xt7ttd9n638h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n638h/data/mets.xml New Mexico United States. Works Progress Administration Lowe, Robert C.(Robert Chapin), 1907- 1936 p. 2901-2947, 1 leaf (folded); 27 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:35/N 42m books English Washington: Works Progress Administration This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. New Mexico Works Progress Administration Publications Public welfare -- Law and legislation -- New Mexico Charity laws and legislation -- New Mexico Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of New Mexico text Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of New Mexico 1936 1936 2019 true xt7ttd9n638h section xt7ttd9n638h ,: .., ‘ W WNIVERS‘IT‘VOI‘FTENI‘UCKV ( . — _- ,. ‘
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This bulletin is one of a series intended to present in
abstract form the public welfare provisions of the laws of each of
the States.
The purpose of these bulletins is to give a brief review
of the provisions for public assistance under the laws of the several
{j} jurisdictions, and of the administrative agencies set up by law with
3 reference thereto. A chart showing the organizational relationships
1 of the administrative agencies is included.
. j The possibility of error in attempting with a limited staff
i and in a limited time to assemble and digest the formidable mass of
33 material incident to such a study is frankly recognized. The coopera-
JQ’) tion of those who have occasion to use these digests in reporting any
I} errors of omission or commission noted, or in suggesting improvement
: in form or content, is invited and will be greatly appreciated.
Z Meanwhile it is hoped that those interested in considering
r the reorganization or strengthening of public welfare services in the
3 several States may find the digests of practical value.
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Public Welfare Provisions Page
General Poor Relief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5401
Aid to Dependent Children in Their Own Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5405-
Care of Dependent and Neglected Children (Institutions and Agencies) . . 5405
Blind Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5407
Veterans' Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5408
Administrative Provisions ‘
- State Board of Public Welfare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5412
State Board of Public Affairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5415
State Penitentiary and State Reformatory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5418
Central, Western, and Eastern State Hospitals for the Insane, and
. The State Hospital for the Negro Insane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5425
Northern State Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5452
Children's Institutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . 5458
Whitaker State Orphan Home, West Oklahoma Home for White
- Children and the Institute for Colored Deaf, Blind, and Orphans. . 5440
' State Training School for White Boys, Colored Boys and Colored
Girls, and State Industrial School for White Girls . . . . . . . . 5446 '
Connfissioner of'Charities and Corrections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5452
Board of Pardons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5456
Soldiers' Relief Commission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5458
Commissioner of Pensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5460
Confederate Soldiers' Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5461
Union Soldiers' Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5465
Provisions for the Care of Crippled Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5465 _
Eastern and Western Tuberculosis Sanatoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5466
Board of Commissioners for the Blind (Commission for the Adult Blind). . 5467
Note on Institutions for Blind and Deaf. .-. . . . . . . J . . . . . . . 5470
Juvenile Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5471
County Commissioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . 5477
County Welfare Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5481
Chart Showing Public Welfare Agencies

 Oklahoma 3401
(a) Description of class

Those who, by reason of age, infirmity, or misfortune, may
have claims upon the sympathy and aid of the county. 1/

Poor persons who may become chargeable as panpers, who are
of mature years and sound mind, and who from their general character
will probably be benefited; parents of idiots and of children otherwise
helpless, requiring the attention of their parents, and who are unable
to provide for such children themselves. 2/

(b) Procedure for determinipg eligibility

Overseers of the poor examine into an application for relief

made by or on behalf of any poor person. Overseers determine eligibility. g/
(c) Measure of responsibility

If the relief sought is of a tenmorary character, or the
person seeking relief cannot be moved, relief is furnished. If otherwise
and such poor person can be moved, he is placed in a county asylum. 2/
Applicant may be furnished medical and surgical necessities and care. 3/
Persons not settled in county may receive temporary relief. 5/ Necessary

. and reasonable burial expenses are furnished for both legal residents and
non-residents. é/

These persons referred to in second paragraph under "Descrip-
tion of Class", above, may be given such annual allowance as will not
exceed the maintenance charge in the ordinary mode, the Board of County
Commissioners taking the usual amount of charges in like cases as the rule
for making such allowance. 3/

' (a) Qualifications imposed

Six months' residence in county. 2/
1. Constitution, Sec. 13691.

2. Statutes (1931), Sec. 7567.
5. Ibid, Sec. 7558.
4. Session Laws (1935), Ch. 24, Art. 17, Sec. 3, amended by Initiative

Petition, No. 149, Sec. 2, adopted Dec. 17, 1955.

5. Statutes (1931), See. 7544.
6. Ibid, Sec. 7576.
7. Ibid, Sec. 7562.

Married woman has husband's settlement, if he has one in State, if he
has no State settlement, she may obtain settlement by 6 months' continuous
residence in county. Legitimate minor children have father's residence,
if he has one in State, if he has no residence in State, children have
residence of mother, if she has residence in State. Illegitimate children

. have mother's residence, if she has one in State. A minor whose parents
have no residence in State, and married woman whose husband has no resi-
dence in State, gain residence by 6 months continuous residence in any
county of State. Ibid.

 5402 Oklahoma - Digest of Public Welfare Travisions
(d) Qualificatioufiuimpoifig (ngfigd)

To qualify for State funds, made available by the Act creating
the State Board of Public Welfare, applicant must have been a bona fide
citizen and actual resident in the State for a period of one year prior to
the passage of the Act which,was approved March 9, 1935. §/

To secure the benefits of available Federal funds, the quali-
fications of any dependent unemployebls mud the amount payable thereto
must conform to Federal regulationsu 2/

Persons receiving burtul expenses must be without money or
means necessary to defray such expenses. 3/

(e) Incidence of financial responsibility

On the county. 10/ (Obligation mandatory.) State Welfare

Board allocates funds to counties for destitute unemployables. 11/
(f) Taxes

To receive State Funds, County Excise Board must levy 8/10
mill tax or make satisfactory showing to State Board of Public Welfare
that county is not financially able to make,1evy and also provide for
ordinary expense of county government. 12/

(g) Administrgtive fiencijlg I

County Commissioners are overseers of the poor. 15/ Appeal
may be made to judge of the county district court. 14/ County Welfare
Board administers and distributes funds allocated by State Board of

, Public Welfare. _1_5/
01) W23
State Board of Public Welfare supervises County Welfare Boards. 15/
8. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 24, Art. 17, Sec. 5, amended by Initiative
Petition, No. 149, Sec. 2, adopted Dec. 17, 1955.
9. Statutes (1951), Sec. 7576.
10. Ibid, Sec.77544.
11. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 24, Art. 17, Sec. 5, amended by Initiative
Petition, No. 149, Sec. 5, adopted Dec. 17, 1955.
12. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 24, Art. 17, Sec. 10.
15. Statutes (1951), Sec;. 7542.
14. Ibid, Sec. 7570.
15. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 24, Art. 18, Sec. 4.

 Oklahoma — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 5403
(a) Description of class
Indigent mothers of children under 14 years of age, whose
husbands are dead,or insane, or prisoners in any State institution. 1/
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility
Allowance is made by County Court. 2]
(0) Measure of responsibility
Allowance must not exceed $10 per month for one child, and
$5 per month for each additional child. 2/
(d) Qualifications imposed
Children for whose benefit the allowance is made must be
living with their mother. Allowance must be made only when in the
absence of such allowance, the mother would be required to work regu-
larly away from home and children, and when by means of such allowance
she will be able to remain at home with her children. Mother must, in
Judgment of county court, be a proper person, morally, physically and
mentally, for the bringing-up of,her children. Allowance must, in the
Judgment of the court, be necessary to save children from neglect.
Mother must be a resident of the county in which application is made for
. at least one year next before making application. y
To qualify for State funds, made available by the Act creat-
ing the State Board of Public Welfare, applicant must have been a bona
fide citizen and actual resident in the State for one year prior to
passage of the Act, approved March 9, 1955. 5/
(9) Incidence of financial respgnsibility
, 0n the county. (Obligation mandatory.) Expenditures must
not exceed $8,000 for each fiscal year. 1/ State Welfare Board allocates
funds to counties for destitute unemployables. 5/
1. Statutes (1951), See. 7598.
2. Ibid, Sec. 7600.
Be Ibid, Sec. 7599e
4. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 24, Art. 17, Sec. 5, amended by Initiative
Petition, No. 149, Sec. 2, adopted Dec. 17, 1955.
5. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 24, Art. 17, Sec. 5, aunnded by Initiative
Petition, No. 149, Sec. 5, adopted Dec. 17, 1955.

 5404 Oklahoma — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(f) Taxes .
County Excise Board makés levy for such sum as may be needed. :7
(g) Administrative agencies
County Court. _'7_/ County Welfare Board administers and distri—
butes funds allocated by State Board of Public Welfare. g/
(h) SuErvisory controls
State Board of Public Welfare supervises County Welfare
Boards. _8/
6. Statutes (1951), Sec. 7598.
7. Ibid, Sec. 7600.
8. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 24, Art. 18, Sec. 4.

 Oklahoma - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 5405
(a) Description of class
Any child under the age of 16 years not an inmate of a State
institution. "Dependent and Neglected Child" means any male child under
the age of 16 and\any female child under the age of 18 years who for any
reason is destitute, homeless or abandoned, or dependent upon the public
for support; or has not the proper parental care or guardianship; or who
habitually begs or receives aims, or who is found living in any house of
ill fame or within a vicious or disreputable place; or whose home by
reason of neglect, cruelty or depravity on the part of its parents, guar-
dians or other person in whose care it may be, is an unfit place for such
a child, and any male child under the age of 8 years and any female child
under the age of 18 years who is found begging, singing or playing any
musical instrument upon the street or giving any public entertainment, or
who accompanies or is used in aid of any person so doing. 1/
(b) Procedure for detenmining eligibility
Any reputable person who is a resident of the county, having
knowledge of a child in his county who appears to be neglected or depen-
dent, may file with the clerk of the court having Jurisdiction in the
matter, a petition in writing, setting forth facts verified by affidavits. 2/
(c) Measure of responsibility
. Care in a suitable State institution or with a reputable citi-
zen of good moral character, or in a training or industrial school, as
provided by law, or care of some association willing to receive the child,
mnbracing in its objects the purpose of caring for or obtaining homes for
‘ neglected or dependent children, which association must have been accredited
as provided. When the health or condition of the child requires it, the
court may cause the child to be placed in a public hospital or institution
for treatment or special care, or in a private hospital or institution
which will receive it for like purpose without charge. 3/
(d) Qualifications imposed
‘ (e) Incidence of financial responsibility
County. g/ (Obligation optional.)
1. Session Laws (1935), Ch. 14, Art. 1, Sec. 1.
2. Statutes (1931), Sec. 1733.
3. Session Laws (1935), Ch. 14, art. 1, Sec. 2.

 5406 Oklahoma - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility (Cont'fl
State appropriation for orphan, destitute, minor children in
homes and institutions not .State owned or operated. 3/
(f) 2&6:
No special provision.
(g) Administrative agencies
Juvenile Court. E/ State Board of Public Affairs expends
State appropriations for orphan homes. 3/
(h) Supervisogz controls
4. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 20, Art. 5, Sec. 1.
5. Statutes (1931), Sec. 1751. '

 Oklahoma - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 3407
(a) Description of class
Any wholly or partially blind adult person who is without
means of support and is incapable of self-support. l/
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility
Application to Commission for Blind. 2/ Before Commission
grants relief to legal residents of county, judge of county court must
approve payments. 5/
(0) Measure of responsibility
Three hundred dollars per year for individuals 5] or for 2
blind persons married after passage of this Act creating Blind Assis-
tance, approved May 8, 1955. j] _
_ (d) Qualifications imposed
Applicant must have vision insufficient for use in an occu-
pation for which sight is essential; must be unable to provide necessi—
ties of life; must have insufficient means of support, and no relative
or other person able to provide and legally responsible for maintenance;
must have resided in the State continuously for 5 years immediately
preceding application date; or must have lost sight while a resident of
. the State or must be blind and a State resident at the time of passage
of the Act; must not be an inmate of any charitable or correctional
institution of the State, or county or city thereof, but inmate of such
a.charitable institution may be granted relief in order to enable him to
' maintain himself outside the institution; must not be suffering from
mental or physical infirmity which had made applicant a public charge
prior to loss of sight, must not be soliciting alms. §/
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility
State must pay total aid if recipient has no legal county
residence; counties must reimburse State for total amount paid to their
legal residents. 5/
(f) Taxes
County property tax. é/
(g) Administrative agencies
State Commission for Adult Blind. 1/
(h) Supervisory controls
County court approves payments to county residents. 5/
1. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 24, Art. 1, Sec. 2.
2. Ibid, Sec. 4. 5. Ibid, Sec. 5.
. 5. Ibid, Sec. 5. 6. Ibid, Sec. 8.
4. Ibid, Sec. 11. 7. Ibid, Sec. 1.

 3408 Oklahoma - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(a) Description of class

Confederate Pensions:

Any person who enlisted and served as a soldier or sailor in
the army or navy of the Confederate States of America or any State or
territory thereof, for a period of 5 months, and every widow of such
soldier or sailor remaining unmarried, or who, having remarried, is again
a widow, provided such Confederate soldier and such widow were married
prior to June so, 1910. _l_/

Any person who was detailed directly under the provisions
of the Conscript Law for duty in any of the armories or shops for the
maintenance of the anny or navy of the Confederate States, or any State
during the Civil war. 32/

Confederate Soldiers' Home:

Indigent and disabled soldiers and sailors who enlisted and
served in the army or navy of the Confederate States of America during
the Civil and during the Werld War in 1917 and 1918, and also the aged
wives and widows of such soldiers and sailors. 5/

Union Soldiers‘ Home:

Aged, dependent, honorably discharged United States soldiers, .
sailors and marines, who served in the Civil War, the Spanish.American
War, or Philippine Insurrection and Boxer Uprising and in any of the
Indian Wars, or in any war with Mexico, or in the werld War, their depen—
dent wives, widows and mothers. Aged and dependent army nurses, dependent
honorably discharged members of Oklahoma National Guard who served as long
as 5 years as members of said Guard. 5/

Children's Assistance:

Minor dependents of destitute, disabled and deceased soldiers,
sailors, nurses, and marines of the WOrld War, Spanish American War,
Philippine Insurrection and Boxer Rebellion. 5/ '


Any honorably discharged ex—Union soldier, sailor, or marine,
or any ex—Confederate soldier, sailor,or marine, who served during the
Civil War, or any soldier, sailor or marine who served in the Spanish—
Americen War, the Philippine Insurrection or the World War. fi/

1. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 64, Art. 1, Sec. 1.

2. Statutes (1951), Sec. 12041.

5. Ibid, Sec. 12052.

4. Ibid, Sec. 12019. .
5. Session Laws (1955), S. B. No. 50, Sec. 1.

6. Statutes (1951), See. 12008.

 Oklahoma — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 3409
(b) Procedure for determining eligibilipy

Confederate Pensions:

Application to county judge; if he deems application unsatis—
factory, he may summon and examine witnesses. Testimony, papers, and
records of application are forwarded to Pension Commissioner who deter—
mines eligibility. Z/

Confederate Soldiers' Home and Union Soldiers' Home:

No provision.

Children's Assistance:

Recommendation of any executive officer of the American
Legion. g]


No provision.

(c) Measure of responsibility

Confederate Pensions:

. Pensioners over 70 years of age receive a sum not to exceed ,
$27 per month, widows from.60 to 70 inclusive receive a sum not to exceed
$20.per month, widows under 60 receive a sum not to exceed $15 per month.
Any eligible person in the Confederate Home receives a sum not to exceed
$5 per month. 2/

Care in Confederate Soldiers' Home 10/ and Union Soldiers'
Home. 11/

Children's Assistance:

Direct relief not to exceed $1 per day. §/


Expense not to exceed $150. 13]

7. Statutes (1931), Sec. 12044.
8. Session Laws (1935), S. B. No. 30, Sec. 1.
9. Ibid, Ch. 64, Art. 1, Sec. l.
10. Statutes (1931), Sec. 12019.
11. Ibid, Sec. 12032.
12. Ibid, Sec. 12008.
Burial must not be made in cemetery or burial ground or that portion
of burying ground used exclusively for burial of pauper dead. Ibid.

 34.10 Oklahoma - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(c) Measure of responsibility (Cont'd)
General Provisions:
Care in tubercular sanatorium for tubercular ex-service
persons 13/, separate ward building at Central State Hospital for
ex-service persons suffering from mental, neuro or nervous diseases
or afflictions. 14/ .
(d) Qualifications imposed
Confederate Pensions: ’
Applicant must have resided in State for 5 years continuously
before application date; must notpossess property, real or personal, in
excess of $2,000, or an income in excess of $500. No pension may be paid
to any widow of any soldier or sailor who has been divorced from such
soldier or sailor or who wilfully, without cause, abandoned such soldier
or sailor and continued to live separately up to the time of the death of
such soldier or sailor, or to an inmate of an insane hospital. 15/ Appli-
cant must have served honorably and have been honorably discharged, paroled,
or released. No widow is entitled to a pension if her husband, were he
living, would be prohibited from receiving such pension by reason of his
inability to comply with the requirenents of the Act providing pensions. 16/
Confederate Soldiers' Home and Union Soldiers' Home: .
Children's Assistance:
Parents, at time of demise, must have been citizens of State
for a period of 3 years. 17/
Insufficient means to defray funeral expenses. 18/
(e) Incidence of financial responsibilitz.
Confederate Pensions: State. 12/ (Obligation mandatory.)
Confederate SoldierS' Home: State. 20/ (Obligation mandatory.)
13. Statutes (1951), Sec. 12085.
14. Ibid, Sec. 12101.
15. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 64, Art. 1, Sec. 1.
16. Statutes (1951), Sec. 12041.
17. Session Laws (1935), S. B. NO. 50, Sec. 1.
18. Statutes (1931), Sec. 12008.
19. Ibid, Sec. 12045.
20. Ibid, Sec. 12052. .

 Oklahoma - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 3411
(6) Incidence of financial responsibility (Cont'd)
Union Soldiers' Home: State. 21/ (Obligation optional.)
V Children's Assistance: State. _2_2/ (Obligation optional.)
Burial: County. 23/ (Obligation mandatory.)
(f) Taxes
Confederate Pensions: No specific provision. (State general
fund. 34/)
Confederate Home: No specific provision.
Union Soldiers' Home: .2_5/ No specific provision.
Children's Assistance: No specific provision. (State general
fund. _2_2_/)
Burial: No specific provision. (County general fund. 2_3/)
(g) Administrative agencies
Confederate Pens ions’: Commissioner of Pensions. 26/
. Confederate Soldiers' Home: Board of Trustees. 27/
Union Soldiers' Home: Board of Trustees. 28/
Children's Assistance: Soldiers' Relief Comiseion. 25/
Burial: County Commissioners designate township trustee, or
for good reasons, some person other than township trustee. 29/
(h) SuErvisoEz controls
None provided.
21. Statutes (1931), Sac. 12030. No 1935 appropriation.
22. Session Laws (1935), S. B. No. 30, Sec. 1.
23. Statutes (1931), See. 12009.
24. Ibid, See. 12045.
25. No 1935 appropriation.
26. Statutes (1931), Sec. 12044.
27. Ibid, Sec. 12033.
28. Ibid, Sec. 12020.
29. ' Ibid. Sec. 120080

 5412 Oklahoma
(Statutory Body)
I. General Powers and Duties

(1) The State Board of Public Welfare may, from time to time,
allocate to the counties of the State, according to the needs of the
respective counties as determined by the Board, the funds appropriated
or so much thereof as may be needed by the counties to supplement the
funds which have been appropriated by the County Excise Boards of the
various counties for the care of the indigent, poor and widows. _l_/

(2) The Board is authorized to receive grants or contributions
of money, commodities, or other things of value, from the Federal Govern—
ment, or from any other source, for the purpose of giving aid to unemploy-
ables, either by direct relief or by employment relief, and to administer
the expenditure and distribution of such relief, either through the
County lelfare Boards, or through other local agencies acceptable to the
Federal Government. 2/

(3) In case unemployables entitled to relief as granted by
County Welfare Boards are also entitled to participate in Federal funds
appropriated to care for the various classes of dependents, the Board
has authority to cooperate with Federal agencies supervising the Federal
funds, and must comply with the rules and regulations of the Federal .
was and the Acts of Congress pertaining thereto, and may provide the
proper boards for administering such joint relief, in accordance with
More]. requirements, in order to procure the benefits of the funds. E_5/

(4) The Board is authorized to accept the services of case .
workers, or other forms of assistance from the Federal Government in
the administration of the provisions of the Act creating the Board, or
for relief purposes. y
1. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 24, Art. 17, Sec. 5, amended by Initiative
Petition lo. 149, Sec. 3. The funds must be used‘ for providing neces-
sities for the destitute unemployables of the State. In order to obtain
the benefits of federal funds appropriated to the Board, the qualifica-
tions of such persons and the amount paid them must conform to the
Federal regulations. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 24, Art. 1'7, Sec. 3, as
amended by Initiative Petitm No. 149, Sec. 2, adopted Dec. 1'7, 1935.

2. Initiative Petition No. 149, Sec. 7, adopted Dec. 17, 1935.
3. Ibid, Sec. 5.

 Oklahoma - Abstract of Administrative Provisions 3413
. II. Composition and Appointment of Governing Body
The Board is composed of the Governor, the Chairman
of the State Board of Public Affairs, the S’ate Treasurer, the State
Commissioner of Health, and the Adjutant General. The Governor is the
Chairman of the Board, and the Board meets at his call. No member of
the Board receives any compensation for services rendered as a member
of the Board. 3/
The respective official bonds of the members of the
Board may.stand as security for the faithful performance of their duties
as members of the Board. §/
111. Reports
No provision.
IV. Executive
. No provision.
V. Staff
No provision.
VI. Financial Provisions
. Funds are appropriated from the general fund. of the
State. fi/
Amount of Appropriation and Limitation of Funds:

- There is appropriated the sum of $1,500,000 for the
remainder of 1955, and to June so, 1936. 1/
4. Session Laws (1955), Ch. 24, Art. 17, Sec. 1.

5. Ibid, Sec. 11.
6. Ibid, Art. 19, Sec. 1.
7. Ibid, Ch. 24, Art. 17, Sec. 10.

After June 30, 1935, the Board must not allocate any money to any county
until such county has levied an ad valorem assessment of 8/10 mill to obtain
funds for the care of its needy persons or show that even with such levy
it cannot provide the ordinary expenses of the county government. Ibid.
None of this appropriation may be used for salaries or administrative
expenses. Session Laws (1935), Ch. 24, Art. 17, Sec. 7.

 3414 Oklahoma — Abstract of Administrative Provisions
VI. Financial Provisions (Cont'd) .

Amount of Appropriation and Limitation of Funds: (Cont'd)

There is appropriated an additional $33,100 to June 30, 1936.
Of this sum, $3,100 is used for administrative and miscellaneous expenses,
and $30,000 is given to the County Welfare Boards to defray expenses of
administering the funds allocated by the Board. Q/

There is a supplementary appropriation of $1,000,000 for the
period from July l, 1936, to June 30, 1937 to carry out the provisions of
the bill affecting the creation of the State Board of Public Welfare. The
Board may not use more than 2% of the $1,000,000 for expenSes of administer»
ing the funds. The State Board may allocate to the county welfare boards
that show a necessity therefor, an amount specifically set aside for that
purpose. 2/

There is also appropriated for the fiscal year ending 1936
the sum of $1,500,000, and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937 the
sum of $1,000,000. If there remains unexpended at the end of the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1936 any part of the funds appropriated for the
said fiscal year, the surplus may be expended by the Board during the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and the surplus, if any so remains is
so reappropriated. 19/ None of these funds may be expended for adminis-
tration. 11/

8. Session Laws (1935), Ch. 24, Art. 19, Sec. 1.

9. Ibid, Sec, 2, 4.

10. Initiative Petition, No. 149, Sec. 1, adopted Dec. 17, 1935.
11. Ibid, Sec. 6, adopted Dec. 17, 1935.

 Oklahgmg E Abstract of Administrative Provisions 3415
(Statutory Body)

I. General Powers and Duties

(1) The State Board of Public Affairs has the management and control

1 of the penal institutions of the State. 1/

(2) The Board is constituted the Board of Control of the Northern
Oklahoma Hospital. g/

(5) The government and exclusive control of the hospitals for the
insane is vested in the Board. fi/

(4) The Board has supervision of the fiscal and business affairs of
the Tuberculosis Sanatoria. 1/ '

(5) The Board has charge of the financial and fiscal affairs of the
State Training School for White Boys; the State_Training School for White
Girls; the Whitaker State Orphan Home for White Children; the West Oklahoma
State Home for White Children; the State Training School for Colored Boys;
the State Training School for Colored Girls; the Deaf, Blind, and Orphan's
Home for Colored Children. 2/

(6) The Board contracts for, purchases, and acquires all furnishings,

. furniture and supplies of every kind or description for the use of the State

or its officers, for the support of the several State institutions, including
printing, stationery, fuel, tools, implements, furniture, books, food, cloth-
ing, and medical supplies where the law requires the State to furnish the
same. _6_/

(7) The Board has full and complete authority to trade and transfer

- any products produced or manufactured by any State institution for any

commodity required for the support, maintenance or operation of any farm or
manufacturing industry located at the institution. 2/

(8) The Board has authority to determine what supplies, apparatus
and other things are allowed to the various schools and other institutions
of the State. §/
1. Statutes (1931), Sec. 5300.
2. Ibid, Soc. 5119.
3. Ibid, Sec. 4996.
4. Ibid, Sec. 5277.
5. Ibid, Sec. 5151.
6. Ibid, Soc. 3572.
7. Ibid, Sec. 5592.
8. Session Laws (1935), Ch. 20, Art. 8, Sec. 2.

 5416 Oklahoma 1 Abstract of Administrative Provisions

1. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd) .
(9) The Board is given authority to expend funds, appropriated for

defraying the expenses of maintenance and supervision of Oklahoma orphan,

destitute, and delinquent minor children who are in instifictLC’e devoted to

the care of such children and which institutions are no; Fixt- , i or

operated, by coitracting with the Superintendent or other this: officer of

such ‘*9* “3"v.: within the State. Such contracts are made upon a per,

capita 1;.i -,v .o exceed $100 per year. 2/

II. Eiflfii- , riim£§d Appointment of Governing Body

"é Board consists of 5 members appointed by the Governor with
the conscr: of'the Senate for a term coterminous with the Governor, but he
may remove any member in the interest of the public. Not more than 2 mem-
bers may be from the same political party. 10/ '

The chairman receives a salary of $5,400 per annum plus
expenses. In other 2 members each receive $4,800 per annum plus expenses. 11/

L3“; member must give bond to the State for $50,000 conditioned
for the faithful performance of his duties. 23/ '

The members of the Board are prohibited from engaging in any
other hvsinesi for compensation for their personal service during the time
of their service on the Board. No contracts are entered into by the Board
with any firm or corporation in which any member of the Board may have an
interest or be a