xt7ttd9n624m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n624m/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1996 1997 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books UK Facts '96-97 University of Kentucky, 1996-1997 text UK Facts '96-97 University of Kentucky, 1996-1997 1996 1996 1997 2019 true xt7ttd9n624m section xt7ttd9n624m We're Proud m... “ ' . g; ‘1 H n ’
the ranking of * lg , “Z; g esearc
the University Of 3;; E {3:3 " ‘ 0 UK is designated a Research University of 0
Kentucky in the g V‘ i f ’ ' the First Class by the Carnegie Foundation, .
Top 50 national ,5; CE ' '3; one of only 59 public universities in the ‘
universities for quality ) , '3' :nation so designated. _
and value by U- S- W ; . , 0 UK ranks among the Top 100 research i I I
News €93 W07 1d Report =3» ,, , F a: a ,_ universities in the nation with particular
the College of 5 :7 " iv ~fi,]"’,§ strengths in engineering, business, aging,
Medicine ranked by pharmacy and cancer.
U. S. News 69’ World r , :v .,.. ‘ " _ _
Report as one of the Tllltlllll & Fees < >
Top 10 medical schools for training in Tuition and fees on the Lexington
primary care in the U. S. for the sixth Campus for the 199697 academic year:
consecutive year. 0 Undergraduate state residents: $2,340 per
the College of Pharmacy named as the year in tuition; $336 in fees. m
third best pharmacy program nationally by , Under - . _
‘ « graduate non-re51dents. $7,020 per

U‘ 8' News {‘79 WMZCZRWWL year in tuition; $336 in fees. V
a record year for fund—raising, more than c
$39 million, and a record number of con- Key TBIBIJIIOIIE Listings
tnbutors including alumni. on
.... scholarship programs to keep top Lexmgtfln campus nun-nun..." 257'9000 I
scholars in the state such as the MBA Schol— Chandler Medical Center 323.5000
arship Programs in the Gatton College of
Business and Economics. Community College System ...257-8307 - \‘l- ,
UK’s Cooperative Extension Service Undergraduate Admissions 257-2000
which in a year will make more than 5 _ _
million service contacts in the State. Graduate Adm'sslons nun-un- 257-4613
the men’s basketball team, 1996 NCAA Public Relations 257-3303
cham ion.

p Registrar 257-3161
%m , VISIIOI‘ Center 257-3595
fwgégifiw ‘ UK INFOLINE................. 506 257 5684
w 4"” W provides daily updates on sports, fme ants
W :‘fW/I ,, and other events on the campus m Lexmgton. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCW

 History/ Governance " r “5% é.
.. ‘ ' . ' we“ , n -
0 Founded in 1865 as a land-grant institution. . ' _ -- . , ; viz” 7"" 7: a
. . “ , ‘1 7‘: i. . ,, ”V@
0 Located in the heart of the beautiful a * w {'3‘ . , {'71,- w 1., ,, AW I: -' ’ :1] .1
Kentuck Blue rass re 'on on a 76+ r 4 t e: ‘- . ~ t I I .. "at I“ -
y g g1 3C 6 _ .‘ t g , , M a W, kw? , #1 . {41. {:4 lime... 1.; . w .
campusiustsouth “downtown Lexmgton- 97W?” .. Efieceofi-tig:
o 14 community colleges are a part of the 941‘ if ' It: m . m im’eo M
University. a . . . ' . Whflmfig’ i ii :3:
0 The University also has alarge medical center \ § 1‘ ., ”Hf” W0 v ’
in Lexington with a 472—bed hospital. . . " "am“ '
0 Policy is set by a 20-member Board of " f ‘“ "I“ '
Trustees which includes alumni, faculty and .. . V " i ‘
student representation.
' Charles T. Wethingtonjr. is the tenth "II! Library . More than 3,100 students are enrolled in
prefident Of the UmVerSltY- O UK’S library system now has 26 mllhon the fiVC COlngCS Of th€ UK Chandler Medical
Students have 8 4 majors from which to 0 The UK library ranks 49th among research 0 UK educates 69% of all students going-to
. . hbranes 11] [he nat10n_ public and private colleges and uanerSIUCS
choose in the 16 academic colleges: in the state
Arts nd S . 0 A new $58 million library, the William T. '
Aa . lttsiences Young Library, is under construction and ' UK consistently ranks at the top nationally
E gricu tire will open in the fall of 1997 on the campus in the number of National Merit Scholars in
. ngineering . in Lexin ton. the freshman class. In the fall 1996 class
Busmess and Economi g
E ducatio CS there are 73 of them.
Human Environmental Sciences Faculty 0 There are.125 Kentucky Governor’s Scholars
Communication and Information Studies . 1,796 full-time in Lexington. and 118 high school valedictorians in the fall
Social Work 1 _ . 1996 freshman class.
. 0
Architecture ,128 in the Community College System. . The average ACT score for incoming
Fine Arts ' 97% of the faculty in Lexington have the freshmen is 24.8 _ four points above the
Law highest degree attainable in their field. national average.
1516623111 e ° UK faculty generated more {11311315114 million 0 For extracurricular activities, students have '
Nursinrgy 111 grants, COHUHCTS 311d glftS dunng 1995-96 - more than 250 organizations in which to
Allied Health Professions PamCIPate- .
Pharmacy Students 0 5,200 students live on campus in one of the
Graduate Education ° $0333 at UK in Lexmgton is more Kigffiggiitcse halls and the Greg Page EL;
an , . .
0 96 master’s and 60 doctoral programs. . Enrollment in the UK“Community College 0 There are 25 fraternities and 17 sororities O
0 More than 5,000 graduate students. System iS about 43,600. on the campus “1 Lexmgton. %