xt7ttd9n4p78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n4p78/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1978 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Baylor University, September 23, 1978 text University of Kentucky vs. Baylor University, September 23, 1978 1978 1978 2014 true xt7ttd9n4p78 section xt7ttd9n4p78 F .     .   M.   _. .  
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 Your Let your senses
. University of Kentucky go WlLD—CATTlN!
Connection See and hear
Kentucky Football
» » _ through the eyes of
wxsgggnd ,_   Cawoocl Ledford
l-   on Raclo 84.
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By RUSSELL RICE-— UK Sports Information Director  
My association with the Kentucky-Baylor football series began in Cats all the way from their own I4 to Baylor's I3 and set up UK’s  
November, I963, when the two teams first met at Waco, and final score in a I9-7 upset of national importance. I
includes the three games played to date. Norton ended up with a fine birthday, completing seven of I5
The first memories that come to mind are of "Big Dad," a 20th passes for I75 yards. Trull completed I7 of 30 passes for 248 I
birthday, an intercepted pass, cowboy hats, a "lame" All-American yards, but was intercepted by Cox, Rodger Bird and Talbott Todd.
and the kicking game. Bradshaw was wearing a Texas cowboy hat when the players lifted
Charlie Bradshaw was in his second year as UK coach and I was him to their shoulders in the dressing room after the game. En route il
in my second year as a sports editor when we made that I963 trip to the airport, the bus carrying the team stopped at a shopping
to Waco. Bradshaw’s first squad-—"The Thin Thirty"—had fin- center and many of us went inside and purchased cowboy hats.
ished 3-5-2, including a closing I2-IO victory over Tennessee at I met the Baylor team at Blue Grass Field the following November
Knoxville, and the I963 squad was not faririg any better, taking a and was surprised to see the Bears’ All-American end Lawrence
2-5-I record to Waco. Elkins deplane on crutches.
The Bears, coached by John Bridgers, were 5-2 and en route to "ls he going to play tomorrow?" I asked Bridgers.
a 7-3 season and a victory over LSU in the Bluebonnet Bowl. Bear "Don't worry about Larry," Bridgers replied. "He'l| play. The
quarterback Don Trull entered the UK game as the nation’s top great ones manage."
ground gainer and passer. Elkins discarded his crutches the following day and was a key
The Wildcats had played their worst game of the season the factor in a I7-I5 Baylor victory.
preceding Saturday, plodding through a scoreless tie with winless The kicking game played a vital part in that Wildcat-Bear clash.
Vanderbilt at Nashville. During the trip home, Bradshaw walked The Bears, beaten in three football games by field goals that season,
toward the back of the plane and said, "We’ll be dressed and in got one of their own that provided the winning points over the
our seats at the Sports Center tomorrow morning at 5 o’clock. Wildcats.
Lights will be out tonight at 9;30." (The plane didn't arrive in That first Baylor field goal of the season was a 40-yarder kicked
Lexington until 9:I5). by Bob Purvis early in the third quarter. It came after an inter-
When the players arrived at the Sports Center the following cepted pass and gave the Bears a IO-7 margin. The first Baylor
morning, they discovered that equipment manager Buster Brown score was set up by a roughing·the-kicker penalty that came after
wasn't there to turn on the lights. Using cigarette lighters and Baylor's first series of downs.
matches, they dug their gear out of the damp equipment bags they The Wildcats, kicking off to start the game, forced a punt
had used the preceding day. Then they got dressed and were in from the Baylor 35 after five plays. But the penalty gave the
their seats, in the dark, before 5 o’clock. Bears a second chance, putting the ball on the mid-field stripe
"Big Dad" was Herschel Turner, a 6-3, 225 lb. All-SEC de- and setting up a I3-play scoring drive. E
fensive tackle from Alexandria, Ky., who, five minutes before the Near the end of the first quarter, the Wildcats moved 80 yards
bewitching hour of five, declared, "|’m hungrier than a bastard rat." in nine plays to knot the count. Bird, who carried six times for I
Just as the p|ayers' laughter died, a solemn Bradshaw flipped on 59 yards during the drive, scored after some nifty open-field 6
the lights, gave them five minutes to warm up, and then had them running (33 yards) after eight seconds of the second quarter. Rich t
play the Vanderbilt game over, play-by-play, from kickoff to end Tucci kicked the point.
of the game. Tucci attempted a field goal from the I5 late in the half, but I
Two Wildcats got in a fight and Bradshaw told them to pull off the kick went to the right of the goal posts. C
their headgear and go to it, The team doctors broke it up and A series of UK mistakes set up the Purvis field goal. Kentucky {
chastised Bradshaw. muffed another scoring chance when a 63-yard drive stalled at the K
Whether Bradshaw softened voluntarily or succumbed to flack Baylor four late in the third quarter. Tucci's field goal attempt
from higher-up is not known here, but he had the Wildcats out in from the I2 was wide. (
sweats the following day and worked them in shorts the remainder A 27-yard punt return by Elkins set up Bay|or's second touch- (
of the week. down early in the fourth quarter. . {
Rick Norton, UK's sophomore quarterback who was destined to The kicking game, or poor execution thereof, again proved UK's F
rewrite the Wildcat record book, was 20 years of age on the day downfall as they suffered their only loss of the season, to Baylor,
of the Baylor game, and I remember most when he was thrown for 2I-6, at Waco last year. The breakdown in Kentucky's punting oc- l‘
an II-yard loss back to the UK 24 late in the second quarter. lt curred in the second half. First, punter Kevin Kelly let a high snap {
seemed that Rick spent a lot of time flat on his back that season. get away from him and Baylor took possession and scored from the F
However, he came back one play later and hit Rick Kestner in UK I2.
the end zone. Less than one minute later, UK halfback Darrell Cox Three minutes into the final period, a Kelly punt was blocked C
intercepted a Trull pass intended for Jim Ingram and returned it by Ken Griffin. Mike Singletary picked up the ball and scored, t
42 yards for a touchdown, giving UK a I4-O lead with 49 seconds the misplay covering 27 yards. C
left in the half. So the Baylor journal is filled with memories both good and bad.
Kestner caught one other pass that day, a 73-yarder that took the But never dull.
2 .

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JULIAN M. CARROLL ·_ G R `lirlj,  ,~i/$,,2;   _   .,_.h i U
Governor of Kentucky K `._._ "§~      __f'_; l , l
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Julion Morton Corroll become Kentucky s 58th gov- .,7/    ix,   I, ,7./ » ,__· i
ernor on Dec. 28, l974, succeeding Wendell H. Ford,   ~·     yr. · l
who wos elected to the U.S. Senote. Corroll wos         f  l
elected to o full four-yeor term os governor in Novem- el [  ·!'      
n ‘ , N , ,, ` |
ber l975 ond wos inouguroted in December of thot _'·’£$} [Wy   ‘ ,
yecir. Born in /v\cCrocken County in l93l, Corroll   “";].’/__/   l l
Gttencled Poduccih Junior College ofter groduoting  Ll'l,,4‘@5; {
from Heoth High School. He wos groduoted from the ·,-try;  ‘%·//1..,/· '  1
_ _ _ ' IO  .'l Y ‘ ,
University of Kentucky in 1954 ond received his low · " L “ “' ·'l"(#'k ’ »
degree from UK in l956. Before becoming governor,
Corroll served three yecirs os lieutenont governor ond W
ten yecirs os o member of the Kentucky House of
l Representotives, the lcist four os Speoker of the House. C I I I  
He is on octive member of the Optimist Club ond o · i
· former Joycee. He ottoined the highest office in ,
l Kentucky for loymen of the Cumberlond Presbyterion Sl I      
I Church in l9o6-67 when he wos nomed modercitor of .
, gh: Kentucky Synod. hjige Governor ond his wife, 201 N.  
oronn, ove our c i ren.

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NOSEGUARDS—Richard Jaffe, Chris Gosselin and Steve   ·· rg ,   »   . ~   · , ` · = A . . __  i·—·     ·.,
Hricenak. J 5 A  L'! ’ M       H    f
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  .  _- ..· ·_   w;,,s   ‘ ·   DEFENSIVE TACKLES—Rollie Skur, Luis Lopez, Bob Q
A ` \ ’ ` ` ; 5  r.   V   `Aif Winkel and Tim Gooch. “
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