xt7ttd9n665d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n665d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-01-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1985 1985 1985-01-18 2020 true xt7ttd9n665d section xt7ttd9n665d . \
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' ' Food service be ins '
Equine center receives s g ,
f N .
addit'onal $1 111.“. I S] g 3 er] lates "
Management makes changes to cut ' ' *
By ELIZABETH CARAS of “supremacy in the breeding of long historyand it’s my opinion that - . . f .
NewsEditor thoroughbreds by attracting leading it’s never been better than it is __ losses In Student center cafeteria . V' ' I.
Call the research scientists from around the today,"hesaid. ’ ‘ ._ '4 - - 1
ing event one of the ”-red world." . ' ‘ ’ - .’-
I letter days" for the Maxwell H. Gluck who died in No Babbage said that for the past .30 By DARRELL (LEM But Rieman said the servwes saw . . '1 " .. fI_
.. . . vember, and or 40 years Keeneland has made sig- . Senior Staff Writer a 59.000 net rofit d r‘n V , ' . '-
Gluck Equine Research Center, h' . . . . . . . . g P U 1 g . member
President Otis A. Singletary an~ l5 Wife. Muriel, started (“wins for nificant contributions to academic - and December of last year. as up- ‘ .- ' '
nounc ed yesterday a $1 million do the center with a $3 million chal- programs at UK._theI most recent Although you can't I586 your re- posed to a 347.000 loss during the A ’ I. I ,' "
nation from the Keeneland Assoc” lglnge want in October of 1&3. The being a. 95,900 gift in December. flection in disposabledishes, Univer- same two-month periodin 1933 '. , ,. . . - . '
tion ucks at one time owned Elrnen- The Universny has not yet deter- , Slty F00d SerVice Officials how that "We had to make some changes." - ‘ "
g 2 The t h h br' the t l (liorf Farm on Paris Pike in Lexmg- minedhowthemoneyistobespent. using paper plates instead of more he said, "Total cost is much less on i ‘1 '- ‘ - '. "
M“ . gran, W i0 "‘85 ota 0“- . permanent tableware will reflect erat'n th's . ~

. amount committed to the center to . . PM“ the announcement, Bas- TED BASSE" well on the Student Center Food Mari 153:)? . ‘ ’ " I ‘

. amt $103 million may I» used to The «minimum was mm by set-t was elm‘ed ”alder" 0f the UK Servic5 d me' m‘andger 0f bu]. ‘ . ' . , i. .-

. - - ‘ about $3.3 million from members of Equine Research Foundation Board cellor for the Lexington camp's ' “3‘. Center F°°d 59""‘C'N‘5N sa‘d' ‘ » .

I. attract SCientists to the center and . . . . . . . . . ‘ And the f00d tray COHVeyor that "We ve one over to 'H ' . ‘

i _ to fund research equipment Sin- the horse industry and $3 million of Directors at its first organizatio- Jack Blanton, Vice chancellor for once moved dishes from the di - . .. g . . d paper 59““ ‘ , .

. gletarysaid ‘ from state economic development nal meeting. The foundation was administration; Charles Barnhart, area toward lar e beh' d’fltilg we . And {00d serv‘ceofl'c‘al5500“ -,= . ‘ ‘ '

' honds.Babbagesaid. created by the Boardof Trustees. dean of the College of Agriculture, di h , h gha m ‘ 9‘ realized that the d‘SPosabl" d‘SheS ‘ .

But the first commitment is to Construction for the center, which and Dr. John Bryans, chairman of :cfirfi 1.5 33:69“ 1 Sedcomg to a and the conveyor were ”0' “mm” - ' . ‘ .
provide sufficient funds for building will be built on Nicholasville Road in Other officers are Albert Clay and the department of veterinary sci- ban ‘ on y 0 rep ac b) "85h ble ' , ‘ . ' *
the structure, said Robert Babbage. front of Commonwealth Stadium, is W.S. Parrish. co-vice presidents; ence. lTsh‘ h . The paper prmuc“ tended t" 9”" ' ' ' .
special assistant to the president. sch edul ed tobegin thissummer. Fred VanLennep, secretary, and ff ice anges arehpart of an overall up when the conveyor turned cop. , . , ,
The University will then begin to Singletary saidthecenter is slated BrownellCombs,treasurer. Joseph Kuc, professor of plant pa- e ort d—ImeILiuIc abiéges were also ners. often toIthe point of spilling . .. , _ .
fund programs and equipment, he for completion in “late 1986 at the thology and Dr. Fred Zechman as- enace in . ovemI r ~ by fond ”Yer onto the tloon DOHUHHYH' \lld . .I
said. earliest.“ Other members of the board from sociate‘dean for research and grad- :erwf: Omelalb to Streamline-ajyy A. I‘he) r" “"F?""~‘“’“‘ ””1 ”“1“ I" '

Ted Bassett. president of the Singletary pointed to what he the University are Singletary. Ray uate studies at the Medical Center, afim gaggpéfilzd art] a 3:1 12:3 0f handlepa per A A- A
Keeneland Association. said the cen- called a history of good relations be- Hornback, vice president for Univer- were appointed to serve as faculty budget year saiduAilegn Rigmzlin (it:4 miHht Ed altlgugh Imp :mwwr “ '1 V I ' ‘

v - u , . . . - - ' 'OVCY‘ ‘ iii’ '
ter would further the: states image tween UK and Keeneland. Its a Sity relations; Art Gallaher. chan- representatives to the board. rector of University Food Services. g L (1.; :1 firefly-as“ , . -. I . ‘
Talk ives ~ - ~ _ ., .. y. » ; » -
g . ,‘i; I -._ «A. A ‘N‘ I) . . _
h' ' ' 11 en 11 ors en] 03’ » A
,» “e iI- i _
istoric Side as ,3. ,~.4 -_ >, i » - . a .
of laughter * N , . he plug 0 hers earn ’ -
~ \a"; . - a» --
By CAROLYN EDWARDS ' - ,~. .‘N f .‘ «I . . .
Staff Writer mm._ - a. ,, W . i '1 ' , . , o i By SAILAJA MALEMPATI like this you are forced to deal With , ‘
....._.. ”MM“ . A h ... _ a” Staff Writer a lot of troubled students and you - N.

. Laughter has been around almost * _ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ run into many trying situations. it ' ‘
forever. and Louis A. Yandell /.: ' ' , If you discover that your classes really helps improve (one'Si ‘ ‘
proved it still is in abundant supply W M, ...._. / i -... are a little more than you can han- relationship with people." ~ .
as he spoke to about w Donovan - ., ' WW“ ; ” 'A , ‘ dle, don’t give up without giving the “It (tutoring! is a good way to use ' .
Scholars at the Student Center yes- ' ' ' "' ~N . I tutoring serviceatry. classes I have taken to help other .
terday. - . fl . - ' “ The UK tutoring service provides students." Lybarger said. "I really

“You become famous in Kentucky ‘ A . . ' “‘ ‘A a list of competent tutors whom stu~ enjoy it because you can actually .
if You were born in a log cabin. I ' ' ”“ ”w" ‘ ' m - 491:7 mg,” dents may contact for a variety of teach someone, ' _ '
wasn‘t raised in a log cabin, but we ‘ ¢ ' ' ‘“ , ~ ” . 32"" ~' ' A A ' classes It also will sponsor free help "Tutoring also helps ‘ne under-
moved into one as soon as we could ' « "‘ . 4 ', sessions for students having trouble stand things better because to ex- ' _ '
afford it," hesaid. “We were poor!“ ' -' , . ' in Spanish and lower—level math plan it you have to be able to under _ _

Yandell, a native Kentuckian who . " A' ' A , classes. standitverywellfshe said - .
is a retired teacher and principal ‘ t- saw “Last semester we had quite a "It is very rewarding to see pet)» ' .
with an interest in drama and enter- . ., «I ,4 few people ask for tutors in math ple do well,“Pendleton said . '
taining, spoke amid a scattering of . .' «I, as“: " ‘ , " ’ “I . and there weren‘t enough tutors to However, tutors have their share
jokes about the history of humor and . ‘, its 5. ‘ “ . A“ » ' go around.“ said Kathy Brussell. a of problems as well. "A lot of days I ,
the brand of humor found in today’s ' a ,9 __‘I ' ’ In": a “I" V - F2; learning skills instructor. "So we de~ come out feeling great because a '
society. " ,3"; 5 * ' ' ‘ cided to have help sessions every student was doing well. but there I.

Laughter can be traced to biblical . " . " . ’ ‘ Friday from 2pm. toapm.” are also times I come out a nervous . , .
times. Yandell said. It first ap- ’ . » . ., .' Students who are having problems wreck because they were.“ Pendle- . '. ‘
peared in the Bible when the aged ,. . t in Spanish can attend an hour-long ton said. g ' ,
Sara heard the prophecy that she ,. , It: ' - " ' ’ ' . .. . . .. session each Friday. Those inter» . , .
was to give birth to a son. Upon if.» N ’ it... "£5 .. . »" ested should call 257-8673 ahead of One common problem among , ' . .v ‘
hearing this, "She laughed within gs " y" , time tosign up.Bnissellsaid. most tutors is that “many students ’ . '
herself,"Yandell said. ‘ ‘“ I“? «is l The tutors are “generally energet- come asking them «tutors; to do . ' . .

In the times of the early kings, " . Us“: A a , ic, competent men and women who their homework for them instead of , I, .
laughter was used as a tool to ward I) “1&5 _ , safe . are interested in tutoring," said Peg coming prepared with specific ques— , . ‘
0“ depression. Yandell said every @ A , A 7 es; A Taylor, assistant director of the tions.“Taylor said. z ,
king had a jester who “looked funny . ”EA? ::_.. ’ "’-’ ~ 3% ‘ ' counseling center. . ' . '
to begin with." When the king was $355 a“ a, . To ensure that “we have as many “We suggest tutors be hard-nosed . .‘ . II -
depressed. he called for the jester to mist-if - .« qualified tutors as possible," the about it." she said ”n is legitimate ' , f , . ’
make him laugh. if the jester failed, , as N” ‘ ‘ learning center requires that stu- for them to check over the home- . I. - , '
he was beheaded. : so)? :"I ‘ . dents interested in becoming tutors work and do teaching, but they _ ' ‘

Sometimes humor is as difficult as N ..I ,, any have good grades,Taylor said. shouldn'tdo the work for them ~~ . ’ - , - '
thattoday.Yandellsaid. N, f 1 H l thi k eed . , - _

PeOple use humor to deal with 50- .‘s. ' A, A A I owever. “peop e n you n “I advise anyone i tutor t( be ‘ ' . ' .
ciety-s problems, he said People ,. _ 53 .. to be a mathIprofessor to be a math prepared as possible. It IS ver)v (M23: . . I . .
can't hide their heads in sand. so . » --~ .~ ' A if» tutor. That NS! isnttrue, said Mel- cult to answer general questions." -' A '
they ”might as well be jolly" about 5 I U I} anle Lybarger. a communications Pendleton said "Without knowing a I . .
the problemsoflheday,hesaid. A " é senior. specific problem it is hard to know . ‘ ' -

Humor has changed throughout ' "$- ”There is a very high demand and where to start. [)0 1 start “lih 1 - 1 . "
the years to represent the mood of . .V i n t n 1e are tutori .. she 0r2 + 27" ‘ .
the people. Yandell said. It has ; v s. 31 52mm Y 9909 “8- a .
evolved from traveling salesman " ’ . . A. ’ The most helpful suggestion tutors .‘ ' .
13:95 0: 5'1: 33:75 380 [0 than” A A InickswiiimmkemeiStan According to John Pendleton‘ an had for students was to get help as ' I
y es 0 t . pressmn to _ ay's 0 electrical engineering sophomore, soon as they become aware that - . ‘, ‘
Jokes. which include such topics as Pathflnder tutoring is not only rewarding to the they are having difficulties in . . _N ,
sex~SEHIIIIY»IM|del|ty and POI“!CS~ A student walks up a grass path toward the Patterson Office Tower yesterday after a winter storm pupil,but the tutor benefits as well. classes. Lybarger said too often -, _ -

But humor has remained _ultimate- dropped three inches of snow on Lexington. Snow flurries are possible today with no accumulation . _ ”People W8“ ‘0 COMaC‘ tutors until .
ly the same, he said. and it usually ex led ‘Tutoring helps tutors more than they are so far behind that it is al- .

sceI,AU(;HTl-2n_page7 ' people realize,“ he said. “In a job mostimpossibletocatch them up ” . .
m M t (1 nt are afraid of tests counselors say   ' '
“gag“ Psychologist recommends preparation and familiarity to conquer test anxzety and impro ve grades

1AA fiwgfléx By KENZIE L. wmsrmo “WI “8‘13“”? mu tugzdmpef‘ 2. O A) C ' ' '
3:555? ‘MNNg« «Wssss‘N‘A Staff Writer “ salia comp“ “5 0 m S n m . i
I ”N II,I:I:III“;a.aV A” Of t hesef ears 0f overcoming fearof tests. a \v\ . . fl Ad fl ' '
“a“; k f Robertwfialti; a psyshologyofpgi- failure and public “Sex Taylgr': gaunggracgucer \\<‘ \ s ,- k at $92
VAN-N *stw‘w .;"--»‘::..:‘~:;i§; .. A m, my me As A -. A \ ’

szW‘A’A .zse' some who {linked a national ”€08?“ are related to ‘0' “will! “"5 “‘h “Wt 1°00 C6 a, . E’ m .

”at has .5 » exam the times. It wasn't because prlmltlve [nsnnctua] students me full academic year. L _)

.. as...” WE: “V" 1:19?» she didi't wider-stand the subject . , Taylor said test anxiety is an emo-

WVV“:4”N matte. but because she was unable fears- tioml problem. When a test comes / .l . . \

§t§n ?ss,t* ,\ . tocope with her fear of failure. Robert Baker, up, some mtghlyleue lot of other ‘\

at” . a . . That soident is jut one of many anxieties t compomd . . _/

{2* 1M , . .‘ .s . . who we from tat anxiety. They ps-whow‘y professor the [touch of e tat. ‘1‘heee other ‘. //

§Na fishyI$I§giayI3I . _ ' patio at tin Wt d W I test — (ml) m3 M be / v“ .t 4. ‘ . /

N: ' ~ What can follow: b a tenth: of latedtoprimipt‘i'ifleimltt'nctuei l‘feers." Mic said a major pitfall for 31’ ‘ _:‘.’- \\
m. ”C m, Vim I“ m “id ”I fear a m“ Md M M“ h "It tIl’cy “m“ I‘i‘ffxufit‘ ‘

WEATHER “"YM‘m‘mW beginioduipnieuuudamma- WWW” MW \t \

iMmMyam.'1u-feerof m to test uni-time gratuity tobreektheirtimedownuitoeeg- — _ .

. “ileum-enunciattht endleuntorelaxineneninetmo- m."elieeeid.'1‘heydon‘tlnve "'
term For mun: ‘h'e' Anyhsueidaiemy foreto- "—

f" ' . m an H mm m . “y __—

~ . hemmucdtuttai.” Jewflgywm so: mommmwwa -- mm“
_ _ “be"lhmudblph wwfimfiymm madam. WW“___ 0
_ ' hlhm-“r‘lN' H am toevoid tut anxiety in tobe «y. M am u, mm... k W— \\
.. mu” ran-.m“. ' "W“- m W at m" mmmm‘WNflm it!" \\\'HH ‘
my A” d h m d ”Mmfiy- m II”. "WI. ttcir time wise- Him“
' UK'I and»; center. located in thlpthuneettheirwioritia." 5“ "In...
a A

 Z-WYK“ “I my 1‘ 1“
. e.w.
Hall warns about expectations .......... cm
ma my REMNANTS sl NU
. wlwunvoueswesi .
""‘ =1 "d“ “.13 '“"'* All Sites To Fit
rant can
, as Kentucky takes on Florida "was. ..... .. m... ..........
any reagent 8: Fraternity
By WILLIE HIA‘I‘I‘ ference and 9-5 overall. by wimiru ished the game Nor-15 against Ken- mutuhn Apartment or
Staff Writer three of their four conference games tucky. rd M "sailfimjhchen Dorm Room
in Rupp Arena. Hall warned that Sophomore gun Andrew oten W 'M»
W Coach Joe a. Hall has to after tomorrow’s game with the leads the Gators with a 16.3 aver- mfluhvm'u-m W...“ 8:00 p.311, Tgnlghf
be pleased his team is atop the Florida Gators, fourot‘ the next five age. The other two guards, fresh- """1’" '9” ~ ”enactment.“
~ Southeastern Conference after games areontheroad. man Vernon Maxwell and sopho- ,5. 211-391,. am
Wednesday night's win over Missis- But the Gators are first. Before more Darryl Gresham. are
sippi State. he remains contained — Wednesday limit. Florida shared averagilg 14.1 and 13.5mpectively. , ‘, T _.‘ -
. andcautiots. the sac lead with MSU and Ken- “All three of them can shoot off ‘~\..'.1!f
After the 58-57 squeaker with the tucky. In Iosiru to Georgia, 71-60, the wrong foot, fadiru away from New 5 ' "‘
' Bulldogs. Hall was asked how it felt Florida relinquished its chunkofthe the basket. and deliver a soft ‘ ‘ ‘ ———
, to be in sole possession of first lead, leaving the Cats in first place. touch.“ Hall said. “They offer the ‘ i ,_ ‘ l... OF I SHE I
place. "We'll enjoy it while we can." Even more important though. the strongest challenge from the guards‘ div ;_ g
Hall said. hinting that glory could be 10$ came on its home court in Gai- standpoint than any team that we’ve pt ‘ ‘ \ _
‘ fleeting. He quickly added. “We'll nesville. faced." SATURDAY
. . sure have our hands full defending “I don‘t think the loss to Georgia They also have in their arsenal 6-
it " is that crippling.“ Hall said, “al- foot-8 center Eugene McDowell. Mc-
Hall was still wary at his weekly though a loss at home has to be rec- Dowel] made allSEC a year ago and Every Saturday. get 2 tasty
press luncheon at Wildcat Lodge tified.“ led the conference with a 9.2 re- Soft Shell for 0m 5'29
yesterday. warning the media. the And it could be rectified by beat- bounding average. He comes to Lex- ' ' , IaCOS ' Y - -
V public and even his team against ing the Cats in Rupp Arena. ington averaging 14.1 points and 10 If S a Soft Shell Sale thats hard to beat.
‘ ‘ getting too excited about the Cats' The Gators are 10-3 overall, with rebounds this season. _ : But not hard lo cal.
' present standing. their other two losses coming McDowell is complemented on the Satoriay Brun‘h '9 1 30
”We’re beginning to become the against lndiana and Aubum. They front line by 6-9 forward Randall ATURDAY NIGHT /, .14!
‘ favorite in some of these games (the split with Kentucky last season, Death and reserve center fiancisco CI-IAMIIR MUSIC //; - aka?" I
. Cats were a lo-point favorite over blowing the Cats out of Gainesville, Leon. . ,0 ‘0 {é/ it he“! ‘.i
. - MSU) we're not being realistic 59.57, and losing narrowly 67-65 in 11/ 2,0,? 5‘39 ‘ ’7.
, about." Hall said. "The success of Rupp Arena. Although Hall didn‘t want his 557 s. legstono 253-0014 ,‘r = ‘ -..,- If?!“ _
. - a . , —. ’\ ‘/‘."‘.. J 4» A
the players could be their own ’un According to Hall, Florida‘s of- team to be overconfldent. he didnt (1 “1% I; H; ‘ _ A: 31: .‘?
. domg, creating a monster. We want { . . td t d the ds fall topralse them. , l 1; , /l( .t,‘ .fi “o >./ I“
to continue to realize we are fighting ”ensels on?" c owar guar ‘ ROSEMONT ‘ x :- Z’I lw’éfifg‘. ‘ t! \»
. , . The) re al excellent shooting bal- .. . .‘ ’ 3 'o s‘ '. "!
ail uphlll battle and we still are not .. . . .. . 1 would like for the team to fee] . I it... 1‘ f a,“
' where we should beasa ballclub. :2?” ”31105312 th’Iaitlel 113:; a like they have accomplished a lot at AUTO REPAIR ’ W0 ’1' - y r
. . "i think we need to stop and re- lotgfgflnme 12‘... ea “ a 9‘5.“ Hall said. “instead of feeling m"°"'“°"'°°'d°" “\ I' ./
fleet on where we are and how we p ~' we‘re not achieving what we should, 277-84“ \ V Hou
' got here and how far we have to Hall compared Florida's guards to without getting the feeling they e " rs:
. go." MSL"s Tracy Taylor. who hit seven ought to be beating teams worse ‘0 /. Dl“3m“‘ 1°, s'“"‘"” 43%,) II Ara-12PM Sum-Thur.
V The Cats got here. 4-] in the min of seten first-half jumpshots and fin- than we're beating them.“ I! LC or .88 11 AM-‘ AM Fri. ‘ Set.
We service foreign and domestic cars 1, .
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. Christmas break. Sat. 8:“) a.m. to 4:00 pm.
The 12th-ranked Lady Kats travel = +
to Louisville tomorrow to take on The Lady Katfish swim team will O
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. l-ollowlng the Louisville men‘s game takes on cross-town rival 'I‘ransylva- team will host its third home meet B l l . . d Th b . l
with Memphis State atlp.m. nia at 6 pm. at the Memorial Col- of the season when it takes on Au- f
- and w... uy Kerne C assz te s. ey rmg resu ts.
The Lady Kats take a 12'3 record row at Memorial Coliseum. UK is l-
, into the game, while L7 ofLis 12-4. The team. in its second season as ion the season. Phone 25 7'28 71 e
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 KENIUCKYKERNEL Frihy, My 18. I.“ - 3

9 — _._. _ _ ‘y‘ — _

_-..- - _- -— _- - .—.-

—. _._ _ —ll — '—-
—“°""°*"°“°"' ‘A very good year’

0 I O a
"'3'" 390" Comebacks, sex and charity highlighted 1984 music scene , - ,
What can you say about a year in donna is one of the few dame-mimic . , . ,- '
, which the highly touted new Jack- singers with a voice worth listening . 7V ' 3*} 5' ‘ ' . '
‘ ‘ ‘ . f‘ '. -"' " . '. . ‘ ‘ . . ‘ sons’ album dropped off the Bill- to. ..;::r sa‘e’» t ' .
.. .I j , "RIEII‘.,~:’~II;-VI~‘IIII* ‘I” " >_ In; o‘I. ; board charts with a bullet, while an Best Reissues of the Year RCA AS. $9?
. ' ‘ _ : ' I' ;: ”:er 'V . , altruistic Christmassongby someof Records re—released for: of Elvis ‘ 1W; " ‘
f “..‘t?:f§;;;‘:::i ‘"‘ "ifi? ‘1”. ” Britain's most esoteric performers Presley's early LP’s. ‘gitally re- . 35.3.; , ~ ‘ ,
“‘ M‘WfiM’Wthfi became the fastest-selling single in mixed in their original mono form ' v, . 5 j ’
' WWW“ . recording history and helped ease and pressed on virgin vinyl. The .» '
‘ . " * f '. 3:“ i“ .. i thefamineinEthiopia? best is Elvis’ Golden Records, in- s. . {g .. -~ ' ' -
...; , ' ' " z .Q You can quote Frank Sinatra: lt cluding “Hound Dog." “Love Me f. .??‘,§~3m g ‘ 72$ . .' . -' l .
. . " -;‘ " ff " ' . ,V " ,, ‘ wasaverygoodyear. Tender” and “Blue Suede Shoes.” to '.-- «‘5’: “ " ' t H». g§ , : " ' ‘ ,

_ V V » (,1), ,. = , , '=’ 1 V V. You can also look back and sepa- namea very few. ._ V’ , Z ” re' 3: l - 7 .; . ,
“batht— “... QWUWMWW 15 rate the misical wheat from the Most Obnoxious Song of the Year A ’ L135“ ‘ ’- . ,
mmmw~eeew er» vow ~;§~ iw chaff.solet’s getdownto business. What’cha gonna pick? “Ghostbm- E: 1 3 4* '- ,. f . . . ‘~

‘ ' V ‘i' - z e, '~.- Most Undeservedly Overlooked ters." by Ray Parker. Jr./Arista ' . . : ~ :. .- , _I
._ ‘ -..~1 (1;. jar .2 ,3. » V‘ is Album All Over the Place. by the Records. Nothing else was even . ‘ "
’ ‘ t, ‘ s”d““*,fi‘§. ~ " .“i‘ *‘Frrwmxr '5. Bangles/CBS Records. An all-female close, not even “Sunglasses At ._ ~ ' ‘ .’ __ -
* 1““ W Mr r ”“5”“ ' band from Los Angela. the Bangles Night." 3“" l. ' ' . : ‘. ~
'm__ I. ' ' .a fi" .’ ringing glutarssoundlike both the BestComehacliAlbumoftheYear t -. ‘
$,mmmw¢wmwé Byrds and the early Beatles, and Private Dancer, by Tina Turner/Ca- ,~ .:‘ : y 3 .
. . 7‘ I . -V»',?l"'-j.‘-;-; their unpolished but beautiful vocal pitol Records. Two decades after 3;: ’ - _
' - ‘ . {VI/,2 ' , f .1 .. I T??? " e“ . harmonies should have been much her first hit with hlsband Ike, 'l‘urn- ”f 2 -. ', ‘ :I
" .-. . ' . '. s more widely heard this year. As if er stnick out on her own with amaz- 4;; i " . ' ~' .
""‘W‘T ' -’ . 1'. . " " y w 5“ ’rif'f‘ we needed more proof that radio ing musical force and great finan- ' ’ -' 3' , » '
m do??? ye swms~:~ w’igmswxmf holelntheground. want to have fun, but Tina means . . I. . . . . -I
a... M. i” Mort Sexual lower-does or the business; ’2 = , > “
I'Ij'ri“? it “Mari ggéxgflggflgfiflmtffirj Year Madonna walks off with this Best Charitable Effort of the Year “ . . . ' - 'V '
”_. ' 9 :. 54h! radios erwteywwiae award, for songs like “Lucky Star" “Do They Know It's Christmas.” by . ...... .. t I I ... . _. .. . . . I _ '
“”“Ig .... (“Shine your heavenly body to Band Aid/CBS Records. Dozens of ‘ ”’ " ‘ . ‘ .- :
Wmfimfierrewrrrr night") and “Likea Virgin" (“Feels Britain's best, including Sting, Big . 'V . ',5 V-
' : , I V. f 3““"W‘7; so good inside"). The latter song, Country. Bananarama and Bonoand BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN'S‘BORN IN THE U.S.A' . ', 3 .‘~ '
‘ , ~ ridge; V . ”if " - " I .‘"I, the title track from her second Sire- Adam Clayton of U2, joined forces to x _‘~
. .’ , I . ‘ . :3 ' .. i‘ Warner Bros. album, was a bright T900“? the "108‘ poignant Christmas ulation of Ethiopia. Now this is what stance and overt sexuality of tlus re- . h ' ‘ - ' _
‘3." up a... _; mm gig; ‘ - ‘* Wm spot onVldst years dance floor. In song in recent memory. with pro both Christmas and rock 'n‘ roll are cord are the essence of the rock 'n' - . . _. :
W and m. , M “x“ .1“ mm ”5%.”? the tradition of Donna Summer, Ma- ceeds gomg to feed the starvmg pop- all about. r011 urge. .. . 'I
m. - ' 3 . I 1 ' (it st“ cw . . Best Country Album Why Not Me. 3 — New Sensations. by Lou . ' ‘
. ' - " . wr' W ‘ by the Judds/RCA Records. This Reed/RCA Records For the unini- ' . _‘ I‘ _ 'I
.s . ~ . .‘ ‘ 1‘ ‘ . V M" V _. >- . mother and daughter duo from Ash» tiated. this one is a primer in Reed‘s ' . .
~ - ' ' ' -- w land, Ky., helped revitalize a coun- patented brand of offebalance musr . ' ' i. ' :
,. . _. . ,. , ”my . try-music industry suffering from cal tightrope walking. For Lou Reed ‘
Wfiméfif ‘ the wishy-washy whine of too many fans. it's a primer in learning to ‘ . ‘ I' '
“as“‘t " WEEKEND I . bantb who can‘t decide if they're overcome congenital depression. 'V '
v V. , * , , re country or pop-rock. The Judds are 4 — LA. is My Lady. by Frank Si- . ‘ '
~ roe . . CINEMA . T definitely country. Their songs are natra/Qwest-Warner Bros. Records, ‘ '1
7‘7 a” I ' ' 1 twangy, lovelorn, sentimental and Another primer. Sinatra‘s latest is a ' I ‘_
' *1" " ' " V i guaranteed to please even those lis- good place to start studying the V ‘
. ' ': .1 . ' . .‘ . '~ .- . I tellers who think country mUSlC is Chairman of the Board‘s inimitable _ '
, ' , . . y ,- .. ”5”}; . wflwfk. '3" as; beneath their dignity. Singing this style. Quincy Jones and an impecca— -V
~ . ‘ . . . '». ’ ‘ «g e I}. goodisrareinanymusicalstyle. ble jazz (Echestra back Sinatra as -, ' ~_
. , . . ' . . ,. .. , ...; is," I Most Overplayed Song of the Year his voice mellows like vintage Wine ‘
”I “a": ”NIL“: WI“: "Irv" “M'- 'l am V 7. .. I. . 1. “Missing You," by John Waite/Capi- from fine old kegs. . V . I
9-30 ii-ao mummimiamt. . ' ‘ ' ' ' I ’ t0] Writ This One is ready for - . . .
‘ ’ ‘ V , = “ ‘ ‘r ‘r. '~ , thedead-song vault. Aclose runner- D —' The Unforgettable Flre. by
. , ‘ it ~ 'O I . I F” it t A l, ’2 up was “Drive," by the Cars/Elek- L'z."lsland-Atlantic Recorcb. Yet an- . ‘
’_ ‘ _ - Y .» I . Hui . s V tra-Asylum Records. other primer. this one in the rela~ . . ‘
m”... 12:,“ “~“Wtwmw , . . d.» a » . ...... mm... .. .. errors . , -
‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ’ V ' ' “ "' . ” " v - , » ‘ 1m 1 — Born in the U.S.A.. by Bono and company 5mg about the .
. , I II. . ’, ,9 ~ . i. I .e‘ .' [I 9"- .. I 1. Bruce Springsteen/CBS Records. sms of the flesh. the love of IGod and I -
' i V 'Morme ”Magi": , ‘ 1" g g I “" 7“ ..\~“ . .~ _ g“ I ‘: $21": ll file leanestéddeanlfist and mgst care. 3239 ngIieglirgflmillnl-(gnglglhh :dbefl r V ' ‘
.; CHI“ ‘_ '"m, . . ' jail-infill”! “I; .. "3 « ‘. .. .. 5:: ‘ or” f y craf co ection o razor~ V _ ‘ a l . '-
"gator hangatfi "Us Mdy‘mm “mat“ a" - 5‘ ~ k‘i’d’ .. » ‘ " sharp rock ’n’ roll songs since the 301355 byllself- . ‘
and salt Health. has a. mans; no. «as. ratio. with“ a». 3°11“ 5”“ 5“" °" Mm" . . ' ' ' '
906:8. , . I ‘ ' ..‘V _ I Street. Most Conspicuous Silence of the ' ‘ V
' . I'V . . . , 3e}; 2 — Purple Rain, by Prince/Wam- Year Marianne Faithfull. where are . ' 1, 2
' , ‘ ‘ ’~ ,' ‘ ' " ' er Bros. Records. Whatever else you you? V ' .
. ‘ ‘ '. , ; MADONNA‘S ‘LIKE A VIRGIN’ can say about the Kid’s Wildly 8%“ . '
III-0 —— "I- but will“ m not: in: Wei-ow has? -, tistic self—promotion, the swaggering GARY PlERCE V 4 -
MMLMMQUabmfie-fihwtwmk : .'
“"°“”” 3).. if. Year of Big Brother controlled by irrelevancies 1 . . .
mmm~nwmufiydmdcphm Threeweeksa - - *' . ' ’ "
I , VI , V , . .. go' a mllestone year Worst Jokes San hSldI‘O MCDOH .
mow; .mmmhf$t&.mw'aw‘m '1 in history came to an end. There \_ ' O ald‘S massacrejokesI. . ' r . ' 5
. t' - I ”fie“ III-III; r} I IIII IIIIII IIIII (or: III were the Orwellian factors, Jesse . I Most Worn I-I‘ashlon (‘olorI Nancy 'I . . .
‘ \l-“” ', .7" "‘i‘"‘“ -’ JBCRSOH’S milestone campaign SUC- ’3 o Reagan Red. Nancy Reagan s fond’ ' ’ -‘ .9 '
~ ”*0 f: 3.3;, ...-*‘tgft " if. "e” ceases, and Geraldine Ferraro’s ‘_ II: '3’ l noes for orangey-red and a national , :

" . . ':. _ ' .17. .. '= -_. 1????» nomination. 3;:—6143.3 v ( Q. fondness for Nancy Reagan put this ' - V V .' .
“I‘M-MMNM. “16,46. 61* Relevant milestones all, but lost my" -. 0 red on the First Lady Fashion (3010" . " '-
M;1;n.‘:‘.’m.fia,’ . ‘ - ~ ’ V i we forgettheother good and bad su- 4:9 , I, . I chart right next to Mamie Eisen- . , I . I

. . . , , . .’ , 311.32“? perlatives of what proved to be the (“‘32 UK: .. ,9 30W? Elias”: 13ng Jim?“ Pink, , . ,' I. I . II
t” - as; ' ‘ ‘ , * ., . .. Year of Big Brother's Irrelevance, ‘I -‘- ,4’ ac ‘9 enn y ac an R083 yn '- .' -. ‘ '
. mzuhymfiw fifiyfii‘wy we present a highly subjective and haggmer' ‘l’ ‘0 Carter Peach. . - ' .I I. .

- “saw . ~:II9IIIII’II$I§V§{§K mostly incomplete list of 1984‘s Ir- ‘9? ® < TrIend Most Belabored By the I - . .I ,
’. _- twitéte Aeskfigfi§$z relevant Best and Worst. ‘5“ b Media Androgyny. Enough said. ' I- .V .I . Z
V are Best New Product Nuthweet. e (a... 2 '. ' ' .
V. . ;- . ._ '. Shier” 95‘ Now youcan be thin and non-carcin- ‘ e‘.- e Q “ Worst Case of Over-Nationalistic V . "‘
M ‘ . “I ii ; shown ogenic too. Diet Coke tastes terrible, Kl, “~.'~. Q 6 L 9 Reporting of the Olympics Kathleen . , ' . l'
M ”was, ' 1:": W?“WW‘WWI but they’ve also put the stuff in Tab. "4 3'." g ' Connelly‘s “day after" interview of ‘ .' . I-
I fl. ‘ I“ 7:“. I. .IfII..,-':'."I. .315. ’31.? gsgfitgzfifiwahgfiéfi; We’ve heard that NutraSweet causes ‘ v Olympic runner Mary Decker. Con- . ' ' . ' .
gIJ. . r 5 ' . ow“ars2‘g short term memory loss, but we . nelly might as well have handed , ' .I.' ‘V V
‘ 2 1; . " ,3"? “1'3?" “1“"; ”‘55:: W‘sgzsfiraaeztj‘“: can't remember where we heardit. e f/ \ Decker her blanket and a cup of hot . ; . ‘
. “hm-mikmg "‘ MW .. 398‘ Kept Secret The paternity 0f ‘ ’ , \ cocoa during this embarrassing dis- -' . » -.
I m j ~m’~“wh~m a. Nastassia Kimki’s child. Until the \ . _ ,' i"? \ play of ego coddling. ‘Ir I .
- mwmmfimmmggdw father’s identity Iwas revealed a few W W 0‘ . . , VV ' . ,
. g .. :wogswmfik Liz; vii “Keg: weeks before KinSki's deliveryI, we 0 0 /{§ So there they are, and here comes ' ' V
""T.‘“”“’"“”"‘&L‘W2MW$'W. waed c3438 algheour mat]; ffritltq