dean.

Tuesday is also the last day to
officially withdraw from the Uni-
versity or reduce course load and
receive an to percent refund.

Sept. 9 is the last day for pay-
ment of registration fees and/or
homing and dinirg fees.

If these fees are not paid. stu-
dents risk cancellation of their
registration and/or meal card.



rant. the punch meal card program
may eventually be phased out by
Dinercard. Braun said.

"It‘s in the back of our minds that
(phasing out the punch meal cards)
might happen. that's a very good
possibility.” Braun said

"Once we introduced the Din-
ercard and saw the popularity
«the cardI started to open up a
whole new world of ideas for Us “

“i think in the next lhl‘t‘t‘ or tour
years you‘ll see a lot oi changes."

fees due
by Sept. 9

Some long lines
can be expected

Contributing Writer

As you rush to and from class
these next few days. keep in mind
that the deadline for paying your
fees is September 9.

Ben Crutcher. director of student
billings. estimated the worst times
to pay your fees are during class
breaks and the two days before the
deadline. Sept. 7 and 8.

On those days. he said the “tics
can be as long as 25-30 minutes

But on days before that hectic pt-
riod, the lines only run .3 iii ”Limit-S

If your fees are overdue, a $50 re
instatement fee will be charged

A drop box is located outside the
Student Billings Office for those it ho
want to avoid the long lines.

If you decide to go this route.
(‘rutcher said students need to make
their check or money order out to
the University and include their
name and social security number

The billing office has also opened
a branch office in the Commons

It is located in room 316 and is
open from 9 arm-4:30 pm. Monday
through Friday.

The main branch for the billings
office is located in 257 Student Cen-
ter and is open from 8 a.m-fi p m It
will also be opened on Saturday
from 10am-1pm.

The branch office is located in 316
Complex Commons and is open from
9am. to4130 p.m.

with award

Staff report

Albert B. "Happy" Chandler has
been selected as L'K's Centennial
Alumnus by the National AssoCia-
tion of State Universities and Land-
Grant Colleges.

Chandler. a former Kentucky
state governor and honorary i'K
Board of Trustees member. will be
honored at the Centennial Symposi-
um of the group in November

Chandler is the only man in the
state to serve two terms as gover-
nor. He has also been a US. senator
and commissioner of major league
baseball. Recently. he was the sub-
ject of a recent Sports Illustrated ar-

The men and women selected as
Centennial Aliunni repment a
broad cross section of society and
professions. such as business and
labor. science. engineering. medi~
cine. journalism. education and
many others. according to a press
release about the event .

Centennial Alumni were selected
on the basis of their outstanding con-
tributions and character. the release

The general session of the symposi-
um will be addressed by Walter
Cronkite. former CBS news anchor.

A special recognition ceremony
will highlight the accomplishments
of ”Centennial Alumni" in a “Scroll
of Honor." which will be distributed
at the session. and in remarks by
the Associations‘ chairman.


 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. Aliquot 28. 1007


Dire predictions for budget
made by legislative committee

Associated Press

FRANKFORT - Larger public
school classes and elimination of
Kentucky Colonel commissions are
two possible results of shortfalls ex-
pected in the 1988-90 budget. accord—
ing to a study released yesterday to
a legislative committee.

A shortfall of as much as $464 mil-
lion would result if revenues lag as
much as expected and state agen-
cies spend only 2 percent more in
1989 than this year and 4 percent
more in 1%9.

Resolving the dilemma is simple.
said Sen. Mike Moloney. [flexing-

“You cut programs or raise reve-
nues." said Moloney. who is chair-
man of the Senate Appropriations
and Revenue Committee.

State agencies were asked how
they would respond to the shortfall,
and the lists they presented troubled

"If we cut back anywhere similar
to what the agencies propose, we'll
be a state government that is ex-
tremely insensitive to children."
Moloney said. Most of the cuts
would come in human services and
education. which account for four-
fifths of the state budget.

though. go

The proposed cuts,
across state government.

The Department of Education
would slash almost $6 million in
1539 alone by not reducing class
sizes, eliminating kindergarten
aides and not providing additional
help to exceptional children.

In fact, the department proposed
eliminating virtually all of the edu-
cation initiatives adopted by the
General Assembly in 1%5 and 1&6.

Moloney indicated the elimination
of those programs is unlikely.

“What I said. and what other
members said. is. ‘Over our dead
bodies'” Moloney said.

On the other end of the scale, the
secretary of state's office propsed
saving $51,700 in 1989 by doing away
with one of the state‘s best-known
symbols, the Kentucky Colonel.

Moloney. who has long advocated
increasing Kentucky’s income taxes
by adoption of the federal tax code,
took the opportunity yesterday to
make another push on the subject.

If done this year in a special legis-
latives session. Kentucky could real-
ize about $300 million in the next
three years and avoid some of the
harshest budget cuts. he said.

Democratic gubernatorial candi-
date Wallace Wilkinson has opposed
adoption of the federal code and has
also said that Kentucky's budget
problems are based on overoptimis-
tic revenue estimates, not too much
spending. Wilkinson has also said he




a uniform

can present a balanced budget with
no new taxes.

Moloney. who opposed Wilkinson
in the primary, did not mention his
party's candidate by name. but indi-
cated it will not be the next gover-
nor's responsibility to make a spend-
ing plan.

“it‘s the legislature that now
writes the budget." he said.

The proposals submitted by the
agencies prompted a discussion
among Appropriations and Revenue
Committee members on the priori-
ties that should be in the budget.

Many members observed that few
agencies proposed cutting employ-
ment as a way to save money. even
though the public workforce is near-
ing an all-time record.

The agencies not only proposed
cuts in existing or mandated pro-
grams but also spelled out another
$215.4 million in programs they said
should be funded in the coming two
years in order to meet their obliga-

The budget problems are due not
just to lagging revenues and grow-
ing expenditures. The state is also
spending money that was not appro-
priated in [revious years.

“The bottom line is we‘re spend-
ing about $100 million more than
we’re getting in,“ said Sen. Art
Schmidt. R-Cold Spring.



' earner-ammo”

Mike Stewart, a trumpet player for the UK band.

' 23“.“ 5-






round stic


Ith'vt Dy
0 n

a ' . a o
‘ ~‘i sronr

Formerly BIC Biro


10 Pack


l;_i.6r:$A§}iE_86§iiSL-;j 1 I



and save

' $9.95

w (reg. $14.95)


to get new
TV station

Associated Press

Lexington may finally get another
television station. An independent
commercial television station
planned for seven years may go on
the air by Jan. 1.

Family Broadcasting Co. Inc.
owns the license for WLKT-TV and
has had to battle over zoning prob-
lems, a license dispute and ques-
tions about air traffic around its
tower in Clark County. The tower
will be near the point that Bourbon,
Clark and Fayette counties con-
verge, but no site has been chosen
for the office and studios.

The station also has lost its shot at
becoming central Kentucky's first
independent station. WDKY—TV. a
bexington-Danville independent sta-
tion, went on the air more than 18
months ago.

Robert Rosenstein, a partner in
Family Broadcasting, said he was
looking forward to the competition,
but said the group probably would
have hesitated on the project if they
had foreseen all the obstacles it
would face.

Dan Wheeler, who will help run
WLKT, said the program lineup
would be situation comedies, movies
and cartoons, all of which are con-
sidered standard fare for an inde-
pendent station.


$5.00 doing it!



'1‘!"l i srou

! 3‘5




,JLLiDEIRSh-Limif-EZ ; I



illni !!l!!:.‘!l1.|inni .3 llni EEJEEEIIJIHIEE?


Dress for success.

Enroll in the Army Reserve
Ofliccrs‘ Training Corps. and you
could graduate with the privilege
of wearing the proud gold bars
of a second lieutenant as well as
a cap and gown.

Army ROTC is the college
elective that gives you an
opportunity to learn. and practice.
management skills. Experience
leadership styles and motivational
techniques. And gain the self-
confidcncc that can spell success
in any career, civilian or military.


Fall Semester 1987-88

Start that career with the
advantages only Army ROTC can

give vou. For students who need to carry their own insurance, the University has made arrangements for a Comprehensive Major

Medical plan at reasonable group rates.
This plan provides year round coverage wherever the student may be as long as the semi-annual premium is maintained.

RCgISIer thls week for a “0‘ Several options are offered, one of which will suit your needs:

obligation elective that can
make your UK education
more valuable:

OPTIONS ‘6 month rate, 8/2 6/8 7 to 2/2 6/88

Under age 3 5

Student only .................................................. $1 70.00
. Student/Spouse ‘ ' ............................................ 451.00

Each child/dependent ....................................... 1 9 7. 00

" 'Studont/Spouse plan ONL Y has Maternity benefits.

MS 10] , American Military

Age 35 and over

Student only .................................................. S2 1 3.00

Student/Spouse ‘ ‘ ............................................ 5 3 3.00
Each child

'Rataa for this year indicate a 5% increase. As there
was no Increase for 1986/1987, thls represents a 214%
Increase per year. well under the natlonal average.

MS 201, Civil Military
Relations in a Changing

Enrollment periods are specified as the first 30 days of the Fall semester and the first 30 days of the Spring semester.
Other enrollments may be approved on an interim basis.

During the Fall and Spring enrollment periods. you may come to the Student Center the first week of each enrollment
period between the hours of 9 am. and 3 pm. Representatives from the Insurance Company and the Health Service will
maintain a table at the foot of the ballroom stairs in the Great Hall to assist you in enrolling and to answer questions.

You may also enroll at the University Health Service Insurance office between the hours of 8 am. and 4:30 p.m., daily
during the enrollment period. (Medical Plaza. Room 1698).

Army ROTC at 257-2696 or
stop by Barker Hall on the
UK campus.

For further information. please call (606) 233-8350.








 KFN‘I’IICKV KERNEL. Frldev. Auouet 25. 1957 - 3




David Roselle. newly-arrived
president of UK, says he’s a
Jimmy Buffet fan. but espe-
cially likes classical music —
which isn‘t without its draw-
backs. When parking his car
recently. Roselle told his son
to lock his door. The younger
Roselle responsed: “Like
somebody would really want
to steal your Beethoven tapes.
Dad." So much for like father.
like son.

Alfalfa Restaurant
hosts three artists’
experimental works

M71 H l"
. D

i 1'






nlght.SecondHelpingwillplaytrom9-l a.m.$2coverbothnighte.

The Bearded Seele —-— 500 Euclid Ave. Mr. Jones wll play tonight and tomor-
rownlght 9-1 am. $2cover both nights.
Nouvowitlplaytrom 9-1 am. 83 cover.

Ireedtnge——509W. WnSt. Cioudtonlghtloraprivfleputy. TheSoorewfl
pleytomorrownighttrome—1 am. saoover.

Klng'e Arms Pub — Tonight and tomorrow night. Csbuetor wll play from 9-1

“alum—259W. MainSt. TonightmdtomorrownidttJheDuoswiflplay
from 10-1 am. 51 cover.
night. Quadrawla play from 9-1 a.m. 52ooverbothm.
TwoKeye‘l’errern-Saas. LimestoneSt. Tonicitandtornorrownlght. Azlz





Beck to the Beech — Rated PG. (Crossroads: 2. 5:40. 9:35. Also showing at
,, NuthPak‘. 1:55. 5:45. 9:40.)
My Nile 0Q ll — Rated R. (South Park: 1:20. 3:20. 5:15. 7:50. 9:50
mdtonightandtornorrow only at 1 1 :40.)

The Big Eeey -— PREMlERE. Rated R. (Fayette M: 1:35. 3:40. 5:40. 7:55.
10:00. 11:55. Also showing at North Pair: 1:25. 3:30. 5:40. 7:55. 10:00

Born In East LA. - Rated R. (North Park: 1:50, 3:40. 5:30. 7:40. 9:40 aid
tonight and tomorrow only at 11:35. Also showing at South Pa'k: 1:45. 3:30.
5:10. 6:00. 9:35mdtonlgl'lt mdtomorrowonlyat 11:15.)

Can’t Buy Me Love -- Rated PG-13. (Crowoade: 2:10. 4:00. 5:50. 7:50,
9:45 aid tonight and tomorrow only at 11:35. Aim showing at North Pair:
1:55, 3:50, 5:45. 7:45. 9:50am tonightmdtomorrowonlyat 11:40.)

Dirty Dancing — Rated PG—13. (Fayette Md: 1:45. 3:45. 5:45. 7:50. 9:40
mdtonlghtmdtomorrowonlyat 11:35.)

Dleorderllee -- Rated PG. (North Park: 2. 3:55. 5:50. 7:50, 9:50 and tonight

The Fourth Protocol — PREMIERE. Rated R. (South Pair: 1. 3:15. 5:30.
7:45. 10 and tonight and tomorrow only at midnight. Also playing at North Putt:
1:10, 3:20, 5:30. 7:45. 10and tonightandtomorrowonlyat 12:05.) .

Fell Motel Jecket -— Rated R. (South Pak: 1. 3:10. 5:20. 7:35. 9:45 md
tonightmdtomorrowonlyat 1 1 :55.)

Hamburger l-fltl — PREMlERE. Rated R. (Fayette Mall: 1:20. 3:30. 5:35, 7:45.
9:55 mo tonight and tomorrow only at 11:55.)

Living Daylighte -— Rated PG. (South M: 2:30. 5. 7:30. 9:55 and tonight
lid tomorrow only at 12:10. Also showing at North Puk: 2:30. 5. 7:30. 9:55.
mdtonlght and tomorrow at 12:10.)

The Loot lays —— Rated R. (North Pair: 2. 3:55. 5:50. 7:55. 9:50 aid tonight
endtomorrowonlyat 11:55.)

hetero of the Unleeree — Rated PG. (North Park: 1:30. 3:35. 5:35. 7:50,
9:55endtonightmdtomorrowonlyet 11:50.)

hallo—Rated PG. (Tutlmd Md: 2. 3:50. 5:40. 7:50, 9:35.)

Ob Way Out -— Rated R. (Lexington Md: 1. 3:15. 5:30. 7:45. 10:00 Md
MWMtheSeveanem—Reteds.flutlmdw: 1:503:40.
5:30. 7:30. 9:15.)

W — Rated R. (Lexington Mil: 12:50. 3:05. 5:20. 7:35. 9250 are to-
niditmdtomorrwonlyat 11:55.)

Sumner School — Rated PG—13. (Crossroads: 3:50. 7:40 and tonimt aid to-
morrowonlyl 11:25. AlsoshowlngatNor‘thuk: 3:50. 7:40. mdtonlghtmd
Marilyn 11:35.)

mummw—mmdmnwn. 713°20'90“: 3
.10 9:45 tomorrow: 7:30 Sunday. lee Velvet. thed R. 9:30 Wt. ”oer
hole. Rated PG. niailght tonldtt; 5:30 tornorrw: 1:30 W. Hebert.
Med R. 12:30. 7:30 tomorrow; 5:00 Sindey. Need. Rded G. 12:00 tomor-
row; 3:30 Sunday. Working Olrte. 9:30 Smdey.

Home en Mela - lobooep. Rated P313. 7:50. 9:50 W: 1:45. 3:45.
5:45. 7:50. 9:50 tomorrow lid w. Rocky Horror Picture Show, mm

_rl'iorrow:7&indey . -



LESLIE Am LVONS/Kornel Staff
Lawrence Tarpey sketches at his desk. Behind him is a painting
that will be part of an upcoming exhibit at Alfalfa.



Arts Editor

If getting back to school for you
means getting back in touch with
the music that is prevailing on
the college charts, then what fol-
lows may be of some help. It's an
evaluation of some of the albums
that scored big over the summer.
both on college radio and in club-

Some more obvious picks. like
Tom Petty's latest. have been left
Out for the simple reason that his
reputation preceeds him. What
we have are some new names
you "my not have heard of and
some not-so-new names that are
fast becoming familiar. These
capsule reviews may help steer
you toward the right racks. Then
again. they may not, Your judge;
ment is the final one.

This is the first of two instalr
lments in the "Summer Round
up" edition of Kernel Knowledge.

Exit 0 Steve Earle & the Du-








Staff Writer


DThe opening reception will
be Aug. 30 from 7-9 pm. at
Alfalfa Restaurant. The exhibit
will run through Sept. 27 and
is free to the public.

the Lexington band Active

Ingredients. then you‘re
probably already familiar with the
art work of lead singer Lawrence

A devilish Elvis (that's Presley
not Costello) sporting horns
appeared on one. On others.
usually some image — such as a bat or sun — appeared with maniacal.
yet humorous expressions.

These images can usually be found in one form or another in most of
Tarpey's work. His comic strips. some of which have appeared in
bexington‘s own Nerve comic book. employ the same leitmotifs.

Nerve No.5 contains Tarpey‘s sense of humor in “Just Some Folks“
which casts Jimmy Hoffa as a hotdog and Keith Richards as a skeleton.

Tarpey describes his work as being “experimentally expressionistic. "
The experimenting is with texture. as one piece displays hunks of white
caulking compound protruding out from the canvas. Others show texture
created by etching through a layer of thick paint.

The results of these “experiments“ and others will be exhibited this
Sunday at Alfalfa Restaurant along with the work of Tom Thompson and
Cage Slagel. two other local artists.

Tom Thompson has been playing bass around Lexington for years with
bands like Radio Cafe. The Johnsons. and more recently. The Hooligans.

Slagel is a graduate of Fine Arts from Syracuse University in New
York and is currently an administrative assistant volunteer at the
Lexington Art League. He has participated in several Art League exhibits
and a recent juried exhibit at the Highlands Museum in Ashland. Ky.

Slagel says his work, which ranges from black and white acrylic
pieces to watercolors. is “mostly figurative."

“We chose Alfalfa because they have always displayed works of local
artists," said Tarpey's sister. Theresa.

She organized the exhibit and says that having a show at a restaurant
“ng artists more opportunities to have a show without being juried.

Now Huckleberry’s and Espresso Cafe are starting to hang work as
well." she added.

“And that encourages local artists to do something with their work.“

Critical measures required
on Kernel ‘Diversions’ page

but progress merits promotion. and
we promote accordingly.

Arts criticism is not glamorous
lt‘s dirty work. And the only way to
approach it is with clean minds and
pure hearts. We‘re looking for opin-
ionated people. We‘re looking for
bold critical stances supported with
strong. persuasive arguements.

The Kernel covers all facets of art

local and national. From the
smallest exhibit to the largest con~
cert. we try to view everything and
view it objectively. We don't claim
to offer the definitive word on any
art form. We just call it as we see it.
The rest is up to the reader.

I t‘ you've ever seen a flier for




Staff reports

No one ever said arts criticism
was easy.

But if you‘re one of us » the few.
the proud. the critics — then we
may have an opportunity for you.
We're looking for a few good writ-

Getting involved with the Kernel‘s
“Diversions“ page is not as hard as
people are led to believe (our bark
is generally worse than our bite).
There is no rigorous training pro-
gram where we force you to sit
through 10 Sylvester Stallone movies
and listen to all of the Bon Jovi al-
bums before you prove your worth
to us.

Sure. patience is a virtue. but bad
art is just bad art.

That‘s not to say the first thing
you review or cover will be the new
Springsteen album or the 02 show.
Everyone starts on the ground level.

if you think you have the insight
to see it. to call it and to report it in
clean. lean prose. then we‘re here to
offer you that chance. Come by the
newsroom in the basement of the
Journalism Building sometime in
the afternoon and speak with Arts
Editor Erik Reece.



Steve Earle has a poetic license
and he‘s usingit.

Exit 0 is one of those rare al-
bums where. given the space. it
would be in order to reprint the
lyric sheet in its entirety. But
even that wouldn't convey the
genuine feeling of the album.

All of the comparisions to Cou-
gar Mellencamp and Springsteen
find justification here while Earle
stakes out his own claim in a ter-
ritory much closer to country
music than the grounds of his go—

Dwight Yoakam knocked down
the door that had for too long
shut out guitar-minded country
singers like him and Earle who
provide a style rawer than the
likes of George Jones or George
Strait. However. marketing Exit
0 toward the rock audience and
releasing its single. “Nowhere
Road." on the country charts
should almost guarantee Earle
crossover success.

“No, 29“ is a ballad of an ex-
high school running back whose.
life progresses in intervals
marked by Friday night football
games. The new team has “got a
little tailback pretty slick. real
quick/l take him for a steak
sometimes/Nowadays he's No.

“The Rain Came Down“ is sim-
ply the best farming song written
since the present crisis:

“Now my grandaddy died in the
room he was born in

Twenty three summers ago

But lcould have sworn he was be
side me this morning

When the sheriff showed up at


50 don‘t you come around here

your auctioneer man
“Cause you can have the ma»

but you ain't taking my land"

With his drawnout vowels and
tight backing from the Dukes.
Earle can put an incredible
amount of feeling into a simple
line like. “Buddy you'd be su—
prised how fast a Chevrolet truck
can go.“ It‘s a thought that needs
no explanation because there
really is none — just an unpreten-
tious expression of honest feel-
ings that pervade throughout
Exit 0.

Tallulah (Eu-Betweens l