xt7ttd9n617t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n617t/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1939 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Works Progress Administration, National Archives (U.S.); 3 volumes, 28 cm; Mimeographed; Part 2 Extension Service, Forest Service, Bureau of Plant Industry, Bureau of Public Roads; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.9/no.32/pt.2 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The Survey of the Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IX The Department of Agriculture, Number 32 North Carolina text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IX The Department of Agriculture, Number 32 North Carolina 1939 1939 2015 true xt7ttd9n617t section xt7ttd9n617t           IiI     It  II  `IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYII III I   I I
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              I   INVENTORY   I
I     I    _ in the States ‘  I
I     I    I LIBRARY » I
        ""'”E"S'" OF KENTUCKY        
    .   I   _— »Rt` SERIES IX  
I       ‘ The Department ot Agriculture .
I     I   I I · Na. 32 NORTH CAROLINA ‘ I
I       ·I I I PART 2 I I
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é mrniwoirz or FEDERAL Aacnrvrs nv rms srmrs
on Prepared by .
%; The Survey of Federal Archives
_&j Division of Professional and Service Projects
Ԥ? Works Progress Administration
vg The National Archives
gQ Cooperating Sponsor
j srairs nc. THE nrm-xnnxmnr or Aenrcvmvnr
  N0. 32. Noam cAnoLINA
  Part 2
 ; Raleigh, North Carolina
  The Survey of Federal Archives
‘   1939 V

 xiii ` A
The Survey of Federal Archives
  Philip M. Hamer, National Director
{ Emily Bridgers, Supervisor
Division of Professional and Service Projects
i Florence Kerr, Assistant Administrator
» May E. Campbell, State Director _
F. C. Harrington, Administrator
. Charles C. McGinnis, State Administrator

Page _
Introduction ............. . . . l3O
Albemarle, County Extension Agents ........ . 134
Asheboro, County Agricultural Agent ......... 135
Asheville, County Agricultural Agent . ........ 135
Bakersville, County Agricultural Agent ...... . . 135
Beaufort, County Extension Agents ......... 136
Boone, County Agricultural Agent . . . ....... 136
Brevard, County Agricultural Agent ......... 137
Bryson City, County Agricultural Agent ........ 138
Burgaw, County Extension Agents .......... 138
Camden, County Extension Agents .......... 139
Carthage, County Extension Agents .......... 139
Charlotte, County Agricultural Agent ......... 140
Clinton, County Extension Agents .......... 141
Columbia, County Agricultural Agent ......... 142
Columbus, County Extension Agents .......... 142
Currituck, County Extension Agents. ........ . 143
Danbury, County Agricultural Agent. . ........ 144
Dobson, County Agricultural Agent .......... 145
Durham, County Extension Agents .......... 146
Edenton, County Extension Agents .......... 147
Elizabeth City, County Extension Agents . . ...... 150
.1 Elizabethtown, County Extension Agents ...... . . 151
Fayetteville, County Extension Agents ........ 152
Franklin, County Extension Agents ...... . . . 153
Gastonia, County Extension Agents ......... 154
Gatesville, County Extension Agents ......... 154
Goldsboro, County Agricultural Agent ......... 155
Graham, County Extension Agents .... . ..... 155
Greensboro, County Extension Agents ......... 158
Greenville, County Extension Agents ......... 160
Halifax, County Agricultural Agent ......... 161
Hayesville, County Agricultural Agent ........ 161
Henderson, County Extension Agents ......... 162
Hendersonville, County Agricultural Agent ....... 162
Hertford, County Extension Agents ......... 163
Hillsboro, County Agricultural Agent ......... 164
Jackson, County Extension Agents . . . . ..... . 164
Jacksonville, County Extension Agents ........ 165
Kenansville, County Extension Agents ......... 166
Kinston, County Extension Agents .......... 167
Laurinburg, County Extension Agents ......... 169
Lenoir, County Extension Agents .......... 169
‘ Lexington, County Agricultural Agent ......... 170
Lillington, County Extension Agents .... . .... 170
Lincolnton, County Agricultural Agent ........ 171
Louisburg, County Agricultural Agent ......... 172

 Contents xy
V Page
Lumberton, County Extension Agents ........ . 172
Marion, County Extension Agents . . . . . . .... 174
. Mocksville, County Extension Agents . . . ...... 174 _
Murphy, County Agricultural Agent . . . . ...... 175
Nashville, County Extension Agents ..... . . . . 176
New Bern, County Extension Agents . . . . ..... . 177
Newland, County Extension Agents .......... 179
Newton, County Extension Agents ..... . .... 180
North Wilkesboro, County Agricultural Agent . . . . . . 180
. Oriental, County Home Demonstration Agent . . . . . . . 181
Oxford, County Agricultural Agent ..... . . . . . 182
Plymouth, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . . . 182
Raeford, County Extension Agents ...... . . . . 183
_ Raleigh, State Agricultural Extension Director ..... 184
Raleigh, County Extension Agents .......... 188
Reidsville, County Extension Agents ......... 189
Robbinsville, County Agricultural Agent . . ...... 190
Rockingham, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . . 191
Roxboro, County Agricultural Agent . . . . ..... 191
Rutherfordton, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . 192
Salisbury, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . . 195
Sanford, County Extension Agents . ......... 194
Smithfield, County Extension Agents . . . . ..... 195
Snow Hill, County Agricultural Agent ......... 197
Southport, County Home Demonstration Agent ....... 198
Sparta, County Agricultural Agent . . . . . . . . . . 199
Statesville, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . . 199
Supply, County Agricultural Agent .......... 200
Sylva, County Agricultural Agent ..... . . . . . 200
Tarboro, County Extension Agents .... . . . . . . 201
Taylorsville, County Agricultural Agent ........ 205
Trenton, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . . . 203
Troy, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Wadesboro, County Extension Agents ......... 205
Warrenton, County Agricultural Agent ......... 206
Washington, County Extension Agents ..... . . . . 206
Waynesville, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . . 208
A Whiteville, County Agricultural Agent . . ...... 210
Williamston, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . . 211
Wilmington, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . . 211
Wilson, County Extension Agents . . ........ 215
Windsor, County Extension Agents ..... . . . . . 214
Winston-Salem, County Extension Agents . . ...... 216
Winton, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . . . 216
Yanceyville, County Extension Agents . . . . . . . . . 217
Yadkinville, County Agricultural Agent ........ 219
A Introduction ........... . . . . . 220
Asheville, Appalachian Forest Experiment Station . . . . . 240
Asheville, Pisgah Forest Supervisor . . . . . .... 240
Franklin, Nantahala Forest Supervisor . . . . . . . . 245

 Contents xvi
Lenoir, Grandfather Ranger Station ....... . . 247
Marion, Mount Mitchell Ranger Station . . ...... 248 `
New Bern, Croatan Ranger Station ......... . 249
Otto, Coweeta Experimental Forest . ......... 258
Pisgah Forest, Pisgah Ranger Station ......... 259
Introduction ...... . ........ . 26l
Asheville, Forest Pathology Field Station . . . . . . . 262
Atkinson, Plant Exploration and Introduction Blueberry .» ,
Experiment Farm ............ . . 262
Chadbourn, Strawberry Soil Studies Field Laboratory .... 263
Oxford, Flue-Cured Tobacco Production Investigations . . .
      I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I  
Raleigh, Cotton and Other Fiber Crops and Diseases
_ Field Station .............. . 264
Raleigh, Deciduous Fruit Investigations Field Headquarters . 265
Rocky Mount, Flue-Cured Tobacco Production Investigations
Field Station ..... . . . . . . . . . . 267
Statesville, Cotton and Forage Crops and Diseases Field
Station (not surveyed) . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Willard, Deciduous Fruit Investigations Field Station . . . 268
PUBLIC ROADS, BUREAU OF ............ . . 270
Raleigh, State Office (not surveyed) . . . . . . . . . 270

§Q€lE‘>?éll9El $}lY~’.‘iF£f’L?*?.
The Extension Service was created in l9lA oy the Lmitb»Levcr not which
provided for tne coordination of extension activities already conducted
by the various bureaus of the Department of Agriculture and by the state
agricultural colleges. The Act provided that $l0,000 co paid to each
stete with which to set the extension work in motion, are that the Federal
Government match any amount appropriated by the stutcs and counties in
after years for carrying on the work, In l9l5 the General Assembly of
North Carolina passed the necessary legislation and apyropriated $25,000
per year for the years l9l5—l9l6.
In North Carolina any county desiring an agricultural or home demon-
stration agent must pay approximately one—fourth of his or her salary.
This arrunqcment divided the cost so that the Unitee States Government
pays one~half, the state one—fourth, and the county one-fourth or the
expense of the Extension Service.
As stated by the Smith-Lever Act, the purpose of the Extension Service
is, "to aid in diffusing among the people of the United States useful one
practical information on subjects relating to agriculture and hone ccc-
nonics." To accomplish this, ell educational methons are utilized, but
field demonstretion is probably the most distinguishing feature. The
county agents hold meetings at easily accessible locations anu uemonstiate
improved methods of terracing, pruning, snreying, cunning, etc. They
organize children ani adults in clubs in which subjects related to home
economics and agriculture are studied. The members carry on projects and
experiments under the agent's supervision, enn at their corwlction report
the results to their clubs. Although the county agunts are not allowed
to USG their time in organizing farmers' orpanizutions, tnoy nay give
S¤§€@SYlOH3 une uuvioe. They aid in marketing projects ann fairs, and
furnish any available information concerning {crm and come prcblcms.
North Carolina, like the other forty—sevcn states and tlrcc territories,
has a State Director of Extension who represents jointly the United Statzs
Department of Agriculture and the North Carolina state Collcxe of Agri-
culture and Engineering. The state organination consists of the State
Director of Extension Work, the State Director or Home Demonstration dork
wno is also Assistant Director of Extension, a number of specialists in
aericulture and home economics, four district suoervisors of Home Demon-
stration Work, and four Histrict supervisors or Awricultural Entension
Work, all oi whom have their headquarters in gaieign at the North Carolina
State College of Agriculture and Engineering. County agricultural exten-
sion agents one county home demonstration agents, with headquarters in the
county seats, complete the state organization. All counties which benefit
from the Extension Service must help pay the expense of it. Only ninety-
six of the one hundred counties navc county agricultural agents, enc only
seventy have home demonstration agents. The cxocnwc to tte counties also
explains the frequent lapses in the existence of the Service in individual
counties, as in many cases the work has been discontinued for lack of
county funds, then reestablisned after a few years. ln sono counties the
Service has been established and discontinued as many as three or Your

 Extension Service 131
The Extension Service a&minist©rs much 0f the field work of the Agri-
cultural Adjustment Administration. Records of this work have been listed
in the AAA section of the Inventory. There are a few records of each 0f
the agencies filed in such a manner that it has been impossible to Sapa- »
rate them fr0m.rec0r@s of the Extension Service. These are included in
this section.
The following is a descriptive li5t of forms most frequently used by
the Extension Service in North Carolina:
Gives date, notes, and signature of agent, lists adult and junior projects
worked on, and gives statistical data on the following activities: days
specialist helped, result demonstrations started, result demonstrations
completed, female animals placed, farms engaging in forestry and terrac-
ing, in planting fruit shrubs, in sgving seed, pure bred sires placed,
farms planting pure seed, acres in forest project, farms Spraying, dusting,
treating seed, birds or animals treated for diseases, for parasites or
insects, AAA contracts secured, buildings constructed, faymS culling or
cleaning seed, acres land terraced, water systems installed, feeding,
fertilizing, marketing value in dollars, lighting systems installed,
visits to result demonstrations, news articles, circular letters, myatings
at result demonstrations, other meetings held in relation to projects,
days in field, in office, on vacation, days sick leave, miles traveled,
office calls, telephone calls, letters received, letters written, bulle-
tins distributed, 4-H Clubs organized, planning groups organized 0r r@~
organized, marketing groups organizcd or reorganized, leadership tyuining
meetings 0r other short courses held, tours conducted, 4-H teams trained,
A _ achievement days held, encampments held, meetings held by local leaders,
discussion group meetings held, A-H Club meetings held, meetings of county
organizations, exhibits made.
Gives county, name 0f agént, address, date, signature 0f District Agent,
report 0f places visited and 0f time devoted to agroncmy, animal husbandry,
agricultural engineering, entomology, forestry, horticulture, murkuting,
Blunt pathology, poultry, and soil conservation (AAA), names of Gistrict
agents, specialists, and others who visited agent, object of visit, other
remarks, names and addresses of 4~H Club members und adult demonstrators
visited, kind of demonstration, object of visit, other farm visits made,
narrative report in form cf human interest stcry 0f accomplishments, sigma,. _
ture and title of agent. (Made in duplicate: one copy sent to District
Agent, one kept cn file,)
Gives summary of information contained on all Daily Reports for the month.
(Mads in duplicate: one copy sent to District Agent, one kept on file.)
@1¤ELA.T:;Q5§l€£°£QE..£9.Z@L.T”L.@Li';@;’Q?..;¥;LD.“;"¤*££?9&}§Q?i9.¥£F. ‘ `
Gives mode of travel, name and address of agent, county, code number, data, »
daily report 0f days worked in field an& Office, of annual leave, sick
leave, 0f towns or communities visited, total miles for day, rate per
mile, amount claimed, certification and signature 0f Agent.
§@.QY2§3®li”..@EEl¤T.I£>.N;§?Q2RE.Yi@¤£O&4;*% .GJeEIP.  
Gives name and address of club member, age, name of club, name 0f agent,
date; record 0f foodx prepared, giving data, type Of food, and number
Of servings; record of meals planned, prepared, or served, giving date,
name 0f meal, and number served; record of dighwushing, table setting,
serving, etc.; record 0f items for club work achievement story; summary
0f year's activities; signatures 0f club member, mother, and local
leader 0r agent.
&.‘iiL§.L}2l3. ,§@¤E`.iE§. EAQQLQ
Gives name and address of club member, par¢nt's uumc, date 0I birth,
School attended, type of project undertaken each year, date startmd, com-
pluted, grade made, scope and result of the projcct, uconcuic value,
nunmer exhibits made, total cash returns, local luadur's name, record 0f
participation in judging contests and demonstrations, record meetings
attended, number and kind 0f contests entered, new mqmbcrs obtained, and
talks given.
QLET.¥§E§;Li1i%;9§'i;&(EE.?§E@jv‘E.¥`*T. .
Certificate awarded to boys and girls by the Agricultural Extension Scr-
vice 0f State College and the United States Department 0f Agriculture,
cooperating, in recognition 0f satisfactory completion 0f u c#rtain
number of years 0f 4-H Club work. It gives the name of the county, the
date given, and signatures of local lenders and farm 0r home agents.
!€El>;I_.V.`iD.“.{  i2%N!;®?£”K2;.N’?.
Gives name 0f club member, address, name of club, rocord of ivprovements
made in home management during year, and requirements for awards.

 Extension Service 135
§;KlN@.}221@l§‘lE}i'-*EQI*l.QTJLB. liQl4§lTY§. ll}lQ§lQ
Gives club member's name, address, county, number years in club work,
ability, husband's occupation, sources of income, number in family, number
in club work, children's ages, county, state, and national offices held `
in club work, honors received, number meetings attended, number non—club
members reached, name of major project, work accomplished, other work
E;i9l®£.}E§?9E.T.J.§>l@j..D@iO.§l.*;@ZFi€;T.l<2li. ..QLEl§L€i
Gives year for which report is made, name of county, name of club,
secretary's nate, project leader's name, signature or home agent, number
of members in club, name of project, names of club members, record of
club attendance and of work accomplished by each member on major project,
and record of number of women helped by club member outside of meetings.

 Extension Service, Albemarle l54
Stanly County Court House, 2d and Main Sts.
The office of the agricultural extension agent was established in l9l5
and that of the home demonstration agent in l9l8.
County Agriculturagkjgjensign Agent
to date. Correspondence with state office concerning animal husbandry,
dairying, drainage, house plans, silo construction, terracing roads,
and water systems. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.)
8 x ll folders, A ft., in A drawers of filing case. 2d floor, NE.
corner room. (5-C)
849. EXTENSION`NETHODS, CORRESPONDENCE, l92O to date. Correspondence
with state office concerning field crops, forestry, farm manaéement, soils,
rodents, fertilizers, marketing, purchasing, and pastures. Filed alpha-
I betieally by subject. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x ll folders, A ft.,
in 4 drawers of filing case. 2d floor, NE. corner room. (5-B)
name of applicant, parents* names, address, line of work interested in,
date of birth, and school attended. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally,
official.) 5 x 5 cards, A ft., in 4 drawers of filing case. 2d floor,
NE. corner room. (5-A, 5-D)
Q$l;2.‘¤..>; Ears...D.en<>1sJE2‘eii$>a   I
851. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS, l9l8 to date. Monthly and annual
reports to state office; correspondence with members of women's clubs
and 4-H clubs, and with Extension staff at State College, Raleigh, N. C.
Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) lO x ll folders, 2 ft., in
filing drawer. 5d floor, SE. corner room. (5)
B52. 4-H CLUB RECORDS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS, l95l to date. Permanent
record cards showing activities of members of 4-H clubs, such as projects
reported on, exhibits nt fairs, and honors won. Arranged alphabetically
by club. (Daily, official,) l0 x ll folders, A ft., in 2 filing drawers.
Bd floor, SE. corner room. (6)
855. 4-H CLUB RECORD BOOKS, 1952 to date. Each girl member has a
blank book with spaces for entries to individual record of meals pre-
pared, nnmber of garments made, number of tasks performed such as wash-
ing dishes, cleaning house, etc. Arranged alphabetically by club.
(Occasionally, official.) 5 x 8 bundles, 4 ft., on wooden shelves.
_ Fd floor, SE. corner room. (4)

 Extension Service, Bakersville 155
Randolph County Court House, North St.
This office was established in 1914. Some records of this agency have
been destroyed by rodents. Useless papers are burned.
854. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS, 1917 - 1918; 1925 to date. Corre-
spondence with Raleigh office, county agents, and farmers; 4-N Club
reports and plans for club work; infomation on merketineig, farm manage-
ment, soil rodents, etc.; monthly time and travel reports, and annual
reports. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 16 ft., in 8 drawers of 2
filing cases. Basement, NE. corner room. (1-A)
Buncombe County Court House
County Plaza and College Sts.
This office was established in 1909. The agency formerly occupied
old Buncombe County Court House (1909-1928). Records for the years 1909
to 1954 could not be located.
to date, General correspondence, information on cgricultural conservation
programs, Extension Service reports, crop rotation bulletins, msc. reports,
and general information on soil erosion and tobacco production. Filed
alphabetically by subject. (Daily, official.) 10 X 14 folders, 5 ft.,
in 2 steel filing drawers. R. 508. (265)
D. Z. McKinney Bldg., Water St.
This office for Mitdmnl County was established in 1914. It was dis-
continued in 1915, reestablished in 1917, again discontinued in 1920,
established again in 1925 for one year, and reestablished in 1951 for a
period of two years. The present office was established in April 1956.
For several weeks in 1956 the office was located in the jury room of the
county court house. Records for 1956 only could be located,

 Extension Service, Boon 136
856. SINGLE ENTRY LEDGER, June 1936 to date. Pay roll Mitchell County
soil conservation program showing amounts du and paid to farmers cooper—
ating in the soil conservation program. Ind x in front of ledger. (Ere-
quently, official.) 8 x 1O vols., 1O in., in filing case. R. l. (21)
857. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS, Apr. 1936 to date. Correspondence `
with state officials in Raleigh and with field supervisor in Franklin;
weekly and monthly reports, and travel reports. Forms attached. (Daily,
official.) lO x l2 folders, 8 ft., in 4 steel transfer cases. R. 1. (20)
858. ASSISTANT COUNTY AGENT, TVA, May 25, 1936 to date. Correspondg .
ence with officials, and statistical reports of assistant county agent `
engaged in experiments under the Tennessee Valley Authority; soil erosion,
44H clubs, etc. Reports filed by subject; correspondence, by name of oféls
ficial. (Weekly and monthly, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in steel
transfer case. R. l. (19)
Carteret Court House Annex
The office of agricultural extension agent was established in 1920.
All records pertain to the AAA program and are listed in that section.
There are no records prior to 1934. The office of home demonstration
agent was established in 1926.
County Home Demgnstratign_Agent A
859. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS, 1926 to date. Correspondence with
state director of home demonstration work, state director of extension
work, other Extension Service officials, and local individuals, monthly
reports, 4-H Club members' record, and home demonstration women's club
record. (Frequently, official.) 12 x 12 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in steel
filing case. Home Demonstration Agent's Office. (79)
860. ANNUAL arrears, 1926 to date. (Frequently, errieiai.) 12 X 12
folders, 4 ft., in steel filing case. Home Demonstration AgentYs Office.
Watauga County Court House, Main St.
This office was established in 1922, and discontinued in 1925. Records
for the years 1922 to 1925 have been destroyed. In 1935 the office was

 Extension $ervice, Brevard l37
86l. GENERAL FILE, l935 to date, Reports, tabulations, corrcspond—
" ence, and information on topics of concern to farmers. (Records prior `
to l956, Seldom used; 1936 records, daily, official.) l2 x lA folders,
envelopes, and loose papers. $5 ft., in steel filing case and on l2 `
" wooden shelves. Damaged by careless handling. County Farm Agent's
t ormce. (zi)
862. DEMONETRATION FARMS, I935 to date. A map of each farm giving
the division of land according to crop land, meadow land, pasture land,
‘ and wood land; they show the amount of livestock and the number of people
living on each farm, and the amount of triple superphosphate which has
been applied to each field. Filed by township. (Records prior to 1936,
I seldom used; I936 records, daily official.) lO x l2 folders, 25 ft., in
7 drawers of wooden desk. Back corner room. (33)
863. NATERSHED FARMS, I935 to date. A.map of each farm showing the
division of land according to crop land, meadow land, pasture land, and
wood land. Records also give number of livestock and of people on each
farm. Filed numerically. (Records prior to l936, seldom.used; l936
records, daily, official.) lO X l2 folders, 25 ft., in 7 drawers of
wooden desk. Back corner room. (32)
Britt Bldg., E. Main St.
The office of Transylvania County agricultural extension agent was
established in l9l7, discontinued in l927, and reestablished in l935. It
occupied an office in the old City Hall Building from IG25 to l927. Its
location before I925 is not known.
86A. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, l9l7 — l927; 1955 to date. Letters,
leaflets, recom endations, government bulletins, naps, AAA contracts,
and requisitions. Filed by subject. (Daily, official.) 9 x l2 folders,
l ft., in 2 metal filing cases and on 2 wooden shelves. lst floor, lst
room. (l)
865. SOII.lNP, I936. Shows location of streams and type of soil on
farms. (Daily, official.) 2} x 2i map, tacked on W. wall. lst floor,
lst room. (2)
866. FARM REPS, I935 to date. Show location of roads and buildings
for the farms owned by members of the Soil Conservation Association.
Arranged alphabetically in Farm Record Book. (Frequently, official.)
lO x l2 maps, 6 in., in metal filing case on G. wall. lst floor, lst
room. (3)

 ` I
Extension Service, Burnaw 158
Swain County Court House, Nain St,
This office was first established in 1919, but was discontinued in
1924; was reestablished in 1927, but remained in existence only until
1929; and was established a third time in 1955. Records prior to 1955
could not be located. The agent stated unimportant papers were destroyed.
Home demonstration records for Swain County are in the files of the home
demonstration agent at Waynesville who has charge of both Haywood and
Swain counties.
867. FARM REPORTS, 1955 to date. Weekly farm r ports, assorted
bulletins, program material, data on 44H clubs, and corresgondence.
(Daily, official.) lO x 12 bundles, l ft., in open wooden filing case,
2d floor room. (1)
‘ Pender County Court House
The office of agricultural extension agent was established in 1914,
but continued in existence only one year. It was reestablisned in 1917,
lapsed again in 1920, was again established in 1925, and has been in
existence without interruption since that date. The agency was located
I in the old Herring store building from June 1955 to July 1956, when it
was moved to its present location.
The office of home demonstration agent was established in l$l4. It
occupied an office in the old court house until June 1955, and an office
in the old Herring store building from June 1955 to June 195o, when it
was moved to the new court house. Useless papers are destroyed after
O HF; ye? 8.1* .
  fe; 1 inc alt ure 1. Ewa as  @31 asap;
868. COHRTLPOUDTLCE, 1956 to date. Correspondence with Raleigh
and Washington offices givin; information relative to county olaaning,
ditching, spraying, poultry, seed loans, tobacco, ho s, fertilizer,
potatoes, demonstrations, forestry, ctc. (Frequently, official,)
lO x 12 vols., 2 ft., in metal filing drawer. 5d floor, SU. corner room.
( 7 — 0 )
869. 4-H CLUB RECORDS, 1956 to date. 4-H Club roll corrpsnondcncc,
Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) IO x 12 folders, 2 ft.,
in metal filing drawer. 5d floor, SE. corner room. (7-A)

 Extension Service, Carthage 159
.¤s>.s2ir E¤n¢.Den¤m3.t.r%.t_i9.n rant.
870. MISCELLANEOUS FILE, l925 to date, Correspondence, clothing _
reports, accounts, addresses, and suggestions for use in home demonstra-
tion work. (Frequently, official.) 1O x l2 loose sheets , 2 ft. , in
steel filing drawer. 5d floor, SE. room. (12)
871. 4~H CLUB CARD EILE, 1925 to date. Card for each 4-N Club member,
giving nmne, date of birth, address, age, county, grade, and sex. (Oc-
casionally, official.) A x 6 cards, 2 ft., in steel filing drawer. 5d
floor, SE. room. (15)
Camden County Court House (
The office of the agricultural extension agent was established
January 1, 1954. It was first located in the school building, but was
later moved to the court house. All records relate to the AAA program
and are listed in the AAA section. There are no records older than 1933.
Useless papers are destroyed. The office of the home demonstration agent
was established September 17, l9Z5. Useless papers are burned.
L¤.¤f¤.>r .H..¤ma.Pe_rin.ar¤re;¤.ien iaernt.
872. LETTERS AND QEPORTS, 1955 to date, Correspondence with club
members; reports of agent concerning club meetings; and minutes of club
meetings. (Occasionally, official.) lO x 12 folders and envelopes, 1 ft.,
in paper box. Main Office. (8)
Moore County Court House
The office of the agricultural extension agent was established July
25, 1925. The office of the home demonstration agent was established in
1928. Papers are destroyed after one year if not needed in the office.
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873. CORRESPONDENCE, 1926 to date. Correspondence with farmers and
Departments of Agriculture at Raleigh end Washington, concerned wi