xt7ttd9n662n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n662n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-03-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 09, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 09, 1982 1982 1982-03-09 2020 true xt7ttd9n662n section xt7ttd9n662n WM
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Sunny and pleasant today With highs in «""f . LDZVWLEIO'S mLking a Y tum '0 t0" " '
the l0wer to mid 405 Clear tonight, low in . ’ servatism He spoke to the UK Y0U”9
theu er 205 to lower 30s Sunn breely ‘ tnouals last n. ht. See the 5'0' 0"
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' “' N " I By W. DALE NEISON 3&5??? I3"? having,“ The Soviet IL‘se of chemical weapons in war is 8 =1 ,
AssociatedPressWriter vaded Afghanistan in Violation of an international agree- ~,' .= .
_ I . December 1979, ment signed by the Soviet Union and 53, .1 .
_ W‘WW‘W'WWW"W'W’ thSttoa'Sil 3150 [Old the committee other nations in Genevain 1925
. . a in ormation from Afghan "Anal 'sis of all of the information ' ‘2‘}.
5 fl .. l WASHINGTON. _ The Sov1et military defectors and from refugees availabl: leads us to conclude that at» Z"
, t - , I , Umon, facmg stiffer resistance in established 3.042 deaths from 47 tacks have been conducted With u._
"r j i - i Afghamsmn than it exPeCtedv has in‘ separate chemical attacks in ritants inca ' citants nerve a ents ' 'V‘i .
F creased its military forces there and Af hanistan bet . . ‘ pa ‘, g . j '3 '~' .
. if. _ | killed“ . ,, g ween the summer 0f phosgene ammo, and perhaps
_ .. ' i conSlderably more than 3.000 1979 and the summer of 1981. mvcotoxins mustard lewis1te and ~' .
“ . ' - ‘ People by chemicalwarfare.the State Stoddard said the f. . _ toxic smoke." Stoessel‘said. V ".'
. ; Department saldyesterday. . . se Iigures repre , -‘
' n \V l Walter J. Stoessel Jr., the deputy sent ineldents al’ol“ meh the depart- “Afghan military defectors have 5‘:
J-D-VANHoo“ IIIIIIIIIIIIII ‘I secretary of state. told the Senate mflIYItIthlzIasaipItjziflIcolIgrormationd b1 prov1ded information on chemical .;
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Phyllis George Brown, wife of Kentucky Gov. John Y. BrOwn, makes Representative Pat Schroeder 0 Ken- l S:;;$§::a£?$vgmgggfietgahgtg higher," he said. C 1 6rd ) :gjrfizrlbwhztgtfhzlfgwelzt2:263:18 5': .
! tuIcky Colonel during a press conference last night. Schroeder was the keynote speaker for Women's: about 100,000menin Afghanistan The Stoessel said the subject had "been and where and when Lhey have been _
History Week at UK. . previous estimate had been around raised at a number of levels" thh used This information generally cor- . I‘ .
80,000, Sonet offiCials and “they deny they responds with refugee reports and “r5.
. - I Phillip Stoddard, deputy assistant engaged in this kind of actiiity." recorded military operations ‘ .3
l E “all secretary for intelligence and resear- Stoessel said the department planrr Stoessel said the SoViets have en -' ‘
1 goggthe "009 bUlldUP began 1“ ed to turn its evidence over "in the countered “really terrible difficulty ‘. ' .
r. very near future" to a L’ N subcom~ and have suffered 10,000 to 15.00! '. f‘ '
l - $05591 said the bOOSt in forces mittee established in 1980 to look into casualties. both dead and wounded Q ~
! SCh’OQder calls for equal rlghts under the law for women I “reflects the increased difficulty that chemicalwarfareallegations sincetheirAfghaninvasion
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t By NANCY snow “It is Slu‘prisinsIhow many laws are tee‘s name was changed to the Con-l Law contradicts state GODStltUthn 1" z'
2 Senior Staff Writer 3881115! women, she said.“The gressxonal Caucus on Women‘s Issues‘i _~ "
t fastest 81'0W1h8 poverty STOllp is and currently includes 76 members. ‘ l ~'
I WWW females." The meeting was part of a series oft Goad Samaritan la .
1 “What women in this country want Two out 0‘ every three adults in speeches,forums.films and seminars| W vague l 'I
ito do is not walk in front of men nor fiewosirzfnggwmnenfihe painted to be h?“ throughout tIh‘S week ml _ . 1 I»
i behind men, but alongside them,” who are, forced £53290: pghsihtrlsnir; recognition of womenshistory. E m— iIuriesIresulting in deatii,I