xt7ttd9n650x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n650x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-04-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1971 1971 1971-04-27 2020 true xt7ttd9n650x section xt7ttd9n650x 4 . - .' - .
4 . H 4» l .
I H E KEN I UCKY “t-tillii-r' . - )1
.r ' ' . .
Forecast for Lexington and .» ‘ " ‘4 ”
vicinity: Partl ’ cloud ' and mild " t - ' ' -
y , . .. r .4
today, continued mild with L ’3 i. -»“ -- .
showers tonight, showers ending ‘ . 1'
tomorrow and turning cooler. '. ,' i
The high today will be in the 5:, ”
low 70‘s, the low tonight 50 '- 'i
Tuesday, April 27, 1971 University of Kentucky, Lexington Vol. LXH, NO- 129 and the high tommmw 70- '5 if ‘
I i' ‘ ‘ i .’ .. K
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rorolo y r d t d x 4 «x. i r u. » .
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wrthd raw from committee “ ‘ ' lLLEDl ‘
‘ ‘ " ,«1 -"l f "" " i
.. . \ ~ .14; I’M“ 4 . t:- /” Wt?\ . Q, My: IE: . i 4 f '1‘, K 1.
By KATHI MILLIMET sham, hypocrisy, or whatever and curriculum committee, _ 11: . K f? l}: ”4M. ' 479“ Kg? 4*»; 3” in, 7". ‘-'
Kernel Staff Writer you want to call it, needs to be commented “it seems students r 4‘3» 2 K g ‘ . rm, FOR? r“ 2 $3} ”this; . l ,3}: .
Graduate students in the exposed,” declared one graduate connected with Dr. Drysdale . - ' ,,_ ' 1555' » ' . j ,‘svf'lfx 4“", 'g' f
Sociology Department have student. have also been discriminated ’ ’4' "-7 ' . ta“ “JV“ ’3 1-. ' ' .‘ .
. . - . . . . . , / " K, 1‘ .- - - . ‘fi "' ‘- I' V
Voted to Withdraw their At Monday’s meeting, against concerning financial aid, x ‘1’ _ ' If .4 i’.-.;'-"1'@7 ‘ an: , 4 x -‘-
. . . . . 1.. ,1 ‘~*.-..-. " ‘ . 1.. “ '3 - ‘..-
representatives from the departmental policy committee summer assistantships and a? ‘ “en's - '1‘ .' ' .. "ta-«a “it.” ,7 . ‘f‘.
departments committees. They member Bill Lindsey read a teaching in the dcpurtlnent. .1 K i i/ 4 .4 » ‘ 1;; -" 3 ‘ , ., ~
.. charoed that raduate studen statement drawn u b the 4’, i- ‘- -‘ ' .é ”W‘s '“" ' .r' ‘ f ‘ ~’
. °~ g .. t p y Drysdale reacted after h » " .3; “v § 4 . 31a. \4 _x. S' _- A.
committee members have been graduate students. The Monday’s meeting saying thcr ! g“ » ‘ M x. X -- g4. 4 .
. . . . i . , c K . L) .K ' , vi‘s .. ~..:_ . 4 ,1 - t . . K i .
ersonall intimidate 'n seven- in t' ‘ en 8') i - ~- ~ » ‘3’ ’ " w “'4’ ”‘ . - " * "
p“ -. y‘ d. d d po“t S ‘1th t d d. n was obvrously disillusionment ’ ' a , sex 9 ‘5’! i 1..M“'v.:ii I». .9“ 3". .-" . n.‘
academically and professronally part. our re presentatives , . _ " r ‘ ‘4‘" " " «’ .~ I i .‘ ‘-.» ' "-.
,, on the part of the grad students . “ . . .,. . . t: . . .
threatened. have. . . been used to do the ~ , .- - ~. . . m . , . / ' ' ~ . 4. ‘ . '2‘
. . . . _ With that kind oi voice or lack . -- _ . ~44. ’ . .. _ 4 . u"
The action was taken menial labor for the committees ~ »~ , , . . ‘4. . Q ‘1 4 U ”*5 ” :1v‘.=\‘- '
. . . 3 . . . . , of it. In effect the) are saving. . ' ’ 2.: ,4 . -, r. u 1'
. unanimously by -0 students and milked ior iniormation . . . ., ' -' W ' q i' miss K. "" “ ' . " ~ I
‘ 4 ,. no more games. He called . ‘ .. , .- ’3 ' . ~ " . .» ' . . .. -... -’
who attended last week s about the graduate students. . . ,. . . . 1 x 4/ .' N. r . .4 . .3 ‘.
. .7 . their action an expression of v w . g. I " . .» p i; -. .. ”
mccting of sociology graduate Lindsey told the Kernel that disgust and emotion .. g , . . ‘ _ ‘ u " a TL",
. students. “My adviser called me in and 4 i . ' 4 . ., / ' . ,. 9 A ‘ it“ i -‘ I» . .T "
4» . (rerald Slatin. a iacultv ~ . 12.x J A. » " . . ~ .
The SOciology Department told me I was being used by my “1“"er S‘lld th stul m; , ‘ “it ‘ , r K . * ::-‘ " -
prides itself tor havmg graduate peers to create conflict Just for action “disapminted” him “It ,._,--.__I . 4 13* r" __ . r K ~ 4- my , . :5“; -. 4. .r.
students on committees, and the the sake of conflict. l was told , .~. ,1 I . . 4 a 'i .4 :2 4 a???” A“. " «4., . ‘ '- "
. . iCii. m'c‘ “fled {in cmptv lCCllng. ~- 4 , 3: - ’2. ."V “”33? 3": "a! ‘ , i "» '. 3 ‘. t
.......-.- . to spend more time With , . ' 2 . e , 4413-; if " 1 if - «at» » -. r . ' ' .- :
. . . We werent making a lot of M .44at.»‘%r‘~w~' ‘ ». . ' 4m. 4,430“ “My 5..» s;_ g .. , .
academics and to quit meddling ‘ f' . “ . t, .4, W" ‘~ " - i a; '. " -
~ , . . ., progress. but at least we were , _ti-w» K, .4 . megs, $1M _ ,5. 2.4!; K. :rgg: . _. .
in departmental politics. . ,, -M'm .4, g‘/”1.= £9" 4:- cam.“- .KKvKK. ,4; , ,K -K. .
ena 01's - . . working together. . as...“ . .A_ . _K. ._ K ‘4' ,
In an mtervrew after the . .. first”, “Mg . ~44, Wits *4“ . -. .-
. . . , Slatin added: In no sense _ 5% "9" ‘ ' '. ,-, ‘r "1 ’.
meeting. William 1'. Kendel. x ..., y...- . , _ ‘ r .42..» ' ,r’, '» ‘x - '~ -> .
. .. .. could I see where they were .: 4: “i . ‘5 4 -,..¢'-.s‘§’:"’='-.:-' .4
department chairman. said, l . . . ,. ' u"\K . ..,K ’ " " ‘ ..
e 66 e complimented the students on personally intimidated "’“" . ’ 1‘ V ’ We “ '«l. -' ”"7
' . . . ‘ ‘ . But Wells cited the case of ~ , I - m we: ' 1.; , “I \ 1" 3;; §
,. Student Senate members have their integrity, but their graduate student Richard -. has“ ~ - . a“... .~ ~»... .4 .» .KK
been elm . 4 o - 7 ar uments are unfounded! lan . ‘ 'r ,- K. K
d "If?“ 29; {m I 71 7‘ togr spond" p Pozzuto. a former sociology I).(i. "Illi'P/H’I‘ fi- , i. -' y K»;
aca e ic ear. iey are: 0- » t . . - ' . . . "
. . eacliin assistant and former ~ » ' 4 ~ .. . . .H - .
l‘ rom the Collch of Socwlogy graduate student SDS 15“” h r “Di 1‘ was This sign carrier was but one of thousands who took part in r . _._,
Agriculture, Iarry Douglas Noe; Jim Rivers said earlier m the teachin ‘1 course in the fall and Saturday srmassive antiwar demonstration in Washington. l‘ttl more K .- »
. _ _ ---—,- a g 4, 4 .. . . n i.'..... ._ ‘l’ .. '.‘p‘ ’3
Allied Health, Nancy Totten; semester that the faculty did not g t . ~ amines Ul inc llldlLH Mt pages 0 and 9. ikeriiel Photo it} l‘.t.‘ll 1.x“? I‘ “-‘1':
A rchitecuture, Lewis (401mm eve n k' no w ho w many Continued on Page 6. CoL 1 eaver.) K, ,1;de ‘ i :
Arts and Sciences. Howell undergraduate majors there . r‘ng'jK: j i);
Ho pso n; Business a rid were. “There were some 300 lost I" (TI/HID, INIIIY‘II I i ' ‘,
Economics, Paul Ferrell; undergraduate sociology —-———____
Dentistry, Dennis Stuckey; majors." (They have been since . G 09 2’: ('3' , 4 i"
Education, Pam Sallengs; incorporated into (‘ATALYSIS entuclglans CO 111 e t (r n ‘i-Kjei :‘ Tl
Engineering, Damon Ray Talley; a nu w association for O ‘ 3 1‘ _4 i L I” S K. . .
Graduate School, Albert Sharp. undergraduates in sociology). 2 K-;K“.- -_ 4 .
Jr.; Home Economics. (‘ynihia The Sociology Department BY JANE BROWN They “got together“ from all 1 anchor} on Elm rt- ' I’.’ :‘g‘u-l
Watts; Law. Brenda Harrier; revamped its administration Assistant Managing Editor over the state. UK. with the Washington. “ails hi1 t‘--. “l” ""7
Medicine. Ronald ‘.‘.’cddlc; earlier this ‘y’t‘ar to allow The CW this timt‘ wus “Gilt largest group. about HR. was arr-zingcinciiis. .lliil :.._.v. '
Nursing, Kathy Liedtke; graduate students to be on Now" instead of “Right On" or met by Kentuckians troiii [r.r\clcr~ arriwd or; ihc xxx; ,3K.'_.-/ "
Pharmacy. Dan Moore Dai‘i‘ron; departmental committees. but “pow“ [0 1h? People.“ bUt this Louisville. Berea. Eastern. most expecting to rough 1: war? ",l ,
Social [)mfcssmngK Franklin W. the students maintain their time Kentucky was represented Western. Thomas More. Alice a sleeping bag on the ~.:7 mind 4 " ' 72 2",
Nooe. “representation has been by two banners and about 300 Lloyd and the other colleges and tllc}. were met inst-cad wii' ’j' }
John Nelson, Chairman of the nothing more than tokenisin people. . universities across the state. coffee and room Klviigmnknr» 1.: 41‘ ..- .' .
Elections Board, said the from the beginning." The massrve March on April SOthC came by Churlcrcd hUS. Some of the early arrivals hikci' r
deadline for contesting the In one incident cited, Dr. John 34 in the nation‘s capital called arrivmg early Saturday morning. over to the nearby Washingtoz‘ ". g, if.
election is 5 pm. Friday. April Drysdale of the department was for an immediate end to the and others traveled in rented (‘aihcilral to hear Peter. Paul .ini. ~" ... ;-K: -- .
. ‘ ‘ ' , 4 ' ' . i ': ' ' '
30. Anyone who Wishes m fired after graduate students Vietnam war. And as Dave Walls. Vans some containing as many Man and Pete Scegei m .H- --, .
. ~ 4 ' ',’- >4 '1‘ - '
contest the results will be heard had written letters supporting spokesman for the UK Student as 14 irLtlplC. impromptu WINK.” (mm, .K 7 ,-
at 10 a.m. Sunday, May '2. in his promotion. Mobilization Committee. said. Many l\entuck‘_\' l‘k‘oi‘h‘ shocd waited .iround tor the .‘lltc‘r '».in~ ‘g l, " -' 4
Room 206 of the Student Richard Wells. ll graduate “it‘s the first time Kentucky has at Wt‘sh‘)‘ Theological Scmnmr}. to show up. ‘.
Center. student member of the teaching ever gotten together.” located adiaccnt to :\lllrl‘lc‘.ln Continued on Page l3. ('ol. 1 ”:‘lKiK if,“
l;1' h '1' .t l r d8 1‘ [I k . I ~~‘~-;'<»-'
(1 am SP1 I ua C i
usa . a ac S a , » "It .8
K-K :' ‘li. ‘
By WENDY L. WRIGHT to Mr. (.i'aham or his team out» that llk'\\'\\iir_\ to f ,‘
. Kernel Staff Writer WY lhk‘lf L‘W‘Cmc‘s. The team receives their \.li.tlit‘\ . - ."“”' 1
.' . Thousands again l‘lllCd hicr‘norial (‘OllSClllll and ll'Ulll [llC Blll) (rl'Jllrllll \SMtclrllltlll. .llltl llll‘lt‘ ls l‘.\‘ : . 1" ’ . i
3s” . part of Stoll Field Monday night for the second “ ‘IOKW oitvrmsmddv to them." “- Iv
‘. iatdflw—Efi day of the Central Kentucky Billy Graham QM!” 1h“ ”UNI”? “ml “WK” “”3““ M '\”“ "5‘..." .~ r"
" J ffsffll'f“: iii: 7:342:11? Crusade l-sch. Metropolitan opera singer. and Hire! “.ilt‘rs. ‘ ‘ '.' . -
“4”, j :2; i». -.' “ 1.5. People of all ages trom very young children to (”4th 21‘“ “P ‘0 Plush. ”1* {HI “4‘ ll Mimic! : l ' t», .- i.‘
.. :i"77ng-r; ' 3,. ‘é$'.“ grandmothers could be seen streaming in the 14‘ l" . '. d
.-;'4‘— ; {gap—e . ‘ ‘ ‘ y K ‘ »- 4’ ,1. . . . . ‘ , ' . ‘ _ _ , ‘. , t
fife” -:':;gg:.;f:- .-.“-”‘}" 5 -. .‘.'_.K~K.,?.&',_ K.'.V£ direction of ltllclld Avenue as early as 2": hours (””‘dm‘de ”l“ “Wk “1 1h} ”H 1”“‘mm “ s f e ‘. Kl‘K
-~:~:§:§:F :55": V ‘7 -K,‘v'.<‘31:_.-".:' If V before the Crusade was to begin. Seats were at a the story ”l M‘Wlorn. son oi the Biblical king ' ‘ , K'g
~-"‘~-'.T?;;;L;;-;~?3i€;*—:-‘;&i:.x ‘ ' I 44 ' R.’ ‘ 9' Premium, and those who came too late had to be David “4"“ l" ““‘l [“ 11.1w NC” a d”"“ “‘“V‘l‘x‘r “i V J
3‘3} 35:53:55,"? ‘1 i . 61" "i ”"9 satisfied to git in gm“ Field. Jcsiis. (.rahaiii drew parallels l‘ctwccn whit inc - -, .' i. " v;
. ' ‘ - ‘ l- . ‘ . .. ~ \ ' ' “ y “ . i ‘ l ‘ ‘-
35 - ~ -' all" 2". .?1 ’ng.. \ “3‘2? ‘ . (irahams sermon topic “llangups was to “’lh‘l "l“‘ht‘lh \ l‘rlhtchl“ «Ilhl '5 -‘\~ ‘ ' .'K
{WT-w i l .4 iAr . i. ‘ v-«fi: strike the chtotc for the mciiing. which was l‘lt‘fk‘hl'tld.‘ “Ml" :- ' i
1W“ 3'? 31%‘2514 “333’ ' '5': .4}..- . :. Q billed as“Youth \‘ight". (Wm-”h ”WWI "lhk‘ hh‘hlm Jul» '1‘? M ‘ .' - .'
. O " ~'-‘ , . ‘ .' . , ‘ . .. ,t. ,,‘ 4 t , ,.,.,“ .i 4 -\ l. -"
u". " .3: "’. ‘3’ ‘ ‘. r ". ‘ ' " Ah. "- lhc evenings Program bcgan with an o ii‘tllllt' fw'hn‘lh’” U.‘ ~15 lh‘N ii-Iil‘» “I \ ., . - - 5
3‘“ - I ‘l‘ '0' v“ 5‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I iiim l in i», i i ‘ ~ . w , “ - "
- .. -: 3.“. ‘ i K? t. *. 4-... prayer b} the Rev. Moultric \lclntosh. tutor or I f ‘i‘ ‘ ‘-~‘-" ‘ "h l‘“ J‘ ‘ ‘ ‘hhi‘ “h _ i ‘ .3
i W.” 1' 1"“ r i . lfil‘bt,‘ 3' ~’ 3? (‘lirist l‘lllscol‘al (‘liurcli After some ol‘ciiino (.i.iir.iiii \iiil that \bsoloiii. i'hoiiel' i“'i I - . ‘-
' . "“i .t . -~. . . o» ~~ ,m», ,4 .r ,K, ,., ,. ‘-, \ -
~ ; I' 5* ’ V F. «3' Wm} ., lKl remarks by (lili Barrows. ( rusadc ( lioir ltirccloi. “‘ “1' L‘ "WHY“! \‘ “L" ”up“ 'r"}""K "“l "l' ‘ .. .-‘ '
r " 4 M“ f. 3’ l“ ‘3 W (‘ircurt (‘ourt Judge l,. l'. (irant came to the ““""-" “ll 4 "“"lt‘lV H” MUN H“??? h Jl‘ll ' i
H ., ' '. .‘ Platform to make some comments l‘rcl'atorv to the ”V” 1“" ’ “i“‘i'l "3"””" h“ ""l‘“ ””3” “- i~"3~ ’ . , ’
' oitcring which is part of t‘H‘H (irahaiii ('iusadc K‘H‘qhm ”m "' “Nm‘m ‘ ‘l‘-’”’7‘”i“i ii“ 5”"? it '. -
g . ‘ i. . . i, i . K . . . ~~ . . . i
. 4. Judge (irant urged those attending to “Like .i "‘“‘ "‘l "' "l" “N 31“" l"'”3~'“t‘ . '
3‘1» part in this ministry“ by gIVing nione.‘ as (irahain explained that \bsoloiii iiict lll\ death '4 x ‘K ’
.. styrofoam buckets were passed around by ushers. when. riding on his horse to battle. lll\ hair which i ‘ '
He emphasized that money collected during is described in that portion oi the Old lestainent .K ‘ '
.. . Crusade servrces went to the local organization. “5 hi‘mtl WW hundred \‘kk‘kClS. 0f ‘JhUUl 36 ' '
“first; made up of Central Kentuckians, to meet their P””hdS” Cdutlht 1h 11 ”09» and he was ‘lahht‘d by 5
B1] (V I] budget of over $1 million. one of the enemy iorcc as he hung there . '
I y ’ra am “None of this money," said Judge Grant, “goes Continued 0“ Page 16. COI. 4 i ‘
. s K r} . .

 L’lelF. kENTl‘CKY KERNEI.. Tuesday, April 27, 1971 _.___—_____._——_____———————————————————_—‘-
‘ W' 't“ I l 't' ‘
I ‘t N ) N . ‘ .
llllt ss test] ms 16 saw mi 6 used ,
b [7 f M L ' neWS erlle S '
7 I 6 ‘ O a
y \OIOIH a ter y al assault ,
' ‘ ) ?
‘ ) . I
' l [‘.T- MVPHI’RSON (13- (AP) A government “To my recollection, Capt. Medina held his F r0," ‘ 1, r( I)“, I“
_ witness testified Monday he saw Capt. lingerie M. hand.”
, . . KOIOUL‘VUSC 'd kllllJC lo CHI 0” part‘ol Ll prisoner’s Under (“10$th”ng by Capt. Robert DCMCtZ, Nllw ORLFANS’V’ICC PrCSlant Spiro T Agnew said ‘\
. . . tingeratter a US. ”83”“ on My ”1,!“ 1968' "SSiStum prosecutor, Widmer 1‘0“]th out KOtOUC Monday that most congressional critics of FBI Director J. 3
. .3“; Baden?“ W13:"”J?: tiVnC\tttl\tiillsiiiiy::ilierpgii as the ott‘icer who cut off the finger. Edgar Hoover are presidential aspirants trying to score political . V
. i no se‘ cc 1 c e .' ‘ . . » - , , u , _
' i 31:, neLck k I “The one dressed in white was the one who had POIHISWM‘ I?“ radicall kft-t l't' l d r ,, said Agmw , v
' » .' ' » - - his finger cut ” he said. “It gives 01 an “"1’9353“ po ‘ 'C" 0 O ’ ' L '
Kotou ‘, 37, )t Humboldt, Neh. is charted w1th ~ _ . . ) . ) x , , ,
‘ maming: VietLCong suspect by cutting of? part of On cross-examination, Capt. James W. Lane Of The. v.1“ prestdcnt, here to adhdrcsggthe StouthcrnhGas ,2:
. . ‘ a fin er and later assaulting him by cutting him on Fort Worth, one of Kotouc’s Army lawyers, was Association convention, devoted is .. -l}llI;TUB;3 speec to 3
' ’ g .. . , . - . . . . ., ,. asked if he saw Kotouc cut the prisoner on the defending HOOVER ”9 (19“de reports 0 spying on a
the neck during an interrogation at a hivouac area fC , .
- . - neck. members 0 ongress. 3
, two miles from My Lat. “No sir ,, answ red Widmer
I ' . ‘l 7 s x ,' \ ‘ ‘ m . I ‘ 7 ~ ~ I k e ' v I .
. _ . . buyidiner, thte sistqh %?Y:gr~113mi‘t)rw112255;? “5:121, Widmer said the prisoners were being asked WASHINGTON~The U.S. parole‘ board said Monday that
. ‘ ,L ore cour wa. “L“ , ( ‘y’ “‘ 'bout ‘ien n v‘n , t ' le . .. 'nd the Billie Sol Estes Will he released from prison this July on
k L C' t F , t M‘ 1 n' and oth‘rs were a ct iy 10 c It.“ s in ti arm a ‘ .
. . otouc, ap. .rnes LLi a L . n . location oftlie VietConi condition that he retrain from any more wheeler-dealer
- . present while two suspects were being questioned. 5' promotions
' i Medina, who commanded ”19.H)Inmlw that “If former GI was one Of four witnesses who ln granting parole to Estes effective July 12, the board
. ' . -' staged the My L31 raid. ls awaiting mu] at FL testified they saw an American cut Off‘the finger. barred for the remaining nine years of his 15—year sentence
. _ McPherson on murder charges. ‘ but the other ”er0 COUId 110‘ identity the man “any self-employment or promotional type of activity without
All ot the Witnesses who testified for the wielding the knife, specific prior approval" by the board .
. ' governmeat 1i’tlon‘day are il‘rtldll iitarlipgogptany: David Hein o‘fiJanesville. Wis. testified it was Estes has served six of the 15 years to which he was ’.
. _ . th‘ ”mt ' '4 ma LommanL Ll ‘lm 0 “an“ .O m i KNOW but he failed to identity the captain m the sentenced on conviction for mail fraud and conspiracy to
4 , ' was attached as .in intelligence otticer for the courtroom. l {I iud
- - . . . , . t C ‘1 .
' OPL‘TiHW”~ “I could see a captain flashing a knife around
' ) ,. H“ H . .. \ , c _ _ J ‘.‘5 ~ . . . , :
' ‘ ‘ ,‘Y‘lldnrr ittimtjiktii “If: \1';,:,\ll\,lzilltjdint)(arxfl and something WWW up m the u” and m“ gm WASHIMII‘ON Antiwar protesters roamed the (‘apitol
' i " ‘ L‘i i c. e i . . * . ~ . n “ ~ ~ - - - ‘ ‘
”U Milt”; “fix; in Kit W. k [0&1 mi '1‘! “‘1.” ‘I “n“r‘ . “‘9 ,“km‘ _ .. Monday in a sort of extended guerrilla theater of shouts in the i
T Li L ii . .. .L _‘ . L. -L. _ .. .. .1 ‘ l pthLd it up and it was ahoiit llHL‘C'LlllldliL‘lh 5mm”. a “wailing wall" on the steps. and u paint—splashing 3
M ”“5 “INC- ( «ll‘l» hwil’ilk 1111““ “1541111 Mild of an inch long. It was .i linger." said llein. who \. unoff into ,I ‘Ullt:l“8\l()llul office ‘
I - \Vltllllk‘l’. \\'llt) WilS Ll Ziltllt‘v lg‘lt‘l‘lliil‘iL’ L‘l‘L‘rillHl‘. \yue SL’I‘UL‘unt ”I th lllllL‘. ‘ i . L L C Li - _ -
_ : “lt HUN down 1m, 1 ”WC U, the Vietnamese‘s Tl t ‘ J l\' J f \' ,. l (, w \1. \_ l l ‘ llie iit'itiwarriors were in small groups acting under the
‘ tin r w'i‘ ‘l ot Wkt‘l oi'ii I i I t 10this ' Htk It"; i t 1111” in i t “k ~ -~ H I M general theme HI “I’L‘Ut‘h‘ifi LUN‘M” This “as a follow-on to
~ :19 U k l ‘i ‘ ~ irst wi ncss to cs 1 y. mill ie L'u ting occurred 2, , .. _ ,_ ~. . . .. . s
_ ' _' " l‘he hand was outstretched with his tingcr on a after the :\IllL‘l'lCLll] threatened the WW“, with 4, 5‘11““le 11:9:Ttifidditiikri.,‘\.\~!]1‘:li :Irijx“’15:”;{1‘11‘31 :l()(l)ll(::{‘()l
; . l‘l k Hi, W ) ) l” ‘.ll l \Vltllli ‘T. y H} Litiu d L’lLlUuL in u out; is... ”J... .,i new. A, ._ in t 4 I g.
, ' m \ ( k \ k k kmu' : disruptions by a predicted 30.000.
' « l’lillSUNAl. \lliSsHLl-Ls 1N 'I‘llli Kiciixici. CLASSIFIED (I()l.l‘.\l.\' must; iii~:st'i.'i's WASHINGTON A presidential commission which new: «
, . ' _ _ membership in the United Nations as “a duty, not a privilege 3
. . ' ' ' I ' Monday urged President Nixon to hack UN. seats for both
. . , Communist and Nationalist ('hina. . ’_
' ' APAR I utisnisci‘os The Supreme (mm Monday gave the ,
. .- ' . people in towns and cities all over the nation the right to block ,
.. . " ONE BEDROOM _EFF|C|ENC|ES _COMPLETELY FURNISHED . construction of low-rent public housing in their communities. .
' 4 ' ' The 5-3 decision may blunt a broad campaign to disperse f .
- . . . . . _ ' poor minorities from inner cities to outlying areas. f
. ‘~ ' . , EleCtr'c Heat and Air-Conditioning; Wall-to-Woll Carpeting ' Justice Hugo 1.. Black spoke for the court as it sustained an 5
' , i f ' —v—-—————--——-—--——————— amendment to the California Constitution that requires voter : ‘
V . .. ' ' - 4 DIFFERENT LOCATIONS __ ALL 4 BLOCKS FROM UK! approval for federally assisted public housing. He said the t 1,-
. . 1950 amendment was not aimed at any racial minority and ,,
' .. Phone 255 910] . 254 7898. 252-418] though it may disadvantage the poor it is not unconstitutional. '
. ‘ . ' I ' I
» g . as»
I ‘ ea r n i
.. , 4 ' . _~ d\ Reg. Price SALE PRICE
$2.39..........to.........$l.90 ,
. , $3.89..........to..........$3.00
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. alId $.5..........to..........$3.60
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To elp you get there,TWA Introduces the Getaway Program. .2 :2; _
If you could dig hitt‘lrhiking at ross Spain or It has the ltltlt‘tX‘lNlt‘nl (Ivtawm Brot hurt‘ lor 2‘ ' 1: 2- .l .'
ramping along a road In England. Staying at a those who would rather trau‘l hy thvmsvhvs than r» 1 ‘ 1. .21'2-1- 1
2 (‘hatvau In France or lIVIng near a beach in with a group 1 . 1 ‘.I 1
(falitornia. IVVA hrings \ou (it‘tawav. >\n(l it l1.l\;lt)t)ll(tlll()n\l()l'l)()(l1ll]t‘\()tltlt 12 2 1' 1‘1
first there’s the Cutaway” Card With it, you (an Passport and (.vtauay _( aitl .‘ .' 1' .‘
(‘hargv airtarv, hotels, mvals, (2.12s [list about Mail in theroupon tor l\\'~\s tn‘v (it‘taum 5 -‘ f 2-
anything just about anwvhvro And then take up to Vd(‘dtl()In Kit. _ . '1 2 .2
tWo\t'arstohay. -\n(l tinrlout ho“ 2~as\ guttingamn walh is -~ - ‘:
llwrv's also tho Youth Passport ‘ (.ml. It lots \ou ' ' 1 . 2
‘l\ at H' “ 22H on all (lt‘lllt“l|t tlw‘m Istanlllw I e GEtaway Program ‘l' ‘. 22 ‘i i"
l).lsls . .1 . . .) . h "2' 2
lfalsoti” “\Ullllt‘(ltltt‘(ll.tl“\.‘lIt:‘.".\ plan‘s ll.S./\.,/FUR( )l)l 2\\l2\jl \( lll( 2\ll\l( 2\ 1‘- 1 . ‘-
It I , l ‘*“ --—_...._......___ ,. . 2| . . .
1211.22:-1i\i:i\2 2 2 ~ .. 1 .-
‘.1 ‘l2"2 -?’ ‘.\iil"‘ i,)I1.r1I 1'41““ ll1ti' l.|\\\ l (? lint ltiiII . . .I .2 .I
1 1 1 2 l . 1i . 1 . . 5 ./ . . .
\'4 1ii‘il'I1’)=‘ ' '1’ i‘ ‘1\i lls