xt7ttd9n4j3q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n4j3q/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2013 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing University, Vol. 88, No. 3 & 4, Fall 2013 text Frontier Nursing University, Vol. 88, No. 3 & 4, Fall 2013 2013 2013 2014 true xt7ttd9n4j3q section xt7ttd9n4j3q FNU

Fall 2013 n Volume 88 n Number 3 & 4

FNU Courier Program 2013
Frontier Nursing University is proud to continue the
historic Courier program, and welcomed a new
class of 2013 Couriers this summer.
Read more about them on page 6.


Introduction to FNU ........................................................................ 1
The Journey – Dr. Susan Stone .......................................................... 2
Alumni Spotlight........................................................................... 4
Courier Corner .............................................................................. 6
Courier Spotlight ............................................................................. 8
Field Notes .................................................................................... 10
Beyond the Mountains ................................................................... 16
Notes ............................................................................................ 20
Wendover Report ........................................................................... 23
Footprints ...................................................................................... 24
In Memoriam ................................................................................. 24
Tributes .......................................................................................... 29
Board of Directors .......................................................................... 29
Trustees.......................................................................................... 30
Your Gifts at Work ......................................................................... 32
US ISSN 0016-2116
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin (USPS 835-740, ISSN 00162116)
is published at the end of each quarter by Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.,
132 FNS Dr., Wendover, KY 41775.
Periodicals Postage Paid at Hyden, KY, and at additional mailing offices.
Subscriptions: $5 per year.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service
Quarterly Bulletin, 132 FNS Dr., Wendover, KY 41775.
Copyright FNS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Frontier does not share its donor mailing list.

Introduction to Frontier Nursing University


ary Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world — Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the deaths of her two
children, she abandoned the homebound life expected of women of her class
to devote herself to the service of families, with a particular focus on children.
Mrs. Breckinridge founded the Frontier Nursing Service in 1925 after several
years of studying and practicing nursing and midwifery in the United States,
England, Scotland and France. It was the first organization in America to
use nurses trained as midwives collaborating with a single medical doctor,
based at their small hospital in Hyden. Originally the staff was composed
o f nurse-midwives trained in England.
They traveled on horseback and on foot to
Our aim has always been
provide quality primary care, including mato see ourselves surpassed,
ternity care, to families in their own homes.
and on a larger scale.”
In 1928, she recruited young people to serve
–Mary Breckinridge,
as Couriers and help the Frontier staff and
Wide Neighborhoods, 1952
nurse-midwives in all manner of efforts. In
1939, Mrs. Breckinridge established a school
of nurse-midwifery. The school provided graduates, many of whom stayed to
offer care to families in Leslie County, Kentucky.


Today, Mrs. Breckinridge’s legacy extends far beyond Eastern Kentucky through
Frontier Nursing University (FNU), which offers a Doctor of Nursing Practice
degree and a Master of Science in Nursing degree with tracks as a Nurse-Midwife, Family Nurse Practitioner and Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner.
FNU has students and graduates serving all 50 states and many countries.

How to Reach Us
The Office of Development and Alumni Relations: Please direct questions, comments
or updates to Denise Barrett, Director of Development, at (859) 899-2828 or send an e-mail to
The Wendover Bed & Breakfast Inn: The Big House, Mary Breckinridge’s home, is a licensed
Bed & Breakfast Inn located at Wendover. For reservations or to arrange a tour, call Michael Claussen,
Development Coordinator, at (859) 899-2707 or e-mail michael.claussen@frontier.edu. Group tours
can be arranged, and we are always happy to set up tours for organizations and educational programs
with an interest in nursing history and Appalachian studies.


By Dr. Susan E. Stone,
Frontier Nursing University President and Dean

Frontier Nursing University
Announces New
MSN+DNP Program
New program offers more options for
graduate nursing and midwifery students


rontier Nursing University is a unique institution in that we are solely
focused on graduate nursing education. Our institution provides advanced
education for registered nurses so that they may further their education, increase their scope of practice and better meet the healthcare needs for their
communities. All graduates of FNU are advanced practice nurses with Master’s or Doctoral degrees.
The advanced practice nursing field is gravitating towards the doctoral degree for entry into advanced practice. What this means is that in the future,
nurses wishing to practice as advanced practice nurses may need to complete
the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. The Master’s degree may no longer be
sufficient to begin advanced practice. This is not very different than the evolu2


tion of other disciplines’ education requirements, such as pharmacy, physical
therapy and dentistry, which all require doctoral degrees for entry into their
practices. While it remains to be seen if and when regulators adopt the DNP
as a requirement for entry into advanced practice nursing, there is no doubt
that adding the DNP adds to the skills of our graduates.
FNU will introduce a new curriculum beginning January 2014. This new
curriculum will allow students to complete a Master of Science in Nursing
(MSN) with a focus in nurse-midwifery, family nurse practitioner or women’s
health care nurse practitioner studies and have the opportunity to seamlessly progress to a companion Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree. The
MSN+DNP program is a new approach that will offer more options for students, and provide the opportunity for many more nurses to achieve the highest level of nursing and midwifery clinical education available by completing
the DNP degree.
FNU’s new MSN+DNP curriculum is designed to prepare nurse-midwives
and nurse practitioners to be excellent clinicians as well as leaders in the health
care system. FNU graduates will be change agents who improve the health
care system while providing high-quality primary health care with a focus on
women and families in rural and underserved areas.
FNU will also offer post-master’s certificates in nurse-midwifery, family
nurse practitioner and women’s health care nurse practitioner specialties with
the ability to seamlessly enter the companion DNP. Additionally there is a
Bridge entry option to the new MSN+DNP curriculum for students entering with an associate degree in nursing. For those who are already certified as
nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners, FNU will continue to offer the postmaster’s DNP degree.
We are excited to stay on the cutting edge of graduate nursing education
by offering this new curriculum. We feel this will ensure our graduates are
the best prepared in their fields and prepared to serve their communities with
the highest level of education and training available. As always, we thank our
students, alumni, preceptors and donors across the country for providing the
financial support that makes it possible to continue expanding and adapting
our programs.

To view a video announcement and to also view more details about
FNU’s new MSN+DNP program, visit www.frontier.edu/newprogram.




Laura Ballou, FNP-BC
FNU Graduate, Class 68



I am thrilled that
my education led
me to a place
where I feel I can
make a difference
every day.”

aura Ballou has done it all — from caring for
acute patients with appendicitis, lacerations
and broken bones to providing wellness exams for
adults and children — all in a remote island in the
Bering Sea, where the nearest hospital is over
900 miles away. After graduating from Frontier Nursing University (FNU) as a Family Nurse
Practitioner, Laura accepted a position in a rural Alaskan community comprised of about 4,000
residents and 8,000 seasonal fishing industry
workers, many of whom have never received health
care before and only come in for acute care.


and she enjoys being able to help students relish
in their accomplishments when they overcome
hurdles they thought were insurmountable. She
likes talking with fellow graduates to hear about
their positions after graduation, and she is excited and eager to precept FNU students and share
with them the work that has brought her joy and
fulfillment. Laura shares, “I am thrilled that my
education led me to a place where I feel I can
make a difference every day.”


I became a Family Nurse Practitioner out of a desire to serve in
a rural community where I can actually make a difference.”

The center where Laura works is designated as a
“Frontier Hospital” — an extended stay facility
where patients are cared for until transferred elsewhere. Laura and her colleagues provide routine
wellness and OBGYN care; they perform health screenings and often catch
undiagnosed chronic problems such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and
diabetes. They do not deliver babies unless they are preterm or an unknown
pregnancy. Pregnant women leave the island at 36 weeks and there are no
midwives and no surgical facilities available.
“I became a Family Nurse Practitioner out of a desire to serve in a rural
community where I can actually make a difference,” Laura shares. Laura has
been in charge of the Community Outreach Committee and is the Legislative Liaison for the clinic. She has established a quarterly outreach meeting
with each of the local canneries to provide screenings, immunizations, and
promote wellness awareness.

The location of the “Frontier Hospital” is on a remote island in the Bering Sea.

Laura chose FNU because of the online program’s flexibility that allowed
her to work and take classes that fit her schedule. Frontier specifically
appealed to her because of the focus on rural communities and the broad
range of course work offered. She is currently a mentor for another student



By Nancy Reinhart,
FNU Development Officer/Courier Coordinator


e welcomed six Couriers this past summer
to the Frontier family! Let me tell you a
little bit about them...

Emily Beckelhimer is a student originally from
rural West Virginia. She is currently working
towards a Master’s Degree in Public Health at
the University of Kentucky. She served the community of McKee, KY, at the White House Clinic
and lived with Frontier alumnus Jean Fee.
Bryanna McClure is an Elmhurst College nursing student who hails from
Chicago, IL. She says she joined the Courier Program to grow as a person
in all aspects of her life—personally, academically and professionally—and
did just that! She served at the Women’s Health and Wellness Center in
Madisonville, TN, and witnessed her first birth while there. Bryanna’s mentor,
Frontier nurse-midwifery alumnus Carla King, said she wished they could
have kept Bryanna all year long.
Anthonia Adams, originally from Conyers, GA, is studying biochemistry and
economics at Washington and Lee University. The Courier Program shares
a special partnership with the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on
Poverty of which Washington and Lee is a part. Anthonia was the Shepherd’s
chosen representative to Frontier’s Courier Program this year. She served at
the Hazard Clinic this summer and participated in many home visits with her
nurse practitioner mentor.
Ethan Waranch, son of a Frontier alumnus, traveled from Arkansas through a
very long traffic jam and several thunderstorms to get to Wendover. He served
the community of Hazard at the Little Flower Clinic. Ethan is particularly
interested in social work and describes himself as a person who wants to better understand and help all people. He felt the Courier Program helped him
to do that.


able to go on home visits and volunteer in the
community. Teresa put together a comprehensive packet of information about diabetes for
the patients of Big Creek.

We are looking
forward to the release
of this fall’s book by
Anne Cockerham
about the history of the
Courier Program.
Read more about it in
this issue and be sure
to contact us to secure
your copy today!

Kaleigh Hire, a recent college graduate with
a major in agriculture, heard about the Courier Program during a fall 2012 presentation
at Berea College. She knew it was the perfect
opportunity to pursue her interest in nursemidwifery and applied immediately. By serving the Lisa Ross Birth Center in Knoxville,
TN, this summer under mentor and Frontier nurse-midwifery alumnus Linda
Cole, she got the opportunity to attend births and get a feel for the “midwife
life.” She leaves interested in pursuing certification as a lactation consultant.
The Couriers arrived at Wendover for orientation on June 9, 2013. During the
orientation, we reviewed the history of FNS, FNU and the Courier Program;
discussed the roles and responsibilities Couriers would take on at their site;
enjoyed guests speakers such as President and Dean Stone, Associate Dean
Marfell and Kitty Ernst; and explored the local community.
They returned to Wendover from July 31 to August 2 to close the experience
together. While their experiences were varied, they were all wonderful examples of Mary Breckinridge’s idea of “service to humanity.” We thank them for
their time as Couriers. We hope they will stay in touch and let us know how
they are doing in the future. As all of us former Couriers know, serving in this
way is a gift that keeps unfolding through the rest of our lives.
A big thank you to our guest speakers, community hosts and to the Kentucky
School of Bluegrass and Traditional Music for your help with Courier Bound
Orientation. You helped start these Couriers out on the right foot to follow the
footsteps of so many Couriers before them. Also, a big thank you to our clinical site
partners, especially Courier Program mentors, and to those of you who spent time
with them this summer!

Know someone who might be interested in being a Courier?

Teresa Horan is a pre-med student at St. Mary’s College in Maryland. She
spent her summer shadowing Dr. Varghese and Nurse Practitioner Linda
Ahrens at the ARH Mary Breckinridge Hospital and clinics. She also was

Direct them to www.frontier.edu/courier. Application materials for the
summer 2014 program will be up soon.





courier spotlight

and an amazing summer in the mountains with nurses, family nurse practitioners and midwives providing most of the primary and OB/GYN care led me
to nursing school and a career in home care nursing and public health.

Lee Fox, 1976

Lee is an active member of the Courier Program Advisory Committee
and a supporter of Frontier. She lives in upstate New York.

Briefly describe your experience as a Courier.


Couriers have
the opportunity
to explore the
mountains and
their people and

As a courier, I lived at Wendover in the Garden House
with my fellow courier, Liz Mulvaney, a nursing student
from Arizona. Our duties included delivering supplies
to the clinics two times per week. We had both an FNS
jeep and a VW “Thing” to drive and we would go to the
hospital to gather all of the supplies the day prior to delivery and then head out early the next morning to the
clinics which were generally in a circle around Hyden.

My recollection is that there were approximately five
clinics and the deliveries would take us the whole day,
stopping of course to say hello to people who flagged us
down to look at rattlesnakes in pits, and to behold the
glorious mountains and other amazing sights. Evenings
and weekends were spent listening to music, ogling
beautiful quilts, and visiting Pentecostal churches. Or gaining wisdom from
Cecil Morgan, Helen Browne and Kate Ireland and eating Opal’s delicious
food at our communal dinners in the Big House.
I wanted to experience as much as I could so I went out with the home care
nurses as well as being called to some night deliveries at the hospital. The home
visits were eye-opening and fascinating: a man who had lost at Russian roulette,
many Black Lung patients, and an elderly woman whose pessary had grown
into place to mention a few. I also helped at the hospital in a clerical capacity.

What is the legacy of the Courier program from your view?

The program has allowed hundreds of young women and men to have a brief
but intense experience with a model of rural primary health care that has been
used around the world. The Couriers leave with a better understanding of rural
primary care, of the team approach to care that is driven by nurse practitioners and nurses and that includes the whole patient. And Couriers have the
opportunity to explore the mountains and their people and culture as it has
changed and evolved since my brief but unforgettable encounter with coal
trucks, black lung-inflicted, male patients who were expert quilters and the
wonderful Frontier Nursing Service staff members.
Why do you remain involved?

I remain involved in order to help introduce new Couriers to FNU’s dynamic
model of primary health care and education.

I’ve enjoyed connecting with so many of you former Couriers by phone and at recent
events. The chance to capture some of the program’s fascinating history by interviewing
you is a top priority for me. It both enriches the program’s development and keeps its
history alive. If you are a former Courier who has not yet been interviewed and would
like to be, please email me: nancy.reinhart@frontier.edu.

How did it impact you, your life and your vocational direction?

I was not a very good math and science student in high school and I decided to
pursue a major in art history in college. Then life intervened and I underwent
multiple surgeries and chemotherapy during my sophomore and junior years
of college. Suddenly the whole world of health care was introduced. A family
friend suggested that I look into the FNS Courier program. I was accepted




Anne Cockerham Appointed
FNU Professor of History


r. Anne Cockerham has been appointed as FNU
Professor of History. The background of this
appointment is our desire to accurately preserve, record
and disseminate the history of Frontier Nursing University. Anne is uniquely qualified for this position with a
background that includes a PhD with a focus in nursing
history, certification as both a nurse-midwife and women’s
health care practitioner and a proven track record in efficiently completing
high quality projects related to the history of the Frontier Nursing Service and
Frontier Nursing University. Anne has demonstrated her skill and her commitment to this endeavor with the first two completed books documenting
stories of the FNS nurses, students, and Couriers.
Anne’s most recent book, Unbridled Service: Growing Up and Giving Back as
a Frontier Nursing Service Courier, 1928-2010, will be published this fall. This
story documents the incredible history and stories of the Courier program.
The following is an excerpt from Chapter 3 of this forthcoming book:
Mrs. Breckinridge understood that organizations grow and change. Writing in
Wide Neighborhoods, she described how the Frontier Nursing Service embraced
the “laws of growth” and this growth applied to the Courier Service as well as to the
larger Frontier organization. Although duties, conditions, and details differed since
the Courier Service’s inception in 1928, Couriers demonstrated a remarkable capacity to adapt to the evolving needs of FNS. Whether a Courier cleaned barn stalls,
drove up a creek bed in a temperamental jeep, rode horseback on mountain trails to
deliver vital messages, or painted an outpost nursing center, each young person was
part of the long and storied tradition of Frontier Nursing Service Couriers.
Look for details soon on how to get your copy at www.frontier.edu.



Frontier Nursing University Recognized
with Champion for Children Award


rontier Nursing University
was recently recognized by
the County of Leslie Lifting
Youth (COLLY) organization
with the Champion for Children
award. The award was presented
to FNU President and Dean
Susan Stone at the annual
Hyden-Leslie County Chamber of Commerce Civic Night,
which recognizes local people and organizations for their contributions to the community.
FNU was selected to receive this honor for
playing a vital role in establishing and delivering COLLY’s healthcare programs to the local
community and for supporting local families by
providing food, clothing and toys during the holiday season.
COLLY is a non-profit organization established
top: Dr. Stone and
to address the needs of youth in Leslie County,
COLLY staff
bottom: Dr. Stone
Kentucky, through the development of programs
honors staff member
focused on health, education and spirituality. COLSharon Feltner
LY provides community programs including dental
education, after school health and science enrichment activities, reading and tutoring programs and school-based health clinics.
COLLY’s school clinic program ensures that the four local elementary
schools are staffed with clinical professionals and provide daily health care
and health education to students. Clinic staff visit classrooms and teach lessons on healthcare topics to enable children to develop healthy habits they can
carry on to adulthood. Frontier Nursing University received the Champion for
Children award for its role as an integral partner with COLLY in establishing
these school clinics and delivering healthcare services to the Leslie County
FNU was also proud to honor staff member Sharon Feltner during Civic
Night with an Employee Recognition Award for her work at the University


for the past six years. Sharon is an asset to FNU through her role in the admissions department. She has admitted almost 800 students, and she processed
more than 1,000 applications just over the past year. She is a devoted employee
and her friendly and cheerful personality ensures that students always feel
welcome when they visit campus.

Frontier Nursing University
Scholarship Awarded to Leslie
County High School Senior

Continuing the traditions of Mary Breckinridge and the Frontier Nursing Service,
FNU now offers a $1000 scholarship to a
Leslie County high school senior who will
be attending nursing school. The award
recipient is determined based on several
eligibility requirements including GPA, essay and community service hours.
The scholarship was presented to Samantha Couch by Student Services Coordinator Debra Turner on May 14, 2013.


Couriers Visit with
Mountain Club Members
in Lexington

Thanks to the invitation of FNU
Leadership Council Member and
Hyden native, Elizabeth Kramer, our
summer Couriers visited with a crowd
of 20-25 people originally from Eastern Kentucky on Tuesday, July 23.
Couriers presented information about their sites and experiences and fielded
questions from the attendees. Everyone enjoyed a potluck dinner.

Frontier Nursing University Named a
“2013 Great College to Work For®”

Frontier Nursing University is one of the best colleges
in the nation to work for, according to a new survey by The Chronicle of Higher Education, the nation’s
most important source of news about colleges and
The results, released in The Chronicle’s sixth annual report on The Academic Workplace, are based
on a survey of more than 44,000 employees at 300
colleges and universities. In all, only 97 of the 300
institutions achieved “Great College to Work For”
recognition for specific best practices and policies.

2013 Kentucky State Fair

For the past few years, several FNU staff
volunteer at the Leslie County Tourism booth at the Kentucky State Fair
to promote the University and the
Wendover Bed and Breakfast Inn.
This year, Stephanie Boyd, Brittney
Edwards, Michael Claussen, Susan
Morgan and Katie Moses represented
FNU at this exciting event. The tourism booth won the Best Booth Award
for the Pride of the Counties section
in 2012.


Staff members Stephanie Boyd and
Brittney Edwards volunteering at the
Leslie County booth at the Ky State Fair

Recognition by The
Chronicle of Higher
Education puts Frontier
Nursing University in
elite company

FNU won honors in 9 categories this year and was also named a 2013 Honor
Roll Institution for being rated highly across multiple categories:
• Job satisfaction
• Work-life balance
• Teaching Environment
• Confidence in Senior Leadership
• Collaborative Governance
• Professional/Career Development Programs
• Compensation & Benefits
• Respect and Appreciation
• Supervisor/Department Chair Relationship



“This is a very satisfying affirmation for FNU. We are constantly striving to
make FNU a community which values the needs and contributions of every
individual. In that sense everyone at FNU helps to make this a great place to
work,” said FNU President & Dean Susan Stone.

• Frontier Nursing University, Hyden. In Eastern Kentucky, Debra K.
explores a graduate school that educates nurse-midwives and nurse
practitioners and has the oldest and largest continually-operating nursemidwifery education program in the nation

“The institutions that the Great Colleges program recognizes provide innovative
educational experiences — while also offering their employees outstanding
workplace experiences — and we are eager to help readers learn more about
them, ” said Liz McMillen, The Chronicle’s editor.

• Molly Galbraith, Fitness Expert, J&M Strength & Conditioning,
Lexington. Molly puts Debra K. through her paces and assigns a fitness
grade, while offering simple tips for beginning a fitness journey

The survey results are based on a two-part assessment process: an institutional
audit that captured demographics and workplace policies from each institution, and a survey administered to faculty, administrators, and professional
support staff. The primary factor in deciding whether an institution received
recognition was the employee feedback.

Shot Entirely in Kentucky, Journey
into Wellbeing TV Series Features
Frontier Nursing University

The pilot episode of the national health and wellness series
Journey into Wellbeing, shot entirely in Kentucky, first aired
in February 2013 on PBS stations in select markets, including KET.
Journey into Wellbeing includes a panel of Bluegrass-based experts alongside
natural health explorer and host Debra K., who lived in Kentucky for 20 years.
Segments include:
• Bobby Benjamin, Executive Chef, La Coop, Louisville. Chef Benjamin
teaches Debra K. to redo traditional recipes in a healthier fashion, including the famous Hot Brown
• Lena D. Edwards, MD, FAARM, Balance Health & Wellness Center,
Lexington. Dr. Edwards provides Debra K. with her initial health assessment and offers tips to viewers on beginning their own healthy journey
• Foxhollow Farm, Crestwood. Debra K. learns about bio-dynamic farming and the journey Foxhollow’s leaders have taken to create a profitable
organic farm

Working with a Kentucky-based crew to shoot the pilot in October 2012,
Debra K. adds, “From redoing traditional recipes in Louisville, organic farming in Oldham County and hiking through spectacular fall foliage at Natural
Bridge, the show presents Kentucky’s wellness options in a positive, educational light that encourages viewers to begin their own health journey. I believe
every state has hidden gems of well-being and Kentucky was the perfect place
to start The Journey.”
Described as one part Rachael Ray, one part Ellen DeGeneres, Debra K. is a
former Fortune 250 marketing and sales leader, author of “Success from the
Start,” executive director of the Destination Spa Group, and founder of the
wellness education company imassage, Inc. “I’m an overworked, pudgy insomniac!” laughs Debra K. “I’m at that point in life where I recognize what I’ve
been doing isn’t good enough anymore; I’m sure many of you feel the same. I
invite you to join me as we travel and uncover the secrets to living an energetic,
vibrant life!”

For more details on Journey into Wellbeing:
www.JourneyIntoWellbeing.com and http://reciperedoblog.com

Historical Document Found by Frontier Graduate

Frontier Graduate Joy Brands (Class of 1965) recently found a true treasure
of Frontier History—the actual application of Mary Breckinridge to become
certified as a Nurse-Midwife in Kentucky. We sent this document to the Frontier Nursing Service Collection at the University of Kentucky. A copy of this
document is hanging at the Hyden Campus of Frontier Nursing University.





The FNU Alumni reception, a much-anticipated annual gathering at the
ACNM Annual Meeting, drew more than 100 faculty, students, alumni,
staff, preceptors and friends. Susan Stone, Tonya Nicholson, Kitty Ernst and
Barbara Anderson led the festivities. Dr. Nicholson paid special tribute to
FNU’s preceptors, or clinical mentors, asking them to stand up and be recognized for their contributions. Each preceptor also received a gift. In Frontier
tradition, the crowd circled up at the end of the evening to share news of their
work and reflections on what their Frontier experience has meant to them.
And, as always, a rousing round of singing capped off the night.

FNU Represented Well at
National Conferences

American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Meeting

FNU faculty, alumni, students,
staff and preceptors invaded
Music City for the 58th Annual
American College of NurseMidwives meeting and exhibition, held May 29-June 2,
2013, which attracted a recordsetting crowd, attracting 1900

Several members of our Frontier family received awards during the conference. Dr. Janet
Engstrom, FNU Associate
Dean of Research, received an ACNM 2013 Distinguished Service Award in
recognition of her research with human milk in the NICU which has had one
of the most important practice changing effects of the past 20 years. Additionally, Dr. Engstrom has offered years of service as an educator and mentor to
countless students and practicing midwives.
Tonya Nicholson and Susan Stone pose with
Frontier alumnus Jennifer Gadoua

FNU Faculty Members Deborah Karsnitz and Susan Yount were inducted
as Fellows of the ACNM at this year’s annual meeting. Fifteen new midwives
received this prestigious distinction for their outstanding professional achievement and contributions to the midwifery community. FNU Faculty members
previously inducted as Fellows include Susan Stone, Kathryn Osborne,
Barbara Anderson and Janet Engstrom.
FNU Faculty Member Dr. Anne Cockerham received the ACNM Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award. Dr. Cockerham was selected for this
award by FNU students.
FNU Faculty Member Susan Yount received an award for her poster
“Comparison of birth outcomes in relation to health behaviors of Women:
Group versus Individual prenatal care.”

American Association
of Nurse Practitioners
National Conference

FNU faculty, alumni, students,
staff and preceptors, along with
over 5,000 other nurse practitioners, traveled to Las Vegas for the
American Association of Nurse
Rhonda Arthur and Julie Marfell congratulate
Practitioners 28th National ConKaren Millett (center)
ference, held June 19-23 at The
Venetian, The Palazzo and Sands Expo and Convention